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[un]Happy and Full[er]

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:18:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >Never before had Twilight Sparkle been so glad to have memorized Seafoam Splash’s All Purpose Deck Swab.
  2. >Mopping up the veritable pond of semen coating her library by hoof would have taken hours.
  3. >There was no way Twilight would be caught dead cleaning up all that cum for hours with a glorified stick and bucket.
  4. >Normally she wouldn’t care too badly, but Spike was nowhere to be found.
  5. >And so, the Alicorn happily hummed a shanty to herself as she walked slowly across her room, the spell squeegeeing away the mess in a wide path around her.
  6. >A short walk later and Golden Oaks was sparkling clean, or at least as close to sparkling as unfinished wood can get.
  7. >With the immediate concern addressed the mare returned to her room, mind drifting back to the exhilarating experience that had taken place just a few hours ago.
  8. >While soaking in the bath, Twilight had decided that she couldn’t keep such a wondrous spell as Starswirl’s Happy and Full to herself.
  9. >Even hours later she still felt satisfied, a feeling that a mare was hard pressed to find for long when in heat.
  10. >Knowing that each of her friends were as effected by the season as herself, she resolved to share.
  11. >Twilight’s horn lit as she withdrew five garishly pink party invitations from beneath her wardrobe, replacing them with a hastily scribbled IOU to Pinkie.
  12. >Once she had learned where to look, emergency party caches were surprisingly easy to find around ponyville. Surprisingly useful, too.
  13. >In short order the mare had drafted a card for each of her friends, inviting them for a sleepover the next day.
  14. >She never mentioned the details, but she did write that she had found a spell to get every ponies minds off the heat for a while.
  15. >The balcony door creaked open then shut as Owlowiscious flew off into the night, bearing tidings from his owner.
  16. [1/29]
  18. >Night fell once again over Ponyville.
  19. >Inside the town’s library, six mares lay about the central room, lounging on cushions and blankets.
  20. >A single out-of-place chaise longue held one of them.
  21. “And on that note, I can not see what is stopping you from simply swimming in stallions, Fluttershy dear. Between your looks, your mane, and your voice you could have your pick of any colt in town.”
  22. >Given the circumstances the girls were in, the conversations of the night had unerringly traced their way back to a single track.
  23. “Oh no, it isn’t that I don’t want to, Rarity, it’s just every time I find one I might like… I just… I can’t.”
  24. >Fluttershy’s voice petered out, her eyes retreated downward.
  25. “That’s nonsense, ‘shy. I’ve seen ya yell down a dragon before, and worse. You CAN, sugar-cube.”
  26. “Yeah, AJ’s right. You may not be as awesome as me but I’ve seen you do some pretty cool stuff. Tomorrow, go out there and bag yourself a stallion.”
  27. “Well, I don’t know about using a bag, but Rainbow and Applejack are right. I know if you put your mind to it you could get anypony you wanted.”
  28. “See dear, even Twilight agrees. I know how you’ve been eying that stallion at the carpenter’s shop. Tomorrow I want you to go out and get him.”
  29. “Besides! It won’t get easier to snag a stallion than while the heat’s on!”
  30. “Oh my, no. I just couldn’t. I mean, maybe. When I see him working outside, getting all sweaty and gritty, I just get the most… I…”
  31. >Fluttershy trailed off again, a rose tint rising on her cheeks as she lightly rolled her lip against her teeth.
  32. “I know what you mean Flutters, sometimes Soarin leads the Reserve trainings, and it’s just, wow. The way he cuts the sky, the way the cloud condensate sticks to him, the way his uniform grips his sheath is all so… Unf”
  33. >Rainbow wriggled and pressed her rear harder into the cushion below her.
  34. [2/29]
  36. >Across from Rainbow Dash, Twilight felt her cheeks flush hearing her friend describe the wonderbolt.
  37. >She let out a heavy breath as she stood up from her blanket.
  38. “I’ll be back in a minute girls, I need to, um, get something.”
  39. >Applejack let out a low guffaw.
  40. “Got some ‘business’ to take care of, Twi? Didn’t picture you for the pegasus type.”
  41. “What? No! I don’t have anything against pegasi I just have particular, wait! I mean, I’m not leaving to do THAT. I wanted to go grab the spell I mentioned in the invitations.”
  42. >Twilight huffed up the library stairs in a fluster to a chorus of laughter from the other five mares.
  43. >After a short jaunt to her room Twilight came back down with Starswirl’s Compendium Vol. III floating at her side.
  44. >She arrived just in time to see Pinkie pantomiming a past event that was either incredibly lewd or incredibly foalish.
  45. >Judging by the horror on Rarity’s face, the slow shaking disapproval of Applejack’s head, and the stifled laughter of Rainbow it was probably the latter performed in public and mistaken for the former.
  46. “Okaaay, kind of glad I missed whatever that was, but here’s what I wanted to show you.”
  47. >The spellbook swung around in-between the six mares and opened, its pages flipping in a purple glow.
  48. “Not sure if you noticed egghead, but that’s a book. If I wanted a book to help with the heat I’d just pay Rares a visit.”
  49. >Rarity widened her eyes as she let out a fake gasp from atop her lounge.
  50. “Rainbow Dash, how could you be so crude as to insinuate a lady like myself keeps such material?”
  51. “It ain’t exactly a secret Rare.”
  52. >Fluttershy couldn’t help but let out a soft and tinkling laugh from Rarity’s side at Applejack’s comment. Pinkie’s laughter was much less demure.
  53. “Ahem. Girls. Back to the reason we’re here tonight.”
  54. [3/29]
  56. >The spellbook drew closer to Twilight, and she read Happy and Full’s description aloud.
  57. “Oh my.”
  58. >Fluttershy gently licked her lips, feeling herself twitch inside as twilight finished reading.
  59. “I don’t want to ruin the surprise and go into too much detail, but I cast the spell on myself yesterday and it was amazing. I promise you are all going to love it, even if it is a little messy. Is everypony in?”
  60. “Heck yeah.”
  61. “Yepperooni! You betcha’ I am!”
  62. “I’ll give it a shot.”
  63. “… mhmm.”
  64. “I suppose. The mess couldn’t get any worse than the burning goat that took a detour through the boutique yesterday.”
  65. “Perfect. Everypony relax, I promise you won’t be let down.”
  66. >Twilight’s eyes glanced one more time at the spell matrix before she put the book aside, lighting her horn once it was set down.
  67. >The six mares each gained a matching aura around their middle, glowing brightly before softly fading inwards.
  68. >Fluttershy was the first to react, lurching forward a half-step and gasping as she felt a foreign warmth invading her womb.
  69. >Already she was trembling with the feelings within her.
  70. “Fluttershy what’s- Oh, my. That’s heavenly.”
  71. >Rarity exhaled heavily and closed her eyes as she felt the soothing warmth inside. She leaned back across her fainting couch to drink in the sensation.
  72. “Wowie zowie that really scratches the itch!”
  73. “Ooooh wow, this is, amazing. Maybe that egghead magic stuff, ahh, is good for something.”
  74. >Applejack only exhaled huskily, hoof drifting to touch the spot building so much new warmth at her core.
  75. >It was her who first noticed swelling from the feeling of her hoof moving ever so slowly outward.
  76. >The others felt it soon enough, the steady filling in their wombs drawing eyes and hooves downward.
  77. >All the while Twilight watched and smiled, glad to have shared such a gift with her friends.
  78. >Her hooves traced circles around her pudging middle. She alone knew just how big the mares were going to get.
  79. [4/U]
  81. >The six mares found themselves swelling as one, wombs pushing ever so slowly rounder as the magic went to work.
  82. >All of them loosened and relaxed, letting the warmth wash through them.
  83. >Fluttershy was again the first to feel something new, her petite body fully filling ever so slightly before her friends.
  84. >The slightest twinge of pain jolted through her as her womb hit its natural capacity and started to stretch.
  85. “Oooh… I’ve never felt so full. This spell is amazing, Twilight.”
  86. >Fluttershy lazily rolled to her side from where she lay on the cushions, her growing tummy protruding inward towards the rest of the girls.
  87. >There she absentmindedly stroked the swell as she laid in the rough circle with the others, Rarity to one side and Applejack the other.
  88. >Rarity felt herself stretch next, the warmth inside taking on the slightest tint of tension. The unexpected shift elicited a quick gasp.
  89. “You weren’t joking, darling. This is absolutely divine. Mmmm…”
  90. >Rarity squirmed and stretched herself out longer across the divan, her mildly peaked belly rising upward.
  91. “I take back the times I called you egghead, you’ve go- ah, got to find a way to magic me up a horn. I want this every day.”
  92. >Together, the little ponies rounded out. The the only sound gentle relaxed breaths and the occasional sigh of satisfaction.
  93. >Once again the timid mare was the harbinger of a new change in the girls.
  94. >With a sudden squelch inside her, fluttershy felt her squeezing womb force the building warmth inside through her cervix.
  95. >Not long after she felt the first meagre trails of heat trickling down the inside of her walls.
  96. >Taken by the heat, tension, and soft running touch inside her, Fluttershy shuttered involuntarily, drawing her front hooves around her middle.
  97. >Hearing the squish from inside her friend Twilight smiled widely, unable to keep what the spell was doing a secret.
  98. [5/29]
  100. “If you thought it was good before, just- ahh, wait. It makes more than you can imagine.”
  101. >As she spoke, she heard four more squelches, each accompanied by a gasp, a grunt, or a moan.
  102. “The best part is what’s- ah, what’s filling us. It’s semen.”
  103. >Twilight pressed in on her navel with a hoof, pushing firmly and steadily into her growing orb.
  104. >Her eyes closed and rolled up briefly as her own cervix was overwhelmed by the new pressure and opened with a muffled splat.
  105. “Oooohooho yesss… ahhn. Gallons and gallons of cum.”
  106. >Ten eyes widened as their primal imaginations went into overdrive.
  107. >For the first time since the magic began, Applejack spoke. Her voice came out husky and low.
  108. >A stain on her blanket was slowly widening outward from her marehood.
  109. “This is something’ else, Twi. I can feel it in, in my…”
  110. >Whatever she was going to say trailed off in a breathy shudder and a twitch in her hips.
  111. >The farm pony stood, raising her tail and tilting her head back as far as it could go. A guttural groan rang from her chest.
  112. >A white sticky glob leisurely dribbled down the inside of her thigh, down to her hoof.
  113. >As it touched the ground another emerged from her fold to take its place, a hair’s breadth larger and fuller than the last.
  114. [6/29]
  116. >All the while her gut, indeed all their guts, filled with more and more of the captivating fluids.
  117. >Beside Applejack, Pinkie Pie was lost in her stock-pot of a belly.
  118. >Bending forward, she was just able to touch her chin to the top of her tummy.
  119. >Her forelegs wrapped around it, squeezing in long, hard pulses.
  120. >She reveled in the the increasing pressure, using her hooves to squash her burdened womb in order to lap up the new sensation.
  121. >With each pull her marehood squelched out a long gurgle of the magical cum, her empty-headed grin pulsing wider with every press, more pooling out of her each cycle.
  122. >It still wasn’t enough to stop the steady march of her middle. Not near enough.
  123. >Across from her, Twilight Sparkle followed Applejack’s actions, standing and presenting to the empty air.
  124. >Rainbow joined them, but not before setting the mood to her own particular style.
  125. [7/29]
  127. >Rainbow stood half-way up from her cushions, before slamming her rear against the floor, where she ground it sloppily against the worn wooden flooring.
  128. >Her bloated belly jiggled and sloshed from the impact, and exaggerated the twitching of her hips against the ground.
  129. >Eyes squeezed shut, she repeated this a half dozen times. When she raised for the final time both the ground and her marehood were covered in a vulgar white splatter.
  130. >Biting down hard on her lip, Dash raised her tail and wings, her hips twisted in and out in base need and her stomach hanged low and free.
  131. >Having witnessed the obscene display from their friend, Twilight and Fluttershy’s wings unwittingly rose in desire. Twilight’s towards the ceiling, Fluttershy’s towards the wall.
  132. >From atop her reclining position on the chaise longue, rarity was in no place to see Rainbow Dash’s crude display, she could certainly hear it.
  133. “Ooooh, th-i-ii-s is in-incredi- aaaha -ble.”
  134. >Her hooves traced slow sensuous circles around her navel, relishing how the light and tickling touch felt so spread out on her skin.
  135. >Within, she still swelled and filled with semen, more and more causing her to bubble ever larger above the couch she lay flat on.
  136. >On the ground, Fluttershy still lay heavily on her side, her distending stomach spreading ever outward.
  137. >It was too much for her — the warmth, the pressure, the fullness, the tightness, even the light salting of pain, and now Rainbow’s display on top of it all — Fluttershy fell over the cliff and into ecstasy.
  138. >She convulsed, contracting hard around her voluminous belly.
  139. >Her pussy twitched against the increasing flow of conjured fluids, her hips bucked without rhythm, causing her bloated form to quiver and ripple.
  140. >A staccato of short but loud gasps burst from her lips, eyes wildly alternating between utmost wideness and face-scrunching blindness.
  141. >Errant bucks and twitches, along with continuous writhing ensured that the swell of her belly was not still as it continued to rise.
  142. [8/29]
  144. >A tinge of jealousy swam through Twilight’s mind, before being quickly washed away by the deluge of cum being poured into her.
  145. >Her eyes moved from fluttershy to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, both still standing and embracing the base deeds they imagined their incorporeal stallion to be doing.
  146. >Below them, their rocking bellies hung down to well past their knees, continuously set quaking and wobbling from each spasm of their hindquarters.
  147. >Twilight let out a needy moan as she imagined what she herself must look like.
  148. >Moans and gasps became commonplace from the six mares, as they continued to swell and bloat together.
  149. >What had once been trickles of cum had now become streams, flowing freely out of the passages of each mare.
  150. >The more they were filled with, the more their wombs fought back. And fight back they did.
  151. >For Pinkie, it was not still enough.
  152. >With blind desire, Pinkie sloshed over to the library’s central table, and leaned her bloated beach-ball of a belly against it.
  153. >Leaning all her weight on the edge, she gripped the rim with her forehooves and pulled with all her strength.
  154. >Squeezing herself like an old party balloon against the table rim, her insides squished tighter in in the most breathtaking way.
  155. >The flow of semen running down her legs bubbled and gushed, spattering against the library floor.
  156. “Oh yeah, that’s what mama wants. Squeeze me more! Harder!”
  157. >The party pony doubled down on herself, pressing again into the table.
  158. >Her eyes rolled back in pleasure as another long squirt of cum came flowing out of her. She cried out again into the fantasy she was lost in.
  159. “Make me your favorite party balloon! Squish me until I pop! More! More! Fill me more!”
  160. >And filled she was, but it could never be fast enough.
  161. >She pulled a third time against the table, but now her stomach was so wide she could no longer get a strong grip
  162. >Pinkie Pie slid forward along the round rim, landing heavily on her bulging stomach. A jet of cum painted a line behind her.
  163. “Like that! More!”
  164. [9/29]
  166. >Even the likes of Pinkie Pies’s shouting wasn’t enough to break Rarity’s reverie.
  167. >Rarity lay atop her couch, pinned down by the wonderful weight filling her so completely.
  168. >The tightness and fullness of it all was the single greatest thing she had ever experienced. Through out it all she had laid flat, caressing her ever-growing belly.
  169. >When her hooves could no longer leave whirls in the fur around her navel, she had begun to stroke the sides of her tight swell.
  170. >Her hooves left an electric tingle wherever they swept over, and leaving her in a state of soft and calm bliss.
  171. >Sometimes it would culminate in a shiver of pleasure arcing down her spine, jiggling her rotund mass ever-so-softly.
  172. >No words were spoken, and none were needed. Even satisfied moans and gasps were sparse.
  173. >All she needed was the gentle stretching of her hide, and the constant flow caressing and washing against her innermost channel.
  174. >Similarly, Applejack needed no words, though for very different reasons. Her nostrils were wide, her breaths hot and heavy.
  175. >Still she stood, tail raised, swaying forward and back, wracked with powerful but erratic spasms from her hips.
  176. >Lost in primal though and instinct, Applejack could do little more than stand and wobble, even as her belly began to graze the ground.
  177. >All the girls had grown just as large and round, spilling cum from behind them at ever increasing rates.
  178. >The sound of splatter could be hear from them now, pressures rising high and higher as tummies stretched wider.
  179. >The bloating mares groaned and writhed, filling with unimaginable pleasure.
  180. >Those who were standing felt their belly begin to spread on the floor.
  181. >Soon they felt their hooves leave the ground.
  182. >Once again something new started to spread through the girls, again starting with the once petite fluttershy, now laid out like a beached yellow whale.
  183. >They started to run out of give.
  184. [10/29]
  186. >Fluttershy was a wreck. A rapturous wreck, but a wreck nonetheless.
  187. >Ever since her first orgasm, she had been shuddering, writhing, and yelling so softly and breathily her shouts of ecstasy could be confused for stage whispers.
  188. >Bloating, wobbling, and quietly yelling, Fluttershy had spent the last ten minutes falling deeper and deeper into longer and longer chains of climax.
  189. >Behind her, her legs began to spread wide, her belly had grown so far outward that now it began to fill upward.
  190. >The flow of semen redoubling into an outright gush that reached further and further by the minute.
  191. >The Pegasus’s hips pulled wider and wider as she grew outward.
  192. >The sloshy jiggle that used to accompany her convulsions, slowed and stopped, replaced with a taught firmness in her belly.
  193. >Her skin strained and stretched under her fur, growing red and agitated.
  194. >It hurt to be strained so far, but the pain was far outstripped by the pure euphoria.
  195. >The growth of the yellow behemoth had slowed to an agonizing crawl, her marehood jetting semen straight out for nearly two inches before it curved to the ground.
  196. >The red spots around her navel deepened, stretch marks starting to slowly creep from her sides to her center.
  197. >Along side the mark’s spread, the pain of being stretched so paper thin bit deeper and deeper.
  198. >Panic sparking a moment of lucidity, Fluttershy finally saw just how big she had become.
  199. >When she spoke her shaky voice was barely louder than the cum spattering out half a foot behind her.
  200. “Girls? I think I… I may be too full. Girls?”
  201. >Still lost in their own filling, nopony noticed the softly spoken mare.
  202. >A long and deep groan rolled out from inside Fluttershy’s gravidity, not unlike the dull voice of bending steel.
  203. >The building flow from behind was ceaseless, now spurting a full foot before turning towards the earth.
  204. “Girls? Please? Help? I can’t…”
  205. >The only coherent response was a shout from Pinkie.
  206. “YES! Paint me all over the walls!”
  207. >Fluttershy’s eyes widened in fear.
  208. [11/29]
  210. “Girls? Help me!”
  211. >Pinned to the floor fluttershy could only look on as her belly grew while her friends ignored her plight.
  212. >The stretch marks had deepened, drawing impossibly tight across her sides, eliciting whimpers between breaths.
  213. >Even Fluttershy herself couldn’t say whether they were from pain or pleasure.
  214. >Creaking and groaning, her belly’s massive growth came to a final halt.
  215. >She was easily as big across as she was tall, a growing dark splotch visible below her fur around her middle.
  216. >The cum flow venting her pressure was surging so fast it stung her marehood as it passed, rubbing the whole of her raw from the inside out.
  217. “Girls, please, listen. I don’t want to… to pop. Girls, plea- urk”
  218. >Fluttershy was cut off as pressure shifted, lancing a new shot of pleasure through her.
  219. *Thunk*
  220. >With a dull thud her navel had flipped outward, sending an orgasmic resonation through her fluid crammed womb.
  221. >It did nothing to release pressure.
  222. >With wide eyes the mare watched the dire stretch marks bloom closer and closer to her midpoint.
  223. “GIRLS!”
  224. >Finally she had worked up the will to yell, drawing all eyes but Rarity’s on her, and her calamitous belly.
  225. >The marks converged along the base of her engorged navel.
  226. “I… urk, I’m, too full! I can’t… gah!”
  227. >Her hemispherical navel darkened, as if being fueled by the angry red lines growing into it.
  228. Everypony saw what was coming. All the while, their own bellies grew below them.
  229. “I… I… ”
  230. “Oh, no. Nononono! This didn’t happen before!”
  231. She grew tighter and tighter, firmer and firmer.
  232. “Deep breaths sugarcube, just stay calm.”
  233. >Creak.
  234. “Okay, shallow breaths.”
  235. >Creak.
  236. “Keep it together ‘Shy!”
  237. “What’s going on, dear? I can’t see!”
  238. >Creak.
  239. “Come on! Just explode! You must feel AMAZING!”
  240. “No, no, I don- urk, don’t want… to… t… aieeEEE!”
  241. >Fluttershy’s great belly surged outward, rapidly accelerating as it gave way to the tremendous forces inside.
  242. >With a colossal splash, Fluttershy became a white tidal wave.
  243. [12/29]
  245. >The heaving roil of freed semen spread outward with great force, rolling away in a circular wave from where Fluttershy used to be.
  246. >To the left of the burst, the bottom of Rarity’s divan caught the swell as untold gallons washed by.
  247. >It hydroplaned with the flow, surfing away and across the library with a jiggling and confused rarity on top.
  248. “Wahahaa!”
  249. >The couch slammed against the front door.
  250. >The harsh and sudden impact jarred the mare loose, bouncing her of the couch and onto the ground before it.
  251. >Still flat on her back, she now lay in the shallow pool of creamy fluids that now coated the library floor.
  252. >Her sides spilled out against the wet floor.
  253. >Meanwhile, on the other side of Fluttershy’s splatter, Applejack had been swept off her hooves and sent rolling.
  254. >She stopped when her back struck against a bookshelf, propped up on her flanks.
  255. >Much of her fur was matted and white, and her sore, immobilizing belly protruded out ahead.
  256. >Below, her marehood was pressing against the floor, causing the stream from within to fan out.
  257. >The dazed mare’s eyes swam circles as she tried to reorient herself.
  258. >The other three mares were much less effected by the forces of the burst.
  259. >As far away as they were, the only thing they received was a painting of jiz around their bellies, and shock.
  260. >Apart from Pinkie pie, who had also found an orgasm from the sight.
  261. “Yes! Do me next! I want more!”
  262. >The remaining pegasus jiggled atop her belly as she animatedly yelled back at pinkie, then Twilight.
  263. “What is wrong with you Pinks! Twilight! Stop the spell! Use your magic!”
  264. “I can’t! It didn’t do this before! The counterspell was damaged, I can’t stop it.”
  265. “Why stop it? Don’t you want to be a party balloon?”
  266. “Pinkie, we’re filling with cum, not helium.”
  267. “A condom is still a balloon for parties, silly. You could even say it’s the BEST kind of party balloon!”
  268. “Enough!”
  269. >Eyes narrow and face painted with cum, Applejack interrupted the frivolous exchange
  270. [13/29]
  272. “We need to get help, grab Redheart or sumthin’. Can anypony walk?”
  273. >The hooves of Rainbow, pinkie, and Twilight had long since cleared the ground, Rarity lay pinned beneath her swelling self, and Applejack knew she had no hope of standing.
  274. >The white unicorn sloshed left and right, her domed peak wobbling like a mound of gelatin in a vain attempt to get to her hooves. She made slight squishing noises against the cum carpeting the floor.
  275. “Darling I can barely breathe, let alone walk. I’m also starting to get a smidgen too full for my taste.”
  276. Rainbow flexed her wings, rocking back and forth on her sloshy overstuffed belly.
  277. “I bet I can fly for it.”
  278. >Rainbow’s eyes walked up the wall, halting on the window above the library’s door.
  279. “Don’t be ridiculous RD.”
  280. “You have any better ideas?”
  281. “Well no, but-.”
  282. >Applejack cringed and put a hoof back on her great belly, being sharply reminded of the predicament the girls were in.
  283. “I think it’s our only shot, Applejack. And, I could help.”
  284. >Twilight’s horn lit again, and the window pushed open.
  285. “Okay, on the count of three start flying, I’m going to take a little bit of your weight off. Once you’re out the window, yell for anypony to help.”
  286. “Onetwothree go!”
  287. >Rainbow dash lurched forward atop her blue perch, her vigorously flapping wings only succeeding in slowly stretching herself away from her bloating and distending womb.
  288. >Before she hurt herself, Twilight began lifting the mare taking off just enough weight that her belly began it’s slow rise away from the earth.
  289. >It was like a drop of water un-driping.
  290. >As gravity became the massive stomach’s support it unsquished, narrowing and lengthening it pulled away.
  291. >Rainbow began her short flight at an unimpressive speed. She flew in a low arc with all the grace of a bumbling honey-bee.
  292. >Behind her she left a trail of cum spattering into and mixing with Fluttershy’s mess.
  293. [14/29]
  295. >Rainbow Dash cut through the air of Twilight’s home like a sputtering, drunken blimp.
  296. >Below, Rarity watched her friend wing her way to the window just beyond her.
  297. >When she noticed the waterfall of cum dropping to the ground behind her friend her eyes widened in terror.
  298. >She struggled in vain to roll away, sending her now-larger belly quaking. The wobbles didn’t last as long as the last time she tried to move.
  299. >The fashionista closed her eyes and braced for what was marching towards her.
  300. >She felt the first drops hit her mane, and she shrieked.
  301. “Ewewewewewewewewe- Gack!”
  302. >Rarity coughed and sputtered as the downpour swept over her face and down her chest.
  303. >The streak continued striking the start of her monumental swell.
  304. >Patters of cum bounced off the tightening white orb, running down her sides.
  305. >The peculiar drumming of the fluids resonated within her, the splashes feeling rapturous against her magnificently stretched distention.
  306. >A wide beam of pleasure traced itself down her midline, mixing moans into her coughs.
  307. >After whet felt like an eternity Rainbow cleared the mare below her, moving on to ruin her lounging chair before reaching the windowsill.
  308. >The window was smaller than she remembered from all her times crashing through it.
  309. >Momentum won out, her excess mass carrying the mare forward and wedging her forcefully into the frame.
  310. The sharp impact spewed a jet of cum out of her to nearly ten feet
  311. >From below, all the girls had a a full view of her.
  312. >The only things that could be seen of her were her belly, legs, tail, and marehood.
  313. >It was her marehood that drew all the eyes in the room.
  314. >With her body compressed by the wood around her, and her insides still swelling, the torrent of cum falling from her arced away cleanly.
  315. >Down below, it cleared the divan, and created the most divine sensation Rarity had ever felt.
  316. [15/29]
  318. >Shuddering from the orgasmic experience that just washed over her, Rarity had no time to prepare for what was coming.
  319. >The fountain of cum curved down from above and struck her right at the base of her flower, pelting the button there with a constant stream of stimulation.
  320. >With her lungs clear of Rainbow Dash’s expulsions she quickly found herself letting out a moaning scream of delight, hips bucking towards the stream and sending her bulk shaking above her.
  321. >Feeling her skin flex with the quivering cum-bubble inside her intensified the feeling.
  322. >Above, Rainbow Dash grunted and tightened. Her pressure had been pleasant while on the ground, but now the confined space added a sharper element to the sensation.
  323. “Push her through Twi! She’s almost out!”
  324. “No, Leave her! It looks soooo good up there!”
  325. “I can’t, If I push her she could pop!”
  326. “Push her though!”
  327. >All Rarity contributed to the exchange were rapidly rising shrieks of pleasure.
  328. >Rainbow kicked and flailed her legs swinging back and forth as she tried and failed to do anything.
  329. >Muffled shouting could be heard from Rainbow, unable to hear the girls through the thick walls.
  330. >Rainbow kept growing, blue blotting out the edge of the windowsill.
  331. >Around the edges of her visible body, she started growing a soft shade of red.
  332. >As the pressure kept rising, so did the river of cum pouring from her.
  333. >Bit by bit it walked away from Rarity’s nub, walking a sedate and heavy path back up her midline.
  334. >Her mind washed away by the utter pleasure her body was just released from, Rarity spasmed below her towering belly as it was again pelted from above.
  335. >The tension and pressure inside her body fought back in the most wonderful way against the constant firm press of the stream.
  336. >Rarity felt herself compress across her sides, as inch by inch the stomach that spilled onto the floor slowly rose off of it.
  337. >She rounded out as she approached the absolute limit, all the while tickled and aroused by the dancing cum-spout on her tautness.
  338. [16/29]
  340. >Above, Rainbow’s belly pressed even firmer against the window frame.
  341. >Her belly ceased growing, but the cum kept filling her.
  342. >The mare’s legs only kicked weakly now, the pressure, pain, and hint of arousal draining her energy.
  343. >On her hide, two faint stretch marks could be seen, drawing a line from her small teats to her belly button, and her belly button to the wall she had become a part of.
  344. >The cascade of semen fountaining from her traced higher on her friend as pressure built, catching the bowl of her navel and spilling every-which-way.
  345. >Rainbow Dash’s skin tightened and groaned.
  346. >Her legs flailed out one last time before handing limply from her hips.
  347. >A burning redness spilled outward from the lines in her belly, and the arc of semen rapidly picked up it’s march across Rarity’s white globe.
  348. *Thunk*
  349. >Rainbow Dash’s belly button popped outward, for all to see.
  350. >Positioned as she was in the window, it pointed downwards towards Rarity, an ominous message about the white mare’s future.
  351. >A creaking complaint emanated from her disastrously bloated middle.
  352. >Rainbow’s limp flank bucked once.
  353. >The scarlet pathway on her tummy deepened in color. Her belly button swelled, the last space she had filling to its utmost.
  354. >Her hips bucked once.
  355. >Her Belly button throbbed and pulsed, swelling larger.
  356. >Her hips bucked one last time.
  357. >Unable to take the strain, Rainbow split apart and flew all over the room.
  358. >Exploding so high over the library, everything was covered in a shower of semen.
  359. >It arced far enough to spatter against the far walls, matting Applejack in a fresh coat of spunk.
  360. >The front halves of Pinkie and Twilight were likewise coated in a patchy veneer.
  361. >Being directly below the burst, Rarity got the worst of it.
  362. >Not only was she covered by the spray, the bulk of Rainbow’s stuffing was carried to her by gravity.
  363. [17/29]
  365. >Rarity’s tight, spherical belly was unprepared for what was coming.
  366. >Just after the heavenly stream reached and filled her navel, it accelerated, moving from a slow tickling meander to a forceful march.
  367. >Her belly had been absolutely covered in the summoned fluids, leaving her a glistening fat ball nestled between four twisting and twitching legs.
  368. >Out of her mind with passions and pleasure from the caressing touch, her mind filtered all the building pain of her straining into something sensuous.
  369. >She had been struck by Rainbow’s splattering without warning.
  370. >First it was a stinging spray, thrumming on all of her drum-tight form at once.
  371. >Before she could even begin to scream in climax the next wave hit, heavy and full.
  372. >The mass of Rainbow’s burden pressed down on her, a pond’s worth of semen compressing her already tight form.
  373. >Her belly bent down, and began to pancake outward, her sides tightening towards the point of rupture.
  374. >The squished belly grew red under the cascade’s pressure.
  375. >All the while she screamed in orgasm, a piercing wail rising in octave and intensity.
  376. >The flood stopped, and she remained whole.
  377. >At once her flattened belly sprung back, redness fading, before returning with greater intensity as her belly threatened to rupture upwards from the return force of momentum.
  378. >The mare held, but only barely.
  379. >The wail still carried on, fed now by nothing but tension, her hide throbbing fuller and fuller, squeezing her tighter and tighter.
  380. *Splat*
  381. >The mare’s deepened navel upturned, showering its messy contents around the mare in a foreshadowing of what was to come.
  382. >Still, Rarity screamed in mindless pleasure, pinned beneath her rock hard orb she looked like nothing more than a bubble of cum.
  383. >As tight as she had grown still she bore no stretch marks, though the visible tension at her sides was beginning to take on a darker tone.
  384. >Her navel swelled and thickened as new groans began to fill the room.
  385. >With a final wail cut short, Rarity burst.
  386. [18/29]
  388. “Wow, girls! That was amazing! Who’s next, Who’s next!?”
  389. >A deep blush had spread across the pink mare’s face, and she rolled and humped on her mammoth sloshy pillow.
  390. >The three girls had not stopped growing while Rainbow and Rarity burst.
  391. >Pinkie and Twilight were raised half-again their own height atop their immensity.
  392. >Behind them jets of cum arced downwards, landing with a heavy constant splotch against the growing puddle of semen filling the room.
  393. >Rolled as she was against the bookcase, Applejack’s hugeness was plain to see.
  394. >Her enormity jutted outward a full three feet beyond her hooves, the tension in the sphere raising it ever so slightly off the ground.
  395. >Below the white-painted orange orb a wide gush of fluids continually rushed out, fanned into a wide rapid by her marehood’s angle to the floor.
  396. “This ain’t looking’ good.”
  397. “No, really? I’m sorry Applejack, I never thought this could happen. I’ll fix it! I don’t know how, but I will!”
  398. “Nooo! Keep it going! I want to pop next!”
  399. >Every lustful bounce pulsed her milky stream, each time she sank slightly less into her belly before rebounding back.
  400. “Everypony just hang on, let me think!”
  401. >On the bookshelf, Applejack squirmed.
  402. >Her hips involuntarily shifted to the deep, raw emotions evoked by her fullness
  403. >The pressure had moved beyond uncomfortable and was starting to show it’s toll.
  404. >With every breath her belly raised higher off the ground, pulling the strong mare’s side’s taught as it climbed.
  405. “Holy moly AJ, you look so good like that! How does it feel? I just want to hug and squeeze it all out of you!”
  406. “Pinkie, I knew you were off, but this ain’t the time for things like that.”
  407. “Wait, Applejack, that’s it! I bet It COULD be squeezed out! So long as the grip is even, the compression would keep us together while we squeeze it out!”
  408. “Yes! Do me first! Do me first!”
  409. “You got it, pinkie.”
  410. [19/29]
  412. >From atop her expanding belly, Twilight’s horn sparked to life.
  413. >Slowly and clumsily, Pinkie Pie rose into the air like a grotesque pink party balloon.
  414. >As carefully as she could manage in her distracted state, Twilight began to squeeze.
  415. >Immediately, Pinkie’s legs, head, tail, and even her mane shot straight out, accompanied by a rapturous yell.
  416. “OOOOOH YEAH! Just like that!”
  417. >The garden hose trickle coming from her womb rapidly exploded into a gush, spraying out with increasing force.
  418. >Across the room, a blush flushed across Applejack’s face as she watched.
  419. >Lifted as she was, pinkie’s belly hung low and full but round, Twilight’s magic kept it from stretching downwards.
  420. >Both sets of eyes watching her could see that she was still growing, though it had slowed.
  421. >Applejack wondered how much faster she must be growing than Pinkie, unimpeded by twilight’s pressing magic.
  422. “More! Harder! Squish me! YES!”
  423. >Seeing it was working but not well enough, Twilight squeezed harder prompting more orgasmic yells from the mare.
  424. >Seeing her friend in such a state was starting to evoke lustful feelings in herself.
  425. >The alicorn tried to shunt the thoughts away, but the hot tightness coursing through her bloated form bubbled them right back up to the surface.
  426. >Closing her eyes and regaining her focus, Twilight squashed down harder on the floating bubble of cum.
  427. >The gush from behind amplified, geysering out like a firehose and spattering hard against the library wall.
  428. >For the first time since the ordeal began, Pinkie Pie’s words failed her.
  429. >She sputtered a hoof-full of garbled syllables before settling into a long sustained ‘ooh’.
  430. >Twilight let off the pressure, and saw that the pink mare had indeed shrunk, if ever so slightly.
  431. “Keep at it Twi, it’s working’! Now hurry, I’m gettin’ mighty full over here.”
  432. >Encouraged by the results, Twilight prepared to press again, very aware of the heat building in her own loins.
  433. [20/29]
  435. >Twilight Sparkle bore down again, squeezing the round and bloated form of Pinkie with as much strength as she could muster.
  436. >Again, the flow of unearthly fluids surged out, painting a new streak of white along a bookshelf.
  437. “Mmmmmmmmmm YES! Harder! Splatter me on the walls! Push me past the limit!”
  438. >Twilight let off again, recouping from the compression.
  439. >Pinkie’s massive form had shrunk again, if only barely. She had lost only an inch from around her floating spherical form.
  440. >Pinkie’s yells were starting to effect Twilight’s concentration, a blush spreading across the purple mare’s face.
  441. >She tried to imagine what it must feel like to be squeezed herself, and she had to admit it would be amazing.
  442. >Once more Twilight pressed in on her balloon of a friend, her own hips twitching with need.
  443. >The torrent of conjured seed shot out anew, Pinkie bucking wildly against her own bloated mass.
  444. “YES! Fill me to the brim! I want to paint the ceiling white! MORE! TIGHTER! POP ME-E-E!”
  445. >Below, Twilight’s lips rolled in her teeth, her eyes pressed shut in an attempt to resist her own building orgasm.
  446. >She pressed harder against Pinkie’s form.
  447. >Caught off-guard by the sudden spike in pressure, Pinkie’s eyes rolled into her skull from the sheer ecstasy.
  448. >Inch by inch Pinkie Pie began to deflate, twitching and moaning above her suspended belly.
  449. >The sounds and sensations were too much for Twilight Sparkle.
  450. >Atop her own wobbling mound her hips began to buck and sway, pleasure coursing though her.
  451. >Her face scrunched in concentration, trying to force the orgasm away by pure will alone.
  452. >She failed.
  453. >Twilight’s scrunched face tightened as her hips bucked wildly, sloshing her atop the cum-filled sack her middle had become.
  454. >Her wings flapped wildly as well, twisting every which way in pure unadulterated bliss.
  455. >But still she held the spell, if only barely.
  456. [21/29]
  458. >Twilight Sparkle squeezed, the last remaining parts of her conscious mind singularly focused on keeping her friend from popping.
  459. >Her telekinetic grip was shaky, and she knew she had no hope of evenly lessening her grip.
  460. >So she pressed in harder, praying to Celestia that she could ride out the orgasm before she slipped up.
  461. >Eyes closed and teeth gritting, Twilight held out.
  462. >Until.
  463. “So full! I’m going to EXPLODE!”
  464. >The errant thought provoked by Pinkie’s orgasmic howl tipped the balance, if only for a moment.
  465. > A moment was all that was needed.
  466. >Twilight Sparkle faltered, her grip slipping ever so slightly on the suspended blimp of a mare.
  467. >The crushing push of the compressed seed tore through the gap, freed from the purple mare’s vice-like grip.
  468. “I’M GOING TO EXP-”
  469. >Pinkie splashed apart, bursting in the air like the heavy cum-bubble she had become.
  470. >For the fourth time a wave of white washed through the room.
  471. >The force of the breaker butted up against everything in it’s path, pressing with monumental force.
  472. >The table that pinkie had once squeezed herself against stood no chance.
  473. >Lifted and pushed, it started a rapid, off-kilter roll towards Twilight Sparkle.
  474. >The table impacted the mare edge on, its mass sinking into her own briefly and causing her eyes to bulge with the crushing sensation.
  475. >Soon, the table sprung back out, imparting much of its momentum into the purple balloon.
  476. >Twilight rolled backward as the table bounced away.
  477. >She finished her short roll with a painful thud, her flank and aching marehood slammed into the ground.
  478. >Her body held her massive orb in place like a wedge.
  479. >Though she couldn’t quite feel it yet, the force of the rolling and weight of her womb had sealed her only release from the building pressure against the floor.
  480. [22/29]
  482. >Across the library, Applejack sat in a similar state to Twilight.
  483. >Pinkies performance had effected her as much as her friend, and she sat drawing heaving breaths.
  484. >Her strong hips bucked against the bottom of her colossal swell, but unlike before no ripples carried themselves through the surface.
  485. >Unable to see her friend below the great purple cum-blimp atop her, Applejack spoke.
  486. “I guess tha- ahn, that’s it for i-i- ooooh, ideas T-twi?”
  487. >The deep flow of seed spilling out from between Applejack’s legs had deepened, now nearly filling the limited space between her belly and hind legs as it rushed out.
  488. >The tightness peaking all around her brought forth the most wonderful feelings.
  489. “If y’all can e-even hear me under the-ere I, aaahn, I think I’m about o- oooh, out of room Twi.”
  490. >Unable to reach even a quarter of her massive belly, Applejack stroked her taut hide, soothing the strain as best she could.
  491. >Slowly, a sharp tightness began to draw outward from below her hooves.
  492. >Breaths coming fast but deep, Applejack prodded experimentally into the sensation.
  493. >It shot outward under the pressure, taking her breath away.
  494. >Once again her hips bucked primally against her sphere, this time spreading the sharp feeling from her base as well.
  495. >Applejack was out of room, but she no longer cared.
  496. >Her hips bucked again, striking her stone-hard belly and spreading the euphoric feeling of mortal tightness outward from her groin.
  497. >Below her, the rapid flow of semen had only increased, splashing and gurgling loudly as it fed the pool she sat in.
  498. >She felt it sting her marehood as it coursed outward, splashing and tickling her inner thighs as it passed.
  499. >The farmer tilted her head sideways onto her prodigious load and exhaled, unable to do anything but enjoy the feelings rushing through her every last part.
  500. >It was then she heard the groaning.
  501. [23/29]
  503. >With her ear pressed against her mountainous globe, Applejack could hear the faint echoing protests of her body reverberating through the thick liquid within.
  504. >Soft creaks as new parts of her began stretching yet again.
  505. >Long low groans as other parts of her reached their absolute maximum
  506. >Mild gurgles as new fluids found their way to their final destinations.
  507. >She lay against herself and listened to the chorus, too tired to do anything else.
  508. >All the while, pleasure returned and grew.
  509. >It wasn’t long before a new cry began to sound its voice inside her.
  510. >This one was deeper than the other groans of stretching fullness
  511. >It carried out with a long rumble, gaining more and more volume until it deafened the mare to anything else inside.
  512. >Just when she was certain the rumble was the herald of her end, it quieted.
  513. >Applejack let out a soft moan, and nuzzled the side of her face into her belly.
  514. >As she rubbed the groan’s origin became apparent.
  515. >The mare’s navel shot out from her dome, resonating a long echoing thud within her.
  516. >At once the chorus returned.
  517. >There were new places to stretch.
  518. >New places to fill.
  519. >And as always, there was new semen to do it.
  520. [24/29]
  522. >Gently, the gurgles faded.
  523. >The freedom allowed by her belly button could only go so far.
  524. >The new seed siphoning into her from realms unknown now had nowhere to go.
  525. >The flood pouring forth from her did nothing to ease the pressure.
  526. >With the gurgles faded, creaks took their place.
  527. >Applejack could feel her abused skin pulsing in time with her heartbeat, each one threatening to be all it took to push her over the edge.
  528. >When her lungs filled she could feel herself threatening to split apart.
  529. >The creaks within intensified, now interspersed with small pops as the last bits inside her sprung to their fullest.
  530. >Soon a great groaning began building again.
  531. >With a pressing lungful of air, the mare let out a long moan, matching the pitch of the rumble inside her.
  532. >She ran out of air, but still her body’s primal need compelled her to squeeze her lungs tighter, to let out more of the rapturous hymn.
  533. >Lightning shot up her spine as she reached climax, the burning in her lungs fueling her passions.
  534. >Applejack let out a desperate, pleasured gasp for air.
  535. >Her body, filled well beyond what any of her friends had yet reached, had no room for it.
  536. >With a shuddering spasm Applejack splattered outward, painting a wide white splat on the wall she lay against and sending a new tide of seed outward across the floor.
  537. [25/29]
  539. >On the other side of the library, Twilight Sparkle felt a wave break against her hulking form.
  540. >She knew it had to be Applejack.
  541. >Pinned as she was below her belly, all twilight could see was the ceiling and an encroaching purple curtain.
  542. >Below, her hips were crushed ever harder into the ground, sealing off any possible exit for the conjured semen.
  543. >Any possible exit except for one.
  544. >Twilight had little means to realize this.
  545. >The mare had become lost in the spell, just as the first time she’d cast it.
  546. >She savored the stretching tightness surrounding her, and was enthralled by the new squashing sensations on her pelvis.
  547. >Her hips tried to instinctively buck into the pleasure, but she found she couldn’t move them.
  548. >Instead, her abdominal muscles tightened, curling her up to her elephantine womb with a sensuous spasm.
  549. >Still stretching and bloating, the alicorn’s womb pushed back.
  550. >Soon she found her abs burning in protest, and she fell back to the ground in a wet splat.
  551. >The spilled cum from the burst mares pooled deeply around her, and tickled the sides of her face.
  552. >Splayed out as she was below her colossal belly, the only thing that could be seen above the surface of the veritable pond of conjured seed was her spherical distention and the front of her face.
  553. >There she sat, eyes wide and mind blank as her belly slowly overcame her vision.
  554. >Still the princess grew.
  555. >The mortal tightness that had reached all of her friends before they burst had not yet shown itself to her.
  556. >As an alicorn, Twilight still had much room to grow.
  557. >Her belly now nearly eclipsed her head, rolling over her chest and pushing the whole of herself into the cum-soaked floor.
  558. >She had never felt anything like it.
  559. >All she knew was that she wanted more of the feeling.
  560. >A groan rang through her, and she moaned along with it.
  561. [26/29]
  563. >Finally, after long anticipation, the feeling of absolute fullness began to creep into Twilight Sparkle.
  564. >With it came a new wave of utter bliss.
  565. >Her tongue lolled out, and eyes retreated further into her head as she embraced the feelings lancing through her completely-stuffed womb.
  566. >Soon a slight pain etched its way into the pleasure as she reached capacity.
  567. >Twilight’s head rolled to the side on reflex, splashing into the fluids hiding the rest of her limbs.
  568. >She coughed and sputtered on the semen, rolling her head to the other side, only to meet the same pool.
  569. >A final roll set her head back straight, cocked slightly to the side, cum ran down her face.
  570. >She tightened again, Drawing forth a sputtering moan from her lips.
  571. >The titanic swell of her middle was beginning to show signs of strain.
  572. >Just like fluttershy, deep lines began to trace themselves down her sides, slowly walking their straight paths towards her dome’s peak.
  573. >Twilight moaned again as the lines cut deeper, still unable to move anything but her head due to the crushing weight.
  574. >The stretch marks converged on her belly button, slowly gaining a scarlet hue.
  575. >Twilight was utterly full.
  576. >She could do nothing but moan and embrace the intense pressure filling up her every last inch.
  577. >After what felt like an eternity of creaking, brimming fullness, she felt something phenomenal shoot through her.
  578. *Thunk*
  579. >Twilight’s belly button had finally succumbed to the pressure.
  580. >Her head rolled wildly as an intense orgasm rushed through her.
  581. >Ever so slowly, she grew outward.
  582. >Until she didn’t.
  583. >With a final fading creak, Twilight’s alicorn belly had weathered the storm.
  584. >The spell faded.
  585. >Lost in the throes of passion, Twilight felt her womb stop stretching, and braced for the greatest release of her life.
  586. >Taut and full to an impossible sphere, her belly held under the pressure.
  587. “No.”
  588. [27/29]
  590. >Twilight wanted more. Needed more.
  591. >She couldn’t let the building pressure stop, not now, not when she was so close.
  592. >Her head limply raised itself from the thick pool, revealing her horn to the library.
  593. >As best her lust and pleasure addled mind was able to remember, she recalled the matrix for Happy and Full.
  594. >The poorly constructed tatter of a spell was deemed ‘good enough’ by her fading mind, and her horn sparked once more.
  595. >At once she felt the pressure starting to rise again.
  596. “Yes, oooooooh, more… mo- hurk!”
  597. >The feeling was different this time. The pressure higher on her body.
  598. >Twilight coughed, and a few drops of semen flew upward only to join the lake on the floor.
  599. >She moaned again, once more interrupted by a mouthful of cum.
  600. >But the bloating, stretching, breaking sensation had returned, and she didn’t care.
  601. >Her very stomach now swelled with semen, adding to the over-taut balloon her womb had made her.
  602. >As pleasure and pressure rose at an even rate, more and more cum spilled out from her lips.
  603. >The flow gurgled and spattered with her breaths, running sloppily down her muzzle.
  604. >Her jagged, gasped breaths pulled the escaping cum back down into her lungs.
  605. >Twilight didn’t care, the fullness had returned. And it was peaking.
  606. >Her stretch marks were a bright and vivid red.
  607. >Spasms shot down the sides of her cum-stuffed gut as she twitched below it.
  608. >Above, her belly button mushroomed, growing a harsh red to match the stretch marks leading to it.
  609. >Below, she felt her body crushed and squished by the literal ton of semen pressing down on her.
  610. >Between, she fountained seed out from her lips, the flow coming in gushes and spurts as her diaphragm desperately bid for air.
  611. >All the while she creaked and groaned.
  612. >Tighter and tighter, fuller and fuller.
  613. >Throwing her head down into the pool, Twilight embraced the greatest climax of her life as she splattered all over the library.
  614. >Quietly, the white pool slopped back and forth between the walls.
  615. [28/29]
  617. [Good End add-on]
  618. “And what did you learn?”
  619. >The soft-pink and white mare looked out over her clipboard at the six mares that so often stopped by Ponyville General to give her a headache.
  620. “Don’t let Twilight do egghead stuff when she’s horny.”
  621. >Rainbow Dash’s slim belly was wrapped in a comically oversized swaddle of bandages.
  622. “Good. I’ll expect you all to remember that for the next two weeks. After the heat I’m sure you’ll all find some new and exciting way to hurt yourselves. Until then, NO ANCIENT AND FORGOTTEN SPELLS! If all goes well you should be discharged by tonight.”
  623. “Thank you Redheart, I know I’ve learned my lesson. I don’t think my mane will ever be the same after all that…”
  624. >Rarity trailed off, her eyes drifting into a point a thousand yards away as she recalled the mess she had found herself in.
  625. “So Twi, how’d you even get a thing like that? I reckon that a book like that wasn’t from ponyville’s little library.”
  626. >Across from Applejack’s bed, Twilight Sparkle lay in her own.
  627. >She was wrapped hoof-to-horn in bandages, limbs suspended from pulleys.
  628. “Mhhrf hn hrr drm hm.”
  629. -
  630. >Across town, Spike was returning home.
  631. >After a full day and night in the clubhouse he was certain Twilight would have cleaned up the disgusting mess in the library.
  632. >The library door swung open, and he saw horrors beyond comprehension.
  633. >It was everywhere.
  634. >Pooled on the shelves.
  635. >Flooding the floor.
  636. >Running down the stairs to the basement.
  637. >It was even on the ceiling.
  638. >A fat drop silently dripped down from above, landing with a heavy plop in the puddle below it.
  639. >The library door swung shut.
  640. “I wonder what Princess Ember is doing for the next month or two?"
  641. [29/29]

Happy and Full

by Splorch_bucket

[un]Happy and Full[er]

by Splorch_bucket

A Diplomatic visit (Ember, Gilda)

by Splorch_bucket

A Slice of Blueberry Cake

by Splorch_bucket

Applesplat Part 1

by Splorch_bucket