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A Diplomatic visit (Ember, Gilda)

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:20:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >“Put her in with the bird. I bet they’ll make a nice pair. Plus Gilda’s only been in for a month, I bet we can get them to parity if we push the new one a bit.”
  2. >”You sure? That bird’s bottomless. You remember what happened to her first partner when we tried to keep’em even, right?”
  3. >”Yeah, but that Wonderbolt was just a pony. Ember’s, like, twice as big, I’m sure she’ll be fine. Right Ember?”
  4. >This was not what Ember signed up for.
  5. >”Yeah? Probably?”
  6. >At all.
  7. >After the fiasco at the Friendship Academy she’d received a letter through Spike that she thought had been a diplomatic invitation.
  8. >A Noble pony by the name of Blueblood had sent a flowery invitation.
  9. >Too flowery.
  10. >It was slowly becoming clear that when he’d written about Dragon and Pony relations he meant something entirely removed from diplomacy.
  11. >The first clue was strange attire.
  12. >The two guards escorting Ember gave her the least functional breastplate she’d ever seen, and a loin cloth suspended by fine-link chains.
  13. >After a few minutes of touring the manor with the guards she realized every maid and half the servants were wearing something similar.
  14. >They also didn’t look like they did much real work, considering how out of shape they all were.
  15. >Ember initially tossed it up to pony inferiority.
  16. >But that was an illusion she could only hold on to for so long.
  17. >”Alright, here’s your quarters for your stay. Your roommate’s inside. She’ll show you the ropes.”
  19. >With little ceremony, Ember was pushed into the room and the door shut behind her.
  20. >Much of the ground was covered with satin throws, blankets, and pillows.
  21. >She wasn’t used to pony accommodations, but it looked nice.
  22. >Other than a large window, the only thing of note in the room was a pudgy griffon currently snoring in the center of the room.
  23. >The slamming of the door prompted the catbird to suddenly wake, tangling herself up in satin and squawking in the process.
  24. >“WHAT? HUH? Is it lunch?”
  25. >Gilda extracted her self from the mess of blankets and sheets to find only a confused Ember.
  26. >”Hello?”
  27. >”Hello yourself, lizard.”
  28. >”Dragon.”
  29. >”Whatever.”
  30. >”Fed up with being confused for so long, Ember savored the brief opportunity to be angry.
  31. >”Dragon! DRAGON LORD! I am DRAGON LORD EMBER not just ‘whatever’.”
  32. >”Yeah, well, you’re HERE of all places so that must not mean much. I like the fire though, that’s cool. Welcome to the Harem, I guess.”
  33. >”WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT MEAN MUCH, I AM- wait… did you just say Harem?”
  34. >Gilda took the opportunity to squawk out a sharp laugh that doubled her over.
  35. >”Wait, you didn’t know? Oh man, this is great.”
  36. >”Blueblood said I caught his eye, I didn’t think he meant… Can ponies and dragons even do… that… together?”
  37. >”I don’t see why not. He’s pretty good, actually. Once you get past his, er, tastes.”
  38. >”Tastes? I don’t know what pony tastes like. Does he taste different?”
  39. >”What? No. Not… Ugh. Look, he’s got some kinks. When I got here last month I didn’t have this gut, that much is sure. He likes his girls… big is a good word. Not fat, per se, but we tend to get that way. BB likes his bellies stuffed and round. Likes watching us eat. Nothing gets that creep harder than porking a girl that’s almost ready to split. All that food has to go somewhere, you know?”
  41. >“This is absurd. Why do you sound okay with this?”
  42. >”Hey, free food, free rent, free sex. Why wouldn’t I be okay with it? No, actually it’s better than that. They PAY me for being here.”
  43. >”Free sex? Didn’t you just call Prince Blueblood a creep? How is that a benefit.”
  44. >”Oh, he’s a creep alright. But a very handsome, very hung, and very, very loaded creep. It washes out even. Plus it’s not just him, most of the guards are free game whenever.”
  45. >”I thought I agreed to talking about national relations and exchange for a month, not… this. I don’t even know what to call this.”
  46. >”Classy whoring?”
  47. >”Not helping.”
  48. >Two heavy knocks interrupted the duo.
  49. >”Hey, there’s lunch. Knew it was coming up soon. YO, COME ON IN.”
  50. >A cappuccino brown mare in familiar metal lingerie creaked open the door.
  51. >Her build was still toned, but below her was an unignorable bulge that would look out of place even on a pregnant mare.
  52. >”Had your’s first, Toffee? That can’t be fun.”
  53. >Toffee’s response definitely came with a shortness of breath.
  54. >”It isn’t. I ran into Blueblood, he had me do a double. I’m just grateful that cart was almost empty. The prince looked like he wanted to keep going.”
  55. >Gilda winced and turned to her new friend to explain.
  56. >The mares on the lunch cart tend to have a high turnover. There’s a real chance of ‘accidents’ happening if Blueblood is feeling randy and bumps into one making her rounds. Those tanks hold a lot.”
  58. >”Tanks? I thought you said this was lunch.”
  59. >”Oh, my bad. I never got time to explain. Toffee would probably do it better.”
  60. >The brown mare nodded and shifted down onto her haunches, resting on her rump for a minute.
  61. >”This is your first day, isn’t it? Breakfast and dinner are what you would expect, and we’ll drop off snacks throughout the day. Lunch is more of an exercise than a food break.”
  62. >”Yeah well, judging by all the pudgy ponies I passed it can’t be a very good exercise.”
  63. >Toffee giggled a bit, “Not that kind of exercise. It’s for stretching your stomach. The cart I’ve got has a large tank of porridge, and my chart has a list of everypony’s current stomach capacity. It’s my job to take you just a little bit past what you’re comfortable holding. That way you can get a little bigger every day.”
  64. >Ember rubbed the flat scales on her belly.
  65. >”No thanks, I’ll pass. I’m Dragon Lord Ember, not Dragon Lard Ember.”
  66. >”That’s not a smart idea…”
  67. >”Toffee’s right. The first lunch always sucks. I know mine did. Dash, my last roommate, straight up thought she was going to explode. But if I learned anything from Dash, it’s that refusing lunch will make things way worse.”
  68. >”Yeah, well, I don’t care. I’m not doing it.”
  69. >Ember stomped over to Toffee and put a claw on either side of her packed belly.
  70. >”And if you think you can do anything to change that go right ahead. I could squish that belly of yours like a fat grub.”
  71. >The dragon squeezed Toffee’s tight stomach until her big brown eyes bugged out.
  72. >”I.. I’ll be back later girls.”
  73. >Toffee backed away from Ember and closed the door.
  74. >”Oh, you’ve done it now.”
  75. >”What’s the worst they could do?”
  76. >”You’ll find out pretty soon, I think.”
  78. >”I’m telling you nothing’s going to happen. It’s been an hour.”
  79. >”Yeah. So Toffee’s probably finishing up her rounds and reporting you right about now. If she hasn’t already.”
  80. >Sure enough, the sound of hooves started to filter through the door.
  81. >”Look, Ember, this is your last chance. He’s only going to ask once. Save yourself the trouble. You’re eating lunch one way or another.”
  82. >”No, and that’s final.”
  83. >”Suit yourself. Just try not to get all over me like Dash did if you pop after a few days on the tube.”
  84. >”Wait, what happened to Da-”
  85. >Ember was cut off by the door slamming open.
  86. >Behind it was a very angry Blueblood, along with Toffee and a hoofful of his guards.
  87. >”And WHO was it who refus- Oh, pardon me Ember. I hadn’t realized you’d arrived. I never received a response to the letter, so I assumed you refused my offer. I’m glad to see I was mistaken. Not once have I had a dragon in my little collection. We have some fun times ahead of us, I should think. I hope the room has been comfortable?”
  88. >”It has. I think. Better than the rocks at home, at least.”
  89. >Ember rapidly shook her head as she re-railed her train of thought.
  90. >”No. No. No. Not what I meant. I know I agreed to be here for a month, but I never agreed to HAREM WORK”
  91. >“The letter what quite perspicuous, my dear. Now that you’re here, I’d ask you spend at least a few days before you leave. You may like what I have to offer. I know I’m quite interested in what YOU have on offer…”
  92. >”You can ask all you want, weasel, I’m not staying.”
  93. >”If you really want to leave now, then I have no choice but to insist.”
  94. >Blue blood tilted his head towards her, and in a blink she was swarmed by his guards.
  95. >By the time the dust cloud settled Ember was bound tight in a kneeling pose, her long snout clamped around a thick tube by means of a locked iron band.
  97. >”Toffee, make sure she’s on an accelerated track. A nice big stretch for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for the next week. If Ember is so insistent on leaving so soon we’ll just have to make the most of the month she promised.”
  98. > Prince Blueblood turned back to the bound Ember.
  99. >”I’ll be back when dinner starts for you, then you’ll see how great it is to be stuffed from both ends.”
  100. >The prince left with a lecherous wink.
  101. >Ember angrily stared at the hose in her jaw.
  102. >”Hey, I warned you.”
  103. >Gilda stood up from the pillow pile she was lazing on and grabbed a hose of her own.
  104. >She returned to a reclining position across from Ember and loosely clamped the tube into her beak.
  105. >”Any time you’re ready Toffee.”
  106. >The pump was faster than Ember imagined.
  107. >Much faster.
  108. >After an excruciating five minutes, the lunch maid turned it back off.
  109. >Gilda let the tube drop out of her beak, laying her head down as she slowly caught her breath.
  110. >Her pudgy middle had rounded out, the rolls disappearing as her stomach literally ballooned with several gallons of gruel.
  111. >Ember was crosseyed.
  112. >Every inch of her belly felt like it wanted to split, and she was pretty sure she felt a breeze flowing between her belly-scales for the first time ever.
  113. >She had never been this full.
  114. >And she was not looking forward to dinner.
  115. >Gilda began to mumble as she dozed back off to sleep.
  116. >”You aren’t so bad Ember. I bet this’s gonna be a fun month with you. I missed having a friend. Please don’t pop like the last one.”
  117. >Soon griffon snores were the only sound in the room.
  118. >Ember chewed on the hose lodged in her maw, but found herself unable to bite through it.
  119. >This was going to be a long, uncomfortable month.

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[un]Happy and Full[er]

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A Diplomatic visit (Ember, Gilda)

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