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Applesplat Part 1

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:22:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >The Apple Clan was well known in Equestria for their unique gift for raising apples.
  2. >While other farms often possess some apple orchards, the fruit they bear is mundane at best.
  3. >Every Apple Family apple is infused with the love, care, and magic of their storied lineage.
  4. >For most of the harvest, it means a perfectly crisp apple that tastes like sunshine given form.
  5. >Many other Earth Pony families can come close, but what sets the Apples apart is that they are the sole family that can cultivate magical strains of fruit.
  6. >Every few generations a particularly lucky Apple finds or creates a new magical breed.
  7. >The last was Granny Smith, who found the well-renowned zap-apple.
  8. >But there were many that came before it, each as varied as the ponies that raised them.
  9. >The juice filled splash-apple, which grew as nothing more than apple juice in a stretchy skin.
  10. >The invigorating jolt-apple, able to refresh the mind and keep a pony awake for hours.
  11. >The Appanacea of myth, often used in fables to cure fatal wounds and illness.
  12. >It’s even said that the legendary golden apple tree in Celestia’s garden was first tended by Apple hooves.
  13. >Much like the zap-apple these breeds all require unusual methods to cultivate and harvest, or even just to store or preserve.
  14. >And throughout history, only the Apple Family has proven that they have the skill and spirit to do it.
  15. >Now, thanks to Applejack’s curiosity and months of work, a new strain of magic apple was about to burst its way into the public’s eye.
  17. >”You reckon’ they’re ripe?”
  18. >”Eeyup.”
  19. >”Ah Dunno, there’s still some yellow patches on half of ‘em. I’m thinking we should wait to buck it until tomorrow.”
  20. >”Eenope.”
  21. >”Mac’s right Sis, we lost the whole tree when we waited on the last one.”
  22. >”Eeyup.”
  23. >A rubbery creak sounded as a particularly ripe and red apple quivered on the tree.
  24. >”Ah guess you’re right. Leave ‘em there much longer and they’re gonna start poppin’ again.”
  25. >”Eeyup.”
  26. >Applejack reared back, and cleared the tree of fruit with one stout kick.
  27. >A small foamy spurt accompanied each stem as it separated from the tree.
  28. >The waiting bushel’s below caught her harvest, piling high above the rim of the wooden bins.
  29. >The sounds of straining rubber and fizzing accompanied the expected thunks of landing apples.
  30. >”Alright, let’s get these back to the barn and wash ‘em up. I can’t wait to finally sink mah teeth into one.”
  31. >AJ and Applebloom loaded the bushels of apples into a cart, and Big McIntosh hitched himself to it in short order.
  32. >The apples themselves quietly groaned and creaked with every bounce of the cart, barely audible above the squeak of the axle.
  33. >”They’re gonna be so juicy, AJ! I ain’t never seen an apple so juicy it exploded before! Think they’ll do anything funny like the Zap-apples?
  34. >”Eeyup.”
  35. >“Me too. And with how many of these things we can grow, I’m sure it won’t be long before we figure out how ta turn them into a big ol’ pile of bits. If we can make anything like the zap-apple jam out of ‘em we’re gonna have ourselves a new crop takin’ up the west orchard.”
  36. >After a few minutes of travel, the cart rolled to a stop.
  37. >Atop the pile in the cart, a single apple refused to stop with the others and teetered forward before rolling down the stack of fruit and bouncing over the cart’s wall.
  39. >The apple landed in front of Applebloom and rolled about a foot away before she stopped it with a hoof.
  40. >”Gotcha! Whoa, check this out Sis!”
  41. >The top of the apple-stem was fizzing slightly, and the whole thing was buzzing lightly in her grasp.
  42. >Applebloom shook it before raising it to her ear to listen.
  43. >The fizz intensified.
  44. >”It’s like a soda-pop!”
  45. >Applebloom shook it even harder and listened again, while the fizzing from the top started to turn into a thick foam.
  46. >Applejack noticed the sides of the apple started to bow and strain.
  47. >”’Bloom, you may not want to put that so close to-“
  48. SPLAT
  49. >The apple’s skin burst apart in a thick foamy spray with the consistency of applesauce.
  50. >It coated the right side of Applebloom’s head in a sticky and still-fizzing paste.
  51. >“-your face…”
  52. >The filly shook herself free from most of the apple splatter, sending it flying away in yellowish arcs.
  53. >“That was kinda neat.”
  54. >“Well, I guess we learned not to shake ‘em too much. Let’s grab a couple, scrub’ em, and try em.”
  55. >”Eeyup.”
  56. >In short order, Applejack had a brilliantly shined apple in her grasp.
  57. >”So whatcha’ gonna name it?”
  58. >”Nothin’ yet. I gotta see what it tastes like, first.”
  59. >Applejack took a crisp bite from the fruit, and it made a sound halfway between a crunch and popping the cap off of a soda.
  60. >She chewed and swallowed with a triumphant smile.
  61. >”Yum! Well, it’s tasty alright. Sweet with a touch of spice. And it tickles going down. Kinda like some kind of sparkling apple.”
  63. >Two bites in, Applejack felt the first rumble in her stomach.
  64. >After she swallowed AJ released a short and sharp burp.
  65. >”Pardon.”
  66. >”Uh… AJ?”
  67. >A deep gurgle in her gut was followed by a second, and much louder, belch.
  68. >“Fwew, glad Rarity wasn’t around for that one.”
  69. >Patting her belly to settle it, Applejack was surprised when she made contact with it much sooner than she expected.
  70. >“What in tarnation?”
  71. >Looking down, the mare saw what her siblings had already noticed.
  72. >Applejacks middle was swelling outward.
  73. >“Whew, these are a mite more fillin’ than they look, huh?”
  74. >Another rumble cut through the air, but no belch followed.
  75. >Her stomach pushed out further, making her look like she had just left brunch at an Apple Family event.
  76. >”Oh wow, I’m startin’ to feel pretty full.”
  77. >“I can, uh… see that, Sis.”
  78. >”Eeyup.”
  79. >Another growl rumbled inside her as Applejack’s firm belly kept distending.
  80. >”Oooh, make that too full.”
  81. >The bloating mare stumbled back a step, leaning back to rest herself into the barn’s wall.”
  82. >”It’s gettin’ kinda heavy, too. I think there’s more in there than just gas.”
  83. >Applejack rubbed her medicine-ball belly in small circles, ruffling the fur and massaging the tight swelling of flesh beneath.
  85. >Applebloom took a tentative step backwards.
  86. >”Hey Mac…”
  87. >”Eeyup.”
  88. >”You don’t think… You remember what happened with the first crop?”
  89. >”Eeyup.”
  90. >”An’ the apple that came off the cart?”
  91. >She took another step back, as Applejack began to slowly slide down the barn wall towards a small pile of hay at the bottom.
  92. >”How they, well, kinda exploded?”
  93. >”… Eeyup.”
  94. >Applejack finished her slow slide into the hay, bloated stomach heaving up and down with every breath.
  95. >”Ah ain’t gonna, -oooh- gonna explode, Applebloom. B’sides… its starting to feel pretty good, bein’ all stretched out like this.”
  96. >By now her stomach had grown to the size of a beachball, and it was starting to obscure the rest of her.
  97. >Another long gurgle didn’t reassure the other two, and as it trailed off the gurgle transitioned into a groan as the magic apple fought to make more space.
  98. >Applejack’s cheeks flushed red, and her head lolled back for a moment.
  99. >The overwhelming fullness in her stomach evoked a much different kind of pressure building inside her.
  100. >Applejack’s gravid middle slowed it’s swelling, but the groaning only picked up in speed and volume and she only blushed harder.
  101. >This both Applebloom and Big Mac took two steps away.
  102. >”Ah think you may be wrong on this one, Sis…”
  103. >”Eeyup.”
  104. >The taut orb of Applejack’s stomach was growling with a cacophony of creaks, groans, and other unmistakable sounds of being stretched to the absolute limit.”
  105. >”Ooooh, whatever was in that apple made my belly extra ferocious!”
  106. >Applejacks navel appeared to be in agreement.
  107. >A second later it popped out, as the very last bits of space inside her filled up.
  109. >Applejack’s massive round gut bobbed up and down with her heavy breaths.
  110. >She pulled on and rubbed the bottom of her distended swell, reveling in the feeling.
  111. >”Ooooh, this feels…, ah, just a bit more.”
  112. >Applejack started working her massaging circles lower, leaving the bottom of her swell and moving further south.
  113. >”Eenope!”
  114. >Big Mac instantly scooped up Applebloom and covered her ears, before he began to beat a hasty retreat from the barn.
  115. >“Oooh! Yes! I ain’t never felt thi- ahhh! This full!”
  116. >Even as far away as they were, the sounds coming from Applejacks catastrophically over-stuffed stomach were clearly audible.
  117. >It made a crushing rush of groaning and stretching, accompanied by more vocal groans and moans.
  118. >”Ah’m almost… Ah can… Just…”
  119. >As he passed through the door and turned, Big McIntosh got one last glance at his critically bulging sister.
  120. >The center of her globe was a strained patch of reddened hide.
  121. >The tension was visible, tracing taut lines away from her sides and across her rumbling body.
  122. >Applejack had released herself and lay spread-eagled on the hay, eyes rolled back and hips involuntarily twitching.
  123. >”Almost… Ah… Gonna…”
  124. >Big Mac fully rounded the corner and she left his sight.
  125. >”So… Tight…”
  126. >”Ah’m… gonna- ooooh, gonna ex- ah! gonna explode…”
  127. >”Ah’m… Ah’m… Ah-”
  128. >A loud wet slap tore through the barn.
  129. >Afterward, there was only heavy panting, and the slight fizz of the widely splattered apple mush.
  130. >”’Mac?”
  131. >Applejack sat up from beneath a pile of foamy applesauce.
  132. >”Ah think I know how we’re gonna sell these.”

Happy and Full

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[un]Happy and Full[er]

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A Diplomatic visit (Ember, Gilda)

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A Slice of Blueberry Cake

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Applesplat Part 1

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