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Better Living Through Thaumaturgy

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:23:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >Twilight had an idea.
  2. >She wanted to make the ultimate birthday cake for Celestia.
  3. >Her plan was to use the magic of the mirror pool to reflect countless iterations of the same cake into being.
  4. >Then, merge the cakes back into one multidimensional hypercake.
  5. >The end result was one cake with all the flavor, and calories, as every reflection combined.
  6. >It was overlooked by Twilight that the cakes would unfold as they were digested, expanding massively as they dropped from six dimensions down to three.
  7. >She went a little overboard with the first one, replicating a three layer carrot cake from sugarcube corner over a thousand times before condensing it down to a single pastry.
  8. >Luckily she used a mirror copy to test it.
  9. >The Twilight clone was less than half done with the first slice when she began bloating.
  10. >It was only seconds before the clone was a cake-crammed purple ball, creaking and leaking cream-cheese icing and cake from both ends.
  11. >Less than half a minute later, the clone popped like a soap bubble into a slosh of mushed carrot cake.
  12. >A glittering magenta wisp swirled around before diving back into the mirror pool.
  13. >Twilight's wings had never been stiffer.
  14. >From what she saw, the clone had loved it too.
  15. >Creating another clone, Twilight watched again as it finished the first slice.
  16. >Again it bloated beyond belief before popping into a slop of the absurdly filling cake.
  17. >Unable to resist, more and more clones rose from the water only to groan and burst with her creation.
  18. >Soon the cake was gone, and the remnants of over a thousand cakes lined the floors and walls of the cave.
  19. >Twilight was exhausted from the ordeal, having satisfied herself three times over the course of the cake.
  20. >Unable to resist, Twilight licked a touch of icing and a pair of crumbs from the cake pan.
  21. >She’d never tasted anything so heavenly before
  22. >Her belly grew packed and tight from the sliver of a mouthful.
  23. >This was going to be the best gift ever.
  24. >But first she had to perfect it.
  26. >Returning to the mirror pool the next day, Twilight brought along a baker’s dozen of cupcakes.
  27. >Vanilla, specifically, with strawberry icing.
  28. >Now began her favorite part in any scientific endeavor.
  29. >Experimental trials.
  30. >She started with the control.
  31. >It was noted as delicious.
  32. >Licking her lips, Twilight moved on to preparing the remaining dozen cupcakes.
  33. >She’d lost count at just over a thousand replications on the first cake, and she knew the messy results for something at roughly one thousand.
  34. >Still, SCIENCE isn’t science unless the results can be replicated.
  35. >Even if you have a lab coat and fancy goggles.
  36. >When she was done, eleven non-euclidean deserts each sat in sample jars, with neatly printed labels taped to the glass.
  37. >1,100, 1,000, 900, 800, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100.
  38. >She’d have liked more samples for each trial, but this was more of a rough calibration than anything else.
  39. >All she wanted to learn from this experiment was where the ‘safe’ band of results started for her ingenious creation.
  40. >Once that was done she could fine-tune the ratio for optimum taste-to-bloating.
  41. >Twilight took a quick dip in the central pool.
  42. >Eleven Twilights for eleven cupcakes, all of them perfect copies of her body but caricatures in their personality.
  43. >Each was briefed on the experiment protocol, and they were all excited beyond imagining to begin doing SCIENCE for the first time in their lives.
  44. >With bated breath, Twilight Sparkle and Twilight #2 through #11 watched Twilight #1 grab the jar labeled 1,100 and walk it carefully over to the testing area.
  45. >Twilight Sparkle clicked on a crystalline sound recorder, which had been brought alongside much of the other lab equipment in the cave.
  46. “Twilight Number One, you may begin the test.”
  48. >”Subject TS1, beginning test one. Cupcake for testing has been replicated 1,100 times. Hypothesized outcome is that the cupcake is above safe levels of compression for consumption. The cupcake is as light as it appears to be, and smells… Yummy.”
  49. >Twilight #1 sniffed the cupcake lightly before placing the tip of her tongue to the icing.
  50. >Her eyes shot open immediately from the divine flavoring.
  51. >Twilight #1 practically inhaled the sweet, unable to resist eating it before commenting on the taste.
  52. “The flavor is- ah… abso— urk!”
  53. >The reaction in the clone was near immediate.
  54. >Twilight’s dopplegänger was cut off before she could even begin, bloating wildly into a spherical purple bubble in the span of seconds.
  55. >The lavender globe groaned and flexed outward before splattering the testing area with cupcake and pink frosting.
  56. >All eleven Twilights were dripping wet from the sight and sound.
  57. >Just as the clones had picked up and amplified Twilight’s penchant for SCIENCE, it appeared they had done the same to her desires.
  58. >”Yes! Do me next!”
  59. >”No! Why can’t I be Number Two?!”
  60. >“I want to go next!”
  61. >Oooh I can’t wait!”
  62. “Girls.”
  63. >Why did I have to be Number Eleven?! This is unfair!
  64. “Girls!”
  65. >“Do me! Do me! Do me! Do me!”
  67. >Almost immediately the ten remaining Twilights quieted down.
  68. “Better. I know what it feels like to watch these tests, I spent most of yesterday doing it.”
  69. >”Lucky.”
  70. >A murmur of agreement spread through the Twilights.
  71. “Shh. So long as you don’t interfere with the ongoing test, I don’t care what you do while it happens. I may even join you.”
  72. >One particularly bold Twilight gave another one a naughty lick from behind after hearing that, eliciting a surprised ‘ooh!’
  73. “But, I expect you all to maintain some sense of professionalism when it’s your turn for the test.”
  74. >Twilight #2-#11 nodded vigorously.
  75. “Okay.”
  77. >Twilight turned back to her recording crystal, and raised a clipboard of notes.
  78. “Trial 1 results, Subject TS1, 1,100:1 density. Hypothesis correct. Subject lost focus due to concentrated flavor immediately. Visible swelling began at approximately T+0:02.
  79. Presence of expanding cake matter prevented speech entirely by t+0:04. TS1 lost all mobility at T+0:09 when her distending belly outgrew her legs. At T+0:17 TS1’s legs began to be obscured by her growing middle. Only hooves, wingtips, head, and tail were visible by T+0:24, the rest of the test subject had ballooned into an orb. Skin tension increased significantly at T+0:29, slowing growth and causing audible groans. Between T+0:29 and T+0:33 TS1 displayed a rapid darkening around her edges, and began to leak strawberry icing from her mouth. Subject TS1 experienced full body rupture at T+0:33. 1,100:1 density concluded to not be safe for pony consumption.”
  80. >While Twilight recorded the clones behind her moaned softly as they played amongst each other, Twilight’s words encouraging lewd thoughts among them.
  81. “Okay girls, lets keep moving. Twilight #2?”
  82. >”YES! I’m ready!”
  83. “Alright, get in position.”
  84. >Twilight #2 trotted past the sample jars in glee, floating up and carrying the jar labeled “1000” in her telekinetic grip.
  85. >Standing in the cake mush filling the testing area, Twilight #2 opened the sample jar with a grin one could expect to find on Pinkie Pie.
  86. “You may begin the test.”
  87. >”Subject TS2, beginning test two. Cupcake for testing has been replicated 1,000 times. Hypothesized outcome is that the cupcake is above safe levels of compression for consumption. I can’t wait for this.”
  88. >Twilight #2 drew her tongue straight through the top of the cupcake, leaving a trench running through the vivid pink icing.
  89. >Pulling her head back and swallowing, Twilight #2 let out a deep and throaty groan.
  90. >”Mmmm, oh! It’s so, so YES!”
  92. >Twilight #2 inhaled the rest of the cupcake as fast as her predecessor had.
  93. >Much like the Twilight before her she began to balloon at an amazing rate.
  94. >”I’m so full! I feel like I could— urk! Could bur— oof!”
  95. >Twilight #2 cut off quickly as the cupcake filled her out with a mountain of spongy cake and icing.
  96. >Just like all the clones before her, she grew into a creaking ball as wide as she was tall before quaking and bursting apart with her face scrunched in pleasure.
  97. >The magic of the pool sparkled as it returned below the water.
  98. >A large patch of icing plopped onto the ground from where it had stuck to the ceiling.
  99. >The sound shook Twilight Sparkle out of the trance Twilight #2 had left her in.
  100. >Looking down at her notes, she saw that they only got to T+0:8 before transitioning into a doodle of a bloating pony.
  101. >Below that was the word “BOOM” and a smiley face.
  102. >It was only now that she noticed that her hoof had wandered south.
  103. >And was still there.
  104. >Crumpling the page she tossed it away as nonchalantly as she could manage.
  105. >Behind her the remaining nine clones were engaged in all manner of lewd activity.
  106. >Some were kissing and stroking each other, some were grinding and groping.
  107. >Others had put their tongues to use.
  108. >At least one had put their horn to use.
  109. >Any mouth not covered only contributed to the mood.
  110. >“I’m going to be huge!”
  111. >”Yes! Fill me like an eclair till I leak!”
  112. >”Ahn! Make me tight and round! I want to paint the cave pink and white!”
  113. >Twilight’s eyes bounced back and forth between the purple pony orgy, and the crumpled notes from the last test.
  114. >Fuck it.
  115. >Twilight tossed the clipboard, and it joined the paper.
  117. “Listen up everypony!”
  118. >The motions in the cavern slowed, but didn’t stop.
  119. >“Ah! deeper!”
  120. “Shush Seven! Everypony, we’re changing up the protocol for the remaining tests.”
  121. >One Twilight pulled her muzzle out of another as fast as lighting, to the disappointment of the mare she was servicing.
  122. >”What! Why?! I was next!”
  123. “And you still are Three, don’t worry. So is Four and Five. All we need to know by the end of this experiment is what ratio is safe to eat. There’s no reason we can’t do it in batches. And together…”
  124. >A murmur of excitement cut through the crowd of Twilights.
  125. “#3, 4, and 5, go grab your samples and come back to the group. Number Nine… I’ve got an itch I wouldn’t mind scratching…”
  126. >Twilight Sparkle trotted over to join Twilights #6-#11, as #3-#5 went for their cupcakes.
  127. >Jars 900, 800, and 700 opened to the clones’ telekinetics, and soon they happily cantered back to the party with their explosive pastries.
  128. >The predictions for 900 and 800 were ‘Unsafe.’
  129. >700:1 was the first cupcake that was predicted as ‘Likely Unsafe’ instead of outright explosive.
  130. >Once they rejoined the group of undulating ponies, Twilight spoke up.
  131. “Start the tests!”
  132. >Without a moment’s hesitation, the three Twilights devoured their samples before leaping into the pile of purple pony princesses.
  133. >Immediately the other clones mobbed around the test subjects.
  134. >Many wrapped around each other in tight embraces, feeling the growing ponies press against their bodies.
  136. >Twilight #3 and #4 found their marehood being happily lapped at as they grew.
  137. >One Twilight was bolder, burying her horn deep inside #5, and thrusting is as she grew.
  138. >The other end of the rapidly bloating Twilight #5 was assaulted as well, by Twilight Sparkle herself.
  139. >Spotting a smear of icing and crumbs left over from hasty eating, Twilight leapt at #5 and gave her a rather sloppy kiss.
  140. >The taste was indescribably decadent.
  141. >The small smear licked off of #5’s muzzle filled pushed her belly outward, even as she pulled the balloon of #5 tighter into the kiss.
  142. >Twilight couldn’t tell what felt best.
  143. >The soft but throbbing fullness in her gut pressing outward.
  144. >The lingering taste of heaven from the crumbs and icing as her tongue danced with her clone’s.
  145. >The hard and encroaching fullness of #5’s round form.
  146. >The stroking tongue and hooves of whichever clone was behind her.
  147. >It was all so much.
  149. WHUMP!
  150. >#3 had hit her limit, and a stinging spray of icing and cake spattered everypony.
  151. >The force of the burst’s cupcake splatter was too much for the over-bloated and drum tight Twilight #4.
  152. >”I CAN’T-”
  153. WHUMP!
  154. >Twilight felt #5’s kiss intensify as the clone behind her slammed her horn harder and harder into the cake-stuffed orb.
  155. >The taste of strawberries and sugar returned in force as icing crept into the mouth of Twilight #5.
  156. >Breaking the kiss, Twilight licked up the trail of icing dripping from the right corner of #5’s lips.
  157. >Their eyes locked as she finished, gazing deeply into each other.
  158. >The groaning ball #5 had become spoke softly in a gurgling voice.
  159. >”I love you so much, Twilight. Thank you, this is… Is… I… I…”
  161. >Twilight #5 trailed off into a gurgle of icing as her whole body groaned and pulsed.
  162. >Even as the clone behind Twilight Sparkle dug her muzzle in even deeper, Twilight leaned in close to #5’s ear.
  163. “I love you too.”
  164. >Twilight nuzzled the side of #5’s face as it slowly sank into her spherical form.
  165. >The soft and sensuous touch combined with the thrusting horn behind send a climax unlike any other shuddering through her.
  166. “Please pop for me, sugar sack. I want it so badly.”
  167. >Twilight sparkle nipped at Twilight #5’s ear.
  168. >The moment her teeth released the bloated clone split apart, blasting into a hail of moist cake, vibrant icing, and mirror pool magic.
  169. >The pulse of the burst sent an erotic tingle through Twilight’s whole body.
  170. >Twisting around in primal need, Twilight tackled the clone servicing her to the ground.
  171. >Amid the ensuing struggle-snuggle, Twilight called out to the others.
  172. “Six, Seven, Eight! Your turn!”
  173. >Despite their willingness, Twilight didn’t give them a chance to respond.
  174. >Three cupcakes cut through the air at near supersonic speeds, all glowing a shining magenta.
  175. >”MPH! Mmmm.”
  176. >In a literal flash the pastries were crammed down the Twilights’ gullets, one of whom, Twilight #8, was the pony Twilight had grappled.
  177. >The real Twilight spun herself around, planting her slightly pudgy flank down hard onto her clone’s muzzle.
  178. >Pinning her down with her cunt on #8’s face, Twilight planted both front hooves heavily on the clone’s firm and rising belly.
  180. >Over the swell, she could see #9 riding the rapidly bloating #7’s muzzle much the same as she was.
  181. >Only with them, #9 was facing away from the belly, locked lips and legs with #11.
  182. >Twilight Sparkle #11 was grinding back and forth on #7’s horn.
  183. >To the right, Twilight saw the round and bloated form of #6, bouncing and thrashing in obvious ecstasy.
  184. >Twilight #10 was fully covered by the now massive belly of her partner.
  185. >It wasn’t long before the growing body of her own thrashing and jiggling seat blocked out her view.
  186. >Twilight Sparkle wrapped her hooves as far around the massive cake-bloated belly as they could reach, and squeezed her whole body against it as tight as she could.
  187. >“MRPHMnnnn!”
  188. “OOoOh! Say that again, It felt amazing!”
  189. >”mmn nrm brnp.”
  190. >Twilight’s clone squelched against her marehood as she tried to free herself to speak.
  191. “Yes fill up for me…”
  192. >Twilight squeezed herself even harder against the growing orb.
  193. >Another Twilight’s voice called out from behind the gurgling bubble of cake.
  194. >“Come on Six! POP!”
  195. >Over the gurgles and squelches of her captive clone, Twilight could hear another constant rhythm.
  196. Squelch. Squelch. Slap. Squelch.
  197. >Twilight #10 pounded harder and harder into the groaning sphere Twilight #6 had become.
  198. >”I can’t- urg… Keep going!”
  199. Slap. Slap. Slap.
  200. >“Come on! Burst! You’re so big!”
  201. Slap. Slap. Squelch.
  202. >”I’m gonna- ah! Keep going, I’m about to— about…”
  203. Squelch. Slap. Squelch.
  204. >“Do it already! POP!”
  205. >”I’m gonna- I’M GONNA POP!”
  206. Squelch.
  207. >”I’M—“
  208. WHUMP!
  210. >Twilight heard the orgasmic sound of pastry mush splattering all over the cave.
  211. >Overhearing the exchange had really shifted her gears.
  212. >Her hips ground in a constant roll against her clone’s wildly licking snout.
  213. >Twilight released her tight squeeze on the clone’s belly, and she felt it shift and gurgle as the expanding cupcake resettled.
  214. >She dug a single hoof hard into the belly, as high up as she could reach.
  215. “You want to pop for me too, don’t you Eight?”
  216. >The pleasureful response was muffled by a mouthful of cunt.
  217. >Slowly Twilight dragged her hoof down the purple belly’s firm wall.
  218. >She made sure to dig in as hard as she could into the taut and unyielding globe.
  219. “Come on, Eight, just let it all out! It must feel so good with all that pressure just waiting to break free.”
  220. WHUMP!
  221. >Across the room, Twilight Sparkle heard and felt Twilight #7 finally give out and paint the cave around her with frosting.
  222. “Not long, now.”
  223. >She groaned.
  224. “So just let go.”
  225. >She creaked.
  226. “Pop.”
  227. >She burst.
  228. >The red divot left behind by Twilight’s prodding hoof deepened in hue, before thinning and splitting open.
  229. >Watching the tear slowly roll down while the balloon below her ate her out was what finally put Twilight over the edge and into a blazing orgasm.
  230. >With the remains of the clone rapidly retreating to the mirror pool, Twilight dropped to the ground hard amidst the wash of frosting and cake.
  231. >She lay there in the pile of spongey cupcake for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of the experience.
  233. >”Twilight Zero?”
  234. “Yeah.”
  235. >”Is it our turn?”
  236. “Yeah.”
  237. >With great effort, Twilight Sparkle sat up.
  238. >1,100:1 through 400:1 had all ended the same.
  239. >The doodle of “BOOM” and a smiley face came to mind.
  240. >The remaining three clones were in nearly the same shape she was, having experienced a bliss of their own as their test subjects burst.
  241. “I’m thinking this next bit is best done one at a time, girls.”
  242. >”Aww.”
  243. >Twilight stood up slowly from the mess of cupcake, and shook herself.
  244. >A surprising amount of pastry managed to fling itself off.
  245. “We’re getting pretty close. Twilight Eight might not even have popped if I wasn’t so… encouraging. Alright Nine, you’re up. Grab your sample and head over to the testing area. It’s time to resume the SCIENCEing.”
  246. >”You got it, Twilight.”
  247. >The jar labeled 300 opened and closed again, its payload now drifting alongside an excited purple alicorn.
  248. >Examining the recording crystal, Twilight discovered it was never disabled.
  249. >It heard everything.
  250. >She can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
  251. >Ignoring it for now, she spoke.
  252. “Twilight Number Nine, you may begin the test.”
  253. >”Subject TS9, beginning test Nine. Cupcake for testing has been replicated 300 times. Hypothesized outcome is that the cupcake is at or below threshold of compression for safe consumption.”
  254. >Twilight #9 licked her lips as she contemplated the cupcake.
  255. >Her teeth shaved into it, carving away a small chunk of the tasty treat.
  256. >”Sample is delicious. Delicious to the point I am feeling an urge to make up a new word for how delicious it is.”
  257. >The small nibble was already visible in her now-rounded gut.
  258. >”Expansion is fast, almost immediate. Eating full cupcake now.”
  259. >This time her teeth sunk deep into the dessert, carving off over half of it.
  260. >The next chomp made it vanish.
  262. >Like all the others, Twilight #9 visibly bloated outward under the squeezing rush of cake.
  263. >While it was markedly slower than the higher density tests, it was still pretty fast.
  264. >Soon the clone lifted off the ground, stretching belly outgrowing her legs.
  265. >The mare squirmed and wobbled on top of her middle as she kept swelling ever outward.
  266. >Just like all the others, her legs pulled into her gurgling body up to the hoof as she bloated in all directions.
  267. >And like all the others she groaned and creaked, skin protesting the massive pressures inside.
  268. >A glob of frosting ran down the side of her mouth.
  269. >She creaked.
  270. >She groaned.
  271. >But she held.
  272. >Twilight watched and waited for two minutes after Twilight #9 stopped growing.
  273. >Gurgles and groans filled the silent cave, but nothing came of them.
  274. >Eventually, Twilight decided it was a success.
  275. >300:1 was survivable.
  276. “Ahem. Subject TS9. Please rate your fullness on a scale of one to ten.”
  277. >When she tried to weakly respond, a glob of strawberry icing dripped out of her mouth.
  278. >Twilight marked the answer as 9.5.
  279. “Can you describe the flavor qualities of the cupcake?”
  280. >”Yumfricious”
  282. End

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