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B.L.T.T. Epilogue I, Stuffing end

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:24:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >This was going to be the best gift Celestia’s gotten in centuries.
  2. >Nopony could put away cake like The Princess, and everypony knew it.
  3. >Every year the centerpiece of Celestia’s Gala was always her birthday cake.
  4. >Bakers from around the world would compete for the chance to bake it.
  5. >It always resulted in oneupmanship of ridiculous proportions.
  6. >Last year the winner presented a seventy five pound 1:410 scale model of Cloudsdale.
  7. >All of Cloudsdale.
  8. >Every. Single. Building.
  9. >Celestia ate nearly a third of it over the course of the gala.
  10. >But today, the centerpiece was going to be forgotten.
  11. >Sure, it would still be there this year.
  12. >But Twilight was going to make sure Celestia never asked for a single slice.
  13. >And if Celestia never took her first slice, nopony would.
  14. >The reason for this was because today, Twilight sparkle had a box.
  15. >A box full of hoofmade sweets from Sugar Cube Corner.
  16. >And a few tweaks from herself, of course.
  18. >The moment she saw Twilight, Celestia practically galloped over.
  19. >Meeting with her student was a wonderful excuse to cut short the incessant and often meaningless complaints of the gentry.
  20. >“My faithful student! I’m so glad you’re here!”
  21. “I’d never miss your birthday gala, Celestia. I Never have, I never will.”
  22. >”Of course I know that, Twilight Sparkle, but what I mean to say is I’m glad you arrived when you did. Duke Gilded Wave has been following me for fifteen minutes trying to talk about wheat subsidies.”
  23. “Oh. I could see how that would be an issue.”
  24. >”It’s like it never ends.”
  25. “Speaking never ending…”
  26. >Twilight’s horn pulsed as she teleported a wide wooden box into the ballroom, floating it in her magic.
  27. >”That smells… Delightful.”
  28. “I made them just for you, Princess. Well, pinkie helped too, but not with the important part.”
  29. >The hinged lid creaked open, revealing dozens of felt lined compartments.
  30. >Inside each was a plated pastry or slice of cake and a small tag.
  31. >Red Velvet — 210
  32. >Carrot — 200
  33. >Eclair — 178
  34. >Black Forest — 190
  35. >Cheesecake — 110
  36. >Rum (Caution) — 22
  37. >Baklava — 204
  38. >The more Celestia looked, the more her eyes sparkled.
  39. >“Thank you Twilight, I was starting to get a bit peckish. What do the numbers mean, though?”
  40. “I’m glad you asked before eating them. I was kinda worried about that. You remember the Mirror Pool, right?”
  41. >“How could I not? The idea that the world allowed two score of Pinkie Pies to exist at once still causes me to loose sleep at times.”
  42. “Eh heh… yeah… Well, This year I wanted to give you something special, so I did some thinking. And I asked myself, ‘What if I made a cake that never ran out?’”
  44. >Celestia’s eyebrow raised, interest clearly raised.
  45. >”Oh?”
  46. “Well, it didn’t work. But my next idea did. ‘What if I made cake a thousand times better?’”
  47. >”Well, now I have to know more.”
  48. “It took a while to work out how to do it safely, but I found a way to use the Mirror Pool to reflect copies of food. With the copies being identical, it was easy to apply Star Wander’s Twin-Fold spell.”
  49. >”Clever work, my faithful student. I’d expect nothing less.”
  50. “Thank you!”
  51. >”So I take it that the numbers mean how many slices of cake are on each plate?”
  52. “Thats right! It took a long time to figure out the best balance for each cake. The more cakes you add, the more the flavor intensifies. But if you add too many, you can get too full too fast.”
  53. >Seeing the avarice in Celestia’s eyes, Twilight made sure to double state that.
  54. “Like, really full. You-may-explode-into-cake full. You should never eat two at once, you’ll know why after the first one.”
  55. >”I don’t know what to say, Twilight. Nopony’s given me a gift this dear in nearly three hundred years. How about we both have a slice together.”
  56. “I’d like that, Princess.”
  57. >”Well then, what to pick first?”
  58. >Celestia’s eyes wandered over the wide assortment of sweets for almost a minute before her horn lit and she lifted out a plate.
  59. >“Hazelnut coffee cake looks like a nice straightforward choice.”
  60. “228? You were just looking for the biggest number, weren’t you?
  61. >”You’ve caught me. Now how about your piece?”
  62. “Well, it’s your gift, princess, I don’t want to take one you’ll want later…”
  63. >”I insist. Pick whichever one you want or I’ll give you the one I was looking at after the coffee cake.”
  64. “… But I-”
  65. >”Cream horn it is, then.”
  66. >A second plate lifted out of the box and floated alongside the first.
  67. “Let’s set these down and dig in.”
  69. >Two plates set down onto the high table at the end of the ballroom with a clink.
  70. >Celestia took her place in the central throne, and Twilight joined her to her left.
  71. >“Is there anything special to do, or just eat it?”
  72. “Nope, just eat it. The spell unfolds all on it’s own.”
  73. >Lifting a fork in a golden aura, Celestia carved off a corner of her slice.
  74. >”To your exceptional friendship!”
  75. >Celestia chewed the forkful exactly twice before freezing completely.
  76. >Twilight had seen this look before.
  77. >She knew that right now Celestia was doing everything in her power to not do something un-princesslike.
  78. >The cake must have hit it’s mark.
  79. >There was an audible swallow from the unmoving Celestia.
  80. >With a light giggle, Twilight turned to her own dessert.
  81. >She lifted the cream horn and took a tentative nibble.
  82. >The filling was richer than anything she’d ever tasted.
  83. >The nibble was rapidly adjusted to a bite, which was in turn adjusted to a chomp.
  84. >Even as it entered her mouth she felt the cream unfolding, heavy flavor trying to expand over every inch of her tongue.
  85. >The heavenly sweet expanded in her mouth as fast as she could swallow, and soon she found trails of boiled creme running from the corners of her lips.
  86. >Twilight’s reverie was broken by a startling THUMP resonating through the table, and her garbled exclamation sent a few arcs of cream flying away from her mouth.
  87. >Turning atop her already bloating stomach, Twilight saw Celestia just as motionless as she was before.
  88. >But now her her muzzle was covered in mashed cake, and the plate was both cakeless and crumbless.
  89. >You wouldn’t be able to tell that anything had happened if all you judged by was her blank and slightly-disinterested expression.
  91. >In her attempt to speak, Twilight only succeeded in leaking more cream filling and little bits of pastry shell everywhere.
  92. >Swallowing normally clearly wasn’t working fast enough, so Twilight took slightly more drastic measures.
  93. >Using her magic, she squeezed her full cheeks, and forced the wonderful growing substance down her throat.
  94. >A few bits here and there continued to expand, but at least she could talk again.
  95. >Of course, now the focus of the divine treat had moved down to her stomach which began pressing outward even faster at a slow march.
  96. “Princess, are you okay?”
  97. >For a fraction of a second Twilight thought she saw the mask break.
  98. >”Of Course, Twilight Sparkle.”
  99. “It’s just, you haven’t said anything and-”
  100. Twilight cut off as a new wave of tightness filled her.
  101. >Her belly had reached the sides of her chair, and was starting to force into them.
  102. >Celestia’s belly doing the same to her wide throne was what finally broke her concentration and her countenance.
  103. >Like a light switch being flipped, Celestia went from regal disinterest to cuisinary ecstasy.
  104. >”Oooooh, this is… the best cake ever.”
  105. >Leaning her wedged self deeper into the throne, the princess let out a satisfied moan as she continued to expand.
  106. >Finally satisfied that her teacher had enjoyed the gift, Twilight joined her in reclining.
  107. >Stressful groaning started to sound from the two growing mares, as they continued to press against their confining chairs.
  108. >The arms dug deeply into their tight bellies, and the wood’s protesting grew louder and louder.
  109. >Just as the confines threatened to keep them from breathing, the chairs cracked and splintered.
  110. >Twilight fell to the ground in a sloshy heap, momentarily jetting a bit of cream out of her mouth and one nostril.
  111. >Moments later she was joined by Celestia.
  112. >”This is- mmm, the best gift you-ooo, could have given me.”
  114. >The two ponies ballooned and distorted on the ground as the miraculous desserts continued to fill them.
  115. >Their colossal pastry-packed stomachs began to raise the mares off the ground as they swelled.
  116. >Face to face, the tops of the two bellies began to squish out against each other.
  117. >Creaks and groans began to fill the gala hall again, but this time it was from the two ponies’ overtaxed hides.
  118. >The peculiar sound of stretching rubber rang out as Twilight and Celestia embraced the ungodly amount of food inside them.
  119. >A trail of cream returned to twilight’s chin as she ran out of room and her stuffing forced its way back up.
  120. >Across from her, Twilight saw Celestia licking up the last traces of the original cake from the splatter on her muzzle.
  121. >Twilight’s own filling slowed to a stop, and she shuddered at the feelings of absolute fullness coursing through her sides.
  122. >Now, all she could do was watch the still-bloating sun princess with a lusty but hazy gaze.
  123. >And bloat she did.
  124. >The new crumbs added fuel to the fire, and the groaning creaks of tautening hide doubled in intensity.
  125. >Celestia closed her eyes and lay still, simply dragged along for the ride her tongue and belly were pushing her through.
  127. >A minute after Twilight stopped growing, it finally halted.
  128. >”That was amazing, Twilight. Twilight?”
  129. >Twilight’s only response was a creak.
  130. >The purple mare said nothing, a euphoric smile sloppily painted across her muzzle.
  131. >Her eyes were focused somewhere far, far behind Celestia’s own.
  132. >”I take it you liked it as much as I did, then. It looks like Luna and I still have a lot to teach you about keeping appearances.”
  133. >”Speaking of, I’m kind of glad I didn’t pick the cream horn. You made quite the mess, my faithful student.”
  134. >Slowly and shakily a napkin floated over in a golden aura.
  135. >”Let’s get you all cleaned up.”
  136. “Eat ’nother’un.”
  137. >”I don’t think that would be a good idea right now, my faithful student. Maybe later tonight.”
  138. >The two groaning balls of cake and cream creaked and wobbled as Celestia dabbed up the leaked cream from Twilight’s rapturous face.

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