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By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:25:47
Expiry: Never

  1. ”Feeling ripe yet?” Chrysalis mocked. “Your pudgy little self is about as big as your dear hubby got before he, well…” The changeling queen trailed off while gesturing to one of the several blue splashes in the room. She jabbed a hoof uncomfortably hard into Cadence’s juice-bloated belly and cackled. The intruding hoof triggered a deep gurgle inside the mare.
  3. Luna, Celestia, Twilight, all of Twilight’s friends, and most recently Shining Armor had been reduced to juicy puddles by Chrysalis, all While Cadence was forced to watch from her cocoon on the wall. Now it was her turn, and she could feel the juice rising. It tickled her lightly where small trails managed to escape her body.
  4. -
  5. “This day has been just perfect, hasn’t it? “The Crystal Empire is mine, I’ve pulled so many thorns out of my side, and on top of it all I popped four royals.”
  6. “Five.”
  7. “What’s that?”
  8. “Five royals,” Cadence said with a trail of juice leaking down one side of her mouth. It was now or never, the alicorn felt the juice absolutely inundating her and knew there wasn’t much time left. Her horn lit, and she started channeling all her love into the Queen Chrysalis. For Aunt Luna and Aunt Celestia. For Twilight Sparkle. And more than all others, for her dearest Shining Armor. With those she loved around her little more than the splattered remains of berries, the love had nowhere to go. So Cadence crudely crashed it into Chrysalis with murderous intent.
  9. “What are you- STOP THAT!”
  10. Already the changeling was bloating faster than her berry victims ever had, belly rapidly lifting her off of her hooves.
  11. “Make me! You’re going to pop just like the rest of us!”
  12. -
  13. In a matter of seconds Chrysalis had matched the bloated Cadence in size and was starting to over take her. Already she could feel the groaning stretches inside starting to build. Another few seconds in this love stream could well be the end of her.
  14. “Fine! You pop NOW, princess!”
  15. The sickly green glow of Chrysalis’s magic lit up along her horn as she cast the blueberry spell again. The sudden rush of juice stunned Cadence, and the spell she was using to inflate Chrysalis slipped from her mind long enough to break. Now the last princess of equestria was ballooning at an even more alarming rate. She felt herself creaking at the seams and a constant gurgling rush filled her ears.
  16. “Too close for comfort Cadenza. I’ve seen a changeling overfeed, and it isn’t pretty once they pass the point of no return. It’ll be weeks before I’m back to normal. Even at the end you cause problems. A few more drops of love and I’d be in more pieces than Celestia.”
  17. -
  18. “Who- ah, said I… I was done?”
  19. “WHAT?”
  20. With a wince and a final strobe of magic, Cadence used the last bit of focus she could muster. The love crashed into Chrysalis and she pulsed out in every direction. The changeling looked down at her overtaxed form, knowing what was coming. Every last inch was strained, and parts of the changeling had thinned so much she was starting to become transparent. Across from her, Cadence fared little better. The effects of two berry spells at once had made her even larger than Celestia when she’d blown, and she could already feel the tingles in her skin where give had run out and tears were starting to form. To her extreme satisfaction, the sound of Chrysalis stretching like rubber about to snap were audible over her own gurgles.
  21. -
  22. Chrysalis’s eyes darted from her critically distended form back to the cause of it all, and caught a glimpse of Cadence’s smug face slowly sinking into her blueberry body before her own vision was blocked by her rapidly inflating self. She let out another strained creak.
  23. “No! I- I can’t just… How dare you-“
  24. BOOM.
  25. Chrysalis detonated into tatters and ribbons with a thunderous explosion. Cadence enjoyed the sight of her revenge, but not for long.
  26. -
  27. The Blueberry spells were still running, and the tingles and tears dancing all over her growing body had only gotten worse. Juice sprung from everywhere it could, even her tear ducts in a desperate bid to relieve pressure. It didn’t work, just like it hadn’t for Celestia, Luna, Twilight, or Twilight’s friends. Even as the tatters of Chrysalis were drifting to the floor, the gurgling of juice inside reached a fever pitch. Soon, it turned into a groaning not unlike what Chrysalis released at her end. The tearing sensation amplified, tracing paths of electric stings across her strained and creaking body. She knew it was over, and there was nothing she could do.
  28. -
  29. The alicorn gurgled and gushed blueberry juice out of her mouth as she began to roll backward on her rounded form. She never finished the motion. Princess Cadence burst apart in a wash of juice, adding a tenth stain to the floor.

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