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DJ Blo4tPon3

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:30:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >You knew your manager was going to roast you for this, but you just couldn't bring yourself to care.
  2. >Canterlot was the last stop on your latest touring, and you had no more tours planned for the next few years.
  3. >Life was slowing down now that you were with Tavi, getting quieter.
  4. >This was your last chance to fulfill a dream you’ve had for a long, long time.
  5. >You had certain secret interests, ones that Octi was more than happy to indulge in behind locked doors.
  6. >Fate had been far more than kind to you, letting somepony like that walk into your life.
  7. >But you’d always wanted more.
  8. >Every time you looked out over a crowd of ponies dancing and hopping to your beats, you couldn’t help but imagine it.
  9. >Hundreds of ponies, bloated and round, bouncing all over the club floor.
  10. >Rubbing and squeaking, bouncing and rolling, their round airy bodies reverberating and thrumming to the pulsing beats.
  11. >You’d left a stain on the your DJ booth’s stool more than once, when you lingered on the thought for too long.
  12. >It didn’t help when you started using a vibrator egg during the shows.
  13. >Having a board full of sliders in front of you made it pretty easy to adjust discretely.
  14. >Tonight was the night you would finally let go.
  15. >This was going to be a party unlike any before.
  16. >After all, it was now or never.
  17. >The show was packed.
  18. >Fifteen-hundred, easy.
  19. >The definition of standing room only
  20. >Rumor had it that even the Princesses had been spotted.
  21. >Everypony wanted to come see DJ Pon3’s last concert, and you made sure to impress.
  22. >Three and a half hours passed as you mixed for them, even playing a trio of new unreleased tracks.
  24. >Spirits were high and hooves were shuffling when you flipped the switch and set the final special selection for the night on loop.
  25. >A thumping, high energy beat rolled through the club, accompanied by a simple melody.
  26. >The base pulsed deeply, the kind of sound that was felt as much as it was heard.
  27. >Along with something else, a buzz so low in tone that nopony could hope to hear it.
  28. >All through the night, the raving ponies below your booth had been breathing in more than just excitement.
  29. >An old nerd friend of yours from CSGU had introduced you to an novel gas a few years ago.
  30. >Colorless, odorless, and mostly inert, the only thing it had of interest was how it reacted to ultra low frequencies of sound.
  31. >It expanded.
  32. >He’d thought you’d get a kick out of it given your interests in bassy music.
  33. >You never did get around to telling him what you used it for when you got home.
  34. >Or why you really kept asking for more.
  35. >You did atleast tell him that the massive amount needed tonight was for a special tour ender.
  36. >After three hours of breathing the stuff, the ponies below must be saturated in the gas.
  37. >As high as you were in your booth, little of the gas would have reached you.
  38. >It wouldn’t be a problem.
  39. >Your hooves rested on a small red tank at the base of your stool.
  40. >It wasn’t long at all before you started to see the fruits of your labour.
  41. >Just like Octavia, they ballooned up seconds after the trigger sound started.
  42. >It started slow, but accelerated rapidly as more space freed up inside the ponies to resonate the sound with the gas.
  43. >Packed as they were, there was nowhere to grow but into each other.
  45. >You slid your vibrator up to max and watched it all unfold while your head bobbed to the beats.
  46. >Confused ponies everywhere rounded out, squishing and squeezing against each other.
  47. >They deformed against the walls and their neighbors, each one of them wriggling what few parts they could still move.
  48. >Wedged as they were, the pressure was visible.
  49. >Many had deep blushes on their faces, others confusion, some frustation.
  50. >Most were a mix of the three.
  51. >You couldn’t see the floor anymore.
  52. >Where one pony ended, another began.
  53. >Together they carpeted the club in a pastel rainbow of squished spheres.
  54. >Until one of them finally slipped.
  55. >For a brief moment one pink sphere sprung into the air above the rest, forced out of place by the pressure of the other ponies and herself.
  56. >As she peaked her ascent, a beautiful chaos erupted.
  57. >Like a keystone in an arch, the pink mare’s removal shifted the balance of the entire squeaky crowd.
  58. >The one’s nearest to her now empty space shot towards it, launching upward themselves and freeing more room.
  59. >A wave of balloon ponies rolled through the crowd as they sprung out into spheres, bouncing and settling into a pile of inflated mares and stallions.
  60. >This was what you had been waiting for all these years.
  61. >Tonight would never leave your memory.
  63. >Standing up, you grabbed your own tank of the gas and vaulted over your booth.
  64. >Your hooves made a bouncy landing not three feet below the booth, springing you on to land on a second pony.
  65. >Mid air, you twisted yourself to land heavily on your back.
  66. >The blue balloon below let out a grunt as you did so, your weight bouncing you twice after landing.
  67. >You must be twenty feet up, with four or five ponies between you and the ground.
  68. >You’d the thought alone was driving you crazy, and the vibrator wasn’t helping any.
  69. >After a good half minute of riding the feelings inside you, and feeling the full stallion below you bounce in time with the beats, you rolled over and jumped.
  70. >Bounding from springy bulge to springy bulge, you crossed the room leaving a trail of grunts, exclamations, and occasionally moans
  71. >You liked the moans the most, it showed they were in the right spirit.
  72. >After a lap around the full room, you headed for the center.
  73. >Taking a few practice jumps on a creaky and moaning mare, you dove into the pile, slipping between them before landing heavily on a midnight blue pony at the bottom.
  74. >The way she flexed around you before wedging you into a white one was quite possibly the sexiest thing you had experienced in your life.
  75. >From this point forward in your life you could die a satisfied mare.
  76. >Wedged as you were the vibrations from the base running through those two tickled you from every side.
  77. >Drawing your tank’s mask up to your face, you took a dozen deep breaths before letting it slide to the ground with a clank.
  78. >Nuzzling into the white orb, you embrace the stimulation from your vibrator as you join the crowd.

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