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Hail To the Queen or Hail on The Queen

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:31:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >Today had been just perfect.
  2. >It had taken two and a half hard years to rebuild the swarm after your humiliation in Canterlot.
  3. >Another year passed as you slowly crept back into place, biding for the perfect moment of weakness to take revenge.
  4. >When Lord Tirek threw his little tantrum you knew it was time.
  5. >As expected, the purple one and her friends defeated him and all of Equestria moved to celebration.
  6. >There were few sounds more pleasing to your ear than shouts of revelry turned to shouts of panic.
  7. >All throughout the partying city, your horde had revealed itself from within the midst of every crowd.
  8. >A single day’s lack of vigilance was all it took for you to topple Canterlot in less than half an hour.
  9. >And what a fun half-hour it was.
  10. >The Royal Guard was taken entirely by surprise, most falling or captured in the opening minutes of the chaos.
  11. >You had chosen to take Celestia yourself.
  12. >Disguised as her sister, you drew a real nice gasp out of her when your spell hit those pudgy flanks of hers and sent her into the floor.
  13. >A few more made sure she stayed nice and still until your drones could get a pod in place.
  14. >The Princess of Food put up a little bit of a fight, from what you heard, but she could only get swarmed by so many Shining Armors.
  15. >Getting Princess Luna was laughably easy, to the point that you could barely stand once you were told how she was captured.
  16. >Two lost drones from a terror assignment had managed to find her and get a pod into her room, rolling her into it without a peep.
  17. >She sleeps like a rock.
  18. >Now you know why the notorious Nightmare Moon wasn’t an issue in your last attempt on the city.
  19. >For the most dangerous of the lot, The Princess of Friendship and her minions, you took some precautions before trying anything.
  20. >You made sure a few barrels of cider managed to get “gifted” to the heroes before the fun started.
  21. >It worked far better than you’d hoped.
  23. >You stood on a castle balcony overlooking the hours-old spoil of your treachery.
  24. >Nothing could be better.
  25. >Canterlot will no doubt become the greatest jewel among your hives, but there is much work to be done before that happens.
  26. >And you’ll have so much love to do it with.
  27. >An entire city’s worth of livestock cowered in their homes and shelters, kept anxious by the ever present swarm flowing this way and that throughout the capital.
  28. >Some had already been cocooned, namely the more dangerous ones, but there was no sense pickling ALL the food if you could save some and grow more of it fresh.
  29. >You’d never ruled a city before, at least not for longer than it took to topple it from the inside out.
  30. >Likewise ruling something other than your own spawn is completely untested waters, but as always you have a plan.
  31. >You’re going to have to show these ponies a few good reasons why they should accept your rule.
  32. >Fortunately, there are four such reasons floating cocooned just behind you.
  33. >And in an hour, it would be time to put on a show.
  34. >Below you can see your hive working toward this end.
  35. >In one of the few city squares Canterlot housed, a massive wooden stage was slowly rising from the earth by the labor of changeling hooves.
  36. >Where no salvaged wood could be found to fit, hardened goo filled the gaps.
  37. >Others in the square wove changeling-silk banners and drapes to accent the stage with shades of green and blue.
  38. >Soon, that stage would be hosting an event that you hoped would be passed down for generations by the ponies here.
  39. >Turning around, your eyes passed over each of the unconscious princesses, a smile widening to reveal fangs.
  40. “I’d like to thank you all again for your glowing recommendations, I really couldn’t do this without you.”
  42. >Time slipped by and ponies were herded by your changelings into the city square.
  43. >Your orders had been clear to them, no less than five thousand were to be brought to the square, willing or not.
  44. >A proud smile beamed off of your face as you swept your gaze over the wave of new subjects before you, all deathly quiet and unsure.
  45. >The front of the stage held four shapeless but restless lumps, draped under veils of silk.
  46. >Standing atop your new grandstand, you stepped up to the ledge.
  47. >Horn glowing and amplifying your voice, you call out in an echoing report.
  48. “Fillies and gentlecolts! MY little Ponies! As you may have noticed, there has been a minor change in your leadership recently. Namely you’ve traded four princesses for one queen, a good deal if I do say so myself.”
  49. >Murmurs cut through the crowd.
  50. “But there’s a bit of a snag, my oh-so-precious subjects, that may take some getting used to. You see, a princess makes suggestions; a queen makes demands. You don’t get to say no. Well, you can if you want, but there’s some real grade-A reasons why you shouldn’t.”
  51. >With a pulse of your jagged horn the veils just behind you flew into the air one at a time, lazily drifting back down to the stage.
  52. >Under each was a pony princess, horn coated in a thin layer of fouling green gunk. Each had a hind hoof chained to the floor to keep them front and center.
  53. >This time it was gasps that rolled through the captive crowd.
  54. >Celestia began to call out, but her voice was droned out by the booming echo of your own.
  55. “As you can see I’ve got a few ponies who would tell me ‘No.’ Why don’t we watch what happens together, hmm? Now, I’m far from a cruel queen, I share my love with everyone. Even the misguided little ponies like these four. Of course, as Queen of the Changelings I share love a bit differently than what you’re all used to.”
  57. >On cue a changeling flies in from right of stage bearing a glass phial, glowing a pale but fiery blue.
  58. >You grasp it in your magic and the drone steps back to mid-stage.
  59. >In the brief pause Twilight speaks up, her own voice a whisper compared to your magically enhanced one.
  60. >”I won’t let you get away with this Chrysalis!”
  61. >Clichè. You’d think one as smart as that one supposedly is would have something better to say.
  62. >Still, one of them spoke in the pause as you had predicted.
  63. >Visibly shrugging to the crowd you press on with your speech.
  64. “See what I mean? Neighsayers. But, even having earned my contempt, I’m still more than willing to impart some of my love. Well, ‘my’ is a bit of a relative term. This batch came from Shining Armor, but it’s been fermenting nicely in my cellar for the last three years or so.”
  65. >The small bottle floated up above your head, drawing the eyes of the crowd and your captives.
  66. “Refined love is wonderful stuff. A mouthful can keep you going for days. A drop here and there over a week can cure just about anything. Down a whole bottle and you could go hoof to paw with an ursa. For Changelings. Ponies, not so much.”
  67. >A wicked grin spread across your face as you withdrew a bead of Shiny’s love, floating it up and out of the phial before placing it on your tongue.
  68. “Should one of you harmonious little critters get a taste of the stuff, you find out it’s a bit more filling than you expected. You’re such loving creatures that once you feel such a pure tenderness you can’t help but return the sentiment just as strongly. Should any of YOU get a mouthful, you’ll rapidly be finding out just how much of your own love you can hold. And let me tell you, ponies are not meant for storing love. I’ve tried. Things can get a little bit messy after a while.”
  69. >You draw out four marble sized balls, spinning them in a constant weaving flourish.
  71. >Twilight, Cadence, and Celestia’s eyes track the pellets, obvious trepidation on their faces.
  72. >Luna ignores them, setting her jaw and narrowing her focus onto you.
  73. >Judging by the cold rage in her eyes, you’re glad you managed to catch her sleeping.
  75. >Even without her magic boosting it, her Royal Canterlot Voice carries across the stage and into the crowd.
  76. >The sudden intensity of the shout caught you off guard, temporarily freezing the whirling balls of love midair.
  77. >Really, really glad you caught her sleeping.
  79. >You’ve had enough interruptions from her today.
  80. >Coughing hard into the crook of your hoof, you hack out a ball of sickly looking goop.
  81. >Splat.
  82. >A green mess blossomed over Princess Luna’s muzzle in a slimy spatter, hardening rapidly and locking it shut.
  83. “Look, princess, I respect improv as much as the next changeling but you’re going to stay on script for this one. The lines for your next scene are ‘muffle, muffle, splat,’ got it?”
  84. >”MHPH!”
  85. “Good, you learn fast. Keep it up.”
  86. >The Princess of the Moon jerked hard against her chain, but it didn’t budge
  88. >With a cocked eyebrow you warily watched the Moon Princess, while the noxious balls of love in your telekinetic grasp spun back up into their old looping dance.
  89. “So, my little ponies, how about it? Clearly you can see that these ponies are unhappy with my rule. Let’s give them a ‘hooves-on’ demonstration about how well that works out for them. Now, the fun part about this is that everypony’s love is different. Everypony has a different amount of love to give. Everypony’s love has a different type, color, and flavor. But it always ends the same.”
  90. >You theatrically lifted a hoof to your chin and looked up and away for a moment in an exaggerated motion of sudden remembrance.
  91. “Well, almost always. There was that time I tried the whole ‘honey-pot ant’ thing. The spell was reliable enough but the casks kept breaking open when we rolled them…”
  92. “So what do you say my little subjects? Right to left, or left to right? I’m thinking left to right. I’m just itching to see how the Princess of Love develops. How about it Cadenza? You up to feeling Shiny’s love slip down your throat one last time?”
  93. >“You don’t have the right to talk about Shining Armor like that.”
  94. “Au contraire, I’ve seen what he’s like once the lights are out. He didn’t pick up that thing for whips from me, and I sure wasn’t complaining about it. Now give us a kiss.”
  95. >Cadence’s eyes widened in both anger and confusion, as you plucked one of the swirling balls from its orbit and sucked it past your lips.
  96. >Without warning you lashed a hoof around her neck and kissed the pink princess deeply, your narrow in-equine tongue lashing deep within her and tickling the bottom of her throat.
  97. >You held the kiss until you felt the love drip all the way down your tongue, then parted with a mischievous smile.
  99. >The Princess of Love’s eyes were wide with shock, her mouth still gaping from the kiss.
  100. >She trembled as you turned towards Twilight Sparkle.
  101. “So, now it’s your turn little bookwo-”
  102. >Glorp.
  103. >Curiosity overcame you as you heard a slosh from behind.
  104. >It had only been a few seconds, Cadence shouldn’t be starting to fill out for another minute or two at the very least.
  105. >Turning back around you are surprised to see a rapidly burgeoning pink princess.
  106. “Wha… Wow.”
  107. >Already her belly hung as low as a pregnant mare’s, her flanks, neck and barrel were rapidly swelling at an incredible rate.
  108. >Sure Cadenza was the Princess of Love, but could she really have THAT much love inside her?
  109. >Seconds passed and she began to round out, Sloshing heavily as she collapsed off her hooves into her growing self.
  110. >Cadence body squirmed on top of her swell as she grew leagues faster than anypony you’d ever popped before.
  112. >Not ten seconds after the kiss, and the pink mare was already enormous.
  113. >Gurgles and groans split the air as her blimped body began to outgrow her limbs, bulging around and absorbing them.
  114. >Her over-bloated form gurgled intensely, and made her look like little more that a massive pink water balloon.
  115. >Below her skin a pink glow could be seen angrily swirling and twisting, prompting jerks and sloshes from the blob of a mare.
  116. >She swelled like nopony you’d ever seen, the pink glob thrashing and wobbling from the turmoil churning within.
  117. >As the rapid tide of flesh started to roll up her neck and reached her head, Cadence finally fell out of her shock with just enough time to let out a scream.
  119. >The glow inside flared brightly, a vividly visible river of love swirling inside her like a whitewater rapid trapped in a bottle
  120. >“SHI-”
  121. >Cadenza splattered apart mid-scream into a maelstrom of slopping, glowing, hot-pink slurry with the sound of a meaty thunk.
  122. >Ropes of Cadence’s thick pink love covered the stage around where she was, and hung heavily from you.
  123. >Eyes wide with surprise, you stood still for a moment as you felt the love all over you start to slide down to the stage.
  124. >You felt a globule roll off your chin and hit the planking with a quiet splat.
  125. “Woah. That was a new one. Talk about hair trigger. That was what, fifteen seconds? Twenty, tops? It’s no wonder your husband loved my ’improved endurance.’”
  126. >Wiping a hoof against your stained front, you wipe a streak of love off your chest and bring it up to taste.
  127. >Solid and filling, like thick oatmeal. The flavor is far less fruity than you were expecting from the waif, leaving a heavy savory taste lingering on your tongue long after you swallowed.
  128. >This was true love, plain and simple.
  130. “Someling clean up this mess. I want every drop saved and processed.”
  131. >As your eyes scanned over the mess you couldn’t help but notice part of the splatter went over the edge.
  132. >Gazing down at the front row you caught sight of a number of terrified ponies painted with glowing pink slime.
  133. “Also pull and scrub the ones in the crowd. You ponies down there are probably going to want to keep your mouths closed. And try not to breathe too much. That wasn’t refined, but enough quality raw love will still splat you.”
  134. >You punctuate your last sentence with a long and flavorful lick down one of your forelegs.
  135. >Turning back to the remaining three princesses, you are met by two horrified faces and a deep scowl.
  137. “Not what I was expecting but, hey, we’ll call it a learning experience. The plan was to have you all dosed well before anypony started going splat. Ahh well. Live and learn.”
  138. >You cast a sidelong glance back at the pink mess behind you.
  139. “Mostly live. But back to the show. I believe you were next, Twilight Sparkle. Anything to say or are you just going to stand looking like a fish.”
  140. >“But… Cadence… You… Why?”
  141. “Why? Weren’t you paying attention? Should I have passed out scrolls and quills to everypony?”
  142. >With no ceremony you plopped a sphere of love into her mouth when she went to respond and clamped her mouth shut with your horn.
  143. >She coughed and sputtered, before moving a hoof to her stomach with a wince.
  144. >“No! It feels… oooh…”
  145. >Moving on down the line, you stop in front of Princess Celestia.
  146. “Now that you’ve seen a glimpse of your exciting new future, are you ready to get moving?”
  147. >Celestia’s eyes bounced between you, the puddle of love behind you, and your new subjects in the crowd.
  148. >“Just don’t hurt them. I can see I’ve lost and can accept that, but please don’t hurt my little ponies.”
  149. “Ha! ‘Don’t hurt them.’ Sure, why not? I’ll even take the care to put ‘Free Range Organic’ stickers on each and every one of your precious Little Ponies.”
  150. >”MHPH MMN MNMH!”
  151. “I know, I know, you’ll get your turn too, Luna.”
  153. >You press one of the two remaining balls of love against Celestia’s firmly sealed lips, deforming it slightly.
  154. “Just open up, Princess, I promise it tastes pretty yummy.”
  155. >Still she kept it up, a last act of defiance.
  156. >You rolled your eyes and guided the ball upwards along her muzzle, before squirting it in her nose with enough force to tilt her head back.
  157. “It doesn’t have to be swallowed, you know.”
  158. >Celestia fell onto her knees, snorting and coughing before sucking in great lungfuls of air as a thin line of glowing blue traced down from her nostril.
  159. >Her eyes grew unfocused, staring at nothing as she slowly lilted left.
  160. “Comes with a bit of a head-rush like that, doesn’t it? Straight to the brain. It should wear off soon. Enjoy the ride till then, I guess. ”
  161. >Celestia’s response was mostly drool.
  162. >“Celestia? Princess, get up! What’s wrong? Don’t tell me its starting!”
  163. >The drooling princess blurbled slightly.
  164. “Nothing’s wrong, Sparkle. In fact, I’d say she’s doing pretty amazing right now. She’s just higher than her sun. Give her a minute or two and it will mostly wear off. Mostly. She should at least be coherent for the fun part.”
  165. >One of Celestia’s legs twitched as she lay on the ground.
  167. “Speaking of fun, let’s all go to meet our last player. I’ve heard she likes long walks on the beach, moonlit dinners, and crushing her enemies. Is that correct?”
  168. >A few changelings laugh, but none of the ponies.
  169. >Luna’s only response to you is a hateful stare.
  170. >You trot over with the final orb out of sight, careful to stay just out of reach of the chained mare.
  171. >As expected, she lunges; falling inches short of goring you.
  172. “Well that’s not very nice. I suppose getting you to open wide is out of the question?”
  173. >“MN. HN.”
  174. “Really? There? I mean it would work, but I had no idea a pony of your standing was into that kind of stuff. Especially in front of everypony like this.”
  175. >A look of confusion overtook Luna’s face.
  176. >“HMN MPH?”
  177. “If you say so.”
  178. >Her eyes shot open as you rammed the hidden globe of love straight up her ponut, keeping your magical grip on it nice and tight until it was deep inside.
  179. “NMH HN RMNH!”
  181. >With step one complete, all that was left to do now was sit back and enjoy the show.
  182. >You turned back to the captive audience, making sure to give a taunting wiggle of your bum at Luna while doing so.
  183. “So we’ve already seen one love balloon splatter apart, who here is up for more? The answer had better be everypony, because that’s what you’re all going to get. I can’t wait to see how everypony develops. Can any of you?”
  184. >The others were reacting much more like you had expected. Reactions to love always took a little while to get rolling.
  185. >You’re glad to see that the instant ballooning from Cadence was just her and not all alicorns.
  186. >After all you’ve never popped one of those before.
  187. >It wouldn’t have made nearly a good enough show for your new subjects had that been the case.
  188. >Any second now things should get going.
  189. >Any second…
  190. >Pbpbpt.
  191. >That was not the sound you had expected to hear.
  193. >Looking back to its source you see a blushing Luna with her ears flattened.
  194. >For how loud and public that was you can certainly understand the shame.
  195. “Luna, I know you’ve been gone for a long time, but you could at least pretend to be civilized.
  196. >Another fart sounded and she shrank into herself in embarrassment now that every eye in the square was on her.
  197. >This time, having been looking at her you caught a glimpse of luminescent silver emerging behind her.
  198. “Ha! It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a gassy one. Always loud, those. Before and after. Still, let me save at least a shred of your dignity. Besides, it would take forever to fill you if you keep leaking.”
  199. >Trotting around behind the gassy princess, you cough up another glob of changeling goop and paint it on her rear with a burst from your jagged horn.
  200. >It smacks wetly against Luna’s moon, hardening and sealing the exit.
  201. “In this particular case I’m thinking it’ll be ‘better in than out.’ Of course it’s going to be getting out anyway eventually, I suppose.”
  202. >The midnight princesses’s stomach lets out an angry growl in response, causing her to look down at herself in worry.
  203. “Normally, I’d poke you in the belly, but I have the feeling I wouldn’t be getting the hoof back if I did that.”
  205. “Who’ll be next, then?”
  206. >As if on cue, Twilight lets out a soft squelch and a whimper.
  207. >Slowly you can see her tight little tummy develop the slightest paunch as she addresses you.
  208. >Her face may look angry, but her eyes are telling you something altogether different.
  209. >“Why did you have to make it feel so good? I know I’m going to burst like Cadence, but I feel so… so alive.”
  210. “As I said, my soon to be not-so-little pony, its different for everypony. You’re the one making it feel good, not me.”
  211. >“But I don’t want it to! I’m going to explode! THIS SHOULD NOT BE MAKING ME HAPPY!”
  212. >Her little outburst is accompanied by the cutest stomp of her hoovsies.
  213. “Love does funny things to the brain sometimes, doesn’t it?”
  214. >“Yeah…”
  215. >A smile flittered across her face before she forcefully drove it off with an exaggerated frown.
  216. >“Stop it!”
  217. “I’m sure the feeling will go away on its own eventually. Judging by that potbelly of yours, probably in about five to ten minutes.”
  218. >“thisiswrongthisiswrongthisiswrongthisiswrongthisiswrong”
  219. >You left the purple mare to her own mutterings and turned to check on Celestia.
  221. >The lazy whorse was still laying on her side, but at least her eyes were starting to move and focus again.
  222. “Feeling any better? Need a bit more love for a pick-me-up?”
  223. >Celestia shook her head, and tried to rise. She stumbled more than once eventually falling back down in a pile of noodley limbs, muscles numbed from the inhalation of love.
  224. >“I don’t… the mango… what did… Chrysalis?”
  225. >You poke her softly on her slightly protruding udder, squishing in a bit and eliciting a squirm.
  226. “See, this is why you shouldn’t drink so much Celestia. You’re absolutely useless the next morning.”
  227. >You could almost watch the laughably stuck gears in her head grind as she tried to parse what you said.
  228. >Her eyes kept locking onto yours before drifting off in a random direction, only to be reset with a head shake and a scrunch.
  229. >”I… what?”
  230. >You turn towards Luna with a smirk.
  231. “Is this a regular thing with her? Have you ever talked about it? I feel like, as a sister, you could help her with her problem.”
  232. >”I do not… have a… have a… drinking problem.
  233. “Finally coming around, then? Wonderful! We can finally get this show going for all the anxious little ponies out there.”
  234. >”Show?”
  235. >You gesture a hoof towards Twilight Sparkle.
  236. >The purple alicorn is staring blindly forward, muzzle scrunched in concentration.
  237. >After a second or two watching, her hips wiggle ever so slightly before she regains focus.
  238. >Below her, a pudgy pot belly hangs away, still wobbling lightly from the wiggle.
  239. >Her flanks, too, have grown a bit fuller.
  241. “Come now Celestia, I’m sure you can remember why you’re here. And why I’m covered in Estratto di Cadenza.”
  242. >“Cadenza? I don’t…”
  243. >Celestia’s eyes broadened slowly as you watched her piece together the fuzzy memories.
  244. “All coming back to you?”
  245. >Celestia cast a worried glance at her sister and protégé, before looking down at herself.
  246. >Even with her head still cloudy, she checked on the others first. Quaint. Weak.
  247. >“You’re despicable. You know that, right?”
  248. “I’d gathered.”
  249. >A rumbling grumble from Luna’s belly punctuated your words.
  250. “I do tend to hear that from time to time. Usually not for very long, though. Until you start to get bubbling, I believe I’m going to spend some quality time with our dear friend Twilight Sparkle.”
  251. >“Don’t you dare hurt her.”
  252. “Where would the fun in that be? I’m just going to make sure she’s comfortable. After all, it doesn’t look like she’s enjoying herself as well as she could be.”
  253. >Sure enough, Twilight was still trying her hardest to ignore the love’s effects.
  254. >A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead as she struggled to keep her concentration.
  255. >Her scrunchy frown and blind stare was betrayed by increasingly common twitches from her rear.
  256. “Hope you enjoy the view, sunny buns.”
  257. >You give the love-addled mare one last poke in the belly before leaving to visit the purple one.
  259. >Twilight doesn’t even notice you as you approach, she’s too lost in her losing battle.
  260. >Deciding to play with her, you sneak alongside, eyes gliding happily over her chubby belly and flanks.
  261. >You move you mouth inches away from her ear before you whisper into it, making sure to speak as warm and breathily as possible against her face.
  262. “How about a little company from a friend?”
  263. >As soon as the words leave your lips, you lance your long tongue out and loop it around her ear, tip nestled inside salaciously.
  264. >Twilight recoils from you in fright and causing her ear to slip through your grip, your tongue-tip tracing a line of saliva up the inside of her ear.
  265. >Her cry of surprise rapidly shifts into one of need, before she cuts it off.
  266. >Better than planned.
  267. >”N-NO. Not f-from you!”
  268. “Who then?”
  269. >In a pulse of green flame you change yourself into a mirror of Celestia.
  270. >”NO!”
  271. >Then Rarity.
  272. >“NO!”
  273. >Rainbow Dash.
  274. >“No!”
  275. >Spike.
  276. >“No!”
  277. >Shining Armor.
  278. >“No.”
  279. >Cadence.
  280. >”No.”
  281. >Pinkie Pie.
  282. >”no.”
  283. >Applejack.
  284. >”no.”
  285. >Fluttershy.
  286. >“pleasestoppleasestoppleasestoppleasestoppleasestoppleasestop”
  287. >Chrysalis.
  288. >Leaning back down to the shaking mare, you whisper again into her ear.
  289. “You remember what I told you about saying no to a queen, don’t you?”
  290. >Her only response was a lustful squeak.
  291. “Good Girl.”
  293. >You slowly reposition behind her, Twilight’s eyes tracking you; half in fear, half in need.
  294. >A smile slowly splits on your face as you come to stop behind the alicorn, she looks back at you warily.
  295. >From behind her, you can see every tiny suppressed twitch of her marehood.
  296. >A patch of wetness glistened on her lips, widening your fanged grin.
  297. >You rise on your hind legs and place a hoof on either cutiemark.
  298. >“Please… Stop.”
  299. >Twilight’s flanks had grown much wider from the love bubbling inside her, easily doubling her old thickness at the rear.
  300. >You kneed into them, drawing a short whimper from the emotionally conflicted princess.
  301. “Please…”
  302. >Without warning you draw a hoof back and slap hard into her flank, sending a ripple rolling through both cheeks and setting her belly wobbling.
  303. >Twilight’s knees nearly buckled
  304. >”Oooooh! YES! No! Ahn!”
  305. >Twilight’s mental focus finally gave out, her slit winking at you in lustful need. The twitching in her hips releases her first full buck in your hooves grasp.
  306. “That’s more like it, I guess the throttle was just stuck closed.”
  307. >Another slap sent her jiggling. A red print starting to blossom on her Cutiemark.
  308. >”PLEASE, MORE! MMMM- YES!”
  309. >Now that she’d finally given into it, the love gurgling and growing inside her flanks and belly roared with renewed vigor.
  310. >The slow march accelerated, swelling her out a couple millimeters with every heartbeat and shuddered intake of air.
  311. >You cast a smug glance toward the watching princesses as you grasp her growing butt firmly and start to lower your head.
  312. >“Please…”
  314. >Now the real fun starts.
  315. >Your serpentine tongue slides out from between your fangs, the twin tips expertly tracing the opening of the swelling mare.
  316. >Immediately she shudders under your hooves.
  317. >“mmmmm-yes.”
  318. >Over and over you lap the slit, until you suddenly twist your tongue around her winking button, wrapping it entirely.
  319. >“Ooh!”
  320. >Twilight clamps tight and squelches, her retreating clit pulling your tongue ever-so-slightly inside her.
  321. >Simultaneously her flanks and belly swell out a full inch, fueled by her raw lust.
  322. >When she opens again you flick your tongue inside her deftly, lashing it wildly and deeply against her walls.
  323. >The mare’s legs finally give out, collapsing her onto her now beachball sized middle.
  324. >You let your tongue line out of the wet passage as she falls, hanging loosely before sliding back into your mouth.
  325. >“Please go deeper! Fuck me, I don’t care if I pop! Just fuck me!”
  326. >The way Twilight fell to her belly left her ass end up, presenting you with a lovely slice of purple pie.
  327. >Her tail raised and swung to the side on instinct, body still bloating at a slow but visible rate.
  328. “Now you’re getting into the flow of things. You’re a quick study! I can see why Celestia wanted you as a student. Lets move on to the next lesson.”
  329. >You widened your hip’s stance and flexed your favorite abdominal muscles.
  330. >The foreboding squelch never gets old, though most of the mares that hear it are quite a bit less willing.
  331. >Behind you you feel your own folds flex and distort, as you prepare a surprise for the bloating mare below you.
  332. >Inch by inch your ovipositor slides into place.
  334. >Engorged, green, and above all else, thick, your new equipment settles into position and then curls below you, your walls tightening around it to keep it rooted.
  335. >A green drop of lubricant drips from the tip, not that you’ll need it.
  336. >There was already enough of that on today’s egg-sack.
  337. >Slowly, you reposition over the expanding and lusty princess, mounting her and leaving your ovipositor nestled between her plushy round cheeks.
  338. “Today’s lesson will be on love-lust interactions.”
  339. >You slide your ovipositor down, tracing the tip through the very edge of her folds.
  340. “There’s a quiz at the end, so pay attention.”
  341. >Again, you taunt her with the tip, drawing a whimper from the desiring mare.
  342. “You won’t like failing the quiz.”
  343. >For a third time you slide yourself along her edges.
  344. >This time Twilight tries to buck backwards onto you, her belly holding her in place, whole body jiggling with the movement.
  345. “You won’t like passing the quiz, either.”
  346. >Finally you thrust into her, eliciting a loud moaning ‘yes.’
  347. >Instantly, he whole body surges outward, an inch of sloshy love padding on to her form in a flash.
  348. >Ever so slowly you draw your shaft back out of her.
  349. >When only the tip remains, you slam hard and deep.
  350. >Twilight Sparkle’s body ripples below you, and balloons again with fresh love.
  352. >Again and again you withdraw and thrust, each thrust filling her out more and more in billowing love.
  353. >Each plunge into her was like cycling a pump, bloating out her already massive flank and belly over the course of the stroke.
  354. >It wasn’t long before the moaning, senseless mare began to lift you off the ground.
  355. >You groaned in pleasure, shifting your weight to better mount the mare suspending you.
  356. >If the princess was speaking between her moans and gasps, you couldn’t understand a word of it.
  357. >Still you pumped into the sloshing pony below you, the ripples washing through her massaging your skin in the most wonderful way.
  358. >You knew it had to end soon, though, and already saw the signs starting.
  359. >Each trust brought less jiggle, a sure sign of a near-capacity pony.
  360. >She had gotten huge under your encouragement, though.
  361. >Easily as big as Cadence, which was made all the more impressive in that it was mostly in her belly, flanks, and thighs.
  362. >Though that isn’t to say the rest of her hadn’t blimped out nicely.
  363. >Giving one last thrust into the mare, you halted your grinding hips and withdrew fully.
  364. >She only trembled and sloshed for a second or two before laying still.
  365. >You knew she was close to bursting.
  366. >Five or six more thrusts would have done it.
  367. >But where’s the fun in it all if you can’t play with her first?
  368. >Your horn lit, spreading your voice amplification cantrip onto Twilight.
  369. >You wanted your news subjects to hear every word.
  371. “It’s time for your quiz, my faithful student.”
  372. >You matched your cant as closely as you could to Celestia, knowing she was watching.
  373. >“Ah, more! Please don’t stop! I need more!”
  374. >Twilight Sparkle’s voice rang out loud and clear to the whole crowd.
  375. “You’ll get more, my faithful student. Every question has a reward. Get an A+ and I’ll give you something extra special. Get anything else and I won’t touch you again until you pop. Got it?”
  376. >“Yes, Please! I need it so bad!”
  377. “Good. First question.”
  378. >You set your tip against her, and she bucked in an attempt to force it in. All she did was wobble.
  379. “Who’s nothing but a sack of love, more fit to be fucked and burst apart than rule?”
  380. >”Me! I AM!”
  381. “Good girl.”
  382. You slid your ovipositor back into place, and thrusted once.
  383. >She moaned and bloated, skin drawing tight as she ballooned.
  384. “Second question.”
  385. >You slowly drew back out of her, leaving yourself pressing lightly against her entrance once more.
  386. “Who IS fit to rule?”
  387. >“YOU! Chrysalis! You are! Please don’t stop!”
  388. >You dove deep inside her again, this time drawing a gasping scream of pleasure from the purple blob of a princess.
  389. >This time she barely grew, the love glorping and groaning below you as it tried to find space inside her.
  390. >You could hear her very hide starting to creak, and to your pleasure, you could see reddening patches of it starting to form at her edges.
  391. “A fine answer, my faithful student. I would have also accepted ‘A queen.’”
  392. >For a second time, you slowly withdrew, leaving yourself at her precipice.
  393. “Last question, my faithful student. Get it right and you’ll get a reward, fail…”
  394. >Your tip dipped ever-so-slightly into her fold, starting her love-packed body creaking.
  395. “Fail and I won’t touch you ever again.”
  396. >You withdrew and the creaking abated, but never fully left.
  398. “Final Question. What do you never say to your queen?”
  399. >“I… I… Don’t…”
  400. “Come now Twilight Sparkle. If there’s one thing you can do, apart from splattering, it’s pass tests.”
  401. >“But… I need…”
  402. >Underneath you, Twilight calmed for a second as her fear of failure briefly overrode her blind lust.
  403. >”No. Never say no…”
  404. “Perfect! An A+! I knew you could do it, my faithful student.”
  405. >“yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes- ooooooooh!”
  406. >For a third time your thick ovipositor slammed into her, and you felt her tremble with pressure and pleasure beneath you.
  407. >She didn’t jiggle.
  408. >The creaking returned in full force, and her body only grew outward by less than half an inch.
  409. >The redness in her hide spread as she wailed loudly for all to hear.
  410. >Unlike before, you didn’t withdraw, instead hilting against her and flaring the tip of your shaft.
  411. “It’s time for your reward, faithful student.”
  412. >The muscles in your abdomen flexed again as you sent six eggs into the base of your shaft.
  413. >The pleasure rolled your eyes back, and drew a long husky groan.
  414. >They slid along, bulging you out before sliding one at a time into Twilight.
  415. >As they traveled down your shaft and into her womb, they stretched and widened her.
  416. >Every second they teased her walls, she kept bloating larger with lust-fed love.
  417. >She ground her hips against your own, desperate to keep your rod as deep inside as she could.
  419. >The groans and creaks were amplified by your spell, echoing ominously over the terrified audience.
  420. >Soon the first egg reached the end of your shaft, dropping into her compressed womb with a plunk.
  421. >She swelled, briefly growing out an eighth of an inch, before her hide’s remaining elasticity drew her back down in size.
  422. >She was truly at the limit, and could grow no larger.
  423. >The second egg followed.
  424. >Again she bloated up only to squeeze back down, this time a quarter inch.
  425. >The mare whimpered.
  426. >Half an inch.
  427. >Twilight screamed.
  428. >Three-quarters of an inch.
  429. >Lungs squeezed empty from the scream and the pressure, Twilight drew in a short and shallow gasp of air as she shrunk back down.
  430. >Seven-eighths of an inch.
  431. >She shrank right back down, taking wild and shallow breaths as deeply as they could fit inside her love-crammed body.
  432. >The sixth egg dropped into her, and again she pulsed outward.
  433. >This time it didn’t stop.
  434. >The Princess of Friendship let out a rapturous scream below you, twitching on your rod.
  435. >The growth slowed as she neared an inch, crawling to a pitiable creep outward until her elasticity finally gave.
  436. >She swelled another two inches around in an instant, before splitting and tearing open all over her swollen form.
  437. >Twilight Sparkle gushed like a ruptured water balloon below you, becoming a wide wash of liquid love and purple tatters with a final spasm of her hips against your own.
  439. >Flaring your wings, you landed with a wet clop in the puddle of Twilight’s love.
  440. >That was certainly refreshing.
  441. >You’d hoped one of the princesses would be ‘usable’ at some point in the demonstration, and the hope certainly paid off.
  442. >Seeing a princess submit to you had likely done wonders for getting your new subjects to accept your rule.
  443. >If not, well, as Twilight had so kindly told them all: they don’t get to say ‘no.’
  444. >Walking through the light blue splash left by twilight, you stop at the front of the stage.
  445. “I hope you’ve all learned a lot from that lecture. If any of you little ponies have any questions, I can certainly take the time to provide a more ‘hooves-on’ remedial course.”
  446. >You clenched yourself repeatedly, drawing in your loosely hanging ovipositor inch by inch.
  447. “And while I’m thinking about it, I’d like some of you to be volunteered for broodmare duty. I can always use more egg-sacks. I’ll make a bigger announcement later. For now, lets get back to the main event. We’ve still got a big day, and night, ahead of us.”
  448. >You turned your focus away from your subjects, and back to the two elder sisters for the first time since you started your fun with Twilight.
  449. >They’d certainly been doing some growing of their own.
  450. >Luna’s entire barrel was rounded out with trapped gas.
  451. >She still stared at you with a deep hatred, but you could see the fear.
  452. >A rumbling growl tore through her, and you relished watching her stumble to a knee.
  454. >Celestia was much more disappointing.
  455. >The mare still lay where she collapsed, and a tear was running down her cheek.
  456. >It may have had a twin, but her other eye was lost in her hair as always.
  457. >Her growth was pathetic compared to her sister.
  458. >Celestia’s belly had edged outward, but only slightly.
  459. >She’d gained only an inch of plush, at most.
  460. >The only thing even remotely notable were her teats.
  461. >They were full and round, bloated to the size of grapefruits.
  462. >She had the most deliciously hopeless look in her eye as you walked over.
  463. “Cheer up, sunny buns. You got to see her smiling all the way to the splashy end. Or, was that the problem? Would you rather have had my view?”
  464. >“You’re heartless. Absolute evil. Twilight… Twilight had nothing to do with this.”
  465. “Maybe she did, maybe not. Maybe I just wanted to see you squirm more, Celestia.”
  466. >“You didn’t have to humiliate her in front of our subjects like that…”
  467. “MY subjects. And I suppose I didn’t. But I wanted to. Just like I don’t have to play with your sister, but I will anyway.”
  468. >“Monster.”
  469. >The comment brings a smile to your face.
  470. “I prefer ‘fiend.’ How about you just sit there and ripen on that steel vine of yours for a little while longer. Promise me you’ll be nice and juicy by the time I come back from little Lulu.”
  471. >You step over Celestia and her weak protests, moving forward towards Luna’s bloated self.
  473. >“Mrphnmr.”
  474. >Luna tries and fails to speak through her muffle.
  475. >The rage in her stifled words was lessened this time, perhaps tempered by a drop or two of acceptance.
  476. “You’re looking particularly stretchy today.”
  477. >The deep blue alicorn had rounded out nicely, her middle looking like she had swallowed a tire.
  478. >“Nmh— RN!”
  479. >A deep gurgling groan roiled out from inside her, cutting her off with a hard wince.
  480. >The dark belly crept ever outward at an invisible pace, the rumble shaking it slightly.
  481. “Come now, Princess. Don’t hold it in, you could really hurt yourself like that.”
  482. >“Mrph nm.”
  483. “Why do you even bother at this point? You know nothing’s going to come out.”
  484. >Gurgle.
  485. “From either end, I suppose. Still, both you and your sister are growing so dreadfully slowly. I thought you’d have more love for your subjects inside you than this pitiful sum. I hadn’t planned on an intermission, so maybe we can speed things up a bit for you.”
  486. >Leveling your horn menacingly at Luna’s swollen abdomen, you charged your magic for a favorite party trick of yours.
  487. >A green aura of magic seeped into the princess, fading everywhere but her rear.
  488. >“Mphrn rnm-drm.”
  489. “Give it a second.”
  490. >“Gn— MRPH!”
  491. >Luna jumped forward, eyes wide with surprise as she felt something penetrate her from behind.
  493. >She stumbled forward until she reached the end of her chain, attempting to move away from the feeling pushing its way deeper and deeper into her.
  494. >From your perspective, you could see the rather long spectral pony-cock making its first lengthy thrust.
  495. >The spell had anchored it to her flanks, and it expertly matched every twist and shake Luna tried to remove it with.
  496. >So far it had slipped three or four inches inside her, with another forty trailing out behind.
  497. “Let’s see how deep we can go, eh? I’ve had the whole thing myself, but most ponies don’t make it that far. You aren’t most ponies though, are you”
  498. >“MRMN!”
  499. >Luna collapsed to her knees as the ghostly member passed the ten inch mark.
  500. >She dripped moisture from her opening.
  501. >Finally the spell had bottomed out in her, Luna sighing in relief and a touch of lust.
  502. >Then it kept pushing.
  503. >”NRK!”
  504. >The wide flat head pressed against the opening to Luna’s womb and forced it apart, sliding deeper into her than anything she’d ever experienced.
  505. >The new sensation sent a shiver down her spine, and her stomach let out another angry gurgle.
  506. >This time her stomach visibly ballooned, swelling outward with gaseous love.
  507. “That’s more like it. Only two-thirds to go.”
  508. >At the mention of how much was left, Luna let out panicked breaths and tried to see the rod behind her.
  509. >She couldn’t see passed the wide ballooning of her middle.
  511. >The ghostly dick bottomed out again, this time against the ceiling of her very womb.
  512. >And it was still pushing.
  513. >Luna squirmed her rear, trying to throw off the spell’s effects again.
  514. >Erotic pains spiked out within her as she started to stretch.
  515. >She blushed hard, leaking even more wetness from her marehood.
  516. >With it came new rumbles inside her, and she inflated faster than before.
  517. “I thought you might like that. Just wait till the end, it only gets better.”
  518. >Half the cock was inside her, stretching her in ways she never thought possible.
  519. >Inch by inch by inch it slid in, Luna’s eyes rolling back and turning white as she was overcome by the sensation.
  520. >You watched with pleasure as twitched and spasmed her hips, insides squirming and being pushed apart from the rod.
  521. >Just as the princess let out a long muffled yell, it stopped.
  522. >Eight inches or so of the cock still protruded.
  523. “Shame. I thought a big pony like you could take more.”
  524. >Luna’s only response was a gurgle in her throat.
  525. >You let her sit like that for a moment, twitching and bloating.
  526. >She was stuffed like she’d never been filled before.
  527. >A drop of moisture pooled on your own lower lips as you thought about using the spell on yourself.
  528. >But now isn’t the time for that.
  529. >You leaned down towards the mare and whisper in her ear.
  530. “Get comfy, the ride is about to start.”
  531. >You peel off the improvised gag as you step away.
  532. >Immediately, her freed tongue lolled out.
  533. >The broken mare can only gurgle as her eyes roll deeper into her skull.
  535. >Content with how she’s reacted so far, you push the spell along.
  536. >Luna’s rear glows green again, the horsecock inside her pulsing brightly.
  537. >It widened.
  538. >First doubling, then tripling in girth.
  539. >Unprepared, the princess’s legs fully gave out and she bounced lightly like a ball against the stage.
  540. >“Ooooh…”
  541. >Luna was inflating in earnest now, having rounded out into a dark blue ball with legs.
  542. >And those legs were rapidly vanishing.
  543. >Sensations like nothing she’d ever felt flooded her, driving any remaining coherent thought from her mind and sparking an intense rolling orgasm.
  544. >The defiled alicorn twitched and flexed herself, subconscious mind reveling in the way it made the rod impaling her twist her insides.
  545. >It wasn’t long before creaks and groans started to be heard from her swelling self, adding to the gurgles coming from her throat.
  546. >Then the pulsing started.
  547. >The fake cock widened by half-again its new girth, then shrunk down only to grow again.
  548. >Luna semi-consciously thrashed her head as the feeling sparked new fires inside her.
  549. >Rather suddenly, something strange happened to the creaking, groaning mare.
  550. >One of her throes sent her bouncing into the air, lingering for a second before drifting back down slower than she should have.
  551. >She was starting to become buoyant from the love.
  552. “Hah! You really are ballooning, aren’t you? Any more an you might just float off.”
  553. >You punctuate your words with a light kick to her poofy form, sending her bouncing until she reached the end of her chain.
  554. >As her round body grew, each jerk from the orgasming mare bounced her higher and higher.
  555. >Each descent took longer than the last.
  556. >Eventually, she didn’t come down at all.
  558. >Unburdened by gravity, Luna’s spherical body floated up, lifting her heavy chain link by link in a series of clinks until it pulled taut.
  559. >She gurgled and blurbled mindlessly as she lazily twisted in the air, pleasureful spasms wracking her body.
  560. “I suppose we don’t really need the anchor anymore, do we?”
  561. >With a blast of emerald magic you shot it off at the base, leaving Luna to drift.
  562. “Bon voyage, Balloona. Next stop, Moon Harbour.”
  563. >The creaking sphere of a pony rose into the air, drifting away slowly as she bulged out on all sides.
  564. “And a parting gift, your highness.”
  565. >Your horn glowed again as you set the cock inside her into motion, pistoning in and out of her a foot a second.
  566. >A fanged smile lit up your face as you saw her start to rise faster, the creaks and groans audible from the ground.
  567. >Not long now.
  568. >Even her head had been consumed by her growing body, leaving only the tip of her muzzle peeking out from the fold of inflated flesh.
  569. >She was just a big midnight-blue ball, her now massive cutiemarks and trailing starry tail were were only distinguishable features.
  570. >A new deep groan echoed over the stunned crowd, followed by the unique creaking sound of rubber stretched to it’s limit.
  571. >Luna’s flight upwards juked for a moment as a loud thunk resonated from her, bellybutton popping out in a desperate attempt to relieve pressure.
  573. >She creaked again, still being steadily fucked by the colossal rod pistoning inside her.
  574. >Between the fucking and the pressure, the Princess of the Night had completely lost her mind.
  575. >Drops of mare-cum glistened in the sun as they fell down to the crowd below.
  576. >Princess Luna spun aimlessly in her assent, body twisting and turning.
  577. >Even as far away as she was, you could plainly see the pressure inside.
  578. >A rosy red began to spread from her sprung out navel.
  579. >Each pump of the ghostly green cock spread it further.
  580. >Deep and dark lines stretched across her, the spaces between them bulging out more and more.
  581. >They groaned and creaked as her body desperately tried to hold its self together, her whole body becoming an obscene orchestra of stretching rubber.
  582. >The creaks grew shorter, becoming bursts of staccato taps and squeaks.
  583. >The tension peaked to absolute maximum.
  584. >Your spell continued, sliding three feet of pleasure into her for one last time.
  585. >One low groan resonated high above the city square, Luna’s spherical form quaking at the edges.
  586. >BANG!
  587. >The alicorn burst into sparkling motes of silver, blasting apart like a silver palm firework shell.
  588. >Midnight ribbons and tatters drifted back down to earth amidst the cloud of starry love.
  590. >CLANK.
  591. >The chain and manacle that had once held Luna crashed down to earth.
  592. >You probably should have seen that coming.
  593. >The pony it landed on REALY should have seen that coming.
  594. >He looks out cold. Or maybe just dead.
  595. >Doesn’t really matter.
  596. >Waiting and watching to build tension, your eyes resume tracing the dark blue shreds as they descended.
  597. >You spoke out as the rubbery tatters of Princess Luna finally started to reach the audience.
  598. “Quite the moonrise, wasn’t it? Go ahead, take a piece home. Frame it. Remember it. I’ll even sign one if you ask. ‘For my favorite subject. XOXO-splat, Queen Chrysalis.’”
  599. >Stepping back, you turn to Celestia.
  600. >She’d picked up speed while you were putting on a show with her now exploded sister.
  601. >Celestia rested on her growing belly, legs raised and spread wide.
  602. >You might have spent a little too much time with Luna, seeing as how taut the last mare was looking.
  603. >With delight you noted that her breasts had kept growing, a rare thing.
  604. >They hung off of her heavy and rounded, easily the size of large pumpkins.
  605. “Now that’s more like it sunny. I guess you just needed a bit more time.”
  606. >Celestia’s large belly already showed signs of strain, its sides visibly drawn and taut.
  607. >“Please, just get it over with. We both know how this will end, Chrysalis.”
  608. “What, giving up? That’s not like you, Celestia. Or, did you just want to skip your last chance at having fun? No, if you’re going to burst in front of these ponies, you’re going to do it on my terms.”
  609. >“But-“
  610. “No buts. You wanted to pop, well lets get started then.”
  612. >You trot behind the princess, and get a full view.
  613. >Raised and spread eagle as she was on top of her belly, you have a wonderful head-level view of her marehood.
  614. >Hanging and bulging below it are her love-engorged breasts, jutting outward from the curvature of her lower belly.
  615. >Celestia’s light grey nipples protrude towards you enticingly.
  616. >Pressing a hoof into the top of both breasts, you lean forward and take a slow lick up Celestia’s slice of sunlight.
  617. >She squirms under the new pressure on her full breasts and your deft tongue.
  618. >Satisfied with the stroke, you step down and focus on one of her enormous teats.
  619. “You know, I’ve only had two mare’s before you grow udders this large.”
  620. >Lifting the left one, you heaved it up and let it fall back with a slap.
  621. >It jiggled and sent the right into motion.
  622. “The first one popped when I did that. The second one popped when I did this.”
  623. >Celestia’s body tenses in front of you, bracing.
  624. >You casually place your tongue a couple inches away from her left nipple.
  625. >Slowly you trace around her stretched areola.
  626. >Celestia squirms above you.
  627. >After five or six laps, you change sides.
  628. >Already, you can see the desired effect starting.
  629. >Soon you feel her burgeoning titflesh rise to meet your lips.
  631. >Satisfied, you switch back to the left teat, swirling your tongue in tighter and tighter circles.
  632. >When you reach the central nub, you wrap it up in your in-equine tongue and suck it into your waiting lips.
  633. >You’re sure to nip her breast ever so slightly with your fangs as you close your mouth.
  634. >You suck, hoof massaging the underside of the massive growing breast.
  635. >After a few moments of suckling, your mouth is finally greeted by a wash of fresh love.
  636. >It tastes of thick buttermilk and honey, with a touch of cinnamon and allspice.
  637. >Drawing back you lick drops from your lips as you watch the golden dribble of love leak from her nipple.
  638. “What ever you do, Celestia, don’t lay off the sweets. I’ve never tasted love quite so fatty.”
  639. >Shame and arousal mixed evenly in her voice when she replied.
  640. >“Please, don’t…”
  641. >With another sensuous lick, you draw her other nipple into your mouth.
  642. >“Oooh. Stop…”
  643. >Finally you drew out the love in her other breast, drinking deeply from it.
  644. >This time when you pulled away, the increasing flow from both nipples left creamy-gold trails down her breasts.
  646. >Content with your work, you jabbed a hoof inbetween them, and into Celestia’s lower belly.
  647. >She grunted as you sharply adjusted the pressure inside.
  648. “Lets see just how big we can make those milk-bags, shall we?”
  649. >Repositioning, you set your muzzle against her pussy, masterfully massaging it with your tongue and lips.
  650. >She may not be willing to admit it, but your work was certainly having the desired effect.
  651. >A gurgling groan emitted from Celestia’s cushion of a belly as it tightened further.
  652. >The flow from her nipples increased, as her already prodigious breasts swelled larger.
  653. >Satisfied by the growth, you pulled back.
  654. >Small arcs of golden love arced and sprayed away from her teats, with one large gush coming from the center.
  655. >Unable to resist, you take another long suckle of the wonderfully flavored love.
  656. >While you drink a thought crosses your mind, one you can’t just let go.
  657. >Releasing the nipple with a satisfied sigh and a belly full of love, you walk around to the front of the bloated princess.
  658. “You really do have a gift, Celestia. You taste beyond amazing.”
  659. >Wiping up some of the pooling love, you shove your hoof into her mouth to give her a taste.
  660. “It would be a shame if you never shared it with anypony.”
  661. >”Oh no.”
  662. “It’s pretty pure, too.”
  663. >“Anything but that…”
  664. “Might not be the healthiest thing for them…”
  665. >”Please. Don’t.”
  667. >Turning away from the protesting alicorn, you scan the audience.
  668. “I’m going to need a volunteer for this part. Somepony li~ke… You! With the ugly sweater and stupid glasses! Drones, bring her up.”
  669. >The terrified read-headed cream mare is dumped unceremoniously onto your stage.
  670. >Lifting her back up in your magic you drop her onto her hooves.
  671. “Thank you for volunteering. Would you mind telling me your name, my little subject?”
  672. >The terrified mare didn’t respond.
  673. >She looked torn between trying to run and trying to will herself out of existence.
  674. >Catching her cutiemark, you decided to just go with that.
  675. “Moony. Why don’t you take a step up to your princess and take a nice long drink?”
  676. >Her trembling knees flex as she bolts with a squeak, trying to dive off stage.
  677. >You catch her in your magic and draw her back in, setting her back down with a clop.
  678. “Let me rephrase that.”
  679. >Your horn and eyes light up into a verdant green, her eyes joining them.
  680. “Moony. Why don’t you take a step up to your princess and take a nice long drink?”
  681. >Behind you Celestia speaks up.
  682. >“Please, just let her go!”
  683. >You ignore her.
  684. >The mare mechanically shuffles her way across the wooden decking, latching on to one of Celestia’s leaking nipples with a walleyed stare.
  686. >“Please! Spit it out! Don’t- Oooh, don’t drink it.”
  687. >The love saturating Celestia shaded her mind, making her feel pleasure from the pony she knew she was dooming.
  688. >Gulp after gulp slid down your frumpy-looking volunteer’s throat, trails of the princess’s creamy love leaking from the corners of her mouth.
  689. >The more she drank, the more Celestia was overcome with the sensation.
  690. >Creaks sounded as her breasts stretched tighter and fuller, the exposed nipple spurting love even faster than before.
  691. >Moony was certainly starting to look worse for wear.
  692. >She’d started bloating, potbelly hanging low in a similar way to how Twilight’s had.
  693. >Celestia’s love was certainly as strong as it tasted.
  694. “Keep up the good work, moony.”
  695. >Walking around to Celestia’s side, you sat down on your haunches.
  696. “Lets see how the rest of you is progressing, hmm?”
  697. >Leaning against her side, you rest your ear against her massive taut stomach.
  698. >Light gurgles could be heard as the new love formed and bubbled inside her.
  699. >Pressing a hoof firmly into her tense sphere, you heard a sudden glorp inside as love shifted around the intrusion.
  700. >Celestia whimpered in response, and the patter of love falling out of her nipple picked up for a moment.
  701. >“Please, Chrysalis, that hurt.”
  702. “I suppose I could help you out with that…”
  703. >Laying as you were, with the side of your face on her belly, you nuzzled into it.
  704. >Opening your mouth, you pressed a fang just deep enough for her to know what you were doing.
  705. >Celestia gasped, and her eyes shot wide as she stared into your own.
  706. >“No!”
  708. “Relax, I’m only teasing. You need to lighten up, Princess. Would it kill you to have more fun with this?”
  709. >“Yes. Yes it probably w- ah, probably would.”
  710. “Poor phrasing on my part, I suppose. But still, you could stand to relax a bit. You’re practically one big ball of tension.”
  711. >You lay your head back on her swell, and rubbed both hooves on Celestia in slow kneeding circles.
  712. >Gurgles and burbles rose to meet you.
  713. >Each kneed freed up more space, easing the stress and slackening her gravid belly’s sides.
  714. >“That feels- ah, feels better. Please, keep going.”
  715. >Soon, the tightness had faded away from her side, firm hardness replaced with swelling squishiness.
  716. >Nuzzling deep into her once more, you smiled at the way her belly warped around your cheek.
  717. >Standing, you around walked to the other side of the bloated princess.
  718. >There you worked your magic again, bringing out a plush softness in a few minutes work.
  719. >This time they were accompanied by soft moans of approval.
  720. >“Could you… Could you please do my teats? The right one feels so full…”
  721. >Celestia let out a soft gasp, no doubt remembering why there was a difference in her breasts.
  722. >She looked positively ashamed to have forgotten the pony behind her slowly growing towards her own sloppy fate.
  723. >“I’m… sorry.”
  724. >It was said more to herself than you or Moony.
  725. “Job’s not done yet Celestia, don’t worry your pretty little head. I want you as big as you can get before the end, so you’ve got to stay nice and relaxed.”
  726. >Trotting back around Celestia’s prodigious girth, you finally get eyes on Moony.
  728. >She’d certainly grown massive in the last five minutes.
  729. >Her belly squished out below her, raising her hooves a few inches off the ground.
  730. >As she was, her head was even with the nipple she suckled but she was in danger of outgrowing it soon.
  731. >If she didn’t outgrow her skin first.
  732. >Gulp. Gulp. Gulp.
  733. >Milky golden love dribbled all down her muzzle, and stained her frumpy black sweater.
  734. >The fact the sweater had held together so long was impressive in itself, though the buttons were clearly straining.
  735. >Deciding Moony had gotten more than her fill, you cut the spell on her.
  736. >Gulp. Gulp…
  737. >A deep blush immediately overcame her face as the feeling of so much love slammed into her at once.
  738. >She let out a deep gasp and a long squeaky moan, squirming her hips atop her sloshy belly.
  739. >The sweater creaked with the movements.
  740. >Gulp. Gulp. Gulp.
  741. “Let’s have a look at your less-than-little pony, Celestia.”
  742. >You bucked her hard, sending the bloated pony rolling to the side.
  743. >A spiraling trail of Celestia’s love flung from her mouth as she rolled.
  744. >Repositioning, you bucked the sloshy pony again, hooves sinking in before transferring force.
  745. >This time she rolled end over end stopping in the space between Celestia and the front of the stage.
  746. >Moony came to a stop on her back, her wet marehood pointing out towards the audience for everypony to see.
  747. >Her face was only a few feet from Celestia’s own
  748. >She locked her upside-down eyes with the princess, constrained belly still wobbling from the kick.
  749. >“OOooOoOH, Princess! It feels so GoOooOD!”
  750. >Moony’s hips bucked against her belly, keeping it sloshing.
  751. “Be sure to keep your princess entertained up there, Moony. And Celestia, just remember it was your love for her that caused this.”
  753. >Stepping back over to Celestia’s beach-ball teats, you hefted the right one.
  754. >It was slightly larger than the left, and certainly firmer.
  755. >Moony had done a pretty good job of keeping the left one milked.
  756. >You set to work evening them.
  757. >Massaging the firm breast, you drew mouthful after mouthful of warm love into your gullet.
  758. >Squeezing it gushed the flow into you, and caused Celestia to kick her dangling legs softly.
  759. >The flavor truly was phenomenal, some of the best love you’ve ever tasted.
  760. >Thick and rich with cream, while honeyed and hearthy like a warm spiced wine.
  761. >You forgot yourself in bliss, drinking far more than you had planned.
  762. >Your own green belly bloated outward as it filled, emanating a soft golden glow.
  763. >A gurgle of uncomfortable fullness broke your reverie, and your lips parted with her teat.
  764. >You should probably check on Moony.
  765. >The glowing belly below you swayed and sloshed when you walked.
  766. >Just as the cream pony came into view from around Celestia’s belly, you were greeted by a soft plink.
  767. >Unable to take the strain, one of Moony’s buttons was sent flying overhead.
  768. >Her face was flushed with sensuous emotions, and her wriggling pleasure-stuffed body kept her belly in a constant sway.
  769. >Plink.
  770. The second button gave way, springing off and away at incredible speeds.
  771. >Only one remained.
  772. >Moony gazed into Celestia’s eyes with love and happiness.
  773. >Celestia gazed back with sorrow and regret.
  775. >“Princess! I’m so full! It feels- I’m just- I love you so much, Princess!”
  776. >“I’m so sorry, my little pony, I never wanted… this… for you.”
  777. >“But it feels so right!”
  778. >Plink.
  779. >The final button was sent flying high into the air.
  780. >“Ooooh! Princess…”
  781. >Moony squirmed and bucked under the bloated globe, a creaking strip of wool holding her sweater together.
  782. >“Princess- an, Princess, I love you!”
  783. >“I, I love you too… my little pony. I love all of you.”
  784. >“Princess, before I- ooh, pop, please- ah, kiss me! I wa- ahn, want you so ba-ha-ha-d.”
  785. >Moony leaned up, blushing face straining as she tried to reach Celestia.
  786. >Stepping forward, rear up and lean heavily on Moony, digging your elbow into her full belly.
  787. >She gurgles out a ‘harder’ and cums from the increased pressure.
  788. “You’re not just going to leave her there, are you? Go ahead and send little Moony off with a farewell kiss. You’ve already filled her this far, no reason not to finish the job yourself.”
  789. >“I couldn’t.
  790. >“Please! Pop me!”
  791. >“I…”
  792. “She’s already a goner Sunny Buns, you took care of that much already. Finish what you started.”
  793. >You let the pressure off the squirming mare with a creak.
  794. >“Okay. For her.”
  795. >You smiled.
  797. >Celestia leaned her long neck down towards Moony, meeting her needy subject part-way.
  798. >Their lips locked upside down, Celestia was unsure, but Moony dove deeply into her mouth with passion.
  799. >Moony moaned into Celestia, and surged outwards.
  800. >The sweater finally shredded, flinging away from her domed belly.
  801. >Celestia too was overcome from the feeling, though she tried her best to hide it.
  802. >Together they kissed and grew, Moony much faster than Celestia.
  803. >The unicorn’s growth slowed, her wobbling dome rising well above her.
  804. >Creaks and groans filled the air once more as the precious space inside her filled to its limits.
  805. >The bucking in Moony’s hips intensified as another orgasm gripped her, more intense than the last.
  806. >The off-white bubble of love stopped growing altogether, pulsing and throbbing under the sustained kiss from her princess.
  807. >Celestia’s ears flattened in shame of what she was doing, but the blush told you not all of her hated herself right now.
  808. >Moony screamed another moan into the kiss, thrashing hard below her rock hard belly.
  809. >The unicorn suddenly gushed a flow of mare-cum, more than you’d seen in quite a while.
  810. >With it, her belly gurgled loudly before upturning her navel with a wet splat.
  811. >The climax sent her quaking and rocking.
  812. >Moony’s packed belly groaned with protests, and spurts of white love began to spring and leap from her inverted belly-button.
  813. >Celestia finally broke the kiss, looking up in horror at the shaking belly she had created.
  814. >More fine arcs of love began to spring away from it, as tiny tears opened all over the mortally distended mare.
  815. >“Celestia! I lo-!”
  816. >The minuscule tears split wide in an instant, popping the bubble of love in a wet plop.
  817. >Much like Twilight Sparkle, her watery love splashed all over the stage.
  819. >Being so close to the front, the audience was soaked to the fifth row.
  820. >But Celestia. Sweet Celestia.
  821. >She was covered.
  822. >The entire front half of the mare was painted white.
  823. >When she opened her eyes, they fell on you with a deep sadness.
  824. >“Are you happy with what you made me do?”
  825. “More than you know.”
  826. >“So you’ll end it…”
  827. “Absolutely.”
  828. >Trotting over to the sullen mare you place the tip of your jagged horn against her squishy bloated side.
  829. >Celestia’s breathing hastened, pulsing the blob of a belly in front of you.
  830. >Slowly, you jabbed inward, divoting her flesh.
  831. >Then you stopped.
  832. >“Please…”
  833. >Your horn glowed emerald, and ripple of green fire washed over Celestia’s bloated form.
  834. >You withdrew your horn, her belly springing back into it’s natural round shape.
  835. “Remember what I said earlier about honey-pot ants?”
  836. >Dread crept over Celestia’s face.
  837. >“No… Please, just pop me! Don’t leave me like this!”
  838. “That would be a waste, Celestia. You taste far too good to simply throw away.”
  839. >You pat your full and sloshy belly, drawing out a gurgle.
  840. “I’ve always wanted a love-cow.”
  841. >“This isn’t right, chrysalis.”
  842. “And I could use you to have so much fun with your subjects.”
  843. >“No, I won’t.”
  844. “You don’t get to say that word anymore, princess. Remember?”
  845. >“You can’t just burst them all and leave me! Pop me!.”
  847. “No. No you get to stay. I’ll even let you keep your sun. You raising it every day would certainly take a load off. You know, It works out to about 3 ponies worth of love just to raise it once. I’d go through a lot of ponies doing that every day. Your subjects get to live longer because of you, and I don’t have to perform your heavenly duties. I’d call that win-win.”
  848. >Celestia doesn’t respond, weighing the decision and her future.
  849. “Of course, I can even send one of your little ponies to wake you up every morning and get you ready. After all, it isn’t like I’d leave my new love-cow trapped in a dungeon somewhere. You’ll stay with me, incase I get thirsty. Or as a tasty reward for a job well done in the hive.”
  850. >“Okay, if it saves even some of them, I’ll do it.”
  851. “Splendid. Naturally, I’ll be using you to have a bit of fun with my more unruly subjects. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it in time. I’ll help guide you toward that much, at least.”
  852. >You didn’t tell her yet, but you were thinking that one out of every four or so ponies that went to wake her would do it with a long suckle and a wet splat against her backside.
  853. >That should be a fun surprise.
  854. >But for now, you had a new toy to play with.
  855. “I’m going to need two more volunteers!”
  856. >A look of horror dawned over Celestia’s face.
  857. >Today had been just perfect.

Happy and Full

by Splorch_bucket

[un]Happy and Full[er]

by Splorch_bucket

A Diplomatic visit (Ember, Gilda)

by Splorch_bucket

A Slice of Blueberry Cake

by Splorch_bucket

Applesplat Part 1

by Splorch_bucket