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Little Baggie, Bigger Party (incomplete)

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:33:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Octavia was well outside her element.
  2. >From the moment she and Vinyl had entered the concert hall, they were engulfed by lights, sound, and a crowd that felt almost as large as Ponyville itself.
  3. >Vinyl had said it was going to be the concert of the decade, but Octavia had thought she was speaking in her normal hyperbole.
  4. >But from what the earth pony could see and hear from the entrance alone, her marefriend hadn’t been exaggerating.
  5. >The line up of stars for the night was huge.
  6. >Songbird Serenade, Saphire Shores, and Countess Coloratura, to name a few.
  7. >Given her connections to the flashier side of the industry, Vinyl had managed to get a pair of tickets for one of the VIP areas with a full dance floor.
  8. >The white mare had come prepared for a party.
  9. >She only wore a pair of hot pants, a tube top, and a pair of thigh-high leggings that ran up to her cutiemark.
  10. >Octavia had originally been dressed much more modestly, but enough poking from Vinyl eventually got her to swap her top into an as-of-yet unused fishnet ensemble her marefriend had bought her months ago.
  11. >She drew the line at that, however, The rest of the gray mare was clothed in full-length pants and a short pair of heels.
  12. >Together, the two ponies pushed their way through the throngs to their place.
  13. >Already music was playing, but for now it was just pre-show recordings.
  14. >The unicorn guided her friend to a pair of free seats by the dance floor with all the grace of a mare clearly experienced in concert going.
  16. >Already the two needed to shout just to speak.
  17. >”Yo Octy, you should sit here and look cute for a while! I’m going to go grab some drinks, just keep my seat free! Or don’t! I probably won’t be using it much once things get loud!”
  18. >”’Get!?’ Vinyl, things have been loud since we came in!”
  19. >”This is nothing! I could get this loud with my mobile rig! You see those speaker stacks over there? They’re HUGE!”
  20. >”I’m really going to regret agreeing to this later, aren’t I!?”
  21. >”Not if I have anything to say about it! Now about those drinks, you want your normal!?”
  22. >”Yes, please!”
  23. >Vinyl slipped into the crowd, her lithe body bobbing and weaving between other attendees as she crossed the floor.
  24. >The mare certainly knew how to flaunt what she had.
  25. >Every dodge and turn was exaggerated, her hips and tits always swinging out further than was strictly speaking necessary to get around whoever was in front of her.
  26. >Vinyl’s choice in clothing didn’t hurt either.
  27. >Never one for modesty, Vinyl’s shorts were cut so high that some of Octavia’s panties were less revealing.
  28. >The tight tube top she wore showed off an ample amount of both cleavage and under boob.
  29. >Octavia took the chance to admire her love’s body, and she swore she saw Vinyl wink back at her right as she swept out of sight.
  30. >She smiled to herself as she waited for Vinyl’s return.
  31. >Some things were worth all this noise.
  33. >A song and a half later the white unicorn faded back into view, this time carrying a drink in each hand.
  34. >Octavia’s ears perked up at her arrival, despite all the noise.
  35. >”Good news Octy! VIP bar had Jura!”
  36. >Vinyl handed off a clear plastic cup filled with a smokey amber liquid and a few ice-cubes.
  37. >Vinyl Scratch’s cup held some bright pink concoction that was no doubt half-vodka, tequila, or both.
  38. >Octavia looked into her cup with a slight frown, but quickly shrugged it off.
  39. >”Thank you dear!”
  40. >Plastic always ruined the taste of a good whisky, but the two of them weren’t exactly in a place where a connoisseur’s expertise would matter.
  41. >”No prob Tavi!”
  42. >Vinyl threw herself bodily into the seat next to her marefriend, the sudden impact almost making Octavia spill her whisky.
  43. >The unicorn leaned over to give her friend a one-armed hug.
  44. >”Tonight’s gonna be a blast!”
  45. >The hug quickly became a kiss.
  46. >A much longer and more intense one that Octavia was expecting.
  47. >The gray mare blushed when they separated.
  48. >Face to face, vinyl could speak in a quieter tone.
  49. >”I really do appreciate you came to this, Octy. I know pop isn’t really your thing. It means a lot to me.”
  50. >”Making you happy means a lot to me as well. I’m willing to suffer a little if that’s all it takes. Besides, there’s booze.”
  51. >Octavia swirled her cup and took a large sip.
  52. >”It will certainly help.”
  53. >”You know, though, it doesn’t have to be just the booze…”
  54. >Vinyl gave her a pinch on the thigh which drew out more blush.
  55. >”I also bought some things from home.”
  57. >Octavia raised an eyebrow.
  58. >She looked up and down her marefriend’s skin tight outfit.
  59. >”I think I’m more curious about how you brought things, rather than what you brought. You could barely fit the tickets into those shorts.”
  60. >”Oh, don’t overthink things Tavi.”
  61. >Vinyl set her drink down and reached into her tube top, sliding her hand between her compressed breasts.
  62. >When she withdrew she was holding a small plastic baggie with three small pills inside.
  63. >She jiggled it lightly.
  64. >”I, uh, may have taken the fourth one already when I left for drinks.”
  65. >Octavia found her palm involuntarily rose to her eyes.
  66. >”Vinyl, what did you do? What even is that.”
  67. >”It’s just some B.”
  68. >”B?”
  69. >”Yeah. B. Sometimes Blob. Or Bloat. The real name’s super long, nopony uses it.”
  70. >”Where did you even get this? Never mind, don’t answer that.”
  71. >“I’ve been seeing around some of my shows for the last couple months. Safe enough stuff from what I’ve seen and read.”
  72. >”Wait, you can read?”
  73. >Vinyl threw back her head in laughter.
  74. >”Octy, I may play dumb sometimes but I’m not stupid enough to take random pills and hope for the best.”
  75. >There was a pause between the two filled by thumping music and distant blinking lights.
  76. >The unicorn still proffered the baggie with a smile.
  77. >“I can’t believe I’m even asking this, but what does it do?”
  79. >”It makes things feel great. Especially sounds, but also lights and touch. Really everything. It’ll make a concert into something else entirely.”
  80. >”It’s my understanding that there are… pills… out there that do that kind of thing already. What makes B any different?”
  81. >”Oh, that’s easy. Grab my ass, Octy.”
  82. >”Excuse me, do what?”
  83. >“Give me a squeeze.”
  84. >When Octavia did nothing but stare in confusion to the request Vinyl stood up and presented the butt in question.
  85. >”Vinyl! We’re in public! You know I can’t just…”
  86. >The unicorn gave it an enticing wiggle, bouncing her tail left and right.
  87. >”Do it or I’ll just sit on you and make things even more awkward.”
  88. >Facing both defeat and her favorite ass in Equestria, Octavia tentatively reached out.
  89. >Octavia had noted earlier that Vinyl’s clothing was only technically within the realm of decency, but she hadn’t seen just how tight it had been.
  90. >Vinyl’s firm cheeks literally BULGED out between the bottom of her tiny shorts and the tops of her leggings.
  91. >After a pair of squeezes, Octavia spoke up with a frown.
  92. >”Don’t take this the wrong way Vinyl, but I think you may have put on some pounds recently. Your ass didn’t used to be so… untoned. I know it wasn’t like this last week when you- well, you remember.”
  93. >”Yeah, that was a pretty good night. But what you’re feeling is the B. I can assure you my ass is as perfect as ever.”
  94. >”A reassuring thought.”
  95. >”I’m not sure exactly how the egghead magic stuff works, but the way B make everything feel great is tied to taste. It’s like it runs everything you hear, see, and touch through your tongue. And I gotta say good music tastes great.”
  96. >”So you just tasted me grabbing your ass?”
  97. >”No, no, no. Kinda? Its more like the feeling of satisfaction you get when you eat something REALLY good from Sugar Cube Corner. Everything comes with a little bit of that feeling.”
  99. >”Judging by your ass I’d assume there’s a price to be paid in calories.”
  100. >”Not really. When the drug wears off it takes the extra pillow with it.”
  101. >”And you’re sure it’s safe?”
  102. >”Tavi, I’m on one now. You didn’t even notice. Worst case scenario you’d have to worry about is sensory overload, which would be pretty damn fun. Had a guy do that at one of my shows. Looked like an awesome time.”
  103. >Octavia looked between the baggie and her marefriend.
  104. >Eventually her eyes settled on her cup of Jura.
  105. >After a pause she downed the remainder in one go.
  106. >“Only you could talk me into this. Alright. Give me one.”
  107. >”Two.”
  108. >”Two?”
  109. >”Now that you’re on-board I’m taking a second one. You hold on to the last one incase you want it later.”
  110. >With that, Vinyl fished out one of the three pills and popped it in her mouth before tossing the baggie to Octavia.
  111. >The gray mare eyed the two pills.
  112. >”I’m really going to regret this aren’t I?”
  113. >”Not a chance Tavi.”
  114. >”What was that old saying again? ‘In for a penny, in for a pound.’ If I’ve already made up my mind this far…”
  115. >Octavia dumped both pills out into her waiting hand before clapping it to her muzzle.
  116. >”That’s my Girl!”
  117. >”So now what?”
  118. >”We wait for the show, I guess. Looks like about ten minutes before the headliners start. Hey, we should go grab a good spot on the dance floor! Come on!”
  120. >Vinyl grabbed her friend by the hand and yanked her out of her chair, dragging the gray mare along while watching for an open space near the center.
  121. >The only thing Octavia had been watching was the extra bit of white jiggles that kept bouncing in front of her.
  122. >”Perfect!”
  123. >Vinyl came to a sharp halt.
  124. >Octavia couldn’t help but notice that while the mare herself may have stopped short, her tits and rump tried to keep going for an inch or two before springing back into shape.
  125. >”Woooo! Lets dance!”
  126. >The next few minutes were strange ones for Octavia.
  127. >Between the music, the motion, and the crowd, she started to feel the effects of the pills.
  128. >Vinyl was right, it wasn’t a taste, but she could see why that was the first thing Vinyl compared it to.
  129. >She felt like she just “ate” the walk to the floor.
  130. >And the last song.
  131. >And the flashing lights.
  132. >And the kiss Vinyl had just slipped her.
  133. >Octavia was hungry for more.
  134. >She cut loose with Vinyl, deciding that she’d deal with any embarrassment as it came.
  135. >It wasn’t long before the music faded out, dying into a the silence of a murmuring audience.
  136. >The main stage came to life in an explosion of light and sound and Countess Coloratura began the opening act.
  137. >The crowd roared.
  138. >It all felt fantastic.
  139. >If either of the two musicians in the audience had been paying attention to themselves, they’d have noticed a slight pulse of growth roll through their softer bits.
  140. >Already Vinyl’s slim waist was supporting a tiny rise if chub at it’s base.
  141. >At a glance, only Octavia’s thighs had started to thicken.
  143. >If the dance floor had been alive before, it was absolutely roiling now.
  144. >The volume of the live show was easily three times what the previous music had been.
  145. >Vinyl and Octavia felt it immediately.
  146. >It was borderline orgasmic while under the effects of “B.”
  147. >The side effects of the pills were much more pronounced, as well.
  148. >The bulging band of white that was Vinyl’s ass bubbled out from beneath her shorts, her exposed cutiemark almost doubling in size.
  149. >Her breasts began to spill both over and under her small top, growing to a new cup size every minute.
  150. >The pudge on her white belly slowly crept its way up her midriff.
  151. >Octavia was a little slower.
  152. >She had after all taken her dose a few minutes after Vinyl.
  153. >The start of a potbelly hung under her navel, but it was barely of note.
  154. >The real interest of Octavia’s body were here thighs and hips.
  155. >At some point she’d loosened her belt, and now her pants were struggling to contain her burgeoning girth.
  156. >The tops of her cutiemark peeked out as her pants were forced lower and lower.
  157. >The pant legs themselves were drawn skin-tight.
  158. >It was impossible to hear over the concert, but it wasn’t long before individual stitches started to pop.
  159. >Countess Coloratura’s set began to wind down, at least for now.
  160. >She’d be back on later.

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