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Pest Control

By Splorch_bucket
Created: 2021-01-23 00:35:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Guard Captain Shining Armor.
  2. >And everything is on fire.
  3. >Figuratively speaking, at least.
  4. >Two days ago you had learned from Spike’s new friend that Queen Chrysalis has been abducting ponies for the last two years.
  5. >Celestia and Luna had taken the news about as well as you had expected.
  6. >Dozens of unsolved missing ponies cases were back on the table, and hundreds of guards and SMILE agents were scouring Equestria for signs of changelings.
  7. >After a meeting between the royals and Thorax, you and Cadence were back on the train to the Empire.
  8. >Things were discussed, ideas were formed, and plans were drafted.
  9. >You were to return to the empire, and prepare a rescue.
  10. >An off-hoofed comment from Thorax on a lunch break had started the founding of a plan stupid enough to work.
  11. >The bugs eat love.
  12. >In fact, they can’t not eat love.
  13. >According to Thorax any loose love in the air is syphoned away instinctively, in order to cary it back to the hive.
  14. >He told you stories about unnatural sources of love stuffing drones so full they couldn’t even walk.
  15. >A bit of testing from Cadence made you inclined to believe him.
  16. >It is fortunate for this plan that you married an unnatural source of love.
  17. >Even more so that the symbol of your city can become an even better one with a few tweaks.
  19. >And boy, were you looking forward to the tweaks.
  20. >You weren’t surprised that your wife that came up with that particular part of the plan.
  21. >She’d wanted to overcharge the Crystal Heart with love, and bring it along.
  22. >Of course her idea of overcharging the heart was to throw a week long festival, dedicated to certain activities.
  23. >She’d pitched it to the other princesses as resparking old romances and starting new ones.
  24. >You knew she was just looking for an excuse to start a city wide bacchanalia.
  25. >That smirk always let you know some scheme was in the works.
  26. >Knowing her, the proposed festival schedule will be altered by day two and outright removed by day three.
  27. >Yep. This was going to be a fun week once you got back.
  29. -
  30. >You are Chrysalis, and you are annoyed.
  31. >Something big has gotten the ponies worked up into a tizzy.
  32. >Guard presence has increased everywhere in the last few days, and they’d been more than happy to tell your infiltrators that they’re looking for changelings.
  33. >Not the smartest move, being so public about it.
  34. >But then again, the Royal Guard did always bring a predictable level of stupid to the table.
  35. >It always made your plans easier.
  36. >There’s no point in taking unnecessary risks, though, so you have recalled most of your hive until whatever was happening blew over.
  37. >You could certainly afford to button up for a few months.
  38. >The last few batches of abductees had been proving to be very good choices.
  39. >Leisurely strolling through the hive’s tunnels, you made your way to the ‘guest’ quarters.
  40. >Three-dozen ponies lay about the rough-hewn chamber in various states, and you could already taste the faint traces of love lingering in the room.
  41. >Lining the back wall a row of four huge pastel ponies sat and fidgeted, rounded out with love and nearly reaching the vaulted ceiling of the chamber.
  42. >Around them were about a dozen smaller, but still massively filled, ponies of every shade.
  43. >Each had trails of hoses feeding into them, balancing the levels of love between them all and adding more as it was produced.
  44. >This one room held more love than you had ever stockpiled before.
  45. >#1837 had really outdone himself, both with the idea and the execution.
  47. >The rest of the ponies were sealed away in pods, emotions twisted by altered dreams into a potent cocktail of love.
  48. >A half-dozen of your own changelings flitted between them, tending to the equines and ensuring everything was running smoothly.
  49. >Upon your arrival #1837 buzzed over and met you with a bow, ratty edges and sleeves of an oversized lab coat scraping the ground.
  50. >No matter how much he tried to explain it, you never fully understood why he insisted on wearing the pilfered coat.
  51. >But you couldn’t quite bring yourself to order him to burn the ridiculous garment.
  52. “Rise, #1837. I’m here with some good news and bad news. The bad news is that I’m closing up the hive for the near future, no more raids. The good news is that your pet project is now the only source of love for the next few months. Consider it a final live trial.”
  53. >#1837 couldn’t manage to contain his grin.
  54. >“Thank you, your highness. I’m glad you have enough trust in the project to rely on it. I won’t let you down.”
  55. “See that you don’t, the whole hive will be depending on your dedication.”
  56. >“While you’re here, your highness, I had wanted to talk to you about rotating the casks again. As you can probably taste, two of the larger tanks are starting to leak. If we’re closing up the hive I can’t exactly get replacements.”
  57. “I’ll see what I can arrange with the hatchery. How many do you need?”
  58. >“I think seven would put us in safe territory, your highness.”
  59. “I’ll see what I can do to ‘encourage’ the current incubators. When they’re done I’ll send them down. I hope your casks are looking forward to a reassignment in the nursery.”
  60. >“Thank you, your highness.”
  62. -
  63. >A week was far too long.
  64. >At this point you’re not sure you can even stand, let alone fight.
  65. >You aren’t alone in that, either.
  66. >The whole city had been going at it day and night.
  67. >And the sights you’ve seen…
  68. >You may never look at a flugelhorn the same way again.
  69. >But from where you’re standing, it looks like it was worth it.
  70. >The Crystal Heart is shining a bright and bold blue, almost blinding enough to hurt your eyes.
  71. >The clock is running.
  72. >With the festival over, the more balanced state of emotions your citizenry normally possesses is starting to bleed back into the Heart.
  73. >On the horizon you saw your solution to removing the heart growing larger in the distance.
  74. >Forty-five weather pegasi, and two wings of Wonderbolts had been sent to keep the skies clear while you were away.
  75. >With them arriving, it looks like your rest has come to an end.
  76. >You climbed back down the Crystal Spire, and joined Cadence in the pavilion at the base of the great tower.
  77. >Soon enough a rainbow came blazing down in front of you, the pony trailing it landing in the most overly dramatic way possible.
  78. >Shortly after two more Wonderbolts flanked the first mare, landing at much more reasonable speeds.
  79. >“So I heard you need a hero?”
  80. “No, Rainbow, just a taxi.”
  82. >Flying with Wonderbolts was certainly a faster chariot experience than you were used to.
  83. >You and Cadence arrived in well under half the time you were expecting, and the pegasi didn’t even look winded.
  84. >Leaping off the back of the parked chariot, you reacquaint yourself with the ground in what you try to assure yourself is a very masculine manner.
  85. >Cadence snickers, but doesn’t comment.
  86. >Rainbow Dash is not so kind.
  87. >“BWAHAHA! Have fun with our taxi service?”
  88. “No. No I didn’t. I don’t think I’ll fly ever again if I can help it. And that landing was nowhere near safe.”
  89. >“Hehe, I didn’t see the princess complaining.”
  90. “My wife has wings. I don’t.”
  91. >“Suit yourself Shining, but you should think about growing a pair.”
  92. “Rainbow…”
  93. >“Okay, okay, I get it. We’ll just head back and fight the lame weather while you two are kicking Chrysalis’s butt. Go get our ponies back.”
  94. “You know I will, Rainbow.”
  95. >You turn to Cadence, who hoofs over the Crystal Heart.
  96. >“Lets go save our little ponies.”
  97. >The Heart had lost much of its brightness on the short flight here.
  98. >While it was still incredibly bright, the Heart had radiated out enough love that it no longer burned into your vision if you looked directly at it.
  99. >Looping the chain around your neck, the Heart clanks against your armor.
  100. >Settling your captain’s helm into place, your demeanor shifts into something more serious.
  101. “Let’s move, honey.”
  102. >You didn’t like going in without an escort, but with changelings the more ponies you bring the more you have to keep track of when the fighting starts.
  103. >It’s safer with just you and Cadence.
  105. -
  106. >You are #3155, and you are one confused sentry.
  107. >There’s some high-quality love nearby, that you’re sure of.
  108. >You can’t just taste it, you can feel it.
  109. >Normally you’d take that as a sign that the most recent raid was extremely successful, but last you heard all raiding was suspended.
  110. >Casting your eyes towards your superior, you make a questioning gesture.
  111. >#47 had caught on what you’d meant.
  112. >“No idea, schedule is completely cleared. Head out and get a look. It’s probably just some unlucky sap.”
  113. “It tastes way too strong for that…”
  114. >“Just do it and report back, drone.”
  115. “Right.”
  116. >It’s probably nothing.
  117. >But you can’t shake the feeling in your gut that it’s not.
  118. >Speaking of gut, whatever is putting out this love is already making you feel a bit full.
  119. >Not that you’re complaining, this is already more than your normal ration allotment for the day.
  120. >Tastes better too.
  121. >Flashing up a quick disguise, you walk out of the mouth of your gate.
  122. >Its pretty easy to follow your nose to the source, and every step makes the love in the air stronger.
  123. >A bubble of pressure is gurgling in your stomach, and you feel like you could go a week without eating.
  124. >The thickness of love inundating you only grows as you move towards the source.
  126. >Creeping up a ridge-line you finally get a view of what’s going on.
  127. >And you regret it instantly.
  128. >With no ground or soil between you and the source you are overwhelmed by the raw flow of love pouring from the two ponies below you.
  129. >Your gut lurches as your body tries to pull it all in.
  130. >Your stomach starts to protrude a bit.
  131. >The shock and sensation causes your disguise to slip, and you let out an uncomfortable groan.
  132. >“Shining, did you hear that?”
  133. >This is bad.
  134. >“Yeah, I did. It sounded like it came from up there.”
  135. >Really bad.
  136. >You turn around to run back to the hive, but not before your body betrays you one last time.
  137. >The fullness in your belly peaks for a moment before you release a belch.
  138. >Your hoof shoots to your mouth, but not fast enough.
  139. >you look back down at the ponies below you, knowing what was coming.
  140. >“THERE! On the ridge! Zap him Shiny!”
  141. >The unicorn’s horn lights and the love in the air cuts out for a split second before a beam crashes into you from the massive gemstone around his neck.
  142. >It washes through you with an electric tingle, and you feel yourself rapidly bloating outward in every direction.
  143. >Losing your balance, you fall and start to roll down the ridge.
  144. >Little more than a ball of a changeling now, you come to rest at the hooves of the ponies.
  145. >The radiant wash of the Crystal Heart is intense beyond belief.
  146. >Little prickles dance over your chitin as you keep growing in the rays.
  147. >The last thing you hear before drifting off into the mother of all food comas is a whoop from the white pony.
  149. -
  150. “YAHOO! It works!”
  151. >You give the vacant eyed changeling a prod, rolling him a bit.
  152. >It looks like he stopped growing when he passed out.
  153. >“Thorax got nowhere near as big. This guy’s almost as round as I am tall!”
  154. “Tell me about it.”
  155. >You poke the bug again, before looking toward where the changeling fell from.
  156. “I’ll meet you up there, dear.”
  157. >The ridge wall was nothing compared to The Climb.
  158. >You’d really outdone yourself on that course, but it was worth it every time you saw a new recruit look at it for the first time.
  159. >Like all good guard captains, the tears of cadets sustain you.
  160. >Of course, your wife was waiting leisurely for you as you pulled yourself up to even ground.
  161. >The cheater.
  162. >“I win again, Shiny.”
  163. >She tickled your nose with a wingtip to rub it in.
  164. “Yeah, yeah… Lets just get moving.”
  165. >Together you traced the changeling’s path through the brush until you stumbled into a spiky outcropping protruding from the ground, just as Thorax had described.
  166. “That’s got to be it. Lets go.”
  168. -
  169. >Something’s wrong.
  170. >#3155 has been gone for far too long, and the love has only been growing stronger since he left.
  171. >#2756 had come by on patrol and you told her to wait with you, incase you needed someling to help.
  172. >The love in the air was overpowering, and your belly hung inches below you, already filling up with sloshy love.
  173. >#2756 wasn’t far behind.
  174. >You cautiously stepped forward towards the tunnel entrance, hoping to get a peak outside.
  175. >Peering around the edge of the tunnel was a mistake you immediately came to regret.
  176. >You found yourself face to face with the Princess of Food, who had also chosen this moment to peer into the tunnel.
  177. >“AAAH!”
  178. “AAAH!”
  179. >FZAP
  180. >The princess, startled as she was, released an unfocused blast of love down the tunnel.
  181. >Unfortunately for you, much of the wave was blocked by yourself.
  182. >You felt yourself press outward as you stumbled backwards from the force of the love.
  183. >You even feel your plates beginning to unlock and flex, your whole body stretching and finding the space it needs to store it all.
  184. >Losing your footing you slipped onto your back, your heavy and jiggling belly pinning you down.
  185. >From where you landed you can see a wobbling #2756, her hoof pressing into her ballooned middle in shock and confusion.
  187. “Don’t just stand there! Run! Raise the alarm!”
  188. >From your upside down vantage point you saw #2756’s eyes bounce between you, herself, and the tunnel’s edge.
  189. >After far too long a pause she turns and starts a gallop down the corridor, her belly sloshing with every leap.
  190. >You watch her make it four strides before a blazing blue beam slices down the tunnel, hitting #2756 square in the flank.
  191. >Captivated by the sight of the struck drone, you ignore the sudden bloating in your own body from the love beam’s backwash.
  192. >#2756 rounded out like a water balloon on a firehose.
  193. >In less than a second, the changeling mare had become a veritable ball of love.
  194. >The changeling’s momentum sent her bouncing and rolling down the corridor, only stopping when she hit a wall some ten feet away.
  195. >When she hit, #2756 spurted out a small gush of glowing green love from her mouth with a gurgling groan.
  196. >She was so overfull that her chitin had run out of natural stretchiness and the plates had begun to separate, something you never even thought possible.
  197. >The wide gaps between plates were filled with thinned and translucent flesh, living windows into the tank of glowing liquid love #2756 had become.
  198. >You looked back to your own still-growing belly with horror.
  199. >How big where you going to get?
  200. >Whatever was radiating the love wasn’t diminished at all from the attack, and you could still feel yourself creeping outward at an alarming rate.
  201. >You felt something jab into the bottom of your belly.
  202. >“Nice work with this one, Cady.”
  203. >“Thanks, but we’ve got a lot more ahead.”
  204. >All you can do is watch as two ponies walk past your post, and towards the hive.
  205. >Even when they’re out of sight, you continue to grow.
  207. -
  208. >Something is not right.
  209. >Deep in the core of the hive you can taste love.
  210. >There should be no possible way for traces of love to make it this deep, barring a massive source.
  211. >The only thing that comes to mind is your new guests.
  212. >If #1837 ruptured another tank…
  213. >The last time took weeks to get everyling involved back down to size, and that was a small one.
  214. >To be tasting this much though, it had to have been one of the big ones this time.
  215. >Abandoning the hive architects you had been speaking with, you bolt through the hive to #1837’s lab.
  216. >Along the way you can feel and see the effects of the loose love, drones all along the path are bloated and wobbly.
  217. >Oddly, the intensity doesn’t get much worse as you near the lab.
  218. >With luck it is only a leak, not a full blowout.
  219. >Nearly skidding to a halt when you arrive, you find that things aren’t nearly as bad as expected.
  220. >The drones here were roughly as full as the ones you’d passed on the way.
  221. >#1837, being of a higher caste, almost looked normal.
  222. >He only showed a hint of a pot-belly.
  223. >As always he flew over to greet you the moment you entered.
  224. “#1837. What’s going on? Why is there love everywhere?”
  225. >“I can’t tell, your highness. We’ve been trying to find out ever since #933 noticed it. Nothing’s out of place, and the only leaks we’ve found were the ones we already knew about in casks 4 and 9. Frankly, I don’t think it’s coming from the lab.”
  227. “Wonderful. If it isn’t from you, then what?”
  228. >”I couldn’t say. Maybe someling brought something into the hive they shouldn’t have?”
  229. >What a wonderfully useless answer.
  230. >For an advisor caste, #1837 rarely had good advice.
  231. “What could someling have possibly brought in to cause this, the Element… of… Love…?”
  232. >You were an idiot.
  233. >The ponies must have found out about the abductions.
  234. >It would explain the changeling-mania going on in the cities.
  235. >If they showed up with this much love, Cadence had to be with them, maybe some other pony-relic too.
  236. >The ponies always liked their mcguffins and trinkets.
  237. >But why would they show up at all?
  238. >By all rights they should have no idea where to find the hive.
  239. >Even if they did, they shouldn’t know about overfeeding.
  240. >#8914.
  241. >#8914 had to be behind it.
  242. >When you find him you’re going to tear him a few new holes.
  243. >Revenge comes later, first you need to fix the problem.
  244. “You, #4117! Go to The Pit and wake up the Praetors. Tell them to meet me here. I don’t care if you have to roll half of the way, just do it.”
  246. -
  247. >This was almost easy.
  248. >Almost.
  249. >If you told yourself it was actually easy, you might let your guard down.
  250. >And there was no way you were letting Cadence get hurt, or worse: captured.
  251. >Still, many of the bugs were already rather pudgy by the time you reached them.
  252. >You have a lot more respect for just how much emotion the Crystal Heart handles on a daily basis.
  253. >One blast from your wife could easily clear a room of the smaller drones, ballooning them by the dozens like popcorn kernels.
  254. >A shot from the Heart was overkill for those small ones.
  255. >The last one hit swelled so huge it actually blocked the tunnel you were in.
  256. >It was stretched so wide that the chiton plates floated like dark islands on the sea of the rubbery luminescent sphere.
  257. >The creaks and groans had made you wonder if you should get to cover.
  258. >Even the ones you didn’t hit out-swelled their legs from the unfocused love released alongside the beam.
  259. >It was best to leave your wife to take care of them.
  260. >All the better, as it left you free to go after the bigger threats.
  261. >You recognized some of the changelings as soldier castes from the attack on Canterlot.
  262. >Helmets, armor, wider stature, and increased height.
  263. >Most of them were still relatively slim, though comparing a basketball sized belly to a yoga ball sized one doesn’t make the first one small by any means.
  265. >It was those that you needed the Crystal Heart for.
  266. >One shot was still enough, but the result wasn’t nearly so dramatic.
  267. >It would get them off the ground, rounding them out much as the first changeling you encountered outside the hive.
  268. >You did feel a little bad for the drones in the room when you fought them though.
  269. >Cadence’s first spell usually took them all out, but the backwash from the Heart’s blasts kept filling them more and more as you shot nearby targets.
  270. >After a few blasts, most of them were more like honeypot ants than changelings.
  271. >Full to the brim with glowing green honey, leaking and gurgling it from every place they could.
  272. >Yard by yard you and Cadence fought your way deeper into the hive.
  273. >Behind you was a trail of turgid Changelings.
  274. >Rolling.
  275. >Groaning.
  276. >leaking.
  277. >Straining.
  278. >Even after you passed, they kept growing.
  279. >The ambient love from the Crystal Heart that had partially filled them before you arrived kept filling them up as you went deeper.
  280. >You wondered if they’d even be in one piece when you passed by again on the way out.
  282. -
  283. >You are #7931, sector C11 janitor.
  284. >Though you prefer sanitation engineer.
  285. >Today has been weird.
  286. >An hour ago you started tasting some love, and you had to admit it was pretty nice at first.
  287. >Sure, Chrysalis was going to come down on some poor sap for wasting it, but was refreshing and kept the work easy.
  288. >To a point.
  289. >That point being now.
  290. >About five minutes ago, your belly started to drag on the ground.
  291. >Now the tips of your hooves just barely scraped the floor, grazing it uselessly in an attempt to pull yourself closer to your mop and bucket.
  292. >This was not good.
  293. >Chrysalis was going to be really mad if you don’t have the whole sector done by 5:00.
  294. >Changelings were relying on you.
  295. >The whole hive was relying on you.
  296. >You take your job very seriously.
  297. >Trying a new tactic, you rock forward on your sloshy gut.
  298. >After three or four tries, momentum wins out and you roll over once, grabbing the mop handle in your teeth as you go by.
  299. >Now you just have to figure out how to get it down to the floor.
  300. >As you’re performing the complex and ingenious mental work that only a sanitation engineer could do, a hoof jabs into you from the side.
  301. >It pushes hard, rolling you towards the wall and out of the middle of the corridor.
  302. >“Get back to work, these floors are a mess.”
  303. >From where you lay, you can see a procession of tall but slender changelings marching down the hall in full armor.
  304. >The Praetorians are active?
  305. >Today has been weird.
  307. -
  308. >You are Shining Armor again.
  309. >Nearly all of the drones you encounter are already immobile, the ones that aren’t are way too bloated to be threats.
  310. >Even some of the soldiers you ran across were too swollen to fight.
  311. >Now they’re so full already that your wife can take care of them without too much effort, but she’s starting to grow tired.
  312. >Its best to use the Heart for now.
  313. >Of course with the Crystal Heart being used so often, the trail of changelings you’re leaving behind is quite a lot bigger and squishier.
  314. >Nearly every one of the bugs is left a bloated and creaking mess by the time you’re done.
  315. >A fine example is the chamber you’re in now.
  316. >A dozen drones were already immobile inside when you walked in.
  317. >Five sloshy soldiers had charged you, and you’d shot them all down.
  318. >Now the room was full of seventeen luminous globes of bug, each shedding sickly green hues from inside their distended forms.
  319. >They all gurgled and groaned as the massive overfill of love worked its way out of them through every avenue it could find.
  320. >Swollen into fat balls, as they were, the nubs of their legs barely stuck out at odd angles.
  321. >For the first time, you noticed that even the holes in their hooves were overflowing with green gooey love.
  322. >The changelings often spasmed and twitched randomly, sloshing themselves around.
  323. >Rolling a soldier out of the way, you pressed on.
  324. >You had been down here for so long, you had to be nearing your goal.
  326. >A blue-grey flash in the darkness ahead was the only warning you got.
  327. >You raised a domed shield just in time to block a charge from out of the tunnel.
  328. >WHUMP.
  329. >Looks like it worked.
  330. >The bug currently sliding down your shield with a dazed expression looked pretty different from the others you’ve seen so far.
  331. >The most notable difference was that it was still skinny, really skinny.
  332. >After that, if only barely, was the fact that it was nearly twice as tall as you were and was clad horn to hoof in whatever strange metal the soldiers’ helmets were made of.
  333. >Dropping your shield, you shot it with a beam from the Crystal Heart.
  334. >It shook its head and hissed.
  335. >The beam worked, but not nearly as well as you’d hoped.
  336. >There was a creaking groan as the armor around it’s middle gave way, pinging apart and sending pieces flying into the floor.
  337. >For all it had done to the other changelings, all that happened to this one was a bit of swelling.
  338. >Before you could think further, it lunged again.
  339. >This time Cadence leapt forward to your defense, blocking it’s bite by shoving her horn down it’s gullet.
  340. >“Oh, no you don’t!”
  341. >She pulsed another unfocused and sustained wave of love, and you watched the bug on the end of her horn start to swell out.
  342. >It’s cheeks bulged under the flow, and the gap in it’s armor widened in a series of clanks as new pieces were forced out of place and across the room.
  343. >Cadence had been filling it for seconds straight as you watched it bloat and distort.
  344. >Shaking your head clear you raised and fired the Heart again.
  345. >This time, coupled with your wife’s ongoing attack, it was much more effective.
  346. >The rest of the armor sprung away as the changeling rounded out, Cadence only removing her horn when it had a full foot between its hooves and the ground.
  348. -
  349. >The love is still present, but you can now tell that it’s slowly growing fainter.
  350. >Good.
  351. >The praetorians are doing their job.
  352. >Not as well as you’d like, but they still have time to work.
  353. >You’re relieved that the love coming in from above is slowly waning.
  354. >A holed hoof absentmindedly rubs your paunchy middle.
  355. >The exposed abdomen there bulges out an inch or so with stored love, casting a green glow below and around you.
  356. >The other changelings in the room aren’t as fortunate.
  357. >The drones are enormous, some of them larger than the smaller of the pony tanks that they used to tend to.
  358. >They lit up the room like giant globular glowsticks.
  359. >#1837 has certainly filled out as well.
  360. >Being a higher caste his body soaked far less love than the common workers, but that doesn’t help when so much love was filtering in through the walls.
  361. >He’d managed to get himself lifted off the ground, an impressive feat for an advisor.
  362. >At least he finally shredded apart that dreadful garment.
  363. >R.I.P. labcoat.
  364. >All that was left to do now was wait.
  365. >One of two things would happen.
  366. >Either your praetorians would find and take care of the issue;
  367. >Or you would deal with it yourself.
  369. -
  370. >These superbugs are becoming a problem.
  371. >They’re a lot stronger and sneakier than the others, and they take way too much love to put down.
  372. >Frankly the only reason you’re still standing is that they seem to be hunting and sweeping individually.
  373. >You’ve fought five of them now, and the Crystal Heart has dimmed almost completely.
  374. >Cadence is waning as well.
  375. >There’s only so much she can do, as amazing as she is.
  376. >Each time you’ve come out on top, but each time the Heart has less love.
  377. >You aren’t empty yet, but you will be soon.
  378. >Your aimless wandering through the hive leads you through rooms and rooms full of love-bloated changeling blobs.
  379. >The corridors blur together, and many of the rooms look the same.
  380. >After wandering for what feels like an hour, Cadence pokes you on the shoulder.
  381. >“What about that way?”
  382. >Your wife gestures to a near comically nondescript passage leading away from the chamber you’re in.
  383. >At first glance you’d assumed it to be part of the background, like a static element in a badly animated cartoon.
  384. “I don’t think there’s going to be anything there. Look at it, its probably a bug storage closet.”
  385. >“What if that’s just what they want us to think.”
  386. “Cadence, we weren’t even supposed to make it this far in the first place, I don’t think the bugs are playing mind-games with the doors.”
  387. >”Shh. Just check Shiny.”
  388. “Fine, but if we get jumped by ten superbugs I’m blaming you.”
  390. >The tunnel was long, and equally plain as the entrance.
  391. “I’m telling you, we’re going to hit the end of this and find a stack of dusty crates or something.”
  392. >”Shh. I think I hear something.”
  393. “Or maybe its a janitor’s closet, and they’ve just got a lot of cleaning supplies to store.”
  394. >”Shiny, shush!”
  395. “You remember that one changeling with the mop? We could go back and ask him. He seemed nice.”
  396. >A pink hoof smacks the back of your helmet, tilting it forward.
  397. >”look.”
  398. >Shifting your helmet back up, you see a green glow from around the next bend in the tunnel.
  399. >A glow that you’ve gotten quite familiar with in the last few hours.
  400. >You guess there were bugs in here after all.
  401. >Rounding the corner, you’re met by a cold green glow and an even colder glare.
  402. >“Shining Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. I’m glad you took the time to visit.”
  403. >Queen Chrysalis stood tall in the center of the room, surrounded by luminescent blobs of changelings.
  404. >They cast everything around them into shades of green.
  405. >At the edges of the room, you could see the familiar changeling cocoons, all of them plugged into massive round tanks.
  406. >”Do you have any idea how long it’s going to take to fix all this? Just how big of a mess you’ve made?”
  407. >Your wife steps forward, looking angrier than that time she found your beer can stash under the couch.
  408. >You would have cleaned it up eventually.
  409. >“Not as big of a mess as we’re about to make!”
  410. >”No. No, you’re going to help me fix this mess. I’ve got thousands of changelings too stuffed with love to move, and you’re going to hold as much of that love as I can cram into you.”
  411. >She gestured towards one of the rounded containers in the back.
  412. >Taking a closer look in the dim green glow, you notice a flower has been painted onto one of them.
  413. >No.
  414. >That isn’t paint.
  415. >That’s a cutie mark.
  417. >It dawns on you for the first time that the massive spheres lining the room are the ponies that you came here to save.
  418. >They’ve been bloated beyond recognition as ponies.
  419. >This ends now.
  420. “Too far, Chrysalis!”
  421. >Your wife seems to share the same sentiment, but with fewer words.
  422. >She lunges horn first towards the queen, old memories fueling her anger.
  423. >Cadence shouts and fires a love spell when she’s feet away from the displeased looking Chrysalis.
  424. >It washes over the changeling queen and does nothing.
  425. >Chrysalis’s only response is a short burp.
  426. >Okay, almost nothing.
  427. >Surprised by the lack of effect, Cadence skids forward into the changeling queen’s outstretched hoof.
  428. >Behind them, you can see one of the hoses trailing from the massive ponies light up in an emerald aura.
  429. >You run forward in an attempt to help, but know you can’t reach her in time.
  430. >Half a second after Cadence collided with Chrysalis’s hoof, the hose slams into her muzzle.
  431. >As you close the gap, all you can do is watch as Chrysalis sidesteps your wife and gives her a hefty buck.
  432. “NO!”
  433. >Cadence is flung wildly into one of the ponies behind them, squishing into it before bouncing out and onto the ground.
  434. >Dazed and confused, Cadence lies on the ground as the hose starts to bulge her belly with love.
  435. >”It’s just you and me now, Shiny-dearest.”
  437. >Finally closing the gap, you successfully feign right before juking left.
  438. >Leaping into a full body tackle, you pin the Crystal Heart between your breastplate and her squishy green belly.
  439. >You dump everything you have into the attack, releasing every remaining speck of emotion left in the heart directly into Chrysalis.
  440. >It works, blasting you and her apart and sending you both skidding.
  441. >Standing and looking across the room, you’re shocked to see that Queen Chrysalis is already on her feet.
  442. >Granted she does look worse for wear.
  443. >The glowing green stretch of abdomen had swelled out like a glowing sloshy sack, leaving her unchanged chitinous chest and forelegs the impression of being comically narrow.
  444. >Her hips and stance had widened to match her now girthy middle.
  445. >Her larger thighs and flank shined brightly in the glow, the reflective edges of them just barely wider than her wobbling green belly.
  446. >“You’re going to regret that.”
  447. >The fattened Chrysalis doesn’t wait for you to make the next move, instead charging headlong into you, jagged horn wrapped in emerald fire.
  448. >Her off-balance and jiggling gait would be hilarious in any other situation.
  449. >You have just enough time to raise a shield.
  450. >Chrysalis impacts horn first, flashing a green wave of magic when she hits.
  451. >The shield shatters before she even breaks stride.
  452. >Your spell broken and her spell discharged, Chrysalis simply lets Newton take over.
  453. >The belly you just created pins you down like a squishy water mattress.
  454. >Rolling your head, you get a glimpse of Cadence.
  456. >She’s enormous now.
  457. >Her belly is easily as big as she is, and swelling by the second.
  458. >Rage turns to curiosity in a flash when you see the smirk on her face.
  459. >You know that look.
  460. >She’s planning something.
  461. >Just give her time.
  462. “So now what?”
  463. >Chrysalis squished up higher on your chest, coming muzzle to muzzle.
  464. >“Now, you lend me a hoof.”
  465. >Starring into her slitted pupils, you feel her grind her ballooned self against your groin.
  466. >”Or your something else.”
  467. >Chrysalis’s serpentine tongue licked through her lips, looping once around a fang as it retracted back.
  468. >You could definitely hear your little guardsman being ordered to stand at attention.
  469. “UH.”
  470. >Cadence isn’t going to like this is she?
  471. “UH.”
  472. >Quick, act like you don’t want it!
  474. >Nailed it.
  475. >“How forward of you. If that’s how you really feel, how about we have a little fun while your wife watches and bubbles up. Afterwards I’ll hook you up to #1837 and you can join her. For a while at least.”
  476. “Why only a while?”
  477. >”Revenge mostly.”
  478. >Chrysalis gave a long lick down your cheek as she started to grind and slosh on you faster.
  479. >“Given how thoroughly she ruined my last plans, I figured she’d end up in the hatchery sooner rather than later. It’ll be more fun that way.”
  481. >Her last sentence was punctuated by a deep and passionate kiss.
  482. >Your eyes went wide with surprise as she intruded into your mouth.
  483. >You never knew a tongue could do that.
  484. >Your dick had no arguments to give, though.
  485. >It pressed into Chrysalis’s glowing underbelly, rippling the love distended flesh with every grind she put you through.
  486. >If it wasn’t hard before, it certainly was now.
  487. >Breaking the kiss, Chrysalis pulled off your helmet and then pressed down on your chest with her fore hooves, keeping you pinned.
  488. >Not that you planned on going anywhere anytime soon.
  489. >Raising her love-widened rear, she aligned herself over your pulsing cock.
  490. >Slowly sliding her way down, she let out a satisfied moan.
  491. >Her water balloon of a belly squished out onto your own as she drew closer.
  492. >When she finally hilted, it wobbled and sloshed against you.
  493. >”The way I see it, this is the least you could do for me, considering how much work you made for me.”
  494. >All you did was grunt.
  495. >She rose and sank at a steady rhythm, belly rising and falling in front of you.
  496. >”But Cadenza…. Oh… I’m going to have fun with her.”
  497. >Chrysalis’s back arched and flexed in time with her movements, sending undulations and waves through her sloshy glowing middle.
  498. ”Wha- What are you- ugh- going to do?”
  499. >”I’m going to put her in the nursery for a long, long time.”
  500. >Now, she was grinding a little at each pump, twisting you around inside her.
  501. >”I’m going to stuff her so full off eggs she’ll barely be able to breathe.”
  503. >Her breath was hot and heavy, and it bled into her words.
  504. >”Again and again. I’m going to make her paper thin. So paper thin that just one more egg could split her open.”
  505. >She was going faster now, working your shaft in ways even Cadence had been unable to manage.
  506. >Chrysalis’s bloated belly slapped against you on every thrust, constantly sloshing behind the translucent window in front of your eyes.
  507. >”Mmmm… Yes. And I’m going to do it again and again until one day I go too far.”
  508. >She slammed down on top of you one final time, rolling back and forth on your pole as she rode out her fantasy.
  509. >You were close, you could already feel your balls lifting as your body prepared for climax.
  510. >”And when that happens she’s going to- wha?”
  511. >A sky blue beam crashed into the Changeling Queen from behind.
  512. >In an instant you felt the weight on top of you double.
  513. >Chrysalis’s eyes bulged as her belly spilled out.
  514. >Creaks and pops sounded as her flank filled out to maximum and began to pry apart her chitin.
  515. >Bellow her your dick could take no more.
  516. >The swelling flesh put pressure on it from every angle.
  517. >It was like Chrysalis had suddenly quadrupled in tightness.
  518. >Eyes rolling back you cum harder than ever before into the swelling changeling.
  519. >The relentless pressure doesn’t care, and keeps pressing in.
  520. >The living balloon on the end of your spasming dick keeps bloating and stretching, fed by the great blue beam still pressing into her.
  521. >Unable to take more, your head falls back against the hive floor and give in to the pleasure.
  522. >What ever is going to happen will happen, it isn’t like you have control anymore.
  524. -
  525. >You are Cadence.
  526. >And you are pissed.
  527. >This bug just fucked your husband.
  528. >In front of you.
  530. >The last of the beam faded out of the air, and you pulled the hose out of your mouth.
  531. >Chrysalis should have thought it through a bit more before pumping up the Princess of Love with pure love.
  532. >Wisps and sparks still danced around your horn.
  533. >Marching over, you examine your hoofwork.
  534. >Queen Chrysalis was still quite a bit smaller than you used to be a few seconds ago, but was still far too large to be mobile.
  535. >Her whole body was distended, and it raised her as high as her limbs were long.
  536. >The glowing abdomen had stretched itself out, pulsating with the love inside it.
  537. >Gaps had grown in the plating around her flank and thighs, creating narrow windows to the love inside.
  538. >Amusingly, the holes in her hooves were bowed outward, creating little green bubbles of love.
  539. >She looked back at you with a hateful glare, love trailing down from the corners of her mouth out of the bulges in her cheeks.
  540. >“Plub-beh ub ‘o?”
  541. >Strands of honey-like love dripped and flowed from her mouth when she opened it.
  542. >Slapping her flank, you send her body quivering.
  543. “We can talk once you’ve finished everything on your plate, Chrysalis. And you Shiny, we’re going to have a talk later.”
  544. >At this point all you can see of shining is the top of his mane, everything else was buried by bug.
  545. >”MHMPH NM.”
  546. “Yeah well, I’m not getting you out until she’s learned her lesson.”
  548. “Speaking of…”
  549. >Chrysalis tried to sputter more love garbled words but none were understandable.
  550. >All she succeeded in doing was dribbling more love down her chest.
  551. “Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be back in a minute.”
  552. >You walked back across the chamber, and up to the four massive ponies on the back wall.
  553. >You came here for a rescue and that was just what you were going to do.
  554. >Soon you were dragging a trio of thick hoses back to the bloated queen.
  555. “Remember when you said you were going to make me paper thin?”
  556. >”geth.”
  557. “You first.”
  558. >You plunged the tubing into her front and end, then marched back over to the tanks.
  559. >A few valves later, and the show began.
  560. >There were over a dozen ponies full to bursting with love behind you, and you were going to get it out of them one way or another.

Happy and Full

by Splorch_bucket

[un]Happy and Full[er]

by Splorch_bucket

A Diplomatic visit (Ember, Gilda)

by Splorch_bucket

A Slice of Blueberry Cake

by Splorch_bucket

Applesplat Part 1

by Splorch_bucket