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ALSO NotGay? 2

By Insomniac
Created: 2021-01-29 01:41:40
Expiry: Never

  2. >”Now that’s a good idea.” Applejack agrees, swaying in her stool.
  3. >”No, I think it’s time to cut both of you off.” Sunset states, laying her glass down on the counter.
  4. >She glances at her watch.
  5. >”Besides, it’s after two, it’s probably almost time we get the girls and head home.”
  6. >You and Applejack groan in protest.
  7. “Aw… come on, Sunset. Just one round of shots.”
  8. >”Yeah, it’s not like we’ll be back here very soon, might as well make the most of it.” AJ offers.
  9. “Besides, they’re freeeeeeeee.” You stress the last syllable out several seconds to emphasize the point.
  10. >Sunset crosses her arms, giving you another glare.
  11. >Both you and Applejack look at her, putting on your saddest expressions.
  12. >Sunset’s will lasts about a second.
  13. >”FINE! Jesus!” She relents, throwing her arms up in the air. “Never again…” she mutters under her breath as she lowers her head to rest on the bar counter.
  14. “Wooo!” You and Applejack fistbump before waving over the bartender.
  15. >”Three shots of whiskey.” AJ says, giving the bartender a tip. “Make ‘em a double too.”
  16. >The bartender nods, going to get your drinks.
  17. >”Now this is the last one, alright?” Sunset says, rubbing her temples in frustration.
  18. >”Fer sure.” Applejack nods.
  19. >You’re looking off around the bar when you spot a familiar shade of purple standing near the bar’s entrance.
  20. “Hey, maybe we should see if Twilight wants one too?” You tap Sunset on the shoulder and points towards where Twilight is standing.
  21. >”Twilight?” Sunset asks, turning to look at where you were pointing to.
  22. >Has to be her. You’re not that drunk that you can’t recognize the purple girl you’d been hanging out with all night.
  23. >You blink, trying to clear the drunken haze from your vision as you squint across the bar at where Twilight is.
  24. >Funny thing is, she seems to be wearing different clothes from earlier, and she’s also missing her glasses.
  25. >Sunset seems to freeze up upon spotting the girl.
  26. >You’re just about to raise your hand and wave her over when Sunset grabs onto your shirt.
  27. “Woah… hey…” You say as you turn to glance at Sunset.
  28. >She’s already stood up from her stool.
  29. >”Sorry…” She states, letting go of your shirt.
  30. “Something wrong?” you ask.
  31. >Sunset shakes her head a bit too quick. “Nothing!” Her voice is a little higher pitched.
  32. >”I’m going to go over and see what she wants, alright? You just stay here.”
  33. >You blink. Seems like a bit of an odd request.
  34. >But you’re really too buzzed to care.
  35. “You sure? I’m not that drunk I can’t walk.”
  36. >”Someone has to stay here to get the drinks, right? Just save our seats until we get back.”
  37. “Sure… I guess… don’t be too long.” You shrug at Sunset.
  38. >She taps Applejack by the shoulder, and gestures over towards the entrance.
  39. >Doesn’t seem like Twilight has spotted you three yet, as she still seems to be looking around the bar.
  41. >You don’t hear what Sunset says to Applejack when she leans in, but Applejack nods and the two of them leave their seats to make their way towards the entrance.
  42. >Leaving you alone at the bar.
  43. >You turn back to the counter, and the bartender returns, laying down three shots in front of you.
  44. “Thanks,” you say, before she wanders off again.
  45. >And then you play the waiting game.
  46. >The drinks in front of you look more appealing with every passing minute, and they’re only getting warmer or colder the longer they sit there.
  47. >Wait, isn’t alcohol at room temperature anyways.
  48. >Whatever, doesn’t matter.
  49. >You haul out your phone, clicking on the home screen to check the time.
  50. >2:30.
  51. >Pretty late, bar must be shutting down very soon, probably around three-ish.
  52. >There’s movement from the stool next to you, and you spin to face that direction.
  53. “About time… Jesus, I’ve be-“ You cut yourself off midsentence.
  54. >It’s not Sunset or Applejack. Or Twilight.
  55. >Or even any of the other girls.
  56. >No, it’s someone entirely different.
  57. >You wouldn’t really call her a girl. Much too womanly to be described as such.
  58. >Probably late twenties, early thirties, judging by her appearance.
  59. >And what an appearance that was. Your eyes go over her entire body from head to toe and back up.
  60. >Thick, multi-color hair that seemed almost iridescent, flowing freely down from her head and around her shoulders.
  61. >Looked like it was sparkling.
  62. >Bright amethyst eyes, which were staring at you confusedly.
  63. >Gentle pink lipstick coating her luscious lips.
  64. >Body as thick as a triple stirred vanilla milkshake, with all the right womanly curves sitting exactly where they should be.
  65. >Massive voluptuous breasts barely contained by her white shirt.
  66. >Short black mini-skirt and stockings combo that showcased off her thick and powerful legs.
  67. >And a pair of black high heels to finish the whole thing off.
  68. >You have to stop yourself from drooling at her.
  69. >Oh all the girls you had seen tonight…. This one was…
  70. >Wow.
  71. >”Pardon me?”
  72. >You blink, breaking out of your trance. You’re not sure how long you’ve been staring at her, but it must have been several seconds.
  73. >Her amethyst eyes are focused entirely on you now, her brows furrowed.
  74. >Probably thinking you’re some sort of bar drunk, hitting on the random girls foolish enough to sit next to you.
  75. >The alcohol must have chosen this moment to punch you right in the mouth, because you’re tongue feels a hundred pounds too heavy, flapping in your mouth as you struggle to speak.
  76. “Sorry.” You mumble out, rubbing the back of your head awkwardly. “Friends snuck off a while ago, thought they were back.”
  78. >”Oh… I see.” She motions to turn back to the counter, trying to hail down the bartender.
  79. >Said bartender is currently busy on the other side of the bar, serving a rush of customers who are trying to get in a few more drinks before last call.
  80. >You also turn to look at the counter in front of you, spotting the three drinks from beforehand, sitting on the bar.
  81. >Maybe you could find a use for them after all.
  82. >If Sunset and Applejack weren’t coming back, you might as well find a way to get rid of them now instead of letting them go to waste.
  83. >And ‘that way’ might be the woman currently sat next to you.
  84. >She purses her lips, obviously annoyed at failing to be notice by the bartender.
  85. >Probably a good time to act, Anon.
  86. “Don’t suppose you like whiskey?” You ask, spinning one of the drinks on the counter absent-mindedly as you look at her.
  87. >She turns back to you, raising an eyebrow in apprehension. Her vision flashes down momentarily to the drink in your hands.
  88. >”What’s that age old rule of not accepting drinks from strangers?”
  89. >You shrug.
  90. “If you want to sit here ten minutes until the bartender gets around to you, that’s cool. Or you could have one of these perfectly fine drinks that my friends left me with.”
  91. >She squints at you.
  92. >”For all I know, you don’t even have friends, you could just be sat here waiting to take advantage of gullible girls with your spiked drinks.”
  93. >Did you look that creepy? Sort of a blow to your self-esteem.
  94. “In that case…”
  95. >You grab all three of the drinks, and close your eyes. With a little bit of finesse, you move the glasses around randomly, not keeping track of which glass in which.
  96. >After a few seconds of that, you open your eyes and straighten the drinks out into a neat line.
  97. >And grab the one on the right, slamming back the shot of whiskey within.
  98. >It burns going down, but it’s a good burn.
  99. “In that case… I guess I’m going to get just as fucked as you then.”
  100. >You push one of the other glasses over towards the woman.
  101. >She looks at you for a few more seconds, before sighing.
  102. >”A drink is a drink I guess.” She grabs the glass with her slender fingers, throwing the liquid back in a single, smooth motion.
  103. >”Besides, I’m pretty sure I could take you, drugged or not.”
  104. >It’s only now you realize how tall she must be. Both of you are the same height when sat down on the barstools.
  105. >Tall Amazonian milfy types?
  106. >You must have died and gone to heaven when you smacked your head.
  107. >”You going to finish the other one?” She points at the last remaining drink.
  108. “All yours.” You say as you slide the glass over to her.
  109. >She gulps that down quickly as well, placing the glass down on the counter.
  110. >”Well, that was fun. Thanks for the drinks…” She pauses.
  111. > “Oh, I didn’t get your name.”
  113. >You smile at her. The bait has been set. You extend your hand out.
  114. “I’m Anon, nice to meet you.”
  115. >She grasps your hand. Her grip is strong and feisty as she gives your hand a vigorous shake.
  116. >”Celestia. Pleasure is all mine.”
  117. >You show her the stamp on the back of your hand.
  118. >Her already bright eyes seem to light up even more. Guess she knows that the mark means.
  119. “I think our fun has only started.”
  120. >If Sunset and Applejack and the others were going to leave your drunk, injured ass alone, you might as well find someone else to drink with.
  121. >Celestia might be a good replacement.
  122. >She smiles coyly at you as she withdraws her hand.
  123. >”I’m sure we can find a way to put that stamp to use.”
  124. >The bartender must have heard Celestia slam the glass down on the bar, because she has now wandered over towards the two of you.
  125. >”Anything I can get you two?” She asks.
  126. >Both you and Celestia smile creepily at her.
  127. >The rest of the night passes in a blur that increases with every drink you have.
  128. >And judging by how blurry everything is, it must have been quite a few drinks.
  129. >Celestia slams down her drink loudly, breaking you out of your reverie.
  130. >It takes way too much effort to twist in your seat and look at her, each movement sending your head spinning in every direction.
  131. >She’s slumped on the bar, head buried in her arms.
  132. >You hear words, but they float past you meaninglessly until you decide to listen in.
  133. >”…and that’s definitely the worst part of being a principal.”
  134. >You blink, focusing on the words for a few seconds before raising a question.
  135. “Wait… you’re a teacher?”
  136. >You rock back and forth slightly in your seat, squinting at Celestia as if you’re trying to see through her.
  137. >She gives you a bit of a dismissive look, clearly noticing that you weren’t really listening to her.
  138. >She points a hand on her collarbone.
  139. >”-Prinicipal-“ She stresses.
  140. “Cool…”
  141. >She nods along.
  142. >”And yes, I do teach, but that’s only very rarely as a substitute when other teachers are sick or busy with other things, most of the stuff I do is administrative work. Managing the school and making sure everything is in order.”
  143. “So you’re the big boss man, basically.”
  144. >She smiles at you, giggling, “Boss -girl- but yeah, that’s a good summary.” Celestia sips on her glass apprehensively.
  145. “Wait… so where do you teac-“
  146. >You’re interrupted by the bartender slamming down half a dozen shot glasses.
  147. >”Here are the Kidney Killers you ordered.”
  148. >You ordered shots? You don’t remember that.
  149. >You peer at the glasses.
  151. >The liquid inside seems to swirl around the glass, never settling. It looks like a weird mix of green and purple, and the little bit of fizz bubbling at the surface gives the drink an ominous looking appearance.
  152. “Kidney Killers?” You ask, but the bartender has already walked off to serve someone else.
  153. >Celestia is already sorting through the glasses, handing three to you and placing her own three in front of herself.
  154. >You’re really not sure this is a good idea.
  155. >The heavy weight of drunken fog resting on your brain is already clouding your judgements, thoughts and movements.
  156. >It takes all of your concentration to blink evenly.
  157. >Celestia seems to be taking it much better. She hums lowly to herself as she sorts through the glasses.
  158. >Must be trying to get as much use out of your ‘free’ stamp as possible.
  159. >That or she’s a skilled drinker. Judging by her thickness, that wouldn’t be too far of a stretch.
  160. >Or maybe you were just being a little pussy.
  161. >Drink that fucking shit, Anon. Stop being a little girl. Man the fuck up.
  162. >Now you’re drunk brain is getting mad at the last sober part of you.
  163. >Ugh.
  164. >You groan, placing your head on the counter. It’s incredibly sticky, but cool, which helps a bit against your clammy forehead.
  165. >You can feel the piercing glare of Celestia even with your head buried in your arms.
  166. >You manage to roll your head over to face her, and sure enough, she’s giving you the stink eye.
  167. >You sigh, forcing yourself back up straight, and reach for a drink.
  168. >”That’s the spirit, Anon.”
  169. >She doesn’t see your hand shaking as you clasp your fingers around the glass.
  170. >It’s only three shots, how bad could it be?
  171. >You pick the glass up and turn towards Celestia.
  172. “Cheers.”
  173. >She smiles, and clinks her glass against yours.
  174. >You feel your stomach roar as raise your glass to your mouth.
  175. >If worst comes to worst, just puke and rally, Anon.
  176. >…..
  177. >…..
  178. >…..
  179. >”Alright, it’s closing time, you two have to leave now.”
  180. >Someone’s talking to you, but you can’t see anything, just blackness.
  181. >Your whole face feels numb, and the rest of your body doesn’t respond the first time you try to move anything.
  182. >”You alright there, champ?”
  183. >Something pokes you in the arm.
  184. >You roll your head off to the side, and even though your neck feels a thousand pounds too heavy, you manage to see the light.
  185. >You’re face down on the counter again, the sticky remains of booze and god knows what staining your face and arms and hair.
  186. “Huh…. Wha?”
  187. >You’re not really sure if what you said are words, but the bartender rolls her eyes at you.
  189. >”Closing time. We’re shutting down. You two gotta go.” She thumbs towards the exit.
  190. “Two…?”
  191. >Your hear a giggle off to the side, and it takes a solid ten seconds for you to move your head to see who it is.
  192. >Celestia’s still sat on her stool, sipping on a straw in some strange concoction of a drink. She’s swaying slightly back and forth, but seems mostly fine otherwise.
  193. >That’s impressive considering the massive graveyard of empty glasses on the counter around her.
  194. >Jesus, there’s gotta be at least a dozen shot glasses scattered about.
  195. >You roll your eyes towards your side of the bar.
  196. “I only got three?” You mumble out half-pronounced, upon seeing the three shot glasses from earlier being the only empties in front of you.
  197. >The bartender is busy gathering up the glasses, throwing them in the sink behind the bar and wiping down the counter. She doesn’t even bother to respond to you.
  198. >You push yourself off the counter, leaning back on the barstool.
  199. >Which is way too much movement for the amount of alcohol percentage your blood must be.
  200. >The world spins, or are you just turning on the stool?
  201. >Honestly, you can’t tell.
  202. >Judging by the amount of jumping and rolling your guts are doing, it’s not going to be very fun if you keep this up.
  203. >You need to get home and into bed as quick as possible.
  204. >You close your eyes, focusing on keeping the puke down.
  205. >Suddenly, you feel something on your shoulder.
  206. >You crack open an eye just wide enough to see Celestia leaning on your side.
  207. >”Come on, Anon! We can keep drinking at my place!”
  208. >Her voice is way too high pitched and chipper right now.
  209. >You just want to find somewhere to lay down and die. You could deal with a cold street corner as long as it wasn’t soiled.
  210. >You try to shake your head at her suggestion, but the waves of nausea that course through your eyeballs forces you to stop.
  211. “I need a cab home.” You hiss out through gritted teeth.
  212. >Celestia pffts.
  213. >”Don’t be a spoilsport, we’re just getting started!”
  214. >She grabs you by the hand and almost pulls you off of your stool.
  215. >Instead of falling straight down face first on the floor, Celestia catches you, pulling your head right into her bosom.
  216. >”Watch your step, Anon.”
  217. >You grumble out some sort of half-mumble, half-English response.
  218. >You don’t even know if you’re walking by choice, or if Celestia is pulling you along.
  219. >Her arm is still wrapped around your head, keeping you trapped against her breasts.
  220. >You’re not in a position to complain however. Her chest is warm, and it helps soothe your trembling headache.
  221. >Celestia is still talking to herself and you as she drags you along down the stairs and hallways towards the exit.
  222. >”And that’s why the Teachers Association won’t let me coach any more teams with male students…”
  224. ______________________________________________________________________
  226. ((July 29th, 2018 - Update)
  228. >You’re not sure how long it takes her to drag your drunken ass up out of the club, as you’re mostly stuck smothered by her massive boob-bags, but eventually the chilly night air whips around you.
  229. >Well, at least you’re outside now. That’s step one of getting home.
  230. >Step two is getting a cab.
  231. >Step three is…
  232. >…
  233. >You’ll figure that out when it comes to that.
  234. >”Just wait a moment, Anon. I’ll get a cab.” Celestia’s voice trails off.
  235. >Well, shit, step two was looking pretty fine and dandy as well now.
  236. >You’re not sure how, but you’ve managed to find a bench to sit down on.
  237. >You only knew that because you were currently hunched over, staring down at your sticky shoes resting on the concrete sidewalk.
  238. >Celestia must’ve dumped your ass off.
  239. >Some part of you wants to sit here and just pass out. That’s probably not the safest decision, but goddamn, you’ve had a rough night.
  240. >You raise up your head enough to spot Celestia at the edge of the street. She’s stood up, waving at the cabs passing by, trying to flag one down.
  241. >However, you’re the two of you are not alone out here.
  242. >You see several other patrons on the street as well, forced out by closing time, all of them either struggling to stand, or struggling to hail down cabs.
  243. >But you don’t see Sunset, Twilight, or any of the other girls.
  244. >It’s like they just up and disappeared, ditching your sorry drunk ass behind.
  245. >You frown, several angry thoughts flashing through your mind.
  246. >If they didn’t want to hang out with you, they could have just told you, instead of just running off and leaving you here.
  247. >Something niggling at the back of your skull pipes up that it may have been something else.
  248. >But that’s lost in the swirl of your drunken pissed off-ness.
  249. >Definitely going to have to send Sunset a passive-aggressive text tomorrow now that you got her number.
  250. >You’re also gonna have to walk back down here and get your car.
  251. >Fuck.
  252. >Whatever, it’s Saturday, not like you have anything else to do besides play video games, and procrastinate on some of your writing projects that you hadn’t touched in months.
  253. >God, you were a lazy fucker.
  254. >The beeping of a horn knocks you out of your reverie, and you struggle to look up.
  255. >There’s a cab parked on the side of the road, with the back door open.
  256. >Celestia’s bent over, talking to the driver through the open passenger window.
  257. >Wow, her skirt goes up pretty nicely.
  258. >You trace the outline of her stockings up past her thick legs, to around her thigh, just barely able to make out the plump outline of her butt straining against the dark fabric of her skirt.
  259. >”Anon!”
  260. >You glance up, to find Celestia staring back at you, looking like she was waiting on you.
  261. >You quickly shake your head.
  262. >Totally wasn’t staring at her ass. Nope.
  265. >”Come on, Anon!”
  266. >You barely manage to get to your feet before the world starts to spin wildly.
  267. >Oh boy.
  268. >Before you faceplant into the concrete however, Celestia is there to catch you, pulling your almost limp body into her grasp.
  269. >Christ, how was she so strong?
  270. >She pulls you across the street towards the taxi, your feet skidding behind you as you struggle to keep up.
  271. >You feel like you wouldn’t be able to pull away even if you tried.
  272. >Soon enough you’re over by the taxi, leaving heavily on the door to keep upright.
  273. “I’m not sure where you live, but my house is probably closer. Taxi should drop me off first.”
  274. >God, your voice sounds like someone fucked your throat with sandpaper.
  275. >Celestia giggles, pushing you on the back.
  276. >”Yeah, yeah, we can figure that out in the cab. Get in!”
  277. >You just want to sit down again, so you let her push you into the cab.
  278. >It smells like cheap cigarettes and beer in here, like a mobile version of the bar you had just come from.
  279. >You scoot over to the far side of the backseat, eventually leaning back against with a heavy sigh as you close your eyes in relief.
  280. >Almost home.
  281. >Going to have a wicked fucking snooze. Probably won’t get up until tomorrow afternoon.
  282. >You’re ready to just have a quick nap in the back of the cab right then and there.
  283. >Until you feel something crawl over you and straddle your lap.
  284. >Or maybe you should say ‘someone’.
  285. >You knew exactly who it was.
  286. >You try to open your mouth to say something, but you don’t get a chance.
  287. >Celestia grabs you solidly by your shoulders, and shoves your body down into the fast-food stained backseat of the cab.
  288. >You hit your back hard enough to knock the air out of your lungs.
  289. >You don’t get a chance to breathe either, as you feel the entire weight of Celestia’s body come crashing down on your chest, trapping you against the seat and preventing you from movement.
  290. >The shock clears some of the drunken haze from your mind, and you stare up at her like a deer in the headlights.
  291. >She sits up straight, looking in over the backseat towards the driver.
  292. >”24 Solar Avenue, please. And you might want to put the divider up.”
  293. >That wasn’t your house. Not at all!
  294. >You open your mouth to protest, but Celestia flashes you a look.
  295. >Like a predator that had caught her prey.
  296. >You almost gulp instinctively.
  297. >Your last hope of the driver shutting down this entire situation disappears as Celestia pulls a wad of bills from her purse, and hands them over to the driver.
  298. >You watch the divider rise slowly, effectively ruining any chance of your escape.
  299. >Celestia turns back towards you, craning her neck to look down.
  300. >There’s a smile on her face, but you’re not sure you would describe it as ‘friendly’.
  301. >She takes a second to run her hands through her hair, tossing her tri-colored hair all over the place.
  304. >It falls in thick tangles down across her neck and shoulders, long enough for several strands to rest on your face.
  305. >It’s only now that you get a really good look at her face for the first time since before the two of your started drinking in the bar.
  306. >There’s a deep blush singeing across her face, burning bright red enough for you to see clearly in the darkness of the cab.
  307. >Her entire body heaves with heavy breaths, her mouth hot enough for the air inside to steam as she exhales.
  308. >Yet, her magenta eyes are locked concretely on you, not budging or moving at all.
  309. >You’re not sure that she’s even blinked since you began staring at her.
  310. >Oh boy.
  311. >This feels like it might turn into a bad touch situation.
  312. >The insides of her thighs rub against your waist, hot and moist enough to make you sweat even through the jeans you had on.
  313. >Trapped like a fly in the spider’s web.
  314. >If the spider was a hot milf spurred on by copious amounts of alcohol.
  315. >You probably shouldn’t sleep with any more girls, though, if you know…. If you wanted for Sunset and yourself to be a thing.
  316. >Although being left behind at the bar spurs on thoughts of getting a little bit of action on the side.
  317. >Like, nothing was official yet…. And what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
  318. >Not like you weren’t memory wiped or anything, haha.
  319. >Jeez, drunk You was an asshole. Womanizer motherfucker he was.
  320. >Doesn’t sound like much of a condemnation.
  321. >…
  322. >You blink, much too inebriated to consider the consequences of this situation.
  323. >Celestia shifts her weight, scooting up enough to rest most of her weight right on your hips.
  324. >You really hope these jeans are thick enough to not give her any ideas.
  325. >Celestia descends down upon you like an owl diving down on a helpless field mouse.
  326. >The tangles of her hair tickle across your cheeks, and you feel the touch of her hot breath on your face.
  327. >Her heat has spread over to you, your own skin starting to become slick and sweaty.
  328. >Even the windows have steamed up now, the entire inside of the cab becoming a hot atmosphere of swirling body heat.
  329. >Mixed with your current drunkenness, and the entire situation feels like some sort of dream world.
  330. >Your vision blurs and sparkles, your skin sweats, and you’re tingling all over. Every part of Celestia that rubs against you sends in numerous pleasurable pangs down your legs and across your stomach.
  331. >Your lungs burn hot with each inhale, but when you try to rise and get a breath, Celestia pushes back down onto the seat.
  332. >And plunges her lips down onto yours.
  333. >You can’t pull away. You can’t squeeze out from under her.
  334. >All you can do is open your mouth and try to weather the storm.
  335. >Her face meets your with enough force to smack your head off the seat a second time, sending stars blasting out in your vision.
  336. >The heat of her face and mouth burns on you, and you swear you can see steam rising in the air between the two of you.
  338. >Her tongue forces its way into her mouth, scolding hot, searing against your gums and teeth so much you almost flinch in response.
  339. >And then she finds your tongue, wrangling it quickly into submission underneath her brute strength.
  340. >You’re struggling not to suffocate, taking quick sips of air every time Celestia pulls away even the slightest inch.
  341. >You can feel her chest on your own, her erect nipples poking sharply into your body. The swelter from her massive tits swiftly overwhelming your form as the moistness in her shirt spreads over your torso.
  342. >There’s an inferno swelling up inside you, and the drunken haze seems to be seared away and replaced by a surging wave of lust working its way through your whole body.
  343. >Fuck it, you’ll suffer whatever consequences later.
  344. >You wrap your hands around Celestia’s waist, squeezing your hands into her skirt and the fat ass beneath.
  345. >Even with all the fabric, you can still feel the tantalizing jiggle of her flesh as your fingers dig into her butt.
  346. >In response she bits your lip, nipping her teeth just softly enough to indent the flesh before letting it go with a wet ‘snap’.
  347. >Her mouth and tongue combines with yours, the only break being the wrestling of your tongues, and the slight drip of her saliva down your chin.
  348. >Her hands run over your face, trailing her nails across the skin, and up into your hair, where she grabs and pulls gently.
  349. >You respond in kind, raising one of your palms up in the air before dropping it down sharply on her behind, the flesh bouncing at the impact as a loud ‘smack’ filled your ears.
  350. >Celestia pulled away from the kiss, leaning up a bit, enough for you to catch the dark, dangerous glint in her eyes.
  351. >Maybe you were going a bit too far.
  352. >She takes her hands out of your hair and moves them towards her blouse. Her skirt is so wet with perspiration that you can see the black bra she is wearing underneath, and the way her tits spill out over it.
  353. >Her slender fingers begin to push at the topmost button, as she bits her lip and grins at you.
  354. >The taxi grinds to a halt, and the both of your jitter as the movement stops.
  355. >You look confused, blinking several times to clear the heat daze from your mind.
  356. >The driver knocks on the glass divider, clearing it just enough to point outside the cab.
  357. >Looks like you’ve arrived at Celestia’s apartment.
  358. >The both of you pull yourselves out of the cab and back into the night.
  359. >If you thought the atmosphere in the bar was hot, then you were sorely mistaken. This was like stepping out into the frozen depths of space.
  360. >The cool, fresh air soars into your lungs as you gasp for breath, and you almost want to lay down on the cool sidewalk to get some of the heat off you.
  361. >Celestia leans in as the driver opens the passenger wide, and hands him another bunch of bills.
  362. >Some of your senses have returned, the drunkenness has subsided, and that burning in the pits of your soul has cooled down to a little smoldering ember.
  363. >The massive stiffy in the pants has also started to recede a bit too.
  364. >Fuck, these were new underwear too. Oh well, another fap pair.
  365. >You blink several times, taking a second to wipe the sweat off of your forehead, and then wipe the mixture of your’s and Celestia’s saliva off your chin.
  368. >Christ, it was like you just got out of the shower again.
  369. >Celestia grabs you by the shoulder and points towards her apartment.
  370. >”Come on, Anon.”
  371. >You’ve managed to shape up enough to pull away from her grip, taking a few steps back towards the taxi.
  372. “Listen, it’s been great and all, Celestia, but I really need to get back home.”
  373. >Celestia’s smile nosedives, her entire expression shifting into something else as she regards you coolly.
  374. >”Really, and just as we were having such a good time?”
  375. >You rub the back of your head awkwardly. Better to get out of this now. Less explaining to Sunset tomorrow.
  376. “Yeah, it’s late… and there’s stuff I have to deal with tomorrow….”
  377. >Your non-response does little to change her attitude. She crosses her arms, and scoffs slightly.
  378. >”Well, if that’s the case, Anon, then good night.”
  379. >Oh… that seemed pretty easy. You expected her to put up more of a fight, considering how it was impossible to get away from her earlier.
  380. >You turn back towards the cab, rushing to knock on the window before the driver speeds away.
  381. “W-wait! Hold on a second!”
  382. >He rolls down the window again, giving you a very unimpressed glance.
  383. “Yeah, I need to get home. You mind giving me a ride.”
  384. >He rolled his eyes, unimpressed.
  385. >”Don’t usually do drop offs like this, son. Gonna have to start the meter off and it’ll cost ya more.”
  386. >That was fine, you just really needed to get home.
  387. >You reach into your back pocket to get your wallet.
  388. >…
  389. >Hold on a second.
  390. >You reach into your OTHER back pocket to get your wallet.
  391. >…
  392. >Also empty.
  393. “Uh…”
  394. >He sighed, unimpressed.
  395. >”If you think I’m giving free rides to drunk teens, you’re wrong.”
  396. >He slams his foot down on the gas pedal, speeding away as you pull back from the edge of the curb.
  397. >Whelp, there went your ride home.
  398. >But you’ve got bigger problems.
  399. >You’ve lost your wallet! Oh no.
  400. “Oh god!”
  401. >You spend the next few seconds in a panic, running your hands over every pocket that you have in a frantic search of your wallet.
  402. >Nothing. You check a second time. No dice. You’re sweating again.
  403. >Did you drop it at the club? Did it fall out of your pocket sometime during the rodeo?
  404. >Maybe in the back of the cab during the makeout session?
  405. >You had MONEY in there, and a wallet! And a condom that totally wasn’t expired!
  406. >Celestia laughs behind you, and you wheel around to glare at her.
  408. >”What a shame, Anon. You didn’t have enough money for a ride home?” She asks, putting a hand on her collarbone in mock surprise.
  409. >You continue to glare at her for a moment, before rubbing the corners of your eyes and sighing heavily.
  410. >You know this game well enough.
  411. “What do you want?”
  412. >Celestia frowned again, shaking her head slightly. She moved her hand down from her collarbone, into the depths of the cleavage of her shirt.
  413. >You watch her tits jiggle a little bit as she rummages around.
  414. >”It’s not about what I want,” she states, pulling a small black rectangle-shaped object from the sweaty embrace of her chest.
  415. >Wait, a second… No way!
  416. >”But if you want this back, I’d say the first thing you should do is adopt a better attitude.”
  417. >What a bitch. That’s your wallet. Glinting in the dark night from being covered in boob sweat.
  418. >You almost want it back even more now.
  419. >Celestia must have seen the shock on your face. She wiggles the wallet in the air a few times, taunting you, before grinning, and dropping the object back within the moist confines of her shirt.
  420. >Maybe you should just leave?
  421. >Although that would be leaving your ID, cards, and spare bills with this girl, and you had no idea how vengeful she would be with that info.
  422. >That, and standing in line at the DMV to get a replacement drivers license was the worst punishment any human could endure.
  423. >Better to just get your wallet back as fast as possible and then dip out when Celestia’s not looking.
  424. >Although, you’d probably have to some very adult things to get her to take her shirt off first.
  425. >Fuck, either way, it would be an effort on your part.
  426. >Might as well indulge in some milf titties and make it worth your while.
  427. >You sigh again, and give a slight nod.
  428. ”I’m sorry for trying to ditch you, Celestia. It was very rude and unappreciative of me. Please forgive me.” You say slowly, through gritted teeth.
  429. >Celestia claps her hands together.
  430. >”Oh, how sweet. Of course I forgive you, Anon!”
  431. >Her voice is sickeningly sweet. And smug. She waves an arm towards the porch of her house.
  432. >”Please, come in, I’d hate for you to catch your death outside in the cold tonight.”
  433. >You ignore the fact that it was a comfortably warm night, and make your way up to the doorstep.
  434. >Celestia wraps an arm around your neck as you get near her, pulling you a little too close for comfort.
  435. >She’s also squeezing much harder than before. Probably trying to keep you from running away.
  436. >You realize she’s looking at you again. Almost expectantly.
  437. >Oh right.
  438. “Why thank you, Celestia!” You force out, trying to hide any traces of sarcasm in your voice.
  439. >She giggles, pulling you a bit closer, almost forcing your face into her sideboob.
  440. >”Oh, we’re going to have the greatest of times, don’t you worry!” She’s chimes in happily.
  441. “Ha….ha… t-totally…”
  442. >Not awkward at all, Anon. Great job!
  443. >Celestia ‘guides’ you up the steps and into the front door of her house.
  444. >As you pass through the threshold into the entrance hall, that feeling of dread sinks in and your stomach drops a little.
  446. >Oh boy, you hope this wasn’t the wrong decision.
  447. >Celestia hums cheerfully, letting go of you to quickly flick on a few lights, and hang her jacket up in a nearby closest.
  448. >She turns towards you and holds out her arm, motioning towards it.
  449. “Oh, right. Thank you.”
  450. >You shed off your coat as well, and she takes it to put in the closet as well.
  451. >You take a moment to glance down the hall as she tidies a few things away and takes off her heels.
  452. >The hallway seemingly stretches down the whole length of the house, with some doorways branched out here and there on each side.
  453. >You count six doors, some of them open, but most of them closed tight.
  454. >The room closest to you on the right has no doorway, but just a frame. You lean a bit around Celestia, catching the faint spilling of light through the open frame.
  455. >You’re sure you can hears sounds coming from within as well. Must be a TV or something she left on.
  456. >Celestia closes the closest door, the hinges creaking enough to get your attention, and you focus back on her.
  457. >”Alright, just a little floormap.” She points her hand down the hall, aiming her fingers at the door as she begins to speak.
  458. >”Furthest room back on the right is my bedroom. Bathroom is second door on the right, living room is the closest on the right side.”
  459. >She rotates, pointing towards the left side of the house.
  460. >”And on this side, from nearest to farthest, you have the kitchen, storages room and my sister’s room.”
  461. >You raise an eyebrow at that.
  462. “Sister’s room?”
  463. >Well, at least the two of you weren’t alone in the house. You might be able to call for help that way if things get a little bit out of hand.
  464. >Although, she might be a carbon copy of Celestia.
  465. >Or maybe worse.
  466. >Oof, that could be one of those risky decisions you’ve been making all night. To great success, mind you. But those odds were bound to run dry eventually.
  467. >Celestia nods at your question.
  468. >”Yeah, my sister Luna. She’s probably in the living room playing those stupid videogames of hers, or whatever is cool with the kids nowadays.”
  469. >Video games are cool! You want to protest, but you feel it’s not realty the best situation to do so.
  470. >”Anyways, I need to… freshen up a bit in the bathroom. Get yourself a drink in the kitchen or something in the meantime.”
  471. >She pushes against your back, almost forcing you into the kitchen.
  472. >Celestia quickly flips on the light switch, points towards the refrigerator and then leaves with a quick ‘I’ll be right back’.
  473. >Well, now you’re alone.
  474. >Could just sneak out the window and scramble home.
  475. >Nah, you needed that wallet.
  476. >You shrug to yourself, and head over to the fridge, pulling the door open to glance inside at its inner contents.
  477. >You glance back and forth across the mostly empty fridge.
  478. >Beer…. Beer… half-eaten sandwich. Spoiled cartoon of milk. Some butter.
  479. >Christ, how cold anyone possibly live with this in their fridge?
  480. >Either you’d caught them both on a bad day near the end of a paycheck cycle, or maybe this was just how girls lived.
  481. >You pull out two of the beers, before rummaging through the nearby cupboards for something to eat.
  482. >…And find a half-eaten box of stale poptarts.
  483. >Jesus.
  484. >Well, if they put it back, they won’t mind you finishing the other half.
  485. >At worst you owed Celestia half a poptart.
  486. >”Hey, are you eating my poptarts?”
  487. >You instinctively jump, dropping the pastry on the floor where it splatters into two uneven pieces.
  488. “Gah!”
  489. >You wheel around at the sudden voice, eyeing the strange, blue-haired girl before you.
  490. “Where did you come from?!” You spit out,
  491. >You didn’t even hear her enter the room. Damn, she must be one of those sneaky types.
  492. >She rubs at her eyes tiredly, half-yawing as she regards you.
  493. >You do the same.
  494. >She sorta looks like Celestia, having the same similarly looking defined, attractive facial features. High-cheekbones, small-button nose, luscious lips.
  495. >Although she’s a little shorter, the top of head maybe reaching up to your noise.
  496. >And where Celestia’s eyes are sharp and focused, this girl looks like she’s barely awake. Darks circles under her eyes, which barely hang open, and are tired and puffy looking.
  497. >She’s wearing a pair of extremely baggy purple pajama pants patterned with yellow stars and moons that barely hang onto her slim waist.
  498. >You can even see the edge of her black panties peeking out above the waistline of her pants. Nice.
  499. >She has a bright teal shirt that sits on the edge of her shoulders playfully threatening to fall at any second. There’s a bright, equally yellow smiling moon on the centre of her top, the upper half of the image distorted by the girls’ massive breasts underneath.
  500. >Her dark blue hair falls in messy tangles around her face and shoulders. It looks like it has never seen the end of a comb.
  501. >Oh, this must be Luna.
  502. >”Oh no, my poptarts.” She exclaims, almost ignoring you entirely to focus on the dropped pastry.
  503. >She drops to her hands and knees, scavenging across the floor to pick up the broken halves of the poptart, before examining them and frowning.
  504. >She looks up at you, glaring.
  505. “Uh… Whoops. My bad?” It’s more of a question than an apology.
  506. >She stands back up, eyeing you warily as she nibbles on the corner of one of the half’s of poptart.
  507. “Uh… hi… I’m … Anon.”
  508. >She chews loudly for a few seconds, still staring at you.
  509. >”Did you break in?”
  510. “W-what?” You stammer.
  511. >She shrugged, the edge of her shirt moving even closer to falling off her shoulder.
  512. >”Well, you don’t live here, and I didn’t invite anyone over, so…” She states, crossing her arms.
  514. >Did she not hear you and Celestia come in?
  515. “Celestia invited me over?” You try to explain.
  516. >She says nothing, but gives a slow nod after a few seconds, still chewing the piece of poptart.
  517. >”Oh, she’s back already? Didn’t hear the two of you come in.”
  518. >She hums lowly, but the aggressive look in her eyes dims a bit.
  519. >Luna swings her hips, switching to stand on her other side as she looks at you.
  520. >”I’m Luna,” she says.
  521. “Nice to meet you.”
  522. >You think, anyways.
  523. >”Well, now that you’ve ruined my late-night snack, you owe me.”
  524. “Owe you? For a fifty-cent pastry?”
  525. >Christ, how many girls were you going to ‘owe’ at the end of this night?
  526. >Luna puts the other poptart half in her mouth, biting onto the edge of it. She motions for you to follow her with her hand, and then quickly turns to stride out of the kitchen.
  527. >Well, Celestia’s not back yet. And you’ve got nothing else to do.
  528. >Might as well follow her. You grab both the beer you took out earlier.
  529. >And walk after her, following Luna into the living room.
  530. >Guess she was in here earlier, explains the lights you saw.
  531. >Luna doesn’t even bother to click on the lights as she saunters in.
  532. >With how dark it is, you can only really make out the couch and TV on one side of the room.
  533. >There’s a few bookcases sitting in the dark, some other chairs, a few lamps, and the outlines of other living room furniture objects.
  534. >Although you can see other things on the TV stand.
  535. >Countless cans of beer glow in the dim light of the TV.
  536. >Most of them empty, you guess. Guess both sisters like their booze. Although why Luna didn’t go out with Celestia then?
  537. >Maybe she’s one of those NEETs you’ve heard about on the internet. That might explain it.
  538. >Luna swing around the edge of the tv stand, sitting down in the middle of the couch.
  539. >You follow, sitting down as well, and looking at the television.
  540. >You didn’t notice before, but now that you’re looking at the screen, you can see that it isn’t TV that Luna is watching.
  541. >It’s some type of game. Must be a console hidden in the stand or something.
  542. >Luna leans forward to grab a pair of controllers that was hidden in the dark of the TV, before turning and handing one of them towards you.
  543. >She also grabs on of the beers out of your hands.
  544. >”Thanks.”
  545. “That wasn’t—nevermind.”
  546. >You sigh and grab the controller, as Luna sits back on the couch and focuses on the screen.
  547. >Luna unpauses the game, shifting through several menu screens and toggling some of the options.
  548. >The volume from the TV increases, and you notice the nose that you heard earlier was just the menu music of the game.
  549. >She doesn’t say anything, so you take the initiative to start the conversation.
  550. “So… ugh… what type of game is this?”
  551. >Luna pops the cap open on the beer she took from you, swigging back a decent portion before slamming the bottle down on the table and sighing.
  552. >”Street Brawlers Five. Now get ready for me to kick your ass. That should be enough payback for ruining my poptart.”
  553. >Ugh fighting games. The absolute worst genre of videogames. Where skill was developed by autists playing for thousands of hours and then ruining any fun anyone could actually have with the game by shitstomping new players.
  554. >N-not like you w-were salty or anything!
  555. >Definitely didn’t get your ass kicked when you tried to play!
  556. “Hey now, don’t boast before we play. That’s how you lose games.”
  557. >She turned to deadpan at you.
  558. >”Nah, I’m going to kick your ass.”
  559. >There’s an intense sparkle in her eyes that you didn’t see before.
  560. >You weren’t the biggest fan of fighting games, but you still managed to beat all your friends at Lethal Kombat when played that one time before.
  561. >T-this couldn’t be much harder than that, could it?
  562. >Luna navigates to the character select screen.
  563. “Alright, I haven’t played this game before. Give me a minute to go through some of the basic combos and stuff.”
  564. >She scoffs, rolling her eyes.
  565. >”You could play for a million years and I’d still win.”
  566. >You frown, oh you were going to bring this bitch down. …Hopefully.
  567. >Oh, it’s one of those anime fighter games.
  568. >You scroll through some of the characters, looking at theirs stats and a brief overview of their style of fighting.
  569. >You had the traditional grappling character, the countering-type. The ranged fighter, the combo-one.
  570. >Pretty standard run-of-the-mill roster.
  571. >Luna chooses some character on the far left. Some very-cutesy anime girl with way too little clothing and some very revealing meaty bits.
  572. >You’re not really sure what to choose. It’s all overwhelming and you would need to practice each of these characters for hours in the training mode to get a feel for what best suited you.
  573. >Once again, why you hated fighting games.
  574. >Luna whines.
  575. >”Come on, hurry up. We’ll be waiting until tomorrow at this rate!”
  576. “Shut up, shut up, I’m thinking!”
  577. >You settle for the dude in the middle of the screen. Some high-school anime kid with a big ass sword.
  578. >Looks like the main character with how he was standing in the main screen.
  579. >”Wow, how’d I know you’d pick that scrub-magnet?” Luna sighs.
  580. >You frown. Please god, let you beat this chick senseless.
  581. >You key in your choice, and let the game load. After a while, the screen flashes white, and a very tropical island appears in the background.
  582. >Both yours and Luna character do their flashy intros, twirling in onto the stage and spouting some pre-battle one-liners.
  583. >You crack your knuckles, gripping your controller tight as you prepare for battle.
  585. >You can see Luna smirk out of the corner of your eyes. That makes you want to win even more. In a few seconds it was going to be game on!
  586. >And in a few more seconds after that, as quickly as it started… it’s over.
  587. >You blink several times, the blinding light from the tv screen skewing your vision in the dark.
  588. “W-what, just happened?”
  589. >Your mouth is hanging open with you even realizing it.
  590. >And you fucking goddamn well know that if you turned your head over to look at Luna, she would be wearing the biggest shit-eating grin of all time.
  591. >Instead, you take a deep breath and stay focused on the massive red letters on the screen that state ‘YOU LOSE’ in big, bold red letters, bouncing in tune to the beat of the background music.
  592. >Luna shifts on the couch beside, slugging back the rest of the beer she had.
  593. >”You got your ass beat. And you didn’t even land a hit.”
  594. >You glance up at her character’s health bar, and she is absolutely rip. The green rectangle indicating her health hasn’t budged an inch.
  595. >You definitely did get your ass beat.
  596. >Well, there goes that little sense of pride that was just beginning to bud earlier.
  597. “Again.” You state emotionlessly, eyes locked on the screen.
  598. >Luna scoffs, before chuckling.
  599. >”Hey man, if you like getting whooped, I’d be glad to oblige that request.”
  600. >She pulls up the menu, and clicks on ‘rematch’.
  601. >The screen darkens momentarily as the game loads, hiding the new determination on your face.
  602. >Come on, you got this.
  603. >The game loads back in. A different stage, looks like the top of a roof of a school. Different music. Your characters both walk on stage. More kinda cringe-y one-liners.
  604. >This time it would be different.
  605. >The countdown flashes across the screen… 3…2…1… FIGHT!
  606. >As it turns out, this time would not be different.
  607. >Luna’s character glides effortlessly across the screen towards yours.
  608. >You try to block, but it’s useless.
  609. >She’s chaining crossovers at an alarming rate, and eventually your block fails.
  610. >And that’s all it takes for the match to be decided.
  611. >She launchers your character into the air, following up with a devastating juggle combo that you have no idea to how to defend against.
  612. >Eventually the damage maxes out at half your characters’ life bar, and he falls to the ground. You hold back, trying to roll away from Luna.
  613. >But she has you back into a corner, so as soon as the ground invincibility ends, she repeats her juggle combo and depletes the rest of your health bar easily.
  614. >Your character collapses to the floor in a heap of body parts, and those familiar ‘YOU LOSE’ letters flash across your side of the screen.
  615. >”Wow, embarrassing.”
  616. “AGAIN!”
  617. >This is how it continues for the next few minutes. Luna beating your ass down like a blind, deaf man with no limbs, and you getting increasingly angry at each loss.
  618. >You switch characters, switch stages, switch control schemes, trying anything you can to shake up your gameplay and get a win.
  619. >But none of it matters.
  620. >’YOU LOSE’ appears enough times to sear itself into your brain, and by the end of your dozenth loss, you’re sweaty and angry.
  621. >Heartbeat pounding in your eyes and ears hard enough to make your head spin.
  622. >Luna yawns, which covers the massive grin that’s been sitting on her face for the past twenty minutes.
  623. >”Oh god, you’re really bad.”
  624. >ENOUGH.
  625. >If you couldn’t win a fair fight, you were going to win with whatever it takes, even it you had to drag her down into the most grimy, disgusting fight even witnessed by society.
  626. >You know what you have to do.
  627. >You go back to the character select screen, scanning across for someone you haven’t played yet.
  628. >”You’ve played like eighty percent of the characters here, man. It doesn’t make a difference, you’re just bad. Accept it.”
  629. “Just shut up and pick your kawaii anime girl, you weeb.”
  630. “Y-You---!” She stutters, her sentence trailing off, but you can sense her glaring daggers at you in the dark.
  631. >Soon enough, you find your salvation.
  632. >Another high-school anime guy sitting in the bottom-right corner of the character select screen. As your cursor hovers over him, he does a backflip, shooting several magical projectiles out of his hands.
  633. >You check his combos.
  634. >And you find the magical words. Low magical blast. Medium magical blast. High magical blast.
  635. >It takes you a second to memorize the combo input commands, before you confirm your selection.
  636. >In the darkness of the loading screen, Luna doesn’t seen the gleaming evil in your eyes, and the dastardly smirk on your lips.
  637. >Please, god, let It work.
  638. >It wasn’t the most honorable way to fight, in fact you thought it deserved a horribly early, painful death to abuse the mechanics this way.
  639. >But you wanted that win.
  640. >NO.
  641. >You NEEDED that win. Too see her face twist in confusion as you beat her down into the dirt. To see that pride deflate out of her like air out a balloon.
  642. >That feeling was better than any possible sex.
  643. >The screen flashes white, this time the fighting venue being some downtown Japanese city. Civilians are lined up on the sidewalk as both your characters vault onto the screen.
  644. >3… 2… 1… FIGHT!
  645. >The letters disappear from the screen and the battle starts.
  646. >This time, you wait for Luna to make the first move.
  647. >She’s leaned forward on the couch, staring unblinkingly at the screen.
  648. >You can see her tongue stuck out as she concentrates on the action, grinding her hips into the couch for extra support.
  649. >The tiny strap for her shirt has slid down over the edge of her shoulder, exposing her clavicle and allowing you to see almost basically down her shirt.
  650. >It wasn’t going to fall any further than that, you realize, as the rest of the fabric was caught on her large breasts, which stuck out from her chest like torpedoes.
  652. >No slipping down over those massive mounds, although this sight was just as tantalizing.
  653. >You can also see the glistening of her skin illuminated by the dim light of the game. Almost a sleek, shiny coat over her skin.
  654. >Jesus, she was as bad as you, sweating at videogames. You thought that was a guy thing only.
  655. >You focus returns to the screen as Luna makes her first move, her character leaping far into the air.
  656. >She has walked into your trap.
  657. >All it takes is for you to enter that simple command you memorized earlier, and your character spins, thrusting his hands forward to shoot a projectile into the air.
  658. >You hear Luna’s sharp intake of breath whistle in the room, as the bolt of energy soars across the screen and slams into her anime girl.
  659. >You have to give the developers credit. The way her tits jiggle when she gets hit is rather enticing.
  660. >And her character’s exclamation of pain sounds way too familiar to a lot of porn you’ve heard.
  661. >All that only serves to make the first hit more satisfying.
  662. >Luna tenses up on the couch beside you, and for the first time tonight, you watch the edges of her grin falter.
  663. >Her character rolls to her feet, and Luna juts her controller towards the TV, entering some unknown combo.
  664. >Her character crouches low, doing a quick spin before diving into a kick as she speeds across the screen.
  665. >But you were prepared for that.
  666. >You enter the low-variant for your ranged projectile attack, and your guy throughs another magical bolt across the screen.
  667. >Right into Luna’s charging character.
  668. >Once again you are greeted with the sexy sight of her character flying back through the air as your attack connects, and another high-pitched sexual Japanese schoolgirl moan.
  669. >Oh yeah, that was the stuff.
  670. >You can hear Luna begin to grind her teeth.
  671. >”Oh, you fucker.”
  672. >Haha, she was out of her zone. Now it was your turn.
  673. >Remember kids, if you can’t beat your opponent with skill in a fighting game, pick the fucking gay ass zoner character and spam projectile attacks.
  674. >Works every time.
  675. >Luna tries a few more tactics, teleports, spamming charges, trying to counter with her own range game, but it’s no use.
  676. >You key the same combo in dozens of times, alternating between high, low and medium.
  677. >And each time, Luna’s character runs helplessly into your attacks, being thrown back across the screen and resetting her advance.
  678. >Which only allows you to spam more magic.
  679. >You watch her health bar whittle down little by little, until by the end of the game, she’s cowering in the corner, holding back to block.
  680. >But it doesn’t matter, as your attacks do chip damage.
  681. >And then, after one final blast, you watch the game slowdown, as her character screams and flies back though the air, slamming into the ground and remaining there.
  682. >Those familiar words pop up on the screen, but this time they are on Luna’s side of the screen.
  683. >’YOU LOSE’.
  684. >And now… you get to be the smug asshole.
  685. ”Oh well, what a ‘close’ match, Luna.”
  686. >You stretch the world ‘close’ out into three separate syllables like the proper gentleman you are.
  687. >Luna doesn’t even say anything, she scrolls down to the rematch button and slams her finger down on the controller to accept.
  688. >She didn’t realize it was already over.
  689. >You win again… and again…. And again.
  690. >Each time Luna scoots closer to the television, and each time her face sours more and more, until eventually she’s sat right down in front of the TV, and you can sense the rage pouring off of her.
  691. >Fuck, what quick change of pace that was.
  692. >Her character goes flying through the air each round, her lewd screaming echoing in the apartment.
  693. >You couldn’t get any harder if you tried.
  694. >Luna’s entire body is shaking in the light of the game screen, and you imagine she’s trying to retain composure and not kill you right then and there.
  695. >You whittle her character down to an inch of her lifebar again, but then you stop.
  696. “Alright, I’ll stop spamming, if you can win in the next few combos, the game is yours.”
  697. >Almost immediately Luna’s avatar sprints across the screen.
  698. >You’re not sure if she doesn’t notice your guy’s full extra power meter, or she just doesn’t care.
  699. >Either way, she charges straight into your dude and leaps, performing a savage spinning kick.
  700. >All you have to do is gold both triggers and input another short combo to unleash your ultimate attack.
  701. >Luna catches this at the last moment.
  702. >”NO!” she screams almost theatrically.
  703. >But it’s too late.
  704. >The entire stage fades out into a cosmic blue as your player erupts in a cascading array of bright blue light.
  705. >The stage is flooded with a whirlwind of magic.
  706. >It wouldn’t have mattered if Luna blocked, the chip damage would have been enough.
  707. >Instead, her arms flop to her sides limply as she stares at the screen, waiting for defeat.
  708. >The attack hits her character dead on, and the entire screen glows a brilliant white, before loading back to the stage.
  709. >Luna’s character is on the ground, and ‘YOU WIN’ sits triumphantly on your side of the screen.
  710. “Close match, champ, maybe you’ll get me next time.”
  711. >”YOU PIECE OF SHIT!”
  712. >Luna spins around, almost toppling over from the momentum and flings the controller towards you.
  713. “Woah, hey, what the fuck?!”
  714. >You duck out of the way, the controller flying over your head as you watch it soar off into the darkness behind the couch where it thuds loudly against some piece of furniture and then thuds even louder as it hits the floor.
  715. >You turn back, only to see Luna storming over towards you on the couch.
  716. >”You cheap fucking faggot!”
  717. >Woah, the language out of this girl.
  718. >Maybe you should apologize, try to not look like such as asshole.
  720. “Shouldn’t that be ‘baka senpai’?”
  721. >Oh fuck, that one slipped out before you could regulate the asshole-part of your brain.
  722. >Luna curls her hands into fists.
  723. >”I’m going to kill you!”
  724. >Uh oh.
  725. >You try to leap off the couch but that doesn’t serve much of a use.
  726. >Luna jumps from where she stands, and knocks you solidly back into the couch, her fist smacking into your side.
  727. “Ow-! Hey!”
  728. >”Pick the cheapest piece of shit character in the game and abuse his stupid overpowered attack that should have been nerfed into the ground at launch, and then try to pretend you’re better than me?!”
  729. >She’s pretty much screaming at you, punching you in whatever exposed piece of flesh she can find.
  730. >You get hit in the side, the thigh, your neck, and even painfully on the elbow.
  731. “Ow! Stop! Stop! Ah, my fucking elbow!”
  732. >Luna ignores your cries, her punches turning into weak slaps as she exhausts herself.
  733. >Fuck she’s sticky.
  734. >You can feel her sweat sinking into your own, already sweaty but some-what dry clothes.
  735. >”Asshole! F-fucker!”
  736. >Sounds like she almost running out of insults.
  737. >She has you backed into the corner of the couch, as you try to hold up your hands and deflect her attacks.
  738. >This was so much easier in game compared to real life. As it stands, most of her attacks either hit you in an undefended area, or smack into your wrists which still hurt anyways.
  739. >She’s so much on top of you that your knee’s are basically poking her in the boobs, and she’s grinding on your legs.
  740. >She’s still running off every swear and curse she’s ever heard in her life at you, each punctuated with a smack or punch.
  741. >”…-window-licking dick enthusiast!”
  742. “Get off of me, ah!”
  743. >You grab her wrist mid-air, and she winces at the contact, halting her assault.
  744. >Use it to your advantage, Anon!
  745. >You kick off the back of the couch, using the strength of your body to throw Luna back across the other side of the couch.
  746. >”H-Hey, what are you –oof!”
  747. >She smacks into the soft cushion with a loud pomf~.
  748. >Unfortunately for you, you’re still grabbed onto her wrist, so as she goes flying over to the other side, so do you.
  749. >You end up on top of her, knees on each side of her hips, one arm on the left side of her head, and the hand you had wrapped around her wrist is now solidly planted on her right tit.
  750. >And you mean solidly, you were gripping that bad boy like a water balloon in the desert.
  751. >”Hey! What do you think you’r—"
  752. >Luna takes a second to notice. Her eyes traveling down the length of your arm, before focusing on her man-handled breast.
  753. >Her sentence cuts off as she clams up.
  754. >You watch her face darken even more in the light of the TV, her eyes darting all around in their sockets as she tries to look anywhere but at you.
  755. >But that’s still not the worst thing.
  756. >No, the worst thing is that apparently… she’s not wearing a bra.
  757. >You didn’t notice it before in the low-light conditions, but now you’re almost one hundred percent certain.
  758. >Her sweaty shirt clings tightly to her ample bust, and you sure as hell feel a nipple jutting out between your middle and index finger.
  759. >Instinctively, and without so much as a thought, your brain decides to test your hypothesis.
  760. >You squeeze her tit.
  761. >The result is two-fold.
  762. >One, that was definitely a nipple. A very erect, pointing nipple. Rubbing against the inside of your fingers.
  763. >Two, that was definitely a moan. Yep.
  764. >Luna looks at you with trembling eyes. In fact her entire body seems to be shaking.
  765. >She slaps a hand over her mouth after realizing the sound she made.
  766. >And then the only thing the both of you can do is stare silently at each other.
  767. >You’re not sure what to do, or how to move away comfortable from this situation.
  768. >And you’re sure Luna is thinking the same thing.
  769. >The television fades to black, the ‘automatic shutdown’ feature ticking in the corner of the screen for a few seconds beforehand.
  770. >And now, the two of you are completely in the dark. You can’t see the embarrassed expression that Luna is making.
  771. >And she sure as hell can’t see yours.
  772. >This lasts for all of around five seconds, before the lights in the room are flicked on.
  773. >Blinding light floods your eyeballs, compared to the dark you were just in.
  774. >Both you and Luna turn to look at the doorway.
  775. >Only to see Celestia standing in the frame, her hands on the light switch as she glares at the both of you.
  776. >She’s changed her clothes from earlier. No longer wearing the skirt and white shirt from earlier.
  777. >Now she’s rocking a heavy pink bath robe that still manages to curve around her figure alluringly.
  778. >There’s a tantalizing pair of black stockings on her legs still, which run down into a plain pair of white slippers.
  779. >Her hair has also been combed a bit neater, flowing in colorful swirls down her back.
  780. >She has one eyebrow raised in apprehension, and the tattletale signs of a frown pulling at the corner of her lips.
  781. >”Well, hope I didn’t walk in on anything important,” she states.
  782. >”W-we were just playing games!” Luna shouts out, half stuttering.
  783. >Celestia stares at your hand that is currently groping the fuck out of Luna’s tit.
  784. >”Clearly.” She looks very nonchalant. Like you were a disobedient student or something.
  785. >You and Luna quickly struggle to re-orient yourselves, before sitting on opposite ends of the couch and looking at very interesting spots on the wall.
  786. >Celestia sighs and shakes her head, strutting over to the couch to stand in front of you.
  787. >You try to smile at her, but you can’t imagine it looks genuine at all, considering how hot your face feels and the tent you’re currently pitching in your pants.
  789. “H-Hi.” You stammer out.
  790. >Celestia doesn’t say anything.
  791. >But she does reach down to grab your ear. Hard.
  792. “Ow!”
  793. >What was it with these two girls and grabbing sensitive parts?
  794. >She drags you off the couch and pulls you to the doorway, stopping in the frame.
  795. >”Oh, and Luna?” Celestia turns back towards her sister for a second.
  796. >Luna is still pretending to be looking at some part of the wall, but she does glance over at Celestia when she hears her name.
  797. >”Stick to your videogames, okay?”
  798. >Ouch, sibling rivalry. Cold as ice, too.
  799. >Luna scrunches up her face and reaches towards the other controller on the couch, arching her arm back.
  800. >Celestia quickly pulls you out of the room, and your escaped is followed by a loud bang against the doorframe where Celestia was standing a few seconds before.
  801. >Are they always like this?
  802. >You assumed most siblings got along half-decently.
  803. >Maybe you were wrong?
  804. >The alarm bells going off in your head draws your attention to a more pressing matter, however.
  805. >The fact that Celestia is dragging you down the hallway towards her room.
  806. >And she still has your ear in a very painful hold.
  807. “God, stop pulling on it so hard!”
  808. >”Someone has to show you teenagers some discipline.”
  809. >You can’t pull away, not without losing your ear.
  810. >And eventually, Celestia pulls you to the last door on the right.
  811. >Her lair. Her bedroom.
  812. >She uses her free hand to push open the door.
  813. >The darkness inside is foreboding and uneasy.
  814. >Celestia guides you inside. Although, it’s not so much a ‘guide’ as a forceful shove over the threshold.
  815. >You barely have time to turn around before she pulls you close to her, the edge of her lips tickling against the side of your face.
  816. >”Step into my office, Anon.” She whispers.
  817. >Boner, please no.
  818. >You’re trying to remain rational here.
  819. >She’s definitely noticed it.
  820. >”No weapons allowed on school grounds, Anon.” She giggles.
  821. >Oh god, school puns? They’re a bit cringey.
  822. >But damn if you haven’t always had a hot teacher fantasy. This was starting to push those buttons a little bit.
  823. >Celestia lets go of you, striding over towards a bedside table in the corner of the room.
  824. >She pulls a lamp cord, and the room is bathed in a very-dim red light. Just enough to make out shapes and objects.
  825. >And then she’s back, wrapping her arms around your back and pulling you in for a kiss.
  826. >Her entire face burns. You’re not sure if it’s the booze finally taking effect, or just her natural heat.
  827. >You can taste the drunkenness off her mouth and feel the tingle in her lips.
  828. >Celestia’s tongue sloppily meshes against yours, all while the scent of her heavy perfume invades your nostrils.
  829. >It’s intoxicating.
  830. >Must have been what she put on in the bathroom.
  831. >Your senses leave you, and you find yourself pushing Celestia back towards her bed.
  832. >She stumbles back, moaning into your mouth.
  833. >Celestia finds the edge of her bed, and breaks away from the kiss.
  834. >You’re eager for more, but she holds up a finger.
  835. >”Wait a second.”
  836. >Her fingers deftly untie the knot on her bath robe, and the article of clothing falls away revealing…
  837. >Oh wow.
  838. >She’s traded her standard office attire for a set of very transparent black lace lingerie.
  839. >Complete with a matching garter belt and a pair of tight stockings that struggle to contain all of her plump bits.
  840. >Her heavy tits jiggle as they bust free from the robe, and her perky nipples are easily visible through the thin fabric.
  841. >Your member twitches inadvertently, already pitched at full mast and rubbing against the confines of your jeans.
  842. >A sly smile spreads across Celestia’s face as she runs her hands underneath her breasts, lifting up the huge mammaries and letting them drop back down onto her chest with a meaty smack.
  843. >She leans backs and curls her legs up as well, allowing you to trace the dark stockings all the way up to her huge thighs, watching the plump line where the clothing ends and her skin begins.
  844. >But you continue working your way up, over the garterbelt straps, to the small black thong that covers her most precious bits.
  845. >You have to stop yourself from drooling.
  846. >This was a real woman.
  847. >Celestia beckons you forward with her finger.
  848. >And that’s all the encouragement you need to leap on the bed with her, the urge to bury your dick into this woman searing in every synapse in your brain.
  849. >The two of you meet in a passionate embrace, your hands finding her tits and groping them mercilessly as both of your lips meet again.
  850. >The kisses are much more savage them before, loud wet ‘thwacks’ sounding in the room as your mouth assaults hers.
  851. >Saliva is swapped, tongues wrestle, and every few seconds one of you has to pull away to gasp enough air to maintain consciousness.
  852. >Your erection presses painfully against your pants, desperately seeking the freedom it desires.
  853. >The slickness of precum has already stained into your boxers, if the massive throbbing of your member is any indication.
  854. >Your hands play, slap, grab, and pinch at Celestia’s tits, the massive mounds bouncing and jiggling at the slightest sensation.
  855. >Her nipples are hard enough to cut diamonds, sticking out through the tiny lace bra forcefully.
  856. >Every time you clamp your fingers down on them, Celestia moans lustfully into your mouth, reigniting the ferocity in her oral rampage.
  857. >There’s no room to move away, and you’re breathless enough to see stars in your spinning vision.
  858. >Eventually, Celestia pulls back, trailing a long, thick strand of saliva that breaks and falls across her slick skin.
  859. >You’re twitching in your pants, the slightest touch probably enough to make you spew your seed, especially considering the blueballing from the past few hours.
  860. >Celestia rolls over, presenting her ass in all it’s thick and magnificent glory.
  861. >Tiny beads of sweat roll down each of her cheeks, and the tiny thong does little to cover her asshole.
  862. >You’re undoing your pants and belt before you even notice, hauling out your painfully erect member from its tight cage.
  863. >Your dick twitches in anticipation, heavy globs of precum rolling down the glans.
  864. >Celestia is looking back over her shoulders on the bed, eyeing your manhood.
  865. >She grins, giving her ass a little shake to entice you. Her butt jiggles and claps together alluringly.
  866. >All you can think about is sticking it in, every other possible thought is vacant from your mind.
  867. >You run your hands over her ass, molding the flesh with your hands, and punctuating the inspection with a hard smack that sends Celestia’s ass fat cascading across her behind in a thicc tsunami.
  868. >She yelps at the contact, before breaking out into giggles and grinding her booty against your raging erection.
  869. >Enough playtime.
  870. >You peel away her soaked thong, revealing her moist entrances.
  871. >Her sex glistens in the dim red light, already coated in a layer of her own juices.
  872. >You take a deep breath, grab Celestia by the hips, and line your member up with her entrance.
  873. >She moans lowly, tangling her hands into the bedsheets for support.
  874. >You rise your head, tearing your gaze away from her bountiful ass, towards her face.
  875. >She’s looking back at you, biting her lip in anticipation, a heavy blush burning on her cheeks.
  876. >And then you see it.
  877. >There, on the corner of her bedside table.
  878. >What you initially came in here to get.
  879. >The familiar black leather of your wallet. Sitting there, almost within reach.
  880. >There’s a fleeting thought in your head of simply pulling up your pants, walking over there, grabbing your wallet and walking out.
  881. >Probably the simplest and easiest way to conclude this situation.
  882. >But the yearning in your loins is too powerful to ignore now. You’re a victim of your own lust.
  883. >And any chance of getting out of this situation without getting your dick wet disappears as you feel a pair of hands clasp around your own waste.
  884. >You jolt, smacking the head of your penis into Celestia’s vulva which elicits a gasp from her and a chuckle from somewhere behind you.
  885. >No way.
  886. >There’s no way she managed to she into here. No way.
  887. >You turn your head just enough to spy behind you.
  888. >And sure enough, there she is.
  889. >The messy tangle of blue bedhead.
  890. >”Yes way.” Luna states, almost as if she could read your mind through the expression on your face.
  891. >Your mouth forms the beginning of a question.
  893. >A question that you don’t get to ask.
  894. >Luna grips tightly on your hips, and pushes forward with all her strength.
  895. >Your glans smashes into edge of Celestia’s glit, before the moisture of her sex relents and guides your member down into her depths.
  896. >Not before both you and Celestia squeal in response, however.
  897. >Your knees tremble, and your hands grip Celestia’s thick, meaty thighs in an attempt to support your unbalanced frame.
  898. >The feeling is overwhelming.
  899. >Your dick plunges deep into Celestia, her walls grating and grinding on the sensitive head of your penis.
  900. “O-oh, GOD!” You moan out, trying to stop the shaking in your lower body.
  901. >Already your loins burn, eagerly awaiting the sweet release of a climax that you’ve been denied.
  902. >You feel your balls churn, the pressure building to uncomfortable levels in your shaft as the muscles spasm.
  903. >All of this occurring while incomprehensible levels of pleasure surge through your entire being.
  904. >Luna presses up against your back, and judging from the two pointy objects poking up in your upper back, you assume she too must be naked.
  905. >She giggles in your right ear.
  906. >”You can’t cheat your way out of this one.”
  907. >Her hands lock around your waist, as she pistons you in and out of Celestia’s lit.
  908. >Whether or not Celestia seems to care about her sister being in the room while you fuck her, you don’t know.
  909. >She lost in the throes of pleasure, her body tangling and curling itself into the bedsheets as you drill at her deepest and most sensitive depths.
  910. >Her moans and yelps lost beneath the loud, wet smacking sound your cock makes every time it slams home deep within her love canals.
  911. >Your toes are already curling in response to the overload of sensations. That fluttery feeling in your gut and spine spreading rapidly as your impending orgasm builds and builds.
  912. >You’re thrusting mostly on your own volition now, Luna’s hand only slightly guiding you forward as she presses her breasts into your back and nibbles softly on your ear.
  913. >”Are you going to cum inside my sister?” She asks, curling the words sensually.
  914. >It triggers an almost instinctively response in your loins, and you dig your fingers into Celestia’s ass hard enough to leave visible red marks.
  915. >Celestia has buried her face directly down into one of the pillows on the bed, muffling her cries and moans, the only noise you can hear being her particularly loud yelps when you hit too deep too fast.
  916. >Her walls lock down on you hard, squeezing down on the head of your cock as she orgasms.
  917. >You try to pull back, but it’s too tight, and her insides refuse to let you go, so you step in and drill your dick deeper.
  918. >Your member sears like a iron, and all of Celestia’s flesh rubbing back and forth across your shaft burns hot.
  919. >You’re sweating, drops of perspiration running down your forehead and clouding your eyes.
  920. >The climax building deep in your balls rises to the breaking points, and you grunt as the dams break.
  921. >Seed so hot you can feel each and every squirt races through your dick.
  922. >You grunt loudly and step in, pushing as deep as you can into Celestia as you lean over her ass and cum.
  923. >Luna coos in your ears, one of her hands going down to squeeze your balls as you explode inside her sister.
  924. >Your vision flashes white with each heavy spurt of hot seed that you pump directly into Celestia’s womb.
  925. >Celestia tenses up, squealing loudly into the bedspread as the volcanic-hot cum floods into every crevice of her sex.
  926. >You’re not sure how many strings of thick, heavy baby batter you pour into her cunt, but it’s enough that it eventually starts to run down her legs and spatter on the floor and your toes.
  927. >Celestia sinks down into the bed as you pull out.
  928. >Your stroke yourself a few times, shooting a few more drops of semen up her ass and back as she collapses onto her side, legs still quivering in the afterglow of her orgasm.
  929. >Your dick still stands perfectly erect, throbbing in the air.
  930. >Desperate for more.
  931. >But there’s only one girl left standing to sate that urge.
  932. >Luna barely notices as you turn on her.
  933. >She’s gaping at her sister, the sinister gleam of revenge lighting up her eyes.
  934. >”Maybe you should stick to your office work, sister.” She spits back at Celestia, her voice venomous with her victory.
  935. >Not that it would last for long.
  936. >She only looks up at you when you grab her by the wrist forcefully.
  937. >”A-non?”
  938. “Rematch.”
  939. >”W-wha—"
  940. >You sling her over to the bed, where she stumbles and falls down next to her sister.
  941. >Celestia doesn’t even react past the continued trembling of her nethers and legs as cum spills out of her vagina and down her thighs.
  942. >Luna manages to roll over onto her back, sliding back up the bed as she crawls back.
  943. >You don’t know what expression you’re wearing on your face, but judging by the fearful look in Luna’s eyes, it’s probably a good one.
  944. >”A-Anon, w-wait a sec!” She stutters out as you crawl onto the bed after her.
  945. >But you’re not thinking rationally.
  946. >You’re led on by the insatiable throbbing of your dick. And this girl is the prey to sate your lustful urges.
  947. >Luna holds her hands out, trying to stop you from getting closer.
  948. >Bad idea.
  949. >You grab her hands, yanking the girl towards you.
  950. >She squeals loudly, which you easily silence by placing your lips against hers.
  951. >Her face goes darkens with a heavy blush, and her eyes shrink to tiny pinpricks.
  952. >You wrap your arms around her trembling body and pull her in deeper, mashing your mouth against hers.
  953. >Her cries of protest turn into moans of encourage, and her shaky arms clings onto your shoulders desperately.
  954. >You pull her into your lap, which she is more than happy to oblige, your throbbing boner poking into her thighs.
  955. >Her eyes shoot open, glancing down at your raging erection, and the shivers return to her body.
  956. “First time?”
  957. >Her eyes go even wider.
  958. >”I…I-I….I…-I”
  959. >That’s barely a sentence.
  960. >You lift her up, position her above your dick.
  961. >And then lower her down onto you.
  962. >Her nails dig into your chest, marking you with deep red scratches.
  963. >Your manhood pushes against her entrance in a battle of wills, but her slick juices coat her sex enough for your cock to slowly push into her.
  964. >Luna gasps loudly.
  965. >”O-oh, fuck!”
  966. >She leans into you, and bites down on your shoulder to muffle her moans.
  967. >She’s so unbelievably tight. You have to fight for every inch as your push your member deeper inside.
  968. >Even with as wet as she is from watching you creampie her sister, her walls clamp down on you like a foreign intruder, desperate to push your dick out.
  969. >But that only increases the throbbing in your loins, your glans spurting more wads of viscous precum to open the path.
  970. >Eventually, her hips meet yours, and you bottom out in her.
  971. >There’s a flood of liquid from sex, flooding your cock and trickling out down both your legs.
  972. >You realize she came from you just putting it in.
  973. >Luna whines into your neck, her nails still dug into your chest.
  974. >Her sharp gasps and coos blowing warm air against your throat.
  975. >She shaking so hard that you struggle not to cum from the vibrations alone.
  976. “I’m going to start moving now.”
  977. >She doesn’t respond, but nods her head slightly.
  978. >You start out with a small thrust, prodding your shaft gently into her insides.
  979. >And the results are almost immediate.
  980. >Luna bites even harder into your neck as her entire body violently seizes up again.
  981. >Her cunt locks down on your entire member like a vice, squeezing and churning as Luna orgasms again.
  982. >It’s so tight it almost hurts, dull aching throbs punctuating in your dick with each heartbeat, as the head of your penis tries not to be crushed by the intense pressure.
  983. >Another flood of juice as Luna squirts all over the bed again.
  984. >So you thrust again.
  985. >And this time you go a little deeper, and Luna’s response is a little less extreme.
  986. >Each time you gently push into and pull back out of her, Luna’s entire form seizes up in the throes of pleasure, but each time you go a little faster and a little harder.
  987. >A rhythm begins to develop, with her thighs slapping against yours, both covered in a slimy amount of her juices and your dripping pre-cum.
  988. >She’s moved her arms up from digging into your chest, and now both of them are wrapped around your neck, pulling your body closer to hers.
  989. >Her nipples brush against your pecs with each thrust, hard enough to almost scrape into your skin with each pass.
  990. >She’s still biting into your neck, gasping and hissing and moaning each time you piston your dick into her.
  992. >But the pace builds, and so too does the pleasure.
  993. >That familiar sensation rises in your loins again, as you begin to feel your muscles contract and push.
  994. >Luna must sense it too, slamming her meaty thighs down on your hips, pushing you into her harder and harder than before.
  995. >Now it’s your breathing that is ragged, as your impending orgasm draws closer.
  996. >The heat is unbearable, both of your sweaty bodies locked in a deadly embrace.
  997. “Oh god…”
  998. >Luna raises her mouth from your neck to your ears.
  999. >”Cum for me.”
  1000. >And that’s really all the encouragement you need.
  1001. >You feel your balls empty once more as Luna bottoms out on your shaft a final time.
  1002. >Thick seed floods through your dick and into Luna.
  1003. >She clenches her insides, trapping your dick deep within her cunt as you cum.
  1004. >Your member struggles to shoot each load with how tight Luna is, crying out with a pleasurable mix of pain as you grunt and groan.
  1005. >Your orgasm ends, and the two of you hold each other for a few minutes, breathing heavily.
  1006. >You pull out after a while, rolling off Luna and down onto the middle of the bed.
  1007. >She falls onto her side, staring dreamily at you as huge waves of your cum leak from between your legs.
  1008. >Her hair is a tangle-y, bushy mess, but she still looks unbelievable cute.
  1009. >You only realize now that you’re holding her hand.
  1010. >Motion from the other side of the bed distracts you.
  1011. >And you turn to see an equally bed-headed Celestia looking at Luna with a look of contempt.
  1012. >Luna sees this as well, her dreamy expression shifting to a more sour one.
  1013. >”You harpy!” Celestia yells, almost lunging across the bed at Luna.
  1014. >You sit up, holding out your arms to try and keep Celestia back, getting a handful of titty for your attempt.
  1015. >But that doesn’t deter Celestia in the slightest.
  1016. >”I can even bring a man home without you trying to steal him away!” Celestia accuses, jabbing a finger at Luna.
  1017. >Luna also springs up.
  1018. >”Well, it’s not my fault you can’t satisfy him! Anon was still hard and you were down for the count. I stepped in like a real woman does!” Luna spits back.
  1019. >”Two-timing trollop!”
  1020. >”Easy floozy!”
  1021. >Both of them try to slap at each other, but you manage to keep them again. One hand on Celestia’s tits and one hand of Luna’s tits.
  1022. >It’s kinda nice… except for them trying to kill each other.
  1023. >That’s kina hot.
  1024. >All of their movement has only resulted in them grinding ineffectually against you.
  1025. >Which has re-energized Anon Junior who is currently standing at full attention again.
  1026. >Luna and Celestia are both distracted, their petty catfight attempt stopping as their eyes trail down over your engorged member.
  1027. >”You know… there might be a better way to solve this, Luna.” Celestia states, staring down at your dick.
  1028. >Luna glances at her sister, but doesn’t respond, instead frowning at Celestia.
  1029. >Celestia hefts her massive tits up, boobs jiggling against her clammy skin as she juts her chest forward.
  1030. >”Unless, of course, you think you’re… disadvantaged?” She trails off, winking at Luna.
  1031. >Luna looks down at her own breasts, gritting her teeth before shooting her gaze back over to Celestia.
  1032. >”Bring it on, you old wench!” She spits.
  1033. >This time, you are unable to keep them from each other.
  1034. >Celestia and Luna meet in the middle, grinding them foreheads together as their tits smack against each other.
  1035. >Uh oh… you’re not sure if you like where this is going.
  1036. “N-now… girls, there’s prob—"
  1037. >”SHUT UP” They both turn and shout at you.
  1038. >You sink back into the bed with the dangerous gleam in both their eyes.
  1039. >Celestia reaches out before you can back away, grabbing your dick with her hand, her slender fingers curling around your sensitive glans.
  1040. >You freeze up and groan loudly.
  1041. “Gentler, Jesus!”
  1042. >You weren’t sure you could get erect again right away.
  1043. >Two massive cumshots right in a row had taken the energy right out of you.
  1044. >And probably some of your soul.
  1045. >”Oh stop being a baby, Anon.” Celestia chides.
  1046. >She gives your member a few strokes, slathering her hands with left over cum.
  1047. >Surely enough, you feel the blood flow back down.
  1048. >Although most of the throbbing in your loins right now seems to be from soreness and not the excruciating need to blow your load.
  1049. >And then she brings down her massive jugs, tucking away your cock inside their pillow depths.
  1050. >You make a noise somewhere between a squeal and a moan.
  1051. “F-fuck.”
  1052. >Celestia slaps your thigh with her precum covered hands.
  1053. >”Language!”
  1054. >She wiggles her breasts around, enveloping your shaft deeper within.
  1055. >The slick, soft flesh spills all over your dick, the warmth of her tits seemingly dulling the aching throb in your pelvis.
  1056. >You sigh.
  1057. >”Is that better?” Celestia asks.
  1058. “Yeah, def—"
  1059. >She slams her hands on the sides of her tits, squeezing them together.
  1060. >All the heat and pressure instantly transfers into your dick, trapped within her massive mounds.
  1061. >And then she slams down funbags up and down on your hips.
  1062. >Her cleavage crushes against sensitive shaft, rubbing up against the head of your dick.
  1063. >Your hands grip into the bedsheets, your whole body seizing up at the wave of sensation flooding out through your waist.
  1064. >”Hey! Stop that!” Luna yelps from your other side.
  1065. >She thrusts her hand forward, deep into Celestia’s cleavage.
  1066. >Her fingers run along the head of your dick as well, before she grabs it and hauls it back out into the air.
  1067. >Sweet freedom.
  1068. >You’re not sure if you could survive a tittyfuck by Celestia this point, lest you cum and die.
  1069. >That freedom quickly vanishes as she begins to rub her own breasts against your penis.
  1070. “No s-seriously, you guys need to stop.”
  1071. >Neither of them even look at you.
  1072. >Celestia instead, scoffs at Luna.
  1073. >”Oh calm down, Luna. I was just getting ready.”
  1074. >Celestia stretches and plays with her own boobs. The sweat from the inside of her cleavage, as well as a few spurts of your precum coat her tits in a thin layer of lubrication.
  1075. >Luna frowns, and grabs your dick again, stroking very hard in order to force out a few more spurts of your juices.
  1076. >Your toes curl.
  1077. “Too hard, too hard!”
  1078. >You grit your teeth, ignoring the stars in your vision and the trembling of your pelvis.
  1079. >Luna rubs your dick all over her mounds, also covering them in a sticky protective coating.
  1080. >You’ve already made your peace with god.
  1081. >If this was how you were going to go out, you guess it wasn’t too bad.
  1082. >Both Celestia and Luna move closer to you, leaning forward over your waist.
  1083. >Celestia has a smug grin on her face.
  1084. >While Luna is frowning, her brow furrowed.
  1085. >Celestia shakes her tits, the massive organs rocking on her chest, slapping together with slick sounds.
  1086. >”Sure you’ve got enough to keep up, Sister?”
  1087. >She reaches out, pinching one of Luna’s already erect nipples.
  1088. >Luna gasps and slaps away her sister’s hand, her face still incredibly flushed.
  1089. >You glance between both of their tits.
  1090. >Celestia definitely has the size advantage, her torpedoes more than enough to smother you alive if she wanted.
  1091. >If your dick got swallowed up in those puppies, it would be lost for years in that fleshy paradise.
  1092. >But Luna is rocking huge guns as well, her nipples and areolas more mighty than Celestia, but the overall surface area of her knockers is still a little less than her sisters.
  1093. >Might be an uphill battle for Luna, but she was still in the running.
  1094. >”Keep your pathetic saggy bags over on your side, Sister.”
  1095. >Luna positions your dick in the middle of her tits.
  1096. >And then Celestia moves in, putting her breasts on the other side, trapping your member in between both sister’s cleavage.
  1097. >As they shift around to get more comfortable, you feel their nipples trail softly over your cock.
  1098. >You’re lid solidly on your back, watching the ceiling fan spin, and taking really deep breaths.
  1099. >Don’t die, don’t die, don’t die.
  1100. >And when you’re penis is crushed on all sides by both their chests, they start to titfuck you.
  1101. >You gasp, reeling back, almost trying to pull your pelvis out of its titty prison, but there’s nowhere to go, so all you can do is endure.
  1102. >Luna has her hands gripped tightly around the sides of her tits, pushing them against your member as she grinds up and down.
  1103. >Celestia giggles at her sister’s focus, her humungous funbags not even needing to be held in position.
  1104. >She let’s her hands rest of the bed, simply bouncing her boobs on your tits in thick, heavy slapping motions.
  1106. >Both techniques mix together in an undistinguishable hell of pleasure.
  1107. >Your beaten and worn dick throbbing painfully as another unwilling orgasm is forcingly stirred in your loins.
  1108. >Spurts of pre from your glans build up and shoot out on both sister’s tits, moistening the flesh and slickening your dick.
  1109. >But that does little to decrease the pressure or null the burning in your balls at the sensations.
  1110. >Celestia and Luna seem to barely notice your presence beyond your dick.
  1111. >Both sisters locked in an aggressive stare game, neither blinking.
  1112. >Wet slapping sounds echo in the bedroom, the tortuous titty fuck growing faster and harder.
  1113. >The pace increases, Luna squeezes her hands together tighter against her tits, crushing your dick even further in its embrace. Celestia bounces harder and faster, smashing your shaft in and out of her cleavage.
  1114. >It’s too much.
  1115. >You can’t take it.
  1116. >You’re drooling, trembling all over as the muscles in your waist twist and turn.
  1117. >Eyes half-lidded, vision blurred, staring at the ceiling as your body goes numb from the pleasure overload.
  1118. >Your dick must be purple from all this abuse, and yet, deep within your loins the animalistic urge to breed reawakens.
  1119. >Your hips begin to thrust on their own accord, banging your dick even more violently in and out of Celestia’s and Luna’s Cleavage.
  1120. >Their voices ring dully in your ears as you fight the urge to cum.
  1121. >”Not a bad attempt, Luna, but we all know who will win.”
  1122. >”Yes we do, sister.”
  1123. >The very core of your dick feels like it’s on fire. Molten hot, spilling precum nonstop.
  1124. >So sore, yet the throbbing won’t stop. Your balls pulse, desperate to blow.
  1125. >There’s one final painful resonation deep in your waist, and the floodgates open.
  1126. >Your hips thrust savagely into the warm, tight confines of its cleavage prison.
  1127. >Your eyes fall onto the meaty mounds beating your dick, eager to see the load you’re about to spill.
  1128. >Except that doesn’t happen.
  1129. >Luna rams her tits against Celestia’s, knocking the other girl from her perch as she stumbles back onto her ass, her boobs pulling away from your shaft.
  1130. >And then Luna surges forward, thoroughly wrapping her breasts around you.
  1131. >Her mouth goes down to the top of her boobs, where your dick periodically comes up from air.
  1132. >Except this time, your sensitive glans disappears into Luna’s eagerly waiting mouth.
  1133. >Slipping past her thick lips, into the soft, saliva-coated mouth cave as you cum hard.
  1134. >Your balls empty, testicles squeezing down to force every last drop of baby batter into Luna’s gullet and down her throat.
  1135. >The girl’s eyes go wide, and you watch her throat bulge as she tries to swallow every last spurt of your seed.
  1136. >But there’s too much. You feel hot liquid running down your shaft.
  1137. >Some of it even shoots out of her nose, running down the side of her face.
  1138. >Tears gather in the corner of her eyes, and yet she keeps your rod inside her mouth for the full duration of your ejaculation.
  1139. >Celestia is leaned back on the bed, one hand resting atop of her tits, as she stares at Luna, eyes wide with shock at her sister’s actions.
  1140. >Luna’s tongue massages the top of your dick in between shots of semen, teasing out every trace of sperm.
  1141. >The white light at the end of your vision begs you to step forward.
  1142. >And you’re just about to when you hear a wet ‘pop’ and Luna sits back.
  1143. >Seed trails down the corner of her mouth, out her nose, and drips over her chin in streaks.
  1144. >Her own eyes are half-closed, and she wobbles unevenly, like she’s drunk off your sperm.
  1145. >Your poor penis falls out of her cleavage and against your lap, shrinking almost immediately.
  1146. >It’s done. No more.
  1147. >Luna burps loudly, coming back to her senses as she wipes away the remainder of the cum on her mouth.
  1148. >”Guess that’s an L for you, Celly.”
  1149. >You see Celestia lunge across the bed for Luna, but you’re too far gone to even attempt to stop her.
  1150. >You just lie back, waiting to either die or sleep.
  1151. >Your eyes close, but there’s no dreams or thoughts.
  1152. >Just the blackness of sleep.
  1153. >….
  1154. >….
  1155. >____________________________________________________________________________________
  1156. >Some time later you jerk awake.
  1157. >In a strange room, with a pounding headache and a mouth so dry you can barely breathe.
  1158. >You try to move, but can’t. There’s too much weight holding you back.
  1159. >Where are you? What happened?
  1160. >Your vision clears slowly with each blink.
  1161. >You roll your head slowly to the side, forcing your way past the brain fog clouding your memories.
  1162. >There’s a girl asleep on your shoulder. Dull, multi-colored rainbow-esque trailing down your side. She’s breathing slowly, eyes closed, one of her hands holding yours. Fingers curled around yours, not wanting to let go.
  1163. >You turn towards the other side.
  1164. >Almost the exact same image, except this girl has almost midnight-blue hair.
  1165. >She snuggled up to you as well, her legs wrapped around one of yours as her heads rests on your chest.
  1166. >Softly snoring, lost in dreamland.
  1167. >You blink a few more times.
  1168. >And the night slowly flows back in bits and pieces.
  1169. >Sunset. Sleepover. Downtown. Celestia. Luna.
  1170. >Or something like that.
  1171. “My fucking head.” You whisper in the dim room to yourself.
  1172. >There’s not light filtering in through the window at the corner of the room, so it must still be dark out.
  1173. “Must have been like an hour nap or something.”
  1174. >The throbbing in your pelvis reminds you of the past few hours.
  1175. “Oh, right.”
  1176. >There’s also the heavy scent of sex in the room every time you breathe.
  1177. >It’s gross, but also sexy and relaxing.
  1178. >Your eyes roll towards the lamp on the bedside table.
  1179. >Your wallet is still there, hasn’t even moved an inch.
  1180. >You could slip out, grab that and go home. Wouldn’t be too bad now that both these girls had their fill.
  1181. >You move your arm, trying to slip out from under Celestia.
  1182. >But when you try, she only rolls over more, wrapping her arms around you, pressing her breasts against your side, and kissing you on the neck a few times before making a soft noise and going still again.
  1183. >And now you’re thoroughly trapped.
  1184. “God damn it.”
  1185. >Oh well, that feeling of exhaustion is still weighing down on your eyelids.
  1186. >Might as well drift back off.
  1187. >You cup one hand around Celestia’s ass, and one around Luna’s, pulling both girls closer gently as you can without waking them.
  1188. >And then you close your eyes and go back to the blackness of sleep.
  1189. >There will be time for dreams later.
  1190. >…
  1191. >…
  1192. >___________________________________________________________________________________
  1193. >This time when you wake up the bed is empty.
  1194. >Sunlight streams in from the open window, fresh morning air creeping in to replace the stank in the room.
  1195. >You pull yourself up off the bed, the mattress peeling away like a second skin.
  1196. >You’re covered in sweat and juices.
  1197. >Sticky all over.
  1198. “That’s fucking gross.”
  1199. >Your dick and pelvis area feels fucking disgusting. Like someone dumped a carton of yogurt on your hips and let it dry in.
  1200. >You need a wash.
  1201. >And you definitely need to get home.
  1202. >And you DEFINITELY need to go get your fucking car.
  1203. >There’s also other thoughts of talking to Sunset and figuring out why the hell she ditched you last night.
  1204. >But that can be left until later.
  1205. >When you’re presentable and not covered in dried in cum.
  1206. >You sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, and beginning the search for the rest of your clothes.
  1207. >You’re not sure when they’d come off during the night, but they were scattered around the room.
  1208. >Your head still pounds relentless, the remains of last night’s hangover no doubt.
  1209. >You step into your underwear.
  1210. >They’re gross and stained, but it’s the only pair you have to wear until you get home.
  1211. >Jeans are next.
  1212. >And you make sure to grab your fucking wallet off the beside table.
  1213. >All the cards and cash are there, thank god.
  1214. >Slip that bad boy into your back pocket, and pull out your phone to check the time.
  1216. >Sunday, 10:34am.
  1217. >Well, at least it’s early. Got some time to go home and get a meal, some water and a few aspirin.
  1218. >No new messages from anyone, not even Sunset.
  1219. “Maybe I should give her a call.”
  1220. >You scroll into your messages, but your hand hovers over the call button.
  1221. >Probably best you left the house of the chicks you just banged before calling another girl you almost banged.
  1222. >Plus, she might still be asleep.
  1223. >If someone called up fucking eleven in the morning on a Sunday you wouldn’t even bother to answer.
  1224. >You leave Celestia’s room.
  1225. >Luna’s room has its door closed. She probably migrated back over there sometime after you went back to sleep.
  1226. >The door to the bathroom is also closed, but you can hear running water and sounds of movement from within.
  1227. >Celestia’s in the shower probably.
  1228. >You make your way out into the kitchen and grab a glass of water to drink.
  1229. >It’s cool against your sour throat.
  1230. >There’s a note on the table.
  1231. >You pick it up and read.
  1232. >’What a great night, Anon! -Loads- of fun~! <3 Don’t worry about sticking around, just give me a call when you’re ready for more.’
  1233. >Celestia’s number is written below in pink pen.
  1234. >And below that is a messy scribble of blue pen that looks like it was added after the fact.
  1235. “Whatever, fuck it.”
  1236. >You add both girls into your contact directory, jot your own number down on the note with a nearby pen and stroll back out into the main hall.
  1237. >Quickly grabbing your jacket out of the closet and then you’re out the front door and into the warmth of an early Sunday morning.
  1238. “Now where the hell am I?”
  1239. >Open up the maps app on your phone, wait for it to load. Yadda Yadda.
  1240. >Oh, not that farm from home.
  1241. >Like a twenty minute walk. Not bad.
  1242. >Guess you’ll drop home first and then go back to your car later.
  1243. >The walk doesn’t take that long. It’s a pleasant sunny day with barely a cloud in sight, and an early morning wind to blow some of the stink off you.
  1244. >Soon enough you’re home, opening the front door and entering into your apartment.
  1245. >Still no messages from Sunset, even though it’s only been like thirty minutes.
  1246. “She’ll text you when she texts you, stop worrying about it, Anon.”
  1247. >The next hour or so is spent cleaning up and getting washed.
  1248. >You throw your clothes into the washer and get that straightened away, and tidy up some of the dirt around your apartment.
  1249. >Pound back a bowl of cereal with a few aspirin and a glass of water for the headache.
  1250. >Grab a quick shower to clean up.
  1251. >Before you know it, it’s after lunch and you’re sat down in front of your television, idly flipping through >…-the channels but not really focusing on anything.
  1252. >You’re mostly thinking.
  1253. >About last night… the whole evening really, and everything you did and everything you learned.
  1254. >You really still can’t believe any of it.
  1255. >Like it was so incomprehensible that it had to be true, because no one could make this shit up.
  1256. >Getting invited to Twilight’s sleepover was a big enough what the fuck moment already.
  1257. >Sure, you knew her and her friends, but that was all.
  1258. >You knew them… acquaintances.
  1259. >Not really best buds, or even friends at all.
  1260. >Although Twilight seemed to like you.
  1261. >And then all those sleepover shenanigans. Drugs, booze… Pinkie and Fluttershy.
  1262. >Fuck, you’d NEVER forget any of that.
  1263. >Fat ass anal and a messy tittyfuck, and that STILL wasn’t the weirdest shit all night.
  1264. >It didn’t make sense.
  1265. >You weren’t normally like this. Easy to get along with, sure.
  1266. >But still a bit reclusive and introverted, preferring to spend your time by yourself.
  1267. >And now here you were, just getting home from a threesome with two incredibly hot women.
  1268. “What the fuck is happening here?”
  1269. >You put your head in your hands and sigh.
  1270. >Thinking about it only made you more confused. But it had to be thought about.
  1271. >And then there was the whole Sunset thing.
  1272. >A part of you wonders if it was the drugs. Maybe Pinkie’s concoction was so strong you hallucinated the fuck out of everything at the last half of the sleepover.
  1273. >What other explanation was there?
  1274. >That everything Sunset told you was real. That -magic- was real?
  1275. >That there were two Twilights?
  1276. >That Sunset was from someplace somewhere far away, where exactly she wouldn’t tell you.
  1277. >And then your memories?
  1278. >What had happened there?
  1279. >Who had… invaded your mind to hide those? To mess around in your brain to suppress your past?
  1280. “Heh, how am I even entertaining these ideas?”
  1281. >”But, why would Sunset lie to me?”
  1282. >There was definitely a connection there.
  1283. >That kiss in the closet.
  1284. >The glowing of that amulet under her shirt.
  1285. >Sure, maybe it was a trick.
  1286. “But that would be one long, fucking convoluted prank.”
  1287. >And what would be the payoff? Making you look like a crazy person?
  1288. >But that wouldn’t explain why she had confessed to you in the first place.
  1289. >Nothing made sense.
  1290. >You needed way more info to figure this out.
  1291. >And there was only one person to help you sort all of this out, for better or worse.
  1292. >You haul your phone back up, scrolling to Sunset’s info in your contact directory.
  1293. >And you click call.
  1294. >Your stomach squeezes slightly as the phone calls and begins to ring.
  1295. >Grow up another, you’re not ten anymore.
  1296. >Calling girls shouldn’t fucking make you feel like this.
  1297. >…
  1298. >…
  1299. >But there’s no answer on the other side.
  1300. >The line rings a few times before clicking to voice mail.
  1301. >”Hi, this is Sunset! I’m not at the phone currently, please leave a message and I’ll get back to you! Bye!”
  1302. >BEEP.
  1303. “H-Hey Sunset, it’s Anon. What’s up? Hope you’re not too hungover, h-haha.”
  1304. >Smoooooooth.
  1305. “Anyways, I’m just calling to see what you’re doing. I don’t know what happened last night, but we must have gotten split up or something.”
  1306. >You’re pacing around your living room.
  1307. “Give me a call when you get a chance. I…. ah… I’m still trying to process everything you told me. But… yeah that’s about it. Cya.”
  1308. >You end the message, pocketing your phone and taking a deep breath.
  1309. >Guess it’s time to go get your car back.
  1310. >You weren’t going to get a cab ride, would be a waste of money.
  1311. >So it would probably be another half-hour walk downtown.
  1312. >At least you remembered where the bar was.
  1313. “God, I hope they aren’t out fucking ticketing on a Sunday.”
  1314. >You finish dressing, throw on your jacket, and then it’s back out onto the street.
  1315. >Beginning the walk downtown.
  1316. >Put earbuds in, turn on some music, and wait for Sunset to get back to you.
  1317. >Hopefully soon.
  1318. >….
  1319. >____________________________________________________________________________________
  1320. >That hopefully soon feeling fades out over the next few days.
  1321. >Complete radio silence on all fronts.
  1322. >You got your car Sunday afternoon, went home, and spent the next few hours anxiously staring at your phone in anticipation.
  1323. >And nothing.
  1324. >No calls, no texts. Sunset was basically MIA.
  1325. >Oh well, you would at least see her at school sometime during the week.
  1326. >…
  1327. >Monday morning rolls around.
  1328. >Groggily, you roll out of bed. You didn’t get much sleep, too much on your mind.
  1329. >Throw on some clothes.
  1330. >No breakfast. You’re not really that hungry anyways.
  1331. >The drive to school blurs by. You blink, and you’re already turning into the parking lot.
  1332. >The morning is grey, angry clouds sitting on the edge of the horizon, threatening to move in on a moment’s notice.
  1333. >Park. Turn off the car. And out into the chilly morning air.
  1334. >There’s a few clusters of students milling about the school grounds, chittering to their friends.
  1336. >Some laughter carries over the air to your eyes.
  1337. >You glance around. No sign of anyone you know. Sure, familiar faces, but no sign of Sunset, Twilight, or any of the other girls.
  1338. >You stroll up the main walkway to the front entrance of the school and stop.
  1339. >And blink a few times.
  1340. “Was… that always there?” You muse aloud.
  1341. >You look ahead, staring at the strange sight. Right where that weird fucking horse statue used to sit in the middle of the walkway, there is now a mighty wall of stone, wood and other construction materials barricading the statue in.
  1342. >Stretching way up into the sky.
  1343. >Yellow caution tape flutters in the wind, whipping back and forth in the gale of wind.
  1344. >Sure, little bit of updating construction work on an old statue made sense.
  1345. >But this was different.
  1346. >Like the entire thing was encased. Walled off.
  1347. >Pretty hard to fix something when it was completed blocked off by several meters of wood and concrete.
  1348. >You blink and glance around.
  1349. >No other signs, no maintenance vehicles, no sign of any workers that might be tasked with this sort of thing.
  1350. >Just this weirdly constructed barricade sitting like a huge eyesore in front of the school.
  1351. >No one else seemed to mind it, students filtering their way around the object as they made their way into the school.
  1352. >Feels uncanny. You don’t remember this being here last week.
  1353. >Then again, your memory wasn’t good ol’ reliable in this situation.
  1354. “Whatever,” you shrug, continuing your way.
  1355. >You’d ask Sunset about this later… if you saw her. Or Twilight. One of them at least.
  1356. >Main hall time. Don’t really want to be late for class.
  1357. >One foot ahead of the other.
  1358. “Hope Mr. Doodle isn’t going to fucking make Math class feel like an hour,” you snort.
  1359. >You blink. Something feels…
  1360. >You haven’t moved. Not a single footstep since you decided earlier.
  1361. >Instead, you’re closer to the barred-off construction, staring up at the colossal mass of materials.
  1362. >There’s a shiver in your spine. Butterflies dance in your guts.
  1363. >Cold sweat down your neck, and dryness in your mouth.
  1364. >It feels like something is looking back on the inside, scrutinizing you.
  1365. >Immobilizing you.
  1366. >You can’t tear your gaze away.
  1367. >Something pounds in your ears, but it doesn’t feel like your heartbeat.
  1368. >Your feet finally begin to move, but not towards the entrance hall.
  1369. >The stone grows closer. From how near you are, your perspective makes the formidable structure stretch far up into the sky, towering far above you.
  1370. >Blotting out the pale-orange glow of the sun sitting behind the clouds.
  1371. >Leaving you in the darkness of this terrible thing.
  1372. >You have to get closer.
  1373. You MUST.
  1374. >Every step increases the whine in your brain. Like something is drilling into your grey matter.
  1375. >The voices and laughter of students fade away, leaving you in intimidating silence.
  1376. >You’re sweating profusely, and you don’t know why.
  1377. >The wind swirls loudly around you, whipping your clothes in a violent rage.
  1378. >Your fingertips are so close now.
  1379. >Your eyes drift down towards the ground.
  1380. >Cracked concrete and disturbed done, broken lines stretching out and digging deep into the soil.
  1381. >You swear they grow as you watch.
  1382. >The hair on your arms sticks straight up, goosebumps running up and down your limps.
  1383. >Just a little bit more…
  1384. >”HEY!”
  1385. >Someone is yelling.
  1386. >”Get away from there, you!”
  1387. >You’re not listening. Too close for that.
  1388. >Something grabs your arms, yanking you hard to the right.
  1389. >Your line of vision breaks as you stumble forward into the offender.
  1390. >Blinking to clear your vision, you glance around.
  1391. >The ringing in your ears is gone.
  1392. >”Don’t you see the signs!” Hisses a old, baritone voice.
  1393. >Cranky Doodle has you by the arm.
  1394. >And he’s dragging you towards the front of the school.
  1395. >”Are you even listening to me?”
  1396. “Huh, w-what?”
  1397. >He glares at you.
  1398. >”There’s a reason we boarded that old thing up, the entire thing is sinking into the ground. And here you are, Mr. Mous, poking at something that could topple over and kill you!”
  1399. >Did he not… see any of that?
  1400. >Or -feel- any of that?
  1401. >”Now, I won’t say anything to the principal, but get to class! My class! Now!”
  1402. >He let’s you go, since the both of you are basically standing at the school’s doors.
  1403. >You rub your arm.
  1404. >Damn, he has a bit of a grip.
  1405. >There’s an urge to look back over your shoulder at where the statue is, but you suppress that urge, and walk into the school, ignoring more of Cranky’s protests.
  1406. >The halls are basically empty.
  1407. >How long were you standing out there?
  1408. >It was early when you got there, right?
  1409. >Inklings of pain still itch in your brain. A headache you can’t seem to shake.
  1410. >Even as you make your way to class and settle into a seat at the back of the room.
  1411. >Cranky himself enters a few minutes later, giving you another mean glare, before turning towards the blackboard and beginning to drone on about some lesson.
  1412. >You’re much too distracted to pay attention.
  1413. >You flip out your phone.
  1414. >No notifications. No messages. Nothing.
  1415. >You glance around the classroom.
  1416. >No sign of the girls in here either.
  1417. >Weird. And not the good type of weird.
  1418. “What is even happening here?” You mutter to yourself.
  1419. >The door at the front of the class slams open.
  1420. >”Ah, Miss Sparkle, how nice of you to join us.” Cranky’’s sandpaper voice grates loudly in the room.
  1421. >Everyone, including you, turns to stare at the door.
  1422. >You’ve never seen Twilight be late to class before. Ever.
  1423. >She mutters a quiet apology to Cranky, quickly shuts the door, and hurries to a seat at the front.
  1424. >Her gaze meets yours for a split second as she walks down the aisle.
  1425. >And she freezes. Eyes turning to pinpricks as she looks away and takes her seat.
  1426. >Uh…. Okay?
  1427. >Totally the expected reaction and definitely no cause for concern.
  1428. >Any possible chance for you to pay attention to class goes out the window.
  1429. >You spend most of the next hour glancing over shoulders and betweens people’s heads trying to get a bead on Twilight.
  1430. >Every now and then you see the back of her head.
  1431. >Doesn’t look like she’s writing any notes, her face buried in her own phone.
  1432. >Not once does she look over her shoulder towards you.
  1433. >The last few minutes of class tick away.
  1434. >You’re already at the edge of your seat, ready to make your way up towards Twilight as soon as the bell rings.
  1435. >The clock winds down.
  1436. >3…2…
  1437. >Pack away your books, focus on the purple girl, and get ready to intercept.
  1438. >1…
  1439. >In a flash, Twilight is out of her seat and rushing towards the door.
  1440. >”I’MSORRYMR.CRANKYBUTIREALLYHAVETOGO.” She yells out in mostly one word, grabbing her schoolbag and sprinting out of the class without even stopping to get approval.
  1441. >The entire class stares for a second, and then the bell rings.
  1442. >So much for your quick escape.
  1443. >You’re lost in the crowd of students who are just as eager to leave the classroom.
  1444. >Trip over some feet, push through some shoulders.
  1445. >”Hey, watch it!”
  1446. >”Ow!”
  1447. >”Watch where you’re going!”
  1448. >You ignore everyone’s outbursts, and force your way towards the door, slithering around everyone.
  1449. >And then you’re out into the hall.
  1450. >Unfortunately, too little too late.
  1451. >Twilight is no where to be seen, even as you scan the various hallways over multiple times.
  1452. “Fuck, she can run when she feels like it.”
  1453. >You don’t see her the rest of the day.
  1454. >In fact, you don’t see any of the girls for the rest of the day.
  1455. >All seven of them, absent without a trace.
  1456. >The rest of your morning classes, lunch, and afternoon slots pass by in a flash, your mind focused elsewhere.
  1458. >It’s not long before the final bell rings and concludes the day, and you find yourself walking out of the school.
  1459. >You take a side exit to get back into the parking lot where your car is, keeping a good distance from whatever the hell that amalgamation of madness was earlier.
  1460. >In the distance, you can see students strolling down the main exit without a care in the world. Some give sidelong looks to the mass of construction that sticks out like a sore thumb but barely anyone seems to care for more than a second.
  1461. >The longer you look, the more the hair on your arm rises.
  1462. “Weird.”
  1463. >You stop and head back to your car.
  1464. >So now you know a few new things.
  1465. >Something was definitely up at the school.
  1466. >And Twilight was -actively- avoiding you.
  1467. >Not just coincidences and bad luck, but straight up doing everything she could to not allow you to confront her.
  1468. >And everyone else still seemed to be MIA, vanished in thin air like they never existed in the first place.
  1469. >If they all didn’t come back to school, it would mean your only chance of figuring out what the hell is going on would depend solely on how likely you were to finally get Twilight alone and get her to spill the beans.
  1470. >You drive home.
  1471. >The rest of the evening is unremarkable.
  1472. >Flashes of TV, internet and way too much time of you staring at your phone waiting for a message that never comes.
  1473. >This continues the entire week.
  1474. >Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. None of them show up to any of your classes.
  1475. >You keep avoiding the statue out front, for better or for worse.
  1476. >Every now and again, you catch a few students wandering a bit too close to the thing.
  1477. >Only to be chewed out by one of the janitors or faculty after standing there for a while.
  1478. >Twilight is also absent from class.
  1479. >You started sitting up front in order to intercept her, but she never showed up to anything afterwards.
  1480. >You’re sure you see her purple hair in the hall several times in the corner of your eyes, but everytime you turn to look, she’s gone.
  1481. >Talk about being ghosted.
  1482. >Eventually, Friday morning rolls around.
  1483. >By this time, you’re almost at the end of your rope.
  1484. >A week of no sleep, except for the few times you dozed off in class.
  1485. >Classes that you didn’t take any notes in, by the way. You wouldn’t be able to keep this up, unless you wanted to fuck yourself off on the upcoming midterms.
  1486. >Friday lunch period rolls around.
  1487. >You sigh and trod into the cafeteria.
  1488. >You’d barely eaten anything in the past five days, plus it was Taco Friday.
  1489. “”Why wouldn’t it be Taco Tuesday?”
  1490. >At least that had the alliteration downpat. Who the fuck ever heard of a Taco Friday?
  1491. >Once again, the table Twilight and her friends usually sat at is empty. Not a soul to be seen.
  1492. >You stare angrily at the vacant chairs as you wait in line for food, your tray hanging down by your side.
  1493. >If this was how things were going to keep you, you’re not sure your sanity would last much longer.
  1494. >At this point, it was looking more and more likely you might actually have to kidnap Twilight Sparkle to actually get some answers.
  1495. >But that might be just the delirium talking.
  1496. >”NEXT PLEASE.” The lunch-lady announces somewhere in front of you.
  1497. >You step up, just barely away you were still vacantly staring at Twilight’s empty table.
  1498. “Tacos please.”
  1499. >She slaps down a few tacos on your tray, giving you the stinky eye for holding up the line.
  1500. >You move on.
  1501. ”You know what, fuck it.”
  1502. >You pull a chair up at the empty table.
  1503. ”If they’re not here to use it, I might as well take it.”
  1504. >You kick your feet up on the table’s edge, resting your lunch tray on your stomach.
  1505. ”I claim this table!”
  1506. >You gesture widely around yourself with your arms, drawing some strange glances from some of the other students.
  1507. >Really can’t be bothered to care at this point.
  1508. >You’re too busy staring at the tacos on your tray.
  1509. >Extremely greasy and cheesy, dripping with salsa.
  1510. >Exactly what you need to turn this wreck of a week into something salvageable.
  1512. >You haul out your phone again as you idly chew on your food.
  1513. >Still no notifications.
  1514. >With a heavy sigh, you place your phone on the table and put your face in your hand.
  1515. >This whole situation was fucked beyond belief.
  1516. “Jesus Christ…” you mumble, sitting back in the chair and staring blankly at the ceiling.
  1517. >What if they never came back to school?
  1518. >The possibility was low, of course, but these thoughts were starting to worm into your mind.
  1519. >The worst possible outcomes, all whispering louder and louder in your ears.
  1520. >It had only been a week, but, goddamn, were you starting to freak out.
  1521. >Your mind drifts to Sunset and the others.
  1522. >Just how much did you not know? How much have you forgotten?
  1523. >You dig into your brain as deep as possible, trying to pull remnants of memories that you’re not even sure are there anymore.
  1524. >Blurry, unsure images flash in your closed eyes.
  1525. >Bits and pieces of events that might have happened.
  1526. >You’re only going to give yourself a headache at this.
  1527. >Fuzzy, undetailed, foggy memories.
  1528. >That’s all you can find.
  1529. >But they seemed so different when you were in the closet with Sunset.
  1530. >So much clearer. More focused. Actual concrete events and not some wishy-washy blurry mess.
  1531. >Maybe that was the key. Maybe being around her would help to jog your memory.
  1532. >Of course, that only redoubles your need to find Sunset.
  1533. >Which only places more stress on yourself.
  1534. >You glance around the cafeteria again.
  1535. >So many people unaware, just sitting there and talking to each other.
  1536. >Their biggest problems being an upcoming test or some girl they liked.
  1537. >And here you were, sitting with a half-dissected brain not even sure what was in your head was right.
  1538. “Come on, Anon.”
  1539. >You slap your cheeks with your hands.
  1540. “Snap out of it. You can be all sad and shit later.”
  1541. >Ugh, there goes your appetite.
  1542. >Worry filling your gut down, erasing any sense of your earlier hunger.
  1543. >Stomach locked down like an iron weight.
  1544. >And there’s still a few tacos on your plate as well. Oh well, into the trash they go.
  1545. >You sigh, getting out of your seat and heading to the trash bin in the corner of the room.
  1546. >Looking down at your feet, mulling over your thoughts, you fail to notice the approaching girl.
  1547. >The sound of footsteps right on top of you draws your eyes upward.
  1548. >As you collide fast first into someone else headfirst.
  1549. >It was like a walking headbutt.
  1550. >You stumbled back, stars exploding in your vision at the impact. The world seems to blur and spin.
  1551. >It’s a miracle you remained on your feet at all.
  1552. >And even more surprising you didn’t drop your lunch tray.
  1553. “Ow!”
  1554. >”OW!”
  1555. >Wait, that wasn’t your echo. That was someone else!
  1556. >You shake your head and glance down.
  1557. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, wasn’t looking where I was go—"
  1558. >It’s her.
  1559. >Bundled back purple hair. Dark frame, nerdy glasses.
  1560. >Trembling purple eyes regarding you with a very surprised expression.
  1561. >She’s sprawling out on floor, phone on the tiles a few feet from her.
  1562. >Must have been busy reading her texts of something.
  1563. >Not that you care much. She’s right here in front of you, and you’re going to get answers.
  1564. “Twilight?!” You shout accusingly, probably much louder than it was necessary.
  1565. >You hear some of the chairs in the room squeak and turn in your direction.
  1566. >Oh great, a scene.
  1567. >Twilight stares at you unblinkingly, frozen in position on the floor like she just saw a ghost.
  1568. >You blink.
  1569. >Bad mistake.
  1570. >In that blink, Twilight’s lunged forward to grab her phone, and turned around to scramble away, her hands scraping along the floor as she tries to rush to her feet.
  1571. “Oh no you don’t!”
  1572. >You rush after her.
  1573. >She’s fast! Or maybe that was just because you were carrying a big fucking lunch tray.
  1574. >This was more important than lugging around some food, Anon!
  1575. >”God damn it!”
  1576. >You sprint over to the nearest table, and slam your tray down by one of the girl’s there.
  1577. >She jumps back at the sound, but relaxes upon seeing the food.
  1578. “Hey I’m really not hungry, so you can have these! Bye!”
  1579. >It might have sounded like an acceptable sentence in your head. But you’re sure you just mangled all those words together into one syllable.
  1580. >The two-toned teal and dark-blue haired girl sat there looks at you with a very erotic expression.
  1581. >”Oh, Anon, you don’t need to make excuses to hang out with your taco-buddy.”
  1582. “Yeah sure, whatever.” You’re already running away from the table, watching Twilight slip through the double doors at the end of the room.
  1583. >Most of the cafeteria is staring at you now. Just great. You try to ignore them, sprinting after Twilight as fast as you can.
  1584. >A bit easier now that you’re unencumbered.
  1585. >You shoulder into the doors, skidding out of the cafeteria on your heels as you spin to look down the various hallways.
  1586. >Twilight’s already halfway down the nearest hall.
  1587. >Probably going for the back exit.
  1588. >She’s skirting around the students in the hallway, skipping and ducking past them quite well.
  1589. >Where the hell did she learn to move like that?
  1590. >You resist the urge to yell out after her. Once was probably already enough.
  1591. >If people didn’t think you were weird just now, they would certainly think that if you were running down the halls yelling after Twilight.
  1592. >So you just clench your jaw and rush through the milling crowds of students, pushing and forcing your way down the hallway.
  1593. >She was NOT going to get away from you a second time.
  1594. >Not even if you had to tackle her.
  1595. >You’re gaining on her, thank god. As quick and lithe as she was, you were still taller and (hopefully) stronger.
  1596. >Twilight spins around the corner at the end of the hall.
  1597. >And you’re already there after her, grabbing the edge of the wall to cut in on the inside track.
  1598. >A little bit closer…
  1599. >Almost able to reach out and grab her.
  1600. >The bell rings, and almost immediately after that, students begin to flood back into the hallway on their way to class.
  1601. >One of the doors on your side flings open, smacking you in the shoulder hard.
  1602. >You skid on, stumbling over your legs as you spin out on the floor.
  1603. >”Oh god, I didn’t see you there. I’m sorry.”
  1604. >You don’t even look to see who it is.
  1605. >You’re back on your feet, ignoring the pain in your side, and sprinting back down after Twilight.
  1606. >Who has used the distraction to put some good distance between the two of you.
  1607. >There’s only a few more halls until the exit door.
  1608. >If she gets to her car, it’s over! She’ll just drive home and lock up in her house, probably.
  1609. >And that can’t happen!
  1610. >You’re not really used to running this much, and you can feel the burning in your lungs and the aching in your muscles.
  1611. >You ignore that uncomfortable sensation, focused entirely on putting one foot in front of the other as you race through the school.
  1612. >Another corner. Slide, and skid.
  1613. >Another hallway. Plant your feet and sprint.
  1614. >And then you can see it, the double door at the end of the lockers.
  1615. >That bright red neo sign sitting about it blaring the words ‘EXIT’.
  1616. >You were running out of room.
  1617. >Blackness pulses at the corners of your vision.
  1618. >Fucking catch her, Anon.
  1619. >Last straight away before she’s gone for good.
  1620. >You’re pretty sure you look like a fucking maniac sprinting through the halls after a girl running full speed away from you.
  1622. >Just another Friday in the life of a brain-washed Anon, you guess.
  1623. >You can practically see outside from the windows of the exit now.
  1624. >Concrete buildings and the floating heads of several students pass by.
  1625. >Twilight’s aiming for the right door, if her direction is anything to judge by.
  1626. >Which means you have to take the left one and get outside first to trap her in.
  1627. >You muster the last little bits of energy that you have, huffing and puffing like a fat kid at a birthday party, and pass Twilight.
  1628. >Shoulder barge through the left-most exit door.
  1629. >And straight into the poor bastard on the other side.
  1630. >It’s a mess.
  1631. >A tangly mess of limbs.
  1632. >The feminine scream of fright you hear as the two of you collide only makes it worst.
  1633. >You totally just shoulder-checked some poor girl that wasn’t Twilight.
  1634. >The two of you smack together with enough force to go stumbling down over the concrete steps.
  1635. >You hit all the most painful parts. Kneecaps, elbows, back of your head.
  1636. >And scrape your legs on the edges of the stairs.
  1637. >The world spins and twirls, until the both of you come to a rest at ground level.
  1638. >The purple blob in your dizzy vision fades into the distance, not even stopping to check if you were okay.
  1639. >What a bitch!
  1640. >You’re just about to get back on your feet and begin the chase again, when someone grabs you by the arm.
  1641. >Hard.
  1642. >”And where do you think you’re going after that student…. Mr…--"
  1643. >Oh god… that voice sounds suspiciously familiar.
  1644. >Those big red ‘YOU LOSE’ letters trace themselves faintly across the inside of your eyelids as your brain goes memory hunting.
  1645. >You turn around. No fucking way. Of all the people you could have body-checked down the stairs, it had to be her.
  1646. >To be fair, Luna’s expression is more shocked than yours.
  1647. >You can see her lips quiver as she tries to finish saying your name.
  1648. >Several other students have gathered around to watch the carnage, forming a sort of semi-circle as they pretend that they are totally not interested in the verbal ass-blasting you are about to get from this Vice-Principal Luna.
  1649. >Instead, Luna seems to be speechless, mouth quivering like a fish out of water.
  1650. >There’s a heavy blush on her cheeks, which could be where you slammed into her, but that’s probably not the case.
  1651. >You never did tell her or Celestia that you went to Canterlot High, did you?
  1652. >Then again, you didn’t get a chance to say much that evening, between being drunk off your ass, and then titty-fucked to high-heavens.
  1653. “Uh…. Hi Lu—Vice Principal Luna.” You correct yourself.
  1654. >She blinks.
  1655. >”YOU.”
  1656. >It’s not so much of a question as it is a declarative statement.
  1657. “Yes…. Me?”
  1658. >The redness is her face fades as she blinks, the surprised look in her eyes fading as she furrowed her brow at you.
  1659. >”You. Come with me. NOW.”
  1660. >There’s really not much room for negotiation in that tone, so you sigh, and simply stand there defeated.
  1661. >Luna turns to address the gathered crowd of students.
  1662. >”And all of you better get to your classes! If you’re late, it’s going to be detention for everyone!”
  1663. >God, if she yelled any louder, maybe those on the other end of town could hear her too.
  1664. >Although that’s enough to quell the curiosity of the onlookers, all of them beginning to split up and head to class, pretending that they weren’t looking in the first place.
  1665. >Luna whirls back around on you, now that the two of you are mostly alone.
  1666. >She jabs a finger in your chest.
  1667. >”And -you-,” she spits almost venomously. “Are going to have some explaining to do.”
  1668. “There’s a perfectly calm rationale for what I wa—”
  1669. >She grabs onto your ear, twisting it painfully, as she begins to drag you back inside the school.
  1670. >”Save it for Ce—The principal, Anonymous.”
  1671. >Oh boy, when a teacher used your full name, that was a sign you were up shit creek without a paddle.
  1672. >Luna pulls you through the hallways towards the principal’s office, not caring about the scene she might be making.
  1673. >Several students still out in the hall before class turn and look at the two of you.
  1674. >They giggle, whispering quietly to their friends as Luna hauls you around.
  1675. >”If I turn my head and see any students -still- in the hallway when they -should- be in class, it’s detention for a whole week!” Luna announces, without ever stopping her stride.
  1676. >Her threat works again, persuading the last few lingering watchers to quickly grab their bookbags and run off to class.
  1677. >Meanwhile, Luna is muttering under her breath, and you can only hear bits and pieces as you try to listen in.
  1678. >”Nerve of this… should have never… Celestia is going to…”
  1679. >Soon enough, the both of you are in front of Celestia’s office.
  1680. >Luna twists your ear painfully as she shoves you through the door.
  1681. >You stumble in, trying not to trip over your own feet in the process, rubbing at your ear as Luna finally releases her grip and follows in after you.
  1682. >Celestia is sat behind her desk, tapping away at her keyboard, and looks up, startled by the noise as you and Luna enter.
  1683. >Her face, like Luna, bears a shocked expression for half-a-second, followed by a quick blush, and they a brutal stare as she finally recognizes you.
  1684. >Luna closes the door.
  1685. >And locks it.
  1686. >Crossing her arms, she points to the chair in front of Celestia’s desk.
  1687. >”Sit.”
  1688. >It’s mostly an order, but you still obey, sliding into the chair and fidgeting uneasily as both of the sisters glare down at you imposingly.
  1689. >”Luna and… Anonymous… to what do I owe the pleasure?” Celestia asks, trying to maintain a neutral tone in her voice.
  1690. >Luna huffs, “He was running in the halls and struck me.”
  1691. >Well, actually it was outside, but you don’t really think making that difference clear would really matter.
  1692. >Luna takes a second to smooth out the wrinkles in her dark suit.
  1693. >Sure enough, you can see the dirt and dust staining the fabric as a result of your unintended tackle.
  1694. >Even her hair seems to be frizzy, falling all over the place.
  1695. >And there are several scrapes and tiny cuts on her hands and fingers.
  1696. >Whoops.
  1697. >You feel like a big idiot.
  1698. >But as much as you want to sink into the chair and disappear you can’t.
  1699. >Where was the mind-wipe magic when you needed it, huh?
  1700. >Celestia slowly turns her monitors out of the way, so she can look down at you directly.
  1701. >She steeples her fingers together, and takes a deep breath.
  1702. >”Anything to say in your defense, Anonymous?”
  1703. >Okay, here’s your chance to deliver a badass speech and get yourself out of all of this trouble.
  1704. >You just have to word it carefully to make it sound like an accident. Like you were running to get something out of your car before class and totally didn’t notice her outside the door.
  1705. >But you’re mouth is already running while your brain desperately screams at you to shut up.
  1706. “I didn’t mean to tackle Luna, I was trying to get Twilight.”
  1707. >Fucking perfect. Couldn’t have said it any better than that.
  1708. >You fucking idiot.
  1709. >Celestia and Luna both blink at that.
  1710. >”And you were… chasing after Twilight why?” Celestia asks.
  1711. >Because Sunset and her friends have been missing for a week, are no doubt involved in some weird screwy magic business, and oh, also have taken some of your memories. And the other way to find out what the fuck is going on is to talk to Twilight because she’s the only one you’ve seen around the school.
  1712. >That’s what you -don’t- say.
  1713. >Because that would make you sound really crazy. Even though it was completely true.
  1714. “Like a friendly game of tag, you know? Haha…”
  1715. >That nervous laugh does little to lighten the atmosphere in the room.
  1716. >In fact Luna and Celestia seem to be glaring at you even harder than before.
  1717. >”…A friendly game of tag.” Celestia re-states.
  1718. >Was that a question, or was she repeating it to herself to see if it sounded as stupid as you thought it was.
  1719. >”Running in the halls is forbidden -regardless- of your intentions, Anon. Even if it was a game of fun.” Luna leans down, making herself eye-level with you.
  1720. >”And I sincerely doubt that’s true, considering Miss Sparkle took off like she was running from a crazed man.” She states, maintaining eye contact with you.
  1721. >Oh boy, this wasn’t going to get any better any time soon.
  1722. >You couldn’t afford detention now.
  1723. >Twilight had no doubt made it to her car by now and was heading home.
  1724. >There was still time to intercept her, maybe catch her in her driveway before she stowed away for the weekend.
  1725. >But you needed to get out of this situation fast in order for that to happen.
  1726. >”And judging from Luna’s appearance, it appears you managed to hit her quite hard.” Celestia says, eyeing the dirt of Luna’s clothing.
  1727. >”Yes, it was quite the smack, Sister.” Luna acknowledges, nodding her head.
  1728. “Listen, I’m real short on time right now, and I really can’t afford detention right now. I’ve got a lot of important stuff on the go.”
  1730. >Celestia frowns.
  1731. >”If Luna or myself wants to give you detention, that is completely at our discretion, Anonymous, and your dismissive attitude is doing little to persuade me otherwise.”
  1732. >Luna is also similarly displeased looking.
  1733. >”Maybe if you had started with an apology, we might have overlooked this whole situation. But considering this… amongst other things, and we have no choice but to—"
  1734. “I’ll tell the schoolboard.”
  1735. >You cut her off. You didn’t mean too, but goddamn it the words were out of your mouth before you could stop them.
  1736. >A result of your panicked brain scrambling to find the answer to get out of this situation.
  1737. >To your credit, both Luna and Celestia freeze, their eyes going wide.
  1738. >Maybe it wasn’t such a ludicrous gamble after all.
  1739. >Celestia clears her throat, adopting a very slim smile.
  1740. >”I don’t think I heard you correctly, Anon. Would you mind repeating that?”
  1741. >The little bead of sweat trailing down her forehead says otherwise though.
  1742. >But they you no choice.
  1743. >All in or nothing at this point. You sigh mentally.
  1744. “I don’t really like doing this, but I really -really- can’t afford to waste time in detention.”
  1745. >You cross your arms and lean back in the chair, taking a deep breath.
  1746. “So just let me go. It’s probably not good if certain rumors were spread of certain teachers sleeping with a certain student.”
  1747. >Your mouth is dry. This feels wrong. But then again, so many things weren’t right recently.
  1748. >This was just another turd sandwich that you’ve been forced to eat.
  1749. >God, those tacos were sounding a bit better right about now.
  1750. >You could hear the clock ticking on the wall.
  1751. >That’s how quiet the room was now.
  1752. >Celestia sitting behind her desk, fingers interlaced as she rested her elbows on her mousepad.
  1753. >Still with that thin smile, and eyes closed.
  1754. >Probably trying to decide whether or not to rip your head off.
  1755. >Almost looked serene, minus the deadly aura of pure malice you can basically feel surging off of her.
  1756. >Luna’s much easier to read.
  1757. >Her entire body seems to be shaking, hands clumped into trembling fists, shoulders wide.
  1758. >Giving you a pretty good death-glare. Pools of absolute fury burning in her eyes.
  1759. >You stand up out of your chair, taking a step closer to the two of them.
  1760. >And that’s enough to set Luna off.
  1761. >She’s barges over towards you, jabbing a finger into your clavicle.
  1762. >”You ungrateful, disgusting, treacherous heathen!” She punctuates each word with a painful poke of her finger. “How dare you try to blackmail us?”
  1763. >You reach out to grab her arm, halting her aggressive poking spree.
  1764. >She freezes up at your touch, her eyes still glaring angrily at you.
  1765. >Celestia also rises from her desk, placing the palms of her hands on her desk as she leans forward to look at you.
  1766. >”Those would be pretty heavy accusations, Anon.” Celestia states.
  1767. >She’s staring down at you, eyes locked on yours.
  1768. >”Would warrant a big investigation. Tons of school board employees, news reporters, cops, all digging to find out the truth.”
  1769. >She slowly circles around the desk, trailing a hand around the edge.
  1770. >”That would mean a lot of interviews for you, having to keep a straight story, provide evidence.”
  1771. >She’s beside you and Luna now, her imposing, towering presence even drawing Luna’s attention.
  1772. >”Many might think that two highly-regarded individuals such as Luna and I, with clean, proven track records and no prior incidents, were trying to have our names dragged through the mud.
  1773. >She’s a few steps closer now. Eyes glaring into your skull.
  1774. >You can’t blink, can’t look away.
  1775. >”That would be quite the bad ending, wouldn’t it, Anonymous? Months of long, tortuous legal processes, all for your lies to be found out, and then Luna and I would have no choice but to expel you.”
  1776. >Look away, Anon. Stop staring at her. Stop -listening- to her.
  1777. >”So… I will ask you one -final- time, would You. Mind. Repeating. That. Anon.”
  1778. >She’s right, of course. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that eventually you’d get ousted for being a big fucking liar.
  1779. >And the disastrous consequences that would have on both your academic and economical future.
  1780. >You’re pretty sure that if Luna and Celestia tried hard enough, they could make finding another school a really, really bad time.
  1781. >But… you were in deep now.
  1782. >This was probably worth at least a suspension even for trying to blackmail the principal and vice principal.
  1783. >And an amount of time away from the school you couldn’t really afford right now. Even these seconds here meant another second Twilight had to retreat to her house and disappear off the radar.
  1784. >Without even thinking about it, you use your free hand to slowly slide your phone out of your pocket.
  1785. >You’re still holding Luna’s arm with your other hand.
  1786. >So you concoct a plan. A terrible, horrible plan that makes you sick to your stomach.
  1787. >Well, if they wanted evidence, you would need to have evidence ready.
  1788. >You’re extremely warm from all this pressure, sweating forming in the small of your back and underarms.
  1789. >Any longer and you wouldn’t be able to do this.
  1790. >It was now or never.
  1791. >Celestia’s eyes flicker down to the phone in your hand. She takes a step forward and opens her mouth to say something.
  1792. >In that exact same instant, you yank Luna’s arm forward.
  1793. >”Huh—” The words are barely out of the girl’s mouth as she topples forward, her balance failing.
  1794. >This was going to require dexterity and agility that you probably didn’t have.
  1795. >But it was too late now. All in or out, so this was the only option left.
  1796. >Or the only option your panicked mind could create.
  1797. >Your free hand swipes open your phone, and you tab into the photo app.
  1798. >Right as Luna falls into you.
  1799. >Like anyone would do, she reaches out to grab at anything to stop her fall.
  1800. >This being you, your clothes, and any piece of skin she can get a handful of.
  1801. >Which is just what you were hoping for.
  1802. >Without giving her a chance to pull away or re-orient yourself, you lower your head towards hers.
  1803. >And lock your lips against hers.
  1804. >It was more like a clumsy headbutt, but you find her mouth and mash your own against it.
  1805. >At the same time you raise your phone up, point it at the two of you, and snap a photo.
  1806. >The dull ‘click’ your phone makes echoes loudly in the room like an explosion.
  1807. >Luna’s panicked expression quickly switches when she looks into your eyes and realizes what exactly is going on.
  1808. >Her cheeks go bright red, and her eyelids flutter closed for a second.
  1809. >Before bursting wide open.
  1810. >She digs her fingers into your shoulders and pushes you back with a hefty shove.
  1811. >You snap a few more photos before you stumble back.
  1812. >”Get orrf!” Luna shouts as she breaks away, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
  1813. >But it was too late, the damage was already done.
  1814. >”ANONYMOUS!” Celestia yells, her stern voice rolling across your eardrums like crackling thunder.
  1815. >You look at her. There’s no games, no smile. No trying to hide her obvious rage.
  1816. >”What do you think you’re doing?!” She demands.
  1817. >You glance back down at your phone to inspect the pictures.
  1818. >And then you text the pictures to Luna and Celestia, using the numbers they gave you earlier.
  1819. >Two dings bleep in the room, momentarily stopping Celestia’s verbal assault against you.
  1820. >She narrows her eyes at you, as she reaches into her skirt to withdraw her phone.
  1821. >Luna glances worriedly at her, and then quickly does the same.
  1822. >You give them a few seconds to inspect the images.
  1823. >You know what they’re seeing. It couldn’t be more perfect of an image if you had planned this weeks in advance.
  1824. >Luna’s arms and hangs dug into your clothing, eyes slammed shut, blushing furiously as she kisses you.
  1825. >Anyone not aware of this situation would no doubt assume it was a passionate, lustful kiss.
  1826. >Celestia face is still twisted angrily, but with the way she keeps glancing down towards her phone, you know she realizes how damning this image could be if put into the wrong hands.
  1827. >”What is it you want, Anonymous?” She says after a few seconds, sighing heavily.
  1828. >All the earlier feistiness seems to have vanished. Now she looks exhausted.
  1829. >”C-celestia! W-what are you doing?!” Luna stutters out, running to her sister’s shoulder.
  1830. >God, you feel like a fucking maggot. That heavy, nauseous feeling in your guts boils around, reminding you this was a dirty move.
  1831. >Celestia retreats back to sit on the edge of her desk, crossing her legs and pinching the bridge of her nose.
  1832. >”You can clearly see the photo, Luna. Even you would have a hard time explaining that picture away.”
  1833. >Luna is blushing even harder.
  1834. >”B-but he… but I…. i-it wasn’t—it’s not!” Luna fumbles over her words.
  1835. >”In the hands of the news, I don’t think it matters what your intent was, Luna. Only what’s in the picture.”
  1836. >Luna turns towards you quickly.
  1837. >”Delete it, Anonymous! Delete it now!”
  1838. >You’re not sure if her voice is more yelling or pleading.
  1839. >You finally find your voice is all of this, biting back the bile in the back of your throat, and the dryness on your tongue.
  1840. “I will.”
  1841. >In your defense, that sounded pretty calm.
  1842. >You heart hammering away in your chest, and the sweat on your brow hasn’t affected your vocal cords yet.
  1843. >It might still appear to these two that this was a planned endeavour and not something you pulled out of your ass at the last moment.
  1845. >”Then do it now, Anonymous!”
  1846. >Luna looks like she’s about to charge your ass and tackle you to the floor.
  1847. >You rotate the phone to point the screen at her, waving the device gently back and forth to distract her.
  1848. >Her eyes catch the image on the screen again, and she looks away defeated, unable to bear the shame of seeing that expression.
  1849. “I will…” You repeat, “but…”
  1850. >”He wants something, sister.” Celestia chimes in, her voice even but cold.
  1851. >”Anonymous, this is an abhorrent act.” Luna says. “We… I didn’t expect something this -evil- from you.”
  1852. >Her words aren’t fake, and they sink deep into the pit of humanity in your stomach.
  1853. >There’s a certain thought floating in your mind about how you were going to rectify this even if you managed to get to the bottom of the whole Twilight situation.
  1854. >It’s not like Celestia and Luna would forget this.
  1855. >And it’s definitely not like they would forgive something like this easily.
  1856. >But that was something you would have to deal with in the future.
  1857. >Because you didn’t have terrible mindwipe magic to abuse.
  1858. “I’m not doing this for anything terrible.” You say.
  1859. >Both sisters are giving you looks that clearly show they think you’re full of shit.
  1860. “I really -really- can’t explain, but I need to talk to Twilight. She’s been avoiding me all week, and it’s important that I speak with her.”
  1861. >”You can’t stalk girls, Anonymous. If Twilight doesn’t want to speak with you, she’s well within her rights.” Now Celestia was back to giving you the stink eye.
  1862. >They wouldn’t get it unless you explained, and even then, they’d just brush you off as crazy. And probably call the cops.
  1863. >They might do that anyways, but if they thought you were tracking down Twilight for nefarious purposes, that would be worse.
  1864. >You don’t have time to sit here and do that anyways. Besides, you don’t even have all the info to warrant a good explanation.
  1865. “It’s more than that. I’d tell you, but it’s not something you can just explain.”
  1866. >God, you were blowing this.
  1867. >”Not a very convincing argument.”
  1868. >Of course it wasn’t, it was barely an argument.
  1869. “Okay so… I’m going to leave. I’m going to go home. I will not do anything with this picture. That I promise. I just cannot waste anymore time here.”
  1870. >”If you weren’t going to use it, then why would you even take it in the first place?!” Luna shouted at you accusingly.
  1871. >They just weren’t going to believe you, no matter how you tried to phrase this.
  1872. “Don’t you find it a little bit odd that Twilight and her friends have been skipping classes all week?”
  1873. >A different approach, to goad a response out of them. Maybe Celestia and Luna knew something that you didn’t.
  1874. >Certainly the principal and vice principal would notice a group of very prominent students missing for that period of time.
  1875. >”Twilight and her friends have been out sick all week, Anonymous.” Celestia stated calmly, once again crossing her arms.
  1876. >You waited a bit longer for more of an explanation, but all you received was a harsh glare from both of the sisters.
  1877. >Really? That was it? REALLY? Oh, this whole posse of prestigious students, who are clearly the life-blood of Canterlot High, and the center of all the weird shit that happens here, all just happen to be sick the exact same week.
  1878. >You can’t stop yourself from scoffing loudly and rolling your eyes at the absurdity of such a dumb response.
  1879. “Really? Sick? For a whole week? All of them… at once.”
  1880. >Celestia shrugged, “Stranger things have happened. They are really close friends, it’s not hard for a flu to pass around their group?”
  1881. “And that explains why Twilight was here today how?”
  1882. >”Well she’s the one that dropped off their sick notes and explained the situation.”
  1883. >Yeah, Celestia, totally not weird. Maybe your head wasn’t the only mushy one around here.
  1884. “You saw her run off, Luna, did that look very -sick- to you?”
  1885. >Luna steps back a bit as you turn to address her, but quickly resumes her hostile posture.
  1886. >”Oh, Anonymous, certainly not the strangest thing to occur in the last few minutes.”
  1887. >Haha, she had you there.
  1888. >A bunch of friends playing hooky for a week, or some crazed dumbass doing a really bad attempt at blackmail. The latter was definitely more strange and weird.
  1889. >And certainly wasn’t going to put you in their goods books for a more detailed answer than that.
  1890. “And you believe them?”
  1891. >”Why yes, we do believe some of the best-behaved students with signed notes from their parents.” Celestia chipped in once again.
  1892. >You’re glad no one else was here to witness you fail this badly.
  1893. “Okay, whatever, fine they’re sick. Totally reasonable.” You wave your hands in front of you defeatedly, as if trying to completely push this line of questioning out of the way.
  1894. “And what about that weird construction out front?”
  1895. >”Weird construction?” Celestia raises an eyebrow.
  1896. “Statue blocked off, completely surrounded by wood and concrete or whatever. Cracks in the ground?”
  1897. >”…The annual maintenance and grounds-keeping we do on the monument?”
  1898. “Weirdest looking maintenance I’ve ever seen.”
  1899. >Both of them are giving you a weird look right now. You’re probably very close to straddling into the ‘insane’ category in their minds at this point.
  1900. >”That statue is as old as the school itself, Anonymous. Weather exposure has done some serious damage to the old thing over the years. Every now and again it needs to be repaired and polished up, unless you have a piece of it break off and hit someone.”
  1901. “Which explains why it’s totally encased and completely impossible to access?”
  1902. >”We’ve encased the monument so that it can be transported over to the local repair shop. There should be a crane arriving sometime next week to take the whole thing.”
  1903. >You probably weren’t going to mention the other stuff that happened, weird whispering and shit.
  1904. >That would definitely not be a smart thing to bring up.
  1905. >As far as these two were concerned, it was a legitimate repair and maintenance thing.
  1906. >Which you might have accepted if the whole thing didn’t try to cthulu the fuck out of your mind.
  1907. >Once again, something you didn’t know that you needed to know.
  1908. >Although at least it looks like Celestia and Luna were as much in the dark as you, and not complicit in this weird coverup thing you suspected was going on.
  1909. >Or they were lying, that was also an option.
  1910. >Either way, it meant another reason on top of the pile of reasons you already had to talk to Twilight.
  1911. >You’d wasted enough time here anyways, and gotten literally nowhere, besides slighting two of the women who had a lot of power in deciding your academic future.
  1913. >Smart moves, Anon. Just another fuckup on the list, you guess.
  1914. >You sigh out loud, dispelling some of the tension in your body. This conversation was over, and there really wasn’t anything else to do.
  1915. >Celestia is the first to break the awkward silence.
  1916. >”Anything else, Anon?”
  1917. >You try to ignore the annoyed tone in her voice. Not because it bugs you, but because you totally deserve it for harassing these two.
  1918. “No… not really.”
  1919. >You let your shoulders slouch, looking over at Luna and Celestia.
  1920. >This whole thing was so tiring. Felt like every step you made to get closer only messed something else up, or moved you sideways.
  1921. “Now I’m going to leave, I will delete the picture when I get home, and you can do whatever you want with me on Monday, okay? I just really need to go.”
  1922. >You took a cautionary step backwards to the door. Hard glares from Celestia and Luna tracing every movement you make.
  1923. >”You know this isn’t going to end well for you, Anonymous, right?” The edge in Celestia’s voice only buries those words deeper into your skin.
  1924. >Either way, you weren’t going to get out of this situation without some retribution. But trying to maintain this weird blackmail op was definitely not something you could bear to do.
  1925. >Which meant you had this weekend to figure shit out before getting your ass chopped up and served to you on Monday.
  1926. >Might be suspension, could be expulsion. But you would have to deal with that eventually.
  1927. >For now there were slightly more pressing matters on your mind.
  1928. “I know.”
  1929. >And with that, you’re out of the room, closing the door quickly behind you and sprinting down the hall towards the exit.
  1930. >You’re not sure what time it is, but the school is mostly empty. Some stragglers hanging around after classes to talk with their friends.
  1931. >No one gives you a second glance as you stumble out into the school’s parking lot and make a beeline towards your car.
  1932. >Fumble with the keys for a second before opening the door and collapsing into the driver’s seat with an exasperated sigh.
  1933. >You had fucked it all up.
  1934. >Twilight was no doubt home by now, or hidden away something from you.
  1935. >And come Monday there was a good chance you weren’t even going to be a student at the school anymore.
  1936. >All in all, a pretty good way to end a Friday, right?
  1937. “Fuck me…” you mumble, resting your head on the steering wheel.
  1938. >Of course, the horns blows, scaring the shit out of you and sending your head smashing back into the seat behind you.
  1939. ”I deserved that.”
  1940. >There’d be time for rest later.
  1941. >For now, though, there’s really only one option left. Something you really should have done at the start of the week instead of waiting around.
  1942. >Probably would have had better results.
  1943. >It’s time to confront Twilight Sparkle at her house, for better or worse.
  1944. >Of course, worse being that you might be arrested for camping outside and trying to spy on her if she calls the police.
  1945. >And best being god only knows what.
  1946. >But you couldn’t wait around anymore. All of this was eating at your stomach something fierce, and even if you stumbled in and fucked everything up, getting some answers was worth it.
  1947. >…Hopefully.
  1948. >Pull your keys out, plug them into the ignition and start your car.
  1949. >Slowly turn out of the parking lot and weave your way into traffic.
  1950. >Your whole body is on autopilot as you drive towards Twilight’s house. Thoughts and uncertainty swirling in your mind as you stare blankly out the windshield.
  1952. >Somewhere else, somewhere earlier.
  1953. >”Are you sure this is okay, Twilight?”
  1954. >Twilight blinked, turning to face the source of the voice.
  1955. >Her tired vision blurring at the edges. Eyes red from lack of rest and the overdosing of caffeine.
  1956. >No matter how hard she tried, there just wasn’t enough time to sleep.
  1957. >Especially with all of this.
  1958. >She blinked, clearing some of the daze from her vision, and focused on the girl in the corner.
  1959. >”You know I’ve explained this before.” Twilight stated.
  1960. >The other girl stepped out into the light a bit more. Pink and purple hair, nerdy glasses.
  1961. >Almost a carbon copy of Twilight herself, minus the school uniform and the hair neatly tied back into a bun.
  1962. >Other Twilight crept forward a nudge, rubbing her hands together awkwardly as she diverted her vision away.
  1963. >She wanted to press the point. Obviously.
  1964. >Twilight knew that. It happened at least several times a day.
  1965. >Even as much as they were alike, this world has still molded her slightly differently.
  1966. >A million minute differences in a million different realities.
  1967. >Sure, they looked almost identical.
  1968. >But this girl was much more timid and shy.
  1969. >Similar to Fluttershy back home, almost,
  1970. >But what else could Twilight expect?
  1971. >This world had no magic… naturally at least.
  1972. >The small hum of the golden amulet sitting around her neck provided some familiarity from Equestria at least.
  1973. >It wasn’t much, but it all she could risk bringing over unless she wanted to speed up the magical singularity.
  1974. >But this was getting off-topic, and she focused on the purple schoolgirl standing nervously before her.
  1975. >This Twilight hadn’t grown up in a magical realm of talking horses and friendship.
  1976. >Hadn’t experienced any cataclysmic events. Hadn’t had many friends until recently.
  1977. >And certainly hadn’t defeated any enemies. No Nightmare Moon, No Discord, No Tirek… and so on.
  1978. >Twilight had dealt with world-threatening events like this before, and knew that sometimes you had to make a few sacrifices for the overall good.
  1979. >Not that she liked the utilitarian approach, but there wasn’t any other choice in this matter.
  1980. >No, this other girl’s biggest fears were being late to class, and not getting perfect scores on her tests. Making friends, dealing with boys.
  1981. >And not the looming threat of two possibly merging worlds.
  1982. >Besides that one time at the Friendship Games, but she barely remembered any of that.
  1983. >Twilight stifled a yawn, pulling at the sleeves of the worn sweater she was wearing.
  1984. >It smelled of musk and mildew. And sweat.
  1985. >She had her own greasy hair pulled make into a makeshift ponytail, just enough to keep it out of her face while she worked. The bangs hanging just out of sight on her forehead.
  1986. >No doubt the result of the cramped, sticky air in the basement atmosphere around her, which hung heavy on the ceiling, muggy and wet.
  1987. >The walls were barren gyprock, with some hastily thrown down cracked tile for flooring.
  1988. >Combined with the dim, pale-orange singular light which swung from the ceiling, and this entire room almost seemed like a dungeon.
  1989. >But it was well insulated and quiet, out of the way, with a door that locked at the top from the inside.
  1991. >Not the most secure area, but this was really the only place work like this could be done.
  1992. >And the best area to hide away the magical artifacts she had smuggled from Equestria. Even if this world was without magic, there didn’t seem to be a lack of nefarious entities seeking power through anything magical they could get their hooves on.
  1993. >Or hands, or scales, or claws.
  1994. >Schoolgirl Twilight’s science equipment sat in the corner, running scans and beeping at random iterations. Tracing the magical aura leaking from around the Canterlot High Portal. The bars and lines trending upwards on the screen certainly wasn’t helping either of them relax.
  1995. >The other Twilight fidgeted more, picking at dirt underneath her nails.
  1996. >Twilight sighed herself.
  1997. >”You seen the data, Twi. You know as well as I do that this is the only way.”
  1998. >Twilight Number Two opened her mouth, and her lips trembled soundlessly in the air a few times.
  1999. >All of this weighed heavily on her, Twilight knew.
  2000. >”I know…” she responded, after a few seconds… “But it doesn’t feel right.”
  2001. >Twilight reached a hand up and massaged her own temples, the low fury of a headache burning in the depths of her skull.
  2002. >No doubt the result of little sleep. And the stress of all of this.
  2003. >”It won’t ever -feel- right. But it needs to be done.”
  2004. >The other girl dropped her eyes towards the ground. She wasn’t satisfied with that answer, but she didn’t protest anymore.
  2005. >And honestly, neither was Twilight.
  2006. >There was only so long she would be able to keep doing this, even with her fortitude.
  2007. >Defeating demons and big bads in Equestria was one thing.
  2008. >Manipulating your friends was something entirely else.
  2009. >Something that sat deep within her stomach gnawing away at the ever-shrinking sliver of her soul.
  2010. >”...I’m going to go bring the car around front. That way it’ll be easier after your done.” The schoolgirl said after a few more seconds of uncomfortable silence.
  2011. >Twilight nodded at her.
  2012. >She was desperate to get away from this situation.
  2013. >Not that Twilight blamed her. She would have traded spots if she could.
  2014. >”You don’t have to act like I can’t hear you, you know.” Interrupted a third voice from the corner of the room.
  2015. >Twilight sighed heavily, as the other purple girl used this moment to slink quietly up the basement stairs and out of the room.
  2016. >”I’m not ignoring you, Sunset. I’m just sick of explaining this to you.”
  2017. >She was trying to maintain an even tone in her voice, but it still sounded snappy out loud.
  2018. >Twilight turned towards the corner of the room, focusing on the red-and-orange haired girl currently sat on a chair.
  2019. >Sunset had her arms crossed. Her hair was a frizzy mess, her clothes look wrinkled and worn, and dark circles also surrounded her eyes.
  2020. >Nowhere near as deep or black as Twilight’s, but enough to show that she’d been up most of the night.
  2021. >”Your -explanations,” Sunset mocked, staring daggers at Twilight, “are awful. How can you do this?”
  2022. >Twilight was really in no mood to go through this argument again.
  2023. >It always resulted in the same thing. Both girls yelling at each other, and another burgeoning ulcer of guilt forming in Twilight’s stomach.
  2024. >But Sunset was relentless, her stone cold glare burrowing in Twilight’s skin, judging her.
  2025. >”You know why, Sunset. Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong thing to do.”
  2027. >”Yeah, I’m sure brainwashing your friends is definitely the best course of action here.”
  2028. >Twilight gritted her teeth together, storming over towards the girl.
  2029. >”You know that’s -not- fair, Sunset.” She said, jutting a finger at the girl.
  2030. >”Yeah, because you’ve been so fair to all the girls.... And Anon.”
  2031. >Twilight opened her mouth to retort, but stopped.
  2032. >Her fingers were dug into her palms, and shaking with tension.
  2033. >This would just result in another yelling match.
  2034. >She took a deep breath, walked a few steps closer to Sunset, and knelt down in front of the girl.
  2035. >Sunset’s piercing gaze never left Twilight’s eyes.
  2036. >”All you had to do was not tell anyone, Sunset. That was all you had to do.” Twilight started, her voice low but the words grated over her teeth all the same.
  2037. >”They have a -right- to know, Twilight. You can’t just go digging around in their heads.”
  2038. >There, once again, another belittlement to all of the effort Twilight has expended in this.
  2039. >This time, she couldn’t stop herself from rising and grabbing Sunset by the shoulders.
  2040. >”You think I like doing this?” She yelled at Sunset, eyes twitching in anger.
  2041. >But Sunset kept her posture, staring back unblinkingly.
  2042. >”You think I like being responsible for all of this? That memory-wiping is just some easy stroll in the park.” Twilight’s rant continued, her fingers digging in to Sunset’s shoulders.
  2043. >”What a nice, sunny day! Better crack into my friend’s minds and just screw around for no good reason, right? Because that’s the entire reason I’m doing all of this. Not like there’s more on the line than this, right Sunset?” Her voice rang higher and higher with each word, until she was basically shouting into Sunset’s face.
  2044. >Sunset sighed, finally looking away.
  2045. >”You know that’s not what I meant.” She replied.
  2046. >Twilight spun away, tossing her hands up into the air, the previous attempt at keeping her cool all but a distant thought now. Wisps of her hair flying in every direction and some even sticking to her face.
  2047. >Twilight knew she probably looked manic. She sure as Tartarus felt like it.
  2048. >”No, of course I know. It’s not like I’ve heard that exact same sentence a hundred times from you.”
  2049. >Twilight turned back to face Sunset.
  2050. >”Twilight, this isn’t right. Twilight, you can’t do this. Twilight how can you live with yourself? Twilight, you’re hurting your friends. Twilight, you’re scum.” She mocked, attempting to sound like Sunset.
  2051. >“I never said that last one.” Sunset stated lowly.
  2052. >Twilight ignored her.
  2053. >”You’re quick to condemn my ideas, but then you fail to offer any other possible solutions. Like shooting down the only thing that works just because of your morality makes you a better pon- person than me.”
  2054. >”I know what I’m doing isn’t right! I know it sucks! I know I’m hurting my friends! But there is no other way.”
  2055. >Twilight shook her head. ”No. Other. Way.”
  2056. >She sighed again, biting her lip to quell another emotionally tirade.
  2057. >”This is all we can do for now, Sunset. And if you don’t have the guts for that, it’s fine. I’ll handle it… for both of us.”
  2058. >”But Celestia—"
  2059. >”Celestia what?!” Twilight interrupted. “The Princess is busy trying to prevent this whole situation from pushing Equestria into another civil war. You try explaining this whole thing to the nobles in Canterlot, or even worse, countries outside of Equestria.”
  2060. >Sunset looked down at her feet, avoiding Twilight’s gaze, but remained quiet.
  2061. >Not that there was a point she could make that Twilight hadn’t heard and countered before.
  2062. >Several tense seconds of silence passed between the two, broken only by the dull whine of the lightbulb swinging from the rafters.
  2063. >”And the others?” Sunset finally spoke.
  2064. >Twilight sighed again, wiping the sweat from her brow and pulling another chair up from the back to sit in front of Sunset.
  2065. >”Already done. They’ll wake up tomorrow with no recollection of Anon, just a bad headache and some implanted memories of being sick all week.”
  2066. >More silence.
  2067. >”Is it getting worse?”
  2068. >That was the million bit question, or dollar. Or whatever currency.
  2069. >Twilight’s eyes hovered over towards the computer equipment at the side of the room, with the screen that was monitoring the mana leak from the Canterlot portal.
  2070. >All the earlier prediction models were already being outpaced, even the more drastic ones.
  2071. >The lines were trending up almost exponentially at this point.
  2072. >And the more Twilight glared at the screen, the more she felt the knot in her stomach tighten and twist.
  2073. >”You already know the answer to that, Sunset.”
  2074. >”So then what am I here for, Twilight? You’ve already handled the others, and this seems a bit beyond just giving me a stern warning again.”
  2075. >Twilight took a deep breath. This next part wasn’t going to be easy. But the clock was already well past the eleventh hour, and as drastic as all of this had been so far, what she was about to do would be so much worse.
  2076. >She hoped that Sunset would understand.
  2077. >Because asking for forgiveness would be out of the question.
  2078. >Twilight lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Sunset and pulling the girl into a tight hug.
  2079. >Sunset froze up at the contact, before relaxing and returning the hug after a moment.
  2080. >Twilight mumbled something incomprehensible into Sunset’s sweater, taking a minute to savior the warmth and comfort of her friend.
  2081. >It was the first bit of stress relief in months.
  2082. >Which why what she was going to do next was even more awful.
  2083. >”I didn’t hear that, Twilight.” Sunset said softly, petting Twilight on the head with one of her free hands.
  2084. >Twilight shifted in her chair.
  2085. >”I said I’m sorry, Sunset.”
  2086. >To Twilight’s credit, she had known that Sunset would have never turned down a hug. Surely this clearly distressed girl was just in need of some compassion to change her mind.
  2087. >Twilight has also known that the hum of the dull fluorescent light on the basement ceiling would mask the gentle buzz of the magic accumulating in her amulet.
  2088. >And that having her body pressed close to Sunset would hide the telling red glow of the gem set within the amulet’s golden grooves.
  2089. >Sunset tried to pull back, but Twilight had locked her arms around the girl’s back, preventing her from pulling away.
  2090. >”Twilight, what are you—?”
  2091. >”I’m sorry.”
  2092. >It was too late for Sunset to pull away, even as she tried to grab at Twilight’s arms.
  2093. >The light burning from Twilight’s necklace shone dark crimson shadows around the room, and the hum of amassing mana in the air was much too loud to ignore.
  2094. >With one final crack that split the basement air like thunder, Twilight funneled the collected energy directly into Sunset’s body.
  2095. >Every muscle in Sunset’s tensed for one millionth of a second, and then she collapsed backwards in the chair, body rag-dolling as Twilight grabbed the girl before she toppled off onto the flor.
  2096. >Twilight gently lowered Sunset back into the chair, positioning her so she was still sat upright.
  2097. >Eventually, Twilight sighed and sat back, wiping more sweat from her brow as she looked at Sunset.
  2098. >The spell would keep the girl unconscious for a while, at least long enough for Twilight to do what she had to do.
  2099. >If Sunset wasn’t going to avoid Anon, this whole situation would keep going and going and going.
  2100. >Again and again and again.
  2101. >She couldn’t afford that.
  2102. >Memory delving was hard work, and having Sunset protest and squirm through the whole protest would only raise the chances of something going wrong.
  2103. >Twilight finally rose, kicking back her chair as she stood in front of Sunset.
  2104. >She focused, directing more of her mana into the amulet. The familiar hum and glow resonating around her again.
  2105. >Her senses burned, her heartrate quickened, everything felt more alive. Everything felt a bit more like home.
  2106. >How humans managed to persist in such a magicless world, she would never understand. Some form of determination and grit that would put the earlier settlers of Equestria to shame.
  2107. >Twilight never did feel comfortable here, but this tiny bit of magic offered her a small respite. At least until she got back…
  2108. >Which she hoped would be soon.
  2109. >She took a deep breath, approaching Sunset. She funnelled the collective energy down into her fingertips, the digits glowing faintly.
  2110. >Plucking memories was like pulling a single strand of wool from a tangled ball. Everything else had to remain where it was, less you take more than you wanted or not enough at all.
  2111. >Twilight didn’t dare think about the more severe consequences.
  2112. >She placed the tips of her fingers on the temples of Sunset’s head, and closed her eyes.
  2113. >The other Twilight would be back soon, and it would be better for both of them if she had finished this before then.
  2114. >Twilight poured her magic in Sunset’s mind, digging as deep as she could. She needed access to everything. To pull every last strand of Sunset’s memories of Anon right out of her brain.
  2115. >And that’s what she did.
  2116. >She plucked, she delved, and then she plucked again, ignoring the flashes of memories blossoming on the inside of her closed eyelids.
  2117. >It was best not to look at the images passing by, lest she lose the flimsy willpower that was fueling her through this process.
  2118. >Another memory taken, and another, and another, like strands of black hair in an sea of oil.
  2119. >And eventually that was it.
  2120. >She sent a magical probe deep within Sunset’s mind, trying to find any other traces that she might have of Anon in her memory.
  2121. >But there was nothing, and after a few more seconds to be certain, Twilight withdrew from Sunset’s mind.
  2122. >Sunset twitched slightly on the chair, moaning some half-sentence in her uneasy sleep, but then was silent.
  2123. >Twilight stumbled back, her mind reeling as she readjusted to her surroundings.
  2124. >The dreamlike aura around her vanished, but the shadowy imprints of Sunset’s memories burned brightly on the inside of her eyelids with each blink.
  2125. >Her head trembled and roared under the pressure, and her stomach wobbled incessantly.
  2126. >It took a few more minutes of blinking and dry-heaving for her to get back to some sort of comfortable state.
  2127. >Twilight hoped she wouldn’t have to that again… but the faint images of Anon in her own mind said otherwise.
  2128. >”Just one more…”
  2129. >There was a noise above the stairs, and the door at the top opened, spilling light down into the basement.
  2130. >And the familiar, gentle footfalls of the girl who had left earlier.
  2131. >”The car’s out front… a-are you alright?” Her speech faltered upon seeing Twilight down on her hands and knees on the floor.
  2132. >”…F-fine… are we ready to go?”
  2133. >The other Twilight nodded.
  2134. >”Good, there’s going to be a change of plans, though” Twilight spoke as she rose, turning to face the schoolgirl clone of herself.
  2135. >”A change?”
  2136. >”You’re going to go back to Canterlot High and get Anon. We’ll drop off Sunset first, though.”
  2137. >”Does that mean she’s…?”
  2138. >Twilight nodded, ignoring the bile in the back of her throat.
  2139. >”Yeah, she won’t remember… and that leaves only Anon to deal with now.”
  2140. >”A-are you sure you’re okay… that’s going to be twice in one day you know?”
  2141. >Twilight tried to hide her grimace from the headache pounding at her brain, but her smile faltered and died on her lips.
  2142. >”Let’s just get this over with. Equestria and Earth don’t really care if I’m fine, this is much more important.”
  2143. >The other Twilight said nothing for a few seconds, but gave a small nod and motioned over to the sleeping Sunset.
  2144. >”I’ll help you with her.”
  2145. >Twilight nodded, and slowly the both of them managed to carry Sunset upstairs, outside, and into the back of Other Twi’s car.
  2146. >Twilight was grateful for the silence while the two girls worked. She wasn’t sure if she could say anymore without breaking down and crying…
  2147. >She slid into the passenger seat, content to let her other self drive.
  2148. >And there was only one more target left on the list.
  2149. >…
  2150. >-------------------------------------------------------------------
  2152. >You pull your car into Twilight’s driveway, idling for a few seconds as you glance past the windshield and into the house’s windows.
  2153. >Blinds are shut, lights are off.
  2154. >And there’s no signs of any movement whatsoever.
  2155. >Looks like no one is home.
  2156. >Or that someone is pretending not to be home.
  2157. >After a few more minutes of silence, you shift into park and shut the vehicle off.
  2158. >Pocketing the keys and stepping out slowly.
  2159. >It’s not like Twilight knew you were coming. But she had been avoiding you all week, that you were sure of.
  2160. >But she should have expected that eventually you would turn up. That you weren’t going to sit in the dark all this time.
  2161. >Especially after running off earlier.
  2162. >Unless she doubted your agency of course, you did wait a whole week after all.
  2163. >Given the chance, she probably wouldn’t even bother answering the door if she knew it was you.
  2164. >Wind whips around your face and hair, dark clouds sitting eerily on the horizon.
  2165. >Nice and dramatic weather. How convenient for this situation.
  2166. >You sigh.
  2167. “Not like there’s another option.”
  2168. >All the girls had been absent all week, except for Twilight.
  2169. >And the sick notes they provided to Celestia and Luna all around the same time was awfully convenient.
  2170. >Too much so to be a coincidence.
  2171. >Much more likely to be a synchronized, coordinated operation.
  2172. >But once again, this was the only lead you had. And Twilight was the only house you knew the address of.
  2173. >Plus she has fled, which was literally a confirmation that she knew what the hell was going on.
  2174. >You stroll up the driveway slowly, hands hid away in the depths of your pockets.
  2175. >What if she didn’t answer the door?
  2176. >Would you just stand out on the porch until she relented? Sit in the car and wait for her to show up?
  2177. >And if she did open the door, see it was you and try to bail? Would you force your way inside?
  2178. >Would she call the cops?
  2179. >That idea leaves a sour taste in your mouth, but considering your earlier actions, that might be the line you cross when it comes time to do so.
  2180. >But, it might be what has to happen. For you to get any answers, anyways.
  2181. >Your shoes echo lightly on the porch, the front door looming ahead of your intimidatingly.
  2182. “Do or die, Anon.”
  2183. >Not sure why you were making this out to be some tense situation.
  2184. >Maybe it was the feeling in your guts that something wasn’t right.
  2185. >Maybe it was the faint pangs of a headache that hadn’t faded since your weird incident in the courtyard area.
  2186. >You didn’t remember them barricading off the statue by the main entrance.
  2187. >But then again, your memory wasn’t exactly the golden standard of reliability nowadays.
  2188. >The weird cracks in the concrete, that odd tingling sensation in your bones.
  2189. >That urge to just.. touch it.
  2190. >Wasn’t right. Didn’t take a genius to figure that one out.
  2191. >Celestia and Luna just pretending everything was fine. Maybe they too had their minds mangled a bit.
  2192. >But you didn’t know.
  2193. >Once again, why you need answers.
  2194. >Whatever, enough debating.
  2195. >You rap your knuckles against the solid wood door. And wait.
  2196. >The only noise being the occasional howl of wind and the sound of your heartbeat banging in your eardrums.
  2197. >A few minutes pass. Nothing. No one in the windows. No footsteps in the hall.
  2198. >You knock again, not so easily deterred, knuckles cracking against the door.
  2199. >Same result. A few minutes of you alone, with your uneasy thoughts and your even more uneasy stomach.
  2200. >You raise your hand a third time.
  2201. >Something behind the door creaks, and you freeze.
  2202. >Your imagination, or someone there?
  2203. “Twilight, you home?” You muster your voice to speak. “It’s been a really crazy week, and I need to speak to Sunset, have you seen her?”
  2204. >Maybe that would goad her out.
  2205. >But alas, nothing.
  2206. “Please, if you’re in there, open up. I need someone to help me make sense out of all of this.”
  2207. >…
  2208. >A different approach.
  2209. “Listen, we both know you can’t hide around forever. You have to go back to school eventually, and you can’t avoid me forever. Just come out and get all this settled away right now.”
  2210. >And there you have it. Movement behind the door. Finally.
  2211. >You hear someone fumbling with the locks, multiple loud clicking noises behind the door.
  2212. >And then it finally opens.
  2213. >Well, at least a little bit.
  2214. >The door cracks open a sliver, before a familiar purple girl peeks out from behind the frame, her glasses shimmering white in the low-light stormy afternoon, the wind blowing errant stands of hair around her face.
  2215. >Her expression is twisted into a deep frown, but it doesn’t look like it’s directed at you. Judging by her sunken cheeks and tired eyes, it’s from something else.
  2216. >”H-hey, Anon.” She says, trying to grin, but giving up half-way there.
  2217. >The two of you share an eerie silence for a moment.
  2218. >You weren’t expecting her to open up. And because of that, you hadn’t actually prepared for any of the questions you wanted to ask her.
  2219. >”Do… do you want to come in?” She breaks the silence first, adjusting her glasses to hide her face more.
  2220. >You guess that’s an alright first step, at least that way she couldn’t close the door in your face.
  2221. “Yeah, sure.”
  2222. >She opens the door enough for you to see in, still gripping the edge of the frame.
  2223. >It’s enough space for you to shimmy by, and you do so, your arm brushing against her waist as you squeeze into the entrance hall of her house.
  2224. “Thanks, Twilight.”
  2225. >All that anger and annoyance from earlier seems to drain from your body for now.
  2226. >Just looking at Twilight and seeing how worn out she had looked… maybe you didn’t actually understand the true ramifications of this entire situation.
  2227. >Surely there were things you didn’t know and wouldn’t understand.
  2228. >And maybe it was those things that Twilight was dealing with.
  2229. >Coming down hard on her and being overly aggressive in your behavior wouldn’t do any good.
  2230. >Not saying that you wouldn’t get the answers you came here for, but you would cool the anger for now.
  2231. >You take a few steps past Twilight, eyeing the familiar house. The hall that stretched down and around to the kitchen. The steps that lead upstairs. The living room on your left.
  2232. >Hard to believe all of this started with a fucking sleepover a week ago. What the hell had happened to those sexy fun times?
  2233. >Where did all of this drama come from? It was like some sort of God just decided ‘ah, fuck it.”
  2234. >Well, at least the sex was worth it.
  2235. >Right?
  2236. >Twilight shuts the door behind you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
  2237. >”Do you want anything to drink or something?”
  2238. >You shrug. Fuck it, might as well.
  2239. “Sure… thanks.”
  2240. >”You can go in and sit down, I’ll be back in a second.”
  2241. >She hurries away down the hall, head down as she looks at her feet, before turning off into the kitchen.
  2242. >Weird but…
  2243. “Whatever…” you mumble to yourself, stepping into the living room and settling down on the couch.
  2244. >Fuck it was only last week you were playing truth or dare and titty-fucking Fluttershy.
  2245. >Those were the days.
  2246. >You sink into the soft fabric of the couch, leaning your head back and closing your eyes.
  2247. >You need a second to relax. Maybe you should ask Twilight for a little bit of booze in that drink?
  2248. >Although it was probably better to be sober for the upcoming conversation.
  2249. >You hoped Sunset and the others were alright. Even if they were just faking sick, being gone the whole week must have meant it was something serious.
  2250. >”H-here you go.”
  2251. >Twilight’s voice is next to you, and your eyes shoot open.
  2252. >God, you didn’t even hear her come back.
  2253. >You blink up at her a few times, before reaching your hand out for one of the cups she’s holding.
  2254. >Her hands tense up for a moment, almost sloshing the liquid out of the red party cups she has.
  2255. >”S-sorry.” She says, jutting the plastic cup in her left hand at you.
  2256. >You grab it, as she retreats around the other side of the coffee table and sits on the loveseat opposite of you.
  2257. >The cup is cold in your hands.
  2258. >Should have probably specified something like water. Hopefully this isn’t something Pinkie concocted.
  2259. >You glance across the room, looking at Twilight.
  2260. >She seems so tiny, like she’s trying to sink into her chair and get away.
  2261. >She has her hands clasped tightly together resting in her lap, twiddling her thumbs away.
  2262. >And she still hasn’t looked at you since you came in.
  2263. >Like she was terrified you were going to do something. Or scared of something else.
  2264. “So…”
  2265. >Your voice echoes in the dim living room louder than you expected.
  2266. >Twilight almost jumps out of her seat, flashing a quick glance up at you before looking down at the floor again.
  2267. >All you can hear is the clock ticking on the wall. Each click pounding in your brain like thunder. You rub at your temples, trying to quell the headache.
  2268. >You looked just as tired as Twilight but it hadn’t been an easy week. And it likely wasn’t going to get any easier.
  2269. >Twilight hasn’t said anything, still staring down into her drink quietly.
  2270. “So… all of this…” you begin, rolling the words slowly over your tongue.
  2271. >How would you even start this conversation.
  2272. >Twilight turns her eyes up to look at you, the light from her glasses blocking her expression again.
  2273. “I’m not sure what to even ask, or where to start.”
  2274. >You shift on the couch, finally taking a sip of your drink to quench your dry mouth.
  2275. >It’s sweet, like water mixed with something. Not bad.
  2276. >You click your tongue, clearing your throat.
  2277. “Where’s Sunset?”
  2278. >Definitely the most important question on your mind.
  2279. >Twilight squirms a bit on the couch, her thighs rubbing together as she shifts back a bit.
  2280. >More silence.
  2281. >This time broken only by the pitter-patter of rain beginning on the roof. A droning downpour that covered the incessant ticking of the clock.
  2282. >Must to the detriment of your headache.
  2283. “I’m not leaving without answers, Twilight.”
  2284. >She wasn’t saying anything. Which meant it was time to be more aggressive.
  2285. >She leans forward, slowly placing her drink on the table.
  2286. >Hadn’t even taken a sip of it either.
  2287. >She pulls awkwardly at the length of her sleeves, still avoiding eye-contact.
  2288. “You didn’t hurt her, did you?”
  2289. >Something flashes in the distance, arcing through the room in a bright white light, and a moment later the sky ruptures and opens up.
  2290. >You don’t budge from the thunder and lightning, but Twilight almost jumps out of her seat.
  2291. “Twilight!”
  2292. >She jumps again.
  2293. >”N-no, god, Anon. I’d never do anything like that!”
  2294. >Finally, she speaks. Maybe now you can get somewhere.
  2295. “So, where is Sunset? Because I don’t really believe that she’s been sick all week?”
  2296. >You sip at you drink again. God, your mouth is dry.
  2297. >”Y-you know about her being sick?”
  2298. >You nod.
  2299. “Yeah, Celestia and Luna told me when I went to confront them.”
  2300. >Better to leave the other half of that story untold.
  2301. “So, where is she?”
  2302. >Twilight sighs, finally adjusting her glasses so that you can see her eyes. Even in the darkness of the living room, the circles of fatigue around her eyes are noticeable.
  2303. >”S-she’s home… and fine, don’t worry. Nothing is… wrong with her.”
  2304. “What did you want from her Saturday night then? When you came and got her at the club?”
  2305. >Twilight tilts her head.
  2306. >”H-huh… what do you m-mean?”
  2307. “Ugh… we were drinking at the bar. Applejack, Sunset and I, and then you showed up. Sunset and AJ went over to talk to you, and then never came back. I assume you took them home, right?”
  2308. >Twilight knots her eyebrows in what looks like confusion.
  2309. >”I…. I… don-“
  2310. “You were clearly there. I saw you.”
  2311. >”OH! Y-yeah… I remember now…”
  2312. “Speaking of that, where are the others? I haven’t seen any of the girls around the school all week, and I know they’re in some of my classes. Unless they’re -sick- or whatever.”
  2313. >”No, Anon. They’re okay too. Just h-home… resting.”
  2314. >You don’t really buy that.
  2315. “So, they’re not actually sick, but they’ve been out of school all week? And you didn’t do anything to them”
  2316. >”No! I didn’t do anything to them! It’s… uh…”
  2317. “It’s what, exactly?”
  2318. >Another big sigh from Twilight.
  2319. >”How much do you know?” She finally asks quietly.
  2320. >Here we go. Finally getting to the issue at hand. Although that was such a broad question. You had several issues that you wanted to know about.
  2321. “About what?”
  2322. >”Don’t play dumb, Anon. You know what I’m getting at.”
  2323. >You finish your drink, placing the cup on the little coffee table next to the couch.
  2324. >Surprisingly your head feels a lot better than earlier.
  2325. >You shrug at Twilight.
  2326. “Enough, I guess, depending on if what you’re asking about is what I think you’re asking about.”
  2327. >Twilight stands, crossing her arms and glancing away.
  2328. >”It’ll be easier to show you, honestly.”
  2329. >You shrug again. That was fine with you. Always were a visual learner anyways.
  2330. >You get up off the couch as well, intent on following Twilight.
  2331. >But the world tilts to the side as your legs spasm out from underneath you.
  2332. >The floor rushes up to meet you, forcing you to break your fall with your hands to prevent your head from slamming into the edge of the coffee table.
  2333. >The gentle numb feeling in your forehead now rolls around in your mouth, weighing down your tongue.
  2334. >Guess you knew why that drink was so sweet, and why Twilight didn’t have any.
  2335. >You manage to raise your head up, even though it feels a hundred pounds too heavy.
  2336. >Twilight actually looks shocked, slinking back from you.
  2337. >What was it with your luck and getting things you ate or drink spiked.
  2338. “Y-you… drugged… water.” The words roll out slow as you struggle under your weighted tongue.
  2339. >”T-that should have been enough to…” Twilight’s stops mid-sentence, as she turns and runs out of the room.
  2340. >No.
  2341. >You were not letting her get away again. Drug you up and dump you off somewhere. Or do whatever she did to Sunset and the others.
  2342. >If she was willing to do this to you, you can’t imagine what she had done to the others.
  2343. >Haven’t hurt anybody your ass. Pretty sure this counted as at least attempted harm.
  2344. >You’re not sure how, but you manage to get back to your feet.
  2345. >Putting all your weight on the coffee table to support your basically dead legs, you start to pull yourself out of the living room by grabbing onto the various pieces of furniture in your way.
  2346. >You can feel the sick sensation spreading in your guts. The numbness spreading up and down your body.
  2347. >Maybe like twenty seconds until you were frozen on the floor.
  2348. >You stumble out into the hallway, leaning heavily on the wall. Pictures of Twilight and her friends and family fall to the floor, the glass splintering apart as you haul yourself along the wall.
  2349. >But she’s in front of you, fumbling with a doorknob as she struggles to open the door.
  2350. “St…op.”
  2351. >Even speaking sends a wave of nausea and unsteadiness rippling through you, and you almost collapse onto the little hallway stand you’re leaning on.
  2352. >Just a few more feet.
  2353. >She finally gets a grip on the doorknob, pulling the door open.
  2354. >The same second you lunge and attempt to grab you.
  2355. >Instead of crashing into her as she attempts to flee into whatever room she just opened, Twilight steps around the door.
  2356. >And you go crashing into the flimsy wooden barrier.
  2357. >Which is still much stronger than you.
  2358. >You bounce off like a ball, and collapse to the floor. Instead of finding floor however, the edge of your heels skid over what feels like a ledge.
  2359. >It’s like watching a video game cutscene.
  2360. >Your balance fails spectacularly, and the whole world tilts up as you fall backwards.
  2361. >But there’s nothing to break your fall, just more steps.
  2362. >At least the drink managed to numb you enough that each painful crack against the stairs feels a little less painful.
  2363. >Either way, the world spins, and the little doorway of light at the top of the stairs gets further and further away.
  2364. >The stairs end, and your head bangs against a cold, stone floor as your body finally stops rolling.
  2365. >It’s enough to knock whatever remained of your sluggish senses out.
  2366. >Can’t move, can’t breathe, and the numbness is all over, edges of black seeping in from the corners of your vision.
  2367. >And there at the top of the stairs, you can see it.
  2368. >Two girls, almost identical looking, standing side by side, the only difference being their clothes.
  2369. >They step onto the stairs, closing the door behind him.
  2370. >But that’s all the strength your head has left, and you let it fall to the floor.
  2371. >The loud creaking of wooden steps being the little peacefully melody that rings in your ears as the world falls away to nothing.
  2372. >You were really getting sick of this.
  2373. >As in you were REALLY getting sick of this.
  2374. >That’s the first few thoughts that ripple through your sluggish brain as your consciousness begins to boot back up.
  2375. >You know, after the horrifying “oh god where am I?” and “what the hell happened?”
  2376. >The slow realization that you once again had your fucking drink spiked.
  2377. >You were getting date raped all over the place these last few weeks, damn.
  2378. >You try to move.
  2379. >Nope that’s not working.
  2380. >Something rope-like and fibre-y grinding on your wrists sharp enough to burn.
  2381. >So you try to open your eyes instead.
  2382. >Oh wow, that’s not very good vision.
  2383. >Your eyelids feel like slabs of hardened concrete, weighing down your entire head.
  2384. >Well, you can’t move and you can’t see, but your ears are able to perk up and listen.
  2385. >And you hear voices, two of them.
  2386. >Two incredibly similar voices.
  2387. >”----said it would be enough to knock him out!”
  2388. >”Calm down, stop yelling. It -was- enough to knock a normal human out, either you mixed it wrong, or he didn’t drink enough. Besides, it worked, didn’t it?
  2389. >”He still managed to chase after me!”
  2390. >”Well, I’m not the one who knocked him down the steps.”
  2391. >”T-that was an accident, I just jumped out of the way and he hit the door.”
  2392. >”Yeah, but it worked. Stop worrying.”
  2393. >”You didn’t see the fall, he hit his head pretty hard on the way down. Are you sure he’s okay?!”
  2394. >One of them is pacing around, you only know that because of the incessant clicking of their shoes on the floor, the sharp sound flaring up the pain in your head.
  2395. >Your senses are slowly ticking on, which means pain.
  2396. >From where you cracked your skull off the floor with that nasty fall.
  2397. >”He’s fine, I already scanned him.”
  2398. >You are most definitely not fine.
  2399. >Besides all the anger that’s heating your veins, your head is throbbing like there’s a jackhammer in your skull.
  2400. >And that faint taste of copper in your mouth isn’t exactly helping either.
  2401. >The weight in your eyelids has softened, and you finally manage to open them and get a glimpse of your surroundings.
  2402. >Bright light sears into your retinas, not helping your headache. For a second your vision spins and your stomach churns, but them your pupils adjust and the room filters in your view.
  2403. >You’re tied to a chair, which explains the feeling of rope on your hands earlier.
  2404. >You really hope this isn’t a rape basement, that could be a bad thing.
  2405. >Those two are still arguing but you’re not really listening anymore. You decide to let them know you’re awake with a stifled groan.
  2406. “Ugh…. Oh god, my head.”
  2407. >That shuts both of them up almost immediately.
  2408. >You’re about to say something else when a hand grabs you by the chin and pushes your head back.
  2409. >And you find yourself staring back at a pair of purple eyes, blinking as you try to clear the haze from your vision.
  2410. >And then there’s a blinding white light on your pupil.
  2411. “Ah, god! What the fuck?!” You complain as you whip your head off to the side to get away from the blinding display.
  2412. >”See, he’s fine. Pupils are contracting and everything.”
  2413. >The other voice doesn’t respond, and now you’re sat there blinking away the massive purple dot in the centre of your vision, trying to stare angrily at the figure in front of you.
  2414. >Almost a clone of the other purple girl trying to pretend she’s busy examining the big-ass science monitor set-up in the corner of the room.
  2415. >The computer, seems to be buzzing loudly and printing something out.
  2416. >”Hey!”
  2417. >Your vision drifts back to Clone Sparkle, who’s eyeing you with clear annoyance as she crosses her arms.
  2418. >God, the two girls are so similar you’d believe they were twins.
  2419. >Except this Twilight doesn’t having glasses on, and is wearing some old sweater/jeans combo.
  2420. >Looks like someone who is much older than they actually are.
  2421. >You blink a few more times, and the usual snarky statement you would reply with just isn’t there yet. Either your brain is slow on the uptake from the recent smack, or your way too angry to try and be funny right now.
  2422. >You decide to return the glare this Sparkle is giving you.
  2423. >”You ready to talk yet?”
  2424. “I -was- ready to talk before you drugged and almost killed me.”
  2425. >Clonelight sighs loudly, shaking her head.
  2426. >”Okay, that might have been a mistake—"
  2427. “Yeah, accidentally murdering someone might be a little bit bad.”
  2428. >Yeah, there’s the snark you were hoping for. Sweet.
  2429. >Sparkle looks like she wants to say something snappy back, but ultimately shakes her head and pulls a nearby chair over to sit in.
  2430. “Is this the part where you brainwipe me?”
  2431. >”What, did Sunset tell you that? What—” Twilight stops herself, and suddenly throws her arms up in the air.
  2432. >”This is going nowhere. Fine, I’ll do this a bit more hospitably.”
  2433. >She rises off the chair and walks around you. After a few more seconds, the ropes on your wrists fall away, and she returns to her chair to sit again.
  2434. >”Alright, we’re going to start over, and do this as quick and painlessly as we can, is that okay?”
  2435. >You rub at the red rope marks on your wrists for a moment, still staring ahead at the girl.
  2436. “Fine.”
  2437. >You didn’t want to make this easy, especially considering what you had just suffered through, but being a little bitch was just too much effort right now.
  2438. >Besides, now that your hands were untied, it would be easier to make a break for the basement door if you needed to.
  2439. >Just work that trust up a little bit, Anon, and use all those tactics you learned from those hostage survival shows.
  2440. >Not that it would be too much to take on two high school girls.
  2441. >Twilight crosses her legs and rubs at the bridge of her nose.
  2442. >It’s only really now you see the huge dark bags circling under her eyes.
  2443. >You knew that you looked like a tired piece of shit yourself.
  2444. >But goddamn, this girl looked like she hadn’t slept a night in weeks if not longer. The shiny sweat on her forehead and her limp, greasy hair didn’t help either.
  2445. >You glance over towards the other Twilight standing in the corner again.
  2446. “So you really didn’t do anything to Sunset, especially considering what you just did to me?”
  2447. >She doesn’t even turn to acknowledge you.
  2448. >Instead Clone Sparkle speaks.
  2449. >”She’s fine. We didn’t know what you would do, with how you chased Twilight through the school earlier. We assumed you might be aggressive. The drink was my idea, so you can be angry at me, okay?”
  2450. >You sigh.
  2451. >Greaselight Sparkle takes this as a sign to continue.
  2452. >”So, I know that you’ve been talking to Sunset. But what I don’t know is exactly -how- much you know. Which is incredibly important to know in order to tell you what you -don’t- know, because there is almost certainly a ton of things you do not know.”
  2453. >She waves a hand.
  2454. >”So please, just tell me what she told you.”
  2455. >You glare a her a few more seconds.
  2456. >”The faster you talk, the easier this can be for the both of us. I really doubt you comprehend this whole situation, so please.”
  2457. “Alright, alright, just give me a second.”
  2458. >God, what did you even remember? It was a week ago that Sunset and you were alone in that closet.
  2459. >The blow to the brain isn’t exactly doing your faulty memory any favours, but bits and pieces of that old conversation slowly trickle up into your thoughts.
  2460. “Sunset isn’t from around here, is she…? Or you… for that matter.”
  2461. >You glance quickly over at the timid Twilight Sparkle at the computer desk before looking back at the girl in front of you.
  2462. >Clonelight sighs, long and hard.
  2463. >”No, we’re not. It’s hard to explain, but let’s just work through this, alright?”
  2464. >You shrug. Certainly couldn’t be any weirder than anything else this week. At this point, if she said she was an alien from outer space, you’d probably just believe it.
  2465. >”Sunset and I are from a place called Equestria.”
  2466. “Is that like a place with a lot of horses or something?”
  2467. >That’s really the first question to pop into your mind, the other being that Equestria was a really stupid name.
  2468. >Well, that and you were pretty sure there was no place on Earth called Equestria. That lent credence towards your alien theory at least.
  2469. >Twilight almost seems taken back.
  2470. >”Wha—huh?”
  2471. “You know. Equestria. Equestrian. That’s like related to horses, right?”
  2472. >You picture those little tracks with jockeys and stallions jumping and racing.
  2473. >She blinks at you for a solid five seconds.
  2474. >And then she starts to laugh. Not one of those little chuckles either. This is a monstrous guffaw that lasts longer than you want to count and leaves Twilight dangling on the chair trying to cover her mouth with her hands to stifle her laughter.
  2475. “Is—"
  2476. >Nope, she’s still laughing. Tears in her eyes. You just decide to wait until her episode is over.
  2477. >Eventually her laughter subsides.
  2478. >”Oh that’s great… haha, yeah, you could say there are a lot of horses in Equestria. Definitely.”
  2479. “Am I… missing something here?”
  2480. >She waves away your comment with another chuckle.
  2482. >”It doesn’t matter.” She clears her throat. “More important stuff to discuss. What else did Sunset tell you?”
  2483. >And just like that she’s back to the role of interrogator, the mirthful atmosphere that lasted all of half a minute or so gone in a breath and replaced with more tension.
  2484. >You want to shrug or make some non-committal noise. It wasn’t like you knew anything specific, more like you had inklings of ideas.
  2485. >But you guess there is a pretty major suspicion you can air out to the room to at least get some confirmation.
  2486. “So… Magic’s real…?”
  2487. >It wasn’t that you didn’t believe Sunset, it was more of just wanting a second opinion to be completely sure.
  2488. >This time, Twilight simply nods.
  2489. >”Yes. While it isn’t native to Earth, it does exist in Equestria, influencing many parts of society.”
  2490. “So, what it’s like an element or something?”
  2491. >”It would take way too much time to explain how magic -technically- works in Equestria, it exists… like, just imagine a force of nature, woven into the world seamlessly in almost all aspects of life.”
  2492. >Sure, you can take that for now.
  2493. “Okay, so explain the magic here then?”
  2494. >Twilight sighs, pulling down the collar of her sweater. Inside, laced around her slender neck sits a small golden chain, held together by some sort of red gem that sits in her clavicle.
  2495. >It doesn’t take a genius to see the glow of the gem, or feel the grating sensation on your teeth as you stare at the artifact.
  2496. >”While magic may not be native to Earth, it certainly can be brought here in the forms of magical artifacts, spells, and the like.”
  2497. “So what, it’s like the stories and fairy tales here, just focus and chant some words or something?”
  2498. >Twilight grimaces, wrinkling up her face. She readjusts her sweater, hiding the necklace again.
  2499. >”It’s hard to explain, but it’s much more complicated than that. It takes a great deal of focus and mana to weave spells. Back in Equestria you don’t even need a magical item to produce magic because it’s so prevalent in the environment.”
  2500. >She squirms uncomfortably in her chair.
  2501. >”Here, however, you need a catalyst of some sort. It’s still an exercise of skill, and no where near as simple as you see in the movies. No silly catchphrases… most of the time, anyways.”
  2502. “So, if magic doesn’t occur here natural, and only can be controlled with super powerful, super rare artifacts, then what the hell is going on currently?”
  2503. >Twilight rubbed and the dark circles under her eyes, blinking a few times.
  2504. >”I’ll give you the quick run-down, just try to keep up. Doing this is starting to get a bit repetitive.”
  2505. “Fine by me.” You lean back in your chair and cross your arms, focusing on Twilight.
  2506. >She stands, gesturing to the room around her.
  2507. >”So yeah, you’re right. Sunset and I aren’t from here. We’re from Equestria. Different planets, different universes, different realities: we don’t know but that’s how it is. All you really need to know is that Equestria and Earth are connected now, for better or worse.
  2508. “Connected… how?”
  2509. >Wait, there’s no way she could mean…
  2510. >Twilight nods upon seeing the look of realization on your face.
  2511. >”I assume you know what I’m talking about here anyways.”
  2512. “You don’t mean the statue at Canterlot High? No way!”
  2513. >Twilight shrugs slowly, as if the weight of her shoulders is pushing down on her tired body.
  2514. >”Like I said, it doesn’t make much sense. But yes, the statue is the portal to Equestria.”
  2516. “I don’t take it that just sort of happened to pop up randomly, did it?”
  2517. >She rubs the back of her neck awkwardly. “Actually, you would have to ask Sunset about that one.”
  2518. >You blink, leaning forward in your chair, almost certain you misheard her.
  2519. “What? Sunset created the portal.”
  2520. >Another uncertain shrug.
  2521. >”Sunset… when she was back in Equestria… she wasn’t like how she is now. She was a student underneath Princess Celestia, the ruler of the Equestrian Empire.
  2522. >There’s a nagging feeling crawling up your spine about the familiarity of that name.
  2523. “Princess…. Celestia…. Really?” You know you’re making a very dumb looking face.
  2524. >Twilight exhales slowly. “Another very confusing aspect. People from Earth and pon-people from Equestria tend to be very similar to their alternate selves.”
  2525. >You hold up a finger to stop her.
  2526. “So… you’re saying,” you start, connecting the dots in your mind, trying to ignore how insane this all sounds.
  2527. “You’re saying that Principal Celestia is somewhat related to Princess Celestia.”
  2528. >”In appearance and personality, sure. Memories and experience and just about everything else that matters, not quite. Two very different people, it’s just.. like catching a reflection in the mirror. It’s technically you… but it’s not really you.”
  2529. >You’re not sure you follow, but you nod anyways, giving her the go ahead to keep talking.
  2530. >”So yes, Sunset was her student.”
  2531. >Twilight averts her eyes, picking at the frayed edges of her sleeves.
  2532. >”Things… happened, and Sunset fled. There’s a mirror back in Equestria, a powerful gateway between places. Whether it was by her choice, on accident, or simply the mirror being random, that gateway ended here, on Earth.
  2533. “At a generic high school?”
  2534. >”Like I said, you’re just going to have to accept this. Whether you like it or not, this is where we are now.”
  2535. >All of this is only making your headache work. You pinch the bridge of your nose and click your tongue.
  2536. “Alright, sure. Fine. Keeping going.”
  2537. >”And now comes the worst part. In Sunset’s haste to leave Equestria, the magic she poured into the mirror to establish and maintain the connecting to Earth was tenuous amateurish at best and catastrophic at worst.”
  2538. >That word doesn’t build a lot of confidence in you. You swallow the lump in your throat.
  2539. “Catastrophic…?”
  2540. >Twilight brushes her hands through her hair, swiping back the greasy strands. She stares directly at you, her dark purple eyes piercing into you despite her apparent exhaustion.
  2541. >”If there’s anything you need to know right this moment, Anon, it’s that Earth and Equestria are in incredible danger.”
  2542. >Oh… just some incredible danger. Thank God it’s nothing serious.
  2543. >”Untamed, uncontrolled magic is a terrible danger to whatever it interacts with, and now both our worlds are connected by it.”
  2544. “But if that’s the case, then why hasn’t anything bad happened?”
  2545. >You remember the weirdness at the statue, but that seemed relatively tame compared to the “catastrophic danger” Twilight was describing.
  2546. >”You just don’t remember it happening, but it certainly has.”
  2547. >The sour taste in the back of your mouth is going to make you stomach sick. So it was true then.
  2548. “You did wipe my memories, then.”
  2549. >”So Sunset told you that too, did she?”
  2551. “She didn’t mention you specifically, but… who else would it be at this point besides the girl with the magical jewelry?”
  2552. >Twilight shrugs again.
  2553. >”Whatever…” She circles around her chair again, dragging it closer towards you as she sits back down. “Yes, it was me.”
  2554. “Okay so wh-“
  2555. >She raises a finger to quiet you, and you stop before finishing your sentence.
  2556. >”Just… just let me lay out this scenario for you, okay?”
  2557. >Humor this at least, might get an adequate explanation out of her.
  2558. “By all means.” You try not to let the anger seep back into your voice.
  2559. >”Even though Earth has no natural magic on it, there are creatures and objects on this planet with power. Now whether they were brought over from Equestria long ago, or from other places, we don’t know.”
  2560. >”Now examine all of these creatures and objects have a very distinctive aura, able to seek out and attract each other.”
  2561. “So they’re drawn to each other.”
  2562. >”They can sense the magic, it only makes sense to investigate, and with such a massive amount pouring through the portal at Canterlot High, eventually these entities and objects make their way here.”
  2563. “Alright, I’m following so far.”
  2564. >”Now, all of these people congregating in one area, well it leads to all sorts of chaos. Massive displays of magic. Now imagine if people outside the school saw this, or other students told their families what happened.”
  2565. >Oh. Yeah, you can see where she was going with this as well.
  2566. >”Exactly. Word would spread, eventually. Now of course most would just laugh off all of these stories, but it only takes one hurt student or destroyed classroom before you have a lot more outside attention.”
  2567. >Yeah, that would be bad.
  2568. >”You don’t want the government pouring into Canterlot High and stumbling around looking for the source of all of this, and you -especially- don’t want them stumbling through the statue to Equestria.”
  2569. “Wait! You can just saunter through that thing between words whenever you want?!”
  2570. >”Why do you think we boarded it up?”
  2571. “We? So Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna know about this?”
  2572. >She looks confused, knitting her eyebrows together. “What? No. Me and Twilight.” She gestures to the other girl still stood in the corner tapping feverishly at a keyboard on the console.
  2573. “So, they don’t know? They told me it was just repair work or something.”
  2574. >Twilight picks at her sleeves again. “Yeah… well it’s amazing what you can do with a little bit of magical influence and a little memory scrubbing.”
  2575. >You shoot her a dark glare.
  2576. >She puts her hands up defensively. “N-not like that! Just trying to make a joke. They do think it’s maintenance work, and it’s better that way. The less people that know anything, the less likely the word is to spread, and the safer we ALL are.”
  2577. “So it’s all about containment then? Just making sure no one knows so more stupid stuff doesn’t happen.”
  2578. >Twilight nods. “Essentially.”
  2579. “So… that’s it, then?”
  2580. >She shakes her head. “I wish.”
  2581. “It gets worse?”
  2582. >”Just bear with me for a second, just watch. It’s easier than explaining.”
  2584. >She closes her eyes, and instantaneously, you feel the air in the room start to hum, the grating feeling on your teeth and skull growing.
  2585. >Twilight reached back into her sweater, withdrawing the gemmed amulet and holding it in her hand.
  2586. >The necklace begins to shiver and glow, the dark crimson gem shining in the dim basement life.
  2587. >With her other free hand, Twilight raises a hand to her own skull, the tips of her fingers matching the red color of the gem.
  2588. >And like her head was a sort of liquid, you watch in horror as her finger and thumb sink into her forehead, slurring the skin around like water.
  2589. >Her face grimaces, and you see the sweat bead on her forehead.
  2590. >And another second later, she withdraws her hand, but her fingers do not come away empty. Between her forefinger and thumb sittings a small red strand of what looks like hair, burning hot in the air.
  2591. >Twilight blinks several times, and you can see the vein on her forehead bulge in what looks like pain.
  2592. >But eventually she relaxes and holds the strand out for you to see.
  2593. >You’re not really sure if you even want to look at it or not.
  2594. >Twilight turns the string slowly in her hands, gentle as if to not damage the thing.
  2595. >”This is a memory strand. Particularly, one involving the Friendship games between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep, and the incident that happened in the courtyard after the final event.”
  2596. >You’re barely listening to her words, more focused on the shimmery strand of literally liquid memory that actually literally exists right in front of you.
  2597. >But you also remember that Sunset told you about that event as well. The one that you have absolutely no recollection of.
  2598. >Guess this explains why.
  2599. “I guess me not knowing what the hell the Friendship Games are is partly because of you?”
  2600. >Twilight nods, scooting a bit closer.
  2601. “So what, you’re just gonna casually share a ‘memory strand’ with your good ol’ pal Anon to just fill in all the gaps?”
  2602. >She purses her lips, and sighs, finally bringing her chair over to rest right next to yours. You’re not really digging how close she is considering now you’re a bit boxed in, but it’s not like there’s anywhere to go at the moment.
  2603. >”Just take it. It’s not going to bite.”
  2604. >You tentatively reach out to grab the strand, almost expecting it to blow up in your hands. However, it simply passes from between Twilight’s fingers to yours without any incident whatsoever.
  2605. >It just flops and dangles in the air, like a limp piece of hair.
  2606. >You turn the little strand over in your fingers. It feels warm, and there’s a gentle grating on your skull like the buzz of an AC unit.
  2607. >The red glow from Twilight’s necklace distracts you momentarily.
  2608. >She had a hand wrapped around her necklace, and her other is reached out towards you.
  2609. >”You’re gonna need a little bit of magic, so just… take my hand.”
  2610. >Some part of you wonders if you hit your head a bit too hard and this was just some sort of dying dream as you bled out in the basement as paramedics tried to revive you.
  2611. >Or as Twilight and Clone-Twilight unceremoniously dumped your body somewhere in a ditch.
  2612. >You sigh. Just put up with the crazy now and grab this magic girl’s hand to watch a movie memory that she just plucked out of her head.
  2613. >Haha… fuck.
  2614. >You grab Twilight’s hand, and the gentle grating in your head bursts. Like someone is running a chainsaw against the side of your spine. Tingling all over, goosebumps on your arms.
  2615. >”Now there may be a few minor side-effects, seeing as how you’re human, but at worst you’re expecting some slight brain damage.”
  2617. “Wha-?” You don’t get to finish your sentence, as electricity surges up through your body and the entire basement melts away again.
  2618. >You’re floating for a second… weightless and all the queasiness that brings with in.
  2619. >And then everything comes rushing in, the colors, the sights the sounds. Voices. The panic.
  2620. >The familiar stone bricks of Canterlot High bleeding in around the corners of your vision.
  2621. >Your eyes adjust, light filtering in through burning retinas, the scene before you…
  2622. >Like a long-lost memory.
  2623. >You’re on the edges of the school steps, watching in silent horror as the situation unfolds.
  2624. >Sunset and her friends on one edge of the courtyard.
  2625. >The shadowbolt posse on the other side.
  2626. >And Twilight trapped in the middle, her amulet erupting in magic, tendrils of mana lashing against the ground in every direction and searing the field.
  2627. >It’s like watching an old movie that you’ve seen before, but slightly forgotten, the familiarity and foreignness of this situation ripping at the centre of your mind.
  2628. >Other students around you, all with varying expressions of horror as well, watching as Twilight is drawn into the air by the pull of the magic, and engulfed in the evergrowing orb hovering menacingly above the ground.
  2629. >The aura of magic washes over the contours of your teeth, grinding against your skull in you ears. Some students tremble, falling to the ground, others fainting.
  2630. >And then she disappears completely into the coalescing mana, one last paltry cry for help before she’s consumed.
  2631. >But no one reaches to help her, not even her so called “friends”.
  2632. >Dark, turbulent clouds flash in the skies overhead, and the scream that echoes from the inside of the orb is enough to blow out your eardrums, as you stumble to your knees and frantically try to protect your ears from the sound.
  2633. >You don’t hear the bang as the whole orb explodes outwards in a shockwave.
  2634. >But you do feel the force smack into your chest, and throw you onto the ground several yards away.
  2635. >The impact is enough to knock the air from your chest and send you sprawling in the dirt.
  2636. >By the time you’re able to look back to the centre of the courtyard, the whole scene has changed.
  2637. >Twilight Sparkle stands alone.
  2638. >Not that you would even recognize her anymore considering her current visage.
  2639. >Feathery, dark purple wings that beat with a sinister rhythm keep the girl airborne. Velvet lacy clothing that shimmers and glows replacing her school uniform. Wickedly wild hair, swirling in the wind like a hurricane.
  2640. >And the black aura that radiates out from around her eyes, almost like teal fire burning on her face.
  2641. >She says something that you can’t hear.
  2642. >And raises her arms.
  2643. >Like lightning being drawn in, you can feel the pull of magic in the air, gathering in her grasp.
  2644. >And for a brief moment, the grating in your skull ceases.
  2645. >As she turns and blasts the Canterlot Statue, haphazardly searing off half of the statue. The result is immediate, like a bomb going off.
  2646. >The ground underneath fractures, sending splinters of blue lines scattering out in all directions, that ripple and grow.
  2647. >And through those glowing lines you see it.
  2648. >Unbelievable.
  2649. >Bright cyan skies, dazzling colors.
  2650. >Four-legged little horses, skirting through the air and galloping across the ground.
  2652. >Far longer than you are comfortable for, you continue to stare into the void between worlds.
  2653. >Yup, those are horses. Tiny, bright-colored horsies galloping around, only just not beginning to see the massive rift in the skies above their homes.
  2654. >Something speeds past your eyes.
  2655. >Wait what, is that one flying? Yup, not only are there land-horses, there are sky-horses as well. Huh. Guess you learn something new everyday.
  2656. >But the breach only seems to be widening. What was safe ground only a moment ago, the mana-frayed edges of dirt have crept up to just a few inches beyond your feet, the ground seemingly peeling back as the soil is boiled away.
  2657. >You probably don’t wanna fall down into there. That would probably kill you. Or trap you. Neither or which were very appealing at the current moment.
  2658. >You scramble away from the cracks on your hands and knees, ignoring the ringing in your ears and eyes.
  2659. >Others around you are not so lucky. Some students have almost tumbled into the void, gripping on with all their might as their legs dangle into the dizzying blue skies below them.
  2660. >Only the screaming is louder than the irritating buzz of magic.
  2661. >More students have begun to react at this point. Applejack and the others have jumped into action, running to help those dangerously close to the void, and pulling up the fallen students.
  2662. >The shadowbolts as well have started to help, working together with the CHS students, and soon enough all of those previously in danger have been moved to safety.
  2663. >But that hasn’t stopped the voids from expanding, and you watch as Twilight shoots a massive beam into the center of the courtyard, blasting tile and grass in all directions as the ground falls away in a pile of purple goop.
  2664. >To be honest, at least the view in this life-threatening situation is cool. You can see for miles in this new foreign environment. Mountains that stretch beyond sight, and… is that a city built into a cliff?
  2665. >You wonder if memories can be exaggerated or are entirely true.
  2666. >Sunset steps in front of Twilight, calling up to the girl. Pleading with her to stop.
  2667. >Like the calm before the storm, the world slows to a crawl.
  2668. >No wait… it’s actually frozen. Everybody has come to a standstill and all sound as ceased. There’s a tremor in your body that stretches on for far too long, and with each blink, the light in your eyes fades.
  2669. >Like watching the inside of a dream.
  2670. >Something is shaking your side, but when you try to glance over, nothing is there. When you turn back, there’s nothing to be seen, just a black inky void.
  2671. >Something smacks you hard across the cheek and you yelp.
  2672. >Opening your eyes.
  2673. >The whine in your skull is gone, and so is the destroyed courtyard. All around you are four mildew-stained concrete walls, with one purple girl sitting in front of you.
  2674. >A wave of nausea runs through your stomach, and you double over in the chair as you slam a hand over your mouth just in case.
  2675. >”It’ll pass… just try to keep it in.”
  2676. >You swallow back the bile in your throat, and take a few panicky breaths. It’s another moment or so before the edges of your vision have stopped blurring and your gut is calm.
  2677. >You sit back upright in the chair, focusing on Twilight who is still sat in front of you.
  2678. >You notice she is holding the red strand again. Must have taken it from you at some point during the…
  2679. >The memory.
  2680. >Twilight presses it back to her forehead, and it slithers its way back into her skull as she grimaces.
  2681. >It’s hard to imagine anyone could have forgotten that, or that any of that could have happened in the first place.
  2683. >There’s a whole bunch of new questions rising on the back on your tongue, and you have to bite it back to prevent yourself from spewing word salad at Twilight.
  2684. “That… that was all real?” Is the first question to leave your mouth.
  2685. >Twilight crosses her arms, staring at you intently.
  2686. >”Yes, exactly as you saw. Memories like that are hard to change. You may have noticed some fraying around the edges, minor details that weren’t quite there, but the central focus on the memory is usually a faithful reconstruction.”
  2687. “Fraying around the edges?”
  2688. >She shrugs. “Things like the clothes you might have been wearing at the time, the faces of bystanders in the background. Some of those are just a blur, usually.”
  2689. >Try as you might, you can’t really place some of those things she listed. Sure you remembered the students screaming and running for help, but their faces are sort of a muddled blur. The more you try to think on it, the worst pressure you feel in your head.
  2690. “But that… the magic, the portal, that was all real?” You can’t help but ask again.
  2691. >Twilight nods. “Yes.”
  2692. “Even what happened with Twilight?”
  2693. >The girl in the corner freezes for a second at the mention of her name but goes back to typing dutifully.
  2694. >”The magic inside her device overwhelmed her, amplifying her negative characteristics, this being, for example, her thirst of knowledge on magic. “
  2695. “And those cracks in the ground… those tears… was that…?”
  2696. >”Yes, that was Equestria you saw.”
  2697. “So… the horses…?”
  2698. >Twilight grinned sheepishly, “Yep.”
  2699. “So… back in Equestria… you’re a horse…?”
  2700. >”Well, technically we’re called ponies.”
  2701. “Uh huh… and the ones that can fly?”
  2702. >”Well there’s three main types of ponies in Equestria. Earth ponies, Pegasus ponies and unicorns.”
  2703. >You blink.
  2704. >Twilight rolls her eyes. “Come on, out of all of this, that’s the thing pushing your boundaries on believing me?”
  2705. >You never really attempted to imagine what aliens would look like, but then again…
  2706. “It’s just that knowing that intelligent life exists beyond Earth in the state of magic-casting ponies… it’s not quite what most people would picture.”
  2707. >”Well, that’s one for you and me both. Imagine coming over here from Equestria and seeing all these tall upright bipeds with hands and feet.”
  2708. >You still think it’s more of a shock for you than her.
  2709. >Sapient ponies… huh.
  2710. >”Anyways, that really wasn’t what I wanted you to focus on. The crux of the memory, can you take a guess?”
  2711. >You rub the side of your face. This entire thing was beginning to wear on your mind and body. A whole week of sleepless nights certainly wasn’t helping either.
  2712. >You filter back to those gaps widening on the ground, the portal between worlds.”
  2713. “I imagine you mean those rifts of whatever that the magic caused.”
  2714. >”The reality tears, yes.”
  2715. “That’s not really a name that implies good things, is it?”
  2716. >”That is what happens when large quantities of magic are released on Earth. For lack of a better term, it eats away at the barrier between worlds.”
  2718. “That doesn’t sound good either.”
  2719. >”No. Not at all. It destroys the thin dimensional barrier between both our worlds, and if the incident at the Friendship Games is any evidence at all, Earth is in extreme danger.”
  2720. “I’m not sure I understand.”
  2721. >”What happens when you combine two worlds into one?”
  2722. >That’s not really a question you were knowledgeable enough to answer, so you simply shrug at Twilight.
  2723. “I’m guessing you know the answer, though?”
  2724. >To your surprise, Twilight shakes her head slowly, lowering her eyes to the ground and sighing heavily.
  2725. >”Actually, no. I do not. I have theories, none of them being particularly good, though.”
  2726. “H-how bad?”
  2727. >”Three main schools of thought here, and these are very rough summaries, but try to follow along. One: nothing happens. Magic continues to seep through into Earth, but nothing serious happens. Sure, there are rifts here and there, but maybe something beyond our understanding adjusts, and the worlds learn to filter between themselves.”
  2728. >That didn’t sound too bad.
  2729. >”That’s also the “practically zero chance of occurring” alternative. Some of the theorists back in Equestria put that together to dissuade the princesses’ worries. Everything about it just screams foolish optimism to me, but it could happen. The same way that you could win the lottery every single time you played for the rest of your life.”
  2730. >So basically not at all. Great.
  2731. “And that’s supposed to be the best outcome?”
  2732. >”Option two: the barrier between our worlds fails, and both merge together. I don’t really need to explain the science to tell you that would probably be extremely bad, let alone try to hypothesize how it would even look.”
  2733. “And option three?”
  2734. >”Option three, the most likely in my opinion considering the evidence we do have. Earth simply fades from existence, as Equestria seeps through the rifts to replace it.
  2735. >What.
  2736. “W-what? You can’t be serious?”
  2737. >She shrugs again. “You saw the rifts, Earth simply faded away to the Equestrian landscape. No buildings, no debris made it through. It just vaporized into nothing.”
  2738. “And what happens to everyone?!”
  2739. >Twilight shrugs again.
  2740. >You’re not sure if her uncertainty was worse than knowing what may happen, or incredibly frightening that she had no idea at all, which could only mean nothing good.
  2741. >You collapse back into your chair, feeling the weight of this knowledge boil around the inside of your skull.
  2742. >No wonder this girl wasn’t getting any sleep and looked like warmed-up garbage. How the fuck could anyone rest knowing all of this?
  2743. >How had she not cracked from stress yet, you didn’t know.
  2744. >”So now you finally understand most of what’s happening.”
  2745. >You’re not sure you wanted to know all of this. You expected it to be bad… but not this level of bad.
  2746. >Maybe like tier one city-wide weirdness. Not this X Class 5 universal wide phenomena stuff. You were clearly not cut out for this stuff.
  2747. >Whatever happened to just getting drugged and fucking at sleepovers, right?
  2749. >Seems like a lifetime ago in comparison. So much for happy school days.
  2750. “And there’s nothing we can do…?” The words roll off your tongue like lead. Sure, you may have been thinking them, but speaking them aloud was an entirely different thing.
  2751. >”For the moment… no.”
  2752. >Her response sinks like ice in your stomach, and the spinning you feel behind your eyes is more dread related than concussion damage.
  2753. >”We have our scholars working around the clock in Equestria to put together some solutions, but like I said, this is all extremely new science.”
  2754. “Can’t you just blow up the portal? Sever the connection?”
  2755. >”And risk destroying two worlds? Not without knowing what may happen. Any drastic actions may have even more dire consequences.”
  2756. >Could things even get more dire than this? …You weren’t going to ask that question because you didn’t want to know the answer.
  2757. “So what… just sit and wait… and hope?”
  2758. >Twilight pinched the bridge of her nose, echoing your own frustration.
  2759. >”Listen, it’s not what I want to do either, but until we have something we can actually do that won’t backfire in our faces, the best thing we can do is quarantine the portal and try to limit what’s coming through.”
  2760. >Your eyes flicker back over to the computer in the corner, towards those exponential lines that look anything but comforting.
  2761. “And memory wipe people?”
  2762. >She sighs again. “Anyone that knows is just more likely to make things worse for everyone. So yes, I’ll do what I can to stop word from getting out.”
  2763. >There’s a moment of silence between you two, as you try to analyze and comprehend everything you just learned, while Twilight watches you with a cautious glance.
  2764. >Almost as if she expects you to freak out and start screaming or something.
  2765. >Which, you know, in all honestly, was one of the ideas floating around in your head.
  2766. “So how long do we have… until more bad stuff starts happening?”
  2767. >Another uncertain shrug from the girl.
  2768. >”If we can keep things quiet, who knows, could be a few months, a year maybe. But that’s only if nothing else big happens, and knowing CHS, that’s not very likely.”
  2769. >Oh great, you had maybe a year until everything disappeared. Almost literally.
  2770. >The feeling of heat on the back of your neck from your nerves is uncomfortable and making you sweat.
  2771. >But then something else crawls up into your head. If information containment was so important, why was she telling you this in the first place. Something didn’t add up.
  2772. “Why are you telling me all of this, then?”
  2773. >Twilight crosses her arms, staring you dead in the eyes again.
  2774. >”Memory related magic is heavily dependant on the acceptability of the subject. Those who give permission are more amicable, and the process to extract memories is much faster, simpler and safer.”
  2775. “So it’s easier to take out what you want?”
  2776. >She nods. “Easier to take, less side-effects.”
  2777. >Ah, that made sense. All of this was to make you understand her perspective and let her willingly into your mind.
  2778. “So that’s your plan then? Tell me everything, and then wipe the slate clean after I give you permission to go rooting around in my skull.”
  2779. >”I can take the memories by force, Anonymous. I would prefer not to.”
  2780. >The cold tone in her voice puts goosebumps on your skin, and you involuntarily swallow the lump in your throat.
  2782. “Did everyone else not let you?”
  2783. >She opens her mouth almost immediately after the question, but there are no words for a few seconds. Her gaze drops to the floor uncomfortably, and she wraps her arms around her own chest, as if bracing herself.
  2784. >You don’t need to hear her say it to understand the message.
  2785. “And these side-effects you keep mentioning, are they bad?”
  2786. >Twilight blinks a few times before clearing her throat and regaining her neutral posture.
  2787. >”People can hide memories away if they want, if they’re skilled enough. At which point it’s almost like ripping out a scab. You may take more than you need, or not enough at all.”
  2788. >She leans forward in her chair, staring straight at you, but you can’t help feel she’s not actually looking at you.
  2789. >”Memories are what makes you what you are. The experience and results in your brain shape your personality, character, dreams, motivation, and the very essence of your being. Even taking them with permission can change a person…
  2790. >”Ripping them out forcefully, that can completely shift someone’s personalities.”
  2791. “But if you’ve taken them out from the others, how come I didn’t notice anything.”
  2792. >She knits her fingers together. “You’re not really close enough to Twilight and her friends to notice the subtle changes, but I’m sure you have noted a couple of weird incidents of them making weird decisions that seem a little bit brash or out of character.”
  2793. >That… that could actually explain a few things that have happened in the past while, specifically all the sexy shenanigans at the sleepover.
  2794. “That seems a bit… you know…”
  2795. >”People make weird choices when they can’t remember their past choices.”
  2796. >And then there is silence. It seems she has said all you has wanted to say.
  2797. >And you know mostly everything there is to know.
  2798. >Of course, that means there is only one thing left to do here. Something you’re really not looking forward to.
  2799. >Sure, you understand her perspective. Complete existential annihilation was a strong motivator to pretty much due anything you could in order to prevent that from happening.
  2800. >That being said, how much was going to be taken from you.
  2801. “Just one more question… how much would you take if I agreed to let you scramble my brains.”
  2802. >Twilight takes a deep breath, as if preparing her answer.
  2803. >”Everything you just learned of course, that’s obvious. Most of your interactions with Twilight and her friends. Mostly everything in the last week, your experience with the statue that Twilight told me about.”
  2804. >You grit your teeth. It wasn’t easy to hear.
  2805. >”And of course, everything related to Sunset.”
  2806. >You feel the air freeze around your for a moment, and you clench your teeth hard enough to make your jaw pop. Black edges creep in around your vision.
  2807. >You open your mouth to protest, but Twilight cuts you off.
  2808. >”Everything that possibly connects you to her or magic in any way needs to go. Sunset holds the same aura of magic I do, which means we need to limit out influence on this world. The more time you spend with her, the more it would rub off on you, which will not lead to anything good.”
  2809. “B-but…” your words flounder on your heavy tongue. “She…. There…. It was only a few things she told me.”
  2810. >Twilight shakes her head. “No, I don’t think you understand. I need to take EVERYTHING.” She stresses the word, and the sour feeling in your stomach only deepens.
  2811. “I barely know the girl,” you protest, but even that sentence feels wrong. Deep down, there’s a certain connection with Sunset that you have even if you can’t remember it specifically.
  2812. >And then it hits you, even if it was completely obvious beforehand.
  2813. >This isn’t the first time you’ve been here.
  2814. >This isn’t the first time you’ve had your memories played with.
  2815. >The foggy, undetailed mess that rested in your mind every time you imagined your past experiences with Sunset.
  2816. >It was her.
  2817. >The room seems to funnel in as Twilight scoots her chair closer. You can already see the glow of her amulet seeping through the fabric of her sweater.
  2818. >And the red gleam around her tired purple eyes.
  2820. >In an instant, you’ve leapt back off of your chair, knocking the thing to the floor with a loud bang, as you try to put some distance between yourself and Twilight.
  2821. >But you’re on the far end of the room, and you only find the cold wall behind you.
  2822. >Anyone else would find this situation quiet funny, seeing as how you’re cowering away from a girl you’re almost a full head taller than.
  2823. >But that dead, focused look in her eyes sends pure primal shivers of terror down your spine.
  2824. >Get away.
  2825. >That’s what your head is screaming now. That full fledged feeling of flight or flight pulsing through your veins.
  2826. >Sweat on your forehead, back, palms… just about everywhere really, and the heavy echo of your heartbeat pounding in your throat.
  2827. >Twilight barely reacts to your outburst, instead standing slowly and crossing her arms.
  2828. >”Come on, Anon. We both know this is the best way.”
  2829. >You can’t deny that, her rationality makes almost perfect sense.
  2830. >But the thought of someone digging in your head, taking away your most private pieces that make you who you are makes your blood run cold.
  2831. >Taking away Sunset.
  2832. >Ice in your veins.
  2833. “C-can’t we talk about this?”
  2834. >You both know there’s really nothing to talk about.
  2835. >You just hope she doesn’t know that you’re really stalling for time.
  2836. >Your eyes glance all over the basement, desperate to see any sort of possibility for escape.
  2837. >But there’s only one way out: the door at the top of the stairs on the other end of the room.
  2838. >Behind one super power magic-girl.
  2839. >The Other Twilight in the corner of the room has finally turned away from the keyboard. You can’t see her expression from the white glare of her glasses, but she’s definitely look towards you and Magic Twilight.
  2840. >Although it’s not like you’d receive much help from her anyways. The whole reason you were trapped down here in the first place was her doing.
  2841. >Which meant you were down to really only one option: forcing your way out.
  2842. >You have to stop yourself from laughing out loud at that one.
  2843. >Twilight just pulled a magic strand of memory out of her head. You’re sure that was a thousand times more complicated that just firing some magical bolt at your ass and pasting you all across the walls.
  2844. >But hey, it’s your only option at this point.
  2845. >Twilight shakes her head at your question.
  2846. >”I know you’re trying to stall.”
  2848. >Ah fuck, so much for getting away with that.
  2849. >She sighs heavily again. “Please, Anon. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
  2850. >You shake your head erratically.
  2851. “I… I can’t.”
  2852. >Brief images of Sunset flash in your mind, as corny as that sounds. The feeling of her thighs on your legs, her hot breath on your face, her lips on yours.
  2853. >And, you know, all that deliciously naughty stuff you did at the club.
  2854. >Such memories would have made you stiffen up a little bit in any other situation but this one.
  2855. >But one thing was real, you had a connection to this girl, as if ordained by the universe itself.
  2856. >And you were not going to let that get snuffed out.
  2857. >Twilight’s shoulders sag towards the ground as she exhales loudly, resigning herself to what she needs to do.
  2858. >”Fine. Just know that you made me do this, Anon.”
  2859. >Her voice is neutral, even with the tremble on her lips. But that disappears as she takes a deep breathe.
  2860. >The little amulet hidden behind her sweater glowing ever fervently.
  2861. >Oh boy, Anon. She’s getting kinda close. Now would be the time to do something.
  2862. >”I don’t see why you’re getting so emotional about this, Anon. You clearly understood it earlier.”
  2863. “Have you had someone take your memories?” You spit back.
  2864. >She bites the corner of her lip.
  2865. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
  2866. >She frowns, furrowing her brow. “I am doing this to save -two- world, Anon. Emotions can’t and -won’t- come into play here.”
  2867. >Good, get here talking. Scoot and little closer… turn your body to get a better angle on the exit.
  2868. >”I promise, that when all of this is over, I will restore your memories… just please… give me a little more time.”
  2869. >She lowers her guard for a second, and the glow on the amulet dims slightly.
  2870. >Which makes this your one and only chance.
  2871. >You launch off your backfoot with all the force you have, basically throwing yourself at Twilight.
  2872. >You watch the initial surprise on her face turn to anger as she realizes what you’re about to do.
  2873. >In a better situation, you would have had qualms about shoulder-checking a girl. However, this was not a better situation.
  2874. >Before she manages to recover, you slam your left shoulder right into her chest. The impact is enough to send your teeth rattling together, and toss Twilight down to the ground with a loud smack.
  2875. >But the only obstacle in your way is currently in a heap on the floor, and the steps up towards the exit are the very last thing in your way to freedom.
  2876. >You shrug off the blow, plant your feet again and run towards the stairs.
  2877. >…
  2878. >And run towards the stairs!
  2879. >Uh….
  2880. >You’re giving your body the command to move, but nothing is happening. You try to look down at yourself.
  2881. >Yeah, that’s not happening either. Your entire body is frozen solid, and nothing seems to respond at all, regardless of how strong you try to will yourself forward.
  2882. >It’s like the entire world hit the pause button.
  2883. >Your limbs suspended in mid-air, and even your eyes won’t budge.
  2884. >Even in this trance, you can see faint glow of red pulsing around your body like an aura.
  2885. >The buzz in your ears only intensifies as you hear Twilight shuffle around on the floor behind her
  2886. >Oh boy, this was not going to be good.
  2888. >She walks around to stand in front of you, cutting off any potential exit… even if you did manage to get out of the magical paralyze which wasn’t even likely in the first place.
  2889. >You can’t look away with how your vision is frozen.
  2890. >There’s a little trickle of blood running down from the corner of her lip.
  2891. >But that’s nothing compared to the darkness in her glare.
  2892. >”That’s enough, Anon.” Even voice. Calm and deadly.
  2893. >”No more messing around.”
  2894. >She flicks her hands, and the world whirls backwards. You’re forced backwards into your chain again, spine painfully contracted by magic as you are commanded to sit down.
  2895. >She turns towards the other corner of the room.
  2896. >”Twilight, tie him up.”
  2897. >The timid figure in the corner doesn’t respond initially, simply standing there like she’s not sure what to do.
  2898. >”NOW.”
  2899. >That spurs her to action. She half-walks, half-jogs over behind you, and pulls both of your arms behind the back of the chair.
  2900. >Your wrists are bent at awkward angles, and something wraps around your hands to bind them.
  2901. >You would protest or more likely try to beg, but you know, magically paralyzed and all that.
  2902. >”You’re probably wondering why I’m tying your hands if I can just freeze you with magic.”
  2903. >She pushes back her bangs again.
  2904. >”Mostly just insurance at this point.”
  2905. >The Other Twilight steps beside you. You feel her hand at your side as she leans in.
  2906. >”I’m sorry, Anon.” She whispers.
  2907. >At with that, she steps away, back towards the science equipment, leaving you at the mercy of a very, very angry looking Magiclight.
  2908. >Unless there was sort of godly intervention, things were pretty much over at this point.
  2909. >But that looks less and less likely as Twilight walks towards you, hands and fingers alight with magic and that dangerous red gleam in her eyes.
  2910. >She crouches in front of you, staring straight into your own frozen face.
  2911. >”I will make things right. I promise.”
  2912. >The glow from her necklace is almost blinding at this point, but you’re still unable to look away.
  2913. >She pulls her own chair up next to yours and sits down, barely a few inches away.
  2914. >She raises her hands up towards your temples.
  2915. >Every fibre of your body is screaming at you. Run. Move. Struggle. ANYTHING.
  2916. >But there’s nothing you can do, except feel the burn in your muscles as they are bound by a force you have no chance to one-up.
  2917. >All you can do is stare straight ahead at Twilight, unblinkingly, as she takes a deep breath.
  2918. >The corners of your vision burn crimson, a sign that her hands are just about to touch your temples.
  2919. >You try to lock down your mind, forcing anything Sunset related down into the depths of your mind, anything that might help you retain a fragment of this girl.
  2920. >”It’ll be over soon, Anon. Just relax.”
  2921. >And with that, you feel the warm touch of her fingers on your forehead.
  2922. >For a second there is nothing, but Twilight closes her eyes, and you feel the ground beneath your feet disappear as everything shifts.
  2923. >It’s like you are falling. Your stomach roars in protest at the vertigo smacks you right in the face.
  2924. >The corners of your vision blur away into white, only the dizzy, blurred of image sticking in your eyes as she sits in front of you, the amulet burning like a mini bright red sun on her chest.
  2925. >You can’t scream, you can’t cry. You can’t do anything.
  2926. >Can’t do anything but watch, as you are ripped away in a white void.
  2927. >….
  2928. >…
  2929. >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2931. >You are…
  2932. >You are…?
  2933. >Where are you?
  2934. >Anon… yeah that’s right… but what were you just doing?
  2935. >You look around, but seemingly endless white stretches off in all directions. Bright, searing into your eyes, it hurts to look at. But the nervous feeling in your stomach is much worse.
  2936. >You rack your brain, mucking through the sludge.
  2937. “I was… I was…”
  2938. >Your own voice startles you, echoing off into the void unsettlingly as it bounces off invisible walls.
  2939. >But that’s not all… each resonation sends the empty world shaking violently, growing in tempo and strength.
  2940. >You feel the vibrations crawl up your bones, forcing you to your knees.
  2941. >The light blinds your eyes, and you snap them shut to stop the burning.
  2942. >Everything seems to be spinning and won’t stop
  2943. >Something above you splits loudly, like a crack of thunder, and you feel gusts of wind assault your body as unseen objects blur past you.
  2944. >The supernova blinding you fades away, leaving dark purple blurs on the inside of your eyelids. But you risk opening them anyway.
  2945. >You watch them speed past. Tiny flashing fragments of images and colors. Hard to focus on, some seemingly brighter than others, some so faded and gray they seem almost like colourless squares.
  2946. >But then there are more, larger, clearer…
  2947. >You see pieces of familiar faces and hallways. Places you’ve been. You hear names, sounds, sentences. Feel the air wrap upon your body, fingers brush on the edges your skin, lips caress the side of your face.
  2948. >One of the fragments brushing against you, and you feel the sensation of warmth explode in your body, feel water on your skin, softness of pink hair on your face, and scent of bubble gum in your nostrils.
  2949. >And then it’s gone, and those feelings disappear, leaving behind an uncomfortable void of longing.
  2950. >Your force your head up to see where exactly these fragments are going to.
  2951. >And honestly, you weren’t sure what you were expecting in the first place…. But it definitely wasn’t that.
  2952. >The void had cracked at the top, large fractures running through the ceiling a countless distance above.
  2953. >Dark red tendrils are seeping through, lapping away at the endless white, as they pulse and grow. The space beyond the cracks is dark, and every second you stare an immense fear grows in your body.
  2954. >Like a tornado, these fragments wrap around the red tendrils, whirled away into the darkness beyond.
  2955. >And with each fragment that disappears, your stomach locks and tightens anymore.
  2956. >No. They can’t have them.
  2957. >The pressure holding you to the ground is unbearable, threatening to split you in half if you lose balance for even a second.
  2958. >But even through that, you force yourself back into a standing position, ignoring the gale of wind tearing at your skin.
  2959. >You turn around, into the incoming stream of fragments, searching for anything you recognize.
  2960. >Faces, people, locations, sights, sounds, feelings. Everything you could ever think of. It’s all there.
  2962. >But then you see it. Like a match in the darkness. Unmistakable.
  2963. >Fiery fierce red and orange hair, like a burning pyre on the edge of a Sunset.
  2964. >Almost instinctively you reach out, grabbing it from the air. The fragment bounces around on your finger tips, and then phases through your heads.
  2965. “What the—"
  2966. >Another blast of vertigo, and everything disappears again.
  2967. >You feel cold AC blowing against your face, lights passing by as you move, and the leather of a steering wheel in your hand.
  2968. >It takes a moment for you to realize where you are, even with the street lights and traffic.
  2969. >Air hits your lungs as you breathe, and the whole word seems to burst into existence.
  2970. >The radio flickers lowly, playing some tune you half-remember.
  2971. >Wait… isn’t this…?
  2972. >You turn, and sure enough, there she is.
  2973. >Sunset is there in the passenger seat, staring at you expectantly.
  2974. >There’s the tingle of words on the edge of your tongue.
  2975. >That’s right, you were about to say something… right? She had asked some question, but for the life of you, you couldn’t really remember.
  2976. >”Well, Anon?”
  2977. >God, it feels like forever since you heard her voice last.
  2978. >You’re not sure what you say back to her, but she smiles brightly and shuffles in her seat.
  2979. >How could these be memories… this felt so real… so genuine. You could swear it was time travel.
  2980. >You desperately try to remember what exactly you did here, but that slug in your brain only peels away slowly.
  2981. >You can see the edges of tears on her eyes, and the trembling of her body. That’s right, she was just about to cry when you… when you…
  2982. >It’s almost automatic, like your body knows what to do even if your mind is slow and groggy.
  2983. >You shift in your seat, towards Sunset, and pull her close to you.
  2984. >Her breath catches with a slight gasp, and her shaking stops.
  2985. >The slight sweetness of her perfume tickles your nose, and you feel the sensation of her body against yours.
  2986. >Yes, you had pulled her close and then…
  2987. >Instinctively, you lean in more. She does the same, closing her eyes.
  2988. >The wet warmth of her lips is enough to sear away the layer of confusion resting on your brain, and even as she moans into your mouth and presses her tongue against yours, you know the full extent of what this whole situation is.
  2989. >And what is eventually coming.
  2990. >You didn’t notice at first, but it’s plain to see now. The view outside your window has been mutilated. The street lights and passing traffic has been peeled away like strips of wallpaper, and you see that white void seeping in to replace it.
  2991. >No. No!
  2992. >The front of your car dissolves away like sugar in water as it creeps up.
  2993. >But this is a memory, and you can’t change a memory.
  2994. >You stay locked around Sunset, her lips against yours in a passionate embrace as both of your mouths peck and kiss at each other.
  2995. >You want to scream.
  2996. >It’s inside the car now, ripping away the faint music from earlier as the radio phase out of existence. And soon enough, it’s crawling up your legs, mauling away your skin and bones.
  2997. >You try your best to remember, to saviour the sweet scent of Sunset’s perfume, the heat of her chest against yours, her fingers on your face, her supple lips against yours.
  2999. >But each of those things fade away as the void crawls over Sunset. Taking her legs, her arms, her chest.
  3000. >You watch in horror as it eats away the scene, until you are left hanging in the whiteness, kissing at the empty air.
  3001. >More vertigo as the whole scene shifts, and you fall to the floor with a loud smack.
  3002. >Wind roaring at your side, crackling thunder bursting in the sky above.
  3003. >You were…? What were you…?
  3004. >You blink, and look upwards again.
  3005. >The roots creeping along the ceiling have grown exponentially, covering more of the void. Like a demented, spreading vine, bleeding and pulsing as it expands.
  3006. >A grey fragment you can’t remember holding flies out of the gaps in your fingers, whipped away into the growing dark above, and you feel as if you are forgetting something important.
  3007. >The feeling that you have to hold on to something, and the flashing of fiery-red hair in your eyes.
  3008. >The ghost of a name sitting on the edge of your tongue.


by Insomniac

ALSO Burnout

by Insomniac

ALSO NotGay? 1

by Insomniac

ALSO NotGay? 2

by Insomniac


by Insomniac