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[MMP] Dragonshy side story: The Pies

By BtMess
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-31 19:35:22
Expiry: Never

  1. Original paste date: Nov 11th, 2015
  2. Original idea:
  3. Pies were dragon warriors in the distant past and they got bigger each generation to do their job better, but started slowly going back to normal size after the royal sisters brought peace and they weren't needed as dragon warriors anymore
  5. Based on the Dragonshy episode
  6. ==================================================================================================
  7. ‘So why are we doing this again?”
  8. >Limestone asked her father while towering above the rock farm, being around 4 times the size of her own house
  9. >”Long ago we, the Pies, used to protect the land of Equestria of any invading dragons that c-...”
  10. “Yea, yea, yea, you already told us that history, but why do we have to go through this? Didn't Celestia made an agreement with the dragons ages ago?”
  11. >“Mmhmm”
  12. >Said Marble Pie, being just as big as her sister, but unlike her, she laid herself down to stay at eye level with their father
  13. >Also because staying too high from the ground for long always left her dizzy
  14. >Life can be so ironic at times, making a mare that has fear of heights become a giant for a quest
  15. >”Yes Limestone, but even though we have the rule some dragons still dare to defy it, therefore it's our job to deal with them, just like our ancestors”
  16. >”This dragon in particular decided to make his nest on top of a mountain close to Ponyville, you two should get there as soon as possible but remember to not be seen, it would only give us more trouble”
  17. “Isn't Ponyvile where Pinkamena moved to? Why don't you gave this assignment to her?”
  18. >”Pinkamena left the farm ages ago, and Maud left for university weeks prior we started your treatment”
  19. >”It's also beneficial that it happened close to our ‘Dragon Quest’ tradition, sending our eldest and youngest children every 400 years to search around Equestria for unknown threats, so we were already prepared for this dragon”
  20. >”Mmmhmm”
  21. “Wait so you told that to Marble but not me? Wha- WHY!”
  22. >”Calm down Limestone, you already worry too much about our farm, we didn't wanted to put yet another burden on thy shoulders”
  23. >”And yes, we will take care like Holder’s Bolder, trust us”
  24. >The big mare gave a powerful huff as she stared at the rock in question
  25. >But finally with an acknowledging nod Igneous pointed the way to Ponyville
  26. >Then with quick farewells the two giant ponies left the farm
  28. >After some hours of trotting they finally started approaching the city
  29. >The few houses from the outskirts barely reached their knees so they decided to take the long route around the city towards the mountain
  30. >Afterall, considering the dark smoke coming from the mountain and the histories they heard from their father, the dragon was definitely fast asleep
  31. “Marble, psst, come here”
  32. >Looking to where Limestone called her she could see a lot of ponies having some sort of meeting with a lavender unicorn on charge
  33. >Limestone was laying down on her belly, trying to use the trees to better hide from others
  34. >Though it didn't really help none from Marble's or the aerial view in general, as the mare coat extended over many trees below
  35. “Maybe they're talking about the dragon or the mountain, this could be useful for us too”
  36. >”Mm..mmhmm” – said Marble, pointing at someone in the crowd
  37. “Oh hey there s Pinkie, too bad we can't be seen so we better not go Marble, maybe next time”
  38. >They listened attentively, catching the info of where the dragon was located from the speech
  39. >After everyone had been disbanded from the meeting the sisters decided to hurry out of there before someone accidentally bumped into their hooves and found them out
  40. >They didn't get very far before a stallion appeared out of the trees, barely giving time for Limestone to stop the motion of her hooves and not smush him under it
  41. “What you think you're doing get off the way!”
  42. >The stallion stood there unmoving from the shadow of her hoof, paralyzed with fear since it actually had hit his head before stopping
  43. >Marble noticed the stallion wouldn't budge and Limestone was being her grumpy self not wanting to move from her path either
  44. >So before anything bad happened she lightly caught the stallion in her own hooves before her sister’s patience ran out
  45. >And knowing her sister that sure wouldn't take long
  46. >Pinking this tiny pony under her hooves was an experience she surely wouldn't forget so soon
  47. >He felt so fragile, like if she applied any more pressure and he'd just pop
  48. >She took care to pick him on the frog of her hooves, making sure her rock breaking hooves didn't break anything else
  49. >At last, she dropped him behind herself, and away from Limestone
  50. >She made sure to give him a smile, before turning back to limestone
  51. “Some colts, what was he thinking? I could've seriously hurt him or even worse!”
  52. >Marble just nuzzled her sister, knowing that probably all this dragon thing was getting to her nerves
  53. >After this hiccup they moved on, hoping they could get there before anything else got in the way
  55. >’Rrroooaaaaarrr’
  56. “Marble did you forgot to eat breakfast again?”
  57. >As if to answer her question another loud grumble came from the younger sister way
  58. >”mhhmm”
  59. -sigh- “Fine let's get something to eat, we'll just try to get to the dragon before nightfall alright?”
  60. >Not thinking twice, Limestone punched the mountain sideways and cleaned some of the dirt from the boulders that came off
  61. >Noticing Marble wasn't eating but just staring at her older sister, Limestone quickly said
  62. “What? Got a better idea?”
  63. >Not receiving any answer, Limestone punched the mountain once again
  64. >This time, with the tremors, the same stallion from before fell from a nearby tree, causing both mares to look at him as he tried to flee, bumping into a tree head first before passing out
  65. “Well look like my prayers were heard” - Limestone said with a snicker
  66. >After hearing that, Marble got up from where she was sitting and laid down behind the stallion, keeping him between her forelegs as she ate her share of the rocks, all the while staring at Limestone
  67. “Cmon, it was just a joke, no need to be so overprotective Marble, it's just like how you protected your rocks when you were a child, geez”
  68. >.....
  69. “No, no matter what you say he can't come with us, we are going to fight a dragon so we won't be able to defend him if it decides to go for the weakest of us”
  70. >”Mmhmmm”
  71. “Good, then it's settled”
  73. >As soon the stallion woke back up, he noticed two things
  74. >He wasn't lying on the ground anymore but several meters up in the air in a hoof as big as him
  75. >And that he was eye level to the two giantesses he had been following
  76. >Not wasting a second Limestone went ahead before the stallion could say anything
  77. “Gaze into the eyes of Limestone Pie and listen carefully cause I'm only going to say this once”
  78. >Her good old motto worked just as expected, as she got the stallion's full attention
  79. >The tiny pony also scrambled to the rim of her hoof, but stopped it noticed it d better to stay still
  80. ”This time Marble saved you, but if I ever see you again you're going up my butt ya hear?”
  81. >The stallion could only frantically nod his head
  82. “Good, now Marble if you may...”
  83. >”Mmhm”
  84. >With that Marble planted a kiss on the stallion, her lips completely engulfing his body before putting him on the ground
  85. >But seeing that didn't help Limestone temper at all
  86. “SCRAM!” – Limestone shouted to him, noticing that he seemed to be in some sort of trance
  87. “What was that for?”
  88. >.....
  89. “He looked cute?...ugh Marble look at yourself, do you want to dishonor our Family?”
  90. >A single shake, she wasn't staring directly at Limestone but to the ground, still Limestone decided to not press the issue further and just march on
  91. “We need to get going I think I saw a group of ponies start climbing the mountain for some reason, so we better clear the dragon before they endanger themselves”
  92. >”Mmhmm”
  94. >The first half of the mountain was pretty uneventful
  95. >Neither of them could see the little group anymore so they guessed they were now ahead of them
  96. >Which wasn't a hard feat, considering the difference in size
  97. >But as climbing went on, both of the sisters heard someone scream ‘avala-‘,
  98. >Limestone didn't know what it could mean
  99. >But looking back, she saw that the shout had startled Marble somehow and made her slip, sending many little rocks tumbling below
  100. >The little rocks that could very well be an avalanche for the smaller ponies who decided to climb
  101. “Oh” – was all Limestone was able to say before grabbing Marble taking her to the other side of the mountain to not be seen
  102. >As Limestone pulled her sister, Marble kept trying to free herself from the iron grip
  103. >When she finally freed herself she stopped on her tracks and looked back, as if pleading to go and help the group that was climbing
  104. “Marble we can't go help them, remember we should not be seen by anypony if possible”
  105. “Yea, there was already that one stallion, we can't risk even more ponies getting to know about us”
  106. “Let's just keep going to the dragon, the sooner we finish, the quicker we can get back”
  107. >Not caring, Marble just started climbing back down the mountain to where the rocks had landed
  108. “Marble! Ugh, here we go...”
  109. >The two sisters wasted a lot of time searching through the pebbles, but couldn't find any signal of any pony while digging
  110. >If only Maud was here, she always was the best one at observing the little details
  111. >Knowing how hearth broken her sister would be from that, Limestone decided to give Marble a brief hug before climbing ahead of her
  112. >Not only to comfort her but also with hopes that she'd follow in the climb towards the dragon
  113. >And sure enough she did just that, silently crying behind her sister
  114. >Limestone made sure to make a mental note to avenge those ponies as well
  115. >This dragon would wish he had never touched his dirty claws in the land of a pony settlement
  117. > You're Pinkie Pie
  118. >And your pinkie sense just predicated the weirdest thing you could think while trying to make the dragon share a laugh with you
  119. >You're going to have a visit from your sisters
  120. >Which is saying a lot since they barely ever leave the farm
  121. >Well, right now you still have a dragon to laugh with and have fun, so better leave that for later
  123. >Back with Limestone and Marble...
  124. >After a long trek through the backside of the mountain, the sisters finally arrived at the cave
  125. >Just to see the dragon flying away
  126. “Hah, coward, didn't even wait for us to arrive and fight before fleeing!”
  127. >”Inkie! Blinkie!”
  128. “Pinkie?”
  129. >”Eeee”
  130. >With that Pinkie jumped and hugged Marble’s hoof as best as she could
  131. >Which wasn't even halfway across the hoof, even with all her elasticity, but it was strong enough to hold her in place as Marble lifted her hoof to eye level
  132. ”Pinkie, what are you doing here?” – Limestone asked as Pinkie got herself on top of Marble hoof
  133. >”Youwouldntbelieve!IcameupherewithmyfivebestestfriendsfromPonyviletodealwithadragonthatwaspuffingsmokeeverywhereintheskyandweneededto...”
  134. >Limestone tried to put a hoof on Pinkie’s mouth to shut her up, but because of the sheer size she ended up simply sandwiching Pinkie between her hoof and Marble’s
  135. >Marble grinded Pinkie under Limestone's hooves slightly, getting a confused stare back from the large mare
  136. >Meanwhile all that could be heard from between the hooves was laughter
  137. >Limestone gave Marble a stare that distinctly said 'stop', before addressing her little sister
  138. “Pinkie slow down, lets talk from the beginning okay?”
  139. >”Mmhmm” - Marble said, face unusually red as a tomato
  140. >”Okay” – came a muffled sound from between the hooves
  141. >Noticing that Marble wouldn't bulge, Limestone retrieved her hoof as fast as she could, not sure what to think of the situation
  142. >Marble probably was feeling this same feeling she got when both pressed Pinkie between their hooves
  143. >Hoof holding, but also with a tiny pony in the middle...
  144. >Limestone had to make sure this never got back to their father
  145. >Not that she liked, but Marble seemed to enjoy it too much
  146. >Yes, it was totally for her sake
  147. >Entirely, completely for her sake
  148. >Marble saw the troubled look in her sister's face, but decided to not press further, reacting with a small giggle
  150. >After dropping Pinkie down, both parties started talking about their day
  151. >Talking with their sister while being so much bigger sure was something
  152. >Marble even went ahead and poked the pink pony sometimes
  153. >Of course it didn't went without rebuttal, as the tiny pony booped her massive muzzle back whenever given a chance
  154. >”...and then I told my friends I was going to wait here to meet with you two, but they didn't believe me and left back to the city ahead”
  155. “I...see...”
  156. >”Mmhm”
  157. >Neither of the giant sisters were sure what to make of all that, but the dragon was gone so that yellow pegasus surely must be pretty good
  158. >”Anyway it's getting late and it'd take waay too long for me to get back to the city on my own four hooves...can I get a ride?”
  159. “What?” – Limestone asked surprised, with Marble looking just as surprised if not more
  160. >Attention was never her forte, and taking a tiny pony on her back was a sure way to get that
  161. >”There's nothing to worry about, everyone in the city is nice, also you can know where I live that way too”
  162. >”Hmmhm”
  163. >For once Marble was the first to speak
  164. >Limestone wasn't so sure about that
  165. >But if Marble was up for it, letting her shyness aside for their lil' sis so quickly, then surely it couldn't be that bad
  167. >Oh my Celestia it was that bad, if not worse
  168. >Both the sisters were supposed to be stealthy, but now they were walking straight through the town with nowhere to hide
  169. >Being around 5 times the size of Ponyville houses didn't help on blending in either
  170. >But there was something that made it all worse
  171. >Pinkie seemed to be some kind of a celebrity around here, which meant that her arrival with 2 giant ponies didn't go nearly as unnoticed
  172. >Even that red earth pony stallion with a green apple for cutie mark showed up
  173. >Limestone thought about keeping her promise
  174. >But she couldn't bring herself to shove the stallion in front of everypony
  175. >So she ended up just glaring at him fiercely
  176. >And then he decided to hide behind one of the houses
  177. >That made her think on what she'd do if she could do anything without consequences...
  178. >That house was nothing to herself, getting the stallion would be no problem
  179. >And after this day she really could use it...
  180. >Quickly she shook her head to disperse such thoughts of rampaging around the town, grabbing on the first thing that came up
  181. >Their failed mission
  182. >Not one, but both of the missions
  183. >Couldnt reach the dragon in time, much less stay hidden thanks to Pinkie
  184. >She promised herself to not let this shame affect her sister nor her family name
  185. >And for that she was looking forward to the second part of their mission
  186. >Searching around Equestria for other rogue dragons was going to be tough, but what else could go wrong?
  187. The end

Unicorn hunting (revised)

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[MMP] Dragonshy side story: The Pies

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