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Food problems

By BtMess
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-31 19:43:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Original paste date: Dec 17th, 2015
  3. Attempt on ~2k character green, based on this pic
  5. --------------------------------------------------
  6. "Sorry I'm too tired for story time, I will be sure to tell you a great one tomorrow alright?"
  7. >The pony just keeps staring you for a while until it lets an annoyed sigh
  8. >"I don't care about these dumb stories, just give me something to eat already"
  9. "Cmon bonnie, Lyra is asleep, you can relax and be true to yourself with me"
  10. >You went to a pet shop one day wanting to get some kind of exotic pet but when you saw the mint unicorn you were immediately hooked
  11. >The owner said that you only could buy it if you also bought the other one as well
  12. >You hadn't seen at first but there were two blue eyes tearing your soul from the other side of the cage
  13. >Still you were so giddy to get two for one that you couldn't care less
  14. >In the beginning it was quite rough but Bon Bon, as you would know later, sort of eased on you after a while
  15. >Well mostly became indifferent to you unless she needed something
  16. >Still even though she isn't bitting or kicking you anymore today is a great opportunity to strengthen this owner-pet relationship since Lyra's asleep
  17. "What do you say you sleep with me tonight? Lyra loves snuggle nights"
  18. >"Seriously? Just give me some hay so I can sleep in peace"
  19. >"Ever since you gave Lyra that hand-in-a-stick thing it feels like I don't exist anymore to her you know"
  20. >Giving Lyra that backscratcher sure was one of the best ideas you ever had
  21. >Your hand was starting to deform by being broken so many times by that pone
  22. "Why don't we talk about it on the couch? I know you like belly rubs"
  23. >That makes her face go as red as a tomato
  24. >"I-I only take them so I don't feel left aside when Lyra is there too, it's not that I like it...much..."
  25. "What was that last part?"
  26. >"Just give me the food!"
  27. "Fine, but tomorrow I want you in bed for some snuggles, you need to relieve some of that stress"
  28. >"Har, har, har, no."
  29. "Cmon bonnie, look at Lyra, she loves the snuggling sessions, there's back massages, belly rubs, ear scratches..."
  30. >"For the love of Celestia I don't care, I don't see what Lyra sees on your hands that makes it so special but I, don't, care...can you just gimme my food already?"
  31. >"And stop calling me bonnie!"
  32. >Giving up you reach up to get the mare her food
  33. >Someday you will have the cuddles with Bon Bon that Lyra talks so much about...
  34. >...someday...

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