Original paste date: Jun 13th, 2016
"Twilight, I'm not giving you any more than I already gave you"
>"For the last time. Give. ME. YOUR. MONEY."
>You could swear Twilight's eye twitched at that
"Twilight you've been asking for my bits since I came to Ponyville, I m not giving you any today!"
>She just stands there looking at you eye to eye
>Not long ago she got herself on her back hooves, with her forelegs on your torso for balance so she could look at you at eye level
>No wonder trying to look more intimidating
>Still her smile was as cute as ever so you couldn't really take her seriously
>But then her horn started to glow
>Sparks of magic leaving it as well from the power of the spell
"W-what are you doing?"
>"Friends should help each other out Anon, last warning~"
>If anything her grin was the scariest thing here, sending warning signals all around
"Okay, okay, fine...just get off me so I can go get it"
>"It's great that we could come to an agreement Mr human"
"Did you just call me Mr human?"
>Her horn starts to glow again
"Alright I'm off to get it already, gee"
>Then you proceeded to pack as much stuff as possible
>As well as your bits of course
> You're not sure if this is how horses ask for taxes or you're simply getting robbed everyday by the town princess
>So you jump through the back window and flee far away
>It's not long before your bag suddenly feels lighter
>Actually, you can't feel your bag at all
>Looking down only gives a confirmation that it isn't by your side anymore
>"Thank you, have a nice day"
>Looking back you see the lavender alicorn walk away while levitating your bag by her side
>You needed some time to think, so you decided to go to the park
>If you went back home you surely would just be moping around right now
>The thing is that besides being low in bits you barely have any clothes now
>Most were taken by Twilight in the bag along with the money
>Your odd jobs only get you so many bits
>And clothes are kind of luxury here
>Maybe if you...
>"Hey Nonny"
>You look to your side to see Pinkie Pie, no wonder seeing your distress
>She's always by your side when you're feeling down
>You open your mouth to greet her
>But before you can say anything she gets on your face cutting you out
>"Give me money"
by BtMess
by BtMess
by BtMess
by BtMess
by BtMess