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Herd bump history

By BtMess
Created: 2021-01-31 19:59:00
Expiry: Never

  1. Original paste date: Jul 3rd, 2017
  3. (Pages are related to the catalog page, made to bump the herd thread)
  5. ---------------------------------------------------
  6. >Be Anon
  7. >In the danger zone
  8. >Mare number 9 is standing still in front of you
  9. >Finally gets courageous enough to boop her
  10. >Suddently the alarm goes off and you wake up
  11. >It was all a dream
  12. >You manage to take a glimpse of page one waking up
  13. >Not wasting time, she stretches her wings before quickly flying off
  14. >Quite the energetic mare that one
  15. >P2 loves to snuggle a bit with you after waking up
  16. >But she also leaves too quickly for your liking, going to make breakfast for everyone
  17. >Then there's P3, P4, P5...
  18. >What? Pony names are weird, and the mares didn't mind the nicknames
  19. >At first you explained to them that it was because each of them literally represented a page of your life
  20. >Luckily, sappy as it was, all of them bought it up
  21. >There are 3 mares that you'd love to add to your herd
  22. >'8 seems fun, and often comes along to chat with the others
  23. >But as soon as you try and join in the conversation she excuses herself
  24. >'9 is pretty shy, but she often comes to stare through the windows
  25. >You wish she'd accept the invitation already, but maybe you should let her have her space for now
  26. >You just don't know what's wrong with '10 though
  27. >She literally runs away from you as soon you two make eye contact
  28. >With a sigh you finally open your eyes to see P3 getting ready for work
  29. >You get up and wish her a good day
  30. >P1, jealous as she was, is instantly at your face
  31. >Quickly you pet her head and say that you love her too
  32. >She stays there for a while, but flies away again after she feels like she won't get anything more
  33. >She's a clingy mare, yet afraid of being seen around you
  34. >Well, you cannot lie, tsundere mares are top cute
  35. >You move to eat breakfast and give P4 a pat in the head
  36. >P2 breakfast is simply divine
  37. >But with the need to go to work, so you quickly finish it and get up
  38. >P4 already has your work bag in her mouth, so you don't need to go fetch it
  39. >You grab it and nod to her as your way to say thanks to her
  40. >She can get scared so quick sometimes that you hold back on speaking to her to prevent her running off and hurting herself
  41. >As you're about to leave to work you see P5 taking a nap in the couch
  42. >Barely woke up, and is already back to sleep
  43. >Sometimes you wonder if she stays awake through the night or she just sleeps all the time
  44. >With a sigh you move back in and tuck her nicely in her favourite blanket
  45. >You close the door as silently as you can, before you notice some odd rustling in a bush nearby
  46. >You move in to investigate and notice that it's only '6
  47. >She has been stalking you for who knows how long, but she never really does anything
  48. >That is, besides fleeing away whenever you try to acknowledge her presence
  49. >And then 1 always shows up to shout at you for some reason
  50. >You let '6 be a bush as she wants and walk away
  51. >You wonder what '7 will try to do today though...
  52. >Always a surprise that mare
  53. >As long as she doesn't get '8, '9 and '10 to do a surprise drop on you like last time it will be fine
  54. >As fluffy as these ponies are, they're still somewhat heavy
  55. >Don't want to fall over and end up hurt afterall
  56. >And 4 mares dropping on you at once...
  57. >Wait, wasn't that how you met P1-4?
  58. >Man, time sure flies...
  60. >Just like it flew by today
  61. >It's already night and you're going back home
  62. >P1 went to visit you at your job like always
  63. >Always saying that she should protect you, her being the alpha mare and all
  64. >But deep inside you know she just misses you
  65. >You're surprised when you arrive home to see a mare looking inside through the windows
  66. >After getting closer you see that it's just '9 again, probably longing to be with her friends
  67. >Quietly you approach her and boop her nose
  68. "Boop"
  69. >Immediatelly she scampers away and in no time P1 hits the window
  70. >Hard
  71. >Good thing the others take good care of her
  72. >You'd think she has a sixth sense for you or something, always there whenever you interact with other mares
  73. >With a sigh you move to open the door
  74. >You can't help but smile, knowing what the next part holds for you
  75. >Opening the door all the mares are quick to pounce and claim your body
  76. > You're happy to cuddle with them in the ground, everypony no doubt missing you after being away from so long
  77. >Sadly, with all the warmth and fluff, you quickly doze off
  78. >But like every other day, you know they will carry you to bed when they notice your sleepy form
  79. >And then everything will start anew

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