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Something to do While it Rains (Sparity) (EqG)

Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-08 01:44:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >”There is a sudden rain stro-.”
  2. >Click.
  3. >”Come on down to-.”
  4. >Click.
  5. >”My Little Po-.“
  6. >You sigh, as you turn of the T.V
  7. >Why is it so hard to find anything on when it’s raining?
  8. >This problem is only amplified by the fact that you’re bored out of your mind, and you’re by yourself.
  9. >Twilight went to a slumber party at Pinkie’s a few hours ago.
  10. >You would think that a 14 year could find loads of things to do by themselves.
  11. >But you’ve already play all the videogames you own.
  12. >Watched all the movies you haven’t seen.
  13. >And every single book in the library has been read.
  14. >Man you need something to break your boredom.
  15. >Suddenly there is a knock at the front door.
  16. “Who in the world could that be?” you voice the question to no one in particular.
  17. >Getting off of the sofa, you start heading towards the door.
  18. >Opening the door, you see Rarity soaked to the bone.
  19. >It seems that she wasn’t prepared for it to rain.
  20. >Her White blouse has become nearly transparent from the water it absorbed.
  21. >Allowing you to see her purple bra beneath it.
  22. >Unfortunately for her, the bra is as transparent as her blouse, and if you focus hard enough, you can see her dark purple nipples, and the surrounding areola.
  23. >You can feel the heat warming up your cheeks.
  25. >”Um Spikey, could I come in?”
  26. >Rarity voice manages to tear your eyes from her chest.
  27. “Uhh, yeah, c-come on in.”
  28. >You step aside from the door.
  29. >Smooth Spike, real smooth.
  30. >Rarity gently smiles at you.
  31. >”Oh thank you Spikey, I tell you I wasn’t ready for it to rain today.”
  32. >While she is talking, Rarity bends over to unstrap her Heel sandals.
  33. >Giving you an eyeful of her bountiful cleavage.
  34. >Calm down Spike.
  35. >”No.” you can hear the pervert inside you.
  36. >Once she has removed her heels from her feet, she stands back up and walks by you.
  37. >Once she’s inside, you close the door.
  38. >Now that your eyes can no longer stare at her chest, they wonder elsewhere.
  39. >The purple Skirt that Rarity was wearing is just as wet as her blouse.
  40. >Sadly they aren’t see through.
  41. >But they do hug Rarity curves wonderfully.
  42. >Show casing her vespine hips in their full glory.
  43. >”Nah bubby, you aren’t calming down anytime soon.”
  44. >Shut up, hormones.
  45. >Rarity sighs, as she puts her heels against the wall.
  46. >”I should’ve went to Pinkie’s slumber party instead, I swear this is the last time I allow Rainbow Dash to convince me to go on a blind date.”
  47. >Well that explains a few things.
  49. >Finally getting your head out of the gutter, and realizing that Rarity being that wet isn’t good for her health.
  50. “Hang on a second Rarity, I’ll get you a towel.”
  51. >She smiles at you once more.
  52. >”Why thank you Spikey.”
  53. >”It’s such a pleasure to have a proper gentleman around a sophisticated lady.”
  54. >Your cheeks burn once more, but at least this time it isn’t from perverted reasons.
  55. >You quickly move down the hall.
  56. >Stopping just before the closet that holds all of towels.
  57. >As you open the closet, you give yourself a little pep talk.
  58. “Okay Spike, it’s just Rarity, you’ve hung out with her countless times before.”
  59. >”The two of you have never been alone for long periods of time”
  60. >Thanks hormones, you think, as you reach for a white towel.
  61. >”Oh, I can make this worse.”
  62. >”What is Rarity going to wear?”
  63. >You stop immediately, as the realization just kicks in.
  64. >”Yeah bubby, you’ve seen her, not a spot on her that isn’t drenched.”
  65. >”And that means everything comes off.”
  66. >The perverse side of you plants a seed, which quickly explode into a forest.
  67. >Several images of Rarity strutting her stuff in front of you while she’s naked flood your mind.
  68. >And now that you’ve seen what Rarity hides behind her bra.
  69. >You have at least a complete visual of her mounds.
  71. >You rapidly shake your head to dislodge those thought.
  72. >Once you’re done, you feel a little hot under the collar, and apparently those thought were so arousing that your breath, and heart rate has increased.
  73. >Lastly, your penis is desperately trying to rip through your underwear, zipper, and pants just to get free.
  74. >As much as you would like to see Rarity walk around the house naked, you know she won’t.
  75. >Well it’s a good thing Twilight has a spare robe.
  76. >Getting the towel, you close the door, and head further down the hall.
  77. >Taking a left, you stand before Twilight’s door.
  78. >Which has a “Keep out Spike” sign on it.
  79. >Pfft what is she going to do.
  80. >Ignoring the sign, you open Twilight’s door, and waltz inside.
  81. >Quickly scanning her room.
  82. >Your eyes quickly stop on her closet.
  83. >Moving over to it, you fling the closet open.
  84. >Looking over the multitude of outfits that are in there, you finally find your prize.
  85. >Taking Twilight’s robes, you can see that she lack a great deal in the chest compartment compared to Rarity.
  86. >Hopefully this won’t cause too much of a problem.
  87. >”Or there will be a lot of nipple slips.”
  88. >Last time, shut up hormones!
  89. >Closing everything behind you when you exit Twilight’s room.
  90. >You head back to the living room.
  91. >And you make it just in time to see Rarity undressing.
  92. >More specifically, she is bending over, as she removes her skirt.
  93. >Letting you she her ass, and the thong between her ass cheeks, as she slide it down her legs.
  94. >All the blood has raced to your penis, so even if you wanted to have a nose bleed, you couldn’t.
  96. >As Rarity steps out of her skirt, you her long, and lean legs, ending with perfectly pampered feet.
  97. >The scene playing out in has taken you out of this world.
  98. >Your eyes taking in every last detail, making sure everything is ingrained into your mind.
  99. >When Rarity stands back up, her hand moves up her back, as she attempts removes her bra.
  100. >Slowly tempering with the strap that holds it all together.
  101. >But she denies you that pleasure, as she stops and turns around.
  102. >You’re surprise she didn’t freak out, and try to cover herself.
  103. >Instead she smiles, and starts to saunter over to you.
  104. >Her motions are meticulous, and precise.
  105. >Her hips sway elegantly, and each step causes her breast to bounce.
  106. >Who ever said a picture lasts longer is a liar.
  107. >There is no way you’ll ever forget this memory.
  108. >Rarity stop just before you, and she reaches her hand out, brushing it gently against yours, as she takes the towel.
  109. >Your hand is on fire, and that fire is spreading to the rest of your body, as your senses return to you.
  110. >”Thank you Spikey, you’re such a wonderful gentlemen.”
  111. >”But I couldn’t possibly wear one of Twilight’s robes, it would be a travesty if I ruined it.”
  112. “But, you, wear, wet, everything, nothing.”
  113. >Every sense but speaking apparently.
  114. >Rarity just giggles at your disarray.
  115. >Her angelic voice is music to your ears.
  116. >”Well I guess you’re right, I don’t have anything else to wear.”
  117. >She takes the robes from your hand, and plants a kiss on your forehead while she does so.
  118. >”Now be a good boy, and run along, I have to finish changing.”
  119. >She simply turns you around, and gives a soft push to start you on your way.
  120. >Your body now on autopilot, walks itself to your room.
  122. >Closing the door behind you, you try to douse the fire that is burning your entire body.
  123. >Starting by remove your pants.
  124. >Once you’re out of them, you feel a little better.
  125. >But your erection desires to be free, and your underwear is the only thing stopping that.
  126. >Oh what the heck, you think, as those come off too.
  127. >The cool air rushes to greet your member, as it is finally set free.
  128. >Kick away you discarded clothes from in front of the door.
  129. >You walk over to your bed, before you jump into it.
  130. >Setting your back against the headboard.
  131. >Staring down, you see your penis throbbing ecstatically.
  132. >It’s only 5 inches right now, but you hope when you get older, it will get bigger and thicker.
  133. >Although right now you have a problem.
  134. >You know that even the most boner killing thoughts won’t bring it down.
  135. >And with Rarity in the house, it’s not going to go down anytime soon either.
  136. >You stare at it for a few moments, before swallowing a lump in your throat.
  137. >You can feel, and hear your heartbeat in your ears.
  138. “Well maybe just a quickie”
  139. >You tentatively reach you right hand toward your penis.
  140. >Grasping it into the palm of your hand.
  141. >It jumps, as if it refuses to be contained once more.
  142. >Your start to stroke your erection up and down.
  143. >Sliding your foreskin up and down.
  144. >As you start to get more comfortable, your mind’s eye is filled with the recent images of Rarity.
  145. >Unfortunately those images are shattered when you hear knocking on your door.
  147. >”Spikey, can I come in?”
  148. >Crap!
  149. >You’re in no position to let Rarity in right now!
  150. >And your lower garments are too close to the door!
  151. >And if you take too long to answer, she’ll come in anyways!
  152. >And you still have a raging hardon!
  153. >Double crap!
  154. >Not really thinking, you grab your pillow, and use it to cover your groin.
  155. “Um yeah s-sure Rarity.”
  156. >In hindsight it probably would have been better to have hid under the blanket.
  157. >At least then you could hide you naked lower half.
  158. >Too late for that, as the door knob turns.
  159. >Rarity steps into your room.
  160. >Yeah Twilight’s robes fail to do its job.
  161. >There is a large boob window that showcasing her pale white chest.
  162. >Oddly enough it isn’t tied that well, letting the robes hang loosely off her body.
  163. >”Do you mind if I take a seat?”
  164. >You shake your head, and scoot over, giving Rarity some room.
  165. >If she notices your state of undress, she isn’t making any comments on it.
  166. >Rarity takes a seat right next to your hips, crossing one leg over the other.
  167. >Being in such an awkward situation at least has some positives to it.
  168. >You feel you penis is slowly losing some of its gusto.
  169. >”So Spikey, what do you want to do tonight?”
  170. “Um I don’t know, I was kinda bored before you got here.”
  171. >Rarity leans back, putting her arms, behind your legs, and she is look up at the celling.
  172. >”Hmm well that’s a shame.”
  173. >You take your eyes off Rarity’s face for a moment.
  174. >Which was a huge mistake, as you notice from this angle, you can see inside of the boob window.
  175. >Which allows you to see Rarity’s right breast and nipple.
  176. >Hello boner my old friend.
  177. >No matter how hard try, you just can’t move your eyes to stare at something else.
  178. >”You know Spikey, it’s not polite to stare.”
  180. >Triple crap!
  181. >You weren’t even staring that long!
  182. >Quick think of something brain!
  183. >”Um.”
  184. >Great job brain take five.
  185. >You feel the bed shift.
  186. >Looking up, you see Rarity as moved her body around.
  187. >Her chest is hovering over the pillow, the robes barely able to keep her tits inside them.
  188. >You then feel Rarity straddle your thighs, leaving just a small gap between her and the pillow.
  189. >”You know, under normal circumstances, I would be pretty upset.”
  190. >You feel her scoot up a bit, her bare skin touching yours, as her feet rubs at your knee.
  191. >She leans forward, her face mere inches from yours.
  192. >”But for you, I’ll make an exception.”
  193. >And before you know it, Rarity has leaned far enough to kiss you on the lips.
  194. >Holy crap, your first kiss, and you’re not prepared for it.
  195. >How do you even kiss properly?
  196. >Maybe it’s like in the movies?
  197. >Where the lead guy is super aggressive.
  198. >That’s probably wrong, but hey it’s worth a shot.
  199. >Mustering up the courage to do so.
  200. >You press your lips against her.
  201. >And that was all you were doing.
  203. >Rarity breaks, barely containing her giggles.
  204. >Well your heart just sank to the bottom of the sea.
  205. >You lower your head, feel the embarrassment wash over you.
  206. >Until you feel two of Rarity’s finger under your chin.
  207. >She forces your head back up.
  208. >”Now now, don’t worry Spikey, no one is a good kisser on their first try.”
  209. >”Just relax, and let Rarity teach you how it’s done.
  210. >She once again kiss you.
  211. >But this time, you feel her tongue gentle bump against your mouth.
  212. >Taking the hint, you open your lips.
  213. >Rarity takes the initiative, and moves forward.
  214. >Your back is pressed harder than it was before.
  215. >But now you feel Rarity’s lips fully engross yours.
  216. >You feel her suckle on your lips for a few seconds, before letting them go.
  217. >You try and copy what Rarity is doing to you.
  218. >The two of you try to establish a rhythm, and eventually you both sync up.
  219. >The classic smacking sounds fill your ears and they’re hypnotic.
  220. >You just let the flow take over, closing your eyes, as you let the pleasure consume you.
  221. >This is what total bliss feels like, and you never want to let this go.
  222. >All of a sudden, you feel one of Rarity’s fingers trance around your member.
  223. >It jumps for joy while it receives attention.
  224. >Rarity breaks the kiss.
  225. >Your eyes open, as she pulls away.
  226. >A small strand of spit is all the remains of your actions.
  227. >”You know Spikey, I just thought of something we could do.”
  229. >You know you would be lying if you say you didn’t know what she was talking about.
  230. >But you got to play the part.
  231. “What is it Rarity?”
  232. >She forms a smirk in response.
  233. >”Oh don’t play innocent now.”
  234. >”You’ve been taking every chance you got to stare at me since I walk through the front door.”
  235. >Were you really that obvious?
  236. >”And not only that.”
  237. >She grabs the pillow, and removes it from your legs.
  238. >With nothing to hide it, your penis is laid bare for all to see.
  239. >”You started to play with yourself when you had a moment alone.”
  240. >Rarity puts her thumb on your glands, and her index finger on the tip.
  241. >She starts to rub both finger in circles.
  242. >”I wonder, if I never walked through that door, how long would you be in here for Spikey?”
  243. >You feel a mixture of shame and excitement, as Rarity speaks.
  244. >”Stroking and pulling on your genitalia.”
  245. >Her rubs start to get faster.
  246. >”Reaching climax after climax to all those naughty thoughts of me.”
  247. >She puts her ring finger on your penis, and instead of rubbing, she starts to stroke it.
  248. >Steady and calculated movement is how she toys with you.
  249. >You grasp the bedsheets, and you toes curl, as the feel of someone else hand touches you in a way you never did before.
  250. >Rarity giggles once more.
  251. >”I bet you would’ve stayed in here the whole night making a big mess." Her voice is low and sultry.
  252. >The pleasure is rising through you, as your body starts to tremble.
  253. >But an end comes all too soon, as Rarity pulls her fingers away, cause you to whine.
  254. >”Relax Spikey, we’re just getting started.”
  255. >You see Rarity undo the loose knot in the robes, and shrugs them off.
  256. >Now in full view, Rarity is sitting naked in front of you.
  257. >”Oh yes, we’re going to have so fun tonight Spikey.”
  259. >This is a dream right?
  260. >Any moment now, Twilight, or your alarm is going to wake you up.
  261. >Yep any minute now, but until then.
  262. >Rarity is sitting naked on your bed right now, and this is the best thing ever!
  263. >Your world view has narrowed down to focus on Rarity.
  264. >Flawless skin, perfectly round breast, mouthwatering suck able nipples, curves in all the right places, and a shaved bare vagina.
  265. >You could sit here forever, even if it a dream.
  266. >Well it was a dream until you felt a sharp pain.
  267. >Rarity dug her manicured nails into your right arm.
  268. “OW!” You shout as you flinch your arm away.
  269. >”Awake now Spikey.”
  270. >You rub your arm, tying to dull the sting pain.
  271. >”I’m sorry Spikey, I guess I could’ve done something else to grab your attention.”
  272. >Too late for that.
  273. >”Hmm let me turn the sour scowl into a radiant smile.”
  274. >Rarity puts her hand under her breast.
  275. >She playfully bounces them up and down.
  276. >”Why don’t you play with my girls for a bit.”
  277. >Yeah that would defiantly make you happy.
  278. “Really?!”
  279. >”Yep consider it part of my apology”
  281. >You push yourself off of the headboard, and sit up properly.
  282. >You stare at them for a moment.
  283. >The desire to just grab them in your hands was there.
  284. >But seeing as this is your first time even giving the chance to touch real life boobs.
  285. >It might be best to take a slow approach.
  286. >Reaching out with both arms, you move your hands closer to Rarity chest.
  287. >Stopping just before you touch them, as a sudden feeling of nervousness.
  288. >You’ve heard that breast are sensitive, and you don’t want to hurt Rarity by grabbing them too harshly.
  289. >”Relax, go in slowly, there is no need to rush.”
  290. >Rarity’s words of encouragement, dispel some of your nervousness.
  291. >You gently touch the tips of your fingers against her globes.
  292. >Then you start slide more of your finger on to Rarity’s tits until your whole hand is around them.
  293. >You let them hang there for a bit.
  294. >The smoothness of her skin, the hard nipples that rubs against your palms, the somewhat spongy feeling to them.
  295. >Tits are easily the best thing you ever felt before.
  296. >Taking some of your new found courage.
  297. >You start to squeeze Rarity’s breast.
  298. >Your finger sinks into her flesh, causing her nipples to press harder into your palms, as you deform their natural roundness.
  299. >You started to get the idea of playing around with them for bit.
  300. >You slowly release your grip, and start rubbing your hand on them.
  301. >Dragging around in small circles.
  302. >Rarity breathing starts to get a little heavier.
  303. >While rubbing breast is fun, you wanted to move on to her nipples next.
  304. >You stop rubbing, and move your fingers down.
  305. >Surrounding the hard nubs with your fingers, you start to swirl them around in circles.
  307. >Rarity starts to shudder, and moan, as you play with her sensitive nipples.
  308. >Moving your fingertips to her nipples.
  309. >You start to flick them.
  310. >Feeling them try to resist, as you forcibly move them.
  311. >Now that you’ve gotten your hands on the tits of your dreams.
  312. >You think back to all the older kids you used to eavesdrop on.
  313. >Some of them always talked about how they suck on the nipple.
  314. >You always thought of it as something weird.
  315. >But what the heck, you never thought this would happen outside of your fantasies.
  316. >You move aside your left hand.
  317. >letting you wrap your mouth around the purple bud.
  318. >Licking your tongue around Rarity’s areola.
  319. >Yeah it taste like skin.
  320. >But you’re getting a nice reaction from Rarity.
  321. >Light whimper barely escape from her lips.
  322. >So you must be doing something right.
  323. >Making sure not to forget your other hand.
  324. >You resume teasing her other breast.
  325. >Having your fun with her left side, you start pulling back while suckling on her nipple.
  326. >Letting go when you reach an apex, and see her tit bounce back into place.
  327. >You quickly more onto her other tit, giving it the same treatment.
  329. >You’re not on there for long however.
  330. >As you feel Rarity tap her fingers against your head.
  331. >Taking it as a sign, you remove your mouth.
  332. >Rarity pushes you back against the headboard, kissing you on the way down.
  333. >She breaks the kiss, and starts to pull your shirt up.
  334. >”My turn.”
  335. >She then blinds you with your shirt, leaving just your mouth exposed.
  336. >Rarity kisses your lips.
  337. >A few seconds later, she makes her way down.
  338. >Planting kisses along the way.
  339. >Being surrounded by darkness intensify each kiss, making you writhe.
  340. >You hear Rarity’s giggle, before she kiss just above your belly button.
  341. >”Be still for a moment Spikey, And I’ll make it so much better.”
  342. >Her voice could get you to pop alone.
  343. >What could she possibly do to make this feel better?
  344. >And then nothing.
  345. >For who know how long, you sat in the darkness.
  346. >Anticipation building in every inch of your body.
  347. >You were about ask if Rarity was still there, when something wet drags upward from you penis, catching your breath in your throat.
  348. >”Hmm not a bad taste, but I guess one lick isn’t a fair review now is it.”
  349. >Rarity wraps her index and ring finger around the base of your member, before she engulfs your entire length.
  351. >You let out a groan, as you push your hips slightly of the bed.
  352. >Trying to push your penis in deeper.
  353. >The warm wetness that coats it, causes it to throb.
  354. >You hear muffle a moan, as Rarity just lets your member sit in her mouth.
  355. >As much as staying in the dark made the experience better.
  356. >You need to see what is going on.
  357. >Struggling to get the rest of your shirt off, you finally manage to pull it over your head.
  358. >Tossing the shirt off to the side of your bed.
  359. >When you look down, you can see what was going on while you’re in the dark.
  360. >Rarity’s mouth has most of your penis in it, only her two fingers keep her from going all the way down to your base.
  361. >She is also staring up, her cerulean colored eyes staring right back at you.
  362. >As if to say hello, she flicks her tongue around your tip.
  363. >She continues to tease you by licking around you shaft.
  364. >You feel every bump of her taste buds, as her tongue slides across your penis.
  365. >Soon after, her tongue coils around your member, and she starts to bob her head up and down.
  366. >Her eyes never leaving your face.
  367. >You strain, as the pleasure start to build once more.
  368. >Your hips decided to partake in the festivities.
  369. >Thrusting upward in a clumsy attempt to match Rarity’s pace.
  370. >Eventually you get into the groove, thrusting upward when she comes down, and pulling back when she goes up.
  371. >You can feel you climax bubbling, and it won’t be long until you shoot.
  372. >But Rarity has a different plan for you, as she pulls all the way off.
  373. >You member throbs wildly, feeling a bit chilly now that it’s no longer surrounded by a warm mouth.
  374. >That is until it’s replaced by the warm flesh of Rarity’s breast.
  375. >”Why don’t you finish in here Spikey.”
  377. >Well lasting in either outcome was impossible.
  378. >So you answer her question by thrusting you pelvis.
  379. >Rarity giggles, moving her supple breast up and down your length.
  380. >Most of it was mostly grasping at air.
  381. >But the parts that were touch by her tits, felt like rubbing against marshmallows.
  382. >Closing your eyes again, you just let the rhythm control you.
  383. >Your voice find volume the closer you are to your orgasm.
  384. >”Are you close Spikey?”
  385. >A rhetorical question if you’ve ever heard of one.
  386. >”Are you going to reward me for my hard work?”
  387. “Ooohh yeah Rarity, so close.”
  388. >You both pick up the pace.
  389. >Working faster to bring you to the end.
  390. >”Come on Spikey, just cum for me, give me a nice big load in between my breast!”
  391. >You couldn’t take it anymore.
  392. >With one last thrust, your penis cums.
  393. >Bringing forth the orgasm you both have been waiting for.
  394. >Your eyes shoot open, seeing stars, as your body rocks through the orgasm.
  395. >Rarity never stopped her movements.
  396. >Trying to milk you for everything your worth.
  397. >You don’t know how long your orgasm lasted, but when it ends, your body falls back against the bed.
  398. >Gasping for ragged breaths, as you rest through your afterglow, Rarity finally stops.
  399. >”My my, such a display Spikey.”
  400. >You feel her remove her breast from your penis.
  401. >You hear a faint slurp, but you chalk it up to your imagination.
  402. >”Although, I’m going to give Twilight some pointers over your diet.”
  403. >Wait, she couldn't be.
  404. >Forcing your head to look down, you see Rarity dab her finger into you cum, before putting them into her mouth.
  405. >She just smirks as you stare.
  406. >”A little salty, but nonetheless still an enjoyable taste.”
  408. >Well that's another thing you never thought you’d see in a million years.
  409. >Not only is Rarity causally licking up your cum.
  410. >She also brought to the most explosive orgasm you’ve ever had.
  411. >You lay there trying to recover even a bit of strength, while Rarity finishes cleaning up your mess.
  412. >”Well, I think you had enough time to rest.”
  413. >Huh?
  414. >Rarity grab your arms, and pulls up.
  415. >Forcing you to sit up, while she move to lay down on the bed.
  416. >Your mind is sent rattling by the sudden change in position.
  417. >Once your vision stops spinning, you see Rarity laying on her back with her legs spread eagle, lightly rubbing her vagina.
  418. >”Now that you’ve had your fun, I think it’s only fair that I get mine.”
  419. >”Unless those gentleman comments were misplaced.”
  420. >No they weren’t.
  421. “Spike at your service Rarity!”
  422. >Diving in between Rarity legs, you get your first eye of her vagina.
  423. >Puffy, purple outer lips serve as a stark contrast to her white skin.
  424. >Now that you’ve gotten yourself into this situation.
  425. >What do you do next?
  426. >You think back to those teenagers.
  427. >One of them used to proudly say he got his girl to scream his name, while he was licking “down there”.
  428. >Maybe that’s a good place to start
  430. >Stretching your tongue out.
  431. >You light press it against Rarity’s folds.
  432. >Not really tasting anything.
  433. >Well maybe you should actually lick it
  434. >Putting more pressure behind your tongue, and drag it upwards.
  435. >It sinks in between her outer lips, and passes past a bump when it’s done.
  436. >After doing a few more experimental licks.
  437. >You noticed that every time your passes this little bump, Rarity’ body stiffens, and she lets out soft moans.
  438. >So obviously you focus your attention on that.
  439. >Shorting your licks around it.
  440. >Rarity starts to get into it
  441. >Small moans escape her mouth.
  442. >Her body is tremble, and she is struggling to keep her legs from closing on you head.
  443. >You taste more of her juices on your tongue.
  444. >It tastes a bit sweet.
  445. >Now that Rarity is getting some pleasure from what you’re doing.
  446. >What else could you do to make it feel better?
  447. >Well Rarity was using her hand.
  448. >Maybe that would help.
  449. >You stop licking for a second, and taking your left hand, you begin rubbing around her vagina.
  451. >Rubbing in circles the same way Rarity was doing earlier.
  452. >You can feel them get wet from her juices.
  453. >But Rarity doesn’t seem to react the same way she did when you were lick her.
  454. >Maybe you’re doing something wrong?
  455. >Going back to the little bump.
  456. >You start to rub it in semi circles.
  457. >This seems to do the trick, as Rarity starts to shudder again.
  458. >Not letting you other hand stay idle.
  459. >You continue to rub around Rarity’s vagina.
  460. >Working both your hands on it, the area around it gets redder, and Rarity start to moan in earnest.
  461. >Both encourage you to go faster.
  462. >Shortening the length it takes to complete each rub.
  463. >You think you’re doing a good job, when you feel Rarity tap your head.
  464. >Looking up, you can see how flush Rarity’s face has become.
  465. >”You’re doing a wonderful job, but.”
  466. >She reaches a hand down, and grabs one of your hands.
  467. >”Now then, I need you to point out two fingers.”
  468. >Simple instructions to follow, as you do as you’re told.
  469. >She takes your hand, and moves it until your finger tip brush against a hole.
  470. >”Now could you be a dearie, and push those two fingers in.”
  471. >You nod, as you push them in.
  472. >The walls of Rarity’s vagina trying to keep them out, and pull them in.
  473. >”Hmm yes, good boy Spikey.”
  474. >”Oh and could you go back to licking my clitty, your tongue felt simply divine.”
  476. >Well now you have some idea on what to do.
  477. >You move your mouth back towards her “clitty”, and start licking it again, while you push more of your fingers inside of her.
  478. >Going all the way until you stop at the knuckle.
  479. >Pulling your digits back, makes the inside of Rarity’s vagina clamp around them.
  480. >Quickly getting in the habit of moving your fingers in and out.
  481. >Rarity’ gasps out words of encouragement, and tells you to go faster.
  482. >Doing as you are told.
  483. >Your speed up the movements of your tongue and fingers.
  484. >Feeling Rarity body writhe around you.
  485. >Her legs getting closer to your head.
  486. >The wet sounds of your digits entering and exiting, ad Rarity moans fill your ears.
  487. >Suddenly, Rarity’s hand hold the top of your head, and pushes it into her pelvis.
  488. >This makes it harder to move your hand, but twisting it so that your fingers are pointing up fixes that problem.
  489. >But you still encounter a problem, because your new position doesn’t have much room for your arm to move.
  490. >As your fingers rub against the upper wall, they kind curl back slightly.
  491. >In combination with you licks, Rarity almost screams your name.
  492. >Wow that teenager was right!
  493. >This does get girls to scream your name!
  494. >Not taking too much time to stroke your own ego.
  495. >You pick up the pace.
  496. >The usually lady like, and composed Rarity, is now a trembling mess of moans.
  497. >Her legs have locked around your head, keeping you pinned as close as you can to her pelvis.
  498. >All this time spent paying attention to Rarity’s sex, your penis finished its refractory period, and is get hard once again.
  499. >Rarity must have be close to her orgasm.
  500. >Because suddenly she inhales deeply, her legs, and vagina clamp down as hard as they could, and her hand painfully grab a fistful of your hair.
  501. >Her juices wet your mouth, and fingers the longer her orgasm goes on.
  503. >After what feels like an eternity, Rarity’s climax shimmers down.
  504. >Her body relaxes as the afterglow take her.
  505. >Using the moment to wrestle yourself out of her grasp.
  506. >You can see an exhausted, but satisfied Rarity.
  507. >Her face has a smile on it, and her eyes has that far away dreamy look to them.
  508. >Her bountiful mounds follows her chest after every breath she takes.
  509. >My God she's beautiful.
  510. >After her final spasm, she slowly picks herself up.
  511. >Her first response is to kiss you.
  512. >No doubt that she can taste her juices on your lips.
  513. >As she pulls away, she sighs.
  514. >”That was just fantastic Spikey.”
  515. >You feel your cheeks burn from her complement.
  516. >Then you feel Rarity wrap her finger around your penis.
  517. >”Well now, it seems like you’re ready for more.”
  518. >Truth be told you’re not sure how long you would last if Rarity plays around your penis.
  519. >But that thought goes out the window, as she pushes you down onto the bed.
  520. >She hovers her body over your penis, and you get the idea on where she wants to take this next.
  521. >You swallow a lump in your throat, as she lowers herself.
  522. >She touches the tip to the entrance of her vagina.
  523. >She looks you in the eye, before completely lowers her hips.
  524. >Never breaking eye contact with her, you both moan, as the wet crevice wraps around your member.
  525. >You hilt rather quickly, and a thought pops into your head.
  526. “Don’t virgins have a hymen?”
  527. >She giggles at your question.
  528. >”Broke it while I masturbated with toys sweetie, I assure you, you’re the first real thing I’ve put inside.”
  530. >Not wasting anymore time.
  531. >Rarity starts to move her hips up.
  532. >Going as far as to the tip of your penis.
  533. >Before plunging back down.
  534. >Simultaneous moans exits your mouth once she stops at your base.
  535. >She starts to move in a steady pace.
  536. >Her pelvis never staying long on your own.
  537. >The constant grip of her vagina, always pulling when she goes up, and letting go when she comes back down.
  538. >Your mind focuses on nothing, but this new pleasure you’re experiencing.
  539. >The warm wetness that coats your member.
  540. >The shift from warm to cold, as your penis leaves her vagina, leaving it exposed to the cooler air.
  541. >And the sounds of Rarity’s butt slapping against your thighs.
  542. >All new of this is new and exciting, and you find yourself wanting more.
  543. >”Spikey, I hope you don’t plan on making me do all the work.”
  544. “Ummm.”
  545. >You try to move your hips upward.
  546. >But you fail at the timing, pushing up as Rarity was going up.
  547. >This gets a giggle out of her, before she pushes your hips back down onto the bed.
  548. >”Don’t be so eager now Spikey.”
  549. >She has somehow found a way to make you embarrassed, even though you are both naked.
  550. >”Just try and move when I’m coming down okay.”
  552. >Feeling her move once more.
  553. >You tense your muscles in preparations.
  554. >Rarity reaches her apex.
  555. >On her return trip down, you thrust.
  556. >Both of your pelvises impact halfway.
  557. >The sudden collision cause the two you to moan.
  558. >Yeah this does feel better.
  559. >Neither of you stop to savor the moment, as you both continue to move.
  560. >Soon the room is filled with the illicit sounds of sex.
  561. >Your hands roam around Rarity’ legs, and butt.
  562. >Her hands do the same to your chest.
  563. >She then leans down to kiss you.
  564. >The two of you smacking on each others lips.
  565. >Her nipples are hard pressed against yours, and an idea forms in your head.
  566. >Your hands leave her legs, and move up towards her chest.
  567. >Catching her nipples in between your fingers, you start to roll them around.
  568. >She breaks the kiss, before she leans back.
  569. >Her arms keeping her steady.
  570. >Not wanting to be too far from her body.
  571. >You rise up from the bed.
  572. >Taking her left tit in one of your hands.
  573. >You wrap your lips around the nipple.
  574. >A loud moan fills your ears, as Rarity wraps her arms around your back.
  575. >Soon the stable pace that start you two of is forgotten, and is replaced with an increasingly frantic one.
  576. >In fact everything is forgotten, as the world shrinks down to just the two of you.
  577. >After one particularly powerful thrust, Rarity loses her balance.
  578. >Forcing her breast out of your mouth, and causing her to fall off your penis.
  579. >Falling onto the bed, Rarity doesn’t lose any stride.
  580. >Spreading her vagina as an invitation.
  581. >”Come on Spikey, what are you waiting for?”
  583. >No need to be told a second time.
  584. >You quickly move in between rarity’s legs.
  585. >You frantically kiss her, as you try and align your penis.
  586. >Finding your mark, you thrust forward.
  587. >Her vagina welcomes it back by wrapping snugly around it.
  588. >Moving your hips with short, and fast thrust.
  589. >Rarity’s breast bounce wildly after each impact.
  590. >You feel her legs wrap around you, forcing your thrust to be even shorter than they were before.
  591. >Running out of breath, you break off the kiss.
  592. >Both of you panting like dogs, as you stare into each others eyes.
  593. >Everything was going dandy, until you felt your orgasm steadily approaching.
  594. >You may not know everything about sex.
  595. >But you know enough to know what might happen if you finish inside.
  596. >And at the rate you two are going.
  597. >That realm of possibility is sure to happen.
  598. >Trying to hold the floodgates closed until Rarity lets you go.
  599. >You slow down your thrusting.
  600. >She interrupts your concentration with a quick kiss.
  601. >Looking you dead in the eye.
  602. >”Don’t stop.”
  603. “Huh, but wh-“
  604. >Another kiss cuts you off, as she wraps her arms your neck and head.
  605. >”I want you to cum in me.”
  606. >”Forget about what happens next.”
  607. >”Just cum into my womb, and enjoy the moment.”
  609. >Hear the words coming out of her mouth is almost surreal.
  610. >She wants to take the risk.
  611. >But why?
  612. >While your brain was running through a million and one questions.
  613. >You never stopped thrusting.
  614. >Letting your climax sneak up on you.
  615. >And when you realized, it was already too late.
  616. >Your body tenses up.
  617. >Fingers grab the blankets tightly, and your toes curls.
  618. >You moan loudly, as you hilt one last time.
  619. >Your penis throbs as you orgasm.
  620. >Releasing newly created, and fertile semen into Rarity’s vagina.
  621. >You barely have the strength to hold yourself up through your orgasm.
  622. >But when it finally ends.
  623. >You collapse on top of Rarity.
  624. >Gasping for any air your lungs to get inside them.
  625. >Your senses start to null, and you start to feel tired.
  626. >Two orgasms a day usually is nothing for you.
  627. >But two earth shattering ones with the girl of your dreams is a whole different story.
  628. >And before you know it, your eyes start to close.
  629. >Feeling the warmth of Rarity’s body, and her hand stroking through your hair lulls you to sleep.
  631. >You feel yourself waking up, as your alarm goes off.
  632. >Ugh stupid thing.
  633. >And you were having such a good dream too.
  634. >You were content to have it drone on until it automatically went to snooze mode.
  635. >But that plan is ruined when it unexpectedly turns off.
  636. >You feel a shift in the bed, and that peaks your curiosity.
  637. >Forcing your eyes to crack open, you first see a mess of purple hair.
  638. >Wait, what?
  639. >Now fully awake, you open your eyes some more.
  640. >Rarity’ face pops into your vision.
  641. >And now it’s all flooding back to you.
  642. >Last night actually happened.
  643. >Sweet, chalk that up as the best night ever!
  644. >”Spikey, why do you have an alarm set at 5:50 in the morning on Saturday?” Rarity asks before she slowly opens her eyes.
  645. “Twilight likes to wake up early every day.”
  646. >Her response is just an “Hmm”
  647. >The two of you just lay there.
  648. >Neither really wanting to move before the other.
  649. >Well that is Until Rarity starts to giggle.
  650. >”What’s so funny?”
  651. >”Oh nothing, just this.”
  652. >You feel Rarity’s fingertips around your morning wood.
  653. >Your cheeks burn as you get why she’s giggling.
  655. >Rarity moves from underneath the blanket.
  656. >Turning herself around on all fours, so that her rear is facing you.
  657. >She turn her head with a smile on it.
  658. >”What do you think Spikey, one more time before I go.”
  659. >The blanket provides a poor obstacle, as you move from under them with relative ease.
  660. >”Now I know you're eager to start Spikey, but we ladies don’t start so easily.”
  661. >”So let us use that wonderful tongue to get me motivated.”
  662. >Needing no further instructions, you fall to your knees.
  663. >You start by licking the outer folds.
  664. >Alternating between quick flicks, and long drawn out slurps.
  665. >Rarity’s body starts to tremble, as her breathing gets heavier.
  666. >While you’re lapping at Rarity’s vagina, you get an idea.
  667. >If you can put your penis inside of it.
  668. >Why not do the same with your tongue.
  669. >With your mind made up, you spread Rarity’s labia
  670. >Seeing the little hole up close for the first time.
  671. >You line up your tongue.
  672. >Thrusting it through, you get a delightful gasp from Rarity.
  673. >You taste a mixture of Rarity’s juices, and left over semen from last night.
  674. >Trying not to put too much attention to that last part.
  675. >You start moving your tongue around.
  676. >Licking every inch you could reach.
  677. >Using your left hand, you went to work on Rarity’s clit.
  678. >First pinching it, before you swirl it around between two fingers.
  680. >You manage to get Rarity moaning into your bed in mere seconds.
  681. >Her juices flows freely despite your makeshift plug.
  682. >If you could keep her like this all day, you would.
  683. >”Oookay Spikey, III’m warmed up nnow.
  684. >Aww but you were having so much fun.
  685. >Oh well.
  686. >You pull out with one last lick on her walls.
  687. >Lifting yourself to your knees.
  688. >With one hand on Rarity’s butt
  689. >You guide your penis with the other.
  690. >Moving your penis around until your tip found the entrance to her vagina.
  691. >Holding you member steady, you thrust.
  692. >You both moan, as you sink further into her.
  693. >Once you bottom out, you take a second to savor the feeling.
  694. >Rarity’s warm, and wet vagina wraps nicely around your penis.
  695. >Pleasure starts to override your senses.
  696. >And it’s simply too much for an inpatient 14 year old to bare.
  697. >You start to pull your hips back, going back as far as the tip, before you thrust forward.
  698. >Your hips makes a nice slapping sound against Rarity’s butt.
  699. >A sound soon to be repeated, as you get into a rhythm.
  701. >Doing it this was feels vastly different than last night.
  702. >The way your body collides with her.
  703. >Your complete freedom of movement.
  704. >You can decide how fast you can move.
  705. >And there wasn’t anything that could restrain you.
  706. >It felt like you’re in control this time.
  707. >This feeds something primal in you.
  708. >You suddenly up the speed of your thrust.
  709. >You get a gasp from Rarity, but other than that no complains.
  710. >You bend over Rarity’s butt.
  711. >Putting more hips, and legs into every thrust.
  712. >The loud sounds of your balls slapping against her flesh can be heard throughout the room.
  713. >The only thing that could be louder is the moans that escape your mouth.
  714. >Most of your brain focuses on thrusting.
  715. >The other part of your brain moves your hand in between Rarity’s legs.
  716. >It takes you awhile, but you manage to pinch two fingers around her clit.
  717. >You frantically start rubbing it in tandem with your thrusts.
  718. >You can feel Rarity’s body starting to tense.
  719. >It might have been a signal, if you weren’t too preoccupied with your on rising orgasm.
  720. >You can feel it building up to explode.
  721. >But this time there is no hesitation.
  722. >Your mind just simply orders you to breed.
  723. >You lift your body up, and with one final thrust, you scream Rarity’s name.
  725. >Your orgasm shakes you to the bone, as your cum races out of your penis.
  726. >Roughly around the same time, Rarity reaches her climax too.
  727. >The two sexual organs works together.
  728. >One provides the seed.
  729. >The other moves them closer to their goal.
  730. >Both of your climaxes last a fair while.
  731. >Until you feel your penis has given everything it could for now.
  732. >Your member throbs weakly in the still clenching vagina.
  733. >But even that ends soon, as Rarity finally hits her afterglow.
  734. >You don’t know how you manage to.
  735. >But you pull yourself free from her depths.
  736. >Falling backward onto your bed.
  737. >Rarity has a similar idea, as she too fall onto the bed.
  738. >You both panting heavily.
  739. >It some take some time, before anyone does anything.
  740. >”W-well I wasn’t expecting that so soon.”
  741. >Crap did your mess up?!
  742. “S-sorry, didn’t know what came over me.”
  743. >Rarity picks herself up, and turns around.
  744. >She crawls toward to, before plopping herself next to you.
  745. >”Don’t apologize, it’s quite alright.”
  746. >”Just wasn’t prepared that’s all.”
  747. >She smiles, as her hand travels down in between her legs, tenderly rubbing her vagina.
  748. >”Although I do love the results.”
  749. >This brings a smile to your face.
  750. “I love you, Rarity.”
  751. >”And I love you too, Spikey.”
  752. >And with a kiss, you both immortalize your relationship.
  754. (Yes I know Immortalized is used wrong, but I'm a stubborn bastard, and I'm not changing it)

Trials and Errors (MP Story)

by TLA

Tilelover Anon

by TLA

Newlywed Nightmare

by TLA

Twilight's Addiction

by TLA

A Reward From the Queen

by TLA