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The Princess of Lust

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-11 05:30:48
Expiry: Never

  1. The Princess of Lust
  3. >"and you're sure you've got everything under control?"
  4. >"Oh, um... I- I think so, Twilight. At least, I'll do my best."
  5. >"Well, worst comes to worst, you can always send a letter and we'll come rushing home, okay?"
  6. >"P- please try not to worry. I'm probably just being paranoid."
  7. >Fluttershy watches her friends board the train and, with the blow of the whistle, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of their friends set off on their two week trip
  8. >A warmth and a flush of her face notwithstanding, Fluttershy made a quick journey around town, buying everything she would need for a... long needed period of isolation
  9. >Oh, she could catch up with the chores and jobs she had offered to help with later, right now she had a need, and one that she was struggling to keep under control
  10. >her blushing intensified as she entered her home, locked the door with several latches and padlocks, pulled shut the curtains and stared at herself in the mirror
  11. >there, in front of her, was timid, meek Fluttershy. Busty, curvy, fairly tall at 5'9" but a wallflower overall
  12. >except she really wasn't
  13. >she wasn't even *merely* busty and curvy
  14. >unbeknownst to everyone, Fluttershy was of royal blood
  15. >A once thought dead bloodline, but no lesser than Celestia's or even Twilight after her ascention
  16. >"Tsk, stop fussing, Fluttershy and just... *gasp* do it!"
  17. >she sits down and meditates for a time
  18. >once upon a time, that would have been all it needed
  19. >nobody was any the wiser to what she really was thanks to aromatherapy, a quiet period of reflection and just voiding her mind of any thoughts
  20. >but like the last few times, and perhaps the first couple before she learned meditation, Fluttershy squirmed and began to sweat
  21. >and it happened; lewd thoughts danced in her mind, phantasms of naked forms, pleasurable contact and people servicing her every need
  22. >with a loud gasp, Fluttershy's eyes shot open and she leapt to her feet
  23. >she looks down at her D cup bust and watches the well sized mounds quiver and pulse
  24. >Shy briefly wondered if she should strip down
  25. >instead she just giggles and says, her voice more potent and confident, "nah, more fun this way."
  26. >with a long, deep moan, her tits bulge and snap her bra
  27. >"Mmm, yes! More! I need more!!," she cries
  28. >with another shiver and a clench of her body that sent her almost falling to her knees, the plunging neckline of her modest sweater stretched out as her bulging bust filled it to capacity
  29. >"Celestia, eat your heart oouuUUTT!!"
  30. >her knee length skirt burst at the sides as her hips and ass joined in the fun
  31. >now, staring back in the mirror, was a truly voluptuous woman
  32. >but she was still holding back
  34. >no mere moan this time; a trickle of her fluids ran down her legs as she watched her head rise in the mirror
  35. >"More. Just... mmhh!"
  36. >a micro-orgasm and a wide smile, the floorboards creaked but they were drowned out as her clothes burst and fell away from her ludicrously curvy body
  37. >her hair turns from the delicate pink to a deeper, luscious shade of red
  38. >her soft cyan eyes grew darker and glistening like emeralds
  39. >and while she just couldn't see anything but the expanse of her impossible breasts, the womanly and fertile pudge of her soft belly was clear in the mirror; just enough to accentuate her womanly form and disguise the power beneath
  40. >the huge woman's head bumped into the ceiling and the floor cracked and shattered as it was now covered in shreds of once modest clothing and the sheer vastness of her fertile form
  41. >there was muscle underneath the plush flesh, strong enough to shatter boulders or overturn houses, but lusciously smothered so every inch was a feminine curve
  42. >with a satisfied sigh, the goddess reached down and picked up the once full body mirror to looked herself over
  43. >"Welcome back, your majesty," she said to the plump lipped, beautiful and over-sized woman staring back
  44. >as changed as her body was from Fluttershy's own, and even despite still having Fluttershy's face, she radiated confidence, her eyes were intense and piercing instead of soft and welcoming,
  45. >her hair wild and eyecatching instead of smooth, flowing and something to hide behind
  46. >not to mention the lidded eyed, self assured expression that spoke of a woman with needs, a predatory hunger, not some polite doormat
  47. >"Nobody will recognise me... I wonder who I should do today," she ponders, then smiled.
  48. >with a snap of her fingers, her body lost *some* of its newfound size and became wreathed in what looked like silken ribbons that left little to the imagination
  49. >Fluttershy was gone for now; instead was the Princess of Lust
  50. >in a land ruled by friendship and true love, keeping hidden for so long meant passions were reserved for deep relationships, not the carefree enjoyment she represented
  51. >and right now? She had to indulge, and with her presence awake once more, the town would reciprocate as all would pair up beyond their control with passions ignited
  52. >but who would be *her* partner tonight?
  53. >She smiled and squeezed through the door and eyed the innocent town
  54. >why choose when she could have them all?
  55. >today, The Princess of Lust would leave her mark
  57. >the grand orgy was finally over after twenty hours of constant, partner changing pleasure
  58. >it wasn’t a wholly selfish exercise though
  59. >each participant was now several inches longer or larger and thicker, the sign of her power
  60. >but The Princess of Lust was, at last, spent and exhausted
  61. >she stood, sweat (and other fluids) shimmering on her skin in the first light of dawn
  62. >she would have happily slept there, amidst the pile of her subjects, but her power was waning, as shown by her breasts receding from impossible to improbable
  63. >and her towering height shuddering down to ‘only’ 7’3”
  64. >Fluttershy took back over and that budding meekness sent her fleeing into the night, still shrinking as she headed home
  65. >she was back to her pink haired, cyan eyed mortal beauty as she closed the door behind her
  66. >not quite as she was, though; just like her temporary subjects, she was fuller figured with an E cups and another inch of height
  67. >just as she had empowered them, they also empowered her royal blood
  68. >but even her normal strength was spent as her royal blood faded in full and with the last of her will, she collapsed into bed and tried to forget this lapse ever happened
  69. >never again
  70. >back to good, old meek Fluttershy
  71. >but a mere month later...
  72. >running mascara and too much wine
  73. >the deep indigo hair, usually the point of pride, was tussled and messy
  74. >”I can’t believe he just dumped me!” Rarity bawls
  75. >Fluttershy sighs and held the disheveled beauty in her arms as the fashionista’s tears soaked her shoulder and stained her blouse with streaked makeup
  76. >”There there, Rarity; maybe you should seek your prince somewhere closer to home? Someone you know is kind instead of hoping their... um, ‘regal bearing’ is proof they’re kind hearted? There’s plenty of nice men in town. Maybe Big Ma-”
  77. >Rarity snapped back, anger replacing the dramatic sorrow as she gulped down her fifth (maybe sixth?) overfilled glass of wine
  78. >”At this point I swear I’m going to swear off men altogether! Pompous, insensitive luddites! I can do better.”
  80. >Fluttershy suddenly yelps as Rarity’s hand gooses her ass and kisses her neck
  81. >”What are you doing!?”
  82. >”Don’t deny it, darling! The way we’ve always been there for each other? The two most beautiful girls around (royalty notwithstanding) bonded so? It was meant to be!”
  83. >the irony wasn’t lost on Fluttershy as she felt her royal blood sparked anew and caused her breasts to swell up a cup size
  84. >but she was still in control
  85. >for now, at least
  86. >”Please, don’t do this. You don’t know what you’re saying or what would happen if-“
  87. >hands roaming her back, unclasping her bra
  88. >do it, the blood urged
  89. >the power deep within sparked Shy grew hot
  90. >give in, the blood insisted
  91. >the hair dangling in front of Fluttershy’s face and eyes turned a shade darker
  92. >Rarity’s face flushed and she seemed confused for a moment as Fluttershy tried to swallow down her own growing lust
  93. >no! Not again, and right in front of a dear friend? After all these years?
  94. >no...
  95. >the blood cooled and Fluttershy says, “I- I didn’t realise you were into girls. And even then, I would have thought Applejack was more-“
  96. >Rarity sighs, longingly. ”Oh, I would, make no mistake; her strength, her noble, if simple manner... but right now, I need someone with refinement. Softness.”
  97. >their eyes locked
  98. >”Not a prince, but perhaps...”
  99. >Fluttershy’s eyes went wide; no, don’t say it!
  100. >”... instead...”
  101. >boiling hot, her hair deepened further, closer to Pinkie’s shade, her breasts surged against Rarity’s perfectly modest own yet she just had to say it, ignoring the swelling body in the wet-eyes girl’s arms...
  102. >”...a princess!”
  103. >Her heart thumped
  104. >one beat, just Fluttershy
  105. >the next?
  106. >The Princess of Lust, who said, in a voice filled with power, “I accept, if you would but kneel!"
  108. >Rarity, intoxicated or not, obeyed as if it was all she could do
  109. >she stepped back and knelt before the Princess as the already ultra curvy woman bulged outward
  110. >then upward
  111. >”Yes!” was all the former Fluttershy could utter as her glorious body burst through her clothes as a butterfly from a cocoon
  112. >and the outrageous swelling didn’t stop; her bosom, as firm as it was, sunk low until they covered her subtly pudgy belly
  113. >her hips and ass bump against the wall behind her and causes the sturdy structure to crack
  114. >the ceiling fared little better as her head rose to and crashed into it, which sent dust and plaster to the floor like snow as she hit a few inches over eight feet in height
  115. >and the Princess’ eyes and hair deepen in shade until no trace of Fluttershy was left except her beautiful face and fair skin
  116. >with the transformation over, Rarity came to and lifted her head
  117. >”F- Fluttershy? Is that really you?”
  118. >the giantess nods and brushed herself down, then a longing caress of her endless curves with a satisfied sigh
  119. >finally the amazonian woman lifted her baffled companion and planted her lips on hers with peerless intensity
  120. >why fight it? It was meant to be
  122. >Rarity was lost in her indulgence
  123. >this wasn't Fluttershy; this woman was dominant, skilled in her actions as her tongue lapped between Rarity's legs, drawing saliva and Rarity's fluids up her flat, taut belly
  124. >and suckles on her breasts as hands held her body and stroked, fingers running deep
  125. >a woman who not only knew what she wanted, but took it, as a royal should!
  126. >Rarity screamed in primal bliss for perhaps the sixth time as firm fingers plunged deep within her womanhood
  127. >and before she could recover, and with surprising gentleness, Rarity's princess kissed her on the lips, tender and caring
  128. >"Am I not worthy of worship?
  129. >"Yes! I am yours, in body and soul!"
  130. >The princess smiles and kisses Rarity deeply, intensely
  131. >only this time, a spark joins them, raw power taken from the unknowing well of lust and spreads through Rarity's form
  132. >and she begins to grow; like the temporary subjects from the Lust Princess' orgy, but something else came with it
  133. >memories from Fluttershy, tender moments shared, friendship kindled and a deeper form of love also crossed the energy shared
  134. >and with it, Rarity became a ravishing woman; no longer merely beautiful, but fuller figured, stronger and taller
  135. >"Now, you have some catching up to do, my dear Rarity."
  136. >the subject smiles and begins to savour the endless curves of her master, and knows she must return the favour ten fold
  137. >Rarity had her wish, her sought after princess, and the Princess had awoken to her first true subject as they shared a long, long night in burning bliss
  139. >Applejack hesitates as she stood before Rarity’s shop
  140. >the Carousel Boutique had been closed for two days and nobody had seen its owner nor Fluttershy in that time
  141. >although some folk swore they heard the voices of both at times, and the lights turned on and off, which halted any investigation out of politeness
  142. >the tall, buff blond girl finally raised a fist and knocked
  143. >she sighs with relief when she hears Rarity’s muffled voice, and after a few moments, the door opens
  144. >Applejack takes half a step back, gasps, stare and blushes deeply
  145. >in the smallest possible silken nightgown that could be considered to offer modesty, were two full, huge F cup breasts that hung firmly with pride from the once average (but perfectly shaped) chest of Rarity, who was also almost as tall as AJ
  146. >”Applejack, darling! What a pleasant surprise! What ever can I do for you?”
  147. >”Uh,” the farm girl finally pulls her eyes away from the expanse of cleavage before her, “n- nothin’! I mean, somethin’? I-“
  148. >”Goodness me, you look a little off-colour, my dear. Please, come in! Let me get you some water.”
  149. >AJ entered and followed Rarity into the living area of the store, where the inside seemed fine except a crack in a wall and a dent in the ceiling
  150. >”I could probably patch those up for ya, but first, is Fluttershy here? Everyone’s been real worried.”
  151. >Rarity placed a glass of water in front of Applejack, who gulped it down to steady her nerves
  152. >the two hard working girls always had a lingering tension, both equally proud and stubborn, but the way Rarity was dressed and presented herself got the farm girl flustered
  153. >but the way those blue eyes now looked her over, as if studying a fine piece of art; pure adoration that stirs her no-nonsense heart into beating faster
  154. >Rarity's eyes light up even more as they looked over the farm girl’s shoulder, and that adoration turned to worship
  155. >a voice, powerful and regal, behind Applejack says, “I’m here, and I’m perfectly fine, AJ. You’re just the woman I wanted to see.”
  157. >Applejack turns around and her jaw goes slack
  158. >Fluttershy looks like she's been poured into what would normally be a loose set of denim overalls
  159. >Applejack’s overalls, in fact
  160. >she had left them with Rarity to have them repaired (and at a refusal to have them made ‘more fanciful’)
  161. >she was a big girl and finding well fitted overalls was a struggle, so she knew them inside and out, ankle to strap
  162. >the fact Fluttershy was not only tall enough that the legs cut off at her calves and, for the second time in minutes, there was the near foot length of cleavage exposed to her, barely held back by the tense shoulder straps
  163. >”Sorry we haven’t been in touch, but Rarity’s been designing a new wardrobe for me. It seems I’ve had a bit of a growth spurt lately that’s really forced me out of my shell but it’s been exhausting.”
  164. >Rarity clapped daintily. ”Isn’t it marvellous? Fluttershy was gorgeous before, but it seems she’s been holding back her real beauty. Rather like how you tend to hide yours behind, and I mean this in the most kind way, rough and tumble workers facade.”
  165. >a tough, boyish woman, Applejack found the compliment pierced deep
  166. >”Wha’? Naw,” Applejack blushed for her own sake for once, “I ain’t nothin’ special.”
  167. >Fluttershy wrapped her arms around Applejack’s toned belly and pulled her close, hugging her back and resting her chin on AJ’s head as her soft bosom cradled it on the sides
  168. >”You’re a desirable woman who has yet to be untapped and unleashed. You just need a gentle push. Show her, Rarity.”
  169. >Rarity smiled and approached, arms spread and Applejack was smothered in soft flesh from both sides
  170. >any will to escape was gone. Replaced with a burning in her heart and a wetness between her legs
  172. >the tension Applejack always had with Rarity was for a reason; Rarity loved proud people, and there were few prouder than the farm girl
  173. >and Applejack, as much as she tried to hide it, wanted nothing more than to spend her immense strength and let loose; she wanted to dominate any partner and spend her relentless stamina
  174. >there was little magic that really influenced her as Applejack licked her lips
  175. >even Rarity was shocked as the sturdy woman darted forward and planted a kiss on her first, and forced the two of them to the ground as clothes were peeled off and limbs entangled
  176. >The Princess of Lust let her disguise, or as much of her form restored to Fluttershy's body as possible, fell away and she burst from the overalls as she joined the pair
  177. >Applejack couldn't bite back the anger as she was pulled from Rarity's smothered form and the Lust Princess pressed her lips on AJ's own
  178. >wordlessly, the farm girl lifted Rarity with ease off the ground and the trio took themselves upstairs to Rarity's bedroom, which was already heady with perfume and incense
  179. >as much as she wanted to enjoy this, the Lust Princess watched as Applejack threw Rarity on the bed like a hunter hauling her prey
  180. >but before she could jump on herself, Applejack gasps and stumbles
  181. >her powerful, long limbed body bulged with curves, then packed on even more muscle
  182. >AJ's simple clothes tore free, exposing the hard lines and ridges from a lifetime of hard work
  183. >undeterred with the transformation, the amazon climbed on top of Rarity's waiting form
  184. >and the boutique fell silent again
  186. >”It’s totally a secret cult!” Pinkie chirps. “With the secret clubhouse, and the secret members, and the secret boob-boosting non-brand drink mix that may or may not send everyone to the even more super secret afterlife and/or alternate secret dimension!”
  187. >”Nah, you guys're just being paranoid,” Rainbow dash says as she lounges on a bench
  188. >all three are in a magically constructed treehouse overlooking the boutique as Twilight continues to observe through a telescope
  189. >depending whom you ask, it's either a stakeout, a secret slumber party or a huge waste of time
  190. >Twilight sighs. "I'm being serious. Our friends might be in danger and we can't be too careful."
  191. >undeterred, Dash continues, “I’ve heard people say Rarity’s preparing a new fashion line and using Shy as a model. Not that I care; I’m always in style.”
  192. >Twilight hums to herself and writes in her log book. “Something’s going on. Half the town suddenly had their sexual characteristics enhanced a month ago and nobody knows why or how. Now I keep feeling weird magic surges inside and we know Rarity had a large delivery of food, drink and fabric delivered by Ditzy and she was enhanced too.”
  193. >”Why don’t we just knock and ask?” Pinkie shrugs and sends her plush, curvy frame in a subtle jiggle; she was fit as a fiddle from her constant high energy activities, but her appetite left her all thickly padded woman for her childish attitude
  194. >”Yeah, why don’t we? Instead of staying cooped up here all day?” Dash flips to her feet and stretches her limber, thin and toned, if short, body and strokes her rainbow hair back
  195. >the formerly short, dumpy bookworm, now a tall, curvy princess (though still a bookworm), huffs and shut her journal. “Fine, we’ll try it- huh? Oh my gosh!”
  196. >Twilight gawps through the scope, then Pinkie and Dash all fight for a peek
  197. >with a grumble, Twilight conjures two more from her castle and her group peer at the distant boutique
  198. >with all three focusing in, they spot Applejack forcing herself free from the boutique's doors
  199. >while they knew she was tall, the fact she had to duck below the frame and her hips took up the full width of the doorway was anything but normal sized, let alone how much stronger she looks
  200. >then Rarity joined her, complete with a body that rivaled Twilight's, if not surpassed it, instead of her usual ample but conventional curves
  201. >each voyeur gasps as AJ playfully slapped Rarity’s ass
  202. >she squeals, giggles then spins and kisses the taller farm girl like long-time lovers
  203. >AJ had to be seven feet tall and then some, with Rarity over six
  204. >then there was Fluttershy, who seemed normal until she grew once outside
  205. >she stopped at 8’4” tall. wearing a beautiful gown that hugged the once meek girl’s new massive curves and exposed more flesh it covered, her hair a vibrant red and eyes a glittering green
  207. >the trio shared a deep, affectionate hug and went their separate ways
  208. >in a flurry of orders, Twilight sent her group in pursuit
  209. >Pinkie bounced after Rarity as she wandered the town to do some shopping
  210. >Dash zipped from cover to cover as AJ returned towards her farm
  211. >and Twilight teleported from rooftop to rooftop, following the massive Fluttershy as she headed home
  212. >some understandably stared at the massive woman, but most offered a respectful bow, not only as if she always looked like this, but as if in the presence of royalty
  213. >and each that did was bustier than Twilight remembered (and, with a blush, noted the guys looked more... ample down there)
  214. >Fluttershy enters her cottage at the edge of the forest, or tries to
  215. >already ducking below the doorframe and trying to slide each boob at a time, she huffs; she was just too big
  216. >and to Twilight’s amazement, she snaps her fingers and shrinks back to her old self
  217. >at least for a moment, then her body re-expands, so she angrily snaps her finger again and slips through before again filling back out, and reached for the door
  218. >Twilight teleports next to the door and slips her foot in the way, blocking the door from shutting
  219. >”Can I come in? We need to talk.”
  220. >Fluttershy barely seems surprised and simply gestures for her to enter
  222. >Twilight enters, shuts the door and demands, ”I’ll give you one chance to explain yourself, whoever you are! No tricks!”
  223. >Fluttershy, being substantially larger, didn’t look impressed, but more bemused
  224. >”You seem worked up, Twilight. If you want, we could always talk this over in a more... enjoyable way to help you relax.”
  225. >Twilight had theories; was she actually Queen Chrysalis? Some sort of succubus? Possessed by an ancient spirit?
  226. >before she could ponder further, whoever Fluttershy was stepped forward, and the Princess of Friendship felt her mind being addled
  227. >in a budding, deep but growing pit of Twilight’s mind, she wanted to tear both their clothes off and indulge in this majestic, powerful beauty
  228. >she drifts to meet the giantess, raises her hands to Fluttershy’s gorgeous face... and with a surge of magic, invades her mind
  229. >on the outside, the two women appeared to stare at each other, tenderly
  230. >inside, Twilight saw a grand gala, a garden, adorable animals that... hated her?
  231. >she felt slighted. She felt a yearning to be cared about, loved...
  232. >it wasn’t what she truly desired, but the simple love of these critters held something at bay, suppressed an old, evil desire
  233. >a hunger
  234. >it was bubbling up
  235. >she pursues the critters as they flee towards a grand door, barges it open and screams “you’re going to LOVE ME!!”
  237. >a blast of magic, and the two princesses flew back against the walls
  238. >Twilight cracked the wood and masonry surface but bounced off, bruised but otherwise unharmed
  239. >Fluttershy completely crashed through hers and was silent for a moment
  240. >”Fluttershy?”
  241. >”Wha?” The massive woman sat up
  242. >her hair was pink, cyan eyes roamed and tried to focus
  243. >then one look at the sheer expanse of her impossible body, she squealed and tried to cover herself and finally just sat quietly, blushing
  244. >”Are you back with us, Fluttershy? More importantly, are you hurt?”
  245. >”Oh. T-that all really happened, didn’t it? I lost control...”
  246. >Twilight sighs; this was the gentle girl she knew for years. “You’d better explain.”
  247. >Which Fluttershy did; her secret royal bloodline, her need to meditate once a month at least, and if that failed occasionally subdue the other side of her with excessive, lustful acts that gave part of her power to both enhanced others, but made them serve her and untapped their seductive sides
  248. >or how Shy guessed Twilight’s magic awakening as a kid, the one spurred by Rainbow Dash's rainboom dive (and also that was likely a , also stirred the power inside her and it hadn’t appeared in her mother or anyone in generations
  249. >even her infamous stare was her tapping into this power by accident
  250. >but most of all, it was all her; as real a part of Fluttershy as her kindness and gentle nature
  251. >and now, because of losing control, she had afflicted Rarity and Applejack with her power and they were primed to spread her influence further
  252. >”You can stop AJ and Rarity, right? I sent the others to follow them.”
  253. >”I- I don’t really know how to fully control it, but I’ll try.”
  254. >elsewhere...
  256. >Dash continued her pursuit,
  257. >not that keeping up was difficult due to her leisurely pace
  258. >or keeping track of AJ either, since she was head and shoulders over everyone else
  259. >even out of town, with only the occasional tree for cover, Dash’s speed made it easy
  260. >right up until the final turn into Sweet apple acres, where Dash charged in after a few seconds and growing impatient
  261. >only to run straight into the hard abs of AJ, with her plaid shirt offering no padding, and sending the speedster on her keister
  262. >”Y’know, if yer gonna follow someone, maybe try not sprintin’ so fast ya kick up half the road tryin’ta stop.”
  263. >AJ proved her point by brushing a hand through her thick, blond hair and pulling out a few pebbles and twigs
  264. >”Oh crabapples. Well, whatever,” Dash flips up onto her feet and puts up her dukes. “Alright, what’s the big idea? What’s the big scheme? And what’s with all the bigness?”
  265. >”I could tell ya, but...” AJ just steps forward; Dash once being chest high and now only belly high was pretty damn scary. “What’d be the fun in that?”
  266. >Dash first tries to push the goliath in front of her, but as that yields no results, she tries a punch, but it feels like she hit a brick wall as it contacted AJ’s abs
  267. >then the giantess clasped a hand around Dash’s wrist and lifted her clear off the floor, face-to-grinning face
  268. >”Let’s not fight, Sugarcube. If you wanna release some stress, all ya had to do was ask.”
  269. >AJ pursed her lips and pulled Dash in for a kiss
  270. >Dash could have broken free, but she felt paralysed, no... she wanted to meet AJ in the middle, kiss her back
  272. >only for the bigger girl to gasp and let Dash go as she clutched her head, her hat falling to the dirt
  273. >Dash felt her senses return, and tried to catch AJ as she fell to her knees
  274. >of course trying to catch a woman who’s over twice your weight, it was more cushioning the fall
  275. >Dash was pinned beneath AJ, who finally gasped and started breathing normally, then their eyes met
  276. >”Can’t... breathe...”
  277. >”What in the hay? Dash? Aw heck, I thought I was dreamin’! Hold on, lemme get off’ya.”
  278. >”Forget it, of course I’m fine, takes more than that to put me out of commission. More importantly, are you alright?”
  279. >”Dang, I...” AJ looks down at her enlarged form, then collects her fallen hat as she says “think I’ve put on a li’l weight but yeah. Kinda feels like I’d dipped into Granny Smith’s secret hard cider stash again. Head’s real foggy...”
  280. >”Well, c’mon big girl; let’s get you home. Twilight wants to find out what was going on at Rarity’s place but I don’t wanna try carrying you if you keel over on me.”
  281. >Dash helps AJ to her feet, propped herself against the massive farm girl and the pair headed to the old homestead
  282. >it was quiet inside; Applebloom was at school, Big Mac was working and Granny Smith was visiting one of their many relatives
  283. >so AJ slumps on her bed, which creaks loudly from her weight, and Dash pulls up a chair
  284. >”alright, spill it; what went on in the Boutique?”
  285. >AJ blushed deeply, cleared her throat and acted her element; brutally honest. “I... uh... spent two days bumpin’ uglies with Shy and Rarity, grew bigger and sexier and enjoyed every second of it?”
  286. >Dash gawped, turned red, shook her head, and asked, “maybe start at the beginning?”
  288. >meanwhile...
  289. >Rarity also knew she was being followed
  290. >Pinkie was both too brightly dressed, people were openly greeting her and she was hollering back
  291. >it didn’t matter; Rarity strutted her new height and expanded curves in a fashionably tight ensemble that revealed a little ass and a lot of chest cleavage
  292. >so many eyes were on her, and she felt amazing
  293. >but as fun as this was, Rarity rounded a corner and waited; it was time to bring Pinkie into the fold
  294. >any second, the bubbly, bouncy girl would round the corner and-
  295. >”HI RARITY!”
  296. >the fashionista screams and spins around, only to be glomped by the thickly build woman
  297. >”Ah! Yes, hello, darling. Just who I was looking fo-“ she was interrupted by a poke in her sizeable chest
  298. >”How’d you get the new boobs? Magic? What spell? Or potion? Or poison joke?”
  299. >”Oh, good. If you’re interested,” Rarity cleared her throat and turned on the fluttering eyelashes and purring tone, “perhaps we could go somewhere more suitable for such passionate secrets?”
  300. >”Here works fine. Unless you mean the secret is sex.”
  301. >Rarity blinks and stumbles over her words, before finally stuttering, “well, not sex, as such, just shows of attraction and affection in the name of Princess...“
  302. >Rarity trails off as Pinkie develops a mischievous grin and licks her lips
  303. >then plants Rarity with a massive kiss
  304. >it was so forceful, the magically taller woman was floored as Pinkie kept on
  305. >and on
  306. >and still on as people watched and blushed
  308. > “... mmmmwahh!” Pinkie finally lifts herself up and giggles
  309. >and after a couple of seconds, Rarity sits up and gasps for air
  310. >”My gracious- I mean, goodness word- uh,” Rarity still looked dazed as Pinkie looked herself over
  311. >”well? Am I bigger yet? C’mon, Rarity; when does it happen,”
  312. >Rarity finally says, “oh, I feel a bit peculiar... the last thing I remember clearly is a little wine and pouring my heart out to Fluttershy, then...”
  313. >she trails off and blushes, then goes wide eyed and somehow turns even redder. “Oh... I need to apologise to Applejack and Fluttershy. I fear I’ve made a spectacle of myself and possibly damaged our relationship. Pinkie, could you- oh no.”
  314. >all eyes were on the plump and womanly party girl as her smile went ear to ear
  315. >a tingle ran through her, then her boobs suddenly surged a cup size bigger, then another to a G cup that tore her top
  316. >she looked over her shoulder as her generous butt strained her skirt, and her legs grew longer, sending the 5’6 girl up to 6’0
  317. >”now we’re talking!”
  318. >Rarity watched with wonder, then gasped as Pinkie suddenly had one last surge and swell
  319. >clothes split and ripped as Pinkie gasped and her eyes crossed as she hit 6’4, her hips tore the sides of her skirt and head sized bust overhung her pudgy belly and stopped at J cups
  321. >”all eyes turned to Twilight as she ran around the corner and said, “shoot! We’re too late! Rarity must have already used her charms on Pinkie.”
  322. >Rarity huffed and snapped, “I’ll have you know Pinkie did this to herself!”
  323. >Fluttershy gingerly approached, now wearing several bed sheets tucked into her Princess of Lust robe to plug the skin exposing holes and still bright red with embarrassment, as the crowd stepped aside for the giantess
  324. >”I’m so sorry for all of this, girls. I don’t know how to shrink you back! You must think I’m a monster...”
  325. >Pinkie giggles, rolls her pretty blue eyes and says, “yeah, oh no, we’re all super hot; whatever will we do?”
  326. >Twilight shakes her head, helps Rarity up, who’s a little taller than her and still curvier, and says, “so clearly those influenced by the Lust power can still pass it on and are still, well, big, but at least they have their senses back. We should hurry up and find Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”
  327. >Rarity adjusted and made herself more presentable .”I would assume they’re at Sweet Apple Acres. I just wish we knew if everything was alright there.”
  328. >Shy taps her chin on thought. ”I don’t sense Applejack’s spread her power, but I also haven’t yet felt Pinkie joi-” she gasps and shivers as a smug and pleasured smirk forms and her hair turns a shade darker, bust swelling a little and she inches taller
  329. >Twilight places her hands on Shy’s head and, after a brief glow of power, the voluptuous girl blushes and seems herself again
  330. >Twilight explains, ”whenever Fluttershy’s influence spreads, she gets her own boost that emboldens the Lust aspect,” Twilight says, “but I think this crisis has been averted if Fluttershy hasn’t had another dose of power, Rarity's spreading to Pinkie notwithstanding, so Dash must be safe and AJ should have her senses. Let’s head to the farm and see about fixing this!”
  332. >a mile of walking later...
  333. >”Why aren’t we teleporting there, again?” Rarity pouted. “I’m getting dirt all over my favourite walking shoes!”
  334. >Twilight grumbled, “it’s taking too much of my power to hold that... other part of Fluttershy back, thanks to Pinkie’s extra boost-“
  335. >”You’re welcome!”
  336. >”Grr... besides, Rarity; you literally just bought them today because all your old shoes don’t fit any more, how can they even be your favourites? You know what? Never mind, it doesn’t matter, we should be fine. We just meet up with AJ and Dash, talk this through and work out a cure.”
  337. >Shy sighs with relief, “thank goodness. I don’t know if I could hold back any more power. Even that other side of me is struggling to keep it under control.”
  338. >with that, the four tall, curvy girls continue towards the farm
  339. >back with AJ and Dash;
  340. >”So yeah. That’s what I remember, anyhow.”
  341. >Rainbow Dash mopped her forehead with her sleeve; AJ went into serious detail about the last couple of nights and to say the lithe girl was a little hot and bothered was an understatement
  342. >Applejack sat back on her bed, the wood creaking loudly from her powerful 7’3 body, and says, ”can’t my say I didn’t enjoy it, and I’d kinda been crushin’ on Rarity a little, but I think I’d rather stay friends. Just hope this don’t make things weird between us.”
  343. >Dash gives AJ a reassuring pat on the knee. ”I’m sure it’ll be fine. We’re all close and know each other, right? Hopefully Twi has Fluttershy under control and we can forget this all ever happened.”
  344. >Applejack blushed a little. “This whole mess kinda did help with one thing; I feel more ready for a relationship now.”
  345. >Applejack removes her hat, which is now a little small for her, and gently places it on Dash’s head
  347. >”What do you mean?” Dash asks, unsure. She adjusts the hat, moves to sit besides Applejack and they look each other in the eye
  348. >the farm girl leans forward, elbows on knees. ”I respect all our friends, and Rarity’s a hard workin’ gal, which I’ve always found attractive, but I don’t think it would work. I’ve always wanted someone who pushed me to punch past my limits. One thing I remember about these two days is I need someone tough and fit to keep up with me.”
  349. >Dash shrugs, “makes sense. I don’t know if I’ve ever thought about stuff like that. Guess I’m the same; I’d need someone who can keep up with me and make me want to improve.”
  350. >”Darn tootin’! None’a this gentle hogwash. Someone who can grab ya by the horns and really get physical! Someone who ya can rely on. Someone strong and” AJ’s pauses as her eyes wander Dash’s body, “loyal.”
  351. >”Yeah! Someone honest and can give as good as they get. Hah, sounds a bit like-“
  352. >Dash blushes madly and they both clear their throats and giggle a little
  353. >”I mean, it could be worth a try,” AJ says and gently tips Dash’s face to hers and they just stare for a moment
  354. >”S- sure! Nobody I respect more t- than you... I- just- um...”
  355. >”I know; I’m a bit big. I’ll be careful...”
  356. >”N- no, it’s just that... I haven’t- um...”
  357. >Applejack raised an eyebrow, tilted her head and said, “yer redder than Applebloom’s hair, Dash. What’s wrong?”
  358. >”I’ve never... even kissed...” Dash trailed off
  360. >Applejack chuckles, but it was kind sounding instead of mocking as she wrapped an arm around Dash’s shoulders
  361. >”That’s alright, girlie. No shame in it!”
  362. >”Surprised you have, though. You’ve never really talked about it, then suddenly you’re gabbing on about what you did with Rares and Shy.”
  363. >”Heck, y’all think those rodeo an’ farmin’ tournaments are just about competin’? Winners get their pick o’the bunch, and I won plenty! Pro’lly gonna win even more now!”
  364. >Applejack flexes her other arm and Dash watches in wonder; the overall size of AJ just enhanced how strong she looked, let alone that she was clearly more muscular too
  365. >Dash looked down at AJ’s thigh, which was wider than Dash’s whole body, and ran a hand over it, and felt the muscle bulge as the farm girl's leg tenses, and their eyes meet again
  366. >AJ leans down and the pair have a gentle kiss, then they slowly lower themselves into AJ’s bed
  367. >AJ lets Dash set the pace, yet the feisty girl settles in and even tries to take charge
  368. >then she gasps; her arms and legs flex and swell
  369. >her small breasts bulge to a respectable D cup, and her tight ass grew some padding
  370. >finally the 5’2 girl stretches longer and grows to what would be an impressive 5’10
  371. >except AJ still looms over her, and wordlessly decides to try out Dash’s new body for herself, with no objections in return
  373. >Dash's experience may have been lacking, but as usual, her spirit made up for it
  374. >the pair fought for dominance; AJ's sheer size, strength and stamina, as always, being challenged by speed, guts and peak athletic conditioning
  375. >the tangle of limbs would look like wrestling, were it not for the loud kisses and giggles as each supped on each other's peerless physiques
  376. >suddenly, Dash is pinned to the tortured bed as AJ kisses the lithe girls breasts, suckling on her erect nipples, then trailing her kisses lower, pecking each cleanly defined abdominal
  377. >AJ then licked her way down, around the multi-coloured tuft of pubic hair, and she drove her tongue into Dash's slit
  378. >the high squeal from the brazen athlete made AJ smirk, but she didn't relent as she laps deeper and harder
  379. >while she had pleasured herself, Dash wasn't prepared for just how damn hot having a practiced partner could be, and each lick drew closer to her clit
  380. >within seconds, she screams and buries the back of her head into AJ's pillow and bites her lip as her body tenses and only AJ's firm, overpowering grip stops her from throwing herself off the bed from the spasms
  381. >"Ah! Shi...!" is all Dash can mutter as Applejack crawls up beside her and wipes her face clean of Dash's femcum on a blanket
  382. >"So, how was it, short stuff?" AJ asks and rests a hand over Dash's chest as she recovers her breath
  383. >then, as her mind comes back from the climax, the overconfident girl huffs, "Not bad, but I can do it better! How about you rest your big butt and let me show you how it's done?"
  384. >Applejack chuckles and does as instructed; she rests on her bed as Dash climbs on top of her
  385. >the size difference makes Dash's work that much harder, but she's certainly determined
  386. >AJ sighs at the tender, if inexperienced, attention; each copied kiss of her hard body makes her relax a little more, and as Dash gets lower and lower, the inexperience shows once more as Dash nibbles on AJ's button
  387. >the farmgirl bucks her huge, brawny body, throwing Dash clear off the bed, and she yelps and shouts, "ease up, darn it! Ya gotta settle in slow and build up; not everythin' works better bein' fast!"
  388. >Dash climbs back on, blushing and embarrased, and she gulps, almost certainly her pride, "uh... dang it, maybe I do need some pointers. Wanna guide me through this, Jackie?"
  389. >AJ nods, and slowly guides the smaller girl through her paces
  390. >and is thrilled that she's a quick study as AJ screams with her own climax at a volume that shook the house and her bucking breaks the bed
  391. >and after two days of lust, AJ enjoys something a little more pure as they cuddle, recover and prepare for another round
  393. >Twilight knocks on AJ’s door and there’s a commotion on the other side; female gasps, creaking and cracking wood, muffled voices and cussing
  394. >Twilight calls out, ”is everything alright? Hold on, I’m coming in!”
  395. >”Don’t you dare, Twilight! Just an applebuckin’’ sec!” AJ says. There’s a ripping of fabric, punctuated with, “gosh darn it!”
  396. >after a few more seconds, the door opens to the looming, still 7’3 frame of Applejack with wild bed-hair, wearing tight, torn panties and a ridiculously small jacket that just barely covers her nipples
  397. >”Sorry to interrupt, but... wait, is that Dash’s jacket?”
  398. >”I see Canterlot, I see Prance,” Pinkie chirps from behind, “I see Dashie has no underpants! Ooh, it’s even rainbow down there!”
  399. >Twilight can’t help but peer around the massive farm girl to Dash
  400. >the little rainbow tuft stood out, along with her newly enhanced body; she was closer to AJ’s original powerful build and as curvy as Shy originally was
  401. >one arm across her larger breasts, Dash yelps and covers her colourful exposure with AJ’s hat and dips behind the ruined bed
  402. >”*Ahem*,” Applejack blocks more of the door. “What’s the problem?”
  403. >”A huge one now, because of you and Dash-“
  404. >AJ slams a hand on the doorframe, which sends a shudder through the house and cuts Twilight off, and the giantess growls, “of all the people who’d judge, I’d never have thought it’d be you!”
  405. >Rarity raises her hands and says, “no, of course not! Good for you, I say! You're a delightful match. What she means is this whole Fluttershy situatio-“
  406. >”Wait, where *is* Fluttershy?” Pinkie muses, and look around at the absence of the largest girl there. “She’s real sneaky for being so massive!”
  407. >Twilight gasps, “oh no, it’s already happening!”
  409. >the gang got outside just in time to see Fluttershy cry out in ecstasy
  410. >her hair burned red, her eyes deep green and wide
  411. >and her her already form hugging gown grew tight around her, the tucked blankets falling away
  412. >the towering woman bulged out and upward, as head sized breasts snapped and tore through the sheer fabric
  413. >nine feet, then ten as she outgrew her outfit and looked down at the diminutive other princess and her subjects
  414. >Twilight watched as each girl gasped in pleasure and grew larger still
  415. >Applejack grew up to eight feet and rippling with strength; her, thighs and ass so absurdly large she could topple trees with a swing of her hips
  416. >Dash, still the shortest of the afflicted, was now as tall as Twilight at 6’4, but more womanly even as every groove of muscle stood out as she flexed
  417. >Rarity followed Fluttershy’s example and became the vision of exaggerated beauty; huge breasts, wide swinging hips and just as gorgeous as before but now a lofty 7’2
  418. >Pinkie was Shy’s level of curves on a 6’9 frame, packed down and so wildly ridiculous, just like the woman herself
  419. >and all turned their eyes, now a flat colour of their normal eyes, with a dull glow
  420. >and Fluttershy finally stopped growing at a full fourteen feet tall, and her eyes radiated green, her hair flowing like true flame in slow motion
  422. >Shy’s stare froze Twilight in place and her voice shook the air, “hold her!”
  423. >unable to move, the princess of friendship was her by AJ and Dash as Rarity and Pinkie gently caressed her face and body
  424. >”I was so used to surviving on scraps, strangers offered little, but with each kindred soul, I’ve grown so much stronger! I can’t even begin to imagine how much power I’ll get from you... I need to savour it.”
  425. >Fluttershy ran her hands over her own body, energy crackling from her fingers, and earning a deep moan as she stroked between her legs
  426. >so distracted was the Princess of Lust, Twilight felt control return to her; she had to think of a way out before she was converted too
  427. >that much power would make Fluttershy more powerful than Celestia
  428. >but Shy had no real magic experience besides her stare and that reflected in the Princess of Lust; she’s been suppressed until just recently and relied on brute force
  429. >even now, her fingers were venting magic and it radiated off of her; Twilight doubted her transformed friend would remain so powerful for long as it seeped away
  430. >but Shy had her at her mercy, yet seemed conflicted on what to do, as if she couldn’t risk such a large dose of power
  431. >Twilight watched Shy grow increasingly aroused at her own majesty, and threw out a baiting submission
  432. >”fine, Fluttershy; get it over with. Take me! You win.”
  433. >she looked Twilight over, licked her lips, but frowned and said, uncertain, “n- no... uh, I won’t deprive my subjects of that pleasure. They will sup on your strength over time. I shall indulge once they have had their fill.”
  434. >then Twilight wasn’t being held; she teleported, her arms around Shy’s neck
  435. >and kissed her, deep and passionately as she poured all her magic straight into her
  437. >stunned, Fluttershy stood in place at first as the kiss went on as long as Twilight could, then finally the giantess pushes her away, but it was too late: Shy’s body twitched as if electrocuted as her power surged
  438. >at first the build up was pleasant and made her stronger, but it kept going
  439. >it wasn’t stopping as Shy’s eyes flared with light and she desperately sought a way to expend it, but she panicked as everything become hypersensitive; the arousal she could invoke in others just built within her, attacking her own body
  440. >almost instantly, all the girls present cried out and moaned at Shy’s overflowing magic effected them too
  441. >Twilight felt an intense love for Shy, only slightly less that for her friends, even a burning desire for everyone she even just liked, that she felt the urge to pass on to others as she felt the onset of the Lust Princess’ influence
  442. >but it wasn’t evil, just a little selfish
  443. >maybe even desperate, lonely even
  444. >but it faded as intense arousal took hold
  445. >once more, all of them slowly expanded further
  446. >but none more than Twilight and Fluttershy
  447. >The Princess of Friendship and Magic howled and climaxed instantly as she exploded through her clothes
  448. >the already tall, leggy woman shot upward, surpassing her friends one by one, before matching Shy’s fourteen feet height
  449. >except Shy wasn’t that small any more
  450. >the ever growing woman pleasures herself beyond her control, cries of bliss filling the air and the ground rumbled
  451. >every attempt to gain control and stopping her rapid spurt ends the same; another climax that sends her howling as she hits thirty feet, forty, fifty
  452. >then, with a lustful scream that could be heard across the land, the Princess of Lust came so hard she lost consciousness, her femcum spraying the dirt like heavy rain
  453. >then all sixty feet of her impacted the ground as she fell on her back, causing a quake that was felt in town
  454. >and in the silence that followed, Twilight panted from exhaustion of expelling so much power
  455. >the fourteen foot princess watched as each girl started to shrink, and they all passed out
  457. >Fluttershy came to in a comfortable bed, with morning light darting through the curtains
  458. >she recognised the room as one in Twilight’s castle
  459. >and snoozing in a nearby chair was Twilight Sparkle herself
  460. >it all seemed normal, as if everything had just been a bad dream
  461. >but it wasn’t; the memories were too clear and keen
  462. >as Shy sat up, Twilight came to as well, who rubs her eyes and yawns, then smiles as their eyes meet
  463. >”Thank goodness; you’ve been asleep for three days.”
  464. >Fluttershy looks away and sighs as tears form in her eyes
  465. >”What’s wrong?” Twilight continues
  466. >”I’m sorry... I’m a horrible person.”
  467. >Twilight reaches over and squeezes her shoulder. ”Nobody blames you for what happened, Fluttershy. You should have told me you’ve been hiding this and I could have helped, but I understand why you didn’t.”
  468. >”But I’ve ruined our friendship; all everyone will remember is how I forced everyone into such lewd acts, tarnished our trust.”
  469. >Twilight shrugs; “its certainly opened a new way to look at each other and I’ve taken to calling this new arrangement; friendship with benefits, but it’s fine. And besides, something very cute came of this.”
  470. >Fluttershy finally looked at Twilight
  471. >”Appledash is totally a thing. Or would it be Rainbowjack? In any case, they’ve started dating and I swear I've never seen either of them happier. Rarity’s gone back to seeking her Prince but wouldn’t mind a princess, although she's still often too busy to look closer to home. Pinkie’s... been eager to make use of her new curves.”
  472. >”So, Everyone’s still... afflicted by me.”
  473. >Fluttershy trails off, sits up and her blanket falls away, revealing what had to be H cup breasts and massive hips
  474. >and her legs were resting on a padded bench placed at the foot of the bed as her incredibly long legs would be hanging off the end otherwise
  475. >in case she was still in denial; The Princess of Lust was more powerful than ever and the old Fluttershy was gone, just this voluptuous shell for the princess
  477. >”True, although not as large as we all grew when I joined the fold. Dash has been strutting her stuff now that she’s taller than average, yet just as fast;. AJ’s bigger and stronger than Big Mac. And as for me?” Twilight stood up, and up and up. All 7’8 of her
  478. >She held her hand out to Shy, who gently took it and was helped out of bed
  479. >suddenly the huge Twilight didn’t seem so imposing; after all, Shy had a good five inches on her
  480. >”This is us, now. No way back that I can tell.”
  481. >Fluttershy sighs and hangs her head, “I can still feel the other me side. It’s subdued for now, but like always, it just builds up and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop it ever again. Not with me connected to you and the others.”
  482. >”I did some reading into previous Princesses of Lust, who all adopted the name Lustre. In ancient times; the only way to break her hold is to isolate her away from everyone.”
  483. >Shy sniffled and went for the door. “Then that’s it then. Tell the others I said goodbye. I’ll always-“
  484. >arms wrapped around her. Gentle and calming
  485. >then they stroked her body, caressed and groped, firm breasts pushed into Shy’s back as Twilight kissed her neck and both moaned softly
  486. >if her lust side wasn’t still buried deep, Shy would have switched right there.
  487. >Twilight turned Shy around and kept her hands on the solemn girl's shoulders. ”Like I said, Fluttershy. Friendship with benefits. I’m sure most of us won’t mind doing our part to keep you satisfied.”
  488. >”It won’t be enough now. Every month it happened before, and I had to spend hours meditating her away. Even if I ‘satisfied’ myself, eventually I had to use the townspeople to quell her. She’ll just demand more.”
  489. >Twilight ponders for a few seconds, then suddenly asks, “let me talk to her.”
  491. >Fluttershy went wide eyed. ”You’re crazy, Twilight! You’ll be under her control!”
  492. >Twilight just gave a reassuring smile and said, “you’ll just have to trust me. I can’t lose you as a friend, and I know the others would agree; even after all of this, the bond we share is unbreakable. Please!”
  493. >Fluttershy realised this was one of those moments where there was no arguing with her
  494. >after taking a few calming breaths, Shy closed her eyes and her head slumped
  495. >within seconds, Shy’s pink hair darkened to red, her height creeped upward and her already huge bust swelled up to J cups
  496. >and as she reached ten feet tall, those deep green eyes opened, no longer soft and gentle but intense; Lustre was now present
  497. >for a moment, Twilight felt a creeping hook in her mind as the Princess of Lust tried to influence her, but she was the Princess of Friendship and magic; it would be more effort and power than Fluttershy’s alter ego could muster, at least for a while, and Twilight hoped she had enough willpower to succeed
  498. >the two strikingly curvy women sized each other up, and Shy grimaced when she realised Twilight wasn’t budging
  499. >”Unless you’re submitting yourself to me, we have nothing to discuss. I will not be buried again; I *am* Fluttershy as she should be, as she truly *wants* to be!”
  500. >Twilight huffed and snapped her fingers, which sent Lustre to her knees, panting and whimpering in desire
  502. >”No kidding; I’ve already been in your head, remember? Let alone deep in study while Shy’s been sleeping. I’ve had ample time to understand you and learn some your powers!”
  503. >Lustre snarled and her eyes glowed with fury as she tried to fight back
  504. >she was like a tidal wave; a massive wall of raw energy, all mustered and thrown at Twilight in a single surge, a wave that would crush a persons will and driven mad by an insatiable lust that would consume them forever
  505. >in response, Twilight summoned her own magic faster and with a wealth of experience casting all manner of spells, conjures a small, focused and precise shield with a fraction of the effort
  506. >the tidal wave crashed against the perfectly made and expertly efficient shell of Twilight's protections and depth of knowledge
  507. >it was no contest; Twilight let the wave ride around her, burn itself out, then she simply poked back with another snap of her fingers
  508. >Lustre climaxed again and again, and after collapsing, her hair faded to pink and flickered for a while
  509. >Shy gasps, both as and to herself, “no you don’t! You can’t hide any more! We’re dealing with this... right... now!”
  510. >after struggling for a few more seconds, and as Lustre’s hair recovered its fiery tinge, she stared at Twilight in anger, then defeat
  511. >”Curse you! Just put me under until I’m strong enough to fight back or send me to the moon like Celestia did to her sister. I can’t just be torn from Fluttershy. Like I’ve said already, I am her! The parts she denies! Suppresses!”
  512. >Twilight nodded. “Yes, I know. And you’re right; you really are an inseparable part of my dear friend, but if you’d stop being obnoxious for five seconds, you’d know I have a solution that will allow you to be adored and admired the way you want, my friend gets to be her old, kind and caring self again and you may even merge back into one mind, in time.”
  513. >Lustre stared for a while and finally sighs. “I’m listening.”
  514. >Twilight helped her fellow princess to her feet, led her to the bed, sat them both down, and discussed her plan...
  516. >two months later...
  517. >”My dearest sister sends her eternal apologies, friend Twilight,” the 7ft Princess Luna offers a curtsy to the 7’8 Friendship Princess and receives one in turn, “but she could not attend this new ‘festival’ but promises to do her utmost before long. She hath also informed me of you and your companions... boons, although I thought she said so in jest.”
  518. >”I know it seems far fetched, Princess Luna-“
  519. >”Friend Twilight, please, this is no official visitation; let us speak as equals.”
  520. >”Right, sorry Luna, but yes, we’ve all had a bit of a growth spurt, that’s neither here nor there; allow me to welcome you to the second monthly Lustre Festival! We would like you to be the guest of honour, if that’s alright with you?”
  521. >”I fail to see why not, friend Twilight; t’is a rare treat to enjoy such frivolities beyond Nightmare Night. But, um,” Luna brushes her luscious, flowing, dark and ethereal hair, “what doth it entail?”
  522. >Twilight giggles, as if in on a joke Luna was unaware of. “It’s a deeply pleasurable event where we pay homage to an ancient spirit of indulgence, both of soul but especially the body.”
  523. >Luna raises an eyebrow, purses her lips and says, “go on...”
  525. >Luna was wide eyed as they walked through town
  526. >Twilight tried not to stare as everyone enjoyed each other, in ways both touching and carnal
  527. >couples dressed in loose togas performing the full gamut from loving, gentle kisses and cuddles to intense make-outs, and those that were clearly going off the deep end ran hand in hand into large tents where all sorts of lustful cries rang out
  528. >Twilight said, “as you see, we use this as an excuse to let our hair down and explore our deepest desires or simply just celebrating our loved ones; speaking of, there’s Applejack and Rainbow Dash! Hey, girls!”
  529. >Rainbow Dash was sitting on the shoulders of the brawny farm girl as they wandered the town and drank mugs of cider (AJ’s being in a medium keg with a handle)
  530. > Dash still wore AJ’s hat, who instead had a larger, similar looking one with a rainbow feather tucked into the band
  531. >they waved at the two princesses approach and AJ called first, “howdy, yer majesty! Oh, hope that ain’t disrespectful.”
  532. >”T’is perfectly fine, fair Applejack! You are looking quite... robust, if I might say so.” Luna balks at what she just said and clarifies, “I mean it suits you!”
  533. >Rainbow Dash chuckles and leans on AJ’s head. “Nah, she’s super robust alright! But, hey! It’s great to see you letting your hair down. You’re gonna love the festival ‘climax’”
  534. >”What ‘climax’, Rainbow Dash? Oh, never mind. All the same, I’m most interested in learning more about this Lustre entity that grants her such import as to warrant such revelry.”
  535. >Twilight said, “all in good time, Luna. Speaking of which, AJ, and sorry to break you two up, but-“
  536. >Dash smirked and hopped down from AJ’s shoulders as she said, “say no more, Twi, I’ll get my fun outta her later. Go get’em, Jackie!” Dash then gave AJ’s generous butt a hard slap and zipped off in the blink of an eye
  537. >AJ yelped but grinned and chuckled in response, “heck, I’ll get’er later.”
  539. >Twilight explains, ”you see Luna, alongside Rainbow Dash, Applejack acts as protector in case anyone takes things too far during the festival. At the same time, she and Rarity are the honoured handmaidens of Lustre. They were first chosen, spent the most time with her and received a stronger blessing the most of us. Applejack now represents the power and strength of passion.”
  540. >Luna tilts her head quizzically and AJ asks, “should I demonstrate?”
  541. >Twilight nods and says, “you’ll need to transform soon anyway, so I don’t see the harm in it.”
  542. >Applejack downs her drink, looses an uncouth belch and limbers up
  543. >then she rubs her hands together, closes her eyes, focuses and takes in a deep breath
  544. >Luna watches, eyebrow raised, but soon let her jaw go slack as the 7’3 woman started growing larger
  545. >her already powerful physique bulges, her generous F cups stretches her loose toga as they reached H cups and Luna gasped as AJ surpassed even Twilight in height, reaching 8’5 before stopping, her garb reaching its limit
  546. >Applejack opens her eyes, which glow softly, and says, “I can also give out blessin’s like it too,” then she blushes and scratches her head, “it lets me give l’il Dashie a chance to take charge fer once in a while.”
  547. >”We’ve taken to running a contest for participants to receive this blessing until next festival,” Twilight adds, ”but and as guest of honour, Luna, you automatically apply!”
  548. >Luna doesn’t get a chance to reply before AJ places a hand on the bewildered princess’ head and a crackle of power flows through it
  549. >then Luna shivers and gasps
  550. >and with a moan that turns her red with embarrassment, Luna’s already regal frame pushes taller
  551. >and her slim build swells and turns sturdier and stronger
  552. >as Luna stares down at her new 7’5 frame, AJ lifts her hat and bows
  553. >“Ah’ll go ahead and attend to Princess Lustre an’ get’re ready. Y’all enjoy the festival. ‘Til tonight, yer majesties!”
  554. >The blonde titaness jogs towards the everfree forest
  555. >”On that note, let’s go see Rarity and Pinkie Pie.”
  557. >a long line led to a gazebo where Pinkie and Rarity ran a booth
  558. >the sign read ‘Lustre Blessings’, and Luna watched in awe as a couple walked away, then paused
  559. >the woman of the pair shivered and grew a little taller and curvier, straining her toga
  560. >the man thickened up with muscle, then both peer down inside his loose garment and grin,
  561. >then they ran into one of the tents, hand in hand
  562. >Twilight says, “so here, with Rarity being the other handmaiden, she can impart a temporary blessing for a small tithe. The proceeds go to helping the town and the exchange of this blessing also helps satiate Lustre too!”
  563. >”Hey, Twilight! Princess Luna! Come here!” Pinkie called out
  564. >out of respect (and likely a little fear) the line stepped aside for the night princess as they reached the pair
  565. >”Princess Luna!” Rarity says and offers a curtsy, though pinkie just waves. “Welcome to my humble booth. This is where I, as the lesser embodiment of Lustre’s beauty and desires, pass on modest blessings to the visitors and townsfolk. Nothing permanent, but it enhances the body, stimulates sensitivity and protects from any inadvertent offspring or... let’s call them vulgar transmittables.”
  566. >Vulgar whatables?” Pinkie asks. “Ooh, you mean sexually transmi-“
  567. >Rarity jams an elbow into her bubbly companion’s side and clears her throat
  568. >Twilight continues, “Rarity also provided the togas for everyone for free, which is useful considering how last month, almost everyone lost or damaged their clothes. Meanwhile, Pinkie provides food, drink and other... supplies!”
  569. >Pinkie giggles and says, “yep! We have healthy snacks, apple acres cider (soft, hard and *very* hard), whips, cream, whipped cream-“
  570. >”W- whips? Oh goodness.” Luna blushes
  572. >Rarity pouts. ”I’m beginning to sense you’re not quite into the spirit of things yet. As attractive as Applejack’s blessing is, we really should start bringing guests to me first to get the proverbial ball rolling.”
  573. >with a sigh, the indigo haired handmaiden closes her eyes and begins to transform; her 6’4 body lengthens and she even gains a little muscle tone
  574. >mostly her hips widen, her breasts surge outward to K cups her toga and she reaches 7’2
  575. >then, with a sensuous coo, Rarity opens her glowing eyes and flutters her lashes at Luna, who watches, mesmerised
  576. >Pinkie gives Luna a push towards Rarity, who reaches up and caresses the princess’ cheeks as another pulse of magic flows through them
  577. >the moon princess moans once more as a tingle flows through her, and marvels as she watches as her E cup bust swell massively, all the way to an H
  578. >then she watches the ground pull away as her height boosts to 8’4
  579. >”Pinkie, darling, could you take Luna to get changed... I fear her regal attire may no longer be up to the task.”
  580. >Luna raised an eyebrow and as she inhales to ask what she means, hears a rip as her dress gives from the strain
  581. >Luna’s face is already bright red, but she does nothing to help her modesty, and only whispers, “why is this spurring my arousal? I hath not felt this... tingly for a millennia.”
  582. >”That would be Rarity’s blessing, but come along, Luna.” Twilight holds the sundered material together as she and Pinkie, complete with spare toga, pull the princess into a nearby tent
  583. >only moments later, Twilight’s cries of surprise, Pinkie’s giggles and Luna’s sultry moans merged
  584. >Rarity titters and says, as she returns to the queue of blessing seekers, “that’s more like it.”
  586. >within, Luna had torn her already ruined dress in full
  587. >in fact, she used her enhanced strength and size to wrestle Twilight and Pinkie into one of the curtained rooms to the side and, with a gesture, the togas of the two smaller women faded into smoke
  588. >Pinkie gleefully dives onto the thick mattress and licks her lips
  589. >Twilight, with only a second of hesitation, is set upon by the night princess
  590. >Luna wraps her arms around Twilight and kisses her as if she was a lost lover reunited
  591. >and without a single word, she pulls both of them onto the bedding alongside Pinkie, who squeezes her way into the action
  592. >Luna moans as Pinkie licks at her neck and Twilight returns the affectionate kiss in kind
  593. >but a sudden shudder of reality snaps Luna out of her reverie
  594. >"W- wait... cease!"
  595. >"Aww, c'mon, Lunie!" Pinkie pouts
  596. >Twilight gives her energetic friend a quick gesture for quiet, then asks, "what's wrong, Luna?"
  597. >"I hath been overtaken by... an impurity. Forgive my transgression, both of you. I should be above such forceful actions and setting a better example."
  598. >she goes to stand, only to be held gently by Twilight, who says, "it's fine. This is exactly what this festival is all about. It's likewise why we invited you here too!"
  599. >"I... do not understand."
  600. >Pinkie snorts, "the whole point of the festival is to break down some barriers and just have fun! I'm glad we live in such a nice, friendly place, but nobody just goes and gets some; it's always nice and polite, and nobody ever does anything lewd, and that's fine most of the time."
  601. >Pinkie presses her lips on Luna's and gives her a deep, tongue-filled kiss
  602. >Luna resists a little to begin with, but she relents and enjoys as well, then gasps as Twilight puts her hands around Luna's thigh and squeezes the well muscled but plush limb
  603. >Pinkie breaks her kiss and finishes with, "but I dunno about you, living in that castle, with all those boring rules and procedures and guff, but Pinkie wants to get her pokes! And I think deep down, so do you! So come on! Live a little. Make up for lost time!"
  604. >Luna seems to ignore the hands stroking her and thinks deeply
  605. >then she smiles
  606. >and pounces on Pinkie, dragging Twilight with her as she wraps her hands around the party girl's breasts, buries her face between the vast swells, and rubs away
  607. >meanwhile, Twilight positions herself behind the perfectly formed moon of the night princess, ducks low, and forces her face between her legs and began to lick
  608. >after an hour, even the relentless Pinkie was stopping to catch her breath as they rested against each other
  609. >each had lost count of the amount of times they had climaxed, but Luna was first to recover and was wild-eyed with ideas
  610. >"what shall we try next!?"
  611. >the three didn’t emerge for some time...
  613. >hours later...
  614. >Luna, still followed by Twilight, walks with a hip-swinging rhythm that turns heads
  615. >even married couples watch the moon giantess with lustful gazes, and she was ecstatic with this outcome; awe and desire instead of fear
  616. >any royal decorum was replaced by a feisty, alluring and huge young woman with the world at her feet (and a few hard ciders in her blood)
  617. >she even plucks up a young man almost half her height and kisses him with such passion and ferocity, he can’t keep his footing when placed back on the ground
  618. >”To be adored rather than feared! T’is truly a magnificent, stupendous feeling, friend Twilight!”
  619. >Twilight put an arm around the boisterous, now once more larger girl and says, “glad you approve. And we haven’t even had the main event yet.”
  620. >”I care not what it is, but I cannot wait, nonetheless.”
  621. >”Well, were on the way there now. The shrine is a cave just inside the everfree forest.”
  622. >”That would be where fair Fluttershy lives, doth she not? Now that I think about it, I have not seen her all day. Please tell me that, akin to Nightmare Night, she doth not spend all day hiding within her home? Perhaps we should purchase a gift to make her isolation less intolerable?”
  623. >Twilight giggles. “No need to worry; she has her own place at the Lustre Festival.”
  624. >at the edge of the forest, three late teenage girls approach from the opposite direction; Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle
  626. >”What a waste of time,” says Applebloom, who’s shaping up to be solidly athletic and tall at 5’8
  627. >”Yeah. I mean, so what if I’m a couple of weeks away from my eighteenth?” Sweetie grumbled, who’s a slim, but womanly young lady at 5’4
  628. >”At least you still have something to look forward to,” Scootaloo sighs, “I don’t get what she meant by ‘not until the time of my true birth’. I’m eighteen today!”
  629. >the 5’1 runt of the three, despite being super fit, was flat and boyish
  630. >”What are your concerns, young ones?” Luna asks
  631. >Applebloom whines, ”my sister wouldn’t give us a blessin’, Sweetie’s wouldn’t neither, so we went to ask Princess Lustre herself!”
  632. >Scootaloo pouts, “but she wouldn’t do anything to us. Well, she kissed me on the forehead, but said Bloom and Sweetie weren’t old enough yet.”
  633. >Twilight looks Scootaloo over and grins before saying, “well, happy birthday all the same. Good things come to those who wait, as they say.”
  634. >”Indeed, Scootaloo; fair birthday to you! Your pluck and determination shall be rewarded in due course, I am quite certain!”
  635. >disappointment aside, Scootaloo smiles and replies, “thanks, Twilight, Princess Luna. I know I shouldn’t complain.”
  636. >a loud rip interrupts any further talking
  637. >”... what...the...f-?”
  638. >all eyes went to Scootaloo’s chest as it rapidly bulged and her shirt strained
  639. >and two head sized breasts bounced free as the garment tore down the middle
  640. >but it didn’t stop there
  642. >with a rumble, a creak and a loud gasp, Scootaloo stretches taller, overtaking Sweetie and Applebloom in seconds as more of her clothes shred from her rapidly super-sizing body
  643. >her clothes completely explode off her as her hips and ass join in, giving her an enviously shapely form but leaving her completely naked
  644. >then her toned body gains pounds upon pounds of muscle mass as she finally slows in her ascension
  645. >then, blushing like mad, arms covering her shame, the once tiny young woman now stands a 7’2 amazon
  646. >Twilight finally breaks the shocked silence with, “making up for lost time, eh, Scootaloo? One second!”
  647. >with a rapid flash, she’s gone, then returns with another flash and a toga in hand
  648. >the poor, newly made giant is still too stunned to dress herself, so Twilight telekinetically wraps her in the garment
  649. >”There you go! Alright, girls; you might want to get somewhere safe to take this all in and possibly even somewhere private. Most who undergo this change tend to have... needs.”
  650. >Scootaloo punctuates this with a squeeze of a massive boob and she moans as her legs almost give way to the newly enhanced sensation
  651. >Sweetie and Applebloom walk beside their friend to lead her back home, marvelling at how even the young, tall farm girl only comes up to Scoots’ chest, and finally they start gabbing on about how awesome Scoot looks and how they can’t wait until next month’s festival, and the two groups part ways
  652. >Luna muses, “truly wondrous! I believe I understand the allure beyond the physical indulgence; to take the disheartened and transform them into such a beauteous form! And woulds’t Scoolaloo’s blessing be permanent?”
  653. >Twilight smirks and nods as they head into the forest along a lantern lit path
  655. >the cave was decorated with flowers and elegant carvings of horses, unicorns and pegasi
  656. >from the large entrance came a sweet, intoxicating perfume that made Luna’s mind swim with increasingly lewd thoughts
  657. >”Luna,” Twilight says and puts a hand on the larger princess’ shoulder, “this is where we part ways. What lies beyond is between you and Princess Lustre alone.”
  658. >”If that is the ritual, I shall accept it. Though... I cannot deny some trepidation at all this.”
  659. >Twilight hugs Luna and tells her, “Lustre is filled with kindness, so you’ll be fine. Also, Applejack and Rarity await within and they’ll help you with anything you need. Just enjoy yourself and I’ll see you tomorrow!”
  660. >Twilight teleported away, and now alone, Luna entered the cave
  661. >after a short tunnel, she saw the two familiar handmaidens, both at their full sizes in a chamber filled with incense and more carvings
  662. >Applejack nudges Rarity, who was prettying herself up in a mirror, and the pair bow
  663. >”Welcome to the grove of Lustre, Princess Luna!” Rarity says
  664. >”All who wish to enter must be cleaned-“
  665. >”Cleansed, darling, it’s cleansed.”
  666. >Applejack grumbles and corrects herself, “cleansed before meetin’ with Our Spirit of Desire, Princess Lustre.”
  667. >the pair approach Luna, who while larger and undoubtedly more powerful, didn’t object as she was pulled to the next chamber, where a beautiful spring formed a natural bath
  668. >Applejack pulled the toga free from her body, and did the same to herself
  669. >Rarity was pouring something floral smelling into the water and then joined in with undressing
  670. >and once again the pair pulled the princess into the hot water, and began to bathe her better than any salon she had ever experienced
  672. >the attention they gave Luna was intense
  673. >she found herself driven over the edge in ecstasy as the firm hands of Applejack loosened every knot and muscle in her body with her unnatural strength
  674. >while every sensitive area was expertly massaged and stroked by Rarity; intimate and expertly pleasurable
  675. >after Luna’s third climax, she was left to just soak in the decadent waters
  676. >but finally they gently lifted her from the bath and dried her; she had never felt so relaxed in her life
  677. >still naked, and besides being sprayed with a delicate perfume, Luna watched as the handmaidens bowed either side of a passage deeper into the caves
  678. >”You are ready, yer majesty. Princess Lustre awaits.”
  679. >”Go, before our envy overtakes us, that you will receive the sole attention of our lady!”
  680. >Luna ponders for a moment. ”Wait, did you perform this ritual on your sisters and Scootaloo?”
  681. >the pair break character and look horrified, and the boisterous AJ says, “heck naw! To our li’l sisters? That would be gross!”
  682. >”Exactly so! No, only special guests get the full treatment. All my precious Sweetie Belle received was a telling off for wasting Princess Lustre’s time when she knew it was still a few weeks until her eighteenth. Applebloom’s was... AJ?” Rarity asks
  683. >”Six days time, still ain’t eighteen, though,” AJ finishes.
  684. >”Scootaloo however deserved a full blessing; the poor dear looked so distraught at her body image that I know our lady gave her a most intense gift.”
  685. >Applejack chuckles, "Dashie's gonna be ornery that tiny l'il Scootaloo's bigger than her. Ah, she'll catch up eventually, when her turn rolls around for bein' the special guest."
  686. >Luna pondered. ”Speaking of which; whom, pray tell, was the first special guest? I believe this is the second festival?”
  687. >”Flut- uuhhh,“ Applejack’s face screws up and she looks pleadingly at Rarity
  688. >Rarity dramatically clears her throat and says, “and spoil the surprise? You can meet her right now! In fact, she’s attending the clearing for the Princess as we speak.”
  690. >Luna proceeded through the candlelit tunnel
  691. >it was far longer than the previous one, and she suddenly felt a cold shudder
  692. >and in equal parts disappointment and surprise, her fantastic figure dwindled
  693. >her height receded, which made the cave seem larger and more imposing
  694. >and her massive curves deflated down to her natural, if still impressive old self, 7ft tall and still more shapely than all but the most famous beauties
  695. >undeterred, she heads through until she finds herself outside, amidst some trees and flowers
  696. >it’s night time, but besides the dim light of the stars, it’s impossible to truly see
  697. >”Ah, I am so neglectful, forsaking my duties in such a way.”
  698. >she raises her hand, and through the the gloom, she summons the moon, bright and as beautiful a Luna
  699. >the princess gasps at the gorgeous scenery; a forest, situated inside a high natural wall that encircled the whole area
  700. >the walls caught Luna's attention, they were covered in mosaics, each depicting a history of a lonely girl, who could make people not just beautiful, but stronger while keeping a little sliver of power herself
  701. >people would use her for gratification, forget her, move on
  702. >and she took matters into her own hands; she surrounded herself with men and women who would become gloriously enhanced by her powers, but as her thralls
  703. >a harem, if one built on desperation
  704. >and before long, she was banished for controlling so many
  705. >banished within a bloodline, as the beautiful maiden became plain, unknowing whom she was, and faded into obscurity
  706. >brought down by a princess with dominion over the sun
  707. >as the plain girl still managed to find love, she had children, but the lineage remained a secret, suppressed
  708. >and at the end of the story, a small cave
  709. >and within, a familiar face, and a welcome one to Luna
  710. >Fluttershy, in all her curvy, 8’4 splendour
  712. >”Ah, fair Fluttershy, it is good to see you.”
  713. >Shy smiles warmly and replies, “same to you, Luna. Oh, I hope that isn’t too familiar.”
  714. >”Of course not. We are fast friends, after all. And I see your blessing was...”
  715. >Fluttershy walks up to Luna, putting the princess face dangerously close to Shy’s enormous breasts
  716. >Luna gulps and continues, ”... especially generous. A- and the alteration to your hair is quite fetching, as well.”
  717. >”Oh, this?” Shy fiddled with a fiery red lock of hair that drooped in front of her face amidst the usual pink, “thank you. But this night isn’t about me.”
  718. >Shy pulls Luna back into the grove and looks at the mosaic with a smirk
  719. >”I’ve always wondered, Luna; have you ever felt love? And don’t mean as a friend or in a sisterly way. I mean romantically or even just physically?”
  720. >”I... truthfully? No. Not that i can recall. So much time spent with my royal duties, I hath ne’er time for such a liaison. It made today’s festivities a truly amazing, and might I add enjoyably salacious, experience I shall seek again. Why do you ask, fair Fluttershy?”
  721. >Shy pulls Luna into a friendly hug
  722. >as friendly as her face being buried between two massive boobs can be
  723. >and she feels them subtly swell as she looks up and her eyes go wide
  724. >as Shy’s hair turns all red, besides one lock of pink over her now deep, glowing green eyes
  725. >and she gasps and realises, “you’re Lustre!?”
  727. >Luna’s lifted off the ground as Lustre grows taller, to her full 10ft height
  728. >and the smaller princess breaks free and steps back as she brings her powers to bear with a crackle of lightning, complete with the moon glowing bright in response, ready for anything
  729. >but Lustre just says, “I’m glad you’ve enjoyed yourself today. Twilight and myself both agreed you needed it the most. I understand what it’s like to be feared, imprisoned. Never simply loved as a person, with no strings or titles attached. Or just enjoyed and indulged, as if you’re another person’s whole world.”
  730. >Luna relaxes and studies Lustre, and asks, “art thou still Fluttershy, Lustre or both?”
  731. >”Lustre,” she answers and twirls the pink lock of hair in the mass of shining, flowing red, “shown the joys of kindness and friendship. Over time, I suspect me and Fluttershy will become one, but we share much already now that we understand one another.”
  732. >Lustre stands and approaches, and winks at Luna
  733. >”For one thing, I... we have been waiting for a kindred spirit. In the past, I’ve overwhelmed normal people, become drunk on the power. Twilight helped my realise that I can still be true to myself, but I need someone special.”
  734. >Luna freezes as Lustre strokes her cheek with a tender touch
  735. >”Someone like you. Someone unafraid to be in touch with her... darker side. Someone who wants to just feel like a normal woman in a world that only respects or fears her.”
  736. >Luna looks lost in thought for a time, then takes Lustre’s hand in hers and kisses it
  737. >”I must ask,” the smaller woman asks, “is this a casual dalliance or a committed one?”
  738. >Lustre giggles and leans down, close enough that they can feel each other’s breath
  739. >”One step at a time, Luna; let’s just enjoy the moment.”
  740. >as one, they kiss deeply
  741. >and both powerful women’s eyes open and glow with power as the moon glares as bright as the sun
  743. >in seconds, the temporary boons Luna enjoyed earlier return
  744. >and far, far more as she cries out in bliss and grows to Lustre’s height
  745. >her body tenses and strengthens; the saviour of nightmares and dreams takes on a warriors form, befitting her duty as protector of the night; toned and firm
  746. >and her curves swell, not as impressive as The Princess of Lust but more than any mortal
  747. >but her mind swims; the desire to obey every word Lustre says, cave to her every whim
  748. >Luna staggers back, holding her head
  749. >Lustre notices this, and grows concerned; she needed an equal, like Twilight but less pure, more intense and passionate, but she was losing Luna to her powers; she had forgotten her own strength now that she had a portion of Twilight’s magic
  750. >so she improvises
  751. >and slaps Luna on the ass as hard as she can
  752. >the sound echoes through the forest for seconds
  753. >The Princess of the Night, at first shocked as she yelps, then turns and snarls, ”you. DARE! Disrespect me!?”
  754. >darkness swirls around her, and her Nightmare armour forms around her body, accentuating her curves
  755. >but ever brazen, Lustre giggles and just says, “you’re cute when you’re angry.”
  756. >Luna dives into her, pins her to the ground and bares her now fanged teeth at the bemused Lustre
  757. >and Lustre just snaps her fingers
  758. >Luna’s wracked with pleasure and unable to maintain her hold as Lustre rolls them over, pins Luna, and they lock gazes
  760. >Luna’s snarl abates, replaced with shame as her armour fades into tendrils of smoke and and she finally gives a meek smile
  761. >”Forgive me, fair Flutter- I mean, Princess Lustre. Those who know me can attest I have... a temper.”
  762. >”Just one of your many attractive, passionate and adorable traits, Luna. And your power. Is a wonderful thing; dark and mysterious.”
  763. >”I thank you for the understanding. I oft feel the need to keep it in check, out of fear of causing a panic.”
  764. >Lustre purrs, “if you feel that bad, perhaps you can show me how sorry you are?”
  765. >Luna blushes and they kiss again, but it doesn’t stop there
  766. >hands stroke and squeeze, moans and whimpers grow in volume the two 10ft princesses, if not goddesses, meet as equals
  767. >legs lock as they grind against each other, and across those who have been touched by Lustre’s power, each feels their own passions ignited
  768. >and as each couple and group join in love and lust, the feedback to Lustre first brings them both to climax, but also sparks a thought
  769. >Lustre licks her lips, and her eyes pulse. “Well, we’re all alone, we’re linked and I haven’t unleashed everything I’ve got on a willing partner either... want to see what we can do with all that power?”
  770. >a glimpse of concern crosses Luna’s brow, then she thinks, then grins
  771. >”That sounds dangerous, grossly decadent and foolhardy,” Luna says and kisses Lustre once more. “I dare you to do your worst.”
  772. >Lustre closes her eyes, and Luna feels a tremendous stirring in... everything
  774. >everyone with a blessing suddenly shrinks back to normal, much to Pinkie’s disappointment in her pile of party goers, and she shivers as her body shrinks down to her ‘normal’ 6’4
  775. >elsewhere, Dash had joined (green with envy at Scootaloo's amazing new body) and Applejack was doting on her
  776. >Dash was as big as her lover thanks to her blessings, and AJ was cuddling, kissing and otherwise making the rainbow haired girl feel so deeply loved, she couldn't help but enjoy every second of the attention
  777. >"Y'don't have to just sit there an' pout, Rarity. Come on over and join in!"
  778. >AJ watched Rarity look at the pair with her own jealousy obvious
  779. >"Look, I know you have a soft spot fer me, and I'm sorry about the way things fell, but that don't mean we can't make good on Twi's whole 'friendship with benefits' thing. You of all folk knew we were always hurlin' horseshoes at each other's poles to clang back, if y'all pardon the expression."
  780. >Rarity sighs. "I know, it's just a bit tender."
  781. >Dash smiles, looking a bit awkward. "Look, I know we're as far away from being kindred spirits or whatever, but for what it's worth, you've always had an amazing bod, Rares. Seriously, wanna be the gentle filling between a... power sandwich?"
  782. >"Y'all gotta work on those hookin' lines, Dashie, but she's right; we could use a real lady over here!"
  783. >just as Rarity smiles and caves in to join, they all feel cold and likewise lose any boosts
  784. >Twilight teleports in and looks over the three, and says, “you too? My powers started dwindling, everyone started shrinking and I can feel a tremendous amount of power being drained towards here... just what is Lustre up to?”
  785. >back in the grove...
  786. >Luna trembles, staring at her hands and arms as her eyes beam with light
  787. >”What is this feeling!? T’is like everything is too small, that I am constrained.”
  788. >Lustre titters and continues to channel all the power she can into her new playmate
  789. >and as the night princess’ confusion starts turning to discomfort and pain, Lustre pushes a final surge of power into her, so much Lustre briefly reverts to Fluttershy’s still ample frame
  790. >and as Luna cries out, as her skin itself glows, the moon lights up the sky like the sun
  791. >Lustre says, as she slowly recovers her 10ft frame, “just by sharing power through a simple kiss, I can make everyone more than they were, and keep a portion for myself. When I did this to Twilight, I was overwhelmed, but she’s trained me to control and harness it. And now I have your immeasurable magic too!”
  792. >Luna just winces as the power of three princesses and hundreds of people flowed through her
  793. >and with a snap of Lustre’s fingers, the power made Luna more
  794. >much *much* more
  796. >the relief was tremendous, like she was a dam holding a vast swell of water at bay; the power spreading and flowing through her, filling every inch of her
  797. >but her senses were overwhelmed as Lustre sank lower, as did the ground and the trees
  798. >new nerves hungrily felt the ground as the grass and soil slid beneath her body
  799. >but these things weren’t moving, Luna was
  800. >she was growing, and quickly
  801. >her lengthening leg kicks straight through a tree like a humble branch, and the one after that like a twig, and another as a toothpick
  802. >her gasps boom and echo through the air, the ground shaking and quaking
  803. >and after what felt like a lifetime, she finally stopped
  804. >Luna pants and looks around her; the huge grove was now half filled with her tremendous form
  805. > trees that once stretched above her, now merely as long as her hand as she realised, “I must be nigh on a hundred feet tall...”
  806. >”L-Lustre? Just... how much power was that?” Luna’s voice made the leaves from the trees ripple and fall away
  807. >the impossibility was made worse as she felt a breath on the nape of her neck, huge hands wrapping (or trying to) cup her vast breasts
  808. >and Lustre whispered, still in an echoing voice, and just as gigantic, “oh, about half.”
  809. >the two titans carried on where they left off as they made passionate love
  810. >only this time, the world felt it, heard it physically instead of through the connection, the rumble of the earth and the clouds shifting from their high cries of rapturous pleasure
  811. >fingers that could uproot trees plunged deep, lips that could smother a man met, tongues tasted one another
  812. >and they were as one for a glorious, indulgent night
  814. >”...ning, sleepyhead.”
  815. >Luna blinks and grumbles as burning daylight crept into the chamber
  816. >”Your princess... hmph... demands another hour, at the very least.”
  817. >”It’s midday, Luna, and I doubt your sister is going to lower the moon for you.”
  818. >Luna sat up, eyes squinting, her ethereal hair, as unnatural as it flowed, still stuck to the side of her face and several nebulous strands were stuck in her mouth
  819. >she was met with Twilight and a large tray of pastries, a pot of coffee and a folded card
  820. >”Sounds like you had fun last night.”
  821. >Luna takes the coffee pot and chugs it whole in a single go
  822. >as the caffeine slowly entered her system, she finally realises she was still in the grove, or at least the little chamber she first saw Fluttershy, or Lustre
  823. >Luna suddenly snaps to and asks, “is Lustre still present? I cannot recall much beyond,” she clears her throat and blushes, “enjoying it a great deal.”
  824. >Twilight giggles and sits beside her
  825. >”Sadly, since she’s still getting used to her powers and after last night, she’s pretty much purely Fluttershy again, although her alter ego did want to pass on a message.”
  826. >Twilight takes the small card from the tray and hands it to Luna, who reads it in silence
  827. >and smiles warmly before hugging the note to her chest and falling back on the simple bed like a lovestruck teenager
  828. >”I take it you left quite an impression?”
  829. >Luna sighs a sigh that betrays the fact she’s smitten and replies, “she says she wants to do it again soon! I dare say she hath carved a niche in my heart as well!”
  831. >Twilight grins and leads Luna, now dressed and a bit more presentable, out to the grove
  832. >the princess of the night is now at her full 10ft form and shows no sign of shrinking
  833. >and at the friendship princess’ nudging, finally drops the moon below the horizon for a glorious, sunny day
  834. >the grove itself is a wreck; splinters of trees, gouged earth and even the high stone walls have been cracked and broken
  835. >as they reach the passage out, Twilight gestures to a huge, round impact crater
  836. >”... and here was was where, as I went to investigate why everyone shrank, I was nearly crushed beneath your house sized breast.”
  837. >Luna, already blushing furiously, utters, “my apologies, friend Twilight. Lustre’s presence dids’t bring the strongest reactions... t‘is a shame Lustre cannot remain for longer.”
  838. >”There’s always next time, and Fluttershy still shares some of Lustre’s personality. Over time, that side will grow. Perhaps you could date Shy and learn all parts of her? It would certainly speed the process up.”
  839. >Luna smiles warmly, deep in thought, and nods. “I shall do that; Lustre spoke of her loneliness, and I imagine fair Fluttershy woulds’t enjoy having an understanding soul in their blossoming royal status, and there is most certainly a part of me I hath been awaiting to give to a special someone. Although, who dids’t thou plan to make the special guest next month?”
  840. >”Oh, your sister, most likely.”
  841. >Luna looks over her own body; as she is, she towers over Celestia, out-curves her in all ways
  842. >”Could I plead that you perhaps make fine Cadence your next guest? I feel the need to leave Celestia in my shadow for a time.”
  843. >Twilight smirks, nods and the pair share a laugh
  844. >The End

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT