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A Big, Powerful Cheer

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-16 02:08:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >the sun was barely illuminating the sky, but Cheerilee was already awake
  2. >she exits her house in a tracksuit and begins her morning sprint
  3. >only a month ago, the tan skinned, two-tone pink haired and grey-green eyed teacher would have been breathing hard by the end of the street
  4. >things have changed
  5. >”Morning, Cheerilee,” a now familiar voice says as a rainbow haired younger woman catches up to her. “What’re we pushing for today?”
  6. >”Good morning, Rainbow Dash. I’m aiming for eight minutes,” the mature teacher says without stopping
  7. >”Dang girl, already? I like your style. Let’s do it!”
  8. >yep, keeping pace with arguably the town’s best pro athlete gave Cheerilee a buzz that never got old
  9. >the intense sprint wasn’t a contest, at least not at first, as the two women took advantage of the still mostly empty streets
  10. >they overtook joggers and morning walkers like they were stationary
  11. >but, predictably, after four full circuits around town and as they set eyes on their goal, Dash stops messing around
  12. >try as Cheerilee might, she just couldn’t keep up
  13. >”And the winner is... me!” Dash pants as Cheerilee catches up and rests against a table to recover
  14. >”The quad-tour sprint in,” she checks her watch,” seven, forty nine! Colour me impressed, teach, but I still won.”
  15. >Cheer looks at her friendly rival, smirks and places her elbow on the table, hand open for an arm wrestle
  16. >Dash raises an eyebrow and asks, “didn’t learn your lesson from last week, huh?” She smirks, and takes the challenge
  17. >”three, two, one... go!”
  18. >Dash didn’t waste time and went for the quick victory
  19. >yet it was like trying to bend steel
  20. >Cheerilee slowly smiles as she effortlessly pushes Dash’s arm down nice and steadily
  21. >then Dash yelps as, in desperation, she uses both arms, then her whole body
  22. >Cheer finally shows a little effort as she frowns, sucks a deep breath, and like Dash at the end of their run, stops holding back
  24. >Dash’s arms not only strike the table, the girl’s flung several feel away and onto the floor and the table flips over
  25. >with a satisfied smile, Cheer stretches, unzips her jacket and removes it with a dramatic twirl, revealing her sports tank covered body
  26. >Dash rubs her wrists but she’s captivated
  27. >”Holy moly, teach...”
  28. >Cheerilee was once chubby, average, short woman
  29. >now?
  30. >the rising sun’s light glistens on the teacher’s sweat covered tan skin, as each bead trickles down her densely muscular, rock hard body in tiny rivulets which evaporate in the cold morning air like steam
  31. >the body of an earth blooded and determined woman, still appreciably curvy with C cups, mature hips and a bubble butt
  32. >Dash may be the fastest around, but Cheerilee was a magnitude stronger than almost everyone in town
  33. >but she didn’t seek fame, nor to win a contest
  34. >she had a matter of the heart
  35. >or she did
  36. >a misadventure with a love potion left her almost married to the actual strongest local, Big Mac
  37. >and while they broke the enchantment, she wondered, felt an attraction... and since then, she only had eyes for him
  38. >and thanks to inspiration and help from her twin sister, Cherry Blossom, Cheerilee had been transformed
  39. >good genetics, Blossom said, and at first, Cheerilee wasn’t sure
  40. >three days, she lost the flab
  41. >by the first week, she was fit
  42. >the second, well toned
  43. >and by last week, she lasted a few seconds against Dash in an arm wrestle
  44. >Cheerilee felt almost perfect
  45. >but she cursed her short height
  46. >both for limiting her strength to beneath the likes of Applejack, but also basic physics
  47. >Cheerilee wanted Mac, but a few days ago, she spotted him changing from a swim at a lake
  48. >the term ‘third leg’ came to mind
  49. >and on a 7’10 man?
  50. >and how she only came up to his hard ridged belly?
  51. >she could never satisfy such a man, and that was that
  52. >but she loved the way the exercise made her feel, so things were the same
  53. >just the town’s teacher once more
  55. >a shower, a sensible, muscle covering cardigan and a few hours later...
  56. >”Alright, kids,” Cheerilee says as she writes ‘Show and Tell - My interesting family’, on the chalkboard, “today will be all about the hidden gems in our families.”
  57. >she called them kids, but they were around sixteen, and she knew each like they were her own children with how long she’d been teaching them
  58. >but it didn’t stop her yearning for her own, and with one man in particular
  59. >she sighs, but smiles and addresses the class again
  60. >”I won’t take up your time, and this may come as a shock, but my twin sister is a professional wrestler. She’s certainly quite a character and I could talk at length about her, but this isn’t about me; I want to learn something new about each of your families; near, far, recent or historic! Let’s go alphabetically; Applebloom?”
  61. >the kid sister of Bic Mac stands, and Cheerilee can’t help but feel the jealousy
  62. >once no bigger than her classmates
  63. >now she possessed a fit, toned form on a lanky 6’4 frame that seemed to grow by the hour
  64. >yet she was still nervous, despite being an amazon, as she fidgets and clears her throat a few times, then finally says, “t- today, I’m gonna talk about my great aunt Aubie-Jean!”
  65. >the huge girl handed some photos to Cheerilee, who pinned them to the board as Applebloom spun her story; Bloom’s aunt cured an apple tree blight through careful pollination in a just few years
  66. >Cheerilee took notes and enjoyed the story, as each picture was discussed
  67. >but she soon stared at the woman in the pictures
  68. >short, unremarkable, married a huge, strapping man; typical Apple family
  69. >but as time went on, the distance seemed to narrow
  70. >maybe the man had withered with age, but the more Cheerilee stared, the more it sank in
  71. >she was growing taller
  73. >”Miss Cheerilee?”
  74. >the teacher blinked and realised Applebloom had finished her presentation
  75. >Cheerilee collects herself. “Very good, Applebloom! Did anyone have any questions?”
  76. >no hands raised, which gave her a chance to probe, “I have a question. This Aubie-Jean... I’m guessing she was in her teens when she married? I know young marriage was more common back then.”
  77. >Applebloom shakes her head, sending her thick red hair flopping around, “nah, she was about twenty two when she got hitched.” They look at said wedding photo, where she’s chest high to the man
  78. >”and how old was she by that final picture,” Cheerilee asks and points to one where Aubie’s almost as tall as her husband and standing in front of Canterlot castle
  79. >they were receiving an award for her work from the massive Princess Celestia, who dwarfed both, but they were taller than everyone else
  80. >”I think she was twenty six in that one.”
  81. >”Oh, interesting! Well thank you, Applebloom, please take a seat, let’s see who’s next.”
  82. >she may have blanked out, but she recalled the presentation well enough graded Applebloom with solid marks
  83. >Cheer graded them all well, and paid enough attention to be fair and constructive to each student as each brought up war heroes, nurses and other people of note
  84. >in the back of her mind, though, she couldn’t help but wonder...
  85. >just what was in the water in the Apple family?
  87. >Cheerilee finishes her weight training for the day and downs a disgusting concoction devised by Bulk Bicep
  88. >then she proceeded to eat a dozen apples, each gone in just four massive bites
  89. >earlier, when the show and tell was over, she probed about Applebloom’s diet, searching for something to clue her in to how big each family member was
  90. >under the guise of the girl’s recent height growth and ensuring she was eating well to compensate, of course
  91. >typical farm fare, and especially for a farm that was primarily an orchard
  92. >apparently it’s common for all of the families tied to theirs, and almost all of them were tall and strong
  93. >there was only one thing that narrowed them down
  94. >all of them, even the family clusters who didn’t run orchards, they all grew a small copse of apple trees on the side
  95. >so she intended to eat as many apples as she could stand in hopes that would do the trick
  96. >but she only had a month before Hearts and Hooves day, and the store only sold so many apples at a time
  97. >if she couldn’t buy what she needed from the store, she’d go to the source
  98. >the next morning...
  99. >”Nuthin’ goin’, Cheerilee, sorry,” Applejack says
  100. >”I’ll pay you retail price!” Cheerilee begs, “no middle-man cut, all profit.”
  101. >”Nuh-uh. See, we’ve got ourselves a buncha contracts and we’ve gotta stick to’em. It’s an Apple family guarantee.” Applejack sighs and stretches her 7’3 body, exposing her midriff
  102. >she doesn’t quite have Cheerilee’s definition, but she’s still muscular and huge
  103. >the teacher knows she would be stronger if the same height, which just makes her all the more jealous
  105. >she soon gets distracted as she spots Big Mac
  106. >he lifts two stacks of crates filled with farm supplies, arranged on thick chain straps on a metal beam over his shoulders
  107. >she watches his arms bulge, his chest push out, as he lifts what must be an easy two ton load and lowers it on his broad shoulders
  108. >then walks as easily as if they’re empty
  109. >he even looks over and waves at Cheerilee with a little smile
  110. >Cheerilee nearly swoons right there and sheepishly waves back
  111. >”And besides... uh, Cheerilee? You still there, sugarcube?” Applejack snaps her fingers in front of Cheer’s face
  112. >”Wha-oh, yes, sorry. I was just... a- as your were saying?”
  113. >Applejack gives her a funny look, then shrugs and says, “with the amount of apples yer orderin’, I could slot ya on new contract when the fall harvest’s ready.”
  114. >fall!? Hearts and hooves day was a month away, let alone half a year!
  115. >”That’s okay, Applejack. Thank you for your time.”
  116. >dejected, Cheerilee starts her jog back to town, staring at the orchard as she goes
  117. >there’s a lot of apples, acres upon acres of land
  118. >surely they wouldn’t miss a few if she spread the picking across the trees...
  119. >a quick visit back to the school for a town map for the farm layout, a report from Applebloom on Sweet Apple Acres and where things are and some personal scouting later, she had her plan
  120. >to gather apples across the orchard, spread as far as she could to stop anyone getting wise to her scheme
  121. >and she was no thief; she prepared a collection of bits and would account for every apple and pay it as a donation, or sneak it to the Apple family somehow
  123. >three weeks later...
  124. >Cheerilee scowls at the small cushion of fat over her abs in the mirror
  125. >if she was being honest, and not super critical, it was healthy feminine fat
  126. >it also boosted her bust to an E cup and her ass, like the apples she was powering down, was juicy as all heck
  127. >sure, people said apples are good for losing weight, fibre and such
  128. >eating over thirty a day, along with her normal intake for her physique?
  129. >not so much
  130. >not that it mattered now
  131. >a week from Hearts and Hooves day, and she had made some gains, but compared to the month after she started, it was nothing
  132. >and she wasn’t even slightly taller
  133. >Cheerilee sighs, puts on her track jacket, and heads to the gym
  134. >she does her usual sets, and feels better after she realises she’s improved, however slightly
  135. >and then she spots Big Mac, two women with him, laughing and walking with their arms around his waist
  136. >both tall, fit and curvy
  137. >Cheerilee growls and storms outside
  138. >”...thanks, Maccy. We were just riding along and the whole axel just up and broke free!” said one girl
  139. >”thank you so much for helping. You’re the best!” cooed the other
  140. >the massive man eyes their wagon, then the horse to pull it munching on a flower bed nearby
  141. >and Cheerilee strides right past them and snaps, “I got this!”
  143. >”Now hold on-“ Mac says but stops as Cheerilee braces herself and dead lifts the heavy wood and iron vehicle with ease
  144. >she then drags the thing over the dislodged axel and drops it on top and bolts it back on without even using a wrench thanks to her massive strength
  145. >”There you go, girls! On your way now.”
  146. >”oh... thanks,” the girls turn to Mac and begin giggling towards Mac
  147. >so Cheerilee lifts both by the scruff of their shirts, hurls them inside the wagon and kicks the thing hurtling down the road at breakneck speed
  148. >only for Big Mac to holler, “Mel! Chicory! I’ll be at the farm later!”
  149. >he grabs the horse and picks the beast up to pursue
  150. >Cheerilee’s heart freezes
  151. >he knew those girls by name and seemed real familiar
  152. >Big Mac scowls and turns. “Cheerilee, what’s wrong with... huh?”
  153. >the teacher was gone, so he picks up the horse and goes to follow the carnage left behind the wagon
  154. >Cheerilee wasn’t out for her run the next morning either
  155. >Rainbow Dash knocks on the door and calls, “Cheerilee? You okay in there. It’s not like you to sleep in.”
  156. >several more hammerings later, the teacher answers the door, still in her PJ’s and wet eyed
  157. >”Sorry, Dash... I’m just not feeling it today.”
  158. >Rainbow Dash was hardly the best agony aunt in the world
  159. >but for a rival? And someone who impressed the star athlete as much as Cheer had?
  160. >she had a big heart for those
  161. >but more than that, Cheerilee was a friend
  162. >”Wanna talk about it?”
  163. >Cheerilee sniffled and stands aside to let the younger woman in
  165. >Cheer explained everything, and as she’d learned to do, Dash listened
  166. >although for matters of the heart, Dash still didn’t know what to advise
  167. >but as someone who always tried to inspire 110% from herself and those around her? She had some ideas
  168. >”you know I’m dating Soarin’, right?”
  169. >Cheerilee scowls. “If you’re planning to rub it in, I’ll literally throw you out.”
  170. >Dash chuckles, nervously; she knows that not only likely, but she doubts the door will be open first
  171. >”I’ll get to the point; I’m dating him because we’re part of the Wonderbolts, sure, and I’ll always be thankful for that. But even if I never joined them or met Soarin’, I’d still be awesome!”
  172. >Cheer’s scowl doesn’t shift
  173. >”What I mean is; what you did to your body and health? That ridiculously hot buffness? That’s all you, and it should be just for you as well. Be honest with me; did it feel great when you were able to keep up with me for the first time on our sprint around town?”
  174. >the teacher sighs, “yeah.”
  175. >”and did it feel awesome when you threw out your old clothes because you went from 130lbs of soft woman into 140lbs of rock hard badass?”
  176. >Cheerilee slowly smiles and giggles ”I-it was expensive to replace my wardrobe, but yeah!”
  177. >”and did it feel awesome when you kicked my ass when we arm wrestled?”
  178. >Cheer leaps to her feet. ”Heck yeah! I felt awesome!”
  179. >”and do you want to use that goddess bod to pin me down and have your way with me!?”
  180. >”Yeah!! Wait- what?”
  181. >Dash blushes and clears her throat, “j-just throwing that out there. I mean, I’m dating but I’m sure so long as it’s not another guy, Soarin’ won’t mind.”
  182. >Cheerilee’s scowl is back in full force and she clenched her hands, making her arms flex and swell
  183. >”Heh. I’ll leave you to it.” Dash stands and dashes to leave
  184. >”Rainbow Dash?”
  185. >the younger athlete turns around, only to be squeezed into a hug
  186. >”Thank you.”
  188. >Cheer powered through her last supply of apples for breakfast, including one really weird one that was starting to shrivel yet was super hard
  189. >with that, she dusted her hands of the whole Big Mac situation
  190. >a record breaking sprint, a shower and, with newfound confidence, a tighter, figure hugging shirt later...
  191. >Cheerilee teaches and attacks the day like a woman possessed
  192. >Dash was absolutely right. She didn’t need to be defined by Big Mac
  193. >she just had to be the best Cheerilee she could be
  194. >although maybe she over did it on the apples; she felt bloated
  195. >”Okay, class, who can tell me abou-“
  196. >her stomach loudly gurgles for a second
  197. >”Miss Cheerilee? Are you alright?”
  198. >Cheer’s stomach no longer felt bloated, although something felt off...
  199. >she felt warm and everything felt a little tight
  200. >”Thank you for the concern, Sweetie Belle. I just had a big breakfast, that’s all. Now, as I was about to ask, can anyone tell me what ‘hypertrophy’ mea-“
  201. >she lifts her arm to write on the board, and the large bulge of her bicep burst into view, splitting her sleeve in two
  202. >she blinks at the powerful swell and a shudder runs through her
  203. >a few subtle “whoa’s” sound behind her
  204. >she thinks quickly and says “copy pages 112 through 115, I’ll be back in a jiffy!”
  205. >the floor seems to creep away, and she feels dizzy for a second as she stumbles to her break room
  206. >and as she shuts the door, a button pops off her shirt and reveals her cleavage
  207. >a whole bunch of cleavage
  208. >but then she feels cool and normal, except for how tight her clothes have become
  210. >Cheerilee locates a jacket to cover the damage
  211. >but for now, she checks herself in a mirror and gasps
  212. >the 140lbs powerhouse teacher looks closer to 150lbs, with not a single misspent pound
  213. >her breasts are up to an F cup, her muscles are just a little bigger all over
  214. >but most important of all?
  215. >she’s taller!
  216. >only two inches, but she’s taller!!
  217. >but how?
  218. >Cheerilee checks her maps and notes
  219. >then remembers that one weird apple and tried to recall were she found it
  220. >deep in the orchard, that’s for sure, and it looked like it was shrivelling from age
  221. >she stops; it didn’t matter any more
  222. >Big Mac had two supposed lady friends, and Cheer was happy with the way she was; the extra inches would be a little reward, and that would be that
  223. >with a sigh, and a lot of fiddling with the jacket, she heads back into the classroom to finish the school day
  224. >class resumes and, after reassuring her kindly students that she was alright, things settled down
  225. >but after class, Cheer decides to wave Applebloom down
  226. >”I was wondering if you would pass on my apologies to your brother. I interrupted a date or something, and made an idiot of myself.”
  227. >”What? Date? Nah, they were our cousins! Melony and Chicory!”
  228. >Cheer stares, pinches her brow and feels horrible about letting jealousy get the best of her
  229. >”But sure, I’ll pass that on. Oh, dang; there was somethin’ else but I forget. Oh well, seeya later, Miss Cheerilee! Nice guns, by the way!”
  230. >Bloom gives a little flex, her long but strong limbs swell a little, and Cheer can’t help but grin at the compliment
  232. >it was time for Cheerilee to settle accounts, and that meant sneaking in to the farm one last time with a big bag of bits to cover the apples she stole
  233. >well... took in advance
  234. >it’s not stealing if you pay for it, right?
  235. >but something kept nagging her; that strange apple, and whether it really was what made her grow
  236. >she dropped off the bag, and an anonymous ‘sorry’ note in the main barn, plus a little extra
  237. >then, following her last ‘heist’ path, she found herself at a dense copse of apple trees that weren’t planted as deliberately as the others
  238. >they’re so close, the apple trees look downright spooky and twisted
  239. >and they form a natural barrier that only has one small gap
  240. >Cheerilee peers inside and gasps
  241. >a large, ancient tree
  242. >and from its branches hang five of those same weird apples
  243. >she tries to squeeze through, but ends up having to use her fantastic strength to bend the trees apart to sneak inside
  244. >”One apple gave me two inches. I won’t complain about another ten eating these...”
  245. >the idea of being a 6ft, buff and sexy teacher didn’t sound half bad
  246. >she bags them up and sneaks out
  247. >and feeling guilty again, she puts even more bits in the sack
  248. >”Last time,” she mutters to herself, heads home and gets some sleep
  250. >it’s hearts and hooves day
  251. >and all Cheerilee cares about is finding the best delivery system of these strange, hard apples
  252. >she had to chop the last one with a knife into slim enough slices that it was like chewing ancient, ice cold taffy
  253. >frankly, she didn’t want to break her teeth, so she elected to put them in a blender
  254. >which promptly broke
  255. >”How am I gonna...”
  256. >she looks at her muscular arms and giggles
  257. >”right, of course”
  258. >she grips one between her hands beneath a dishcloth and over a bowl and squeezes
  259. >for the first time since slowing her gains, she was actually staggered at how hard these things were fresh
  260. >it cracked, split and shattered into a thousand pieces
  261. >panting for breath, she repeated the process, and soon had a bowl full of hard apple shards
  262. >soaking them in water, mashing them with a pestle, then her fist
  263. >she finally had a coarse, cement-like pulp, which she finally ate with a spoon, not even bothering to chew, and just swallowed
  264. >and just as she reached the bottom of the jar, a knock on her door...
  265. >she half expected Rainbow Dash, but saw a distraught Applebloom instead
  266. >”Miss Cheerilee! I’m such an idiot! I was supposed to give you this yesterday!”
  267. >an envelope, which Cheerilee takes and opens
  268. >”Please don’t tell’em I messed up...” the girl pleads
  269. >a Hearts and Hooves day card, for a meet up in the town square, set for five minutes ago
  270. >from Big Mac
  272. >Cheerilee gathered a set of clothes that should be big enough for her soon to be new height into a bag and ran into town
  273. >she was late already, let alone after getting the clothes, and entered the town square just as Big Mac was looking gloomy at being stood up
  274. >the way his expression made a u-turn as Cheer skidded to a stop, barely out of breath from the full sprint
  275. >and when he stood up, Cheer get weak at the knees
  276. >the way he loomed over her like this? She might actually miss that
  277. >”Listen, Big Mac, about the other day-“
  278. >the giant smiled and waved her worries away.
  279. >”It’s fine. No harm done. I was just wonderin’ if you’d... y’know, spend the day together?”
  280. >Cheer’s heart throbbed
  281. >but her stomach gurgled and the bloating started too; she needed more time to explain things, but she was against the clock
  282. >”I’d love to! Ever since the whole potion fiasco a few years ago, I’ve always wondered if you still felt the same. Maybe wondered what if...”
  283. >Mac smirks. “Eyup, but I was worried...”
  284. >”That I didn’t feel that way?”
  285. >he nods, and after a few seconds of bright blushes and fiddling fingers, they come together in a big hug
  286. >”Of course I did! I’ve wanted this for ages!”
  287. >Cheer drank in the feel of his hard, massive body, the tender warmth
  288. >but her stomach roars again, harder
  289. >Mac’s hand stroked her back, and he says, ”heck, Applebloom wasn’t jokin’. After how hard you punted Melony’s wagon, I did wonder. Did... uh, did you start working’ out for me? And you seem... taller?”
  291. >Cheerilee chuckles. “I- it’s probably just posture. Besides, I figured a big, strong man would want a bigger, stronger woman. I didn’t think I could ever measure up, but... what do you think?”
  292. >”You di’n’t need to do that for me, Cheerilee. I know I’m big and imposin’, but we coulda made it work.”
  293. >Cheer smirks, tightens her grip, and lifts Big Mac off his feet with ease, and he gasps
  294. >“Are you objecting?”
  295. >she felt the answer before he said it; the bulge forming in his pants pressed against her body, but he says, “nope! Got a lotta strong girls in the family, and... well... you’re real purty... and real smart too.”
  296. >she let him down as he finishes, going even redder in the face, “maybe this is sudden, but I’d love to... see more of, and uh... and m- maybe d- date?”
  297. >she went to answer, but it was drowned out by a roar from her stomach so loud it made the town square’s general chatter die
  298. >it was happening; her clothes pinched in on her, and she had to get somewhere discrete before she ended up naked in front of everyone
  299. >”Y- yes! I’d love that, but first I’ve got a surprise for you. Wait here and let me go get it.”
  300. >she leapt up and planted a kiss on his lips, and sprinted away to the nearest private space; the school
  301. >love struck, Mac sat on the bench again, with the biggest grin on his reddened face
  303. >Cheer staggers as she enters the school
  304. >her body stretches, swells and bulges as her stomach continues to rumble as it digests her strange apple breakfast
  305. >she changes into her larger clothes, then looks at herself in the mirror
  306. >at the towering amazon she always wanted to be
  307. >she rubs her stomach in anticipation of it stopping as she hits 6ft
  308. >any second...
  309. >any time now, right?
  310. >her clothes draw tight again
  311. >and a heat builds inside her
  312. >a heat that makes her sweat, and as her panties ride up and wedge themselves in her privates
  313. >as if that was an invitation, she gasps as arousal cuts through her worry
  314. >she’s barely coherent as her hands stroke her perfectly strong body and fingers dig deep inside her eager womanhood
  315. >her mind swam with the image of Mac as he got dressed from his dip in the lake, the very image that made her feel inadequate
  316. >and her needs just spiked as she fell backwards on the floor; she could take him, she wanted to ride that stallion of a man!
  317. >the wooden boards broke as she impacted and climaxed
  318. >yet the desire burned on
  319. >and her rock hard belly continues to rumble as she outgrew even her larger clothes
  321. >Big Mac was staring skyward, his heart hammering and everything felt great
  322. >he had the love of a beautiful, smart woman like Cheerilee
  323. >and despite saying she didn’t need to change for him, having someone who could snuggle with his peerless strength was more than a man could hope for
  324. >”Ooh, someone’s on cloud nine,” a female voice says
  325. >Rainbow Dash plants herself next to the massive farmer
  326. >”So, did you pick Mel, Chicory or both??”
  327. >that brought him down to earth as he huffs and frowns
  328. >”those were my cousins, Dash. I don’t know what kinda rumours y’all think apply to the Apple family, but we ain’t inbred hicks.”
  329. >Dash clears her throat and scratches her head, “sorry, my bad. I had a heart to heart with Cheer and she thought you were going out with them.”
  330. >”She thought the same and apologised for it,” Mac says and smiles smugly, “now we’re plannin’ on datin’”
  331. >Dash punches his arm; might as well have punched a tree. “Hey, good for you two! Guess she gave up on that whole growing bigger thing.”
  332. >”What?”
  333. >”Oh, she thought eating a bunch of apples would make her taller to be a better match for you. Sounded like bunk to me.”
  334. >Mac did wonder if Cheer seemed taller but thought he was mistaken
  335. >he knew the secret to the family strength; an ancient old magic syrup made from special apples, dripped into food to make them big and strong
  336. >but they had to be treated carefully; raw and fresh, they were too potent
  337. >and Granny Smith said some had gone missing
  338. >it all came together in his head
  339. >”Cheerilee!”
  341. >bathed in sweat, Cheer’s eyes rolled back as she came for... however many times it was now
  342. >she felt her legs press against the wall, and with a single push, her thick, luscious limbs crushed it like flimsy cardboard
  343. >she giggled as her breasts swell in her hands, and another swell of muscle rocks through her
  344. >but her mind finally clears
  345. >and realises she’s still growing, and as she tries to sit up, her head hits the ceiling and her legs have crushed her break room
  346. >”What the heck? Oh, sweet Celestia! Oh no!”
  347. >she tried to compact herself down as her body crushed school desks, the foundation of the building shook and cracked
  348. >outside, after following the trail of witnesses who saw Cheerilee run by, Dash and Big Mac arrive at the school
  349. >and as Mac reaches for the door, he pauses and looks confused
  350. >it was bulging, creaking and cracking
  351. >then a tanned foot as long as Dash was tall thrust out
  352. >they retreated as another leg burst through the wall
  353. >and as they turn around, the ceiling bulges as well
  354. >then gives way to long, thick, pink, two-toned hair
  355. >and massive grey-green eyes
  356. >all on a sheepish, blushing face as the whole structure collapses
  357. >and exposes 60ft of goddess level strength woman, the perfect balance between womanly and muscular
  358. >complete with absolutely perfect G cups hanging over the deepest, hard ridged abs
  359. >Cheer’s voice echoes as she stammers, “I- I know you said I didn’t need to change, but.. s-surprise!”
  361. >one week later...
  362. >”It’s no good, Cheerilee, you’ll need to return to normal for a day before the shrink spell will work again.”
  363. >the teacher sighs as Twilight closes her book, then strokes the 12ft woman’s hand
  364. >”Don’t worry, Cheer!” Dash says, summons her wings and flies up to sit on an adjacent bookcase so she’s eye level with the kneeling giantess, “I’m sure Mac’s up to the challenge. I know I am, keeping up with you on the morning runs.”
  365. >Cheerilee blushes; he certainly was up to the challenge. Their first time making love involved him using his whole upper body inside her to bring her to climax
  366. >since Twilight researched the shrinking spell, Mac was ecstatic; at her ‘small’ size, he could finally bury himself to the hilt in a loving partner and use his massive strength without worrying about hurting her and he was so big down there, it felt natural
  367. >an ability he gleefully took advantage of; after years apart from the love potion, they were making up for lost time
  368. >”It’s not that, I just keep worrying I’ll break something, or someone, while I’m at full size.”
  369. >”All the more reason to practice.” Twilight casts a spell on the castle doors and they open, then the opening stretches wider to let her through
  370. >Cheerilee leaves, and with another cast, she feels herself swell larger as she returns to her 60ft height and the ground rumbles at her massive weight
  371. >”Right,” Cheer says, “well, if I’m this big, I could help plough the fields with my fingers to help at the farm.”
  372. >”A happy coincidence, then! Come by tomorrow, and I’ll shrink you again.”
  373. >part time farmer, full time teacher (once they finished rebuilding the school to accomidate her new size), all time varying size giantess, Cheerilee couldn’t say she felt perfect
  374. >and as they reached the farm, and saw Big Mac wave and smile at her, she knew she was to one man, and that’s what mattered
  375. The End

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT