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Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2021-10-10 14:43:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >”C’mon, sis, lunch ain’t gonna eat itself!”
  2. >Apple Bloom strained as she placed a large crate of cider in the cart, wiped her brow of sweat, and looked at the remaining crates
  3. >”I’m almost done, jus’ ten left!”
  4. >Applejack rounded the cart, took three crates and loaded them like they weighed half of one, then smiled, “y’all can finish after eatin’!”
  5. >”That ain’t the point, Applejack. Everyone else has finished their chores, and I’m behind again…”
  6. >the older sister offered a gentle smile and pulled Apple Bloom into a hug
  7. >the powerfully built, 6’2 Applejack rested her chin on the toned but still slimmer 5ft teen’s head and said, “I know yer doin’ your best, sis, don’t y’all worry. But come along now. Grub’s gonna get cold.”
  8. >Applejack gave the top of Apple Bloom’s head a familial kiss, then left the barn
  9. >Apple Bloom stared at the door, gritted her teeth, then continued working
  10. >as she slid another crate on the cart, she panted and grumbled, “why can’t I be as big as her or Big Mac? Why’ve I gotta be so dang small!”
  11. >suddenly, a pair of huge hands grabbed her waist and hoisted her into the air
  12. >”’cause it makes you easier to carry.”
  13. >the 6’8 Big Mac chuckled and carried her back to the farmhouse to join the family for lunch
  14. >Apple Bloom looked at the pictures of (most) of the Apple family
  15. >almost without exception, tall and sturdy guys and gals stared back with smiling faces
  16. >and as they entered the dining room, she sighed again
  17. >and as soon as she ate her full, she finished her chores and made her way into the Everfree forest to see a certain shaman
  18. Meanwhile…
  19. >”… that bad, huh?”
  20. >the 5’5, pudgy but curvy Pinkie lifted her chin off the table. ”Huh?”
  21. >”That quadruple lettuce sandwich,” Twilight said and gestures to the two-bites-less-than-full lunch. “Is it not very good, or…?”
  22. >Pinkie sighed, her half-deflated hair flittering from the effort. “It’s fine, I’m just trying to lose weight; I’m thirty now, so I’ve gotta be the responsible adult. That and it’s just… Mr. And Mrs. Cake are taking the kids on their first big family vacation together, plus they’ve closed Sugarcube corner for two weeks to upgrade the kitchen. AND it’s the quiet season for birthdays and parties in general. AND everyone’s busy with stuff anyway; Dash has flight drills, Rarity’s off in Canterlot with a fashion show so she’s letting me stay at her place, Fluttershy’s visiting her family…”
  24. >Twilight tittered. ”Aw, poor Pinkie. If you want something to do, I have books to read and advice on dieting! If you need an exercise partner, I’ll be happy to lend a hand.” Twilight thought for a second and summoned a diary, then flipped through the pages. “And am I misremembering, or is it Apple Bloom’s eighteenth birthday soon?”
  25. >Pinkoe sighed again. ”Its alright, Twilight, I don’t wanna be a pain; I’ll manage. And yeah, the party’s tomorrow, and I’ve already got everything ready.”
  26. >”Then why are you so upset?”
  27. >Pinkie reached across the table, far longer than she is tall, and grabbed Twilight’s shoulders. “It’s still tomorrow! It’s sooo far off! I’ve double checked,” she shouted and shook Twilight, “triple checked,” and shook her increasingly harder, “and googloplex checked my supplies for her special day, but there’s left for the party and nothing around town I can do!”
  28. >Twilight’s eyes spun about from the shaking then, when she got her bearings, said, “well… have you tried maybe adding a little flourish to the party? Not that I’m saying you don’t go all out, but surely there’s some extra punch you could add to make it extra special to ring in her adulthood? Something unique to Apple Bloom? Hey, what about Zecora? She knows Apple Bloom well, and has a touch of the dramatic about her when she needs to. Maybe ask her for some suggestions?”
  29. >Pinkie blinked, then smiled as her hair reinflated
  30. >she swallowed the sandwich down in a single gulp and she hugged Twilight. “That’s a great idea!”
  31. >and with that, Pinkie zoomed off, leaving Twilight in a spin
  32. >once no longer in danger of falling over, she finished her walk around town and went to return home
  33. >Apple Bloom knocked on Twilight’s library door, sighed, then spun around, only to spot the owner on the approach
  34. >”Oh, good afternoon Apple Bloom! Did you need something?”
  35. >”I sure do, Twilight. Y’know that time, years back, when me and my friends turned ourselves into adults? I just talked with Zecora about why I’m so small compared to everyone else in my family, and Zecora thinks somethin’s still wrong with me, but I needed someone with magic to find it.”
  37. >”Really? I thought the wish back to your natural ages went flawlessly. Besides, you’ve all grown up since then; Sweetie Belle’s beautiful, and she’s taller and… uh, bigger than Rarity. And Scootaloo’s short, but she’s proven to be a late bloomer in terms of her wings and figure as well. Look, Apple Bloom.” The 5’7 Twilight bent down to the teen’s level, hands on her hips. “I know at your age you might have body image issues, but you don’t need to be tall or curvy. You’re beautiful as you are.“
  38. >Apple Bloom folded her arms as the condescension and pouted. “Yer not listenin’, Twilight. Zecora said somethin’s-“
  39. >”Wrong with you, I know, you said.” Realising she wouldn’t get anywhere with the energetic teen, Twilight shrugged. “Oh, very well, come inside and let’s see if I can find anything.”
  40. Meanwhile…
  41. >Zecora was busy with a small cauldron; a sprinkle of petals, a dash of powder, a stir, a sniff
  42. >the 5’10, slender and dark skinned shaman mused, “it’s almost there, just a little time to stew,
  43. >time to find something else to do.”
  44. >a knock on the door
  45. >then a tinkle of a bone wind-chime
  46. >a giggle, and another tap of the wind-chime clapper as it struck the hollow bird bones
  47. >and another as Zecora frowned and opened her door
  48. >Pinkie pawed at the wind-chime like a cat, realised Zecora was there and quickly put her hands behind her back as the chimes continued to clack and click
  49. >”Hi, Zecora! Whatcha doin’?”
  50. >the shaman silently reached for the chime clapper, pinched it to a stop, then beckoned Pinkie inside
  51. >”Presently I am making a potion to aid Apple Bloom,
  52. >she seems sure, like her siblings, she should stand tall and loom.”
  53. >”Oohh, she’s why I’m here as well! Wait, what do you mean, ‘loom?’”
  54. >”The young lady claims to be lacking in natural height,
  55. >and from my examination, it would seem she is right.
  56. >Her body has trapped in a potential for growth,
  57. >so she is seeking help from Twilight and myself, both.”
  58. >”Wait, you’re going to make her tall? But how? She’s eighteen tomorrow. I stopped getting taller when I was, like, fourteen.”
  59. >”Ordinarily, yes, this would be true,
  60. >but it will be possible with a special brew.
  61. >a dose of this should have her creep up like a vine,
  62. >but Bloom has been afflicted with magic, malign.”
  63. >Zecora carefully poured the cauldron into a bottle, then set it on the side
  64. >”spread over a week, she will gain a an inch or two
  65. >sadly, at her age, that is all I can do,
  66. >it just needs to be given in a way that is slow,
  67. >it’s a little too strong to take all in one go.”
  68. >Pinkie raised and swung her arm. “Oh, oh, I know! I could mix it into something, like a batch of chocolates.”
  69. >Zecora raised an eyebrow, “you expect Apple Bloom to not gorge on sweets?
  70. >or any food with the way her family eats?”
  71. >”Oh, trust me, *these* chocolates are so rich, *so* sickly, she won’t wanna eat more than one at a time!” Pinkie rubbed her hands and cackled
  73. >”I hate to admit, but that’s a clever idea,
  74. >but one a day, I must make that doubly clear!”
  75. >Pinkie rolled her eyes and added, “oh, don’t look at me like that. I’ll also warn her to only have one a day. Give me a little credit here.”
  76. >Zecora looked at the potion, then sighed and handed it to Pinkie
  77. Meanwhile…
  78. >”Yep, there’s some trapped magic in there, alright. In layman’s terms, magic usually flows through people, but that age changing wish has kind of knotted itself in you when it made you your real age again and you were trapped between fully grown and pre-teen.” Twilight finished her scanning spell, then scribbled a few notes
  79. >Apple Bloom sat up from the bed, and Twilight continued, “the problem is you’re not likely to grow much if I undo the ‘knot’ now; you’ll gain maybe half an inch at best, by my estimates.”
  80. >”But you’ve gotta know a spell or somethin’, right?”
  81. >”Maybe, but size changing spells are… a little twitchy, what with square-cube law, matter/energy conversion and...”
  82. >Apple Bloom blinked and looked confused
  83. >Twilight sighed and simplified, “they’re possible, but I worry it might put too much strain on your body or some other external influence will make the spell go haywire. Shrinking’s one thing, not growth? You know, I bet Zecora could squeeze a good two inch growth spurt out of you in a way that’s less likely to cause you harm, like she did with Pipsqueak! It’s a lesser form of magic, but one rooted in boosting your existing hormones and growth plates.”
  84. >Apple Bloom weighed her options
  85. >she would take what she could get, but only two and a half inches?
  86. >desperate times called for desperate measures, and a little bending of the truth
  87. >”Actually, Zecora already tried and said it wouldn’t work on me. Are you sure you can’t cast just a little, teeny spell to give me, oh I dunno, five inches or somethin’?”
  88. >”Im really sorry, Apple Bloom, but-“
  89. >Bloom put on her best puppy-dog eyes and said, “I’m just so short. I’m turnin’ into such a burden for the farm, while Applejack and Big Mac’re workin’ themselves to the bone-“
  90. >Twilight rolled her eyes, took a deep breath, and sighed. “Fine, but it’s going to have some *very* strict rules.” She took a book from a shelf, cleared her throat, and began a long spell
  91. >Apple Bloom sat down, fully attentive
  93. Meanwhile
  94. >in Carousel Boutique, Pinkie was busy making some luxurious chocolates
  95. >every step was torture; she hadn’t had sweets in weeks!
  96. >she slowly poured the potion in the bowl of filling, stirring it vigorously, then expertly filled the hollows of each shell, poured on the top to seal them in, and took a moment to appreciate her good work
  97. >then used a spoon to scrape out the leftover chocolate and filling, and before she realised what she’d done, she was already savouring the luxurious, delectable leftovers
  98. >”Uh oh… well, a little treat won’t hurt, right?” She then looked at the empty potion bottle
  99. >Pinkie already assumed that, as an adult, she couldn’t grow taller. She just *had* to taste it to tell how much it would impact the flavour, but it didn’t taste bad and it was only a tiny sip
  100. >but another dose from the chocolate wouldn’t make any difference
  101. >right?
  102. >she looked down at her full figure, waited a second, then shrugged and cleaned up after herself
  103. >suddenly, her stomach gurgled and rumbled loudly, though she didn’t feel that hungry
  104. >then again, looking at the clock, it was time for dinner
  105. >having already checked Rarity’s kitchen and found almost nothing, and used her experience as a confectioner and baker to use all the ingredients for the chocolates, she decided she would eat out today
  106. >less chance of over eating if there’s nothing else to eat!
  107. >and remembered that Sweet Apple Acres was having a big harvest sale this week
  108. >she also wanted to make sure her chocolates were going to go down well, so after a few minutes to cool, she put one up in a fancy foil wrap, and headed out
  109. Outside…
  110. >Apple Bloom regarded the tiny seed in her hand
  111. >shed blanked out most of what Twilight said; something about a tree called a goliath or something from another dimension that made apples that made people bigger, and how it’s close proximity to her desire to be taller made it a closer magic match, blah, blah
  112. >the main part she remembered was to only swallow it when she got home; something about sympathetic arcane fields, and that touching people would spread it
  113. >and if they also had some sort of enlargement medium, like if they were still growing up themselves or under the effect of some other growth magic, they would throw off the spell
  114. > so adults would be fine but other kids might grow bigger
  115. >also it would make her ravenously hungry to fuel her growth, and that her birthday would be the perfect excuse to overeat
  116. >in fact, she would get *so* hungry that the spell invoked an aspect from the whole parasprite calamity; she would be able to digest anything she could swallow, just in case; it was possible to actually starve to death from the effects and Twilight was worried Bloom would come to harm
  117. >so she obeyed the rules to the letter
  118. >or kinda, anyway; she popped the seed as soon as she was outside of town
  119. >it tasted of nothing, went down easy (she’d eaten a few apple seeds by accident plenty of times) and she jogged home
  121. >”Hey, kiddo!”
  122. >a sudden shout from the side, “high five!”
  123. >Apple Bloom spun just in time to clap hands with a typically sudden Pinkie attack
  124. >the high five tingled and tickled, and both their hair’s stood out
  125. >”Eek! Static cling much?” Pinkie Pie giggled and hugged the younger girl.
  126. >”Hi Pinkie! What brings you here?”
  127. >the party planner gestured to her satchel, “a healthy salad dinner and fruit for healthy dessert, and some oatmeal for healthy breakfast, which as a responsible adult, I totally should be taking seriously!” Pinkie gave an unconvincing laugh. “Enjoy that metabolism while it lasts, Apple Bloom. Aaanyway, you ready for your *big* day tomorrow?”
  128. >they parted and Apple Bloom said, “you betcha! I’m hoping it’ll be the best birthday ever!”
  129. >”Not that I want to spoil the surprise, but it’s definitely gonna be a *bigger* one than normal. Oh, hold out your hand!”
  130. >Apple Bloom did so, and Pinkie placed a little foil covered treat into her hand
  131. >Pinkie then waved and said, ”enjoy! See you tomorrow!”
  132. >Apple Bloom waved back, unwrapped the chocolate, marvelled at the delicate thing and popped it in her mouth
  133. >”Sweet Celestia, that’s good! Oh wow.” She mulled it over, the indulgent richness, the powerful sweetness, the deep creaminess…
  134. >she didn’t even realise she had been standing, bewitched by the taste for a good few minutes until she felt a shudder run through her, and everything felt… a little weird
  135. >so she continued on home, only to have her stomach rumble like thunder
  136. >”Jus’ as well it was only one piece of candy; I wouldn’t wanna spoil dinner!”
  137. >Apple Bloom finished her evening chores, had dinner (and seconds, and thirds) and eased off to sleep, even if her gut kept growling
  138. Elsewhere…
  139. >”Oof!” Pinkie rubbed her pudgy belly as it roared like an angry dragon
  140. >dinner, dessert, breakfast; she’d eaten it all, but was still hungry
  141. >she eyed the chocolates, then did another scout around the kitchen and found nothing edible, realised it was late and nowhere would be open around town, then stared at the chocolates again
  142. >”J- just one. Maybe two, and that’ll be it.”
  143. >Pinkie took two
  144. >then a third
  145. >six left, that would be fine, right?
  146. >Pinkie did her best to savour each one and climbed in bed for a fitful sleep
  148. >Apple Bloom’s feet were cold as they stuck out from her bed
  149. >she had such a good night, she could have slept for weeks, but felt refreshed all the same, like a whole new girl
  150. >or woman
  151. >a knock on the door, and Applejack called, “Rise and shine, birthday girl! Go get yerself scrubbed up and breakfast’ll be waitin’ for ya.”
  152. >Apple Bloom sat up and yawned
  153. >though it was drowned out as her flat, toned stomach roared
  154. >”Darn, that’s a hunger all right.”
  155. >she swing her legs off the bed and everything felt off
  156. >her bed clothes were all out of shape
  157. >the giant t-shirt felt… less giant
  158. >she staggered and stumbled, off balance as she entered the bathroom
  159. >and did her morning routine with a background percussion of gut rumbles
  160. >but once she tried to put on her underwear, she struggled
  161. >and looked in the mirror
  162. >she barely stopped the scream
  163. >there, looking back at her, was a 5’5, far curvier, stronger version of herself
  164. >now she did scream, or rather, squeal with joy
  165. >she rushed downstairs
  166. >”Happy birthday, siSWEET APPLE BETSY, I know they call it a birthday suit, but put on some damned clothes!”
  167. Meanwhile…
  168. >the rumbling was deafening
  169. >Pinkie groaned and rolled out of bed
  170. >the blanket-covered mass hit the floor with a massive thud that shook Rarity’s delicate decor
  171. >”So hungry!!”
  172. >she pulled herself free of the blanket
  173. >all nine feet of her
  174. >her pudge had shrunk to a perfectly flat belly
  175. >but you couldn’t see it; huge breasts overhung the strained her bra as they desperately held her mass aloft
  176. >and her underwear left nothing to the imagination, with most of her ample butt exposed
  177. >but Pinkie didn’t care; she tried to put on her clothes, which ripped apart, and she dragged herself to the door
  178. >*THUD*
  179. >”Ow!
  180. >she held her forehead and stared at the eye-level door frame, rubbed her eyes, blinked, and stared again
  181. >”Oh? Oh! Oh no!”
  182. >another violent gurgle from her stomach
  183. >a deep shiver up her body
  184. >and Pinkie went wide-eyed as the door frame sank lower
  185. >she pulled the door open to leave, and accidentally ripped it off the frame
  186. >and could help but stare at the fragile wood…
  187. >and bit a piece off, like it was a giant sandwich
  188. >it tasted pretty good, actually…
  190. Elsewhere…
  191. >”Could I have thirds, please?”
  192. >Applejack chuckled at her now (somewhat tightly) dressed sister. “Guess a growin’ girl’s got one heck of a growin’ appetite, huh? Alright, another batch of pancakes comin’ up.”
  193. >Big Mac and Granny Smith had finished their breakfast and gone to work to sell their harvest bounty
  194. >Applejack was determined to make her younger sister feel like a million bits and fulfilling her every wish
  195. >although as she eyed the last dregs of pancake batter as she made another huge stack, she began wondering if Bloom had secretly wished for a bottomless stomach
  196. >thankfully, as Apple Bloom demolished the third stack, her stomach purred gently as she sighed with relief
  197. >”That hit the spot. Thanks, sis!”
  198. >”Yer welcome! Now go on, git; I’ve gotta get things ready for yer party later. I’m sure the town’s gonna want to wish you a happy birthday too.”
  199. >”Sure thing! Seeya later!”
  200. >Apple Bloom stood, but a pleasant warmth tingled through her and the table seemed to drop away
  201. >a faint rip exposed some of her hip as the seam gave way, and the girl smirked; she was still growing!
  202. >so she headed upstairs and found a looser set of clothes, namely an old shirt of Applejack’s, and the now 5’8 girl headed out to enjoy the day
  203. Meanwhile…
  204. >the townspeople fled as the ground shook in a slow rhythm
  205. >a fifteen foot tall Pinkie staggered as her stomach roared deeply and loudly enough to shake the ground
  206. >several tables of abandoned breakfast were little but morsels
  207. >so she picked up the wooden tables and munched through them as well
  208. >”Please… I just need more food.”
  209. >her words went unheeded as she grew another foot taller
  210. >Twilight teleported in front of the ever-growing giant
  211. >”Pinkie, what are you doing? You’ve got to stop this!”
  212. >”I can’t help it, Twilight,” Pinkie winced and clutched her stomach as a cacophonous rumble blocked all other sounds. “I… I can’t control myself!”
  213. >Pinkie ripped up several wooden fences, each munched down like wafers, then bushes and flowers
  214. >and no sooner than they vanished down Pinkie’s throat, she spurted up to twenty feet tall
  215. >her underwear, which had somehow held on to this point, finally sundered and left Pinkie naked
  216. >but she ignored her exposure and just stumbled on, eating everything even slightly soft enough to chew and swallow, and set upon Sugarcube corner, tearing chunks off and eating walls, furniture and ingredients
  217. >Twilight paced and panicked, unsure what to do
  218. >”What pandemonium is this day greeting?”
  219. >a deep, familiar feminine contralto
  220. >”and what does Pinkie not plan on eating?”
  221. >”Thank goodness! Zecora, we could use your help! Pinkies growing and eating out of control! I dare to ask, but have you seen Apple Bloom?”
  222. >”I just met her when I came this way,
  223. >she’s bigger and cheerful on her special day.”
  225. >Twilight explained what happened yesterday, as well as her concerns that Pinkie was displaying the desperate hunger her spell should only have when in danger of starvation
  226. >”Oh no, Pinkie had plans to dispense a potion, you know,
  227. >with the ability to make the consumer then grow.”
  228. >Twilight gasped. “Pinkie must have come into contact with Apple Bloom, then drank at least some of the potion. Two growth effects combined explains a lot.”
  229. >A hearty burp echoed through the town square as the two mystics watched Pinkie finish eating Sugarcube corner, her stomach distended, and she planted herself on her generous rump
  230. >no sooner than the ground stopped quaking from the impact, her belly shrank and roared
  231. >and Pinkie shot from forty to fifty feet tall. “How can I still be hungry!?”
  232. >she then crawled to the next building and started eating that as well
  233. >”I can probably strip the enchantment away, but I need time because of how big she is! Can you try and slow her down while I prepare the spell?”
  234. >”I shall do my unlikely best, I say with much gloom…”
  235. >Twilight teleported away, and Zecora tapped her chin in thought, joining the dots of what she’d just learned, then snapped her fingers
  236. >”perhaps another giant could help spare us this doom?”
  237. Just outside of town
  238. >”Huh… don’t get many earthquakes around here. Anyway, I was so happy being the tallest of us, but having two inches on me, I guess this feels right again.”
  239. >Sweetie Belle pulled away from hugging the 6’1 Apple Bloom
  240. >”I feel right as well.” Apple Bloom’s flexed her respectable biceps, ripping the sleeve but she ignored it. “I was so hooked up on catchin’ up with my sister it was drivin’ me crazy, but now I can pull my weight around the farm!”
  241. >”I won’t lie,” the 5’2, slim but just as muscular Scootaloo laughed, “I was always worried I’d never make it as a flier, and when my wings finally grew in and you were still short, I felt horrible, like all my wishing to be able to fly had somehow taken it from you. But look at us! Sweetie’s a singer and a model, I’m a Wonderbolt cadet and Apple Bloom’s a beauty *and* a beast! Happy birthday, big girl!”
  242. >the three shared a hug, but it was short lived as Zecora ran up to them
  244. >”Apple Bloom, I must ask you a great boon,
  245. >come quick or devastation will come soon.”
  246. >after a shared, concerned glance, the birthday girl asked, ”I guess? What’s wrong, Zecora?”
  247. >”I gave away a potion to cure your ails,
  248. >what was to grow just inches now truly pales,
  249. >somehow she is growing to monstrous size,
  250. >I must know have you eaten anything of Pinkie Pie’s?”
  251. >Scootaloo said, “Apple Bloom’s been growing little by little all day, not to mention snacking and eating a bunch too. But what’s this about Pinkie being a giant?”
  252. >a ground shaking roar sent the four staggering, and they looked towards town, only to see Pinkie’s thick, curly hair poke over the buildings
  253. >Zecora continued, ”Twilight has a plan and a spell in the making,
  254. >but I fear what I ask of you will be a big undertaking,
  255. >the spell that is currently making you dream come true,
  256. >is the key to stopping Pinkie from eating all within view!”
  257. >”W- what’re you askin’, exactly?”
  258. >Zecora looked deeply troubled, but took a deep breath and said, “we need you to grow like her, just as enlarged,
  259. >and hold her down until Twilight’s spell’s being charged.
  260. >I understand if you do not wish to become such a spectacle,
  261. >but I fear, for my potion, you’re the only receptacle.”
  262. >Apple Bloom enjoyed her new size, and did want to be a maybe a bit bigger
  263. >but *that* big?
  264. >”Y- you’ll shrink us back, right?”
  265. >”I’m certain Twilight will do her utmost,
  266. >but knowledge of shrinking magic I shall not boast.”
  267. >”Aw, horse apples… fine! Where’s the potion?”
  268. Back in town…
  269. >Pinkie struggled with her relentless hunger
  270. >she knew what she was doing was wrong, but everything looked so tasty; thatched rooftops as cotton candy, bricks as chocolate, walls as cookies…
  271. >windows shattered from the sheer ear splitting volume as her stomach shook the town
  272. >and then some gingerbread people appeared…
  274. >getting near Carousel Boutique was one thing
  275. >but the wild eyed, 70ft Pinkie was quite another
  276. >her huge hand reached down, and Scootaloo took flight, darting to high and drawing the giantess’s attention
  277. >further helped by Sweetie Belle, who uses her newly learned show-magic to dazzle and daze
  278. >Zecora and Apple Bloom got inside Rarity’s shop and, remembering Pinkie’s plan with the potion and the treat she gave the younger girl the day before, they find the tray of chocolates
  279. >Apple Bloom eyed the treats nervously. ”I can’t believe yer gonna taint my opinion of chocolate on my birthday of all days.”
  280. >”Forgive me, young one, but you must focus please,
  281. >do you remember my lessons on remaining at ease?”
  282. >”Meditation, right? Sure do, Zecora.”
  283. >”Your senses shall be overwhelmed and skewed,
  284. >and your tainted parasprite instincts will see all things as food.”
  285. >with a nod and a supportive squeeze of her shoulder from her long term mentor, Apple Bloom took a deep breath
  286. >and gulped down the remaining chocolates, then after some hesitation, removed her clothes
  287. >if nothing else, she saw the shaman as close as family, though she did go bright red in the face being naked in front of her
  288. >Zecora backed up a few steps as Apple Bloom looked down at herself, then shrugged
  289. >then her eyes went wide as her stomach purred, rumbled and roared
  290. >”Holy mopey! And I though I was hungry this mornin’… Ooh!”
  291. >Apple Bloom rapidly shot upward
  292. >she hit seven feet in the first push, nine by the second
  293. >”Listen to me, my dear Apple Bloom, and listen well,
  294. >remain ever mindful and you can resist this spell!
  295. >the way you’ve matured is an inspirational tale,
  296. >so keep your wits about you, and you cannot fail!”
  297. >Apple Bloom passed twelve feet tall as she eyed mannequin
  298. >it looked like a lollipop…
  299. >no! She had to resist
  300. >they made their way towards the exit
  301. >but Apple Bloom’s guts twisted and grumbled so violently, she fell to her knees as Zecora plugger her ears
  302. >they had to act as fast as possible
  303. >but despite the birthday girl’s meteoric growth, it would be some time before she could restrain Pinkie
  304. >so they waited as long as they could, with Zecora helping the girl keep her wits as she grew ever bigger, and took up more and more of the spacious boutique
  306. >Pinkie salivated as she swatted at the nimble Scootaloo
  307. >fit and fast as she was, Scootaloo found herself increasingly struggling to dodge the addled giantess
  308. >and every time things got too close, Sweetie shined another blazing light in Pinkie’s eye
  309. >but exhaustion soon tripped the both up as Pinkie’s stomach growl made both clutch their ears from the racket, then she took both girls in her hands
  310. >as magically confused as she was, Pinkie shook her head as she stared at the two, torn between hunger and her own mind
  311. >but it was no use
  312. >she brought them near her mouth and opened wide
  313. >but hesitated at the sound of another rumble and splintering of wood
  314. >but Pinkie was just
  315. >too!
  316. >darn!
  317. >hungry!!
  318. >her belly quaked
  319. >she tossed the pair towards her maw
  320. >only for them to suddenly find themselves wedged between two house-crushing breasts as Pinkie was flung up
  321. >and over a sixty foot tall, muscular farm girl as she suplexed Pinkie
  322. >the ground shook from the impact and Apple Bloom hollered, “sorry, Pinkie, but friendship ain’t on the menu today! Just an ass whuppin’!”
  323. >Pinkie, even more dazed, sat up and clutched her head, but before Apple Bloom sprung and pinned her
  324. >and like that, it was over
  325. >except for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, now thoroughly squeezed between four massive boobs
  326. >both giantess’ stomachs roared, but Apple Bloom held firm as Zecora kept talking to her
  327. >and, at last, Twilight finally finished her spell, and cast it on them both
  329. an hour later…
  330. >Pinkie had formed a small lake around her from her tears
  331. >the reality of her actions settled in as the eighty foot giant looked at the devastation she had caused
  332. >though she took a lot of comfort from a hug by the same sized maybe/maybe not distant cousin, Apple Bloom
  333. >though both were still hungry, Twilight had managed to grow some simple food for them to eat while she finished researching how to shrink the pair down
  334. >”I think we all learned a valuable lesson today,” Twilight said, sitting on Pinkie’s huge shoulder. “That it’s always worth asking for help dieting, as well as checking with trusted friends when it comes to life changing gifts.”
  335. >Pinkie sniffled and nodded. “I’m so sorry!!”
  336. >Twilight patted her friend’s wet cheek. “But, hey, with your size, you can help everybody rebuild in no time. Plus, it wasn’t all your fault. Right, Apple Bloom?”
  337. >the other giantess sighed and fidgeted, looking at her feet. “I’m sorry for not telling you the truth about Zecora making me a potion… and I’m sorry about what happened to you, Pinkie.”
  338. >”Nobody was harmed, destruction limited, lessons learned,” Zecora said from Apple Bloom’s thickly muscled shoulder as she held her deep, red hair for support
  339. >”but without sacrificing your height, grim tidings would have turned.”
  340. >Twilight closed a book and it vanished. She said, “alright, this spell will tie your heights to your waistlines, supplanting pounds around for inches up and down.”
  341. >everyone else blinked, confused
  342. >Twilight sighed. “If you lose weight once casted, you’ll lose it in height, rather than than fat. And no, it’s highly unlikely you will return to even Apple Bloom’s enhanced height. Better get used to being big, both of you, because there’s no easy way the shed pounds than good diet and exercise.”
  343. >both nodded, and began coordinating with the townspeople as they set about rebuilding Ponyville
  345. >months passed…
  346. >Apple Bloom carried the loaded cart and placed it back in the barn
  347. >the fifteen foot giantess stretched every inch of her massive, full figured and brawny body and mopped the sweat from her brow
  348. >all chores done and it was still morning
  349. >did she have regrets being this huge?
  350. >if she did, Apple Bloom didn’t show it
  351. >she initially had some reluctance as the inches and feet melted away
  352. >but now she revelled in pushing herself now that she couldn’t shrink anymore, instead bulking up in muscle and a healthy amount of fat
  353. >she was the best Apple Bloom she could possibly be!
  354. >so she picked up a plough herself and pulled it one handed through the field to help Big Mac, and made a mental note to do some lifting later
  355. >elsewhere
  356. >Pinkie giggled as Pound and Pumpkin Cake bounced around on her belly like a giant trampoline
  357. >a healthy layer of fat covered a set of solid abs
  358. >a fact she exploited as she flexed them and the kids bounced around like a simulated earthquake
  359. >not that she could see them over her gigantic, tent-bikini clad bust, but she felt and heard them just fine
  360. >oh, the forty foot Pinkie could lose more weight, sure
  361. >and she would
  362. >eventually anyway; it was a lot easier now, as she looked at the swells of her stronger arms
  363. >and lifted her thunder-thighs to stretch her house-tall legs as she lounged outside of Ponyville
  364. >a quarry near Ponyville had set up massive, wired masses of stone to use as weights
  365. >for now, she was determined to use her size to her advantage
  366. >she rented herself out as a piece of construction equipment to pay off every single bit owed, even if she already covered that debt
  367. >nobody insisted on it being repaid when Twilight and Zecora explained to everyone what had happened; little mistakes but big consequences
  368. >and, if she was truly honest, being huge was huge fun
  369. >she was a living playground, a sort of super hero, aforementioned construction tool…
  370. >it also made her appreciate portion sizes and eating right
  371. >though at the moment, the extra bits she was earning kept her at a healthy size, and she knew that when the time was right, she could shrink herself down to Apple Bloom’s height by increasing her work and cutting back a little on the treats
  372. >her stomach roared, which made Pinkie sigh and say, “alright, you two, it’s time to head home for dinner!”
  373. >an exhausted Pumpkin Cake forced her way through the vast valley of Pinkie’s bust
  374. >”‘Kay! Thanks, auntie Pinkie! That was fun!”
  375. >the giantess gently took the kids in her hands and headed back to town
  376. >there was a robust apple and nut salad ready for Twilight to grow that should do the trick
  377. >and maybe she would intensify her workout tonight to begin shedding off the next five feet of height
  378. >she had plenty of parties to plan, so losing the extra weight would be a cinch
  379. >gradually, sensibly, and with the support of her friends and family

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT