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The Benefits of Milk(production)

By SizeOfMT
Created: 2021-11-04 18:41:04
Updated: 2021-11-04 18:44:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >"B- but I don't really use the gym, Dashie."
  2. >"I know you do cardio, so you can always just have a run on the treadmills, but I swear, I never got gains quite like when you used to come with! It's weird, like you're my lucky muscle charm or something."
  3. >Fluttershy sighed and rubbed her shoulder; she *had* gained some weight recently and wanted to shed it
  4. >and as different as they were, Dash and Shy were good friends
  5. >"I suppose I can start going again."
  6. >"That's what I like to hear! I can even give you some pointers, *and* I'll pay for lunch."
  7. >so resumed Dash and Shy going to the gym together
  8. >Shy naturally never really got into the fitness mentality
  9. >but even she conceded she started feeling better about herself as after the first few sessions
  10. >"C'mon, spot me, Shy. It's not too heavy; remember, reps over weight."
  11. >"O- oh, sure!"
  12. >Dash got onto the bench and taller Shy loomed over her
  13. >and she gently rested her hands on the bar as Dash began her routine
  14. >only for the bar to bump up into Shy's considerable bust, lifting them as well. "Oops."
  15. >Dash, obviously straining, asked, "you okay?"
  16. >"Um, yes, don't let me break your focus, Dash."
  17. >this... happened a lot
  18. >Shy did lose some pounds, but her matronly build was basically untouched; all from the waist and nothing shed elsewhere
  19. >Dash, meanwhile, wasn't joking
  20. >in the months that came with Shy slowly getting used to her trips to the gym, Dash got seriously buff
  21. >buying lunch soon turned into Dash buying a whole suite of upgrades to her humble home to help house more animals
  22. >a tearful Shy gasped at the renovations and said, "I.. I don't know what to say! Thank you so much!"
  23. >a ripped-as-all-hell Dash gave her close friend a hug and replied, "you deserve it! I've been putting on muscle like crazy since you've been spotting for me, and it's got me a promotion with the Wonderbolts. I'm just glad you enjoyed it, although I keep getting funny questions about how I've upped my exercise game."
  24. >"Really? What sort of questions?"
  25. >"Something about how much I've upped my 'milk input'?"
  26. >Shy blushed like crazy, looked down at her chest, and cleared her throat, but wasn't able to reply
  27. >"Well, anyway, if you ever wanna take up weights, I'll be glad to return the favour."
  28. >Shy then looked at Dash's modest chest and said, "I don't know if I'll get the same results, but thank you all the same."
  29. >Applejack approached and said, "hey, y'all!"
  30. >"Hey Jackie," Dash high fived her taller athletic rival, "I forgot to mention. Applejack was wondering if you'd spot for her at the gym too? I was doing it for her, but she's been struggling with her gains as well."
  31. >Shy crossed her arms over her chest, giggled and said, "anything for a friend, I guess."
  33. >"Phewie! Dash was right; exercisin' with ya's a bunch more gratifyin', Shy."
  34. >Applejack stood and flexed at full pump
  35. >the huge swell of her biceps stood to attention
  36. >like Dash, Applejack had swollen up considerably once Shy acted as her spotter
  37. >even by proxy, Shy had gained a little muscle once she realised she would struggle to carry the weights if she had to grab them in case of a slip or accident
  38. >but today, it wasn't the newfound bulging of her arms that seemed to distress Fluttershy
  39. >she winced as she gently cupped her chest
  40. >if she'd gained an inch of muscle, she'd also gained about five on her chest
  41. >five inches and a truck load of sensitivity
  42. >"You okay there, sugarcube? Yer lookin' a mite sore."
  43. >"Oh, um... it's nothing, Jackie."
  44. >"Well, if yer sure. Say, I'm bushed; y'all mind if ya could grab that protein shake Dash kept ravin' about? Some hogwash about a new formula that I just had to give a fair shake. Thanks, Shy."
  45. >Shy nodded and left AJ as she sat down and rested
  46. >the buxom wallflower made her way to the communual kitchen of the small gym, got AJ's drink from the fridge, then quickly ducked into the adjacent bathroom
  47. >inside, she removed her top and frowned at the wet spots on her bra
  48. >apparently the constant pushing, lifting and post-workout massaging had triggered her milkflow
  49. >so Shy mopped herself down, switched to another bra, but she knew it would only be a temporary fix; she was building pressure by the minute
  50. >as she picked up AJ's shake, she turned and slipped on her own milk
  51. >and spilled half the contents of the shaker bottle in the process
  52. >Shy felt awful; she knew Dash loved to gulp down those shakes after her workout
  53. >and, as she looked in the bottle, a lot of the nutritious formula was still caked into the bottom of the bottle
  54. >not to mention the impact had squeezed her tits and soaked her top
  55. >nutritious milk... formula...
  56. >Shy had a solution of sorts
  57. >"I can't believe I'm doing this..."
  59. >A few minutes later...
  60. >"Thanks, sugarcube."
  61. >Shy tried to hold back the blush as AJ shook the fully topped up bottle and powered it down in series of mighty gulps
  62. >AJ loosed a heavy burp. "Tastes a little funny... but in a good way, like it's more wholesome? It's not exactly cold, neither."
  63. >"Ah, I- I think there was something wrong with the refrigerator..."
  64. >"It was leakin' by the looks of yer shirt. And... well, looks like you've lost some weight too."
  65. >Shy gasped and looked down at the soaked garment and realised she forgot to clean it after draining herself
  66. >a good couple of inches of drainage at that
  67. >AJ finished her cool-down exercises, and with less weight to worry about, Shy managed a few miles on a treadmill too
  68. >The next day...
  69. >Dash was watching in awe
  70. >Shy was mortified and trying to hide her face
  71. >"Is someone pokin' fun at me?"
  72. >AJ checked the weights, and yep, they were the same as she was lifting just the day before
  73. >"I swear, if some jackass shows up with a camera, I'm gonna lose it. First my clothes ain't fittin' me right, everyone's starin' at me like I've got a tree growin' off my face, and now this?"
  74. >AJ lumped on more weights
  75. >and stretched, with her vest pulling loose
  76. >as well as her trackpants now revealing her calves
  77. >Dash quietly asked, "you, uh... how tall were you again?"
  78. >”Six two, same as always, Dash. C'mon, don't tell me yer jerkin' my chain too. Tsk, and now I just realised I fergot to put my shake in the refrigerator."
  79. >AJ stomped off, ignorant of the fact she instinctually dipped her head below the seven foot doorframe to the kitchen, and had to twist to fit her bulging arms between the frame too
  80. >Dash just looks at her bottle of protein shake and says, "where the hell's my height gains, damn it?"
  81. >Shy nibbles her lip and looks down at her chest, still greatly reduced, but on the rise again
  82. >she whispers, "give it a few more days, Dashie."
  84. >>37721742
  85. >Shy stared at herself in the gym’s bathroom mirror
  86. >”Oh, Fluttershy… how did you get yourself into this mess?”
  87. >in the four days since Applejack grew a whole foot taller from drinking her milk, Fluttershy hoped that would be the end of it
  88. >both of her athletic friends had bulked up nicely and, having had no height gains herself, Dash had given up hope of sprouting taller after a few days on the new protein shake
  89. >just three problems
  90. >first, Dash still desperately wanted Shy to help her work out, as she felt like they had bonded really well these past few months
  91. >second, Applejack, while doing so in good humour, had been pushing all of Rainbow Dash’s buttons by taunting her height
  92. >which, frankly, Shy blamed herself for the milk thing
  93. >which led to the third issue
  94. >”I can’t even call them my boobs anymore…” Shy pouted and caressed them, earning a moan as the super sensitive udders sent a shiver up her spine
  95. >udders was the only way to describe them
  96. >they had inflated to twice their original size
  97. >easily a good three inches over when she’d filled AJ’s bottle with them a few days ago
  98. >they hung heavy off her chest, and suddenly the extra strength she’d gained thanks to working out with Dash and AJ, because they were still heavy even now, let alone before this whole fiasco
  99. > she could feel the subtle motion of her milk add extra wobble as she moved
  100. >let alone her continued help spotting, which just excited her milk production more
  101. >she had invested in some special bras to control both their size and leakage, but at this rate, she would outgrow them in a day or two
  102. >so here she was, Dash’s protein shake bottle in one hand
  103. >and a breast milk pump in the other
  104. >so she asked herself again; was she really going to do this again?
  105. >to give Dash what she desperately wants, to stop AJ’s teasing
  106. >and to relieve her own burden
  107. >Shy nibbled her lip as she carefully tipped out the shake, taking care not to lose too much sediment
  108. >and attached the suction cups to her thumb-sized nipples
  109. >then she began squeezing the pump
  110. >her already eager mounds squirted as she tried to relax
  111. >and as suction took hold, she loosed a moan that made her cover her mouth from the volume
  112. >and her tits continued to pour milk through the tubes and into the collection bottle
  114. >it didn’t take long to fill the container
  115. >at which point, Shy filled Dash’s protein shake to the brim
  116. >she then grimaced at how her breasts were still about a third full, and resumed pumping
  117. >she had to bite her tongue as the sensations brought her to climax, but at least she was empty once more
  118. >and once she emptied the rest into the sink, packed away the pump, cleaned and composed herself, she returned to Dash
  119. >Rainbow was just finishing her wind-down exercises, and greeted Shy with an appreciative smile
  120. >”Just what the doctor ordered! Thanks.”
  121. >Shy hesitated, plucked up her courage, turned bright red in the face and said, “don’t ask any questions, just drink this and you’ll be just like Applejack.”
  122. >Dash raised a multicoloured eyebrow, looked between the shake and Shy, and took the bottle
  123. >”It’s warm! What is-”
  124. >”What did I just say!?” Shy half-shouted, glanced around as people stared, became even more embarrassed and grabbed her sports bag. “You know what? I’m going home.”
  125. >she stormed off
  126. >Dash blinked, looking confused, then stared at the shake
  127. >Shy put her unburdened, fitter-than-she’d-ever-been body to good use, sprinting all the way home and she wasn’t even slightly out of breath when she entered
  128. >she just dumped her bag, removed her jacket, crashed on a beanbag chair and shut down, where a few of her animal friends sensed her mood and cuddled up to her, earning slow, gentle pets
  129. >it calmed her down quickly, but after an hour, there was a knock on the door
  130. >”Fluttershy?” Dash called. “Can we talk?”
  131. >Shy sighed and slowly stood, then answered the door
  132. >Dash gave a weak smile. “Hey. It’s alright, I’ll leave if you don’t wanna talk, or stay if you wanna shout at me. Go right ahead. I know me well enough by now if I’ve screwed up being a friend without knowing what I’ve done wrong.”
  133. >Shy felt awful at the misplaced blame. ”It’s… not that. It’s complicated. You’d better come inside.”
  134. >Dash perked up as the critters within stood to attention and she said, “hey, guys and gals! How’s everyone? Angel Bunny, you been working out too? You look like you could kick through a wall with those legs! Keep it up!”
  135. >Shy’s mood perked up even more as a few of her friends gathered and Dash gave them all strokes and pets
  136. >the two girls then sat on a sofa and Dash put a hand on Shy’s shoulder
  137. >”I’m not gonna force you to tell me what’s wrong. All I wanna do is make sure you’re alright, and I guess it sounds shallow since I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry about making you upset.”
  139. >Shy took her time, but eventually asked, ”did you drink it”
  140. >”Well, yeah. I trust you, after all. I just wish you’d be more open about what’s going on.”
  141. >Fluttershy couldn’t help but glance at her own chest, which Dash noticed, but she couldn’t speak and crossed her arms over her still substantial mounds
  142. >”Looks like you’ve lost a bunch of weight. I’m glad. Y’know, the reason I asked you to come work out with me was because I thought you’d be more confident; the whole lucky gains charm thing was just a front, but you really did help me out these past few months. And don’t think I ain’t noticed you’re starting to develop abs. You look great, Shy! *We* look great!”
  143. >still blushing, Shy mustered a smirk
  144. >Shy did *feel* better about her self image
  145. >and it was generous to call them abs, but Shy had a distinct groove down her belly that she was extremely proud of, as well as having actual biceps worth flexing
  146. >”Thank you, Dashie.” Shy says, sitting up straight, but then slouched again and gulped. “Listen, it’s not what you did, it’s all my fault. What happened to Applejack and her poking fun at you. It’s because of me. I just wanted to help however I could.”
  147. >Dash frowned. “I don’t understand. Whaddya mean?”
  148. >”The day before she grew, I was getting her protein shake and spilled it. Also, I don’t know why, but my… um…”
  149. >the bashfulness set in
  150. >Shy tried to force it out
  151. >”I’ve been… leaking lately. A lot.”
  152. >”Huh? Wait, you mean…” Dash blushed and looked at Shy’s chest
  153. >Shy covered her face
  154. >”I drank your breast mil-*hiccup!*”
  155. >Shy peered between her fingers as Dash’s eyes lidded and she went slack
  156. >the brawny girl giggled. She slurred, “that’sss kinda kinky, Shy.”
  157. >Dash pulled her friend into a big hug
  158. >”I love you soooo much! You’re super nice, you put up with my guff, you stop me when I’m going too far and start acting like a dingus… And you’re like, the perfect mix of cute and sexy… like, cexy? Sute?”
  159. >Dash giggled at herself again and slumped against a deeply confused and concerned Shy
  161. >then Dash yawned
  162. >”Man, I’m tired… you mind if I crash here tonight? Like a sleepover…” She turns bright red and strokes Shy’s back. “Or mmmaybe the gym was a date and now I’m here for coffee? Oh, darn, am I coming on too strong?”
  163. >”Dash? W- what are you saying?”
  164. >”I wanna Flutter your heart, ya goof! Be your wild animal to care for! But I’m just scared I’ll ruin our friendship! I wanna… wannn*zzzz*”
  165. >Dash collapses against Shy, who falls back enough that the rainbow haired girl’s head lands between her breasts
  166. >”Mmm… comfy…” Dash manages before snoring and cuddling Shy
  167. >Shy couldn’t even move as Dash buried her head deeper into her cleavage, but eventually sighed, tried to get comfortable, pulled the sofa throw over the pair of them as a blanket, and tried to let Dash sleep
  168. >am uncomfortable hour passed, and the evening sun was dipping below the horizon
  169. >not that Shy minded the prolonged hug too much
  170. >but despite being on the short side and slender in build, Dash *was* packed with muscle and heavy as a result
  171. >also the admission of Dash’s crush on her was mostly a surprise
  172. >Dash somewhat preferred girls, sure, but Shy always assumed she preferred high energy, tougher types like AJ or a few of her Wonderbolt companions
  173. >more than that, Shy was trying to figure out why Dash suddenly seemed drunk
  174. >Shy certainly didn’t smell any alcohol on her friend, and it was unlikely she had downed any in the hour after Shy let her embarrassment get the better of her
  175. >so she sighed and gently stroked Dash’s multicoloured hair, and braced for the awkward morning-after conversation as Shy herself began to feel tired
  176. >and having found a more comfortable position, she closed her eyes
  177. >…
  178. >”Mmh…”
  179. >Shy opened her eyes
  180. >it was dark now, but moonlight was plentiful
  181. >Dash stirred and fidgeted
  182. >”Are you awake, Dashie?”
  183. >the shorter, stronger girl winced and grumbled
  184. >and Shy watched as Dash’s feet pushed out from under the blanket
  185. >and she kicked her shoes off, wiggling her toes
  186. >”What on Earth?”
  187. >a loud snap made Shy almost jump out of her skin
  188. >followed by a long, slow rip
  189. >it dawned on her as she felt Dash become heavier
  190. >so Shy pulled the blanket off
  191. >and noticed bulging skin peeking out of a split seam on Dash’s track pants, then a whole swell of thigh muscle
  192. >the sofa creaks as the sleeping woman’s legs creep off the end of the armrest
  193. >and her messy rainbow hair pushes higher
  194. >”Rainbow Dash, wake up!”
  195. >the growing woman was too deep in her sleep as Shy continued to get smothered
  196. >she had no idea how to extract herself as Dash’s T-shirt split and exposed her powerful back and shoulder muscles
  197. >then her thick, curvy ass tore through the strained track pants
  199. >Shy panicked as the weight of her growing friend made it hard to breathe
  200. >then, with a grumble, Dash fell off the sofa and onto the floor with an almighty thud that shook books and plants off the shelves
  201. >and most of the animals got spooked and fled out the many access flaps around the home
  202. >Fluttershy had half a second to inhale as Dash’s arms maintained their grip and pulled her on top
  203. >and cuddled her like a teddy bear
  204. >while she could breathe, and Dash wasn’t too uncomfortable, she couldn’t move as her head settled into Dash’s still modest bust and harder, more solid body
  205. >Applejack grew a foot
  206. >it was hard to tell, but Dash seemed bigger as the tearing began to slow
  207. >and things settled down as an almost eight foot Dash cooed and snuggled a panicked, wide eyed Fluttershy
  209. >it was afternoon when Dash’s pretty magenta eyes slowly opened
  210. >she slowly sat up, groggy and dazed
  211. >”Whassit…? Where?”
  212. >a tiny blanket covered her
  213. >the room was a mess of broken flower pots, ornaments and books
  214. >and Fluttershy snoring gently on the sofa
  215. >Dash held her head but stood
  216. >only to smack her head on the roof rafters
  217. >”Motherfu-whoa!“
  218. >she stumbled and tripped over the sofa, toppling both her and it as Shy yelps in panic
  219. >it’s a small miracle as the now over four hundred pound girl barely misses crushing her smaller, curvy friend
  220. >but hits her head on the wall for her trouble
  221. >things settle for an awkward few moments
  222. >”Dashie?” Shy says, quietly. “Are you alright?”
  223. >Dash just groans and asks, “why’s everything feel small?”
  224. >a few minutes later, and Shy hands Dash a vase full of herbal, medicinal tea and holds an ice pack on the amazon’s bruised head, who’s now dressed in some of Shy’s loosest clothes (which cling to her powerful body like a second skin)
  225. >”So what you’re saying is,” Dash said slowly, “I grew almost three feet taller last night?”
  226. >”Mm-hm.”
  227. >”Because I drank a breast milk and protein-powder shake.”
  228. >Shy flushed but just answered, “mm-hm.”
  229. >”… no offence, Shy, but that’s a load.”
  230. >Shy pouted but didn’t press the issue. “Applejack seemed confused after she grew too. It took her a couple of days to adjust.”
  231. >”It’s impossible! People don’t just grow!”
  232. >pulling Dash’s hand up to keep the ice pack in place, Shy stormed over and grabbed one of Dash’s expensive, flashy sneakers
  233. >she then struggled to lift Dash’s leg so her foot’s flat on the floor, and placed the shoe next to it
  234. >Dash stares at the tiny shoe and her foot and scrunched up her face in confusion
  235. >it wasn’t the sort of shoe Shy wore; too awesome, not sensible enough
  236. >Shy was also really tiny today, but Dash could see the sneaker was too small for Shy’s dainty feet too
  237. >and she couldn’t stand up in the cottage
  238. >and that ultra warm, gigantic sweater Shy owned only just fit her
  239. >but something about the situation continued to escape Dash’s mind
  240. >”I… dang it. What else happened yesterday? We worked out, you got upset, I drank my shake then went to find you after an hour, but everything else?” Dash shrugged. “It’s weird and foggy.”
  242. >”We made up for a misunderstanding, you hiccupped, started acting drunk and you… um…”
  243. >”I what?”
  244. >Shy gulped and couldn’t look Dash in the eye as she said, ”you… flirted with me.”
  245. >it was Dash’s turn to turn red. “Ah. Ok…”
  246. >Shy smirked. “So you openly accept that but not growing?”
  247. >”W- what did you say in return?”
  248. >Dash looked hopeful, almost eager as Shy answered, “I didn’t exactly respond before you passed out on me.”
  249. >”So,” Dash awkwardly cleared her throat and took on a Fluttershy-esque stumbling off her words. “H- how about a date?”
  250. >”You just grew into a giant and you’re more interested in asking me out?”
  251. >Dash scratched her head, looking awkward, then downtrodden
  252. >but Shy thought about this for the painful silence; her long time friend, who had just undergone a massive (literal) transformation, was now obviously desperate to spark a deeper relationship with a girl who never really held herself in a great deal of worth
  253. >it was oddly touching, if Shy was honest
  254. >”I’d best go and see Rarity.” Dash said and sighed. “I’m gonna need some new clothes. I’ll bring these ones back later. Oh, and sorry about making a mess.”
  255. >the defeat on Dash’s face as she struggled through the door
  256. >”Wait.”
  257. >Dash had just sprung free, but glanced over her shoulder
  258. >Shy smiled. ”I’m free tomorrow… for a picnic. You know, if you wanted to go on a… um…”
  259. >”A date?”
  260. >Shy nodded
  261. >a huge grin formed on Dash’s lips. ”I’ll ask Rares to make me something outdoorsy stuff first.”
  262. >Shy waved and shut the door
  263. >but watched out the window as Dash leapt, spread her blue wings and loop-de-looped into the sky
  265. A week later
  266. >”Alright, the spell’s in place,” Twilight said and returned a book to its place on the shelf. “I don’t want to keep on about it, but you’ve got to do it right: once you get home, drain them fully and keep the container near you overnight so the magic seeps from you into the milk, then dispose of it in the morning. You should go back to normal the day after. And, obviously, if it happens again, let me know and we can get you fixed up before it gets this far.”
  267. >”Thank goodness,” Shy sighed. “Any more of this and I swear Applejack would have to start a dairy farm.”
  268. >Shy joked, but she looked down at her enormous tits with a frown
  269. >enormous wasn’t a strong enough word
  270. >they were each the size of her torso
  271. >she had been draining them, but Twilight told her she needed to reach full capacity for her spell to work
  272. >now, they filled her lap
  273. >and she had to brace herself as she stood and sagged, almost pulling her to the ground
  274. >”I can’t believe how strong your milk production was just from being bumped and shaken by weights! I swear, if you have kids, they’re going to grow up super healthy and super strong.”
  275. >Shy grumbled, “I doubt I’ll have kids at this rate, I’m practically taking care of one already.”
  276. >Twilight tilted her head, then caught on. “Oh, you mean Rainbow Dash? Why what’s she been doing?” She turned serious. “You’ll tell me if you feel threatened-”
  277. >Shy shook her head. ”oh, no! Nothing like that. She’s perfectly sweet and gentle with me, but she’s been arguing with Applejack a lot. She’s constantly poking fun at how ‘short’ Jackie is compared to her. Just the other day she forcefully paid for Jackie’s gym subscription because Dash said she was ‘probably a little short’ of paying for it herself.”
  278. >”I guess I understand. Dash has always been short, so I guess she’s really making up for lost time now she’s even taller than Princess Luna. I hope she cools off, because you do make a cute couple in an ‘opposites attract’ kind of way and I don’t want anything to come between you.”
  279. >”I guess I never saw her as more than a friend, but she’s been surprising me with how slow she’s taking this. I was worried she would want to… um, get physical already.”
  280. >Twilight beamed a huge smile. ”That’s got to be a good thing. According to my books, give and take is crucial to a relationship.”
  281. >”I know. I’ve agreed to start lifting weights and taken up speed flying, though... you know…” Shy trailed off and patted one of her boobs
  282. >she winced as the light touch sent a shockwave of movement across both massive mounds and made them gently sway
  283. >”I understand. I look forward to seeing you fighting fit! And sorry I can’t teleport you home. It might mess up the milk-drying spell.”
  284. >”It’s fine! It’s great strength training! Thanks anyway.” Shy laughed unconvincingly and staggered outside
  286. >it was late, and the roads were quiet, but people stared
  287. >Shy hated she was getting used to it
  288. >she couldn’t fly either
  289. >well, she could, she could fly while carrying someone around her own weight, after all
  290. >but between the sensitivity and how they jiggled and swayed, it was like flying drunk
  291. >she had already knocked over someone’s weather vane, so she was hoofing it
  292. >”You’ve gotta be kidding! Why?”
  293. >Shy heard Dash’s voice and peered around the next street
  294. >she was looming over a nervous Derpy, who replied, “they’re recalling it. Something about people swelling up in some cases, but I don’t know what!”
  295. >Dash’s muscular shoulders sagged as Derpy continued her rounds, but as she turned and saw Fluttershy, she perked up
  296. >”Hey, babe! You look like you need a hand.” She grinned, then both girls realised what that might entail, so Dash clarified, “uh, I mean carrying you home! Not literally handling them, I swear!”
  297. >as appealing as a gentle massage of her chest might feel, Shy said, “well, if you could cradle me, that would be really nice of you.”
  298. >Dash saluted. “Say no more!”
  299. >she carefully lifted Shy in her arms and took flight
  300. >”So… you solve the milk thing?”
  301. >Shy nodded and explained; the repeated ‘massage’ from being moved by the weights caused her to lactate, the milking only made it worse, and seeing, or even knowing, people were drinking it might have triggered hormones to make even more
  302. >”… but after one more draining, I should be back to normal.”
  303. >Dash glanced down at Shy’s bust, then said, “just say no, I won’t judge, but any chance I could get a feel before they’re gone forever?
  304. >Shy giggled and winked, “you’ve been patient with me, and I really appreciate it, so suppose we could move on to cuddling and feeling.”
  305. >”Awesome! I guess no drinking and, with that protein shake being recalled, no more growing, huh? It’d be a shame to let it go to waste…”
  306. >Shy frowned. ”You can’t want to be even bigger, Dashie. You’re almost eight feet tall!”
  307. >”Of course not… kinda. Maybe. I mean, I was talking to Applejack about having a *little* more each…”
  308. >”Absolutely not!” Shy insisted, but caught herself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound mean. I just really don’t think that’s a good idea.”
  309. >”But I promised her you’d be okay with balancing us out. You even told me to stop bullying her for being shorter than me for once, so I figured it’d be a good olive branch, and she has some protein shake left. We’ll only need a little milk to get us about the same, I swear!”
  310. >”But, I-“
  311. >”Pleeaaase?”
  312. >Dash gave her best magenta puppy-dog eyes
  313. >Shy’s frown softened, and she sighed. “Fine…”
  315. That evening
  316. >”There, one final batch. And it’s a doozie!”
  317. >Applejack finished stirring the washbasin of protein shake
  318. >everyone had finished their exercises for the day, including Shy on her new weightlifting routine, and returned to Shy’s cottage
  319. >everything hurt, but Shy couldn’t deny she felt great, but that might also be the fact she felt light again after pumping over a literal gallon of milk out of her tits before hitting the gym with Dash and AJ
  320. >though they were as big as when she was full the first time and prayed Twilight’s magic would work with a little milk being used
  321. >”Alrighty, let’s see. If ah take my portion…” Applejack ignored the glasses Shy had set up and instead took a measuring jug’s worth, and powered it down before anyone could object
  322. >Dash did, although after the fact. “Hey! What’s the big idea! We agreed you get two glasses, and I get one!”
  323. >”Ah only got a foot outta a full shaker bottle! I’m gonna need at least this, and that’s only if you ain’t growin’ too, and since you’re bein’ greedy, I figure two jugs ain’t too far fetched.”
  324. >”Hell no, I’m not going back to being shorter than you!”
  325. >Dash grabbed two glasses, dunked and began drinking both
  326. >Applejack filled and downed her jug
  327. >”Um… girls?” Shy protested, meekly
  328. >”Oh, that tears it!”
  329. >Applejack went to dunk her jug again, only for Dash to use her wing to swat it out of her hand
  330. >AJ responded by shoving Dash, which made her drop the glasses
  331. >even the ear-piercing sound of shattered glass didn’t stop them as they began grappling
  332. >”Girls!” Shy half-shouted
  333. >it was pointless as they fought over the jug
  334. >Dash was bigger and stronger, but AJ had plenty of ‘wrasstlin’’ experience
  335. >they tussled all over the floor, and Fluttershy fretted over what to do as it got more and more heated
  336. >she could tip it out, but doubted the pair of them would patch things up with how angry both were over this
  337. >and in their frenzied state, Shy would bet ten bits they would suck what they could off of the floor too, as well as the shake ruining the carpet
  338. >getting the basin past them as they made a mess of her living room seemed unlikely
  339. >fists started being thrown, and Shy began to panic, wishing she could break them up like she often did when her pets scuffled
  340. >it gave her a terrible idea, but it was the only solution she could think of in the moment
  341. >she pulled the basin to the edge of the countertop, tipped it
  342. >and began to drink
  344. >it was oddly addictive
  345. >warm, comforting, creamy…
  346. >but she soon had her fill, paused to catch her breath and looked inside the basin
  347. >”Oh, come on!”
  348. >there was still half of it left
  349. >so she dug deep and forced herself to keep chugging
  350. >this was for her friends, not her
  351. >just like Dash and AJ had taught her, push those limits!!
  352. >the fighting even stopped as AJ and Dash watched in shock as Shy lifted the basin and just kept drinking
  353. >and Shy’s belly distended and pushed free of her blouse
  354. >but she finally drained it, gasping for air again as she slammed it down on the countertop
  355. >and loosed a burp that would put both tomboys to shame
  356. >”There… are you*ulp*… happy now?”
  357. >Shy stumbled over to her sofa and collapsed on it, rubbing her belly and ignored the pair as she tried not to throw up
  358. >they instead looked at each other’s bruises and the mess they’d made of Shy’s cottage
  359. >and then looked horrified
  360. >Dash stared at the ground and said, ”I’m so sorry, Fluttershy. I don’t know what came over me.”
  361. >”Yeah, we’ve been real foolish,” Applejack said and teared up a little. “I apologise, Fluttershy, and I’ll clean this mess if you want. I’m sorry to you too, Dash. A rivalry’s one thing, but this one-uppin’ nonsense should be beneath us, let alone comin’ to blows! No hard feelin’s?”
  362. >”Sure. No point crying over drunk milk, I guess. Sorry, big girl,” Dash said and hugged Applejack. “Oh, damn.. speaking of big girls, how big do you think we’re all gonna get?”
  363. >Shy was fighting off that thought herself; she had just drunk a lot more than either of them
  364. >but the nausea of downing a gallon of milk and protein powder just made her groan in discomfort, and fail to stifle another milky belch
  365. >Dash sat beside Shy, put one arm around her shoulder and helped rub her belly with the other
  366. >only for Applejack to suddenly hiccup and giggle
  367. >”Room fer one more?”
  368. >AJ sidled over, leaned into and cuddled Dash, only for the biggest girl to hiccup too and begin cuddling her athletic rival back
  369. >”More the merrier. Oh, this is nice’n comfy.”
  370. >Shy knew it was coming
  371. >she watched in wonder as, with a low gurgle, her belly deflated down to her hard-fought proto-abs
  372. >and the nausea fades, leaving a building pressure that rose from her belly, filling her arms and legs with warmth
  373. >and as she felt like she was going to burst, Shy hiccupped
  375. Minutes later
  376. >”You’re so damn hot, Jackleapp! Like, Rarararity’s super pretty, but she’s gotta paint up to look that good, you just… boom! Instant, thick-ass hotness!”
  377. >”Nuh-uh! *You’re* hotterer, Sugarcube! Both y’all’ve got real purdy hair, and Shy got that perfect skin and just the darnedest suckable boobs and Dash… holy smokes, yer abs could grate apples and thighs could crush a fella’s head!! I wanna lick’em! Or lick all y’all!”
  378. >Shy snorted and giggled before passing final judgment. “Girls, please! We’re all ridiculousotoly hot!There’s no need fight.”
  379. >they were all over each other
  380. >clothing was tossed all over the room, first as the final remnant of sense fell away except the memory that they were going to grow
  381. >but the sight of three naked, well toned and varyingly muscular women did their giggly, milk-drunk minds no favours
  382. >Shy’s wishes to take their relationship slow also fell away as she climbed on her new, near eight foot girlfriend and made out with her, and they kissed each other with a determined fervour
  383. >Applejack then lifted Shy up by the hips, dipped in and licked at the tiny woman’s eager folds, then lower still to Rainbow Dash’s own
  384. >Shy, in a traditional show of kindness, hopped off Dash’s broad, hard sculpted body and returned the favour to the cowgirl, sipping her fingers within, then a full hand
  385. >Jackie’s moans filled the room as they all took turns making out and pleasing one another
  386. >but a cold shudder stopped Shy as it gave way to a deep warmth that spread to her tits
  387. >and with a gasp, all three watched as her generous bust became even more generous
  388. >Shy could feel them bulge and swell with milk, gaining an inch in seconds in a smooth flow
  389. >she licked her lips, stuck out her chest and asked, “I hope you girls are thirsty!”
  390. >”You bet your sweet, ample, well toned butt, babe!”
  391. >Dash gently pushed Shy onto her back, licked all over her right breast and began to suckle on the engorged teat
  392. >Applejack wasn’t far behind, latching on to the left breast and started drinking deeply
  393. >Shy screamed out in bliss, a runaway train of pleasure that didn’t even let her come down from one climax as she hit another, and another
  394. >amplified as Dash pushed a couple of fingers deep inside her girlfriend and began pumping the smaller girl
  395. >it was a race; she was making milk almost as fast as they were drinking
  396. >just as Shy began to run dry, both feeders hiccupped loudly a second time, back to back, and fell asleep
  397. >and started to grow
  399. >Shy watched in awe as both already massive girls stretched longer and thicker
  400. >Dash moaned softly as her feet pressed against the wall, and narrowly avoided bumping her head into the opposite wall as she curled up
  401. >Applejack suffered a big spurt that made her almost caught up with her old athletic rival, then it slowed as she slumped over Dash’s abs, but continued growing
  402. >but Shy’s breasts continued to swell, but were slowing
  403. >Shy felt she would be missing out if she didn’t partake, herself
  404. >so she pulled one of her breast to her mouth, and she began drinking
  405. >the room was rapidly being filled with the growing girls as she found herself cornered, pair
  406. >but then Shy felt another rising pressure within herself as she switched breasts
  407. >and a deep wave of tiredness
  408. >Shy suckled for as long as she could, then by instinct as her vision swam,
  409. >she barely deflated the other breast as she hiccuped loudly and felt the ground slide beneath her
  410. >while everything went fuzzy, she knew she was growing too as her legs extended over the two woman pile in the middle of the tiny room
  411. >and rapidly, as her vision faded just as her feet pressed against the ceiling…
  412. >but it was still just so very comfortable…
  413. >Shy had a funny dream
  414. >she was in play town for pets!
  415. >tiny critters were running all over the place
  416. >it was heaven!
  417. >a big red puppy tried to escape her
  418. >but she plucked him up and cuddled the cute little fella, though he managed to wriggle free
  419. >and a very angry cat with a familiar, fancy indigo twist of hair yowled up at her
  420. >so Shy gave her a cuddle too, but this one seemed to disappear, though she wasn’t sure where to
  421. >but a little, elusive purple rabbit caught her attention
  422. >it glowed and kept disappearing and reappearing as Shy tried to pet it
  423. >but after squeezing between two flimsy fences as tall as she was, which her hips easily broke parts from, Shy finally grabbed the bunny!
  424. >”It’s alright, little friend! I won’t hurt you.”
  425. >”…ttershy, you have to stop!”
  426. >did the rabbit just talk?
  427. >”Snap out of it, Fluttershy!!”
  429. >”Huh?” Shy glanced around
  430. >the toy town was a lot more complicated, having multiple walls and a roof each
  431. >like a real town, but smaller
  432. >and the puppy was… a man
  433. >Big Mac?
  434. >the rabbit morphed into a desperate, disheveled Twilight, who sighed with relief as Shy came to her senses in full
  435. >all thirty feet of her, holding Twilight to her pillowy breast
  436. >”Oh goodness… oh dear! Oh no, what have I done?”
  437. >”First things first! Pluck Rarity out of your cleavage before she suffocates!”
  438. >Shy places Twilight on the ground and reaches between her gigantic bust, finding the ‘cat’
  439. >or a dazed and unkempt Rarity, who Shy gently placed on the ground to let her recover
  440. >she gasps a deep breath and pants to recover from her ordeal
  441. >”I’m so sorry!”
  442. >Twilight shouted ”Now we need your help with Rainbow Dash and Applejack! Carry me with you and I’ll take you to them!”
  443. >the distraught giant did as directed
  444. >they found a fifteen foot Dash sprinting up and down the roads around town, leaping and trying to fly without using her wings, but also she kept challenging trees to races and acting as her own audience whenever she won
  445. >Shy simply lured Dash close for a race, grabbed her and held onto her as Twilight helped magic away the milk-fog
  446. >A thirteen foot Applejack had chosen to uproot and eat several whole trees from her orchard after having a deep seated craving for broccoli
  447. >Fluttershy uprooted another as a lure and they used Dash to ambush AJ until she came too as well
  448. >it took a few weeks to repair the damage, and Twilight both cured Shy’s rampant milk production, and by a stroke of luck, discovered the spell reduced some of Shy’s height as well, bringing her down to fourteen feet
  450. a few months later
  451. >Shy and Dash cuddle together in the their cloud home
  452. >Shy’s old cottage is now a full time animal sanctuary, so she moved in with her speedy girlfriend
  453. >both are out of breath after a morning bout of intense, under-the-covers ‘exercise’
  454. >Shy finally pulls the covers off to start her day, revealing a perfectly balanced body of feminine curves and toned muscle
  455. >and with a sigh, Dash rises too, just as peak swole as ever as she flexes
  456. >she hugs Shy from behind and kisses her neck
  457. >then gets a double handful of those perfect, huge tits
  458. >Shy giggles and gives Dash a playful elbow to the her rock hard abdomen
  459. >Dash does some morning exercise while Shy takes a shower
  460. >and once finished, she gently rubs a lotion on her huge breasts and admires herself in the mirror
  461. >with Dash lavishing her with attention, she’s nowhere near as self conscious as she used to be
  462. >which is just as well, considering she kept more than a few inches of bust size from the whole affair, and obviously draws a lot of gazes in town, being more than twice anyone else’s height
  463. >she heads into the kitchen to prepare breakfast as Dash takes a shower, but she’s distracted with a flier that’s been posted through their door
  464. >for the return of a certain protein shake brand…
  465. >Shy’s lost in thought as she wonders, just maybe…
  466. >”Um, babe?”
  467. >Shy turns to a naked Dash
  468. >she sheepishly nods down and squeezes her modest bust, which looked a little bigger than normal
  469. >only for a trickle of milk to form, which gained pace until they flowed freely
  470. >both amazons went wide eyed
  471. >Dash blushed and said, “just to play it safe, I think I’ll avoid any protein powders for a while
  472. >”That would be sensible,” Shy said, then wiggled her eyebrows as she handed the flier to her girlfriend
  473. >”You’ve gotta be kidding, after all the carnage we caused?”
  474. >Shy’s smile grew ever wider as she licked her lips then kissed Dash’s wet nipple, having a quick suckle, before giving an exaggerated, satisfied, “ah! Refreshing!”
  475. >Dash went even redder and stammered, “I- I guess I could order a tub. Or two. And we were planning on camping out in the middle of nowhere for a break…”
  476. >”And you always said you wouldn’t mind bigger breasts.”
  477. >Dash pulled Shy in for a kiss and said, “I look forward to being your dairy cow. But no telling Applejack.”
  478. >”Deal!”

The Princess of Lust

by SizeOfMT

A Big, Powerful Cheer

by SizeOfMT

Little White Lies and Big Pink Problems

by SizeOfMT

Of Many, One (or: Zecora's Change)

by SizeOfMT

The Benefits of Milk(production)

by SizeOfMT