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The Rapening: Day 1

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-08 05:53:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day 1 of the Rapening
  2. >A loud knocking on your door and a calling with a certain country twang wakes you up
  3. >"Wake up ya sleepyhead! We got some buckin to do!"
  4. >Oh dear god
  5. >You get up and get yourself ready, albeit slowly
  6. >The knocking stops and so does the calling
  7. >While putting on your pants, you walk towards your front window
  8. >Applejack's kicking up some dirt and hyping herself up
  9. >"Ye got this sugarcube? Ye can do this!" She says
  10. >After kicking more dirt up, she starts charging towards your house
  11. >Oh fuckfuckfuck
  12. >You struggle to put your pants on while practically jumping toward the door
  13. >You open the door quickly
  14. >Applejack tries stopping herself by jumping and digging her hooves into the ground
  15. >She comedically sinks into the ground before crashing into your home
  16. >Ouch
  17. "What the hell was that? Are you retarded?"
  18. >"A-anon I uh er um I was uh trying to get inside so i could wake you up!"
  19. "Not only was I awake, but there are more efficient ways of getting into a house than RUNNING INTO THE DOOR LIKE A TARD"
  20. >"But it would've been cool, right sugarcube?"
  21. "Don't 'sugarcube' me"
  22. >She gives you a weak smile before turning away from you
  23. >"Welp today we're gonna be workin on the farm!"
  24. "Wow! Amazing! What are we gonna do? Am I gonna be a good assistant and jusr watch you work all day while I do nothing?"
  25. >she stumbles a bit "Uh, well... yes, but it'll be fun i promise!"
  26. "Whatever"
  27. >You silently follow her all the way to the apple farm
  28. >It has a name but you really dont care
  29. >You look up and notice that it's still very much night time
  30. "What time is it anyway"
  31. >As you pass the first fence thingy and enter the farm, she says "About dawn, give er take"
  32. >Holy fuck this is gonna be a long day
  33. >You walk on the path leading to the house on the land
  34. >Applejack eggs you on with a wave of her hoof
  35. >You both go inside and see the Apple family
  36. >They're preparing breakfast
  37. >The green old one is helping the small one make some dish
  38. >You have no idea what they're making, but the room smells pretty good
  39. >The cool red one you see around sometimes is sitting at a table, seemingly waiting
  40. >He turns his head to face Applejack and does a double take when he sees you
  41. >He didn't seem angry or anything thank god
  42. >He just seemed caught off guard
  43. >You wave at him and he waves back
  44. >Applejack finally decides to speak "This here is my wonderful family"
  45. "They sure are... family-like"
  46. >"Yer darn right they are! Granny Smith and Applebloom are makin us a meal for the mornin, and Big Mac there's waitin like usual!"
  47. >Big Mac says "Eeyup" in a deep voice and goes back to sitting quietly
  48. >Applejack starts up again "Take a seat Anon! Grub'll be done in a little, and I think you'll enjoy it."
  49. "What's on the menu for today?"
  50. >"Why, only the most delicious oatmeal you'll ever have the pleasure of tastin!"
  51. >Oatmeal
  52. >Cartoon pony oatmeal
  53. >It cant be that bad, you think to yourself
  54. "Sounds good"
  55. >You take a seat next to Big Mac and join him while you watch the gals magically use tools with hooves
  56. >They're all borderline shouting at eachother
  57. >After what felt like an hour of shouting, cracking, and jackhammer sound effects, they're finished
  58. >Applejack and Applebloom sigh and wipe their brows as they pass out bowls of oatmeal
  59. >Granny Smith lets out a hoot and a haw as her food is put on her spot on the table
  60. >Almost immediately after they sat down, Granny Smith and Applebloom's jaws open wide, and they look at eachother, then at you
  61. >"Who's this whippersnapper?"
  62. >"Who's the new guy?"
  63. >"Eeyup?"
  64. >Applejack takes control of the situation "This here's Anon. He's gonna help us on the farm today."
  65. >They all go silent
  66. >Granny Smith has this huge smile on her face "And here I thought you were a gosh darn mane muncher!"
  67. >Applejack looks offended, and Big Mac laughs
  68. >Applebloom is lost "Granny, what's a 'Mane Muncher'?"
  69. >Big Mac laughs again
  70. >Applejack says "You'll learn it when yer older" her face is flushed and her voice is sharp
  71. "Well uh... time to dig in."
  72. >Applejack nods and starts eating her oatmeal
  73. >The rest of the Apples join in
  74. >You all eat your oatmeal silently, with the occasional smack of somepony's lips
  75. >The oatmeal's tasty, but the atmosphere in the room is sour
  76. >After that... eventful breakfast, you, Applejack, and Big Mac wish Applebloom good luck at school before heading out to the trees
  77. >Applejack exclaims "Hey Anon watch this!"
  78. >She stretches
  79. >A lot
  80. >She does like 20 different stretches before saying "Now that i'm all limbered up, it's time for the real heavy liftin!"
  81. >She straps a basket on her back
  82. >She smirks and walks over to a tree
  83. >"Watch this, sugarcube" she says with a twinkle in her eye
  84. >She kicks the tree with her hind legs and apples fall down
  85. >She quickly runs and catches each apple in her basket
  86. >She collects a good 5 or 6 from this tree alone
  87. >"How was that sugarcube? You impressed yet?" She smiles
  88. "Not really"
  89. >Her smile drops
  90. "Not when there's so many trees here"
  91. >you point at the seemingly endless field of trees before you
  92. >She sputters "Uh well ya see that was just a warmup! It only gets better from here on ya know"
  93. "I'm sure it does"
  94. >She gives you a bit of an angered look, but continues to another tree
  95. >"Just keep lookin at me, alright? I'll blow ya away with my strength, speed, and fertility" she emphasizes the last word
  96. "Uh, ok?"
  97. >You look around and see Big Mac doing exactly what Applejack did, just with a lot less flashiness
  98. >And a lot less gloating
  99. >"Sugarcube pay attention!" Applejack calls out
  100. >You turn your head towards the orange mare
  101. >"Tree Number 2 comin right down!"
  102. >She kicks the tree and apples fall again, and she collects them again
  103. >"Want one?" She says
  104. "Sure"
  105. >"Come and get it" her eyes in a seductive glance
  106. "Sure"
  107. >You walk up to the horse's side, and take a look at her back basket to select an apple
  108. >"Hey wait a sec!" She exclaims
  109. >Suddenly you feel your legs aren't on the ground anymore
  110. >Shit
  111. >You land on your back on the harsh earth
  112. >You're a bit panicked so you dont notice that your vision is suddenly filled with an orange tint
  113. >"Aint ya supposed to say please?"
  114. >You try moving away, but the mare's hooves are stopping you
  115. >Shit
  116. >You try moving her hooves away with your arm, but her legs are firmly placed around you
  117. >She teases you by flexing her leg
  118. >"Big, huh?" She smirks at you
  119. "Let me go"
  120. >"Why of course sugarcube. Right after ya say please, that is" she grins harder
  121. "Well where i'm from we dont have to say please when we're offered something"
  122. >"Well things are different here, as ya may have noticed" her hooves digging even more into the ground
  123. "Not really, I mean saying please after an offer just doesnt make sense at all, even if it is a different culture here"
  124. >You can tell she's already feeling stupid judging by her sudden scrunched face
  125. >"W-well u-uh did ya like what ya felt?" She tries to salvage the conversation
  126. "It was muscular, but i'd imagine most of you ponies are like that, seeing as you only have legs"
  127. >Her face scrunches again
  128. >"W-well a pegasus aint this big neither!"
  129. "Well pegasi aren't only confined to the ground either. Can i have an apple now?"
  130. >She shoots you a devious grin
  131. >You roll your eyes
  132. "Please?"
  133. >"Of course. Only the best for my sugarcube"
  134. "Don't call me that"
  135. >"Y'all are gonna like it eventually"
  136. "Doubt it"
  137. >She moves herself away from you and waits for you to pick an apple
  138. >You pick out a nice bright red one
  139. >You bite into it with a satisfying crunch
  140. >It's delicious
  141. >The people here may be awful and a bit fucked up, but jesus the produce is to die for
  142. >Suddenly Applejack intrudes "Do ya like em?"
  143. "The apples? Yeah they're pretty good"
  144. >She stands on her hind legs and flexes her horse stomach, revealing a ripped pony six-pack
  145. >"How bout these apples? Huh?" She smiles at you
  146. "Uh, horse-like?"
  147. >Her face scrunches and she goes back into her four legged position
  148. >She walks away towards some more trees, muttering to herself
  149. >You cant hear much, but you manage to catch her saying "Nopony values a strong, fertile mare anymore!"
  150. >What's her problem?
  151. >Suddenly she turns her head and says "Y'all are gonna watch me, alright?"
  152. "Sure"
  153. >You take another bite of the apple and follow her
  154. >She's crazy, but she's also absolutely fuckin BUILT
  155. >Pony Zyzz would be proud
  156. >You follow her to some more trees and watch her buck some more
  157. >It's the same thing every time
  158. >After what felt like the 80th tree you ask her
  159. "How do you not go crazy from this?"
  160. >"It's easy: someone's gotta do it, it helps build up the body, and it only happens a few times a year"
  161. "Makes sense, but how do you endure it?"
  162. >"Ya get used to it I guess. The first few times were pretty overwhelmin, but a strong mare always triumphs" she says with a stoic look on her face
  163. "Oh"
  164. >The air is all awkward now
  165. >You'd rather be knee deep in porsehussy than have it be awkward
  166. >Think Anon think
  167. >Apples! Good idea
  168. "Can I have another apple?"
  169. >She smiles "Of course!"
  170. >You walk up to her and are about to grab another apple, but she stops you
  171. >Again
  172. >"But it's gonna cost ya!"
  173. "What's the charge?"
  174. >She smirks "One compliment"
  175. "Your mane looks nice, now gimme"
  176. >Her smirk falters "Nuh uh Anon, a REAL compliment"
  177. >She flexes her legs and strikes a pose
  178. "Your muscles are... nice?"
  179. >"Attaboy! Come get it" she smiles
  180. >You pick another red crispy apple, despite being pretty full after the first one
  181. "These are some pretty good apples, what makes them so good?"
  182. >Applejack smirks and blushes "If i told ya i'd have ta buck ya"
  183. "Oh. Gross. Keep your secrets then"
  184. >Applejack huffs and goes back to buckin hard
  185. >"Y'all are lucky ya like them apples" you hear her say from a distance
  186. >You can't wait for this to be over
  187. >Seeing her mad is funny, but she can and will kill you if it gets out of hand
  188. >You watch applejack buck and buck and buck
  189. >She occasionally looks to you and flexes her muscles at you
  190. >She also makes sure to wink at you
  191. >Sometimes in more ways than one
  192. >Gross
  193. >You eventually began to wave at her or give her a thumbs up
  194. >You shouldnt be encouraging her, but you can tell it helps her get through the day
  195. >It also stops you from going insane
  196. >After a while, though, you can tell she's getting tired
  197. >And the sun is going down too
  198. >"Just a few more and we'll spend the rest of the day buckin it back" she said with relief in her voice
  199. >But 20 trees later and she's still not stopping
  200. >Was she making a threat?
  201. "You need some help?"
  202. >"No thank ya i got this, just sit back and keep lookin cute" she gives you a weak smile
  203. "Then can you at least tell me how mamy you have left? You look exhausted"
  204. >"Just a few more" she says, gritting her teeth
  205. "Whatever you say boss"
  206. >She goes back to bucking
  207. >Many more trees later and some more lost daylight later
  208. >Applejack is quivering, practically on the verge of collapse
  209. "Jesus christ dude you gotta stop"
  210. >She slowly turns to look at you and says "Pfft not even! See I can go from here aaall the way to-" as she points in a general direction toward some more trees, she collapses
  211. "HOLY SHIT"
  212. >You run over to pick up the horse
  213. >She isnt that heavy
  214. >But she's rock solid, yet rubbery and shaky from all the excess work
  215. >You look around for Big Mac
  216. >Nowhere to be seen
  217. >You look around for the farmhouse
  218. >Nothing in sight
  219. >You run for what fet like a good 5 minutes before you hear a high pitched, childish voice call Applejack's name
  220. >You follow the voice
  221. >You run up to a now shaken Applebloom
  222. "She collapsed!"
  223. >Applebloom, rightfully shocked, starts running
  224. >You decide to follow her to the best of your ability
  225. >She leads you back to the house
  226. >You catch your breath outside, but manage to hear Applebloom yelling her head off for help
  227. >Big Mac and Applebloom run outside and hurry you inside
  228. >You rest Applejack down on some cot the've laid out
  229. >"Ya got some explainin to do ya darn Filly Fiddler!" You hear a familiar old voice screech
  230. "I-I dont know what happened she was just bucking trees and then-"
  231. >"Did she look tired?" Applebloom asks in an accusatory tone
  232. "She did. I told her that she looked exhausted, but she said she still had some more to buck"
  233. >They all put their hooves to their face
  234. >"It all makes sense now!" They all say in unison
  235. "What do you mean?"
  236. >Granny Smith starts "Ya see, Applejack would always have some whippersnapper over, and every time we'd find her passed out! We always thought she was just tired after her friends left and fell asleep workin! Turns out that crazy mare was just tryna impress em!"
  237. >"Eeyup" Big Mac says
  238. >Granny Smith adds "That crazy mare always talkin about 'Oh i'm so fertile and strong!' And all this dirty gobbledigook!"
  239. "Oh god"
  240. >"I just hope yer ready to buck'er hard! Im sure a strong whippersnapper like you's got it in for her, eh?" Granny Smith winks at you
  241. "Uh. Not really. I'm kinda just here on a bet"
  242. >The Old Mare's smile subsides and she sighs "Oh well. Just be nice to her when she comes to, willya?"
  243. "Sure."
  244. >"And could ya move her to her room? I dont want her wakin up and feelin like she's dyin!"
  245. "No problem"
  246. >You grab the sleeping mare and walk through a few rooms before finding one that was probably hers
  247. >You lie her down on her bed and cover her with some sheets
  248. >Suddenly, the door behind you closes, and you hear a click
  249. >Shit
  250. >You run toward the door
  251. "Hello?"
  252. >You knock on the door
  253. "What the fuck is going on!"
  254. >You slam on the door
  255. >No answer
  256. >Fuck
  257. >After a good 5 minutes of pounding on the door you decide to just with your back on it
  258. >'Its not opening anytime soon' you think to yourself
  259. >You sit there for another 10 minutes, looking around the room for an escape
  260. >You look up at the sleeping horse on the bed
  261. >You see a sudden movement coming from her general area, but arent able to decipher what it was specifically
  262. >You decide to walk up to the orange mare
  263. >She's sleeping soundly underneath some sheets
  264. >Perfect
  265. >What a shitty day
  266. >You lower your head down to her ear and ready your lips
  267. >In the most evil, bond-villain-like voice you could muster, you say:
  268. "I fucking hate you, hear me? I hate you and your rapey pony friends. If I dont get out of here with my horse virginity intact there will be hell to pay, and if not on you, then definitely your friends and family."
  269. >The pony stirs in her bed
  270. >You get what you fucking deserve
  271. >"Yer all bark and no bite" she says calmly, her eyes still closed
  272. "Well yer all muscle n no brains"
  273. >You say that in your best hillbilly voice
  274. >She opens her eyes
  275. >"Well. How bout it then?"
  276. >She throws her covers off and jumps off the bed, landing on her hind hooves in a pose
  277. >You couldve sworn you saw Neighponies text come from her and a gust of wind flow through her mane
  278. >No matter
  279. "How about what?"
  280. >"Prove it?"
  281. "Prove what?"
  282. >"Prove that ya got some bite to ya!" She yells
  283. "No way fa-"
  284. >She grabs you and puts you in a headlock
  285. >"So ah was right then eh?" She says smugly
  286. >You can't breathe, so you cant answer her
  287. >But she was wrong
  289. >Or was she?
  290. >You put your hands up to her muscular hooves in an attempt to remove her headlock
  291. >You thrashed and tried to gasp and even clawed at her muscular hooves
  292. >It was only once you started seeing gray and black and white that you heard Applejack say
  293. "Now you better know yer place next time..."
  294. >Before you were effectively rendered unconscious by her grip
  296. ~An Unknown Amount Of Time Later~
  298. >You feel your eyes heavy on your head
  299. >Your neck and back feel very sore
  300. >And your hands feel as if they'd fallen asleep for hours
  301. >You hear a familiar voice in the distance
  302. >"Now... family... me, ya hear?"
  303. >You open your eyes to reveal your own naked body lying in bed
  304. >Not only that, but ropes holding down both your arms and legs tied to the bed as well
  305. >"Anon! Are ya even listenin to me? I'm tryna tell ya somethin important!"
  306. >You shift your head to see Applejack walking slowly towards the bed
  307. >You are fucked
  308. >Or at least, you're going to be.
  309. >The orange mare hops onto the bed, making sure to face you, resting her weight on your chest
  310. >"Sugarcube, aint no way you're gettin outta this here situation" she says softly
  311. "I think there is."
  312. >"Mhm. Im sure ya do, but that there is the truth" she smirks
  313. >She moves away from your face and off your chest, making her way in between your legs
  314. >You frantically look around for anything that could help you out
  315. >There's nothing in particular, but your clothes are in a neat pile by the door
  316. >"Ah spent half the time you were out just gettin those darn garments off ya! Some real puzzles those things are!" She says as she finally reaches the goods
  317. >"But now y'all are gonna see the power of a strong mare" her voice softens even more
  318. >You feel a prod on your crotch, as if a plate had just been slowly lowered onto it
  319. >You look down to see the pony looking at your flaccid member while she pokes at it with her hooves
  320. >Does she not know?
  321. >She suddenly decides to lie on top of it
  322. >She doesnt know
  323. >You let out a snicker
  324. >"What are ya laughin at!" She blushes
  325. "You have no idea what you're doing, huh?
  326. >Her blush is replaced with an offended scowl "Of course ah know what ahm doin!"
  327. >You laugh even harder
  328. "Sure. Just keep doing what you're doing, I'm sure we'll have a great, wonderful family by the end of it"
  329. >"Y-ya think so?" She looks hopeful
  330. >Holy shit she has no idea
  331. "Y-yes"
  332. >You had to actively stop yourself from bursting into laughter
  333. >"Ah promise we'll have a happy family and ah'll-"
  334. "Yeah sure sounds great"
  335. >You look at your hands and feet
  336. >The ropes and knots look really secure, there's no getting out of this without some help
  337. >Suddenly, your brain thinks up a delightfully devilish idea
  338. >Its time to be smooth
  339. "Hey Applejack, this whole 'lying down on top of me' thing feels really good, but are you feeling good too?"
  340. >"Am ah... supposed to?" She asks
  341. "Well yeah! I mean, if it didnt feel good, then why would animals do it all the time?"
  342. >"Ya got a point. So how do ah do it right then?"
  343. "Well uh, usually the man does it, so that it's easier to uhh, do it properly?"
  344. >She gives you a suspicious look
  345. >You feel sweat form on your brow
  346. >"Hmm..." her stare sharpens
  347. >You smile at her
  348. >"Fine. But if ya even think about runnin, or else... or else... ah cant even think of a phrase that can describe how done ya'll would be"
  349. "Uhuh yeah sure"
  350. >She starts to remove the ropes, starting with the ones on your legs
  351. >"Why if you even try to run away ah'll get a like a spring chicken! No wait-"
  352. >That's one rope
  353. >"Why ah'd buck ya harder than any tree! No no-"
  354. >Two
  355. >"Phrasemakin is hard! Ah gotta write down some good ones one of these days!"
  356. >Three
  357. >"Anyway how exactly do you 'do it' the proper wa-"
  358. >The second she releases the 4th rope, you roll off the bed
  359. >You quickly get up and run for the door
  360. >In one clean sweep you manage to grab all of your clothes and rush out the dolr
  361. >All of your clothes, except your shoes, unfortunately
  362. >Running barefoot and naked with only a pile of clothes to cover you, you scramble out the door of the bedroom
  363. >You run into a hallway with a few doors to your left
  364. >Going straight would lead you to some stairs to your right, which would lead directly downstairs to a possible exit
  365. >However, a loud slamming of a door very close behind you forces you into one of the rooms
  366. >You hear fast, heavy steps louden then eventually fade off into the distance
  367. >"ANOOOOOOON!" You hear Applejack scream from what you assume is downstairs
  368. >You use this hiding spot as an opportunity to get dressed
  369. >You quickly toss on your top
  370. >However, just as you're about to pull up your underwear, you hear a distinct, deep voice
  371. >"Uh..." Big mac says, lying down, his bedsheets covering his face
  372. "Were you awake this entire time?"
  373. >You scramble to hide the merchandise
  374. >"Eeyup"
  375. "So you know what's happening, right?"
  376. >"Nope"
  377. "Just know that I didn't fuck your sister alright, and I never will"
  378. >He lowers his sheets and gives you a confused look
  379. "Understand?"
  380. >"Eeyup"
  381. "Now i'm gonna act like you weren't part of the master plan to get me raped, and you're gonna act like this whole 'me running naked in your home' thing never happened, got it?"
  382. >"Eeyup" he turns to his side and assumes a sleeping position
  383. >Thank god Big Mac's a lad
  384. >You peer your head out of the door to see if the orange mare is around
  385. >You don't see anyone around, so you head downstairs
  386. >You see Granny Smith asleep on a rocking chair
  387. >Does she always do that?
  388. >You pass her, still maintaining your secrecy
  389. >You finally make it outside
  390. >However, it's pitch black
  391. >There's a few lights surrounding the porch, but you can barely see out into the farmland itself, even with the moon shining bright
  392. >With a heavy fear in your heart, you venture into the unknown
  393. >You walk maybe a dozen feet into the darkness and the only light source you see for miles is the porch of the house
  394. >You're pretty familiar with ponyville's streets, but youve never really been out on the Apple property before
  395. >You hear the sound of galloping in the distance, which causes you to walk faster
  396. >You walk some more and your newly adjusted eyes eventually see a dirt path by a picket fence
  397. >Bingo
  398. >You hop over the fence and begin down the path, worried, but now with a pep to your step
  399. >However, the sounds of galloping are seemingly getting closer
  400. >They get so close that you can actually feel the ground shaking around you
  401. >This sudden force makes you throw yourself to the ground and roll up to the fence, to ensure you're not trampled
  402. >Or spotted
  403. >This is going to be a long walk home
  404. >You eventually run off into the dark, and eventually you begin to see the familiar streets of ponyville
  405. >You've escaped the rape horse for now
  406. >It's likely that she's outside of your house right now
  407. >You pass the large fountain in the town square and make your way to your house
  408. >You finally see your house in the distance, you notice that she isn't there
  409. >That devil mustve given up, thank god
  410. >You quietly walk up to your house and scan the surrounding area for any rape horses
  411. >Nothing yet
  412. >You walk inside and into your bedroom
  413. >The fatigue from the day is starting to kick in
  414. >Despite you not really doing much besides run from a horse cowgirl
  415. >You scope your room out to see if maybe she's hiding somewhere
  416. >After concluding that she isnt anywhere in your home, you hop on your bed
  417. >You check the time
  418. >Midnight
  419. >Maybe that's why she isnt making chase anymore
  420. >Before you can ponder it any further, you lie down and fall asleep
  421. >What a long day
  422. End of Day 1

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes