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The Rapening: Day 0

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-08 05:51:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day Why Are We Still Here in Equestria
  2. >Just to suffer?
  3. >Every day since your arrival, one Fluttershy has been constantly guessing your fetish
  4. >You admit, it was charming at first
  5. >But that was before she wore diapers around town
  6. >And "used" them
  7. >"Twilight said you'd like it" she told you
  8. >The memories of those few days still haunt you in your dreams
  9. >But thankfully, the door knocks
  10. >You already know who it is
  11. >You open the door to reveal Fluttershy
  12. >Who else?
  13. >She has a drill in one hand and floss in the other
  14. >"Anon, are den-" the rapist starts
  15. >But you just shut the door in her face
  16. >Fuck that was brutal
  17. >Even for you
  18. >But as they say in the old country: "Stop trying to fucking rape me"
  19. >You look outside your house's many windows. Feeling as vulnerable as ever.
  20. >You should really block these up
  21. >You spot fluttershy walking away
  22. >She's crying
  23. >Maybe she'll stop
  24. >You hope she'll-
  25. >A huge fucking splash hits your window
  26. >HOLY FUCK what was that
  27. >Is celestia herself punishing you for being rude?
  28. >It could be rain
  29. >But rain doesnt normally look so... mucus-y
  30. >Nor does it have usually a tint of...
  31. >Rainbows?
  33. >Be Rainbow Dash
  34. >Lying on a cloud near Anon's house
  35. >This was a very important day
  36. >Fluttershy would often visit you and talk about Anon
  37. >Specifically, how he wouldn't fall in love with her
  38. >She told you that she goes to his house at around the same time each morning and tries to convince him that he loves her
  39. >Out of curioisity, and duty as the loyalest pony of all ponies, you went to watch one of these attempts
  40. >Without Fluttershy knowing, of course
  41. >You watch as Fluttershy floats towards Anon's door
  42. >Drill and... Floss? In hoof
  43. >That's weird
  44. >She knocks on his door
  45. >Rehearsing her lines
  46. >You put your head down on the cloud to get a better listen
  47. >"Are d-dentists your fetish, Anon?" She repeats softly to herself
  48. >You blush from the somewhat relaxed delivery of the question
  49. >Ohmygosh this is so messed up!
  50. >But... oddly arousing
  51. >You guide your hoof slowly to the Dash n Go situated in between your legs
  52. "Fluttershy...? W-why would you ever say that..."
  53. >Your hoof moving in between your legs
  54. >Anon opens the door
  55. >Fluttershy says her line with her full confidence
  56. >"Anon, are den-" the door slams in her face
  57. >Her voice slowly deflates as she finishes her sentence
  58. >Ohmygosh that was hot as hay!
  59. >You fall onto your back, still fiddling with your book
  60. >It's only when you hear Fluttershy crying that the floodgates open
  61. >You can already tell that you're gonna write stories about this one
  62. >You unleash the world's 2nd fastest and largest torrent of marecum
  63. >The first of course, was during that competiton with the whole "Sonic Rainboom"
  64. >Many booms were had that day, heh.
  65. >Nice one Dash
  66. >Your afterglow is cut short when you hear a loud splash
  67. >You look down at anon's house
  68. >A window and some of the surrounding parts were just made 20% cooler
  69. >Heh. Nice one again Dash
  70. >Maybe if he found out he'd scold you
  71. >Ohmygosh that'd be hot
  72. >You definitely need anon to berate you one of these days
  73. >God you wish you were Fluttershy
  74. >Speaking of which
  75. >You should check up on her
  77. >Be Fluttershy
  78. >Absolutely devastated
  79. >Anon didnt even hear your fetish guess today
  80. >And you had to rent this drill
  81. >And you even made sure to use the floss before hand
  82. >To make sure it was a quality brand!
  83. >Your tears are practically 2 water jets coming from your eyes
  84. >It's only once a hazy Rainbow Dash approaches you, that you stop crying
  85. >"Yo Fluttershy!" Dash said, her face red hot
  86. >Where has /she/ been?
  87. "H-hi Rainbow..." you sulk.
  88. >"H-how'd things go with Anon..." she says, twiddling her hooves while looking shifting her eyes left to right
  89. >She smells odd
  90. >That was very rude Fluttershy
  91. >Apologize!
  92. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash" you sulk again
  93. >"W-what? Why are you apologizing? Haha. There's nothing to apologize for, and I definitely dont have anything that I certainly have to feel guilty about no ma'm haha. In fact, i'm so not guilty i'm gonna go uhh... fly away... now... okseeyalaterFluttershyhaveagoodone!"
  94. >She jets off
  95. >At least you're still friends.
  96. >That makes you smile
  97. >You still cry all the way home
  98. >But by the time you arrive, you feel ready to take on the challenges today may hold
  99. >Like reminding anon of the rules behind your guesses
  100. >Just in case that silly goose didn't mean to shut the door in your face
  101. >And you know just the pony to help you do this
  103. >Be anon (again)
  104. >Chillin out, maxing, relaxing all cool
  105. >That was, until there was a knock on your door
  106. >You dont normally get visitors
  107. >You prayed to both God and Celestia that it wasnt Fluttershy again
  108. >You open the door to reveal...
  109. >A mare
  110. >An orange mare
  111. >With an Apple butt tat
  112. >You've never met her before
  113. >Even after being here for so long
  114. >She takes off her little hat and holds it to her chest
  115. >You didnt think an orange pony would have such a scarlett face though
  116. >"H-howwwdyy Pardner! N-nice to finally meetcha. I-i'm Applejack!"
  117. "Anonymous"
  118. >"Anonuhmous. Nice to meet y'all!"
  119. >You can't help but think she's a farm girl
  120. >"I'm sorry for keepin ya waitin so long. The farm's had a big harvest this year!" Her face scrunches and she shifts her eyes
  121. >Called it
  122. >"Ya mind if i come in a sec?" She asks, rather flustered
  123. "Sure. Why not?"
  124. >She cant possibly be as bad as Fluttershy
  125. >Applejack steps in, and immediately asks:
  126. >"Y'all need help movin furniture? I can help yuh as fast as a tornader spins!"
  127. "Uh. No thanks, I think it's fine where it is."
  128. >"Y'all sure? I'm really strong!" She assumes a pose showing off her muscles
  129. "Nice. I imagine working on a farm would do that to you. Want something to drink?"
  130. >she smiles "Why yes i would! Could y'all whip me up a glass of water? A workin mare's gotta stay hydrated!" She flexes her pony biceps
  131. "Two waters coming right up."
  133. >You hand her a glass and sit down next to her on your little sofa
  134. >Ignoring the haunting image of a floating cup in the horse's hoof, you break the ice
  135. "Sooo... how's farm life?"
  136. >"Hard, but rewardin" she says bluntly
  137. >A deafening silence
  138. >several sips later
  139. >You move to get up and refill your empty glass
  140. >but before you can get up, Applejack jolts
  141. >Suddenly, you hear a defeaning scream "GUUAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" and a splash of water
  142. >You look at Applejack
  143. >She's soaked in water
  144. >I guess i'd scream like a retard if my clothes were my body too
  145. >she shivers "A-n-n-nonn... towel... give towel. P-p-puhleasee"
  146. >you quickly run to your restroom to grab a towel
  147. >when you get back, Applejack's in a pose, exposing her pony abs and her admittedly large thighs
  148. >"L-like what y-y-ya see?" She asks, giving you the bedroom eyes
  149. >"R-r-rub me dry, Uhnon, y-y-y'all gonna wish Rainbow Dash felt like this"
  150. >Moment ruined
  151. >First Fluttershy, now this Applejack?
  152. >Who even is Rainbow Dash?
  153. >You havent even known her for 30 minutes
  154. >What's next?
  155. >Is that pink one that helps Fluttershy all the time gonna watch me bang other mares?
  156. >suddenly, a muffled, hyper sounding voice says "I WOULD, if IT WOULD EVER HAPPEN!"
  157. >You look to see said pink pony peering inside your home through a window
  158. >When the hell did she get here?
  159. >Wait did she read your mind?
  160. >You know what? Fuck it
  161. >You bang on the window she's peering through and grab Applejack by her toned thighs and toss her outside
  162. >She lands on her oddly firm butt, and she plays it off by squatting where she landed
  163. >"Good throw y'all," she flexes her muscles again, "yer almost as strong as me"
  164. >The pink one stands next to her, staring at you
  165. >She says in a somber tone "Maybe next time"
  166. >you throw a towel at Applejack's face and tell both of them to fuck off
  167. >This day's looking to be a giant shitshow
  168. >God you fucking hate it here
  170. >Be Twilight Sparkle
  171. >Be changing spike's diaper
  172. >You know he doesnt need it, but doesnt he just look adorable in it?
  173. >Hear knock at the door
  174. >Its Fluttershy
  175. >"Um, hi Twilight. Are you doing anything right now?" She asks meekly
  176. "Not at all! Just changin spikes diapey wipey haha. Wanna watch?"
  177. >Fluttershy gives you a concerned look
  178. >"Um... not really. I was hoping you could help me with something"
  179. "Of course! What is it you need? A safety pin? A pull-up? A reuseable? I got it all!"
  180. >Fluttershy looks VERY concerned
  181. >"N-no... um it's about anon, and not his diapers, before you ask."
  182. "Well that's a shame. What about him?"
  183. >"Well you remember how you said that if i could guess his fetish he'd love me right?"
  184. >You nod
  185. >"And you remember how after the restraining order expired, we all agreed on 1 attempt a day?"
  186. "I do. It took a lot of convincing to make him accept the offer"
  187. >And many, many diapers
  188. >"Well... today... um..." she hesitates
  189. "Don't be afraid to tell me what's wrong, Fluttershy. You know i'm always here to help"
  190. >"Anon... didnt let me finish my guess, nor did he answer so..."
  191. "So Anon has broken the '1 Guess and No Less' rule huh? We'll have to go talk to him about this then"
  192. >You grab your things
  193. >A dry erase board
  194. >A marker
  195. >A sack full of very kind of diaper you own
  196. >And a stand to put your dry erase board on
  197. >And a list ensuring you mention every in and out of this '1 Guess and No Less' rule
  198. "Alright Fluttershy, let's do this."
  199. >They both set out on a quest to Anon's house
  201. >Be Applejack
  202. >Gosh darn it
  203. >Why wont anyone see the beauty in yer strength?
  204. >Yer practically beggin to give birth to some healthy and even stronger foals!
  205. >In your shape, yuh could probably give birth to an entire farm's work of em!
  206. >You shouldve lifted him up!
  207. >Then he could've seen how much y'all mean business!
  208. >Pinkie Pie next you to squeals "Do it! Hold him! Hold him down! Can i watch?"
  209. "Uh... Pinkie? What're y'all talkin about?"
  210. >"Yknow, showin Nonny there a good time! And letting me watch! Dont forget about me! Or do! I dont mind!"
  211. "Ahaha..."
  212. >She's joking right?
  213. >"Nnnope!"
  214. >'I'm going to let Pinkie Pie rape anon for me' you think to yourself
  215. >"Nnnope! I'd rather watch"
  216. >Wot in tarnation
  217. >Suddenly, Pinkie's eyes light up
  218. >"Oh boy! More people to watch!"
  219. >She points at Twilight and Fluttershy walkin an' talkin
  220. >Gosh darnit
  221. >Fluttershy's back to steal yer stallion!
  222. >You gots ta do somethin about 'er!
  223. "Uhnon's really mad!"
  224. >That'll do it!
  225. >Fluttershy and Twilight look at eachother, concerned
  226. >Fluttershy says "Oh dear. Did i make him angry again? This time i even made sure to pick a fetish that didnt involve changing his or my body!"
  227. >This gal's got issues
  228. "Well... uh yeah he's real mad!"
  229. >Twilight butts in "Regardless if he is or is not positively pooped, we still need to talk to him for breaking the rules"
  230. >What the...
  231. "Y'all sure? He's reaaaaaally mad!"
  232. >Twilight gives you a skeptical look
  233. >Oh Sweet Apples help me
  234. >"Yes. I think we /are/ sure. Right Fluttershy?"
  235. >Twilight looks at Fluttershy, who is obviously shaken
  236. >"Um... M-maybe another ti-" Twilight cuts her off
  237. >"See? We're about as sure as we could possibly ever be!" They both start walking past you
  238. >Dang Nabbit!
  239. >Y'all can't just go back to his house now...
  240. >But maybe...
  241. >Just maybe...
  242. >You could sneak in after those darn mares leave your stallion alone!
  244. >Be Fluttershy
  245. >Be scared
  246. >Is Applejack right?
  247. >Did you really make anon angry just from this morning?
  248. >You didnt even get to finish what you were saying
  249. >Maybe talking to Twilight was a bad idea
  250. >What if he just gets angrier?
  251. >Oh dear...
  252. >You look at Twilight
  253. >She's... rapping?
  254. >"Mama always knows! mama's always best! She'll help you with your homework and on your next test!"
  255. >You stop her to ask a few questions
  256. "Um... so what exactly are we going to tell Anon?"
  257. >"Oh Fluttershy you already know! He has to give you one guess, at the very least."
  258. "W-well do you think he'll let me guess?"
  259. >"He has to, otherwise us two get to have a day with him to ourselves, remember?"
  260. "Um... well yes but how will you be able to make him do that exactly?"
  261. >Twilight stops walking
  262. >she puts a hoof to her chin
  263. >Then she smirks
  264. >"I'm good at getting naughty boys to behave"
  265. "Oh ok..."
  266. >"But i'm sure it won't have to come to that... [spoiler]unfortunately"[/spoiler]
  267. "I hope so. I like talking to him, and I dont want to make him angry... like I did today"
  268. >"Aw dont worry Fluttershy. I'm sure if we had to keep him for a day, he wouldn't mind too much. I mean, he did agree to the rules after all"
  269. "You're right."
  270. >"Plus there's other ways of 'punishing' him anyway"
  271. "I guess so..."
  272. >You both continue your journey to anon's house
  273. >What would Twilight even do with Anon for a day
  274. >or rather... what would she do TO him?
  276. >Be Rarity
  277. >Be drinking tea with Rainbow Dash
  278. >She walked in earlier muttering things like "Best day ever" and "Heh. Nice one Dash" and "God I wish that were me"
  279. >Such a most peculiar way of her to act
  280. >You suppose she just had some luck with a stunt or something in that vain
  281. >But after you asked her why she's so boastful, she just said "No big deal, I was just chilling with Fluttershy this morning"
  282. >This morning?
  283. >As in
  284. >She went with Fluttershy to help her obtain her beloved?
  285. >That handsome, tall, lean–Oh my!
  286. >You would spoil that precious specimen if you ever had the chance
  287. "How'd it go with Anonymous?" You ask in a sly manner
  288. >"W-well um– so what had happened was," her face turns red "um... F-flutershy asked him a question and well... before she could F-finish it he... [spoiler]unf...[/spoiler] closed h-his door on her"
  289. >Ignoring that positively passionate moan, you ask
  290. "What was the question, Darling?"
  291. >"W-well i promised Fluttershy that I wouldnt tell haha"
  292. "I see... well. That's most unfortunate"
  293. >"Yeah. Honestly, i'm thinkin of g-going to his house a-and [spoiler]hah~[/spoiler] giving him a p-piece of my mind!"
  294. >From the way she said it, it seems like she'll definitely give him a piece of something
  295. >"I-in fact, i'm probably gonna head over to his in a bit. W-wanna come with?" her face a dramatic tint of red
  296. >This is your chance Rarity
  297. >Your chance to spoil Anon rotten!
  298. "Why I dont see why not. Let me gather my things first."
  299. >Rainbow scoffs "You and your need to look beautiful before going outside"
  300. "You never know, maybe Anonymous finds a woman that can dress herself up to be most definitely enchanting."
  301. >You've never really talked to him outside of making his signature suit, but if his wardrobe isnt an indicator of a true patrician gentleman, than you're not sure what is!
  302. >Rainbow Dash cocks her head
  303. >She's even redder than before
  305. >"Hah! Y-yeah right! I bet h-he'll think y-you look... [spoiler]ohmygosh~[/spoiler] r-ridiculous... c-can i dress up with you?"
  306. "Oh darling must you be so obvious? Of course i'll help you look splendid for Anonymous! I'll pick out the most wonderful dress for you. Just give me a moment."
  307. >You pick out Rainbow's dress from your very first Grand Galloping Gala
  308. >Such a beautiful creation, you think to yourself
  309. >After ironing out Rainbow's fabulous dress, you tell her to put it on
  310. >While she's getting dressed, you get together a small box and a paper, along with all the bits you have on your pony
  311. >You write a little note before filling the box with both the note and all of your bits
  312. >The box is practically overflowing with bits
  313. >It's glorious
  314. >After you finish preparing this gift, Rainbow Dash announces that she's ready to go
  315. >You both leave and begin your stroll to Anonymous's home
  316. >The box safely secured on your back
  318. >Be Anonymous
  319. >Hear a knock at the door
  320. >Look outside the door's window
  321. >Fluttershy and that Purple Molester from a while back
  322. >Behind them in the bushes are... Applejack and the Pink one?
  323. >They seem to be watching Purple Nurple and Fluttershy from a distance
  324. >Or are they backup?
  325. >What is even going on?
  326. >After you open the door, Purple Porsehussy says "Greetings Anon, my friend Fluttershy here has told me that you have breached the '1 Guess And No Less Rule' and several clauses relating to it"
  327. >What
  328. >The
  329. >Fuck?
  330. "Hii... you two... um what exactly are you referencing?" You genuinely have no idea what they're talking about
  331. >She clears her throat and pulls out a script "The '1 Guess And No Less Rule' is a contract you signed in agreement to give Fluttershy permission to:
  332. >A) Guess your Fetish at least once daily at any given time. This includes you answering with a 'Yes' or 'No' or otherwise direct approval or disapproval of this guess
  333. >B) Attempt to guess your Fetish at least 3 times if Fluttershy is unable, for whatever reason, to properly finish her attempt to guess or demonstrate a fetish
  334. >C) Demonstrate a fetish, as long as the fetish doesn't incorporate changes in hers or your body, violent or not
  335. >and D) Love you forever and ever for all of evers as long as you and her are alive I love you Anon signed fluttershy no wait erase that that's emberassing..."
  336. >Purple's face goes red "I dont think i was supposed to read Clause D"
  338. >Your jaw drops
  339. "W-when did i agree to this? Did i ever sign this?"
  340. >Perphole cocks her head "Of course you did. Here's a copy of the document in case you lost it." She levitates a paper toward you
  341. >In unmistakably human writing on the bottom right of the paper, you see your name written next to Fluttershy's
  342. "When did i sign this?!"
  343. >Miss Purpsalot looks at Fluttershy with a confounded look, then back at you "Oh come on Anon how could you forget? That day was one for the history books! You're just saying you dont remember because you dont think you look good in a Diapey Wipey, huh?"
  344. >Suddenly the floodgates open
  345. >Repressed memories of Twilight Sparkle holding you down and forcing diapers on you fill your mind
  346. >"Shh shh, no more screaming, Mommy's here to change your Diapey Wipey now" she told you once
  348. >"Well it was the only way i could get you to sign the contract" she blushes and looks away
  349. "Horse-fucking-shit. Give me one reason as to why I shouldn't kick you to the curb and not listen to Fluttershy ever again"
  350. >Fluttershy gives Twilight the most pitiful death stare, then cuts in "W-well because one of the punishments presented in the paper includes 2 days with me and Twilight respectively... u-unless you dont want to, then its fi-" you cut her off
  351. "What. The. Fuck."
  352. >You hold your hands to your face
  353. "Could this day get any fucking worse?"
  354. >Suddenly, you hear two voices
  355. >One with a British accent
  356. >The other a screechy, annoying voice, possibly belonging to a retard
  357. >"Oh hi Darling"s and "What's up?"s fill the air behind the two rapists
  358. >Applejack and the Pink one practically fly out of the bushes they once occupied
  359. "Oh my fucking god no"
  361. >All the ponies group up
  362. >They're all greeting eachother as if they haven't seen eachother in years
  363. >Welp Anon, looks like this is your chance
  364. >You slam the door on the 6 annoying mares and head to your room
  365. >Before you can even get a step, the door knocks
  366. >"Anooon anooon!" All the ponies say, ranging from a whisper to genuine yells and screams
  367. >God fucking damnit
  368. >You open the door quickly
  370. >They cock their heads at you "Uh... what" they say in unison
  371. >That was autistic as fuck, but at least they finally shut up
  372. "One pair at a fucking time please, starting with the newcomers"
  373. >You point to Rarity and the Blue blur standing there
  374. >The blue one's blushing deeply
  375. "What do you two want?"
  376. >The blue one starts "Y-You-" before Rarity cuts her off "Oh darling we just thought we could pay our favorite human a visit! I also have a little present for you" she says while showing off the box on her back
  377. >The blue one starts again "Y-yeah haha"
  378. >she bites her lips and gives you bedroom eyes
  379. >You give her a death stare
  380. >Her blush practically spreads throughout her entire body as she swoons
  381. >Fucking gross
  382. >You look back at Rarity
  383. "I'll take it, but what is it?"
  384. >she laughs "Why, it's a surprise dear! However, I do wish to see you open it, if that's fine with you." She shows you the little box she had prepared for you
  385. >You grab the gift, before instructing all pf these lusty mares:
  386. "I guess... Everyone, come inside. Dont break or rape anything"
  387. >"No promises" you hear at least 3 of them say
  388. >You walked right into that one
  390. >They all walk inside your home and take it in with their eyes
  391. >Which is weird, considering most of them have been here more than once before
  392. "Take a seat, just stay the fuck there while I be a good host, you all got that?"
  393. >They each take a seat, creating a semi-circle around your living room with your trusty coffee table serving as the centerpiece of it all
  394. >Applejack, the pink one, and the blue one salute, Rarity says "Of course Anonymous", Twilight says "Sure" and Fluttershy... is inhaling deeply from her nose
  395. >No doubt "taking in your scent" or some rapey shit
  396. "Cool."
  397. >You place the present down on your coffee table situated in your living room before walking into your kitchen to buy some time
  398. >What the fuck are you doing?
  399. >How are you going to get out of this?
  400. >How does equestria have running water?
  401. >Why do all of them want to bang you?
  402. >You hastily fill a pitcher of water before grabbing 7 glasses for your equine enemies
  403. >You come back to them staring at eachother with fire in their eyes
  404. >Except for fucking Fluttershy
  405. >Still sniffing everything she can out of the air
  406. >You pour them each a glass before sitting in a chair way from the semicircle of mares
  408. "Alright! Since this is MY house, i'll decide who talks and when. You all got that?"
  409. >They all nod
  410. >Good.
  411. "Pinko, Blueb. Who the hell are you and what do you ACTUALLY want?"
  412. >The Pink one's eyes open wide and after one deep inhale, exclaims "WellYouSeeIThinkYoureReallyHotAndIWantToShowYouAGoodTimeButTheMoreTheMerrierRightSoNowIJustWantToWatchYouLoveOtherMaresSinceYouGottaShareAndCareRightNonnyRightRightRi-" Bluey two hooves stops her
  413. >"S-she's Pinkie Pie, I'm Rainbow Dash! I-I'm just here to support F-Fluttershy... Yeah... Support a friend hehe~" she laughs to herself
  414. >Fuckin weird
  415. "Uh-huh... sure."
  416. >Rainbow Dash blushes and Pinkie Pie gives you a big toothy grin
  417. >Suddenly you stare at the box on the table in front of you
  418. "Ah yes. Rarity you wanted to give me something right?"
  419. >Rarity blushes
  420. >"W-well yes darling b-but-"
  421. "But whatever it is it cant be as bad as whatever these other ponies are tryna give me."
  422. >You retrieve the box and shake it
  423. >it jiggles a lot
  424. "What's in here, anyway?"
  425. >Rarity stutters "N-nothing Anonymous! D-do put it down b-before you... *ahem* spoil it."
  426. "Fine whatever, I'll just open it real quick and then get back to the rest of YOU" you point in Applejack's, Twilight's, and Fluttershy's direction
  427. >You uncover the box to reveal a ton of bits
  428. >Like, a metric fuckton of cash
  429. "W-wow holy shit" You cant hide your surprise
  430. >Rarity blushes and looks away "Y-youre quite welcome darling."
  431. "Huh. There's a note here?"
  432. >Rarity quickly turns her head towards you and says "Anonymous please don't read that it's very-"
  433. "'Master, please accept your paypig's eager tribute as a token of her love. I truly am sorry if it is not enough, Master. Please do tell me how you intend to spend my hard earned bits!' signed... Rarity..."
  434. >What.
  435. >The.
  436. >Fuck.
  438. >You look up from the note
  439. >4 of the 6 mares are rightfully weirded out, and Rarity is rightfully emberassed
  440. >However, Rainbow Dash has a different reaction
  441. >Rainbow Dash is hiding her face with her hooves and writhing
  442. >Her heavy breathing and noteworthy moan tells it all
  443. >God you hate it here
  444. "Rainbow. Get the fuck out of my house before you soil my furniture"
  445. >She moans loudly
  446. >"Mmm~ j-just like the window th-this morning?"
  447. "What?
  448. >"L-like the window... a-after Fluttershy left the first time... a-after the u-usual, I-I came on y-your house!" She says with a sense of perverted glory
  449. >The Rainbow rain from earlier...
  450. >That can't be true
  451. "You're kidding."
  452. >"I-I'll show you!" She leads you to the window by your front door
  453. >"Thats the one! I-it's still there even! L-look!" She points at the dried out Rainbow tint on the window
  454. >You practically feel a vein burst in your head
  455. "Get out."
  456. >She moans "A-are you sure? Y-you dont sound so su-"
  457. >You grab her from her neck
  458. >She moans again, but her blocked windpipe stops her from doing so loudly
  459. >You walk calmly toward your door
  460. >And chuck her outside as hard as you possibly can
  461. >You hear a loud moan and the splashing of water behind you before you slam your door shut
  462. >A large thud can be heard outside along with another moan
  463. "Rarity... You can leave with her." You say, your eye twitching
  464. >"Oh Anonymous dear i'm so sorry I didnt mean to-"
  465. "Just... just leave. I'm not about to talk about this even more than I have to."
  466. >You hand her the box with the note inside
  467. >It hurt you to kick her out, since she'd put together your favorite suit
  468. >She was even pretty nice, too
  469. >Plus, that was a shit ton of cash
  470. >But to think she's just like the rest of em
  471. >What a shame
  472. >But before you can think any further, the 4 other mares before you quickly draw your attention
  474. >The remaining mares huddle up together
  475. "Applejack. Why were you and Pinkie just outside watching my every move? You think I wouldnt notice? You two are literally ORANGE and PINK next to GREEN bushes."
  476. >Applejack looks down regretfully and puts her hat to her horse chest "Well ya see Anon, I just fancy you a whole lot! And I wanted ta make sure I could show ya how I can outperform each of those darn DYEBs! I can mog em! I promise ya. I'm as fertile as a bunny-rabbit ya hear?!"
  477. "Then why dont you act like a bunny rabbit and leave me the fuck alone? Pinkie?"
  478. >Applejack's face hardens, and Pinkie inhales before saying "I just want to see SOMEPONY get railed by you!"
  479. "I'm sorry I asked."
  480. >Pinkie Pie chuckles "No worries Nonny!"
  481. "I was apologizing to myself."
  482. >You facepalm before dragging your hand down your face to point at the last pair of pones
  483. "And you two... YOU TWO! What do I have to do to get you the fuck out of my home?"
  484. >Twilight clears her throat "You see Anon, now that you've breached the '1 Guess No Le-" You stop her
  485. "For the love of GOD just fucking tell me you fat diaper loving sperg!"
  486. >Her face scrunches "Rude! If you weren't such a good cute widdle baby boy I'd be spanking yo-"
  487. "Did I stutter? Tell me. Right. Fucking. Now."
  488. >With a defeated look, Twilight says "You either give her 3 guesses, admit defeat and love her, or spend one day with her, one day with me" she says the last option with a smirk
  490. >Suddenly, Applejack protests "That there just aint right! How come y'all two get to spend a day with Anon? What about us strong, fertile mares huh?"
  491. >Pinkie... Agrees? "UhuhuhuhuhYesMa'mApplejack'sRightEveryoneShouldShareAnonEquallyExceptInTheBedroomThenYouAllCanHaveHimI'llBeOnTheLookoutTrustMe!"
  492. "Welp, I'm obviously not going to let you two get a day with me alone, and i'd rather kill fluttershy and then myself than let her win, so I'll give her 3 chances"
  493. >Twilight and Fluttershy look at eachother, dumbfounded, then back at you
  494. >Twilight with a smirk says "Well Anon, you don't really have a choice. Now that you've broken the giantest biggest rule, we get to decide your punishment."
  496. >Twilight is taken aback "Well, so you know what happens when you dont obey the rules."
  497. "Fine, fine. Just get it over with."
  498. >Twilight and Fluttershy huddle together, whispering and looking back at you every now and then before Applejack and Pinkie butt in, much less quiet than the first two pones
  499. >"Ah just think sharin' him with all of us is fair too, dontcha think? At least us 4 an' Rarity so she can apologize." You hear a whisper from the huddle
  500. >Some more banter and then the circle breaks up
  502. >Twilight raises her hoof high "We have come to a decision. We're going to punish you by making you spend a day with each of us."
  503. "Figured."
  504. >At this point, you realize you'd have no chance of avoiding these rapey mares forever
  505. "What do you mean by 'each of us'?"
  506. >Applejack answers "Me, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow, and Pinkie here."
  507. >Fuck.
  508. >You braced yourself to just get groomed by Twilight and do whatever the hell Fluttershy does for a day
  509. >But to spend an entire week with each of these hellspawns?
  510. >You're not sure if you can avoid the inevitable when it's got you in its jaws for a whole 6 days
  511. >What would you even do with these ponies?
  512. >Fluttershy would probably try groping you and try everything in her power to rape you
  513. >Twilight would probably paralyze you and treat you like a baby for the day
  514. >Applejack would probably ego lift herself into a coma
  515. >Rainbow Dash would just cum everywhere
  516. >Rarity would try making you spend her money
  517. >Pinkie... exists?
  518. "God damnit. Who goes first? What's the order?"
  519. >Suddenly, at once, everyone shouts "Me!"
  520. "Um...?"
  521. >Twilight clears her throat "Well, to make it easy to remember, I, the drafter of the document, made it so that it's always in alphabetical order!"
  522. >She continues "So that means Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, then me..." her voice slowly trailing off as she has an epiphany
  523. "HAH! You cucked yourself! Good luck tryna treat me like a baby when my manhood's been stolen by 5 other mares!"
  524. >The room goes silent
  525. >Probably not the best joke to make at a time like this
  526. >Everyone's blushing while staring at you, and Pinkie is beaming
  527. >Well shit, now you are DEFINITELY going to get raped
  528. >Or die trying to stop it
  529. "Uh... well. get the fuck outta my house now."
  530. >They keep looking at you, perplexed and blushing at the same time
  531. >You shoo them off
  532. >They leave after some protest
  533. >What have you gotten yourself into, Anon?

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes