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The Rapening: Day 2

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-08 05:57:51
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day 2 of the Rapening
  2. >You wake up drenched in sweat
  3. >No doubt induced by yesterday's escapades
  4. >You lie there, awake with your eyes closed
  5. >You dont remember sweating much last night
  6. >Nor did you remember feeling such a warmth pressing on your torso
  7. >Or an odd wetness all over it
  8. >You open your eyes
  9. >"Good morning, my love"
  10. >Her.
  11. >That damned rape horse
  12. >Fluttershy
  13. >On your chest
  14. "What time is it?" You ask her
  15. >"Snuggle time!"
  16. >She wraps her hooves around you again
  17. "But actually, what time is it?" You inquire
  18. >She turns her head, slightly dejected
  19. >"About 6:30! Perfect for snuggling... and more~"
  20. "Yeah, like getting out of bed" you tell her
  21. >You thrust your body to the side and practically fly off your bed
  22. >The butter horse jumps off your chest and floats about in the air
  23. >You land on the ground chest first
  24. >It didn't hurt too much, oddly enough
  25. >You're just glad it got Fluttershy off of you
  26. >For the time being, anyway
  27. >"Ah. Cuddling time is over... i'll prepare you a wonderful breakfast today, my love!"
  28. >Without moving, you answer "Ok."
  29. >You hear her fly out of your bedroom
  30. >Despite your deepest desires, you decide to get up
  31. >To make sure she doesn't try to date rape you in your own home
  32. >You laugh at the fact that this is, in fact, a real possibility
  33. >And even if she did try today, it wouldnt be the first attempt
  34. >And it definitely wouldnt be the last
  35. >You walk into the kitchen to see fluttershy preparing some food
  36. >You walk closer to see that it's eggs
  37. >And ham
  38. "Where'd you get this? Isnt this stuff like illegal?"
  39. >"Mhm! But I know you'd like it"
  40. "Yeah but where did you keep it?"
  41. >"Shh anon. That doesnt matter."
  42. "True, but where'd you learn to make these things?"
  43. >She continues her endeavor, but hums loudly, as if to silence you
  44. >You keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't try anything funny
  45. >Eventually she stops what she's doing and turns to you
  46. >"Is breaking the law your fetish?" Her eyes flutter
  47. "No"
  48. >"Oh well..." she goes back to food-making
  49. "How long is this gonna take anyway?"
  50. >"Well... with the special ingredient, 3 minutes"
  51. "And without?"
  52. >"5"
  53. >You sigh
  54. "Again? You were gonna try to date rape me again?"
  55. >"Well... to be fair, it isnt rape when-"
  56. "-You aren't conscious. Yeah whatever. You've already tried it a million times. Why would it work now?"
  57. >"Um... maybe you changed your mind?" She gives you a nervous smile
  58. "If i changed my mind i'd be inside of you right now. Without bein knocked out"
  59. >Her wings puff out and her face turns red
  60. "But i haven't, so dont get your feathers all ruffled"
  61. >Her wings slowly deflate
  62. >"Oh anon you're such a tease." Fluttershy says with a swoon
  63. >"But i like that about you..." she giggles to herself
  64. >"... And the chase is always better than the catch" you hear her whisper to herself
  65. >You look at her with disgust
  66. >She smiles at you and blushes
  67. >Please let this be over soon
  68. >After a few more minutes of agonizing staring, the food is ready
  69. >Fluttershy takes the ham and egs and slides them onto a plate
  70. >You grab the plate before she can try anything and take a seat at your table
  71. >Fluttershy sits across from you
  72. >She's staring at you intently
  73. "What's your major malfunction, pal?"
  74. >She's a bit shaken
  75. >"Oh um.... sorry. I just got lost in your eyes"
  76. "I wasn't even looking at you"
  77. >"I know, but your eyes... are... mesmerizing..." she begins to inch closer to you from across the table
  78. >"They're just so... so..." she's practically standing on all fours on the table
  79. "They're so eager to eat, could you hop off my table now?"
  80. >Her trance is broken and she blushes before taking a seat again
  81. >However, this doesnt stop her from looking at you longingly while you prepare to tear apart pig flesh with your teeth and dine on aborted chicken offspring
  82. >Seriously, doesnt she care even a little?
  83. "Hey. Doesnt this bother you?"
  84. >"Does what bother me?"
  85. "Well yknow. Eating ham and eggs?"
  86. >"Not at all!"
  87. "Why?"
  88. >"I take care of carnivores all the time. It's only mother nature at work" her face unexpectedly happy
  89. "But... but most carnivores dont have to sear the flesh of their prey. Especially with their prey's unborn offspring."
  90. >You point out the dapper looking eggs on your plate
  91. >"That's just one of MANY things that makes you special, anon..." she blushes
  92. "Whatever."
  93. >You take a fork to the eggs and take a reluctant bite
  94. >It tastes funny
  95. >It's definitely possible that fluttershy has no idea how to make eggs
  96. >But they look perfect
  97. >You even made sure she didn't add anything odd to them
  98. "Why do these taste weird?"
  99. >You raise a questioning eyebrow at the now jittery looking horse
  100. >"Um... i've never made them before?" She flashes you a weak smile
  101. "But they look like perfectly cooked eggs"
  102. >She shifts her eyes
  103. >"W-well umm... May-"
  104. "Did you add anything to them or not?"
  105. >She jumps up as if she were found out
  106. >"No! I never added anything to them, and you were watching me!" She seems scared
  107. "Maybe they went bad? Where'd you keep these things anyway? I dont have a proper fridge"
  108. >"Oh anon i dont think that's importa-"
  109. "I dont want to have to deal with food poisoning AND you, alright, so just tell me where you kept these things already"
  110. >"Oh but anon you really wont-"
  111. >You shoot her a「stare」
  112. >She gives in and exhales
  113. >"I... um... I kept it..."
  114. "Go on"
  115. >"I kept it in me..." her eyes are closed and she's bracing for impact
  116. "Huh?"
  117. >"I... I... k-kept the food... inside... of me..." she repeats
  118. "What like in a satchel? What do you ponies wear? Your bag things?"
  119. >She gulps "No anon"
  120. "Did you have to do a sword swallowing trick with the food?"
  121. >"I had it in my rear, Anon." She blushes
  122. "Like, 'your ass' rear?"
  123. >"Oh no Anon. That would just be unsanitary" she gazes at you concerned, still blushing
  124. "Fluttershy, I dont think PONY PUSSY JUICE is very sanitary either"
  125. >"I-I'm sorry I just didnt want to seem suspicious and I thought-"
  126. "You thought that horse juices would make food taste better? If i decided to piss and jizz all over your food would you think it tasted better!?"
  127. >"Mhm" she nods
  128. "Of course you would"
  129. >She blushes and looks at you with a nervous smile on her face
  130. "I'm not eating these eggs"
  131. >She looks a little hurt
  132. "But i'm not about to make more food, unfortunately, plus I doubt you could fuck up ham with just a little bit of pony piss and discharge"
  133. >Her face lights up
  134. >You look at the plate
  135. >The ham looks good, just like the eggs
  136. "If this ham tastes bad I'm going to eat you next"
  137. >Her wings puff out and she hides her face
  138. "Disgusting"
  139. >You cut a small piece of ham off the main serving of ham and guide it to your mouth
  140. >It tastes good, admittedly
  141. >There is definitely an everpresent pony scent to it, but fortunately, it's just that: a scent
  142. >You scowl at fluttershy
  143. "You're lucky this time"
  144. >You take another piece of the ham and eat it
  145. >Fluttershy stares at you with rosy cheeks and wide eyes
  146. "So uh, what are we gonna do after this? You did have stuff planned out i'm assuming?"
  147. >"Umm... not really. I just wanted to spend the whole day with you..." she says with even rosier cheeks
  148. "Sounds boring"
  149. >Her smile sinks a little "Maybe for you, but for me it's like a dream come true"
  150. >You chew on another piece of ham
  151. "Boring dream"
  152. >You make sure to chew extra loudly after destroying her verbally
  153. >Her face looks relatively normal, but her eyes give away the pain she feels
  154. >You didn't like being a dick to horses, especially since some are nice
  155. >But this horse
  156. >Fluttershy
  157. >Oh man
  158. >If you didn't keep your guard up you probably would've already been forcefully married to her
  159. >With weird rape children
  160. >Fluttershy's voice stops these horrific thoughts though
  161. >"Want to um... watch tv?" She has this big awkward smile on her face
  162. "Tv? There's television sets here?"
  163. >"Mhm" Fluttershy nods
  164. "How do they work?"
  165. >Fluttershy thinks
  166. >Hard
  167. >She's shifting her eyes left and right and then stares at you
  168. >"Umm... magic?" She delivers
  169. "Pretty cool. What are we watching?"
  170. >"There's a new episode of The Big Celestial Theory today, and i've never missed an episode" Fluttershy says excitedly
  171. "Ok?"
  172. >"Trust me, you'll love it!" She smiles
  173. "I cant help but doubt that"
  174. >Fluttershy's smile droops again "Well, it doesnt air until late tonight, so um...
  175. >She flies onto your couch, and comes back with some vhs tapes
  176. >"W-wanna marathon it?" Her eyes are closed, her face is red, and she has a nervous smile on her face
  177. "Sure, just no funny business. At all"
  178. >"Oh trust me anon, the only funny business here will be Shetland Hoofer's wacky antics!" She jests
  179. >You feel your face twist into a painful smile
  180. "That's what you say now, but i know you. You're gonna try something"
  181. >Fluttershy looks half offended
  182. >"Anon. Why I would never!"
  183. "Wanna make a bet?"
  184. >"Hmm... well what's the bet about?"
  185. "Well. If you dont try to rape me, i'll CONSIDER being a SLIVER of a bit nicer to you"
  186. >Fluttershy smiles
  187. >"Y-you mean that?"
  188. >No
  189. "I'm a man of my word, aren't I?"
  190. >Flutterbutter nods
  191. "BUT. If you try ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all, there will never be anything between us. Ever. Not even a friendship that could blossom into a deep love. Got it?"
  192. >Fluttershy is visibly scared
  193. >"I-I don't think that's very fai-"
  194. "You in, or are you out?"
  195. >Fluttershy jolts back
  196. >"I-in... i guess."
  197. >She starts flying to the living room couch
  198. >"For now, let's get started... if you dont mind... that is..."
  199. "Sure"
  200. >"Just um one request"
  201. "Yeah?"
  202. >"Could you put the first vhs in for me?"
  203. >What's her endgame?
  204. "Uh, sure?"
  205. >"It's just that it's a little hard with hooves is all..." she looks away
  206. >Looks like the first chance to crack her has already arrived
  207. >Positively devilish, Anon!
  208. >You grab the tape labeled season 1 and stand in front of the pony vcr
  209. >You assume a "cia" stance, but being sure to pull your pants down in a way that reveals only your treasure trail, tape still in hand
  210. >You turn around to face fluttershy
  211. "Hey uh. How do you do this?"
  212. >Fluttershy immediately looks at your crotch and her wings puff out
  213. >Still disgusting
  214. >You leave the cia post for a normal stance, and fluttershy, still eyeing your crotch says
  215. >"Y-you just... 'slide it in'~"
  216. >You could tell she unintentionally emphasized that last bit
  217. "Huh? How? It doesnt look like it fits anywhere"
  218. >"I'll show you"
  219. >She picks up the tape and heads for the vcr
  220. >She crouches in front of you to get a better view of the vcr
  221. >You can faintly hear her explaining how it works, but you weren't listening
  222. >After all, you were just doing this to fuck with her
  223. >You're not sure why, but you decide to finally decide to look down at fluttershy
  224. >Her tail is up and showin off her pony goods
  225. >She's even arched her back to make it higher than the rest of her body
  226. >Then, fluttershy says
  227. >"So basically, all you have to do is insert that tape into that eager hole and watch it take all that magnificent spool for our viewing pleasure~" she winks at least once at you in more than one way
  228. "What the fuck"
  229. >You fall back onto the couch
  230. >You've heard of cars being used as a metaphor for a woman, but this is on a whole other level
  231. >This is much more sad and gross
  232. "What the fuck was that?"
  233. >Fluttershy turns around
  234. >"Um... I taught you how to use a vcr?" She smiles all guilty-like
  235. "Nono with the pose and the sex metaphor! What the hell was that?"
  236. >"What pose? A-and that's just how I talk when i'm nervous, s-sorry if i-"
  237. "The whole 'let me flash my pony pussy at anonymous' pose"
  238. >"W-well I just needed to get a good view of the vcr... s-so i had to kneel a little... but I didn't mean to-"
  239. "Fine whatever. I am a forgiveful yet wrathful diety"
  240. >A provocative pose isn't REALLY a rape attempt
  241. >With mares like these you gotta catch em red handed and show em what for
  242. >Fluttershy snickers "You sound just like
  243. Lorinerd from the show"
  244. >You had almost forgotten about the show
  245. >Maybe you should kick her out for her crimes against comedy
  246. >Though before you could do that, the show began
  247. >The theme song started playing
  248. >"Oh i love this song. Its by the Buck-Naked Mares!"
  249. "Uh... ok?"
  250. >Fluttershy sang along with it the entire time
  251. >She was having a blast and the show hasnt even started
  252. >The song is about...
  253. >The princesses? And how they raise the sun?
  254. >Youre not sure what this has to do with the show, but it could be interesting
  255. >Fluttershy presses up on you while she's singing
  256. >You cant even he mad at her
  257. >You're just contemplating what would cause her to be this sad to look at
  258. >She looks at you singing and she stares into your eyes
  259. >Next thing you know she's blushing and sitting quietly next to you
  260. >You can tell she's at least a tiny bit sad
  261. >normally you try to keep a stoic or sharp face
  262. >However, Butterflutter must've seen the pity in your eyes
  263. >The intro music stops and the first episode begins
  264. >You see two horses on-screen: a lanky one dressed in a red shirt, and a smaller one with glasses on
  265. >Fluttershy points her hoof at the lanky horse and says "He reminds me of Pinkie's Sister's Coltfriend!"
  266. >After a few snickers from fluttershy you say
  267. "Who?"
  268. >Fluttershy pauses the tape and attempts to explain that Pinkie Pie has 2-
  269. >Wait no 3-
  270. >Wait she cant remember-
  271. >"It doesnt matter" she said
  272. >"Pinkie's sister Maud has a Coltfriend that looks and talks like the long pony"
  273. >You arent even a minute into the episode and youre already off track
  274. "I dont know her"
  275. >"Oh..."
  276. >Silence
  277. >You grab the remote and hit play
  278. >So far it reminds you of the spergs you deal with daily
  279. >You look at fluttershy
  280. >maybe that's why she likes the show
  281. >Fluttershy looks at you and quickly looks away, blushing
  282. >No doubt your thinking face caught her off guard
  283. >What a fuckin tard
  284. >You noticed her looking but didn't really care
  285. >You focus your attention back on the television show
  286. >"Byzinga" you hear the lanky stallion, now named Shetland Hoofer say
  287. >The pony crowd in the show laughs like crazy
  288. >So does fluttershy
  289. >In fact she laughs so hard she ends up on your lap
  290. >Of course, you didn't laugh at all
  291. >It's just a buncha horsin around after all
  292. >You think that was a joke they used
  293. >Eventually Fluttershy stops laughing and realizes she's on your lap
  294. >She moves aside, blushing
  295. >But she eventually decides to rest her head on your lap anyway
  296. >You can tell she's giddy from this alone
  297. >Her face is bright pink and her tail's wagging like a dog
  298. >Thats pretty weird
  299. >You move her so she doesnt try anything else
  300. >Though you're starting to think that she's already got you where she wants you
  301. >"Hey Anon"
  302. "Yeah?"
  303. >"Why do you not like me?"
  304. >You were not expecting that
  305. "Come again?"
  306. >"W-why do you not like me?"
  307. >You smile
  308. "Fluttershy... I- what do you mean?"
  309. >she sniffles and turns her head to look at you
  310. >"Why... do you h-hate me?" Tears start to form in her eyes
  311. "Fluttershy... I-I-"
  312. >she sniffles
  313. >"You're always s-so mean to me and and-"
  315. >You start laughing
  316. "You thought i'd fall for it so easily? This is the first time you've EVER tried hanging out with me normally"
  317. >She looks shocked
  318. "In my entire time here, i've never had you politely ask me out. Its like that's never even crossed your mind!"
  319. >Fluttershy's eyes widen before they start watering again
  320. "You didn't even knock or wake me up or anything. I woke up to you in my bed as if we're LOVERS or something"
  321. >Her head sinks
  322. "And another thing, WHY didnt you store food like a normal per- er horse! I see you all with your little bags all the time! You WANTED me to eat your vagina ham and your horse flavored eggs!"
  323. >She just lies on your lap
  324. "Oh man, and your fetish shit too! Who gave you that advice? Was it Twilight "Fat-Mane-No-Brain" Sparkle that told you to do that?"
  325. >She weakly nods
  326. "I can tell. It takes two dumbasses to ruin a life: one to plan it out and another to do it"
  327. >"R-Ruin? I-"
  328. "'I-I' NOTHING. You dont get to say anything, ok? If it werent for you, the most i'd have is that FAT purple SPERG and you on my back, but somehow some way you managed to get all of your fucking WEIRDO friends involved"
  329. >You exhale sharply
  330. >You can see she's still lying there, defeated
  331. >shit
  332. "I... I know the real you, alright. This shit isnt gonna work"
  333. >No response
  334. >a nasty victory
  335. >You exhale sharply again
  336. >You feel spent
  337. >The tv is still playing that stupid unfunny nothing of a show
  338. >You both sit in silence for a few seconds
  339. >You feel like shit
  340. >Fluttershy's weird but she doesnt mean any harm
  341. >Well she does want to take you to the sack
  342. >Which is fucking disgusting, but she's just acting out on her instincts
  343. >Plus, her just giving up and laying her head...
  344. >Thats just depressing
  345. >You put your hand on her mane
  346. >She jolts a little but stays where she is
  347. >You look down at her
  348. >She has a smirk on her face
  349. >"You know, anon"
  350. >she says in between sniffles
  351. >"I dont just let things happen for no reason"
  352. >What the fuck is she on?
  353. "Uh. What?"
  354. >"I knew you'd refuse to answer me one day. You do seem like the type to blow up eventually"
  355. "Wait... what?"
  356. >"I asked twilight to make that rule thing because i thought long and hard about you, my love"
  357. >she sits up and settles your lap, trapping your head in a wall made with her hooves, like some sort of high school bully
  358. >"You'd crack, we'd be together, and i'd have you, whether you liked it or not..."
  359. >She stares you in the eyes
  360. >Hers are practically on fire
  361. "Hey wait get off me! I-"
  362. >She puts a hoof over your mouth
  363. >"Shhh. Dont be afraid anon, i won't hurt you. I've been waiting for this for too long"
  364. >In the blink of an eye, Fluttershy grabs your face with two hooves and drives your faces together, her lips touching yours
  365. >It's really warm, and her lips are soft
  366. >But that's because she's all fur and her face is all horse-y
  367. >You try pushing fluttershy off of you
  368. >It's no use
  369. >Even for a pegasus, she still weighs quite a bit
  370. >Oh god
  371. >You can feel her trying to drill your mouth open with her tongue
  372. >Not like this
  373. >You writhe and shake
  374. >You can feel Fluttershy hold you down more and more intensely
  375. >She really doesnt want you to escape
  376. >After what felt like hours of passionate kissing
  377. >And hours of defending your tongue from hers
  378. >She pulls away from the kiss
  379. >She flies up into the air quickly
  380. >You spit and sputter, trying to get the taste of horse off your lips
  381. >"Oh my! That was better than I imagined!"
  382. >"Though... I wish I couldve gotten through to your tongue" Fluttershy smiles at you
  383. >You feel a myriad of emotions
  384. >Angry that fluttershy kissed you
  385. >Disgusted that fluttershy kissed you
  386. >Sad that fluttershy kissed you
  387. >Flustered that fluttershy kissed you
  388. >And happiness
  389. >Because Fluttershy tried to rape you
  390. >Although a bit shaken, you exhale sharply
  391. >Fluttershy, previously basking in the afterglow of your shared kiss, directs her attention toward you
  392. >You got her Anon
  393. >Time to put the hurt on this horse
  394. >You wipe your lips with your hand
  395. "Yknow Fluttershy. That was a good attempt"
  396. >She looks at you, a little dumbfounded
  397. "A good attempt is a good attempt, I gotta say..."
  398. >"Uh huh?" She says in an inquiring tone
  399. "But an attempt to rape is also an attempt to rape"
  400. >Fluttershy nods
  401. "Yeah. So uh... get outta here"
  402. >"Huh?" She asks
  403. "Scram. Beat it. Hit the road, horse trucker"
  404. >Fluttershy laughs
  405. >"You sound just like Shetland Hoofer" she snickers some more
  406. >She did not just say that
  407. "Get the FUCK outta my GOD DAMN house you piece of FUCKIN shit hor-"
  408. >Suddenly her brows sharpen
  409. >"Do NOT talk to me like that!" She says with another firey gaze
  410. >You feel a shiver go down your spine after looking her in the eye
  411. >You feel defeated
  412. >You swallow hard
  413. "N-no, I don't-"
  414. >"We WILL watch this show together! Understand!" She fires back
  415. "F-fuck no! Leave me al-"
  416. >"And YOU. WILL. PET. ME! Understood?" Fluttershy shouts at an almost deafening volume
  417. "Y-yes..."
  418. >Fluttershy then gently flies back onto the couch, putting her head on your lap
  419. >You can feel your face red hot with embarassment and spite
  420. >You hate this horse so much
  421. >Forcing herself on you like that
  422. >And then keepin you from even getting back at her by using somethin she's had up her sleeve for god knows how long
  423. >Once she's vulnerable you're definitely gonna dropkick her into the next Wonderbolts thingy
  424. >You forgot what they even did besides give Dash a reason to not be a lazy bum schlick-sick mare
  425. >That's for another day, though, you tell yourself
  426. >"Anonnn! Are you thinking of other mares? Right in front of me?" She playfully pokes at you
  427. "Yes."
  428. >She snickers a bit "Well stop it mister! We've missed almost an entire episode of the show!" She says in her more natural, playful tone
  429. "Are all the other ponies as bipolar as you?"
  430. >"Silly Anon! One pony cant live on 2 poles at the same time!"
  431. >She smiles as if you're the studio audience and she's the actress delivering a real knee slapper
  432. "I still cant believe you kissed me"
  433. >She ignores you and stares at the tv
  434. >She laughs at what was probably a really good joke to her
  435. >So far you either just dont find them funny or you just dont know enough Clop Culture References(TM) to understand them
  436. >"Um... could you pet me?" Fluttershy asks, not looking away from the tv
  437. "Whatever"
  438. >You bring a hand to her back and start gently rubbing all around her coat
  439. "You ponies are only barely acceptable for your fluff. You are nothing without it."
  440. >"Well that's not very nice" she jokes
  441. >What the fuck is her major malfunction?
  442. >She went from rapey, to creepy, to oddly normal
  443. >What's she doing?
  444. >"Im gonna spend the night here, if thats ok with you..." she flatly states
  445. "It really isnt"
  446. >"well mr meaniepants, im staying the night anyway" Fluttershy suddenly gets all prissy
  447. "Why"
  448. >"No reason." She's still staring at the tv
  449. "I can already tell that this is part of some plan of yours. You kinda already blew your evil genius wad earlier"
  450. >Her wings puff out a little
  451. "We're back to this already huh"
  452. >"I-Im staying tonight... so... um... shhhh? Im trying to watch the show" she quietly says
  453. "Whatever"
  454. >It'd be hard to stop her from breaking in anyway
  455. >The ability to fly has its perks
  456. >She could be as sneaky as she'd like
  457. >Or just fly into your home like a moth or something
  458. >Fluttershy chuckles on your lap
  459. >Another horse pun probably
  460. >You're too worried about both the current and future situations you are and could be in
  461. >Butterhorse changing on a whim is extremely worrying
  462. >You can't help but think she has something planned for tonight
  463. >You just arent sure what yet
  464. >You decide that you'll cross that bridge when you get there, and focus on the show a bit more
  465. >Unfortunately so, because it sucks
  466. >Still
  467. >Seriously
  468. >All that rape, rage, and prissy stuff happened in the span of 2, 3, possibly even 4 episodes
  469. >And you still have an entire series to go
  470. >And its not even enough that the show sucks
  471. >The show is egregiously BORING too
  472. >Never in your life have you cared less about nerds and their roastie ponies and all of their on again off again relationships
  473. >That combined with Fluttershy's warm head on your lap and your escapades last night result in you feeling really drowsy
  474. >Seriously, your eyes are ridiculously heavy
  475. >It's only Fluttershy's occasional giggles and snickers that remind you of the horrors that could happen if you were to sleep
  476. >Rape, Murder, Humiliation
  477. >Hell, even cuddling
  478. >You shiver just thinking about it
  479. >But despite the awful show and threat of rape looming over your head,
  480. >This is actually pretty nice
  481. >You feel at ease
  482. >Its probably part of her game
  483. >Only time will te-
  486. >Well, she kissed you
  488. >You feel sick
  489. "I fucking GOT KISSED BY YOU!"
  490. >You wretch
  491. >"U-Um... yes? You did?"
  492. "I... hold up"
  493. >You push Fluttershy off of your lap and run into your kitchen
  494. >After washing your mouth clean of any horse saliva, you hang your head in the sink
  495. >Man... this day sucks
  496. >You look look around your sink
  497. >Just metal
  498. >And a plate
  499. >With ham on it...
  500. >Oh god
  501. >HORSE
  502. >PUSSY
  503. >HAM
  504. >Not like this
  505. >You black out for a second
  506. >When you come to there's chunks flowing down the sink's drain
  507. >There's an odd taste in your mouth
  508. >Fluttershy's patting your back, too
  509. "You know what?"
  510. >You rinse your face again
  511. "Im going to bed"
  512. >"Anon... it's barely going to be noon..."
  513. "Yeah. I know"
  514. >You walk to your room
  515. >Tired, disgusted, ashamed
  516. >Really, there is no positive emotion for the dumptruck of emotions you just experienced
  517. >This is all part of her game
  518. >But you dont care anymore
  519. >You just want to sleep and get this day over with
  520. >Upchucking your only meal of the day took everything you had left in you
  521. >You sit on your bed
  522. >Fluttershy's talking to you but you dont care to listen
  523. >She looks concerned
  524. >But there's also this seductive, dangerous look in her eye
  525. >That and she has this devious little smirk growing on her face
  526. >You lie down on your bed
  527. >Making sure to hug a pillow and sleep practically touching the wall
  528. >To prevent most forms of rape, of course
  529. >You close your eyes
  530. >At this point, you notice Fluttershy's gone quiet
  531. >You feel an indentation on your bed
  532. >Right next to you
  533. >And before you know it, you fall asleep
  534. >For now
  535. >An unknown amount of time later, you wake up
  536. >You feel groggy as fuck
  537. >Seriously
  538. >The only thing stopping you from falling back asleep is fluttershy and the setting sun peering through the window
  539. >Fluttershy had somehow nestled herself right between your thighs
  540. >Well... her head anyway
  541. >You could choke her right now if you wanred to
  542. >Hell, if you were forceful enough you could probably kill her
  543. >Hmm...
  544. >Well, you cant even push her off of you
  545. >You cant even begin to imagine how bipolarshy would react to an attempt on her life
  546. >Falling asleep the way you did was practically a rape sentence
  547. >You're just lucky she decided to fall asleep instead of outright raping you
  548. >As far as you know, anyway
  549. >Lying completely still is making you antsy
  550. >Especially with Fluttershy's deep breaths heating up your crotch area
  551. >Its unsettling
  552. >The warmth, that is
  553. >You decide to move anyway
  554. >You make sure to move Flutterbutter carefully
  555. >The last thing you want is her waking up
  556. >However, you're not very adept at using only your thighs to move objects
  557. >Especially things as big as a pegasus
  558. >She really has her head cemented to your thighs
  559. >You decide that this isnt going anywhere
  560. >You grab one of Fluttershy's legs and slowly drag her away from your crotch
  561. >With a small thud, her head is freed from your thigh prison and falls onto the bed
  562. >Luckily, she hasnt woken up
  563. >Now for the hard part
  564. >Actually getting out of bed
  565. >Now you're really feeling the consequences of your actions
  566. >Falling asleep on your side so far away from the edge of the bed was a very reckless decision
  567. >Well... falling asleep was
  568. >At least it got you away from the rapist for a while, even if it wasnt literally
  569. >Focus anon, focus
  570. >You move your body closer to the wall
  571. >Luckily, pushing Fluttershy away from your crotch secured just enough space for you to switch from lying on your side to your back
  572. >Very carefully, you sit up
  573. >Fluttershy exhales softly
  574. >Oh god
  575. >She exhales softly a few more times, then she re enters her slumber
  576. >Phew
  577. >You put your hands to your side
  578. >You can already tell this will wake her up
  579. >Or at least bother her greatly
  580. >Doing your best to mitigate noise and contact with fluttershy, you scoot forward with your butt
  581. >Like a dog
  582. >You cant imagine what horrifying things Fluttershy would think if she saw you doing this
  583. >After your best impression of a dog after its done its business, you get off your bed
  584. >You look at the mare sleeping in it
  585. >Lucky for you, she isn't awake
  586. >...Or she's faking it
  587. >This might be pressing your luck, but you decide you have to find out if she's awake
  588. >Plus, it's time for a little revenge
  589. >You get close to her little horse ear
  590. >You ready your lips
  591. >And you let an asmr mare nutshot fuarkin RIP
  592. "Youre such an unstable cunt, yknow that? No wonder you cant get a guy. I bet even the most desperate stallion wouldnt stick his dick in whatever crazy you've got going on"
  593. >The only response you get is another exhale and an ear flick
  594. >Alright. She's asleep
  595. >Time to relax
  596. >Speakin of time...
  597. >It was barely noon when you passed out
  598. >Now it's...
  599. >7? At night?
  600. >Jesus christ. 7 hours anon.
  601. >Good work. Peanut Flutter and Rape will be outta your hair in no time
  602. >You take your pride to the living room and lie down on your sofa
  603. >You get a back of the head full of moisture
  604. >...from the side fluttershy sat on
  605. >Fucking gross
  606. >You switch orientations and look at the ceiling
  607. "This is only day 2, huh?"
  608. >You think out loud
  609. "2 days..."
  610. >Suddenly, a pang on a nearby window stops the thought
  611. >You look toward the direction of the sound
  612. >That weird pink one's pushing her face against the window and licking it
  613. >"Did ya do Fluttershy yet?" She inquires
  614. >You scuttle to the window and whisper loudly
  615. "No. And go away! I dont want any more horny mares in my life right now"
  616. >"Its not being IN your life if im just watching silly!" She smiles and winks at you
  617. "If you dont leave right now i'll tell Fluttershy that you tried stealing her from me"
  618. >"Pfffft! Fluttershy wouldnt believe that! She's so nice, she'd ask me what i was doing andthenIdtellher'o
  619. OhIwasjustaskingAnonifhe'dbangedyouyet'and-"
  620. "Alright, I'll go tell her then."
  621. >You walk toward the bedroom
  622. >Another pang on the window
  623. >"P-point taken! Byee!" And she vanishes
  624. "Good riddance."
  625. >A poof
  626. >"But if something goes down, PROMISE ME you'll tell me EVERY. SINGLE. DETAIL TOMORROW. Got it?" Pinko says
  627. "Sure. Now scram"
  628. >"Alright..." and she slowly slides down the window, giving you a stank eye
  629. >Suddenly, a yawn and a familiar voice grinds upon your ears
  630. >"Who're you talking to?" Fluttershy asks
  631. "Myself. J-just trying to take in everything i've been through so far"
  632. >"I see... um... the newest episode starts soon... can we watch it together?" Fluttershy inquires
  633. >Your pride is hurt massively from being intimidated by Fluttershy just from her voice alone
  634. "Sure. Whatever."
  635. >You take a seat next to Fluttershy and look at the tv
  636. >It takes a bit, but the familiar intro talking about the princesses starts
  637. >Soon the first horse puns start
  638. >"Hold your horses, buddy!" One stallion says
  639. >"Ponies. You mean Ponies. You know, Lorinerd, a wise space-faring horse once told his crew 'Live horse, and you will get grass' and you... well. The only way you live horse is when youre being a high one... a high horse!" The audience bursts into laughter, and with it, Fluttershy
  640. >This makes no fucking sense to you
  641. >This is somehow even worse than the earlier seasons you saw in the morning
  642. >That joke didnt even make sense
  643. "God."
  644. >"Hmm?" Fluttershy looks at you after she's done laughing
  645. "This show SUCKS. Did i ever tell you that?"
  646. >"Well... that's your opinion, Mr. Pony hater" she huffs
  647. "Oh brother you're THAT Fluttershy again"
  648. >"Um... can you... be quiet, just for now... please? I've been waiting all week for this"
  649. >Dismissively, you decide to ease up and give her this, and this alone
  650. >She's already taken so much, but if you give her this, she might just fuck off until next week
  651. >You're just desperate to get her out of your hair
  652. >Before she actually breaks you
  653. >Plus, the less you interact with her, the better
  654. >so for another 45 minutes you endure horse puns, bad writing, and weird pony skincare ads
  655. >Finally, it is done
  656. >You have done it
  657. >The night is pretty much over
  658. >All you have to do is kick fluttershy out
  659. >She'll leave
  660. >And you'll get to relax
  661. "That was... something"
  662. >"It was AMAZING right!?"
  663. "Uhh. Yeah, something like that. Hey uh, now that it's over, do you mind going home?"
  664. >"Of course, I wouldnt want to overstay my welcome"
  665. >You sure wouldnt, you think to yourself
  666. >Hey wait she isn't making a fuss?
  667. "Aren't you gonna-"
  668. >No
  669. >You're too close to being free
  670. >You can't fuck it up now
  671. >"Hm? Wont i what?"
  672. >Shit
  673. "Nothing at all. You can leave now."
  674. >"Um... ok." Fluttershy says curiously
  675. >GOD just leave already you stinky horse
  676. >"Alright. Time to go home." She happily says while she puts all her tapes back in her pony bag
  677. "Sure is. Yep."
  678. >"Oh yes. It's time to um... um... hit the hay in the needlestack" Fluttershy smiles
  679. "Uh... sure. Cya"
  680. >You get up off the sofa and move to open the door, then slightly motion her to get out once it opens
  681. >"Yeah um... I'll see you later Anon"
  682. "Yeah."
  683. >"Yes." She begins slowly hovering toward the door, bag on her pony
  684. >She looks at you with a slightly sorrowful look, then looks around, stopping her journey to the other side of the door
  685. >"Um... did I forget my-"
  686. "Naahhh you got it."
  687. >You're trying not to explode just trying to get her to leave
  688. >"O-oh... ok um well then. Goodbye Anon"
  689. "Bye Fluttershy"
  690. >She slowly floats toward the door until she gets close to you
  691. >"Um... Thank you" Fluttershy says in an extremely warm voice, sweet as amber too
  692. "Yeah, you're welco-"
  693. >Fluttershy wraps her hooves around you for a mare hug
  694. >For a shy mare she has a tight hug
  695. >It's so warm too, because of her fluff and coat
  696. "Uh..."
  697. >You were gonna say something, but the less you say, the less she has the chance to speak
  698. >Suddenly you hear a sharp breathing sound
  699. >You look down at the mare around your torso
  700. >Her nostrils are flaring
  701. >Are you kidding me? This again?
  702. "Alright this is over."
  703. >You grab her from her torso and gently rip her off of your body
  704. "Bye Fluttershy."
  705. >"Um yes... bye Anon." She happily levitates to the great outdoors beyond the door
  706. >Finally
  707. >It's over
  708. >She's going home
  709. >And you're free for the next couple hours to live without the fear of rape
  710. >"Hey Anon" you hear in the distance
  711. >It's Fluttershy still
  712. >"You smell sooooo good!" she says in that same sweet voice from earlier
  713. "Whatever"
  714. >You close the door and ponder what you'll do now that Fluttershy is gone
  715. >It's not like you did anything in your free time to begin with
  716. >Maybe you'll find something after this week blows over
  717. >However, your bed is looking might cozy right now.
  718. >The End

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes