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Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-08 05:48:58
Updated: 2023-06-01 12:14:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Why does every girl in school have a boyfriend except for Trixie?! The boys should be fighting over the honor of courting the Great Trixie!"
  2. "Because you're... Trixie?"
  4. >Trixie looks at you as you put your tray down on the table and take a seat next to her
  5. >You and Trixie have been friends for a while
  6. >You'd first met eachother as kids.
  7. >You moved into the house next to hers, and thought the adventures she used to talked about all the time were cool
  8. >As the years went by you slowly realized she was just really autistic
  9. >You're a little autistic yourself, but not Trixie levels of tism
  10. >Sometimes it feels like you're the only thing stopping her from taking the smaller bus to school, especially in recent years.
  11. >Trixie's constant whining about >tfw no bf when nobody (actually everybody, since she's so fucking loud) is listening
  12. >You shut her down every time, too
  13. >You're both loveless, but she is so damn annoying about it
  14. "Complaining about having a boyfriend won't give you one yknow"
  15. >"Yeah, with an EMASCULATED 'male' like you around, Trixie won't ever find her soulmate. Wink!"
  16. >She tries to drop hints to get you to go out with her
  17. >First she tried buttering you up
  18. >Then she tried appealing to your likes, then fetishes
  19. >Those were dark times
  20. >And recently she's been trying to use reverse psychology
  21. >Though the winks are new
  22. >Is she getting desperate?
  24. >She probably was, considering you were never one to respond to these romantic advances
  25. >Years of Trixie's autism has made you impervious to her attacks
  26. >Plus it felt weird to think about you and Trixie being a thing
  27. >It felt almost like you'd be grooming a special needs kid
  28. >You're also never sure if she does it because you're the only person that's half nice to her or not
  29. >Either way, she insulted your manhood this time, so it would only be right if you shot back a little too
  30. "As if you're so feminine yourself. I get it, and everyone in the immediate vicinity gets it. You're desperate. Also, most PEOPLE, let alone most LADIES, dont say wink while winking, you know that right?"
  31. >"Y-yeah well... Trixie isn't 'most ladies'!" She tries to defend herself
  32. "Yeah. That's for sure"
  33. >You roll your eyes and start digging into your lunch
  34. >"Uh, what's THAT supposes to mean"
  35. >You talk with a pasta-filled mouth
  36. "It means that you're a fuckin nutcase"
  37. >"Why- That's rude! However, Trixie is a merciful deity, and will give you one chance to apologize" She huffs
  38. >You finish the pasta you were chewing before
  39. "Why would I? It's true. You're a weirdo"
  40. >Trixie exhales sharply
  41. >"The Great and Undoubtedly NOT WEIRD Trixie is familiar with the rules of baseball, and shall now be giving you 1 more 'strike' before Trixie demonstrates her wrath! She suggests you choose your next words carefully!" Trixie practically yells
  42. "No."
  43. >Trixie exhales again
  44. >Then inhales deeply
  45. >"No. Trixie is above your childish insults. She does not get bothered by peons such as yourself" she smugly looks at you
  46. "Oh so I'm a 'peon' now? That's a far cry from winking at me, being lovey dovey with me, dressing up all hot for me, and using reverse psychology to get with me"
  47. >Trixie's eyes open widely and her face flushes
  49. >Oh god that's really red
  50. "Pro-Tip: stop trying so hard. You won't get me because I dont want you. All these poor 'peons' sitting here feel the same and know the same, too"
  51. >You point at the small crowd gathered around you two
  52. >Trixie gets even redder
  53. >Trixie's breathing is harsh
  54. >"I-I... I see..." she looks down, dejected
  55. >"Can Trixie just ask one favor...?" She asks
  56. "Sure, why not?"
  57. >In a split second, Trixie shoots up out of her seat
  59. >With fire in her eyes, Trixie slams your face into your tray of pasta
  60. >A loud "ooooh" is heard from the audience
  61. >You lie in the pasta for a moment
  62. >For two reasons:
  63. >First of all, that was a good trick, you didn't see it coming (though you should have)
  64. >Second, it gives you time for Trixie to get distracted
  65. >Suddenly you hear
  66. >"Yes! Yes I know you all admire the Wrathful and Powerful Trixie! Oh how modest she is standing up to her bully!" And other dumb shit
  67. >Time for a counter-attack
  68. >You lift your face off the tray and clean yourself up with a napkin
  69. >You slowly stand up from your seat, tray in your hands
  70. >You make a "shh" gesture to the audience like some wrestler trying to pull a fast one
  71. >The audience quiets down
  72. >Trixie's too full of herself to tell
  73. >You sneak up right behind Trixie and ready your attack
  74. >Suddenly you hear "TRIXIE! BEHIND YOU!" cry out from the silence
  75. >All according to plan
  76. >Trixie turns around and you push your tray into her face
  78. "Look! Our lips touched the same place! Practically an indirect kiss! A dream come true, right?"
  79. >The crowd laughs
  80. >Trixie cleans her face off with her hands
  81. >"YOU! Y-YOU... I..." Trixie stutters while she takes in all the laughing onlookers
  82. >You can see tears form in her eyes
  83. >"I HATE YOU!" Trixie yells with autistic rage
  84. >Trixie runs through the crowd
  85. >Everyone goes silent
  86. >The crowd looks away from you, no doubt eyeing Trixie
  87. >All you can hear is the opening and closing of the cafeteria doors
  88. >Then the crowd turns to you
  89. "What? You shouldn't touch a man's food and expect to get away with it scott free"
  90. >Suddenly you realize
  91. >The crowd is mainly made up of women
  92. >And their faces are looking less and less excited as the seconds tick by
  93. "Alright alright... fine. Guess I shou-TIME TO ABANDON SHIP!"
  94. >You run through the crowd like Trixie before you
  95. >Women are easy, though. You just run through with your arms extended
  96. >You even accidentally cop a feel
  97. >Not that you were paying attention or trying to
  98. >You just heard some unfortunate soul yell "Stop feeling us up, pervert!"
  99. >You decide to answer back while running:
  100. "Damn I kinda dont care!"
  101. >You were not about to face the consequences of your own actions
  102. >Not this time
  103. >Yep. This was one for the history books
  104. >Friendship destroyed, women (allegedly) felt up, rules you've dreamed about breaking broken
  105. >You are a legend, truly
  106. >Well, now that you're a king exiled from your kingdom, what do you do now?
  107. >Lunch still has another fifteen minutes left
  109. >You should spend a few looking for Trixie, just to make sure she's alright
  110. >You meant to hurt her pride, but not kill her will
  111. >You're quite the merciful deity yourself, now that you think about it
  112. >Oh well. What's done is done you suppose
  113. >Plus it was all true.
  114. >ALRIGHT FOCUS Anon
  115. >Find Trixie
  116. >Where would an autist be...
  117. >The girls restroom
  118. >You make your way up to the closest female-only restroom
  119. >Luckily these things are just giant concrete holes with tiny maze-like walls stopping you from seeing anything in the entrance
  120. "Hey Trixie. You in here?"
  121. >You hear a soft sob echo from within the room
  122. "Yeah you are. Alright... uh... just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting you all full of pasta and whatnot"
  123. >Some more sobs
  124. >"Dont remind me!" Trixie's shout echoes
  125. "Well, to be fair it did kinda just happ-"
  126. >"Trixie does NOT want to speak to you right now!" She shouts in between sobs
  127. "Fine. Fair enough. But does she wanna ditch school with me?"
  128. >You really don't want to find out what'll happen if you decide to stay
  129. >And you don't want to leave Trixie at school even more
  130. >She tends to... tell stories
  131. >Plus, ditching just seemed like the natural progression in rule breaking without engaging in fisticuffs
  132. "C'mon. We got like 13 minutes-ish before lunch ends. If we try now I bet we can make it home before next period"
  133. >"Trixie... is thinking" she says solemnly
  134. >Time to bust out the big guns
  135. "Think about this: are you really ready to be sniffing it up during class?"
  136. >She sniffles a few times
  137. >"No..." she lets out
  138. >That kinda made you feel something
  140. >You're pretty sure both of you are eachother's only friends
  141. >And you just went from shitting on your lonely only friend to convincing them to do an objectively bad thing
  142. >All just to save your own skin in the grand scheme of things
  143. >"Are we going?" Trixie asks quietly, now standing in front of you
  144. >When did she get here?
  145. >Her lightly applied mascara is running
  146. >Now you REALLY feel like a dick
  147. >But what you said was all still true, even if it was dick-ish
  148. >Focus, Anon
  149. "Oh, yeah. Follow me"
  150. >The good thing about going to a shitheap public school is that it's relatively easy to get by
  151. >You lead Trixie to the main entrance and open the door for her
  152. "Ladies first"
  153. >"Huh? Just like that?"
  154. "Yeah"
  155. >"Are there any cameras?"
  156. "Yeah. Working ones? No."
  157. >These pieces of expertise brought to you by fear of public speaking, and papers you've written that raised many an eyebrow(TM)
  158. >'Why would they have a swimming team if it were TRULY an extermination?' Is ALL you asked
  159. >Several times
  160. >Back to reality
  162. >Trixie and you are outside
  163. >You both walk silently until you can no longer see the school anymore
  164. >Oddly enough, Trixie decides to walk in front of you
  165. >"Alright. Trixie needs to let you know some things"
  166. "Alright"
  167. >"Trixie is NOT doing this for you, she is doing it for herself"
  168. "Ok"
  169. >"Trixie will NOT be going to your house after school like she normally does on Fridays"
  170. "Ok"
  171. >"And finally: Trixie HAS never, WILL never, and WON'T EVER like you."
  172. "Huh?"
  173. >So you did lose your one friend
  174. >"Did Trixie stutter?" She starts walking more agressively
  175. >I guess non-friend Trixie can get the non-friend treatment then
  176. "No she did not, but on an unrelated note: has anyone ever told you that you're cute when you're angry?"
  177. >Trixie stops
  178. >"Cute? T-Trix-uh Me? Pfft! As if! You truly are a child Anon!" Trixie giggles
  179. "That seemed like a very painful sentence for you to say. Are you alright?"
  180. >Trixie turns around to face you
  181. >Her face is red
  182. >"Fret not young Anon! For Trixie is capable of the greatest feats imagineable! Her wordcraft is impeccable! Do not be afraid of its mystery" She moves her hands in random motions to emphasize mystery
  183. "Does this mean you forgive me?"
  184. >"No." Trixie turns around and begins walking once more
  185. "Fair enough. At least I know I can get you giddy with just a single line"
  187. >Trixie stumbles a bit
  188. "See? Easy."
  189. >"Trixie isnt as easy as you think" she says smugly
  190. "Yeah, she's even easier"
  191. >"You're a... You... you're a buffoon. Trixie hopes you know that" Trixie huffs
  192. "C'mon. You can curse now, it's just the two of us. Let it rip"
  193. >"The Great and Dignified Trixie does not curse, unless she is in great pain" she smugly states
  194. "You shouldn't give your enemies ideas"
  195. >"Well, as much as Trixie dislikes you now, Trixie is a forgiveful figure, and shall give you your freedom in due time, lowlife scum!"
  196. "Freedom? Freedom from what?"
  197. >"Trixie's wrath of course!"
  198. "You seem to be more forgiveful than you lead on"
  199. >"Trixie does not follow"
  200. "You seem a lot more energetic than you were in the school restroom"
  201. >"Fresh air does good to a magician, Trixie thinks it might have restored her mana pool"
  202. "You think?"
  203. >"Yes! Magicians are always learning new things about their abilities!" Trixie explains
  204. "Maybe you should learn how to be not autistic"
  205. >"Ha ha ha! Very funny Anon, but we both know the Great and Powerful Trixie does NOT work with mind altering spells"
  206. "What a shame. I wonder what a Trixie with an intelligence of 2 could do"
  207. >Trixie turns around
  208. >"Trixie DEMANDS that you stop bullying her this instant!" She says as she flails her hands at you
  209. "Is this a threat?"
  210. >You're unphased by her little noodle arms
  211. >"Yes." Trixie says flailing her arms some more
  212. "Keep that up and you might accidentally set me off"
  213. >Trixie stops her flailing and giggles
  214. >"Oh my, look at Mean Ol' Anon being all macho and tough! You wouldn't hit a girl, let alone one so beautiful as I!" Trixie poses dramatically
  215. "I'm full of surprises"
  217. >"Oh Ho! Is that so? Then do it! Attack Trixie!" She's puffing out her chest, trying to appear strong
  218. >Big mistake
  219. >You reach both of your arms outward at lightning speed
  220. >And launch them right at Trixie's chest
  221. >They peacefully land on their target
  222. >Not like it was hard
  223. >Flat surfaces are easy to press your hands on
  224. "Pfft. Small"
  225. >silence
  226. >Isn't she going to react?
  227. >You slowly look up from her chest
  228. >And right into Trixie's lustful bedroom eyes
  229. "AH WHAT THE FUCK?!"
  230. >You quickly take your hands off her chest and shake them to get rid of any boob particles
  231. >"Huh? What's wrong loverboy? Trixie thought Trixie was easy?"
  232. "Shut up"
  233. >Trixie lets out a hearty laugh
  234. >"You should've seen your face! You looked like you had just seen a ghost!"
  235. "Oh, but I did"
  236. >Trixie's face contorts in confusion
  237. "I felt ghostly breasts OoOoOoOoO. It was like they werent even thereeeee!"
  238. >"Hmph! Trixie will have you know that her bust size is complimentary to her frame!"
  239. >You gasp
  240. "YOU'RE A GHOST?!?"
  241. >"What? No. Trixie's br-"
  242. "Oh no... the accident... Trixie's been dead for months now! I need to let her go..."
  243. >"Trixie's right her-"
  244. >You put your index finger over her mouth
  245. "Sometimes... it's almost like I can still hear her speaking to me"
  246. >You fake some sniffles
  247. >"Whatever. Trixie finds your jokes unamusing"
  248. "I can't believe I let that mana pool line slide without making a joke about it"
  249. >"Let's just get home before something unfortunate happens to you"
  250. "Like what? I get kissed by you?"
  251. >"Worse" Trixie gives you a thousand yard stare
  252. "What is it"
  253. >"A magician never reveals her secrets" she winks with a smirk and turns around
  254. >Onward you two march
  255. >Trixie leading, with you a little behind
  257. >But marching is boring
  258. >You wanna get some of that rush you had earlier again
  259. >After maybe a minute of silence, you pop a question
  260. "Wanna play Truth or Dare?"
  261. >"Dear Anonymous the simpleton, as much as Trixie would love to, you are supposed to play party games at a party, and in a house, are you not?"
  262. >Why's she trying to be all wordy now?
  263. "Alright cool, I pick dare"
  264. >You hear Trixie sigh
  265. >"Trixie dares you to be nice to her"
  266. "Impossible dares aren't allowed"
  267. >"It's very possible! Just try it"
  268. "Fine."
  269. >You stay quiet for 10 seconds before saying
  270. "I can't, but I tried"
  271. >"Whatever. Trixie chooses truth"
  272. "Is it true you have a lot of hentai themed around childhood friends?"
  273. >This was a complete guess
  274. >But you hit something
  275. >Gold. Pure gold
  276. >"Pffft! Silly Anon. T-trixie does not... uh... well she does not... have anything of the sort!"
  277. "Very convincing. I pick Truth."
  278. >Trixie rubs her hands together
  279. >"Would you take me as your first?"
  280. >You think for a bit
  281. "Yes. Yes I would."
  282. >"Ahehe. Trixie kn-"
  283. "I'd make it really special too, since it'd be my first. Maybe get candles and rose petals"
  284. >Trixie giggles
  285. "Yeah. I'd also invest in a nice meat cleaver to make sure I got rid of the body properly"
  286. >"Wait... what are you talking about?"
  287. "My first kill right?"
  288. >"That wasn't what Trixie was referring to at all!"
  289. "Well what was she referring to?"
  290. >"S-Se... you know..." she starts
  292. "I don't think I do. Seh? Seh what?"
  293. >"The thing... um... when two people..."
  294. "Dance?"
  295. >"No! Trixie means the thing that happens... in the bedroom."
  296. "Sleep?"
  297. >"N-YES! YES! Will you sleep with Trixie!?" She asks
  298. "Nah. It'd be uncomfortable, plus human mattresses seem dangerous. Also, I kinda sleep every night, so it wouldn't be my first"
  299. >Trixie sighs
  300. >"Trixie's prudish linguistic skills are a gift and a curse..."
  301. "Just cuss already"
  302. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie does NOT have problems using profanity! It is simply the context of this situation that makes her unable to speak!" She explains
  303. "Just kinda sounds like tism to me"
  304. >Man this is really fun
  305. >You're usually really nice and even a little formal with Trixie
  306. >This was a nice change of pace
  307. >It gave you this endless dopamine cycle
  308. >Get Trixie mad
  309. >She goes autistic
  310. >You laugh
  311. >Throw in some sexual banter to hit her heartstrings
  312. >Repeat
  313. >You never thought to actually go with the autism yourself
  314. >Even if you are poking at it big time
  315. >Shit's fun
  316. "I pick dare"
  317. >"Hmm..."
  318. >Trixie thinks for a bit
  319. "I can just kiss you if ya want me to"
  320. >Trixie chuckles
  321. >"Don't be a child, Immature Anon, for Trixie knows kisses are only for booboos and emergencies"
  322. "Booboos? Are you five?"
  323. >"No. Trixie is NOT five. She is simply wise" she smugly tells
  324. "I can't help but doubt that"
  325. >"Trixie does not care what you think! Trixie commands you to kiss her hand!" She stops walking
  327. "A Kiss? Wonder where you got that idea from"
  328. >Trixie turns around to face you
  329. >"Hush! It is I who came up with this dare! And it is possible!"
  330. "Fine, but did you at least wash your hands before we left school"
  331. >"Trixie NEVER forgets to wash her hands! Especially when it comes to those sickly public school restrooms"
  332. "Fine"
  333. >Trixie holds out her hand
  334. >You cover her hand with both of yours
  335. >You slowly bring it up to your face
  336. >She's expecting a weak kiss
  337. >Not this time
  338. >You slide your right hand below your left and bring her hand closer to you
  339. >Like it were water in your hands
  340. >And the second before it reaches your lips you drop on one knee
  341. >You give a hearty kiss and hear a mighty SMACK ring out
  342. >Mogged, destroyed, fucking dominated knucklehead
  343. >You finally rise up and take a look at Trixie's face
  344. >She's beet red
  345. >Her face is twisted into a weird mishmash of happiness, fear, disgust, and maybe a little something extra
  346. >She's practically heaving too
  347. >She looks at her hand
  348. >She flips it around a few times
  349. >She even gives it a sniff
  350. >What a weirdo
  351. "Uh... having fun there?"
  352. >Trixie looks at you and realizes what she's been doing
  353. >"Yes. That was... satisfactory. Your tresspasses against Trixie are forgiven" She turns around quickly and starts skipping
  354. "That was easy"
  355. >Trixie remains silent as she continues skipping
  356. >You follow behind her
  357. "Truth or dare?"
  358. >"I think Trixie's done playing. She's already won!" She swoons in a way that makes you think you weren't supposed to hear it
  359. >A moment of silence passes before your homes are finally in sight
  361. >Weird
  362. >The walk felt shorter than usual
  363. >It was fun seeing Trixie all bashful and flustered
  364. >Must've made time fly
  365. >Today's been weird
  366. >"Well, Naïve Anon, it seems our journey is coming to an end" Trixie says
  367. "We live right next to eachother, so not really"
  368. >"That... is true."
  369. >You two get closer to your respective houses
  370. >"Trixie must admit, she had some fun today"
  371. "Yeah..."
  372. >"And it is nice to be home early"
  373. >Trixie thinks for a moment
  374. >"Trixie will forgive you for saying all those mean things"
  375. "Nice"
  376. >"But, she will also not be going to your house today, like she normally does on Fridays"
  377. >Not the worst thing to happen to you
  378. >"She also does not forgive you humiliating her in front of her peers!"
  379. >Trixie stops in front of her house and turns to you
  380. >"But you are welcome to... negotiate with Trixie, for she is as forgiving as she is magnificent!" She strikes a pose
  381. >"Though this option is only available so long as Anonymous the Bully isnt brash nor rude to Trixie, the Great and Powerful" Trixie explains
  382. "Fine, fine. We can negotiate peace terms right now if you'd like"
  383. >"Alright. Allow Trixie to allow you passage into her domain"
  384. >Trixie runs up to her door and fidgets with a lock
  385. >"BEHOLD!"
  386. >She opens the door to her own house
  387. >You quietly walk into her home
  388. >She shuts the door behind you both
  389. "It's just your house you know. We're well acquainted."
  390. >"Quiet! You are at the mercy of Trixie's will in her realm."
  391. >She points toward the couch directly to your left
  392. >You sigh and take a seat on said couch
  393. >Trixie takes a seat next to you
  395. >Like, really close to you
  396. >You can feel her breathing on you
  397. "Personal space?"
  398. >"Do you not like it when Trixie blesses you with her presence?"
  399. "Am I not blessed enough already?"
  400. >"Nobody is ever truly blessed enough"
  401. "Right. Anyway, peace and their terms."
  402. >Trixie moves away from your face
  403. >"Ah yes. Very simple: Queen Trixie and her kingdom are in need of a King"
  404. >You laugh
  405. >"You dare laugh in the face of Trixie?!"
  406. "Yeah, actually"
  407. >Trixie's face sours
  408. "Stop trying so hard, will ya? It hurts"
  409. >"Trixie does not know what you mean" she crosses her arms and looks away
  410. "Look. Just say what you're trying to say, but normal"
  411. >She looks at you with fire in her eyes
  412. >"Trixie wants to have a beautiful relationship with Anonymous that blossoms into an everlasting marriage where we make many children and die to-"
  413. "Normal."
  414. >Trixie sighs
  415. >"Trixie... would..."
  416. >Her face is getting red
  417. "Hmm?"
  418. >"Trixie would... like... if maybe... youcoulnwenyou..." she starts mumbling
  419. "What?"
  420. >Trixie breathes sharply
  421. >"Trixie-would-like-to-go-out-with-you"
  422. "I'm proud of you"
  423. >She scoffs in response
  424. >You knew this was bound to happen eventually
  425. >Trixie certainly wasn't getting any guys chasing her
  426. >Just like you were't chasing down any girls
  427. >You look at Trixie
  428. >She's looking to the side
  429. >Her face is red again
  430. >She notices you staring at her
  431. >"C-could you please answer Trixie's question? It's rude to keep a lady waiting"
  432. >Ok. Maybe autistic girls are your 'thing'
  434. >You put your hand on Trixie's shoulder
  435. "Did you know that 90% of rapes start with a hand on the shoulder?"
  436. >She looks at your hand
  437. >"No..." she starts
  438. >She puts a hand on your shoulder
  439. >"But if you don't answer soon, Trixie will aid in that number's growth" she smiles
  440. "Hmm..."
  441. >Trixie looks anxious
  442. "Sure. I'll humor myself"
  443. >Trixie sighs in relief
  444. >"Trixie would've felt very emberassed had you had said no"
  445. >She motions to the hand on your shoulder
  446. >You both take your hands off of eachother
  447. "Yeah yeah. But one thing: if I think it isn't going to work out, will you be ok with splitting up?"
  448. >Trixie laughs
  449. >"No, but Trixie knows you'll have nobody else to fall back on. Even if you did, they couldnt possibly be as Great, Powerful or... 'autistic' as muah" she poses with a smug smile
  450. "Ouch"
  451. >"Also we're neighbors. Trixie imagines it'll be heartbreaking if our parents saw us apart, one of us grieving and bawling their eyes out, while the other pursues a very successful career in magic"
  452. >You smirk
  453. "You're making it seem like i'm making a mistake here"
  454. >"Do not fret. This is all hypothetical of course, for Trixie will not let love falter! She will use necromancy if it means keeping the remains of her passion alive!"
  455. "You have to work on being normal-er"
  456. >"Don't act so coy, loverboy. You know you like Trixie's demeanor" she runs a few fingers under your chin
  458. >Then Trixie smirks and stands up
  459. >"Well then. Now that Trixie has conquered and seized your love, it is time for you to go."
  460. "Really?"
  461. >"Yes. Trixie has to make some... adjustments to her quarters"
  462. "You totally have pictures of me in your room, dont you?"
  463. >"Yes. Yes Trixie does" She smiles
  464. >"But you'll never know what KIND of pictures" her face turns red and her smile turns smug
  465. "Gross. How did you even get anything on me? I'm clean"
  466. >"Thin curtains work best when ALL sources of light are off" Trixie states
  467. >You wince
  468. "Alright it was nice talking to you. We are never talking about these particular subjects again. Does that sound good to you?"
  469. >You get up off the couch
  470. >"Naturally" Trixie looks at you with bedroom eyes
  471. >"Also, I have to explain this whole situation to my parents without coming off as weird"
  472. "Oh, but Trixie, you're so normal to begin with!"
  473. >"Har dee har dee haw. You're lucky you're cute, Loverboy."
  474. "Yeah yeah. You too, Landing Strip."
  475. >"Trixie does not understand what that means"
  476. >You walk past Trixie and to her door
  477. >And prepare to give one last goodbye
  478. >You open the door slightly
  479. >Trixie walks up to you again
  480. >You turn around
  481. >And point at her chest
  482. >"The joke is, you have small boobs. Flat enough for planes to land on."
  483. >And with that, you're off
  485. >You walk out the door and onto the sidewalk
  486. >Trixie reveals herself and blows a kiss at you
  487. >You blow one back
  488. >You walk up to your front door
  489. >You look to your right
  490. >Trixie is still watching you
  491. >She looks like she's dreaming
  492. >You fiddle with your keys and open the door
  493. >Home sweet home
  494. >You walk into your room and lie down on your bed
  495. >You look around
  496. >Today was crazy
  497. >You went from bullying your only friend to kinda going out with her
  498. >This must've all been a part of some plan of hers
  499. >How are you going to explain this day to your parents?
  500. >You look at some curtains parallel to Trixie's house
  501. >Through the flimsy cloth you see a familiar autist's face
  502. >Wow she's probably seen a lot
  503. >You should probably replace those
  504. >Or invite her over next time you do something worth watching
  505. The End

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes