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Twilight's New Job

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-08 08:17:04
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:51:36
Expiry: Never

  1. "Hello welcome to Hayburger, what can I get you?"
  2. >"Wow Twilight Sparkle?! The Great and Powerful TRRIXIE didn't expect to see YOU of all people working here"
  3. >Oh no
  4. >Not her
  5. >Not after everything
  6. >Even now she's come with a vengence?
  7. "Ahem... May i take your order?"
  8. >"Why yes, you may take the GREAT and POWERFUL TRIXIE's order."
  9. >Magic lights went off behind her as she said that great and powerful part
  10. >Trixie stays in the same dramatic pose she uses to introduce herself, magic still going off
  11. >After a few seconds, Trixie breaks her stance and clears her throat
  12. >"Um... My order?"
  13. "Oh yes uh... what would you like?"
  14. >"Isnt it obvious?" Trixie smugly says
  15. "Uh... one hayburger?"
  16. >"Dont be silly Twilight! I would like a hayburger..."
  17. >Silence.
  18. >A shit eating grin envelopes her face
  19. "... So... one haybu-"
  21. >Cheers erupt from a dozen restaurant goers
  22. >Your manager hears the commotion
  23. >"SWEET CELESTIA! WHAT IN EQUESTRIA IS GOING ON HE-" Suddenly, she stops talking
  24. >"Th-THE Trixie Lulamoon?! In MY Hayburger?!"
  25. "Y-Yes ma'm. She's ordering a hayburger for everyone here! That's crazy, right?"
  26. >"And what did you tell her?!" Your boss asks you, waiting intently for your answer
  27. "Well... I was going to run it up on the register and see how much it'd cost her."
  28. >"Twilight. Twilight Twilight Twilight. Twilight Sparkle. My admittedly bloated employee... were you SERIOUSLY going to charge THE Trixie Lulamoon? Why, if I didn't need help making all of her hayburgers I'd have fired you right about now."
  29. "Alright Ma'm. I'll inform Trixie."
  30. >"Yes. You do that" Trixie says, a huge grin on her face
  31. >Why is she such a bitch?
  32. >With that hay eating grin
  33. >But making hayburgers was your job after all.
  34. "Yours, and by extention everypony's, hayburgers are free of charge."
  35. >"Could you say that again?" Trixie holds a megaphone up with her magic
  37. >The crowd erupts with even more cheers
  38. >At some point you think you can even hear them shouting "TRIXIE! TRIXIE! TRIXIE!"
  39. >But you can't hear them too well
  40. >You have to get to the kitchen and whip up some burgers because SOMEBODY couldn't help but be a showoff
  41. >If you had enough spit to spare you'd definitely give Trixie's a good shine
  42. >However, these are going to everyone, so it's best to keep them clean
  43. >For now, anyway
  44. >"Hey Twilight!" You hear Trixie's voice boom over the crowd
  45. >Sweet Celestia what now?
  46. >You sprint back to the register to see what's going on
  47. >You see the crowd throwing Trixie up and down and still cheering
  48. >"HI! YES TWILIGHT! TRIXIE WOULD ALSO LIKE AN EXTRA ORDER OF FRIES!" Her voice booms even louder than before
  49. "UGH. WHATEVER!"
  50. >You could barely hear yourself
  51. >Well, after Trixie's loud voice, you could barely hear at all
  52. >You walk back to the ovens and friers and get out some frozen fries
  53. >This was going to be a long rush hour

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

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The Rapening: Day 1

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The Rapening: Day 2

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