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The Rapening: Day 4 (Not Finished Yet)

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-11 05:33:23
Updated: 2022-12-20 08:04:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day 4 of the Rapening
  2. >You hear a loud thud
  3. >Then another
  4. >Then a loud crash
  5. >And then you hear glass falling onto your floor
  6. >And you feel some fall onto your bed, too
  7. >Alright, now might be a good time to open your eyes
  8. >You awaken to quite the scene
  9. >That one pony that came all over your window just smashed through another
  10. >And is now unconscious on your bed
  11. "Uh... you lost, little buddy?"
  12. >No response
  13. >Oh no
  14. >That mane...
  15. >"That... was AWESOME! Right?!" Rainbow Dash jolts up and looks at you
  16. >Her eyes are sparkling
  17. "Yeah!"
  18. >She smiles
  19. "If by awesome, you meant 'really fucking stupid and a pain in my ass' then yeah, I would say so"
  20. >You quickly return to your sleeping position, ready to make up for already lost sleep time
  21. >"Aww come on. I've been trying to get your attention all morning!" Rainbow Dash whines
  22. "Well, are you happy? I hope you know someone who can replace that window, and if you don't, you're doing it yourself"
  23. >You feel a small movement bellow all throughout your bed
  24. >"A-anything else?" She asks, her tone of voice a bit... seductive?
  25. "Yeah. Let me sleep"
  26. >Rainbow Dash giggles
  27. >"No" she lets out a few snickers for good measure
  28. "Why not?"
  29. >"I'm a bit... 'e-edgy' at the moment" She replies
  30. "Yeah, me too. Your point?"
  31. >You hear a stifled giggle and feel another movement on the bed
  32. >Now you feel a small weight and warmth envelope the side of your body that isnt connected with the bed
  33. >You smell something odd
  34. >It almost smells like wet hay
  35. >With a hint of fishiness to it
  36. >Another movement on your bed
  37. >Suddenly you feel a warmth on your leg
  38. >Along with a wetness
  39. >Eeyup. Time to intervene again
  40. >You send a hand to roughly where the wet spot is
  41. >Sure enough, you get a hand full of pony coat
  43. >You open your eyes
  44. >With one hand you carry this bright blue horse up and drop her down onto the floor in front of you, barely missing some window shards
  46. "Fuck. Off. But before you do, clean all this glass and shit up. I dont want to get injured because of your stupidity."
  47. >She up beams at you
  48. >"I love a stallion that can pick me up and toss me" she snickers
  49. "Yeah, well, I love being left alone."
  50. >You're getting really tired of this shit
  51. >Like, really tired.
  52. "Look, I'm not gonna ask you again, creep. You clean this up or I'm-"
  53. >"O-or you'll what?" She interjects before you can finish
  54. "I've never hit a pony before, but I will if I need to."
  55. >Spoken like a true badass.
  56. >You even show her your war face
  57. >More like a battle face really
  58. >Point is, she knows not to fuck with you
  59. >"P-please?! In bed? No! In front of everypony! That'd be so humiliating!" She rubs her cheeks with her hooves as a red blush envelopes her face
  60. >What
  61. >The
  62. >Fuck
  63. >"Alright, not the time. I'll clean this mess up, BUT, under o-one condition." She proposes
  64. "And what might that be?"
  65. >Suddenly she disappears and a large gust of wind pushes you
  66. >You almost fall off your bed, but barely keep it together long enough to stay on
  67. >Suddenly, Rainbow Dash comes back with a maid outfit in hanging from a clothes hanger her mouth
  68. >"I have to wear thish" she says, muffled
  69. "Y'know what? Sure. I'm going to be going back to sleep anyway. You can cosplay all you want."
  70. >"Mm mm" Rainbow Dash sounds in disapproval
  71. >Suddenly, a blue blur appears where Rainbow Dash stood
  72. >Then settles into a blue horse wearing a maid outfit
  73. >With a riding crop in her mouth
  74. >Rainbow Dash floats into the air like an angel and leaves the riding crop on your bed
  75. >As if it were a peace offering or something
  76. >"If I misbehave, you have to use this on me and insult me" she blushes, holding back snickers
  77. "No. Good night."
  78. >You quickly assume your sleeping position and close your eyes
  79. >And then you feel the warmth of a Pegasus envelope you once again
  80. >"Remember anon, you did that thing with Twilight and Fluttershy, so you pretty much do whatever I say." Rainbow Dash explains
  81. "No, I just have to spend a day with depraved lunatics like you."
  82. >"Yeah, well, sleeping isn't exactly a day well spent if you ask me."
  83. "Getting whipped and insulted is a day well spent to you, so I wouldn't be talking"
  84. >You feel a movement on you like you had earlier
  85. >"You have such a way with words" she snickers
  86. >Know what?
  87. >Fuck it.
  88. >You want to see this horse suffer
  89. "I'll do ALMOST everything you want to do EXCEPT WEIRD BDSM STUFF IF, and only IF you clean up this shit RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW. Got it?"
  90. >Another movement on your bed
  91. >That wetness is back again
  92. >"Your wish is my command, m-master~" She whispers as the warmth leaves your bed
  93. "What did I just fucking say?"
  94. >She scoffs
  95. >"Fiiine. Sheesh. No fun" Rainbow Dash complains
  96. >You hear a decently loud 'woosh' before the quick sound of glass being swept up
  97. >It feels nice to know that you got someone to finally fucking listen for once
  98. >But it was a hollow victory.
  99. >You had to pretty much give into her demands first
  100. >Such is life in this cold, cold world
  101. >"...Aaand done!" Rainbow Dash announces
  102. >You open your eyes and sit up
  103. >Your room looks even cleaner than it was before
  104. >Everything practially had thick layers of gloss over them
  105. "Woah. You did a pretty good-"
  106. >Before you can finish, you see Rainbow Dash hovering at the foot of your bed, duster in hand, blushing
  107. >She was still wearing the maid outfit
  108. "Take that off already."
  109. >"Ugh. Fiiiine" another 'woosh' and Rainbow leaves and re-enters without her beloved maid outfit
  110. >This time, she decides to stand in your bed
  111. "Alright, what's in store for me today?"
  112. >"Well, my plan was to just get your attention, then be awesome afterward." She smiles nervously at you
  113. "Probably the least 'awesome' thing I've ever heard a horse say, and I had to spend a day with Fluttershy."
  114. >Rainbow Dash blushes and a twisted smile covers her face
  115. >"W-well... come meet me outside. I'm waaay cooler outside" she says with some confidence
  116. "Sure."
  118. >You meet up with Dash outside and she's stretching, getting ready for god knows what
  119. "Alright. I'm out here. No shower or breakfast. What now?"
  120. >She springs into the air
  121. >"You ever see a pony do THIS?" she flies in a circle
  122. >She's gaining speed really fast
  123. >Like, ridiculously fast
  124. >"ChEcK iT oUt! CoOl Or WhAt?!" She yells midflight
  125. "I guess? Couldnt any flying pony do that if they wanted to?" You yell to her
  126. >"MaYbE! BuT hOw AbOuT tHiS?!" She begins gaining more speed
  127. "Can you even maintain control at that speed?"
  128. >"Of CoUrSe I- wOaHwOaHwOaH" she yells
  129. >Suddenly, the blue blur becomes a vibrant Rainbow
  130. >"WaTcH OuT!!!" She yells once again
  131. >Suddenly, the rainbow circle turns into a rainbow line
  132. >A dash, even
  133. >Humor.
  134. >You follow the rainbow with your eyes
  135. >Though not a pot of gold, you think you've found something quite valuable at the end
  136. >A decently sized crater has formed where the rainbow ends
  137. >You walk toward it
  138. >After getting pretty close to it, you see that it's pretty damn deep
  139. >Probably taller than you
  140. >Hell, it almost looks like an underground passage to some giant anthill
  141. >At the bottom of the crater you make out a bright blue pony behind
  142. >The rest of the horse was covered in dirt
  143. >You take the dive and walk carefully into the crater
  144. >Once you've reached "Fast Blue" depths you begin throwing dirt off of the stupid perv pony
  145. >After a good minute or so of hand-digging, you begin to pull the pony out of the dirt with your hands
  146. >You felt like she could snap in half at any minute with how light she is, but manage to free her
  147. >You fall back with a pretty menacing thud as she flies out from her earth coffin
  148. >She hits the ground with a meaty thwack and a yelp
  149. "Some trick." You say, still holding her lower torso
  150. >"W-well... that was pretty embarassing" she laughs
  151. "Taking it pretty lightly, I see. We're in a crater that's bigger than the both of us. Did you become more retarded or something?"
  152. >You let go of the fast blue and get back to your feet
  153. >...But you notice she doesn't get up
  154. >Odd...
  155. >You kneel by Dash's side and touch her right wing
  156. >It jerks and Rainbow Dash grunts
  157. >God Damnit
  158. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me"
  159. >"W-what? Did I... um... 'window wash' again?" She asks, unmoving, but you know she's blushing
  160. >You grab her wing again
  161. >It jerks and she lets out an audible "Ouch"
  162. "Not even what? 2 hours in? And you've wrecked yaself"
  163. >"Pffft. N-no idea what you're talking about" She says, still outstretched on the dirt inside her deep fucking impact crater
  164. "Oh yeah? Then what's this, playa?"
  165. >You touch her wing
  166. >She grunts again
  167. >"Ah yeah? That? D-don't sweat it. Just a little cramp..." She says, still not moving
  168. "One hell of a cramp, champ."
  169. >You grip her wing again, this time adding extra pressure to it
  170. >Rainbow Dash's wing starts tensing with great force and she starts letting out a flurry of "ow"s and harsh breaths
  171. "Yeah, no biggie, right?"
  172. >You grip her wing tighter
  173. >You don't want to hurt her, but if she can walk, there's no way she's letting you take her to the hospital without helping you
  174. >"Harder! Harder! Sweet Celestia, harder!" Rainbow Dash finally yells
  175. >No
  176. >NO
  177. >You let go of Dash's wing
  178. "What in the FUCK is wrong with you?"
  179. >Dash catches her breath for a moment
  180. >"W-Wow... that was... amazing" Dash pants
  181. "You're disgusting. Please just get up so we can see how obliterated you are"
  182. >"Y-yes m-mas-"
  183. "Don't start"
  184. >"Y-yes anon" Dash says as her legs begin wobbling
  185. >You help her by picking her up
  186. >Seriously. She's like a medium grade paperweight
  187. >You gently set her on her feet
  188. >Almost immediately, she wobbles and her front legs give out
  189. >She lands face first in the dirt
  190. >"You might be right..." Dash says, her voice muffled by the dirt
  191. >You broke her
  192. >Now you not only have to deal with a masochistic pony for the rest of the day
  193. >But you'll probably end up spending the rest of the day taking care of her injuries, too
  194. >This shit is going to suck

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 2

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 3

by I_Luv_P0nes