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Abusive Trixie

By I_Luv_P0nes
Created: 2021-02-17 03:16:29
Updated: 2023-03-31 09:49:53
Expiry: Never

  1. >After a long day, you lie in bed with the horse of your nightmares
  2. >She's snuggled up on your stomach
  3. >"You DO love the Great and Powerful Trixie, correct?" The Great and Powerful asks
  4. "Yeah. Why?"
  5. >"I saw you looking at those other ponies passing by" she lifts her head off of your stomach
  6. "Just thought I saw somepony I knew"
  7. >Truth is, you were actually hoping one of them would see the fear and desperation in your eyes
  8. >Ever since she told you she had feelings for you, you've never left her side
  9. >Even though you really
  10. >Really
  11. >Want to
  12. >You remember thinking it was cute that a pony liked you
  13. >A first, and probably last, you told yourself
  14. >Though, you didn't think it'd be the last in this sense at the time
  15. >One date turned into a few
  16. >All of which were really great
  17. >Even under these circumstances you still liked the mare you saw at those dates
  18. >The one on your stomach currently isn't that same mare
  19. >"Anon? You didn't tell me you knew other ponies." Trixie says as if it were scandalous
  20. >You snap out of your thoughts for a moment
  21. "Even you know other ponies, so it shouldnt be too shocking that I know some, too"
  22. >After a few dates, she invited you to move in
  23. >You were reluctant, but really didn't have much of a choice
  24. >You'd been fired from your job for no particular reason a few days before
  25. >Even more inconvinient was the fact that you were one paycheck away from making that month's rent
  26. >Guess it really does pay to save some cash for a rainy day
  27. >"All the ponies I know are STRICTLY enemies and business partners... and you" She coos on the last word
  28. "I'm not a pony."
  29. >"You know what I mean." She says, moving herself to rest her head on your chest
  30. "Yeah."
  31. >That was a few months ago you think
  32. >Ever since, each waking moment has been dedicated to pleasing Trixie
  33. >Because of that, it's been hard keeping track of time
  34. >Good thing Trixie does
  35. >Normally, she doesn't let you leave her wagon unless it's showtime
  36. >Even then, you have to be there on the sidelines watching her, or else
  37. >But today was special
  38. >'An anniversary' Trixie told you
  39. >To celebrate, Trixie had given you a morning on the town
  40. >It was almost like your first dates
  41. >Almost
  42. >"What are you thinking about?" Trixie says, not moving her head
  43. "Nothing. Why?"
  44. >"Trixie knows you're lying. You only snap at her when something is on your mind" Trixie explains
  45. "I'm just a little tired I guess."
  46. >"Tired of me?" She asks
  47. >Yes.
  48. "Not at all"
  49. >"Is that so? Then prove it." Trixie gets up and takes a seat on your chest
  50. "Do I have to?"
  51. >"Yes." Trixie narrows her eyes at you
  52. >You hated when she called your bluff
  53. >You used to love her for it, though
  54. >Back in the good days
  55. "Is my existence alone not enough?"
  56. >"Do not misinterpret Trixie. She knows you love her, she just needs actions to back your many praises up" Her eye twitches at you. She's annoyed
  57. "Fine."
  58. >You pull Trixie toward you with a hug
  59. >Once she's snuggled up with you again, you ask:
  60. "Is this good?"
  61. >Trixie inhales deeply
  62. >"You smell nice..." she whispers, her eyes closed
  63. "Thanks. You too."
  64. >Trixie giggles
  65. >"I love it when you compliment me" Trixie whispers
  66. "I know"
  67. >Trixie shifts herself a little
  68. >"But it isn't enough..." Trixie opens her eyes and gives you a concerned look
  69. >Oh no
  70. >Not this again
  71. >Trixie moves herself so that her back is spread across your body
  72. >You keep your hands wrapped around Trixie
  73. >She squirms some more
  74. >"Anon... I want you to make Trixie feel good..." she demands, a sultry tone in her voice
  75. >You shake your head
  76. "N-no."
  77. >"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you."
  78. >Suddenly, her magic envelopes your arms
  79. >She manipulates your arms into moving between her hind legs
  80. >You want to die. Very badly, in fact
  81. >"Are you ready, Anon?" Trixie asks
  82. >You don't answer
  83. >"If you don't respond, I'll take your virginity, right here, right now. BEFORE Marriage." Trixie threatens you
  84. "If it meant getting away from you for the rest of my life, I'd let you take it."
  85. >Trixie shakes a little
  86. >That pissed her off
  87. >You close your eyes, bracing for some sort of harm
  88. >Suddenly, your right hand gets covered in a sticky warmth
  89. >Trixie let's out a moan
  90. >Then, the other does as well
  91. >You also feel a warmth pass upon it every second or so
  92. >Trixie's moans muffle and a sloppy sound can be heard
  93. >Fearing the worst, you open your eyes
  94. >Your right hand has two digits firmly inside of trixie
  95. >The other has Trixie's mouth wrapped around it
  96. >Trixie releases your hand from her mouth
  97. >She makes sure there's a violent pop, too
  98. >"After all I do for you! You still treat Trixie like she's garbage!" She starts moving your right hand in and out of her
  99. >She exhales a sigh of relief
  100. >"But don't worry, I still love you, and I wont ever stop loving you" She flips herself back on her stomach and faces you
  101. >Your left hand cusps her side
  102. >With her front hooves, she grabs your head and forces your face to hers
  103. >In a moment, your lips meet
  104. >And in an even shorter moment, Trixie's tongue forcefully meets yours
  105. >You can hear her moan as she forces herself onto you
  106. >You also feel your right hand moving faster
  107. >She cleans the inside of your mouth for a good ten seconds before reeling back and sitting on your hand
  108. >"Yes! Like that! Hnggg!!! Your monkey hands are Trixie's weakness!" Trixie shouts
  109. >After a few seconds of inaudible moaning, Trixie finishes, leaving a sticky trail all on your pants, even more on your right hand's fingers
  110. >She also let's out some sparks from her horn before your hands are freed
  111. >Trixie giggles and exhales before dropping her head back on her chest
  112. >Trixie twitches as she pants
  113. >"You're lucky I wanted you tonight, otherwise I'd have beaten you senseless" Trixie pants
  114. >"I love you so much. I wish we could do this forever and ever" She rubs her face on yours
  115. >Suddenly, her horn glows again
  116. >She blasts you with some spell
  117. >"But for now, Trixie sleeps. Maybe if you're a good boy tomorrow, Trixie will return the favor. But for now, your body is Trixie's." She gets into a fetal position on top of you and closes her eyes
  118. >You try moving yourself to get more comfortable
  119. >Nothing
  120. >You try stretching your leg out
  121. >Nothing
  122. >You try speaking
  123. >Only inaudible noises are made
  124. >You try screaming for help
  125. >You only make loud inaudible noises
  126. >At least you can control your eyes
  127. >You look at Trixie, who's getting visibly annoyed
  128. >You make another loud noise and she furrows her pony eyebrows
  129. >She zaps you with magic again
  130. >"What do you want?" Trixie asks, her eyes still closed
  132. >Trixie smirks
  133. >Her horn glows again, and a magical hand appears to the side of your face
  134. >A second later, you feel a sharp pain cover your cheek
  135. >"Trixie will ask you once more: what do you want?" She says in a much more threatening voice
  136. >You try moving your body again, to no avail
  137. >You sigh
  138. "I want to to home..."
  139. >"This is your home, my love" Trixie tells you in a cutesy voice
  140. >Your heart sinks
  141. >She's right
  142. >You let her convince you into living with her
  143. >You decided to entertain her feelings
  144. >And you keep talking back to her
  145. >She'll never kill your or let you leave
  146. >Ponies would would believe you if you told them about her abusive nature
  147. >But she'd never let you get close enough to tell anyone
  148. >And you'd never have the guts to tell anyone
  149. >She has you wrapped around her finger
  150. >Or hoof
  151. >You can't even feel your legs
  152. >Your eyes get damp
  153. >You let out a little sniffle
  154. >Fuckfuckfuck
  155. >You dont want to cry
  156. >God only knows what she'll do if she sees you cry right in front of her
  157. >You usually only ever cry in the restroom, or when she's in a deep sleep
  158. >You start panicking
  159. >You close your eyes to stop the tears to no avail
  160. >Your eyes let loose and your breathing is even more ragged
  161. >All of that on top of sniffling every other second
  162. >Suddenly, you feel a warmth on both sides of your face
  163. >You open your eyes to see Trixie holding your head with her hooves
  164. >She looks... genuinely concerned?
  165. >"Anon, are you ok?" She asks
  166. >You can't shake your head, but she knows
  167. >She wraps herself around you and strokes your hair
  168. >"Trixie's sorry... she didn't mean to make you cry. Please stop crying" she tells you
  169. "I... I want to leave you... so badly"
  170. >"You don't mean that. I love you, remember? She reassures you
  171. "Kill me"
  172. >"Anon... wh-what?" Trixie's tearing up now
  173. >You know it's all manipulation but you still feel terrible
  174. >Even if she's batshit insane, she's still cute
  175. >Seeing her cry makes your heart hurt, even if she isn't the same mare you gave your heart to
  176. "Stop crying, please"
  177. >"But... threatening to leave... wanting to..." Trixie can't even bring herself to finish that sentence
  178. >She tightly hugs you again and sobs into your shoulder
  179. >"Here, I'll unparalyze you, just please never think or say anything like that ever again" She whispers
  180. >Her horn glows once more and zaps you
  181. >You can feel the tears on your face, and Trixie's on your shoulder
  182. >You also feel her warmth
  183. >It's so... nice
  184. >You reach your arms around Trixie and hug her back
  185. >Maybe life is terrible, and it will always be, but at least you know Trixie will love you
  186. >Whether you like it or not
  188. The End

Anon and Trixie's Odd Half-Day

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 0

by I_Luv_P0nes

The Rapening: Day 1

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The Rapening: Day 2

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The Rapening: Day 3

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