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The Anonymous Assassin - RGRE - Celestia

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-04-08 08:19:55
Expiry: Never

  1. >This land of colourful ponies was not without opportunities for one with a profession like your own.
  2. >Ponies still held grudges, some even required a more skilful hand to execute those grudges.
  3. >And so it led to you being dressed as a chef creating a most exquisite cake for the magnificent Princess Celestia.
  4. >Quite a beautiful pony, even by objective standards, her mane gleamed and reflected the sunlight just so and her coat was a pure white.
  5. >A shame that you had to snuff out her sunshine, but a man must do what a man must.
  6. >"Oi you there, Anonymous how's that cake coming along? Celestia doesn't pay for stallions to stand around daydreaming." the short mare to your side says her oversized chefs hat nearly covering her eyes.
  7. "You can't rush perfection dear, its a delicate art I perform."
  8. >The mare merely rolls her eyes at your words.
  9. >"Just get it done." she says as she turns away and leaves the room.
  10. >You check to see that you're alone and you slip a small vial out of your chest pocket.
  11. >Tipping the small vial's contents into the cake batter a sludge like liquid slips out and sizzles in the pot.
  12. >Almost ready now.
  14. "Princess your cake has arrived, I hope it is to your liking." you say with the silver platter in hand taking the lid off.
  15. >"Thank you, Anonymous was it?" she says with a warm smile unaware of the fate that will soon befall her.
  16. "Yes my Princess." you say putting the platter onto the table in front of her.
  17. >She takes a knife and fork in her magic and begins to cut away at the cake slicing it into equal portions.
  18. >You always liked to watch your victims up close, to see their final moments.
  19. >It always granted you a sense of peace, to see the end of a life.
  20. >A slice of cake was levitated to her lips and eaten with such grace and beauty.
  21. >No matter how much you try, you cannot take pleasure in this kill, knowing such a beautiful mare would be nothing more then a lifeless shell soon robs the moment of all its exhilaration.
  22. >Her expression after she swallowed the piece of cake was the same. No slow realisation, no pained gasp.
  23. >Did the poison not work? Surely not, you've used this poison before
  24. >Did you not add the right amount? It can't be that, you added the entire bottle!
  25. >So what allows her to elude the grasp of death.
  26. >She hums in pleasure, licking her lips and going in for another slice.
  27. >"My, my, Anonymous you have quite the talent for baking, even moreso than the average stallion." she says fitting another piece into her mouth.
  28. >You can only stand there flabbergasted.
  29. >"Simply beautiful Anonymous, the flavours blend so well, the aroma and best of all the icing." she says as she finishes the last few pieces.
  30. >"You must tell me where you got the recipe for this, is it a human recipe?" she says her eyes full of delight and wonderment.
  31. >This should not be. She should be breathing her last, and yet. And yet she shows no sign of even the slightest discomfort.
  32. "Y-Yes my Princess, it is a recipe from my father and not something I could share to anyone."
  33. >"Ah, quite a shame, I suppose its all the more reason to keep you around then. " she says with a beautiful smile.
  34. >"Would you mind fetching me some tea dear? All that cake has left me wanting some, and I was wondering if you had a special recipe for that as well?"
  35. >A second chance to finish your work, thank you Princess.
  36. "Of course my Princess, I shall be on it at once." you say with a small bow and head off towards the kitchen.
  38. >What to do, what do to.
  39. >Ah, you still do have that dragonfell poison, perhaps if you combine it with the blackroot...
  40. >Yes, yes that should work.
  41. >You enter the kitchen doors once more and see the small chef mare from before, eyeing you cautiously.
  42. >"Anonymous. If you're angling for my job as royal cake maker, you have another thing coming! Even if I have to put a stallion like you out of the job, I'll do it." she says venom lining her voice, her pristine blue mane and pink coat dishevelled and disordered.
  43. "I have no such intentions miss..." you say trailing off.
  44. >"It's HEAD CHEF Thick Cuts to you mister."
  45. >You're going to need her to leave somehow.
  46. "Mis- Head Chef Thick Cuts, I must perform a sacred human recipe and I cannot have an uninitiated watch me complete it, can you please leave me for a moment."
  47. >She angrily shakes her head stomping off towards the door muttering something about 'stallions thinking they own the place.'
  48. >Once you hear the door slam behind her you quickly lock the door behind her and get to work gathering the ingredients for the tea.
  49. >Some Kirin tea will do quite nicely, you set the kettle onto the flame and wait for it to boil.
  50. >You reach into your leg pockets this time and pull out the small pouch of dragon fell placing it into the still boiling kettle.
  51. >And now for the blackroot, you grab a mortar and pestle from the side and crush it into a fine dust.
  52. >Hmm, that should be fine enough, this has to do the job you've laced the tea with enough poison to kill an entire squadron of ponies.
  53. >You reach into the cupboard and grab out a pristine teapot and teacup placing them and prepare yourself.
  55. >"Anonymous, I can't tell you how eager I've been to try your tea, I just know it will be delicious."
  56. >You nod and place the teacup down in front of her pouring the surely toxic liquid into the cup.
  57. "Of course my Princess, its to die for." you say with a thin smile on your lips.
  58. >Once again she levitates it to her lips and blows on the liquid.
  59. >Come on, come on. Hurry up.
  60. >She continues her futile attempts to cool it down until she finally brings the cup to her lips and takes a sip.
  61. >Her eyes go wide and a shocked expression comes over her.
  62. >It worked, now you just hav-
  63. >"That was delicious Anonymous! Simply delicious! Surely you must have worked yourself to the bone with this... this master craft! The flavours, my word. I've never tasted anything quite like it!" she gushes.
  64. >You brow furrows and you fight back a scowl.
  65. >"What's that expression for Anonymous, be proud of yourself! With talent like this I'm sure you'll find a good wife in no time." she says the smile on her lips unwavering.
  66. "I apologise my Princess, its just that I know I can do better." you say through gritted teeth.
  67. >She laughs softly and good naturedly,
  68. >"Do better my dear Anonymous? In all my years of being alive there has never been a chef that has come close to your craftsmareship and care for details. It rivals perfection itself!" she says taking another large gulp of tea quickly downing the entire cup.
  69. >The teapot is lifted in Celestias magic and the cup is full once more.
  70. "May I take my leave my Princess?" you ask struggling to hide the frustration in your voice.
  71. >"I was hoping I could enjoy your company a while longer, my dear Anonymous, but if you must leave I suppose it cannot be helped." she says clearly saddened with your words.
  72. >You need more time to plan it would seem, and getting to know her daily routine wouldn't be the worst first step.
  73. "If it would please you my Princess, I can keep you company for a while longer." she claps her hooves together, letting loose a small squeal and you must admit, you had to smile at such a cute display.
  74. >"Thank you Anon, please take a seat." She says as she pulls the chair opposite to her out.
  75. >You take a seat and one of the cups are levitated over to you but you quickly stop it.
  76. "I'm not very thirsty my Princess, but I appreciate the gesture."
  77. >"Please just call me Celestia, you've more then earnt the right with your cuisine alone."
  78. >"May I ask about your homeland Anonymous?" she pauses to gauge your reaction and continues when you answer with a slight nod "What was it like?"
  79. >You pause not expecting a question like this.
  80. "It was... Grim. Food was hard to come by and it was a lawless land, people took what they needed and left nothing." you say with a grim expression.
  81. >Celestia seems shocked by your words but says nothing.
  82. "The days were long and hard but I did what I had to survive, sometimes even going days without food and sleeping on the side of the street."
  83. >"Surely a good mare would have taken you in..." she says trailing off.
  84. >You can only shake your head at the sentiment.
  85. "I apologise my Princess but my world doesn't have such charitable souls. They only know to fend for themselves and their families."
  86. >The words were left hanging in the air causing it to grow thick with tension.
  87. >"I assure you Anonymous, you will never go without board nor food while I am ruler."
  88. >You want to believe that the words are hollow, to just dismiss them as being lies from a dishonest politician but you can't, you can feel that the words are genuine and that they are filled with honesty.
  89. "I see... Thank you, Celestia." you say with a grim smile on your lips.
  90. >"Let us change our conversation to brighter topics my dear Anonymous, have you seen the new renovations to the gardens?"
  91. "No, come to think of it. I don't think I have." as you say this her eyes light up and she leaps from her chair with such grace.
  92. >"Let us go and see it my dear, it looks simply beautiful in the afternoon light and I'm sure a stallion of your nature could appreciate its beauty."
  93. >She nudges you from behind causing you to walk forward then quickly joins you by your side after you begin to walk to your own accord.
  94. >Perhaps the gardens will give you some inspiration for your next assassination attempt.
  96. >The two of you strolled through the magnificent corridors paved with beautiful marble etched by experienced hands- hooves.
  97. >Celestia seems to notice your awe and laughs good naturedly.
  98. >"It's striking isn't it? It was made by the wisest architects and most talented stonemasons of their time, I'd wager that such splendour could not be recreated by a modern mare's touch."
  99. >You nod and she continues.
  100. >"I know that you haven't been in our lands for very long, but I've seen you talking to some of the nobles, I'm sure you already know how hard headed they are about..." she pauses for a moment as if finding the words "Well just about everything." she says with a soft chuckle and you can't help but laugh along with her.
  101. >The nobles in these lands were like any others, pontificating and always up their own asses.
  102. >"I saw you alongside Madam Heart Strings, she seems unlike most of my other ponies." a sigh escaping her lips. "It seems as though she has something against me."
  103. >Your breath freezes in your chest and your hands become clammy as she speaks.
  104. >Does she know? Was this a subtle hint to reveal that she knows about the assassination?
  105. >She seems to notice what she's saying and pauses.
  106. >"I apologize my dear Anonymous, I appear to be venting to you about my problems." she says with a remorseful tone.
  107. "Please don't apologize Celestia, perhaps the mare is only critical of you because of your striking beauty." you say causing the Princess to laugh
  108. >"I wouldn't imagine so, but I appreciate the all too kind words." she says shaking her head with a small smile adorning her lips as she continues through the doorway to the gardens.
  110. >To say it took your breath away would be an understatement, the splendour, the simplistic beauty, a garden more than fit for royalty.
  111. >All you could do is stare off into the blooming roses and tantalising tulips the colours blending so effortlessly.
  112. >Celestia merely saunters off ahead of you adding her own beauty to the scenery.
  113. >When she finally does look back at you she gives you a warm smile that melts your heart, and if you had to be honest made your cheeks redden.
  114. >"The gardens are striking aren't they?" she says as she continues forward and you scramble to reach her side.
  115. >You nod and the two of you stride deeper into the gardens.
  116. >"I always find it so peaceful here, away from everypony's watchful eyes. Is it so wrong that I just want to pretend I'm a normal mare sometimes? Alas..." she trails off as she stops to admire a particularly vibrant line of roses matching the colours of Celestia's mane.
  117. >Focus Anon, you don't want to mess up your first job.
  118. >You look around to find anything you could use and to your surprise there lies a particularly deadly thistle in the middle of the garden.
  119. >Perhaps this may do the trick.
  120. "What are these beautiful flowers here?" you say as you point towards the gnarled and ragged bush.
  121. >"Oh those? I don't believe they should even be here, I apologise my dear Anon I'll deal with it right away."
  122. >Trotting over to the small thicket her horn glows once more with a magical tint.
  123. >"It's quite dug in." she says with strain on her face as she continues to struggle with the poisonous brush.
  124. >As she's busy you quietly sneak up behind her taking care not to step on any loose branches.
  125. >When you finally reach her you push her with all your might into the bushes.
  126. >And yet she doesn't budge.
  127. >Oh and you may have brushed much too close to her tail.
  128. >"A-Anonymous?" she turns quickly her magic dissipating under her newfound surprise.
  129. >As she turns around you can see her face is lit up with shock.
  130. "I-I-I" you begin to stutter and she merely shakes her head and laughs.
  131. >"I hadn't thought you would have been so forward my dear Anonymous." she says as her eyes become half lidded.
  132. "I-I hadn't meant to my Princess I'm sorry... I thought m-maybe you were going to fall!" you quickly scramble to find a response.
  133. >A slight disappointment shines behind her eyes and she coughs and straightens herself.
  134. >"Ah, I apologise Anonymous, it seems I had gotten the wrong idea, please let's pretend this never happened. I'm sure you must be wanting to leave now." she says as she turns away breathing a sigh.
  135. "I-If it's all the same to you Celestia, I would like to continue walking these gardens along side you." you say barely able to stutter out your words like a child confessing their to their crush.
  136. >You have been through this song and dance before and yet this mare had sent your heart beating and your mind into a daze.
  137. >Bah it's probably just your nerves acting up again.
  138. >Her smile once again beams and she hurries over to your side excitedly.
  139. >You feel your arm being taken in an invisible grip and for a moment you panic but relief sets in once you realise its Celestia.
  140. >Wait, you shouldn't feel so relieved by that. And yet...
  141. >Your arm is gently placed on her withers and you can feel a gentle warmth radiating from her coat.
  142. >"Shall we get moving once more then my dear?" Celestia says as she turns to you a warm smile on her lips.
  143. "Y-yes let's."

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