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Lovely Loop - RGRE - Short - Finished

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-24 10:13:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >Another sunny day on this beautiful land in the Crystal Empire.
  2. >The birds were chirping and the gems shone beautifully.
  3. >You hadn't been here long and were still getting to know the customs of the land, leading to more then one mix-up between you and a few ponies.
  4. >One of which had seen you in the Empire's own dungeons, fancy thing that.
  5. >While you were lost in thought thinking back to how you got here, you fail to notice a certain peetzer horse approaching.
  6. >"Hi Anon!" Cadance says cheerfully her husband by her side causing you to be shocked out of your daze.
  7. "Oh hey Peetzer." causing Cadance scrunches her snout.
  8. >"Why do you keep calling me that?" the scrunch still visible on her face.
  9. >You just shrug and laugh, causing the mare to lose her confused expression and just roll her eyes with a smile.
  10. >"Anyway, I was looking for you Anon, I know, I know, you said you don't need a special somepony. BUT!"
  11. >Oh it's this again.
  12. >You really hadn't been here long enough to figure out left from right in these towns and yet this colourful princess pony wants to set you up with an arranged marriage.
  13. >Its been five times now she had done this, the last time she had walked off plotting aloud how she would find you a honest mare to make you a good househusband.
  14. >That does seem to be the quirk around here, now you can't tell if it's just the Empire itself or if the entirety of Equestria follows these social laws but its strange none the less.
  15. >"I had Twilight rig up the crystal heart to some science do-hickey and it allows you to see your soulmate!" she says excitedly.
  16. >Unfortunately you don't share her enthusiasm but you still try to hide your frustration.
  17. "Look I'm qui-" she cuts you off by teleporting the two of you into the castle.
  18. >You appear in a flash of light to a startled Twilight who seemed to be tinkering with the large device.
  19. >"Cadance? I haven't finished the last calibrations on the Heart-Seeker-2000." her mane frazzled and her lack of sleep apparent.
  20. >Cadance walks over to the device and inspects it.
  21. >"It should be fiiiiine Twilight, you're starting to worry like a colt now!" she says with a joking smile.
  22. >"Fine? FINE? This is science we're talking about here Cadance, if any of my calculations are incorrect it coul-" Twilight begins to fret but Cadance has already set her sights on a large red button.
  23. >"Boop."
  24. >The machine begins to whir and the crystal heart spins rapidly around and around making a loud threatening rumbling.
  25. >Well, it was a nice life here while you had it.
  26. >Maybe dying twice won't be so bad?
  27. >Soon enough the rumbling settles into a low whirling and the machine seems to have stabilised itself
  28. >Twilight once seeing that the machine is stabilised drops to the ground exhausted.
  29. >"Don't ever do that again Cadance." she mumbles as she closes her eyes and drifts off.
  30. "So now that you've almost killed us, how does this thing work?"
  31. >"I had the utmost faith in Twilight, you colts worry too much. As for how it works..." she finishes with a embarrassed chuckle.
  32. >The doors bust open and you can see Shining Armor standing in the shattered doorframe.
  33. >"Oh buck." Cadance says with dread.
  34. >"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, what is going on here? Are you trying to drag this poor colt into another of your shenanigans?" Shining armour says an accusation on his lips.
  35. >"But honey I!" but shining quickly interrupts her.
  36. >"Don't but honey me, you may be a Princess but that doesn't make it right to drag Anon into these dangerous antics of yours. And my new rug! Its all stained in arcane dust!"
  37. >"You know how hard arcane dust is to get out of furniture! Come on, we're going shopping right now." Shining says with a tone of finality and Cadance stoops her head, following closely behind.
  38. >Before she leaves you can hear her mumble something about booping stallions but you didn't quite catch it.
  39. >You shake your head while the married couple round the corner and you're left alone with an unconscious Twilight and a still active love machine.
  40. >So how does this thing even work? You can't even see any other switch aside from the big red button.
  41. >As you circle the hulking machine, you notice an aura covering the heart that seems to wax and wane with your movement.
  42. >That's probably a good sign? You'd hope so at least, you really don't want to go back to the dungeons for destroying the entire castle AND killing a princess.
  43. >That wouldn't look too good on your resume.
  44. >You walk closer and closer as the thrumming continues to grow louder at your approach.
  45. >Then all of a sudden the room is deafened, the sound seemingly sucked from all portions of the room.
  46. >Oh shit, what have you done no-
  47. >The heart seems to have a picture of a beautiful mare, her wispy white mane aiding her magnificent pink coats gorgeousness.
  48. >This mare took your breath away, her grace and beauty unmatched.
  49. >Upon looking at her a name seems to resound through the once silent room.
  50. "Lovely Loop." you copy barely above a whisper.
  51. >And just like that the whole world came back into existence, the mares image fading from the heart.
  52. >You're suddenly left with a bitter longing, a want that you have never experienced before.
  53. >Tears slowly drip down your cheeks wrought from pure emotion.
  54. >You need to find her.
  55. >You need to marry that mare...

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