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Brewing a potion for two - RGRE - Short - Finished

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-21 11:50:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >You had been here a fair while, in this land of colourful equines.
  2. >The gender skew had become readily apparent to you in the first few days of your stay and so too did the role reversal of stallions and mares.
  3. >A lot of mares would end up lonely, and a lot of stallions not able to prove their worth.
  4. >And that leads you to where you are now, alongside your assistant in a secluded part of the woods creating all sorts of potions and alchemical mishaps.
  5. >Once you had figured out you could create potions that would allow a pony to go unscathed through fire you had decided that you were dead set on going down this path.
  6. >However many mares rejected your unorthodox career choice and instead urged you to bake cakes and other such nonsense, claiming working with potions would be much too dangerous for a stallion with such whimsey.
  7. >After much haggling and getting nowhere you had given up, nabbing a few books (that you would eventually return to the resident librarian) and heading off into the woods to find a place for you to set up.
  8. >Many days had passed and despite your mental vigour not wavering your body was ready to give in until you found an abandoned shack in the middle of the woods.
  9. >It had been raining that day, you remember clearly, when you had pushed open the door and disturbed the dust bunnies you had quite the coughing fit.
  10. >Ah that was a day to remember. You still remember when you had seen the long unattended alchemist's station and the feelings of absolute joy you felt at that moment.
  11. >Taking your eyes of the flame that raged under the flask you look over to the mare next to you.
  12. >Lab rat, your companion in this undiscovered world of alchemy, her coat flowed a pale white and her mane a deep obsidian.
  13. >She had been helping you with tasting and testing the potions, thankfully you haven't caused the poor mare harm and she seems to enjoy the company that you provide.
  14. >"W-what are you looking at Anon?" she stutters out and you shake your head.
  15. "Just looking for a reaction to that last potion. How do you feel? Anything tingly or otherwise strange?" you say examining the mare more closely.
  16. >She shakes her head and goes back to her silence occasionally glancing in your direction.
  17. "Hmmm. Quite strange, you should feel some level of weightlessness, are you sure you don't feel t-" your cut off by the mare slightly hovering above her seat despite her lack of wings.
  18. >"Woah- Yeah I think the potion worked Anon." Lab says with a chuckle causing you to join her in laughter.
  19. >Good. Very good.
  20. "Thank you miss Lab." you say returning your attention to the bubbling liquid ahead of you.
  21. >Almost ready now, you just need a bit of Devil's Tongue and a bit of Windigo Bite.
  22. >"S-so Anon." she pauses for a moment and you look up from your newly brewing potion. "I-I was thinking..."
  23. "One moment dear." you say as you add the ingredients for the most crucial part of the process.
  24. >When you finally place the crushed ingredients into the small flask you look up to see Lab Rat shuffling in her seat.
  25. "What were you going to say miss Lab?" you say causing her to jump in shock.
  26. >"N-Nothing. Never mind." her ordinarily white coat surrounding her face a blushing crimson.
  27. >You wouldn't be having that, Lab Rat was your best potion tester and you couldn't have her dying to something because she thought she was 'too marely' to worry about it.
  28. "What is it Miss Lab, I value your opinion as my most trusted assistant." your words seem to make her well with pride.
  29. >For a little while longer she shuffles in her seat but soon mutters something barely audible to herself.
  30. >Something along the lines of 'Mare up bucker, you're gonna get that colt' causing you to smile at her antics.
  31. >Perhaps a side effect of the potion, you should write that dow-
  32. >"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
  33. >You stop reaching for your notebook and look at the mare in disbelief.
  34. >"I-If you don't want to tha-" you quickly shake your head and walk over to the small pony leaning down to look in her eyes.
  35. "I thought I'd have to make the first move to be honest, but I know how you ponies are with all that." you say with a smile causing the mare to smile nervously along with you.
  36. >"Oh joy, I was worried you would say no- and I can't deal with that type of rejection. I mean you're just so cute and the only stallion that will talk to me and-" she quickly places her hooves over her mouth in order to cut herself short causing you to lean down and give the small mare a peck on the forehead.
  37. >Her blush only deepen and she hid her face in her hooves likely attempting to hide her blush.
  38. "We have a few more tests to run but after we're done with that how does a nice dinner date at your place sound?"
  39. >All she can muster is a quick squeak in response as you go to check on your newly created potion.
  40. >Ah the beautiful fragrance of lemon zest mixed with the purest form of Love's Passion.
  41. >A beautiful blend if you say so yourself and the potions effect should be quite significant.
  42. "This one is a much more conventional potion, used at parties. More of a human recipe then pony, its a harder cider basically." you say while handing the flask to Lab Rat.
  43. >She gulps it down quickly with a few coughs and you take a similar bottle and down it too.
  44. >"Donsht yhew worry Ahnon! I k-know how to handle my alcohol!"
  45. >Perhaps there was TOO much for a pony to handle.
  46. >"Shcrew ghoing to my pwlace, why don't we just go bwack to your bed"
  47. >Definitely too much for this mare to handle, you sigh and take off your coat for the day.
  48. "I apologise Miss Lab, we'll have to have our date another day, as for right now it seems you're not in any condition to get yourself home." you say while she clings onto your peppering your white shirt with kisses.
  49. >"Ah'll rock your world Ahynon, cmon!" she says as you gently place her into your bed and lift up the sheets.
  50. >Her eyes flicker shut and she quickly dozes off.
  51. >You sigh as you settle yourself into the sheets next to her. You really fucked up this one Anon.
  53. >Be Lab Rat potion tester extraordinaire.
  54. >You let loose a grumble as Celestia's warm sun bursts through the window uninvited and you turn over on to your side.
  55. >Reaching off into the seemingly endless bed beside you for another pillow you instead feel a warmth.
  56. >Slowly opening your eyes you spot Anon.
  57. >Anon is in your bed.
  58. >Your eyes quickly snap open as you slowly start to recall last nights events and you start to panic.
  59. >This isn't your room.
  60. >This isn't your room at all.
  61. >You had been no stranger to drinking, in fact you had been a connoisseur of getting black out drunk but this was a first.
  62. >Oh yep.
  63. >It's definitely drinking too much. You're head is aching just like the last hundred times.
  64. >For the moment all you can do is roll back over and look up at the ceiling admiring the white paint coating it until it all really hits you.
  65. >You hear a shuffling beside you and you quickly attempt to stutter out a sentence.
  66. "M-morning hot stuff. H-how about you make me some breakfast?"
  68. >Be Anon once more.
  69. >You can only stare at Lab Rat as she fidgets nervously in the bed beside you.
  70. >Fuck, the way her ears are pressed to her head like that and her big auburn eyes.
  71. >Sometimes it's just too much to handle.
  72. >In response you can only smile and bring a hand to gently brush her mane.
  73. "All in good time, for now how about the two of us just enjoy the moment?" you say with a slight bit of cheek.
  74. >"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you hot stuff, I mea-" you quickly interrupt her rambling by pulling her into a gentle hug.
  75. "Shhh..." you coo holding her close.
  76. >Her breathing steadily slows and she returns your hug, her soft mane tickling your chin.
  77. >The two of you lay there for a while, both appreciating the moment, every so often she would shuffle around to get into a better position but never losing her grip on you.

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

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Losing your head - Discontinued

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Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

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