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Upsy Daisy - Short

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-03-25 12:37:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >For context some Anon had a dream about a mare who was obsessed with stairs and this short was born. I thought it was cute enough to post here.
  3. >Be tall green man in 'questira
  4. >Also be tall green man accosted by a talking small horse.
  5. >"I'm gonna simplify it down for ya, since you're a stallion and all. This big wheel thingy goes in this hole here." she says in a condescending tone.
  6. >This little pony just barged into your house and demanded to see your stairs, once she had she volunteered herself to teach you how to make in her words 'a real staircase.'
  7. >"So that ups the magical stability of the whole contraption making sure it doesn't fall apart when you use it.
  8. "But I-" you attempt to say but she quickly interrupts.
  9. >"So you've got to use very magically mailable metal here, or else you'll end up like a tree with no branches." She snorts in between her laughter.
  10. >She walks over to the contraption she has turned your staircase into and gives it a firm tap.
  11. >"Honestly I don't understand how you Stallions can deal with such inferior tech being in your house! I mean really!"
  12. >You go to say something but the look on the mares face makes you think twice.
  13. >She's so jubilant at doing a job well done, and she did it for free so...
  14. "Thanks... err..."
  15. >"Daisy, Upsy Daisy. Stair expert and your new best friend." she says with a beaming smile untill her stomach grumbles.
  16. "How about we go get something to eat huh? To celebrate a job well done? Something like a daisy sandwich?" you jest although she doesn't seem to catch the joke and it flies right above her head.
  17. >"Nah, I prefer Tiger lilies, daisies give me indigestion." she says with an innocent smile.
  19. >The two of you amble off into town towards the local restaurant.
  20. "So what makes magic stairs better than normal stairs."
  21. >She gasps and it takes a moment for her to reply.
  22. >"Well they're just mechanically inferior in every way! Its the looks, the feel, the way they work!"
  23. >She pauses a moment then continues.
  24. >"Course a Stallion wouldn't understand all the complex work that goes into a good magical staircase but I'm sure you're a smart cookie." she says continuing her rant.
  25. >"The inherent skill for a unicorn to make a magical staircase, the rune work and effort are unparalleled, not like that shoddy Earthpony craftsmanship." she mock gags.
  26. >"They can't even be compared!" she begins to breathe heavily now out of breath.
  27. "So you're really into staircases huh?" you say amused.
  28. >"Of course there are so many models, I couldn't even begin to list them all!"
  29. >The two of you near the restaurant and the nearby ponies give you two strange looks as Daisy continues on ranting.
  30. >However you don't mind it as she seems to be enjoying herself and it reminds you of yourself when you would autisticly rant about things that you liked. It was kind of cute in a way.
  31. >As she rambled on about the differences in stair types you pushed open the door and the two of you headed towards the reception.
  32. >"So that's why non-magical stairs are horrible compared to Magical stairs, they're a worse less efficient way to climb your stairs... AND its not even automated! Can you even imagine!"
  33. >You merely nod along enjoying the white noise of her rambling until you get to the reception table.
  34. "Hello, I'd like a table for two please."
  35. >"Right this way if you would Sir and Ma'am, the finest seat in the house, the upstairs dining room."
  36. >Oh no...

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