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Sunday Breakfast

By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2021-04-21 07:39:51
Updated: 2022-02-09 14:26:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Sunday Breakfast
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Sunlight crept in through the windowpane on an early spring morning, its orange glow crawling across the floor and up the bed.
  6. >Celestia couldn’t help but smile in her sleep as she felt the warm rays caress her body. As the growing warmth gently woke her up, she found herself once again pleasantly surprised at how good it felt to experience a sunrise in bed. One of the many perks of retirement.
  7. >She opened her eyes to look at the second perk. Her husband, Anonymous.
  8. >He lay snuggled up and wrapped around her third perk, her massive swell of a belly that contained hers and the young man’s foals. It amused her how obsessed he was with her baby bump, but considering how critical she was of her own changing body at first, it was nice to know someone still thought she was beautiful.
  9. >Celestia ran her hoof across what part of her husband’s body she could reach and sighed with contentment. Though that didn’t last long. Soon her brood began wiggling, awoken by the warmth just as their mother was, and with a loud rumble, her stomach was telling her they needed to be fed. Sliding cautiously out of bed so as not to wake her lover, the alicorn made her way into the kitchen, her stomach swaying beneath her. Even for one as strong as her, carrying such a large litter was quite difficult.
  10. >She blamed Anon for her growing enjoyment of the experience.
  12. >Celestia stifled a groan as she waddled towards the kitchen, her hooves clopping lightly against the hardwood floor. It was strange. The beleaguered movement, the plumper butt, the swollen teats, and the swollen belly should have annoyed her. And it did at first, but now it felt different.
  13. >It felt empowering.
  14. >Thanks to Anon’s insistence, this motherly form of hers really did make her feel sexier. Like she could flaunt how big she’d gotten. She’d spent so many years fulfilling her destiny as sunriser. Her duty as princess. Now she was fulfilling her role as wife and mother and damn, it felt good.
  15. >Most of the time, anyway.
  16. >”Calm down, little ones,” she whispered, rubbing her tummy as she got some things out of the pantry. “Momma’s making breakfast. Behave.” She used her magic to grab everything needed to make pancakes from scratch, along with some fresh fruit and whipped cream. As the batter was being prepared, she heated up the pan and before long she was making several stacks of the breakfast confection. But she didn’t feel guilty. It was for the babies, after all.
  18. >Be Anon
  19. >The smell of pancakes and the absence of the body pillow that is your wife’s pregnant belly rouses you from your sleep.
  20. >You rub your eyes and yawn, slipping out of bed, and pad off to the kitchen, where Celestia is making stack after stack after stack of perfectly golden brown pancakes.
  21. >You can’t help but smile. With the sun shining on her from the windows, she looks so radiant, and even with her hair a mess, it sparkles like an aurora. God, she is so beautiful. Your eyes wander down to her rump, the firm, plump cheeks swaying gently as she hums a tune to herself. Her breasts sag beneath her, swollen with milk, and her belly is taut and impossibly round.
  22. >It’s hot as fuck, that momma body of hers.
  23. >She can feel you staring and she turns. “Morning, my angel.”
  24. >An ironic nickname considering she far better fits the appearance of an angel than you, but to hear her tell it, you were a blessing from heaven sent to save her. The feeling was mutual.
  25. “Morning Celly.”
  26. >You approach from behind to rub her flank.
  27. >Celestia swallows another pancake and based on the state of her plate, you guess she’s already on her third stack.
  28. >You lean in for a kiss just as she takes another bite and she obliges. As your lips touch and you hug her neck, her mane envelopes you from the side.
  29. >You can taste the maple syrup on her lips.
  31. >Celestia teases your mouth with her tongue before breaking the kiss and hugging you with her wing.
  32. >”Don’t forget the little ones,” Celestia reminds you.
  33. >You lean down and rub her belly, your hand running through the short fur on her stomach. Her hair is thinned out the further down you reach, thanks to being pushed further apart by her expanding belly. You smile as you feel something nuzzle your hand from within.
  34. “Good morning. Daddy loves you.”
  35. >You kiss Celestia’s belly several times and she giggles as she watches you interact with your children. Not wanting anyone in the litter to feel left out, you also give a few kisses to the other side of Celestia’s massive stomach.
  36. >”Looks like they’re happy to see you,” Celestia says, taking another massive bite of her pancakes. Damn, they sure smell good.
  37. “Got any for me, babe?”
  38. >She nods and hands you a fresh, warm plate of pancakes, with a smiley face made of blueberries, strawberries, and bananas.
  39. >”Because I care.” She kisses your cheek and you head over to the table to eat, but when you sit down, the chair is pulled back across the floor.
  40. >”Wrong table, honey,” Celestia says with a sultry tone.
  42. “Mmmmph?”
  43. >Celestia stops the chair so that you’re facing her. She’s sitting down on the floor now, and she levitates your plate onto her gravid belly, balancing it perfectly on the white mound.
  44. >”Eat up, angel,” she says, ruffling your hair with a hoof.
  45. >You take your fork and start eating the pancakes, making sure to douse them in maple syrup as you do. Good Lord, these pancakes were sinful.
  46. “Mmmmmmmm.”
  47. >Your wife strokes your hair as you eat, smiling happily as you use her belly as a table.
  48. >”Having fun?”
  49. “Oh, yeah. I could get used to this.”
  50. >You grin from ear to ear and give the ‘table’ a few firm pats to the side as you eat those amazing pancakes. Suddenly, a glowing fork appears and steals several bites before popping them into the mother-to-be’s mouth.
  51. “Hey!”
  52. >Celestia winks. “Ish for vu bebeesh,” she says with her mouth full.
  53. >You roll your eyes and grin before finishing your plate and sitting up. As you put your plate and utensils in the sink, Celestia clears her throat.
  54. >”You left a bit of a mess dear,” she says in a low, alluring voice. You turn and see her pointing to her huge gut.
  55. >Your wife’s belly is covered with wayward drippings of syrup, fruit, and butter.
  56. “Eheh...”
  58. >Celly motions you to sit down before her.
  59. >”Be a good boy and clean up after yourself.”
  60. “Yes, ma’am.”
  61. >You don’t have to be told twice.
  62. >You sit down and grab hold of Celestia’s taut tummy and begin licking up the droppings, tasting all the sweetness of the butter, the syrup, the berries.
  63. >As your tongue glides across her fur, your wife lets out a soft moan. She strokes your hair, running her hoof gently through your messy mane.
  64. >You were still upset that she didn’t tell you how she always got hers to be so perfect all the time.
  65. >You rub the sides of Celestia’s stomach, parting the sea of fur to caress the pink flesh beneath, and go lower, and lower, and lower, eventually reaching your target.
  66. >Her bellybutton.
  67. >”Easy now, dear. Don’t get carried away.”
  68. >It was too late for requests, now. She had her chance.
  69. >You flick your tongue out at the bellybutton and Celestia lets out a hiss.
  70. >Another flick and she lets out a moan.
  71. >Finally you begin nibbling the flat nub and rub sensuously at her dome with your hands and the regal mare begins panting like a filly in heat, grabbing your head with both hooves and shoving it against her belly.
  72. >”Nnnnn. Don’t stop, angel. Keep going. Just like that!”
  73. >You keep nibbling, suckling, and licking at her navel, your hands groping all over that sexy belly of hers until you feel her tense up and hear her whimper.
  74. >Celestia’s entire body shivers as she climaxes, all from you teasing her pregnant belly. She keeps your head held to her dome, squeezing you tight before she finally comes down from her high and exhales.
  75. >She pats your head.
  76. >”I bet you could use some milk to wash that meal down.”
  77. “Straight from the tap?”
  78. >”Of course.”
  80. >Celestia lays onto her side, sighing as her belly rests on the cool hardwood floor. As she gets comfortable, her swollen teats jiggle below her distended stomach.
  81. >She blushes and begins to leak a tiny trickle of milk just at the thought of you drinking from them.
  82. >You crawl on over and grasp both of her breasts in your hands, kneading the plump udders as they slosh with milk.
  83. >You notice Celly bite her lip as you give her mammaries loving attention.
  84. >You lean down and lap up the stray droplets before wrapping your lips around one of your wife’s nipples, eliciting a gasp from her.
  85. >You suckle gently, and a warm sweetness hits your tongue. It was easily your favorite flavor.
  86. >Celestia brings one of her hind legs down to hug you closer to her udders, urging you on.
  87. >More and more, you drink from Celestia’s teat, kneading the opposite one with a hand while you coax more milk out of your mare. Each suck becomes more and more intense. You want more. You NEED more!
  88. >Celestia pants as you drink from her, and she rolls her head back. “Don’t forget the other one, angel,” she whispers as she enjoys the attention. You oblige, and go through the ritual all over again, having your fill while the alicorn moans in pleasure.
  89. >After a while, you pull away, giving those breasts one last squeeze.
  90. “Mmmm. Thanks, babe.”
  91. >Celly grins. “No problem… but I think I want some milk, too.”
  92. “Huh?”
  94. >Celestia chuckles under her breath and looks at you with a devious grin.
  95. “Let me go get a glass,” you say, standing up.
  96. >You go to the cupboard and reach for a glass as Celestia heaves, her belly sagging as she forces herself up. But as you turn to look, she’s already upon you, presing a hoof into your chest, forcing you back down.
  97. >”Not that kind of milk, dear.”
  98. >Her horn glows that golden yellow and you feel something tug at the fly of your pajama bottoms.
  99. >You look down and see your underwear barely containing the raging erection you’ve been sporting since you woke up.
  100. >Celly looks down at you like a goddess looking down at a mortal and licks her lips in a very dramatic fashion.
  101. “Oh...”
  102. >The alicorn pulls the fly of your pants apart with a flick of her magic and your throbbing cock bursts out, angry at having been kept bound for so long. It was already pulsing with need.
  103. >”Oh, you poor thing. Let Mommy give you a kiss.”
  104. >Celestia kneels down and lowers her head towards your lap, lips pursing to give Little Anon’s head a kiss which invites a small shudder from you.
  105. >Celly lifts her head one last time and grins.
  106. >”You’ve done well this morning, but I’m in charge now, little man.”
  108. >Your heart beats faster as your wife lowers herself to the floor.
  109. >She has to roll onto her side, else her massive belly would prevent her from reaching that which she desires.
  110. >The mare puts one of her slender ears up next to your balls, and flickers it to tease your cock yet again. God, you didn’t know until she touched them how taut and full to bursting they were.
  111. >”Awwww. Poor baby. I had no idea you were so pent up. I can hear that hot cum roiling about inside...”
  112. >Celestia’s dirty talk was much different than that of other mares. You think. You haven’t been with anyone else. But it sounds so refined.
  113. >”Young man, you need to take better care of yourself. Remember… Mommy’s here for you whenever you need to… release.”
  114. >She bats her eyelashes up at you from your lap and gives each of your swollen balls a kiss.
  115. >They clench, and a few seconds later a bead of pre forms on your tip.
  116. >Celly pushes out her long tongue and slowly licks up from your balls, dragging it forcefully up the underside of your shaft before flicking the head.
  117. >You’re unable to contain your moan and your legs tremble.
  119. >The alicorn carrying your children opens her mouth and suckles on your swollen tip, swirling her tongue about as she makes sucking noises.
  120. >You grip your shirt and look down at her, meeting her piercing purple gaze. She chuckles and that makes you extra nervous.
  121. ”Celly, no, I can’t...”
  122. >She doesn’t listen. In one swift motion, your wife lowers her head, sliding every last inch of your rigid cock past her lips and down her throat and gives your base a loving kiss, nuzzling your tummy with her nose.
  123. >You scream.
  124. >You’d gotten better at containing yourself ever since you and Celestia began having sex, but nothing could change the fact that deep down, you were a screamer.
  125. >And Celestia loved to make you scream.
  126. >Her throat tightens and her tongue strokes up and down your cock as you moan, sucking hard before she slides her lips back up just enough to keep your glans in her mouth before sliding back down again.
  127. >Once again she teases you with her tongue, making sure it stays stuck out enough to lap at your balls as she kisses your lap again.
  128. >Up and down she goes, slowly at first, but working faster and faster to a steady rhythm which keeps you singing with lust. You can only hope the neighbors don’t hear.
  129. >They’re about to.
  130. >Just when you think you’re getting a grip on yourself, your wife begins humming one of those songs Twilight and her friends sing.
  131. >Sweet heaven, the vibrations!
  132. >If the neighbors didn’t know what terrible things your wife was doing to you, they certainly do, now!
  133. >The sensory overload gets to be too much.
  134. >Your toes curl and uncurl.
  135. >You close your eyes and your voice cracks.
  136. >Before the end, as you think you’re about to pass out, you grab your wife’s head and pull down. She yelps at first but doesn’t protest. This is what she wants, after all.
  137. >Your balls tug and a massive lump travels up your dick that Celestia can feel approaching your tip.
  138. >You erupt into her throat, ropes of cum shooting down to her stomach. She gulps you down, hungry for your cum, her swallowing coaxing even more spunk as the contractions pleasure your dick.
  139. >After the next few spurts, Celestia drags her head back up so that the rest of your climax stays in her mouth so she can taste it and savor it. She holds on to your cockhead to let you spend the last of yourself and then lets go with a pop. A trail of saliva follows her lips as she licks them, swallowing one last time with a gulp that echoes in the kitchen.
  140. >Celestia heaves herself up with a grunt and leans down to give your forehead a kiss.
  141. >”Thanks for the milk, dear.”
  142. >You simply nod, panting, your vision hazy.
  144. >The pregnant pony princess chuckles under her breath.
  145. >”Mmmmm. Momma’s tasty little treat. You’re a yummy little boy,” she says, licking her lips again to savor your flavor.
  146. >She leans down to kiss you again.
  147. >”And you make such cute noises.”
  148. “C-Celly, what if the neighbors heard?”
  149. >”Let them hear, little angel,” your wife teases.
  150. >”I’m sure they can surmise how I became sooooo big.”
  151. >You begin to protest, but then the mare turns around and begins walking away.
  152. >Good heavens, her ass is huge. Like a big morning sky.
  153. >Right then, you notice it. Celestia’s fleshy pink marehood. It glistens with wetness and winks at you.
  154. >Right at the same time as Celestia turns her head around to wink at you with her eyes.
  155. >Celestia’s aurora-like tail twitches, getting some of that feminine nectar on her hair.
  156. >She flicks her tail, tickling your face with the rainbow and filling your nostrils with her scent.
  157. >You protest.
  158. “No fair. You’re doing that on purpose.”
  159. >”Is it working?”
  160. “… Yes.”
  161. >Your wife narrows her eyes and smiles broadly.
  162. >”Well then. I guess you’d better follow me. I’m not done with you yet, young man.”
  163. >She sashays out of the kitchen, raising her tail to let you view that winking vulva, that shifting ass, those jiggling teats, and that swinging belly full of your babies kicking about inside.
  164. >You sit up and follow as if in a trance.
  166. >It isn’t long before Celestia’s bountiful butt has you hypnotized.
  167. >You admire how round and plump it is, how white its fur with just the smallest hint of a fuchsia tint.
  168. >The twin suns stamped on each side, perfect for knowing just where to place your grip and get nice handfuls of your wife’s posterior.
  169. >It’s also a good grip for sex.
  170. >You can’t help it.
  171. >You raise your arms up in a y position.
  172. “Praise the sun!”
  173. >Celestia shakes her head and rolls her eyes.
  174. >”Silly boy...”
  175. >You get a flick of her tail in your face for your dumb reference.
  176. >She doesn’t seem to mind the praising, however.
  177. >Celestia eventually makes it into the bedroom and lays down on a large, crescent shaped pillow that perfectly supports the princess and her protruding pregnant paunch.
  178. >She stifles an oof as she sets down, and rolls to give you a full view of your handiwork.
  179. >It’s enormous. So bright, and warm.
  180. >Like a sun, really.
  181. >The mare begins rubbing the top of the dome with her hoof as it jostles with restless foals.
  182. >“You’ve done quite a number on my body, young man,” she chastises. “Such a naughty boy.”
  183. “It’s not my fault. How could anyone resist you?”
  184. >Celestia raises a brow and looks down at the weapon that has bloated her body to the state it is in now. It’s even harder than before.
  185. >She smiles.
  186. >”Actions have consequences, dear. If you still haven’t learned your lesson, I’ll just have to teach you again and again… and again. Now get down here.”
  187. >The alicorn spreads open her wings and her limbs, inviting you down to join with her.
  188. >Her marehood glistens brightly in the morning light, sparkling like a sunlit lake.
  189. >You don’t want to disappoint, so you get on your knees and slowly descend, hugging your wife as she embraces you in her wings.
  191. >You nuzzle your wife’s enormous tummy and pepper it with kisses.
  192. >You can barely see Celestia’s horn just over the summit of her maternal mountain. Not being able to kiss her lips or see her face in this position is probably the only downside to the whole situation.
  193. >Celly doesn’t seem to mind too much. She folds her wings across your back, keeping you hugged close to her dome. Being held like this makes you feel warm, safe.
  194. >Loved.
  195. >”My Little Angel,” she coos.
  196. “I love you, Celly Belly.”
  197. >Your wife snickers at the new nickname you’ve given her since knocking her up.
  198. >“Prove it, dear.”
  199. >You accept her challenge, rubbing your rigid length across the sparsely furred belly. You dip your hands down to gently pinch at Celestia’s clitoris, eliciting a small hiss from the pony.
  200. >”Mmmmm.”
  201. >You’re starting to think that her belly might be one giant erogenous zone for the mare. She certainly enjoys having her belly touched. You grind your cock against her more, and she groans in response.
  202. “You like that?”
  203. >”Love it, dear. Keep going.”
  205. >You oblige, moving your hips and grinding lower and lower, reaching between those milky breasts of hers until eventually you feel your wife’s wetness against your still swollen balls. As your nuts glide across her pink nub once again, Celestia bites her lip.
  206. >”Don’t make me beg, honey...”
  207. >You look up at her, or try to.
  208. >You can’t really see her face past the belly.
  209. “Are you sure?”
  210. >You’re throbbing so hard, you can practically hear it.
  211. >”Please, angel. Mommy needs you inside her.”
  212. “Okay...”
  213. >You give her tummy one more kiss as you roll your hips forward, tip easily parting Celestia’s folds.
  214. >You glide inside her effortlessly, her passage so eager for your member that it’s gaping wide open for you.
  215. >A warm heat you could feel emenating from Celly’s pussy takes hold. The sensation of velvety wetness and smouldering flame becomes more intense the deeper you go.
  216. >Celestia gasps, her legs bucking as she feels you delve into her marehood. She trembles, causing her bloated milkers to quiver and jiggle before being sandwiched between her belly and your hips.
  217. >As you finally bottom out inside Celestia, that intense heat burns like the center of the sun.
  218. >But it doesn’t hurt.
  219. >It’s not even uncomfortable.
  220. >It feels amazing.
  221. >Right as you bottom out, you feel your cock being squeezed tight as Celestia lets out a deep moan.
  222. >She’s cumming already!
  223. “C-Celly… too tight...”
  224. >Your wife doesn’t listen however. But how could she? As her pussy spasms around your throbbing length, she stutters, her breathing all over the place.
  225. >You wrap your arms around the mare’s round gut for leverage and roll your hips as she squeezes you a few more times, her orgasm subsiding.
  226. >Her second this morning. But certainly not the last.
  227. >You know your wife, and you can tell by her breathing that there’s more work to be done.
  229. >”Nnnngh. Hah… Sorry,” Celestia pleads.
  230. >You feel her wings hug you close to her round middle. Your arms squeeze around it as your bare chest rubs against the thin, soft fur of your wife’s belly.
  231. >Eventually her tunnel loosens enough for you to start pumping again and you work faster this time, muffling your moans against the alicorn’s belly.
  232. >It begins to bob up and down as your thrusts rock your wife back and forth. Her swollen udders and bloated belly jostle lewdly in a quick rhythm as you drive your dick into the mare’s heat.
  233. “Look at you,” you tease, licking her tummy up to the button. “Jiggling around like that. You’re so big.”
  234. >You can tell Celly is blushing even if you can’t see her face.
  235. >”So glad… hah… you nnnng. Noticed...”
  236. >Her thighs close around you again, as does her marehood, but she’s wet enough that it doesn’t slow you down.
  237. >Then you feel yourself tightening. Your cock throbs harder and harder and your balls clench.
  238. ”Honey, I-”
  239. >“Stop talking and cum inside me, you animal.”
  240. >With the last bit of control you have you kiss your wife’s jiggling stomach and then squeeze it for dear life. You begin shaking as your orgasm overtakes you.
  241. >Those angel wings squeeze you again, reassuringly.
  242. >“I’ve got you… Let it out, stud.”
  243. >You slam your hips forward, sending ripples through the mare’s round flank and pour your seed into her, blasting her insides with steaming hot cum as your cock throbs over and over again.
  244. >You can barely hear yourself screaming Celestia’s name as your vision blurs and you keep filling the alicorn’s already stuffed womb.
  245. >Eventually, you go limp, barely aware of the world around you and the beating of your own heart in your ears.
  247. >You feel yourself being lifted up and down.
  248. >Celestia’s belly rises and falls with her breathing. You can hear her panting. It seems you did a good job.
  249. >You nuzzle your temporary mattress, drawing circles in the sparse fur with a finger. Then you realize you’re still inside the mare.
  250. >You let out a sigh and move your hips back but find you’re unable to get very far. Gosh, she’s still tight.
  251. >You try again and you swear she’s squeezing your member with her marehood to pull you back in.
  252. >You pull one last time to no avail, and Celestia’s snowy mountain of a belly quivers as she chuckles.
  253. “Celly?”
  254. >Once again you feel a heat building up. But not just from your wife’s snatch.
  255. >From her belly.
  256. >And her hips.
  257. >Her legs.
  258. >And her tail starts glowing red hot.
  259. “Uh oh...”
  261. >Celly laughs again, this time with a sinister tone. Her plump thighs squeeze you tight, locking you in.
  262. >Her tail bursts into flames, and your clothes alight, turning to ash that dissipates and is blown away almost instantly.
  263. “Honey? You okay?”
  264. >Suddenly, gravity shifts!
  265. >You land on your back, hips shoved to the ground!
  266. >Celestia’s massive belly slams into you, knocking the wind out of you!
  267. “UUUUUH!”
  268. >You can’t see much, even with the flames, as that stomach blocks your vision.
  269. >”What did you call me?”
  270. >Celestia, or rather, Daybreaker, sounds angry.
  271. “Hone-”
  272. >Daybreaker aggressively grinds that wide wall of fur against your face, smothering you.
  273. >“You will address me as Queen.”
  274. >It’s muffled by the belly, but you manage to speak.
  275. “Y-yes, My Queen.”
  276. >Daybreaker eases up, but only slightly, letting you breathe as her huge tummy rests on you.
  277. >She rolls her hips, grinding into your lap as her cunny leaks her fluids onto your balls.
  278. >”Good boy.”
  279. >Now that the world has stopped spinning, you groan. Even after all that’s happened, you’re still rock hard, trapped in a passage that squeezes you just as hard as you stretch it with every cock-swelling throb.
  282. >Daybreaker rolls her hips, grinding you into the floor with her plump ass and rounded stomach.
  283. >“Hold on tight, boy. The queen expects nothing but the best performance from her servants.”
  284. >Suddenly, your wife lifts her ass, her lips slipping up until only your very tip is still within her nethers.
  285. >Then she slams her hips down, landing once again on your lap with a wet slap as your cock is squeezed between her walls once more.
  286. >You manage to place your hands over each of Daybreaker’s cutie marks, the twin suns hot against your palms, as the alicorn begins to fuck you.
  287. >And she fucks you HARD.
  288. “M-m-my queen!”
  289. >Once again, you moan uncontrollably as the massive pony has her way with you, shaking your body every time she sends that ass home, slamming into your lap with the force of a supernova.
  290. >As exhilarating as it is, it feels like you’re in danger of being destroyed every time she brings her hips down, no matter how tightly you hold on!
  291. >Daybreaker laughs at your predicament.
  292. >”What’s the matter, my dear servant? Are you feeling the burn?”
  293. >Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!
  294. >”Or maybe it’s that my royal pussy is too tight for a mere mortal such as yourself!”
  295. >You scream into Daybreaker’s belly, pressing your face against it to muffle the embarrassing sounds you’re making.
  296. >”Oh, I see! It’s the belly! You can’t resist, can you? Seeing how big it is? Knowing it’s YOUR foals trapped inside?”
  297. >Somehow the mare above you manages to find even more energy. She begins to bob her hips up and down faster and faster.
  298. >”Pathetic. To think that… all it takes… is one look… at my big belly… and you’re completely horny and helpless like a filly in heat! Aaaahahahahahahaha!”
  300. >Your hands are still holding her flanks.
  301. >Pregnancy has made the mare’s ass bigger, yet softer.
  302. >You grip her butt firmly, digging your fingers in, holding on for dear life as she rides you!
  303. >No. This isn’t sex. This isn’t even fucking. This is rape!
  304. >And you’re loving every second of it.
  305. >You try to talk, but having your brains fucked out means speech is a bit beyond your capabilities.
  306. >You settle for moaning like a whore.
  307. >”Don’t give up on me now, my subject. The father of my foals should be able to do better! Show some spine!”
  308. >She brings her ass down harder than ever, the smack stinging and making your legs kick in reflex!
  309. >You squeeze her ass tighter and with your right hand give her cutie mark a hard slap that jiggles the pliant flesh.
  310. >You follow it up with a mighty thrust of your cock that kisses Daybreaker’s hot cervix.
  311. >She bellows.
  312. >”Uuuuaaah! Much better! Seems you’ve got some FIRE in you, after all!”
  313. >She licks her lips.
  314. >You try thrusting again, the equine’s ass beating you back down every time you try. But the attempt seems to work! She tosses her head back and lets her tongue loll out of her mouth.
  315. >Not that you can see, of course. Your babies are blocking the way, behind an eclipsing dome of white fur.
  316. >You lick it.
  317. >”Yes! Fuck! Worship my belly!”
  319. >You can feel your queen’s flaming tail tease your hands as it swishes and flickers wildly.
  320. >Daybreaker tosses her hair back as you keep licking, matting that fur on her belly, and in response she continues to smother you and grind her gravid gut against your smooth body.
  321. >You barely manage to reach the bellybutton, opening your lips and wrapping them around that protruding navel.
  322. >Daybreaker growls with excitement and slides her cunt over your cock even faster. A mixture of precum, mare nectar, and milk has both of your laps soaked by now, even with the intense heat of the queen’s mane and tail.
  323. >Your toes curl and you feel a tug at the base of your balls.
  324. “M-mfff. My queen,” you manage to say between shallow breaths. “I’m close.”
  325. >Your hips go into overdrive to meet the mare’s, her ass’ rippling barely dampened by your firm grip on her flanks.
  326. >”Give me your cum,” she demands with a snarl. “Every last drop belongs to ME!”
  327. >The both of you give it your all until finally, your wife slams her hips down so hard your legs go momentarily numb. The shock makes you bite onto her bellybutton.
  328. >Her pussy throttles your cock.
  329. >Your balls quake.
  330. >You slap her ass and hold firmly onto it, your dick as deep into Daybreaker as it can go.
  331. >Your mind goes blank, and you can barely make out the equine’s triumphant scream as your cock erupts inside her and her pussy spasms around it, wringing every last drop from it as you spurt load after load into her.
  332. >The both of you ride the waves of ecstasy for what seems like hours, the room getting hotter and hotter as the flames of passion expand.
  333. >As soon as you hear Daybreaker exhale, you feel your balls go empty.
  334. >And then the emergency sprinklers turn on.
  337. >Instantly, the room is engulfed in steam.
  338. >A rather clever way to make a sauna.
  339. >The steam thins.
  340. >Celestia, and the room, are completely drenched as water continues to rain down from the sprinklers.
  341. >The alicorn parts her soaked mane with her magic, revealing her nonplussed face.
  342. >She sighs, then chuckles.
  343. >”I suppose I got carried away,” she says, still breathing heavily.
  344. >Not hearing a reply, she grows worried.
  345. >”Angel? Angel, are you okay?”
  346. >She shifts from side to side, trying to get up, but as it stands, all she does is rock her belly and ass all over you, your length still lodged inside.
  347. >Finally, you become conscious enough to speak.
  348. >You turn your head away from the sopping wet fur so you can assuage your wife.
  349. “Sorry… I think I passed out for a second… I’m fine.”
  350. >You still feel quite exhausted.
  351. >You hear Celestia give a sigh of relief.
  352. >”Thank God. I thought I’d hurt you. I shouldn’t have gotten carried away like that.”
  353. >You pat her belly reassuringly, making a wet slapping noise against the soaked fur.
  354. “No, it… you’re good… It was… really hot… actually... Heheh...”
  355. >”Figuratively or-”
  356. “Both.”
  357. >”I see. Well then, I’ll keep that in mind. For future use, of course.”
  358. >Celestia looks up at the raining water and uses her magic to turn off the emergency sprinklers.
  359. >She laughs and musters up a spell to clean up her mess, a massive orb of water growing as all the moisture in the room is gathered up into one ball.
  360. >You can’t see the ball of water, but you can see and feel the water getting sucked up from where you are.
  361. “Where’d you learn that?”
  362. >”A trick I learned from Twilight. She made it after an experiment gone… well, sideways.”
  363. >She tosses the ball out the window and onto the grass
  364. >Between the sun outside and the open window, Celly herself is getting a bit drier. So are you.
  365. >You pat her middle again.
  366. “Celly Belly? Can I get up, now?”
  367. >You receive another grind from the belly above you.
  368. >”I don’t know. I rather like you down there, dear.” She rolls her hips. “Besides, I’m feeling a bit tired. I think a nap is in order.”
  369. >What a tease.
  370. >She’s right though. A nap does sound nice. There’s no harm in sleeping in, after all.
  371. >It doesn’t hurt that you get to stay inside those folds and beneath that massive, soft dome of sexy energy that was your wife’s belly.
  372. >You rub it gently and sigh, closing your eyes as Celestia adjusts the pregnancy pillow around her rump so the both of you are more comfortable.
  373. >As you drift off into slumber once more, you hear your wife gently speak.
  374. >”I love you, my angel.”

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff