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Big Apple

By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2022-04-04 10:08:06
Updated: 2022-05-22 07:30:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Big Apple
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be at Sweet Apple Acres
  7. >It’s early fall. The trees have just started to turn colors. The greens subtly give way to yellow. The air is noticeably cooler than just a few weeks ago.
  8. >Harvest time for a majority of apple cultivars in this part of Equestria.
  9. >It’s already noon, with the sun high in the sky beating down on you as you carry a bushel of Red Delicious over to a large wagon.
  10. >You wipe sweat from your forehead but some makes it in your eyes. It stings.
  11. >After your eyes clear you grab a new basket and head on back where you came from.
  12. >You hear a loud THUNK and the rustling of leaves, followed by a hundred little thuds.
  13. >It’s a sound that makes you more and more worried every time you hear it.
  14. >You see her underneath a tree full of ripe, juicy apples.
  15. >An orange mare with hair like a golden field of wheat glistening under the sun.
  16. >Applejack.
  17. >Your wife.
  18. >And as of several seasons ago, the soon-to-be-mother of your first child.
  19. >You wince as you see her bring both legs up and explode at the tree trunk, shaking down another bunch of apples that land on the grass.
  20. >Without even pausing, she waddles awkwardly towards the next tree.
  21. >You watch her go and take in the view.
  22. >Applejack’s body glistens with sweat.
  23. >It’s been building up over the past hour, her orange fur giving off a dramatic sheen that dances about with every movement.
  24. >It accentuates and exaggerates every detail of her equine form.
  25. >That plump, round ass of hers that sways from side to side. So firm from how muscular it is but very fun to knead as you can attest to.
  26. >That gorgeous tail that scatters the golden light as it swishes.
  27. >Those strong, sturdy legs made thick through a lifetime of hard, grueling work. The well-defined sinews which can be clearly seen even underneath a layer of orange fur. Solid tree trunks which all support that which is most precious to both of you.
  28. >Your foal.
  29. >Swinging dramatically under your wife is a belly of epic proportions. The round, orange globe moves in a rhythm echoing Applejack’s hoofsteps. It’s so big it juts out from both sides of the Earth Pony, a sight that makes you giggle in spite of yourself.
  30. >”Y’all enjoyin’ the view back there?”
  31. >You stop laughing. You’ve been caught!
  32. ”No, ma’am.”
  33. >”Yer a bad liar, Sugarcube,” Applejack says.
  34. >She looks up at the branches of her next target, checking to make sure the apples are at the perfect ripeness for harvesting.
  35. >You hesitate before voicing your concern.
  36. “You sure you don’t wanna slow down? Take a break?”
  37. >Applejack gives an exasperated sigh.
  38. >“Y’all have been askin’ that since ten-o’-clock, Sugarcube. Ah’m fine.”
  39. >You gather up all the apples from her most recent tree and put them in the basket.
  40. “I’m just saying you don’t have to push yourself so hard.”
  41. >”Yes Ah… do,” she replies with a grunt as she bucks another apple tree.
  42. >”It’s Applebuckin’ Season, boy,” your wife replies, panting softly.
  43. >”It’s all hands on deck! Big Mac n’ Applebloom are workin’ the sourth orchard today. Even Granny Smith is doin’ sortin’. Everypony’s gotta do their part!”
  44. >You put the most recent bushel on the wagon and grab a new basket.
  45. “Not everypony is pregnant, Applejack...”
  46. >Applejack glances back at you, annoyed.
  47. >She then waddles towards the next tree.
  48. >In her heavy state, each hoofstep is audible and defined.
  49. >”We ain’t like yer human womenfolk, Sugarcube. Us mares can keep it up right until birthin’. Mah ma worked through all three of her pregnancies. And Granny Smith bucked ten trees while in labor!”
  50. >”And Ah’ll kindly ask ya not to mouth mah words behind mah BACK!”
  51. >THUNK!
  52. >Rustle.
  53. >Thudthudthudthudthud.
  54. >You’ve had this conversation almost memorized the past few weeks. Thus the mouthing which apparently was not appreciated.
  55. >You walk over to the tree, meeting her halfway as she crosses over to the next one.
  56. >As she leaves the shade of the branches, her fur glistens in the light once more.
  57. “I can’t help it, Applejack. You and the baby mean everything to me. If either of you got hurt...”
  58. >Your words catch in your throat.
  59. “I just worry about you.”
  60. >Applejack looks up at you and her freckled face softens.
  61. >”Ah know ya do, Sugarcube.”
  62. >She pets your hip with a hoof before continuing on.
  63. >You keep gathering up apples while Applejack bucks them.
  64. >Normally you’d catch them as they fall, but your wife is a tad slower between trees what with the baby in her belly slowing her down.
  65. >She’s still quick and powerful, though, you have to admit.
  66. >You just can’t help but feel protective. It’s instinctual.
  67. >It’s easy to forget how strong she is, especially compared to the girls you knew back home.
  68. “I’m sorry to keep bringing it up, AJ.”
  69. >”Yer fine, Sugarcube.”
  70. >The Earth Pony grunts and kicks the next tree. Shiny red apples rain down and land safely to the ground.
  71. >You hustle up.
  72. “This year’s harvest looks really good. I can see my face in these apples.”
  73. >”Yeah, the weather’s been awful nice fer apples, this year. And we fertilized pretty good early on. Definitely paid off.”
  74. “Makes me excited for this year’s cider.”
  75. >AJ laughs.
  76. >”You an’ Dash, both. Course, she’ll have to make do with the non-alcoholic kind. Ya know, she has the same due date as me.”
  77. ”Yeah, my brother told me. He’s really excited. But I can’t help but wonder. How the hell is she able to fly like that?”
  78. >”Ah’ll ask her for ya, next time Ah see her. Ah’ll be sure to mention you.”
  79. “Please, no.”
  80. >Applejack smirks at you as you finish up your bushel.
  81. >On to the next one.
  82. >As Applejack passes by, you notice her breathing getting heavier.
  83. >A few larger drops of sweat roll down her face and flanks.
  84. >She’s a strong mare. A proud mare. But even still, she can’t hide everything.
  85. >Every time you walk by each other, there’s the scent of sour apples.
  86. >Seeing her disheveled and sweaty from hard toil in the sun.
  87. >It’s enough to drive a man crazy.
  88. >The fact that she’s pregnant and round in the middle just makes it better.
  89. >You’ve always had a thing for pregnant women, but you never understood why.
  90. >As AJ turns for another kick, she catches you staring.
  91. >”Don’t get too distracted, now. We still got lotsa work.”
  92. “I can’t help it. You keep getting bigger and bigger and that makes it harder and harder.”
  93. >”Now what exactly do ya mean by ‘harder?’”
  94. >You pause and then resume picking up apples.
  95. >”Gotcha there, didn’t Ah?”
  96. “I see my sense of humor is brushing off on you, finally.”
  97. >Applejack gives you a knowing look.
  98. >Another buck. Another bushel.
  99. >AJ pauses and pants. She closes her eyes as she catches her breath for a moment.
  100. >You can hear her panting even from several yards away.
  101. >Sweet Jesus, she looks hot when she gets like this.
  102. >Her chest moves in and out with every beleaguered breath.
  103. >She takes her hat off to fan herself, dewdrops falling down her face.
  104. >But she puts the hat back on and gets right back to it. No rest for the weary, or the preggy, as the case may be.
  105. >A few more trees later, and you pick up an especially juicy looking specimen.
  106. >You brush it off and take a bite, moaning at the taste and texture.
  107. >Applejack raises a brow.
  108. “It’s quality control,” you insist.
  109. >She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
  110. >”Silly boy.”
  111. >Once again, you watch your wife waddle awkwardly on towards the next apple tree.
  112. >Once again, you stare at her shapely, apple-shaped ass.
  113. >As you bite into the crisp apple, juices filling your mouth, you realize it’s not really apples you’re hungry for.
  114. >Applejack stops at the next tree and starts inspecting.
  115. >The light hits her flank, and her tail swishes just enough to let you get a look between her thigs.
  116. >The sweat rolling off her but has made her nethers glisten. Just barely.
  117. >You wonder if it’s just sweat. Applejack may act stoic but even she must be affected by the hormones coursing through her body.
  118. >There’s really only one way to find out.
  119. >But maybe now’s not the time. You two are busy with work, after all.
  120. >Then again, it’ wouldn’t be the first time you played while at work.
  121. >It would be so easy. It would be so exciting.
  122. >You snap.
  123. >You drop your apple and before you know it you’re right behind Applejack.
  124. >The mare doesn’t notice you, as she’s far too busy making sure this tree is ripe for the picking.
  125. >She’s still breathing heavily.
  126. >You lunge down.
  127. >You seize Applejack’s ass.
  128. >Instinctively, she tries to buck.
  129. >You hold her ulnae, preventing her from kicking you.
  130. >Just barely.
  131. >”Huuuaaaaahhhh!!!”
  132. >All this happens in a fraction of a second.
  133. >The mare snorts.
  134. >”What in tarnation!”
  135. >You bat away the thick, blonde tail and put your hands back on Apple’s rump, placing your thumbs on opposite sides of her marehood.
  136. >You pull.
  137. >“Guh!”
  138. >You spread your wife’s labia apart, revealing her pink insides.
  139. >Your suspicions are confirmed.
  140. >She’s wet!
  141. >You can smell the sweet, almost apple-like scent of her juices as you inhale.
  142. >You can’t help it.
  143. >You HAVE to have a taste!
  144. >You flick your tongue out at her slit.
  145. >”Sugarcube, what the hell do you think- haaauuuuhhhh!”
  146. >You lick again, and Applejack’s legs tremble.
  147. >She lowers her head. Her face blushes bright red, highlighting those white freckles of hers.
  148. >You squeeze her ass again, digging your fingers into her plush, pliant rear as you run your tongue all the way up the pony’s pussy.
  149. >God, she’s delicious.
  150. >You give her another lick and she moans again.
  151. >It’s music to your ears. Those heavy moans of hers. Maybe its the proud strength in her voice being brought down.
  152. >You want MORE.
  153. >You bring your face close and dive right in. Your tongue reaches inside the mare’s love tunnel, wiggling about in its search for more of that delectable nectar.
  154. “Mmmmmm.”
  155. >Your moans vibrate against Applejack’s pussy lips and her vulva winks in reaction. When it flares out again, her bulging clit presents itself.
  156. >You flick it with your tongue.
  157. >”HAH!”
  158. >The Earth Pony’s walls cave in, gently squeezing your tongue. She’s really feeling it, now.
  159. >Even her precious ponut puckers above you.
  160. >Her tail swishes about, batting you in the head.
  161. >But it does nothing to slow you down. You’re a man on a mission.
  162. >You slurp at the farm girl, holding those apple-bucking hips tight as you taste her over and over, pushing your pink spade in and out of her body.
  163. >The mare starts to pant faster, and her breath becomes ragged as she tries to fight her body’s reaction to your handiwork.
  164. >”We don’t… have time… y-you...”
  165. >You shut her up with a slap of her ass.
  166. >It jiggles for just a second, those strong muscles tightening up almost immediately.
  167. >AJ’s cunt winks again. More of her juices leak out.
  168. >That puckering ponut gapes and clenches repeatedly.
  169. >You come up for air, taking in the warm heat radiating from your wife’s snatch.
  170. >The sweet scent of her nethers mixes with the subtle musk of her sweat and her haunches.
  171. >Applejack turns her head around to glare at you.
  172. >”What the hell’re you thinkin’? Ya cain’t just jump on me like that! Ah could’ve bucked you into next we-”
  173. >You thrust your head forward and cut her off, sticking your tongue right back inside, your nose joining by its position as you search for more juices.
  174. >”Sunuva!”
  175. >Applejack stomps a rear hoof.
  176. >Her clit comes out again.
  177. >You flick it once more before rubbing your lips over the precious, pink nub.
  178. >AJ grits her teeth and wiggles her butt back and forth.
  179. >You slap her cutie mark and she grunts.
  180. >Her pussy clenches. She’s close.
  181. >Once more, you put your tongue back inside the mare and wiggle it around, pushing deep, burying your face in the Apple’s orange ass.
  182. >Her rear sets low.
  183. >Her pussy squeezes.
  184. >Her clitoris bulges.
  185. >Her asshole clenches.
  186. >With a moan that rustles the leaves above, AJ cums right onto your face.
  187. >Her juices flow like a waterfall out of her pussy, coating your nose all the way to your chin.
  188. >You drink up, thirsty for every last drop.
  189. >You nearly drown in the sap she gives you.
  190. >But you’re not quitter. You gulp down and keep gulping until she’s done.
  191. >After what seems like forever, the well runs dry, leaving a clean, glistening pony pussy trembling in front of you.
  192. >You lift your head and come up for air with a loud, desperate gasp.
  193. >Your vision is dark from lack of oxygen.
  194. >It takes a moment to regain balance.
  195. >You put your hands on your wife’s rump to hold yourself up.
  196. >Both of you need a minute to catch your breath.
  197. >You feel a sudden chill as the breeze runs across your soaked face.
  198. >Applejack’s tail almost smacks you as she turns to look at you.
  199. >”Sugarcube… what… what the hell?”
  200. >You grin sheepishly.
  201. “I, uh… I got thirsty.”
  202. >AJ’s face contorts into a vicious scowl.
  203. >”Why, Ah oughta!”
  204. >The pregnant mare wobbles threateningly to face you, pounding her hooves into the dirt even as her baby bump swings beneath her.
  205. >She paws at the ground and snorts, nostrils flaring.
  206. >She looks pissed!
  207. “AJ?”
  208. >Maybe you took it too far.
  209. >You stagger back and fall flat on your ass.
  210. >Your wife rushes forward, belly and all and you clench your eyes shut, preparing for impact.
  211. >Immediately, your eyes reopen in shock.
  212. >Applejack has locked her lips with yours.
  213. >She aggressively forces her mouth against your lips, breathing in deep only to let out a low moan.
  214. >Suddenly, she lets go and pulls back.
  215. >The pony stares at you from under her hat.
  216. >She still looks pissed.
  217. >”Darnit! Now look what’cha done. Ya got me all worked up!”
  218. >You blink.
  219. “Oh… wait, so I’m not in trouble?”
  220. >Applejack grins. You don’t like it. Okay, part of you likes it. It’s pretty hot.
  221. >”Oh, yer in trouble, alright. You got this girl goin’. Now y’all are gonna have to finish what’cha started.”
  222. >She pushes you onto your back with a hoof and leans down.
  223. >Her teeth bite your zipper and pull down.
  224. >Your cock violently bursts free. When you look down, even you are shocked by how big and rigid you are.
  225. >Your wife steps forward, her body blocking the sun.
  226. >Her belly drags across your dick, eliciting a moan from you as the fur tickles your tip.
  227. >You wiggle beneath your wife's monstrously massive gut.
  228. >Applejack chuckles.
  229. >She enjoys watching you squirm.
  230. >"You've got no one but yerself to blame, Sugarcube."
  231. >You wiggle.
  232. >”You ain’t as slick as you think ya are, boy. And Ah ain’t as helpless.”
  233. >She continues rubbing her baby bump all over you.
  234. >She certainly knows your weakness.
  235. >”Ah done told ya we got work to do. But didja listen? No.”
  236. >Your wife tilts her hat forward.
  237. >”You were too busy thinkin’ with your head down there instead of up here…”
  238. “AJ, I couldn’t help it, you-”
  239. >She covers your mouth with her bulging tummy, jutting her hips forward.
  240. >”No use talkin’ yer way outta this one, Sugarcube. Now you sit there an’ look pretty. And hold on tight.”
  241. >She lowers her hips, and you feel her heat waft over your throbbing dick.
  242. >”Cuz Ahm gonna ride you hard, today.”
  243. >Before you can protest, your manhood is swallowed up by Applejack’s hungry pussy.
  244. >She slides down on you and with a firm plap on your thighs, she rests on top of you.
  245. >Her fuzzy tummy rest on top of yours, emerging like a mountain in your vision.
  246. >You’re barely able to see her face over the top.
  247. >You twitch inside the mare and groan.
  248. ”So… heavy...”
  249. >”Now who’s fault is that, cowboy?”
  250. >Applejack chuckles and raises her hips.
  251. >You lift yours, yearning for her depths the second she withdraws.
  252. >With a thud, your hips are pounded back down by the farmgirl’s ass as she drops on you again.
  253. >Her walls clench and morph themselves to your shape as she rolls her hips around.
  254. >You reach up and place both hands on your lover’s cutie marks.
  255. >She places her hooves over them and begins riding you.
  256. “Ungh!”
  257. >Even with her heavy load, AJ knows how to work it.
  258. >With no help from you she’s able to push off the ground just enough to work up a cadence.
  259. >Her firm butt claps your thighs as her cunt glazes your dick with those sweet apple juices, her pulse thrumming all around your shaft.
  260. >Fucked on your back by a pregnant horse.
  261. >Somehow you know this is right.
  262. >You give those six apples a firm slap.
  263. >You shouldn’t have done that.
  264. >Applejack pauses.
  265. >”Before we go any further with this… Ah should probably tell ya...”
  266. >You moan and roll your hips. Why’d she stop?
  267. >”Ah’ve been doin’ Kegel exercises durin’ pregnancy.”
  268. >Before you can beg for mercy, Applejack slams down on you.
  269. >You shout out as she bottoms out on top of you.
  270. >When she pushes her hooves on the dirt, you feel a powerful tug.
  271. >Your ass is lifted off the ground and you gasp in confusion.
  272. “A… AJ...”
  273. >WHAM!
  274. >You’re slammed back into Earth!
  275. >Your pelvic bone vibrates from the impact.
  276. >But he feeling is incredible.
  277. >You see stars, and multiple orange bellies in front of you.
  278. >You’re lifted up again, your cock strangled by AJ’s powerful pelvic floor.
  279. >Again she slams you hard against the ground, shaking your body.
  280. >This is tightness beyond comprehension!
  281. >You swear everything is going dark.
  282. >The Earth Pony looks over her belly at you.
  283. >”Don’t pass out on me now, Sugarcube! We’re just gettin’ started!”
  284. >You pace your breathing, taking big gulps of air through your nose.
  285. >You have to time it just right, as your wife’s spherical stomach forces the air out of you every time she brings you down.
  286. >It helps you stave off unconsciousness.
  287. >You meekly thrust up every time you get ground pounded.
  288. >Your wife hollers excitedly. Seems she appreciates the effort.
  289. >”Wooooeeee! Ride ‘em, cowpony!”
  290. >You grab the orange pony’s protruding pregnant paunch and rub your hands over it.
  291. >AJ blushes and leans back slightly, pushing her bump further towards your face to let you play with it.
  292. >She doesn’t let up, however. Her ass and stomach pummel you faster and faster, her powerful pussy pulling your pulsating prick with unbelievable strength.
  293. >She grunts, her walls massaging themselves on your pole.
  294. >Every little nerve ending inside her passage is alight with pleasure as she works your cock.
  295. >As in control as she seems you can tell she’s in heaven, right now.
  296. >Sweat again rolls down her face and hips as she fucks you senseless.
  297. >Even her belly builds up a sheen in spite of the shade of the tree above you.
  298. >Your toes curl in your work boots as you feel your limit closing in.
  299. “Hah! Hah! Hah! App! Le! My! Balls!”
  300. >”Just hold ‘em off fer a few seconds!”
  301. >Applejack, leans forward, clapping you so hard you’re sure your thighs are bright red by now from the sting.
  302. >You clench your eyes shut and squeeze that belly.
  303. >”Almost there!”
  304. >She pleasures herself with every last inch of you.
  305. >Your balls and pants are soaked!
  306. >You protest again.
  307. >”Almost there...”
  308. “I can’t hold them!
  309. >You feel yourself lifted up in the air one last time before being body slammed so hard into the ground it shakes the trees!
  310. >Applejack shouts triumphantly as she cums on top of you, her belly quivering as her voice echoes through the orchard.
  311. >Your own orgasm assaults your body as everything flashes before you.
  312. >You give up a tremendous load into the pony’s body, a torrent of cum shooting out of you so hard and fast it almost hurts.
  313. >Your wife makes sure no drop is wasted, pushing her ass down on you hard so you’re as deep as can be when you unload.
  314. >Her belly expands and contracts with her heavy breathing as she cums in waves around you, milking your dick for every last drop of your orgasm.
  315. >Her tail swishes behind her and eventually, her cumming subsides.
  316. >She goes limp, leaning on her belly which rests on your chest.
  317. >You reach out and hold it, rubbing as much for security as anything else.
  318. >It’s a good thing Applejack’s pregnant body is on top of you.
  319. >You’ve been fucked so hard you feel like you could float away!
  320. >Your mare peers over her bloated middle to see if you’re okay.
  321. >”Alright there, Sugarcube?”
  322. >She pants and tosses her tied up mane aside.
  323. >You wheeze in response.
  324. >Applejack laughs.
  325. >”Bless yer heart.”
  326. >Applejack decides to take it easy on you.
  327. >She rolls to the side, and your cock slips out of her.
  328. >The pregnant pony grunts and pushes against the ground with her hooves.
  329. >A few of those and she’s able to lie next to you, her breath labored but stable.
  330. >”Whoa, nelly… Y’all sure know how to get a gal distracted.”
  331. >You don’t move. You’re not sure you can, just yet.
  332. ”Yeah… sorry about that.”
  333. >”Naw, don’t be. Ah reckon Ah needed that. Ah reckon Ah REALLY needed that.”
  334. “So… we good, AJ?”
  335. >Your wife turns her head to look at you. She smirks.
  336. >”Sugarcube, Ah could buck you ‘til the cows come home.”
  337. >You gulp nervously.
  338. >The cows don’t come home for at least another six hours.
  339. >”Heheh. Lucky fer you, Ah have a mighty fine work ethic. So no more buckin’ until we’re done.”
  340. >You sigh with relief.
  341. >You lay back for a few seconds and then try to get up.
  342. >It’s a rather pathetic sight.
  343. “AJ?”
  344. >”Mhm?”
  345. “I uh… can’t feel my legs.”
  346. >Applejack snorts and looks at you.
  347. >”Awww. Poor thang,” she teases.
  348. >”We should prob’ly take a break, anyhow. We-”
  349. >Applejack squirms.
  350. >”Whoah there.”
  351. >She looks down at the rising mountain of her enormous belly.
  352. >It blocks almost her entire view.
  353. “AJ?”
  354. >”Foal’s actin’ up, again. Guess we woke him up.”
  355. “Still convinced it’s a boy, huh?”
  356. >AJ gives you an incredulous look.
  357. >”You give these kicks a feel, an’ tell me that ain’t a boy.”
  358. >You lean over and place a hand on your wife’s big, round belly.
  359. >It’s slick with sweat, but not too warm thanks to it.
  360. >The orb subtly expands and contracts with the mare’s breathing.
  361. >Sure enough, you feel, even hear, a firm thump from within.
  362. >It’s magical.
  363. >Not in the way Discord or Rarity use it. This is much older. Much more powerful.
  364. >The magic you feel in your heart.
  365. >It brings a smile to your face.
  366. “Oh, wow. It’s unreal.”
  367. >You scoot closer and put both hands on the belly, placing your ear on it.
  368. >THUNK!
  369. “Ow!”
  370. >AJ laughs.
  371. >”Toldja it was a colt!”
  372. “Just one, huh? How did you get so big from just one baby?”
  373. >Applejack pats her tummy proudly.
  374. >”Must have got some of mah pa’s genes.”
  375. “No wonder he’s so strong.”
  376. >”Ah bet he got that from his pa”
  377. >You smile in spite of yourself.
  378. >Everyone knows that no matter how hard you try, you can’t ever seem to buck a tree like a pony can.
  379. >Not even hard enough for one apple.
  380. >Every now and then you’d give it a try, hoping to impress your wife.
  381. >She’d always have something encouraging to say, at least.
  382. >Yet, it was a constant reminder. You don’t really belong here.
  383. >The farmgirl sees the concern on your face.
  384. >”You alright, Sugarcube?”
  385. >You know better than to lie, even though the truth hurts to say.
  386. ”Not… not really.”
  387. >She nods.
  388. ”Look, back home… it’s like no matter how hard I tried, I could never succeed. And this?”
  389. >You feel a hoof on your hand.
  390. >Your chest feels heavy.
  391. “I’m terrified, Applejack… I’ve always come up short in life and this is the one thing I can’t afford to screw up on! It’s someone’s, er, somepony’s life on the line!”
  392. >You can already feel the tears welling up.
  393. “I don’t… I don’t know if...”
  394. >AJ furrows her brow.
  395. >”Now, listen here, boy. Ah ain’t about to let you sit here and feel sorry for yerself. An’ Ah’m not gonna tolerate this kinda attitude when the foal gets here.”
  396. >You wince at Applejack’s words.
  397. >At yourself.
  398. >”Sugarcube, look at me… Look at me!”
  399. >The mare grabs your face with both hooves and pulls your face close to hers.
  400. >Her face softens.
  401. >”Sugercube...”
  402. >She sighs.
  403. >”Yer a good husband. Ah wouldnt’ve married you if you weren’t a good man. And Ah know you’ll be a good father.”
  404. >You hold on to one of her hooves and squeeze gently.
  405. “It’s hard, AJ.
  406. >”Ah know it is. Nothin’ worth doin’ is easy. But you’ve never let that stop ya from tryin’. Even if you didn’t succeed.”
  407. >She does have a point.
  408. >”Y’all came here to a new place all of a sudden. With all sortsa new rules an everything so topsy turvy you didn’t know what was goin’ on. But you found yer way and managed to fit in in no time at all!”
  409. “And I managed to convince an element to marry me.”
  410. >The mare chuckles.
  411. >”Yeah, that too.”
  412. >You feel a bit more stable.
  413. >”Now, there’s gonna be some days harder than others. But that’s what family’s for. And ya got yer folks back home, folks here. And ya got me, Sugarcube.”
  414. “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
  415. >”Ah’m gonna have mah hard days, too. So Ah need you to be mah big strong stud, alright? We both need you.”
  416. >Your wife takes your hand and holds it to her pregnant stomach.
  417. >You feel your foal’s heartbeat.
  418. >AJ’s hat rides up as she presses her forehead to yours and closes her eyes.
  419. “I’m sorry.”
  420. >”Yer alright.”
  421. >Applejack kisses you gently.
  422. >”Ah love you, Sugarcube.”
  423. >You gently scratch Applejack’s belly as you hold each other.
  424. >That heartbeat is pretty cute.
  425. >You think you may as well give another listen.
  426. >Hopefully ‘he’ won’t kick you again.
  427. >As you place your ear to the mare’s middle, she runs a hoof through your hair.
  428. >You hear it. Your baby’s heartbeat.
  429. >You smile and rub the tummy in slow circles.
  430. >The joy is interrupted.
  432. “AJ, what the f-”
  433. >You stifle a laugh.
  434. >AJ covers her face with her hat.
  435. >”Sorry ‘bout that.”
  436. “Lunch time?”
  437. >”Hahahah! Yeah!”
  438. >The two of you literally enjoy the fruits of your labor and relax under one of the apple trees.
  439. >Your wife takes her hat off and sets it by her side.
  440. >She tosses up an apple and crushes it with one bite.
  441. >”Mmmmmm. Mighty fine harvest this year.”
  442. “Yeah, the sweetness really comes through. And it’s not too mealy, thank God.”
  443. >”Mealy?”
  444. “Yeah. Back home, Red Delicious are starting to get super mealy. It’s gross.”
  445. >”They ain’t delicious no more, is what yer sayin’?”
  446. >You nod.
  447. ”These, on the other hand…”
  448. >You take a bite and moan.
  449. “Prrfffct.”
  450. >AJ smiles.
  451. >”We do ‘em right, ‘round here. We ain’t called ‘Apple’ fer nothin’.”
  452. >Your eyes brighten.
  453. “Hey, that reminds me. Names! We should start thinking of names for the baby, right?”
  454. >”Got any bright ideas, Sugarcube?”
  455. “No, that was your dad’s name.”
  456. >The orange mare chuckles.
  457. “Nono, I was thinking. I dunno. Big Apple?”
  458. >”Like Manehattan? That could work. He’s gonna be big, alright.”
  459. >She hefts up her belly for emphasis. It plops heavily in her lap.
  460. ”Maybe Big Apple is a better name for YOU.”
  461. >The Earth Pony rolls her eyes.
  462. >”What about Bright Butter?”
  463. “Apple Bright Butter or Butter Bright Apple?”
  464. >”Either or.”
  465. “I mean, maybe… so they’d be either Apple Butter or Bright Apple. Bright being the middle name, either way...”
  466. >”Ya like it?”
  467. “You know what? I do!”
  468. >”Big Bright Apple ain’t too shabby, neither.”
  469. “Well, we still have time to pick something.”
  470. >”Don’t forget, big guy. Once this big boy’s out, we’re plantin’ more apple seeds.”
  471. >She winks at you.
  472. >”So we’ll need all the names we can come up with.”
  473. >You grin.
  474. “Think your belly can handle it?”
  475. >AJ runs a hoof down the middle, accentuating the curve of her baby bump.
  476. >”This ol’ girl? Ah think she can handle whatever you can pump into her. She was made fer babymakin’.”
  477. >You smile.
  478. >”So what you’re saying is...”
  479. >Applejack leans her head back and looks right at you.
  480. >She slaps the top of her belly.
  481. >”This bad girl can fit so many buckin’ foals foals in it.”
  482. “Yaaaaay! You said the thing!”
  483. >You reach over and squeeze your mare and she wiggles in your grip.
  484. >”Doesn’t take much to make ya happy, does it.”
  485. “Nope.”
  486. >You kiss her freckled cheek.
  487. “Just you.”
  488. >Applejack nuzzles your head with her snout.
  489. >”Right back atcha, loverboy.”
  490. >Her fuzzy body feels so great next to you.
  491. >The shade, the fall breeze.
  492. >It’s a shame it can’t last forever. A farmer’s work is never done.
  493. >Your partner does let the break go on for a while though.
  494. >You enjoy it while it lasts.
  495. >”Ready to get back to work, Sugarcube?”
  496. ”Mmmmm. Yeah.”
  497. >You stand up, adjusting your shirt and pants while you watch Applejack roll herself to her hooves.
  498. >She does so without complaint or fuss.
  499. >How’d you land such a strong, stalwart mare?
  500. >You glance up at the tree you two were under.
  501. >It looks ripe enough.
  502. >You turn away from it, place your feet firmly on the ground.
  503. >Lift up.
  504. >Thud!
  505. >But nothing happens.
  506. >AJ looks at you and snickers.
  507. >”Gotta admire yer gumption, boy. You sure keep tryin’.”
  508. “Was worth a shot, at least.”
  509. >Your wife ambles over to you, her belly swinging from side to side.
  510. >”Ya chose a pretty good one, though. Let’s git r’ done.”
  511. >THUNK!
  512. >Dozens of juicy, ripe apples fall down like crimson rain.
  513. >You pack them all up in baskets and bring the cart further along.
  514. >The two of you keep up the pace from before, despite your extracurricular workout.
  515. “You think we’ll keep pace with Big Mac and Applebloom?”
  516. >”Ah doubt it. Ah hate to admit it, but the belly IS slowin’ me down.”
  517. “I’ve noticed. But I like watching you waddle.”
  518. >”Yeah, Ah betchyou do, ya little pervert.”
  519. “’Little,’ she says. I’m literally taller than Celestia.”
  520. >”Awwww, quitcher whinin’, big guy. Time’s a-wastin’.”
  521. >You obey your lovely wife and the two of you DO manage to harvest a good number of trees for the day.
  522. >Efficiency makes up for slowness sometimes, as both of you have learned over the past few years.
  523. >A few more hours pass, and the sun begins to gently fall towards the distant hills.
  524. >The warm, amber glow of the sunset pours over the orchards of Sweet Apple Acres.
  525. >Your wife waddles, staggers really, to another tree.
  526. >She’s soaked with sweat, and her breathing is heavier than ever.
  527. >She turns to ready another kick.
  528. “AJ? Honey?”
  529. >She pauses, looking annoyed.
  530. >”Yeah?”
  531. >You walk towards her and lean down, patting the side of her baby bump.
  532. “Why don’t you head on back to the barn. I’ll finish up here and meet you there, alright?”
  533. >The orange Earth Pony looks at you like she’s about to give you a mouthful.
  534. >Yet she relents, sighing, and nods.
  535. >”Yeah. Ah reckon Ah should. You win, Sugarcube.”
  536. “Kiss?”
  537. >Your wife nods and kisses you softly on the lips before heading on back down towards the homestead.
  538. >As promised, you gather up the last few bushels, secure the cart, and lift the ends up.
  539. >You don’t have a harness like your brother-in-law, but your hands manage just fine.
  540. >You enjoy the walk back, looking at the empty trees as you walk by.
  541. >You realize just how much you and your wife have accomplished.
  542. >It’s a blessing, getting to work alongside your best friend every day.
  543. >That she has that country charm and good looks certainly helps the work feel less like work.
  544. >Eventually, you make it back to the barn and push the cart inside.
  545. >Big McIntosh and Applebloom’s cart is already inside.
  546. >In the corner you see your wife collapsed on a pile of straw.
  547. >Her hat covers her face.
  548. “Wow, you really were exhausted.”
  549. >”Ah overdid it, didn’t Ah?”
  550. >Her voice is muffled by the hat.
  551. “Yeah… But you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t.”
  552. >The mare sighs with self-abasement.
  553. >You pause and contemplate the orange gal.
  554. >Even covered in sweat, dirt, and hay, she’s gorgeous.
  555. >You ponder lewd thoughts and peek out the barn door.
  556. >Granny Smith is out at a table finishing up sorting.
  557. >You shut the door and lower the bar.
  558. “Sooo...”
  559. >You saunter over to AJ.
  560. “Earlier, you said you could fuck me ‘til the cows came home.”
  561. >The Earth Pony lowers her hat and looks up at you.
  562. >”That was before Ah was all plum tuckered out.”
  563. >You shrug and raise your arms to stretch, lacing your fingers.
  564. “That’s a shame.”
  565. >You groan.
  566. “I’m so horny I could fuck a horse.”
  567. >You bend back, jutting your waist towards AJ’s face.
  568. >The sizable bulge in your jeans is mere inches from her snout.
  569. >”Well, now that’cha mention it, the cows don’t come home fer another ten minutes.”
  570. >You grin.
  571. >AJ sets her hat to the side and spreads herself out on the straw.
  572. >”Ah reckon’ a roll in the hay before supper couldn’t hurt.”
  573. >Just what you like to hear.
  574. >You drop your jeans and crouch, reaching under Applejack to scoop her hips up by her butt.
  575. >You kiss her neck and rub your face against hers, nuzzling her.
  576. >She laughs, wrapping her hooves around your neck.
  577. >Hay rustles about as you both grind against each other.
  578. >Your cock slides across your wife’s fuzzy belly.
  579. >You nibble one of her orange ears.
  580. >”Heheh. Well ain’t you a buckin’ bronco, tonight. ‘Fraid Ah’ll run away on ya?”
  581. >You clap her belly with both hands.
  582. “Naw.”
  583. >”You like this big ol’ belly so much, y’all better keep me full o’ foals fer years to come, ya hear?”
  584. “Oh, of course, ma’am.”
  585. >AJ narrows her eyes and smirks.
  586. >”Good boy.”
  587. >You keep grinding your cock on her middle and gently bite her neck.
  588. >”Mmmf. Sugarcube?”
  589. “Mmm?”
  590. >”Sugarcube, get that shirt off an’ let me get a gander at those muscles o’ yer’s.”
  591. >You smile.
  592. >The past few years of working for the Apples had given you a body you could be proud of.
  593. >You looked like the rugged, yet waxed, tan cowboy you see on the cover of those trashy romance novels they market to women back home.
  594. >Apparently, mares like it, too.
  595. >So this is what it felt like to be wanted.
  596. >You oblige your wife and unbutton your shirt.
  597. >Almost as fast as you can toss it aside, she’s rubbing her hooves all over your chest.
  598. >”Mmmmm. That’s what Ah like to see.”
  599. >She continues down your pecs and over the well-defined six pack you have.
  600. >Before you know it she’s made you a human salt lick, running her tongue over your sweat-drenched chest.
  601. >It tickles.
  602. “Hahahaha! AJ! What are you doing?”
  603. >Enjoying herself, apparently.
  604. >She holds you close and gives your nipple a flick with her tongue.
  605. “Now that’s playing dirty.”
  606. >She pauses, giving you a short reprieve.
  607. >”What’s our rule, Sugarcube?”
  608. “Work hard. Buck hard.”
  609. >”Yer darn tootin’.”
  610. >You up the ante and heft AJ further up on the pile of hay.
  611. >You press your dick between her breasts, grinding your hips into her swollen milkers.
  612. >”How bout’cha quit teasin’ this ol’ gal and get to the real rodeo.”
  613. >You peck the girl on the nose.
  614. “If you insist.”
  615. >You drop your hips and thrust forward.
  616. >She’s already dripping wet, and she practically sucks you in as you drive up into her.
  617. >Applejack grunts and bites her lip, closing her eyes.
  618. >Your hands are still wrapped under her soft butt, her legs pressed against your arms.
  619. “Jeez, you’re wet...”
  620. >”Hard to stay dry around you, Sugarcube.”
  621. >Your cock bucks and you press your hips firmly against AJ’s fuzzy orange body.
  622. >Her belly gets smushed against yours.
  623. >It’s so warm, and fuzzy, and firm.
  624. >Much like the rest of her.
  625. >You reach down and nibble her ear again, rolling your hips.
  626. >Her pussy suckles you, that clit of hers coming out to play.
  627. >You decide to stop stalling.
  628. >You pull out of the mare, no easy feat considering her sugar walls’ vice-like grip.
  629. >Then you slam your hips home, making her belly bob.
  630. >”Whoah, Nelly… “
  631. “Ya like that?”
  632. >”Less talkin’, more buckin’, bucko.”
  633. >You squeeze those apples hard again, feeling your groin tackle AJ’s clitoris once more.
  634. >Based on her grunt of approval, she likes it.
  635. >You keep going, pounding and pounding away at the farmgirl’s fertile flower.
  636. >She reaches out and pulls you close, panting onto your chest as you fuck her.
  637. >The rustling of the hay matches the rhythm of your thrusting.
  638. >Your cock delves deep with each and every buck of your hips.
  639. >It glides across the hills and valleys that form your wife’s tight interior, stimulating her senses.
  640. >In return, her ridges tease and tickle your needy cock, which bucks and throbs eagerly as you do your best to satisfy the mother of your foal.
  641. >That hanging tongue of hers seems to indicate you’re doing a great job.
  642. >She hugs you tight with her legs.
  643. >Her enormous gut wobbles every time your hips meet her ass.
  644. >And every time that happens, your cock gets strangled by her powerful pussy.
  645. >Your hands somehow migrate to the belly cradling your baby.
  646. >They glide across the taut, furry surface, giving a squeeze every now and then.
  647. >Maybe even a playful slap.
  648. >That earns a giggle from her.
  649. >God, she’s so cute.
  650. >Your bury your dick inside her over and over and she takes it all so easily.
  651. >She’s tough like that.
  652. >”Just like that, Sugarcube. Don’t stop.”
  653. >As you give her more and more, the sensation overwhelms her.
  654. >She shuts her eyes.
  655. >She moans louder and louder.
  656. >Her voice echoes in the rafters of the barn.
  657. >You both work up a sweat.
  658. >Your back and chest glisten, highlighting your chiseled physique.
  659. >Applejack’s thighs squeeze you.
  660. >”Sugarcube, Ah’m...”
  661. >You slam your hips forward, shaking the little pony’s fecund form.
  662. >She shouts!
  663. >Her marehood clenches around you and you lose it so fast you barely realize it.
  664. >Jets of cum burst into the tiny horse, which her pussy drinks up eagerly.
  665. >AJ kicks and quivers with ecstasy under you, her forelegs slamming down on the straw as she arches her back.
  666. >Your fingers grope and glide through the fur on your wife’s belly as you keep her orgasm going as long as possible.
  667. >That big, wide belly expands and contracts rapidly with her breath.
  668. >Then it slows.
  669. >You roll your hips, stirring her insides with your cock until finally, AJ lets out a long breath.
  670. >”Pheeeeewee! What a way to end work!”
  671. >You grin as a drip of sweat falls off your nose and lands on AJ’s bellybutton.
  672. “Thanks, AJ.”
  673. >”Awwww, don’t mention it, Sugarcube. You know Ah’m always up fer some lovin’, even if Ah’m tired somethin’ awful. Just as long as y’all don’t mind doin’ the heavy liftin’.”
  674. “It’d be EXTRA heavy lifting, now.”
  675. >You pat her tummy for emphasis.
  676. >Applejack picks up her hat and playfully swats you with it.
  677. >“Why you ornery little...”
  678. >You retaliate by tickling her tummy.
  679. >AJ scrunches her snout.
  680. >”Don’tchu dare...”
  681. “Tickletickletickle!”
  682. >The pony bursts into laughter. She kicks and wiggles as her belly is tortured.
  683. >She manages to roll forward just enough to pull you close.
  684. “Whu-”
  685. >AJ rolls you onto your back, pinning you to the straw pile.
  686. >You roll her back.
  687. >She keeps going!
  688. >The two of you try to get the upper hand on each other, laughing all the while until you hear something.
  689. >Dingalingaling!
  690. >”Soup’s on, everypony!”
  691. >You both pause.
  692. >”Suppertime, farmhand. We best not keep Granny waitin’.
  693. “Shouldn’t we wash up, first?”
  694. >You pick one of many pieces of straw off of the mare.
  695. >Your wife points at you.
  696. >”Good call. Less questions that way.”
  697. >The two of you stop by the well and have quick rinse before heading inside the house.
  698. >Granny Smith has two pots simmering, as well as a helping of cornbread in a cast iron skillet.
  699. >Something smells really good.
  700. >Big Mac, Applebloom, and Sugar Belle are already at the table, chatting away.
  701. >Well, Applebloom and Sugar Belle are. Big Mac occasionally interjects with an “Eeyup.”
  702. >”Sorry we’re late, Granny,” AJ says, waddling over to the old mare.
  703. >”Foals were actin’ up somethin’ fierce.”
  704. >Granny Smith glances at you and then her granddaughter.
  705. >”Y’all don’t have to tell stories. Ah wasn’t born yesterd’y.”
  706. >The Element of Honesty was not a very good liar.
  707. >You liked that about her.
  708. >The silence is broken by barking.
  709. >Winona must have seen you and AJ because she runs up to nuzzle both of you.
  710. >You scoop the small dog up and she licks your face.
  711. >”Ah just hope whatever fun you two were up to gave y’all a big appetite. Ah’m tryin’ somethin’ diff’rnt, tonight.”
  712. >Applejack rubs the back of her head, blushing.
  713. >”Well uh… You know, me in mah condition. I’m pretty sure all three of us are hankerin’ for whatever it is yer fixin’, Granny.”
  714. “What is it, exactly? Smells good.”
  715. >Granny opens up the two pots.
  716. >Winona’s tail wags eagerly.
  717. >”It’s a recipe Ah got from them swamp ponies we deliver pies to. Seemed perty tasty, so Ah fig’red Ah’d give it a whirl.”
  718. >You look inside and recognize it instantly.
  719. “Red beans and rice!”
  720. >Granny looks at you.
  721. >”You’ve seen this before?”
  722. “Mhm. It’s a Creole dish from Louisiana. I’ve never had it before, though.”
  723. >”Well, tonight’s yer lucky night, young feller. Everypony come gitcherselves a bowl!”
  724. >Everyone stands in line to be served, and pretty soon all are at the table.
  725. >Blessings are said, and you bring the first spoonfull to your lips, blowing it off.
  726. >Eventually it’s cool enough to take a bite.
  727. >It’s delicious!
  728. “Mmmmmm...”
  729. >”Eeeeeeyup!”
  730. >”Outstandin’!”
  731. >”Ah take it y’all like it?”
  732. >Sugar Belle nods.
  733. >”You’ve outdone yourself again, Granny Smith”
  734. >”Awwww, yer just sweet talkin’ me. But feel free to go on!”
  735. >You take the opportunity to sneak Winona a bite.
  736. >She laps it up happily and wags.
  737. >Such a cute little dog.
  738. “It really is good, Granny. Thank you.”
  739. >”Well, you all work mighty hard. Ah’m gladja enjoy it.”
  740. >Sugar Belle scoots close to your wife.
  741. >”How’s the foal,” she whispers.
  742. >”Aw, he’s fine. Strong like his dad.”
  743. >”And momma?”
  744. >”Thing’s are gettin’ more difficult, but nothin’ Ah cain’t manage.”
  745. >”Big Mac and I are actually thinking about trying for a foal.”
  746. >”Well ain’t that somethin’. Ah wish y’all the best.”
  747. >Sugar Belle does a happy wiggle in her chair and hugs AJ.
  748. >You may not have been meant to hear what was said but you do wish the best for your sister… in law?
  749. >You’re not sure what the wife of a brother-in-law is called.
  750. “Hey, Big Mac, we still on for O&O tomorrow?”
  751. >“Eeyup.”
  752. “Are Shining and his friends joining up?”
  753. >“Eeyup.”
  754. “Did we level up from last session?”
  755. >“Nope.”
  756. “Good, ‘cuz I forgot.”
  757. >Apple Bloom looks at you and her brother.
  758. >”Ah don’t understand it. Why do so many of you like that game? It’s all paper and math.”
  759. “Hey, it’s not just paper and math. It’s also maps, and overpriced plastic miniatures.”
  760. >”Eeyup.”
  761. >”That ya have to paint yerselves?”
  762. “Well, that’s for the actually overpriced ones. The prepainted ones are usually cheaper.”
  763. >”So ya pay more… to have to paint ‘em by yerself?”
  764. “Well it’s… um...”
  765. >Apple Bloom raises a brow.
  766. “Huh…”
  767. >Granny Smith intervenes
  768. >”Now, Apple Bloom. Everyone has somethin’ they’re partial to. Why when Ah was a young’un, Ah used to collect harmonicas.”
  769. >”Harmonicas?”
  770. >”Ooooh, you better believe it! Why Ah had such a big collection, if you left both sides of the barn open, the draft’d make a ruckus loud enough to wake all o’ Ponyville!”
  771. >Sugar Belle pipes up.
  772. >”Well, whatever happened to your collection?”
  773. >Granny rubs her chin.
  774. >”Mmmm. Probably in storage some’ere’s ‘round here… or maybe Ah melted ‘em down fer somethin’.”
  775. >Applebloom gives you a sympathetic look.
  776. >”Ah guess Granny’s right. After all, I’ve got a closet full o’ bows.”
  777. >”And hats,” your wife adds in.
  778. “How do you know which one was your dad’s?”
  779. >”That’s easy. It’s got his signature, right here.”
  780. >Applejack shows you the inside rim of the hat.
  781. >Sure enough, there’s Bright McIntosh Apple.
  782. >In a surprisingly elegant cursive, no less.
  783. “I never noticed that.”
  784. >Applejack pauses and gets a curious look in her eye.
  785. >She puts the hat on top of your head.
  786. >”Ya look mighty handsome, Sugarcube.”
  787. >She leans into you and rests her head on your shoulder.
  788. >You feel a bit self-conscious, but hey.
  789. >Maybe you should shop for a Stetson next time you visit your folks.
  790. >Apple Bloom sighs.
  791. >Big Mac looks at his baby sister with concern.
  792. >Sugar Belle notices it, too.
  793. >”Is something wrong, Apple Bloom.”
  794. >”Oh, it’s nothin’. Ah just wish Ah had a very special somepony like you two have.”
  795. “Hey, cheer up, Apple Bloom. Most colts your age are only JUST realizing they like fillies. It takes boys a while to catch up, you know?”
  796. >Granny holds Bloom’s chin up.
  797. >”Now, don’tchu be frettin’, li’l Missy. These sorta things happen when ya least expect it!”
  798. >”Like cutie marks?”
  799. >”Now yer getting’ it.”
  800. >”Well… Ah better let the girls know we’re startin’ the Special Somepony Searchers.”
  801. >Most everypony looks concerned.
  802. >“Ah’m kiddin’! It was a joke!”
  803. “I thought it was funny.”
  804. >”That’s on account o’ you missin’ out on all the shenanigans those three got up to for years,” Applejack points out.
  805. >”Ain’t no harm in lookin’ out for options,” Apple Bloom insists.
  806. >She looks at you.
  807. >”Hey, maybe Ah’ll wind up with a hyooman like you!”
  808. “I mean… I guess boys nowadays are more open-minded”
  809. >“Whoever winds up catching your eye is bound to be very lucky, Apple Bloom,” Sugar says reassuringly.
  810. >“Eeyup.”
  811. “And with me and Big Mac behind you, they’re bound to be on their best behavior.”
  812. >”Eeyup.”
  813. >Bloom gives the two of you a look.
  814. >”Don’tchu go scarin’ off any colts, ya hear?”
  815. “Why I’d never…”
  816. >”Nnope.”
  817. >Granny looks over at you and AJ.
  818. >”Didjy’all manage alright, today?”
  819. >You turn your head to face your wife.
  820. >She nods and squeezes your arm.
  821. >”We had ourselves a talk. About important matters. Ain’t nothin’ can stop the two of us.”
  822. “I tried convincing Applejack to take it easy. I don’t think it worked.”
  823. >Your wife rolls her eyes.
  824. >”What worked is me gettin’ more worn out than an old washrag.”
  825. “You sure it was work that did that?”
  826. >AJ grins and snatches the hat back, swatting you with it.
  827. >”Ah ought’a duct tape that moutha yer’s shut.”
  828. >Sugar and Mac laugh.
  829. >Apple raises a brow in confusion.
  830. >Then her eyes go wide as she gets it.
  831. >Oh, God. She gets it.
  832. >Well, that’s not too surprising. Growing up on a farm raising animals, you probably learn that sort of thing pretty quickly, out of necessity.
  833. >Sugar thankfully changes the subject.
  834. >”Oh, I got some wonderful news from Mrs. Cake, today.”
  835. >Big Mac looks intrigued. It seems even he hasn’t been informed, yet.
  836. >You continue eating.
  837. >Damn, this dish is good.
  838. >”Mrs. Cake says Celestia and her husband had their foals today!”
  839. “Ghghrk!”
  840. >In your excitement you choke!
  841. >Your wife smacks you on the back to help you clear your throat.
  842. >Everyone else leans forward curiously while you drink furiously.
  843. >”You alright, Sugarcube?”
  844. “Yeah.”
  845. >You look at Sugar Belle with pleading eyes.
  846. >”Were they… I mean are they alright, are they healthy?”
  847. >Sugar nods, sympathetic to your concern.
  848. >”Momma and all her babies are perfectly healthy.”
  849. >You hug AJ and sigh with relief.
  850. >Strangely she doesn’t seem to concerned.
  851. >Must be that rugged confidence of hers.
  852. >That or the fact that Sugar Belle began by calling it ‘wonderful news’ was a clue that everything was fine.
  853. >”Bet that’s a load offa yer shoulders, hun,” Granny says as you breathe.
  854. “Definitely.”
  855. >”See, Sugarcube? Nothin’ to worry about.”
  856. “Nothing at all.”
  857. >You squeeze your little pony and kiss her on the forehead.
  858. >”Ah can’t wait to be an aunt,” Apple Bloom chimes in.
  859. >AJ raises a brow.
  860. >”Oh, ya can’t, can ya? Ah’ll be sure to remember that whenever we need help with diapers.”
  861. >”Oh, please. Ah’ve handled worse from the pigs.”
  862. “I’m sure you’ll be an awesome aunt, Apple Bloom.”
  863. >She beams with excitement.
  864. >The rest of supper goes on without fanfare.
  865. >Eventually everyone’s had their fill.
  866. >AJ stretches and yawns.
  867. >”Boy, Ah’m beat. That was wonderful, Granny. Thank ya.”
  868. “You look tired, babe. Why don’t you head upstairs. I’ll help clean everything.”
  869. >”You sure?”
  870. >Granny nods.
  871. >”Best to get yer sleep as ya get further along. Now you head on up to bed.”
  872. >”Alright. Alright. Ah’m goin. Good night, everypony.”
  873. >As everyone gets up to leave, you gather up plates while Granny works up some soapy water in the sink.
  874. >As you place all the dishes by the sink, you’re left alone with Granny Smith.
  875. >With everyone out of earshot, she speaks.
  876. >”Ah can tell y’all’re worried half to death.”
  877. “Huh?”
  878. >”Sugarcube, Ah may be old, but Ah ain’t blind. Ya looked like you done seen a ghost when Sugar Belle told ya the news about Celestia.”
  879. ”That obvious, huh?”
  880. >”Don’t fret about it, deary. Mah husband and Ah were the same way back in the day. A parent can’t help but worry about their young’uns.”
  881. ”I just don’t want to let them or AJ down.”
  882. >”Have you ever let her down before?”
  883. >You haven’t really considered that angle.
  884. >Granny washes a dish with a rag.
  885. >She rinses it and hands it to you to dry.
  886. >”Ya sell yerself short, boy. Ya made it in a pony world with hardly no one to guide ya. Proved yerself mighty useful, to boot.”
  887. >You smile.
  888. ”AJ said the same thing.”
  889. >”She knows a good stallion when she sees one. Why if Ah was a younger mare, Ah’d try to take ya fer mahself.”
  890. >You blush and nearly drop your plate.
  891. >Granny just laughs and hands you another dish.
  892. >”Ah reckon you just need to take stock of all you’ve done accomplished since ya got here. If ya look back, you’ll be right impressed. Just like the rest of us.”
  893. “I guess I have done pretty well so far. You know, Granny, you’re right.
  894. >The green mare slaps her dishrag down.
  895. >”Now why can’t folks ‘round here say that more often?”
  896. “I guess we like learning things the hard way.”
  897. >You and Granny keep the cleaning process going as she sighs.
  898. >"Children are serious business, dear. They take all the life ya got in ya. Some days are easy. Some days ya just wanna wring their necks. But it's all 'cuz ya love 'em. But Ah tell ya honest to apples. Every drop o' blood, sweat, n' tears is worth it. An' at the end of it all, the hardest part is takin' a step back an' lettin' 'em walk on their own."
  899. >There's a lot to Granny's words to consider. Especially considering how things turned out. There's joy in her words. But also the hint of a deep sadness that never did quite go away.
  900. >”Well anyhoo, if’n ya ever want to learn things the EASY way, ‘specially when it comes to rearin’ foals, you know ya can always talk to ol’ Granny, ya hear?”
  901. >You smile and lean down, kissing the Apple matriarch on the cheek.
  902. >”Of course, Granny.”
  903. >”Awwww, now yer jus’ bein’ sweet on me. Why don’tcha take yer flattery upstairs.
  904. >You finish drying the last plate and put it away.
  905. ”Alright. Thanks again for dinner, Granny Smith. And for setting me straight.”
  906. >”Any time, deary. Good night.”
  907. >You hug Granny and head off upstairs, the sturdy wood of the house holding up with nary a sound.
  908. >Solid construction, befitting the ponies who built it.
  909. >You take a step towards the bathroom and knock.
  910. >Your wife answers.
  911. >”It’s just me in here, Sugarcube.”
  912. >You step inside. You’re met with a wall of humidity.
  913. >AJ is in the clawfoot tub, basking in hot, soapy water, her head leaned back and her arms draped over the sides. Her hat is gone, probably in your room on her nightstand.
  914. >Her belly is so big it rises out of the water a few inches like an island.
  915. “Tired?”
  916. >”As all get out.”
  917. >You close the door, lock it, and strip naked, joining your wife as you gently dip yourself into the piping hot tub.
  918. >A hard day’s work deserves a hot bath.
  919. >Also, it helps prevent the bed sheets from getting soiled.
  920. “We did pretty good today, don’tcha think?”
  921. >”Sure as shootin’.”
  922. >AJ doesn’t open her eyes to respond, but she does grin.
  923. >”Workin’ while knocked up is harder ‘n Ah figured it would be.”
  924. “You make it look easy.”
  925. >”Right kind of you to say that, Sugarcube. All the same, it takes a toll.”
  926. “Thinking of throwing in the towel?”
  927. >”Let’s not get carried away.”
  928. “I’m just messin’ with ya.”
  929. >You sponge yourself off with the loofah, and shampoo your hair.
  930. “Need me to get you?”
  931. >”No. Yer fine. Ah took care o’ that, already.”
  932. >You notice AJ’s bump in front of you.
  933. >You reach out and give It a rub with the loofah.
  934. >Applejack opens one eye and sticks her tongue out at you.
  935. >You lean forward and scoop your pregnant pony up, pulling by her butt into your lap.
  936. >She drapes her hooves over your shoulders and looks down at you with lidded eyes.
  937. “This tub aint’ big enough fer the two of us.”
  938. >Applejack raises a brow.
  939. >”It really won’t be if Ah get much bigger.”
  940. >AJ wiggles her ass in your hands.
  941. >”And don’t forget, handsome. As soon as this big boy pops out, Ah’m gonna make for certain you fill me up with foals again-”
  942. >Kiss.
  943. >”And again-”
  944. >Kiss.
  945. >”And again.”
  946. >AJ kisses you a third time and gazes at you with those lidded eyes.
  947. “What about in between?”
  948. >She smirks.
  949. >”Oh, Ah’m gonna be all over you like white on rice!”
  950. >You squeeze her and the orange mare laughs happily.
  951. >You nuzzle each other.
  952. ”You know, Dash said you should end a bath with cold water in order to-”
  953. >”That ain’t happenin’.”
  954. “Ooookay.”
  955. >You unplug the drain and the two of you get out, towling each other off before heading to the bedroom.
  956. >With uncanny grace, AJ manages to roll onto the bed without assistance.
  957. >You crawl in from the other side and snuggle up against the fuzzy orange mare.
  958. >She yawns as she stretches lazily and rests her head on your bare chest.
  959. >Your run your hand through her blonde hair, looking down at that freckled face of hers.
  960. >She smiles and makes a happy noise as you pet her.
  961. >She grabs a hand with her hoof and brings it down to the swell of her bulging belly.
  962. >You feel movement. It seems your foal is getting comfy for bedtime, too.
  963. >It’s amazing to think that such a miracle happened inside her tummy.
  964. ”You’re amazing,” you whisper into her ear.
  965. >She wiggles.
  966. >”You ain’t too shabby yerself, Sugarcube.”
  967. >You gently stroke your wife’s fuzzy tummy with your fingers, eliciting gentle moans from her from time to time.
  968. >Even when you first started dating, AJ loved tummy rubs.
  969. >She loves them even more with her belly carrying your baby inside.
  970. >She’s so sexy, the way her hips sway and her belly swings.
  971. >The way her hair drapes down like a field of golden wheat.
  972. >Apparently, admiring your wife has consequences.
  973. >She scoots over.
  974. >”Gettin’ hard this late at night?”
  975. “Sorry.”
  976. >”Ain’t nothin’ to be sorry about, Sugarcube. Ah’m happy you like what’cha see.”
  977. >The mare situates herself at an angle and lifts the cover to reveal your throbbing length.
  978. >”Lemme take care o’ this for ya.”
  979. “But-”
  980. >“No buts about it, Sugarcube. No husband o’ mine is goin’ to sleep horny. Besides, it’ll help ya get to sleep faster. Now…”
  981. >AJ presses your chest with her hoof.
  982. >”Y’all just lay on back and let me take care of ya, alright?”
  983. >You nod and obey, laying down as AJ lays on her side, leaning down to give you a kiss on the very tip of your cock.
  984. >It twitches in response.
  985. >You inhale sharply.
  986. >Applejack gives it another kiss, followed by another, and another.
  987. >Each time, your dick bucks in retaliation.
  988. >Your wife opens her mouth and takes in the head, swirling her tongue around the tip.
  989. >You groan and she grins with satisfaction.
  990. >Applejack is a mare of many talents. Once you were wed, well, it turns out she had another.
  991. >Still doting on the tip, you bite your lower lip as her tongue swirls and twirls around your glans.
  992. >Just as you think you can handle the sensation, her lips descend down your rigid length.
  993. ”AJ,” you protest.
  994. >She doesn’t listen.
  995. >Instead, little by little she sucks you down, pausing every few seconds only to tease you with more swirling of her tongue.
  996. >You stroke her hair and moan as she takes more and more of you in her mouth.
  997. >Finally, she reaches the base, and kisses your pelvis.
  998. >She opens an eye and winks at you.
  999. >You can merely nod in response.
  1000. >Applejack swirls her tongue once more and pulls back, letting some of your twitching member free.
  1001. >But soon she’s back down, lips pressing against you.
  1002. >When she reaches that far, her throat squeezes your tip, making you gasp.
  1003. >Eventually, AJ works up a rhythm, bobbing her head up and down as she suckles on your dick.
  1004. >The cowgirl’s in control now.
  1005. >You’re just along for the ride.
  1006. >All you can do is moan for her as she massages your dick with her mouth.
  1007. >Her mouth, hot and tight as she sucks you, strokes up and down your shaft, eliciting a grunt from you.
  1008. >AJ glances up with one eye open, smirking to herself.
  1009. >The vacuum seal of your wife’s lips is enough to make you clench your eyes shut.
  1010. >You lean your head back and pant.
  1011. >That pulsating dick of yours twitches and jerks, but as strong as your cock is, AJ’s throat is stronger.
  1012. >It squeezes and swirls around the massive meatsickle, coaxing pre out of the tip wich the pony savors.
  1013. >A sign she’s doing her job well.
  1014. >As you throb and twitch in her mouth, the farmgirl starts to hum a gentle tune.
  1015. >Oh, God. Oh, fuck.
  1016. >The vibration makes you shudder. The sensation is too powerful!
  1017. >AJ’s sucking gets faster.
  1018. >Her tongue laps up your length every upstroke, firmly pressing into the most sensitive parts of your pecker.
  1019. >Your hand gently grabs the back of Applejack’s head, your fingers running through her blonde mane.
  1020. >She continues humming her song.
  1021. >Your cock throbs like crazy.
  1022. >You feel a tug in the very base of your pelvis.
  1023. >Your wife can tell you’re close.
  1024. >To finish you off, she hums a high note and presses her head down, pushing your cock as far back into her throat as she can.
  1025. >It’s too much.
  1026. >You open your eyes just for everything to go blurry at once.
  1027. >Your balls clench and your cock jerks in its fleshy prison, jettisoning forth a hot, sticky rope of cum.
  1028. >She doesn’t even flinch.
  1029. >Your cum shoots straight down her gullet and into her belly.
  1030. >It’s quickly followed by more cum as your erection bucks around in the pony’s mouth.
  1031. >She takes gulp after gulp of your warm seed, and your eyes flutter.
  1032. >You’re completely at her mercy as her cheeks get as full as they can with your warm, white nectar.
  1033. >With one mighty gulp, Applejack sends the last of your massive load down into her gut.
  1034. >Your strength fades.
  1035. >So does your focus.
  1036. >Applejack suckles you for a few moments as you calm down, licking up the last of your spunk.
  1037. >She then moves her head back.
  1038. >Your dick comes out of her mouth with a pop.
  1039. >You go flaccid, your member spent from the expert ministrations of Applejack’s mouth.
  1040. >The mare looks at your face and gives you a sweet, yet sultry look.
  1041. >She licks the cum off of her lips.
  1042. >”Mmmmmm. Ya alright, Sugarcube?”
  1043. >You nod.
  1044. “Uh huh…”
  1045. >”Good boy.”
  1046. >She was right, of course. You’re about to pass out from the mother of all blowjobs.
  1047. >That orgasm was like a flashbang going off in your head.
  1048. >You blink a few times to stay awake.
  1049. >Your wife grunts as she sits up, scoots over, and lays her head on your chest.
  1050. >She even takes your hands and wraps them around her hips and on top of her belly.
  1051. >You give it a few gentle pats and a squeeze, then gently, slowly, massage that big orange bump with your hands.
  1052. >”Mmmmmmmm.”
  1053. >You squeeze AJ tightly, and she smiles.
  1054. >You, your wife, and the baby in her belly snuggle up close to each other.
  1055. >She rubs your chest in a small circle with her hoof.
  1056. >”Ah love you…”
  1057. “I love you, too, AJ.”
  1058. >Your vision darkens. You can’t keep your eyes open anymore.
  1059. >All the same, you feel something press into your lips for just a moment.
  1060. “Good… night… AJ.”
  1061. >The mare chuckles softly at your orgasm-induced exhaustion.
  1062. >“Bless yer heart.”
  1063. >Applejack closes her own eyes, secure and content in her husband’s big, strong arms that hug her and her baby-cradling belly.
  1064. >She sighs, eager for a good night’s sleep with her favorite human and his child growing inside her.
  1065. >”Good night, Sugarcube.”

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff