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Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2022-05-22 08:22:42
Updated: 2022-06-21 04:32:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be on the Friendship Express
  7. >Specifically, the No. 6 from Sire’s Hollow to Ponyville.
  8. >The clacking of the iron wheels on the tracks of Equestria’s premier railway system gives an oddly calming ambiance to the passenger cabin.
  9. >You look out the window at the rolling hills surrounded by the low mountains that dominate Central Equestria.
  10. >There’s a coziness to this little steam engine and its quaint, nineteenth century vibe.
  11. >It definitely beats the hell out of Amtrak.
  12. >You hope you get to go on these train trips more often. Where to doesn’t really matter. You just enjoy the ride.
  13. >You turn to look at the passenger next to you.
  14. >A purple Unicorn mare named Starlight Glimmer.
  15. >Your wife.
  16. >She looks like she’s had better days.
  17. >A look of haggard relief is plastered on her face.
  18. “You okay, Star?”
  19. >She looks at you and sighs.
  20. >”I will be when we get back home.”
  21. “It’s only a two hour ride…”
  22. >”It feels like a month.”
  23. >You think you get it. Sort of.
  24. “Being around your dad is definitely…”
  25. >”Exhausting?”
  26. “I was going to say ‘an experience.’ He’s not that bad.”
  27. >”Let’s agree to disagree. Look, I love my dad. But he’s just so…”
  28. >She twirls her hoof in the air.
  29. >”Saccharine.”
  30. “Oh, no. He’s nice. How terrible.”
  31. >Starlight groans.
  32. >”You’re right. I guess I’m being too hard on him. I mean he is a lot better than he used to be. You wouldn’t believe how hard it was getting him and Stellar Flare to ease up on me and Sunburst.”
  33. ”Oh, yeah. The helicopter parent thing.”
  34. >”Helicopter?”
  35. “It’s like Pinkie’s gyrocopter, but way louder.”
  36. >“Oh, yeah. That definitely sounds like them.”
  37. >You narrow your eyes at the small horse.
  38. >”I get the feeling that’s not what’s really bothering you.”
  39. >Starlight’s eyes go wide.
  40. >”Bothering? Me? Pffft. Nothing’s bothering me. Why would anything be bothering me? That’s crazy. You’re crazy.”
  41. “Star…”
  42. >”Yeah?”
  43. ”Be honest. You weren’t like this last time we saw your dad. Now spill.
  44. >Your wife relents.
  45. >”Well last time, he didn’t constantly ask about when we’d be having kids.”
  46. >There it is.
  47. >A touchy subject to be sure.
  48. >Especially since you really, really wanted to have kids with her.
  49. “You don’t like feeling pressure. I totally get it. But you don’t have to worry about your dad or anyone else’s timeframe.”
  50. >Starlight lower’s her head and sighs.
  51. >”That’s… not really the problem, Dear.”
  52. “It’s not?”
  53. >”No. The truth is I really, really want to have kids with you. You have no idea how badly I want to be a mom. But that’s the problem. I want it too much!”
  54. >You pause.
  55. >Brain not work.
  56. >Your wife can see it in your face.
  57. >”Thaaaaaaaat didn’t make much sense, did it?”
  58. “Not really, no.”
  59. >Starlight hesitates as she tries to think of the right words.
  60. >”Look, you remember me telling you about my past?”
  61. “Yeah, you created a Marxist commune out in the middle of nowhere.”
  62. >She probably doesn’t know what that word means.
  63. >”Don’t you mean Marexist?”
  64. “Wait, you had someone like that, too?”
  65. >”Huh?”
  66. “Nevermind. You were saying?”
  67. >”Uh… Right. Well. That… wasn’t me at my best, to put it mildly. And I know I’ve put it all behind me but… When I think about it, what does it say about me?”
  68. >You scoot closer to the little pony.
  69. “Glimmy, if it’s in the past, it’s in the past.”
  70. >”But I was so controlling,” she insists.
  71. >”I let my fear of conflict take over and I wound up dictating everyone’s lives. Constantly making sure everyone was sticking to my delusional plan. I was a monster.”
  72. >She leans on your shoulder and looks down.
  73. >”I’m so eager for all this, but what if I’m too eager? I could become a… a helicopter parent!”
  74. >She levitates your belongings in a circle for emphasis.
  75. >”What if I let my fear get the best of me and I become overprotective or hypercritical? What if our children become so afraid of disappointing me that they become too afraid to make mistakes? What if-”
  76. >You give your wife a gentle squeeze.
  77. ”Gnothi Seauton.”
  78. >”Uh… gesundheit?”
  79. ”Know thyself. That’s the good news, Star. You know that when you get excited and eager you go headfirst into things. It’s really cute, actually.”
  80. >”Well, I don’t know about cute…”
  81. “I guess what I’m trying to say is, you know what you need to be careful about. And for what it’s worth, I haven’t noticed any controlling behavior from you, like, ever.”
  82. >”Not even about the wedding?”
  83. “Eh. That’s a freebie.”
  84. >Starlight sighs, this time with relief.
  85. >”Fiiiiine. You’re right. I guess I am getting ahead of myself worrying about all this. Besides. I got you in case I go overboard.”
  86. “Every day.”
  87. >Your wife cuddles against you.
  88. >”I’m glad.”
  89. >You blush and rub the mare’s back as she rests against you.
  90. >You rub the back of your head.
  91. ”So… you really want to be a mom, huh?”
  92. >”I really do.”
  93. “Well… the truth is… I really want to be a dad.”
  94. >The mare’s ears perk up.
  95. >”Do you, now?”
  96. >She grabs your hand with a hoof.
  97. >”Well, if you want. When we get home. We could do that.”
  98. >You hold her hoof and hug her.
  99. “You mean it?”
  100. >”Of course. It’s what we both want. Why wait?”
  101. >You pull your wife into your lap and hug her.
  102. “Glimmy, I love you so much.”
  103. >”I love you, too, Dear.”
  104. >She kisses you gently and nuzzles you.
  105. >You stay like this, together, for the rest of the train ride.
  107. **********
  109. >Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech!
  110. >The train arrives at Ponyville Station.
  111. >Everyone lurches forward a little with inertia.
  112. >It’s good to be back.
  113. >You and Starlight head on home on hoof and foot to stretch your legs.
  114. >Your heart flutters with anxiety.
  115. >This is it.
  116. >You’re going to become parents.
  117. >God willing, anyway.
  118. >But if it had happened with others, surely…
  119. >”You nervous?”
  120. “Yeah, a little.”
  121. >”Oh, thank goodness! I thought it was just me! Haha!”
  122. >Glimmer picks up the pace.
  123. >You match her, and not the least because of the energy you feel building up inside of you.
  124. >”Whew. Get it together, Starlight. You’ve done this before. It’s just that this time, you’re making a whole new person. No big deal.”
  125. >You gulp.
  126. “Yeah, no pressure, Star. Heh.”
  127. >The walk to the Castle of Friendship seems to take forever, even with the brisk pace.
  128. “We got this,” you affirm.
  129. >”Yeah, we TOTALLY got this!”
  130. >The both of you pause before the double doors.
  131. >Time to be a man.
  132. >You scoop up your wife into a bridal carry, earning a yelp from the mare.
  133. >You open the door and pass the threshold
  134. >Starlight swoons.
  135. >”Oh, my. What a man. Are you going to carry me all the way to the bedroom?”
  136. “Yes.”
  137. >You smirk and carry the pony up to the master bedroom and lay her gently down onto the bed.
  138. >You shouldn’t feel like it’s your first time all over again.
  139. >And yet.
  140. >This would be way different.
  141. >After all, you’d be conceiving a baby together.
  142. >Assuming all went well.
  143. >That’s when you remember.
  144. “Glimmy, wait a minute.”
  145. >She frowns.
  146. >”Is… something wrong?”
  147. “Are you in estrus?”
  148. >”Am I- Oh!”
  149. >She cringes and puts a hoof to her forehead.
  150. >”You’re right! I’m so sorry, I completely forgot. That doesn’t start ‘til next week for me.”
  151. >The anxiety goes away, but you feel a twinge of disappointment.
  152. “Well, we can try then. No biggie.”
  153. >Star nods.
  154. >She sighs and flumps on the bed.
  155. >Then her eyes go wide and she beams.
  156. >”Oooor. We could try now.”
  157. “Huh?”
  158. >“Oh, nothing. Just your wife being brilliant is all.”
  159. >Glimmer hops down from the bed and trots over to the bookshelf.
  160. >With her glowing horn she pulls down a book and begins flipping pages.
  161. >You shuffle over to her side and look at the tome.
  162. >And it is a tome.
  163. >You’re surprised the spine can support all the pages.
  164. >”Ah. Here we are.”
  165. “I’m confused. Wha- time magic?”
  166. >”Exactly. Specifically a localized leap forward of one week. Some recursive tweaks to slow it back down at the end. A bit of flow enhancement to make sure it can affect the rest of the body… Aaaaaaand, we’re set!”
  167. >Starlight takes a deep breath.
  168. >Her horn glows.
  169. >A matching aura hovers under her on her abdomen for a few moments.
  170. >Then it’s over.
  171. >”There! That oughta’ do the trick!”
  172. “What just happened/”
  173. >”Oh, nothing much. I just generated a time leap localized around my womb. I should be ovulating quite literally any minute now. Which means…”
  174. “That we can… we can go for it?”
  175. >Starlight takes a deep breath and shivers.
  176. >”Yes, we can.”
  177. >You undress, fumbling with your pants and realizing halfway that taking your shoes off first would have made things easier.
  178. >You stand before the pony, naked.
  179. >Starlight smiles hopefully at you.
  180. >You smile back.
  181. >You stand across from each other for a moment, the gravity of your venture sinking in.
  182. >Glimmer coughs to break the silence.
  183. >She walks towards you with a smirk that wasn’t there a minute ago. There’s a fire in her eyes.
  184. >”Get on the bed,” she says, pushing you with a hoof.
  185. >It’s rude to keep a lady waiting. You back up onto the mattress, and your wife crawls on after you.
  186. >She hovers over you and leans in to kiss you.
  187. >Her lips press against yours, her mane flowing down like a curtain over your face.
  188. >Good Lord, she’s aggressive!
  189. >You’d never noticed how much estrus changed a mare until this moment.
  190. >Then again, the change was never this quick. Perhaps that’s why you didn’t notice the difference.
  191. >Starlight presses her furry chest against yours.
  192. >The heat of her body is like a furnace compared to your cool skin.
  193. >You grasp her shoulders and hug her close.
  194. >As your tongue ties up with hers you feel something wet fall on your abdomen.
  195. >There’s no way.
  196. >She’s already soaking wet!
  197. >Starlight breaks off the kiss to let you breathe.
  198. “Ha… ha… ha… What a way to start off foreplay…”
  199. >”Foreplay?”
  200. >The mare shakes her head.
  201. >”That’s not how this is gonna work, Dear.”
  202. >Your heart skips a beat. Sure, you’re hard, but-
  203. >You don’t have time to even finish your thought.
  204. >Your wife backs up and mercilessly drops her hips.
  205. >Her hungry pussy swallows you whole in a single gulp!
  206. >You utter a raspy gasp and clench the girl’s hips.
  207. ”S-star!”
  208. >”I’m here, baby! Just hold on!”
  209. >Star bites her lip and quivers, her passage vibrating around you.
  210. >You clench your eyes shut to keep from going crazy from sensory overload.
  211. >It’s all too much!
  212. >You’re not prepared when she starts moving her body.
  213. >Glimmer starts bouncing.
  214. >Her silky insides work up and down your shaft.
  215. >And they’re tight. Tighter than they’ve ever been before.
  216. >You feel that fuzzy ass of hers slam onto your thighs as she rides you like a stallion.
  217. >You throb inside Starlight Glimmer.
  218. >Her fucking, brutal as it may be, has you at full mast, long and girthy as can be.
  219. >You muster up enough courage to open your eyes.
  220. >She’s staring right at you.
  221. >Her eyes are wide, sparkling with a desire only you can fulfill.
  222. >Your wife attempts to smile, but she’s panting so hard it’s difficult to maintain.
  223. >Her expression gets the point across.
  224. >’Don’t be scared. It’s still me.’
  225. >You nod and squeeze her thighs again, guiding her movements so neither of you gets hurt.
  226. >Loving or not, she clearly isn’t in control of herself, at the moment.
  227. >Starlight flicks her tail excitedly as you keep her steady, her vulva tightening with glee around your rigid dick.
  229. >With every drop of her pelvis, you can feel your balls being dribbled onto the bed by the pony’s plot.
  230. >Starlight bites her lip and moans as she fucks you.
  231. >”Come on, Dear. Do it. Give me a baby.”
  232. >You try to lift your hips to match her pace.
  233. >Key word being ‘try.’
  234. >Starlight is like a mare possessed!
  235. >Every time you move your hips, another slam of her ass stops you in your tracks.
  236. >That’s not even considering what her insides are doing to your cock.
  237. >It’s one constant motion of incredible heat and wetness tormenting your rigid member.
  238. >You struggle to breathe as your wife well and truly has her way with you.
  239. >It takes all your strength to keep from passing out.
  240. >Starlight leans forward, placing both hooves on your chest.
  241. >Her hips keep jackhammering you, beating your lap to dust.
  242. >”Knock me up! Knock me up! Knock me up!”
  243. >She bites her lip and grunts.
  244. >You feel a pressure growing around your dick.
  245. >Oh, shit!
  246. >With a sudden shudder of her tiny body, your wife explodes in a furious orgasm!
  247. >She bellows with a strained yell.
  248. >When she lifts her hips you feel her snatch yank your dick so hard it hurts.
  249. >Her pussy is like a vice around your poor penis!
  250. >Your vision blurs. Even as wet as she is, the tightness gives you no room inside her to move.
  251. >Yet, even as her orgasm subsides, she keeps going.
  252. >She isn’t satisfied. Not even close!
  253. >Like some sort of sexual dynamo she keeps fucking and fucking, never letting up or slowing down.
  254. >You begin to lose track of time as both of you become drenched in a layer of sweat.
  255. >Starlight gains a damp glow on her pelt.
  256. >You develop a slick sheen.
  257. >Your hair is matted to your forehead.
  258. >If nothing else, it all helps keep you cool.
  259. >But there’s no sign she plans on stopping.
  260. >More time passes, and you feel yourself slipping.
  261. >Did she cum four times or five? You don’t recall.
  262. >This is bad.
  263. >If you don’t do something soon, you’re a goner!
  264. >Or at least losing consciousness.
  265. >With desperation you raise both hands.
  266. >At once you grab your lover’s ass in both hands and push down, while you thrust your hips up with all your might!
  267. >”Guuuahhh!”
  268. >Starlight’s eyes go heart-shaped from the sudden slamming of her cervix.
  269. >Her tongue goes out as she makes a surprised face.
  270. >It seems she wasn’t expecting that!
  271. >Good.
  272. ”Nice try, Glim Glam!”
  273. >With the tables turned, you squeeze the Unicorn’s fuzzy plot and start thrusting, your firm penis stroking and massaging her love tunnel.
  274. >Starlight goes limp, eyes rolling up and tongue rolling out as she gives in to you.
  275. >You give her ass a slap and she squeals with delight as it jiggles.
  276. >The tiny horse wiggles her hips and you pound her with gusto.
  277. >Your balls, hanging heavily as they are, and drenched with sweat, swing up and down with every thrust of your hips.
  278. >Starlight pants above you as you feverishly fuck her fertile flower.
  279. >She’s letting you take the lead, at least for now.
  280. >Whether its because she tired herself out, or because she wants to be led, you don’t know.
  281. >Best to take advantage of the opportunity.
  282. >The pressure at the base of your cock grows.
  283. >Your balls churn, swollen with an oversized load.
  284. >They tug up, and your dick bucks inside Starlight.
  285. >”Do it! Cum!”
  286. >She keeps panting.
  287. >Finally, you let it out, your body seizing as you cum inside your wife.
  288. >A thick, creamy load blasts into the pony, making her gasp.
  289. >Pulse after pulse of your penis is met by a tight squeeze of her walls that suck every last drop of your orgasm into her waiting womb.
  290. >”Haaaaaaaahhhhhh!”
  291. >You grit your teeth as you ride out your peak, astonished that you actually made it.
  292. >What’s more surprising is how powerful it makes you feel.
  293. >As your wife sits on top of you in sexual bliss you smile and give her ass a firm pat.
  294. >A job well done if you do say so yourself.
  295. >Then again…
  296. >Who says it has to be done just yet?
  297. >You feel like you’ve got another round in you!
  298. >Starlight arches her back and groans.
  299. >”Oh, wow. Maybe I went a liiiiiitle bit overboard there.”
  300. >Her pelt is slick with sweat.
  301. >”Anyway, that should be enough to make sure we’re good and set for a baby! Right, Dear?”
  302. >You grin mischievously.
  303. >Starlight looks worried.
  304. >”Dear?”
  305. “I’m still horny,” you growl.
  306. >You spank Starlight’s plot, and she yelps in response.
  307. >”Now, now, Dear. I know I may have been a bit hard on you but I’m sure we can, heheh, settle down. How about a nice, cold sho-AAAAAH!”
  308. >You roll with all your might, flipping Starlight onto her back and rocking the bed as you loom over her, your swollen cock still lodged within her depths.
  309. >Your hands sink deep into the mattress just above the pony’s head, and she gulps.
  310. >”Uh… parlay?”
  311. “No.”
  312. >With a powerful thrust you jostle your wife’s delicate body, plunging your dick down into her flower.
  313. >Her eyes roll into the back of her head.
  314. >You feel her squeeze around your member.
  315. >You thrust down again, prodding Starlight’s cervix with your angry prick.
  316. >Her hooves kick out, but quickly hug your hips.
  317. >Again you pound down into the purple pony.
  318. >And again.
  319. >And again!
  320. >”How are you… still so… hard!?”
  321. >By now, the mare’s mane has lost its form, splayed across the pillow by moisture and motion of the furious lovemaking the two of you have gotten up to.
  322. >She looks so sexy and wild like that.
  323. “I’m gonna make sure you’re good and knocked up!”
  324. >You mercilessly fuck the tiny horse, plowing her pussy with your rock hard cock over and over and over again.
  325. >Starlight can do nothing but moan beneath you as you mating press a crater in the shape of her hips into the mattress.
  326. “I’m gonna fuck you silly…”
  327. >”Yes!”
  328. ”And knock you up...”
  329. >”Yes!”
  330. “Until your belly is big and round…”
  331. >”Yesyesyes! Give me your foal! Put a baby in me!”
  332. >You slam and slam and slam into Starlight’s marehood, driving deeper and deeper into that fertile well, punishing her cervix.
  333. >Your balls slap against the mare’s ass in rhythm with your hips.
  334. >They churn with another thick load of babymaking cream.
  335. >You feel a tension in your dick.
  336. >Your cock bucks involuntarily, stirring Glimmer’s insides.
  337. >You grit your teeth.
  338. >Her warmth and tightness, the way her pussy hugs you and tugs you.
  339. >It’s taking its toll.
  340. >Starlight squeezes your hips with her thighs.
  341. >”Knock! Me! UUUUUUUHHHHHP!”
  342. >With a mighty slam of your groin into hers, your cock penetrates through the cervix and into Starlight Glimmer’s womb.
  343. >Her groan of ecstasy rings in your ears.
  344. >And you cum.
  345. >You roar savagely pushing your wife deep into the bed.
  346. >Your balls tuck and your dick throbs.
  347. >A lump travels down the underside of your cock from the base to the tip.
  348. >Your tip erupts straight into Starlight’s babymaker.
  349. >A torrent of cum splashes inside the mare, filling her up as you keep pumping jet after jet of cum inside.
  350. >With your penis plugging her up, the excess has nowhere to go.
  351. >Starlight’s uterus begins to stretch to accommodate your load. It expands like a balloon with every burst of piping hot boy honey.
  352. >The spurts get weaker and weaker until finally, both of you go limp, exhaling with load groans that match in tone.
  353. >”Hoh, God… I’m definitely… pregnant…”
  354. >You lower your head and forcefully kiss Glimmer on the lips, panting heavily.
  355. >She doesn’t resist.
  356. >Her tail swishes over your butt.
  357. >It kinda tickles.
  358. >Her purple chest rises and falls quickly, but eventually it slows down.
  359. >You break the kiss and nuzzle your wife, chuckling with what little breath you have.
  360. “Think we did it?”
  361. >Starlight nods.
  362. >”Yes, Dear. I think we did it.”
  363. >You kiss Starlight again.
  364. “I love you.”
  365. >Starlight squeezes you with her hips.
  366. >”I love you, too, Dear.”
  367. >The two of you catch your breath for a few moments.
  368. >The pony wiggles.
  369. >”Are you gonna let me go?”
  370. >You shake your head.
  371. “Nope. Not pulling out. Gotta make sure none of the sperm leaks out.”
  372. >The Unicorn blinks.
  373. >”Well, alright. But can I at least be on top. You’re heavy.”
  374. “Oh! Sure.”
  375. >Your hold Glimmer and roll onto your side and then your back, being careful to keep yourself lodged inside the girl.
  376. >You can hear something slosh inside her.
  377. >She looks down.
  378. >”Oh, wow. You REALLY filled me up, didn’t you?”
  379. >Starlight runs a hoof over the paunch she’s now sporting. Courtesy of your excessive orgasm.
  380. “I just wanted to be thorough.”
  381. >”Sure ya did.”
  382. >Looking at you, your wife uses a hoof to get your damp hair out of your face.
  383. >”Heh. Sorry, Dear. I didn’t mean to run you into the ground.”
  384. >Her horn glows and the minifridge in the corner opens.
  385. >A can of Monster Zero Ultra floats into your hand.
  386. >”Here. You need to drink up.”
  387. >You nod and snap it open, drinking hastily.
  388. >You hadn’t realized how thirsty you were until just now.
  389. >”Better?”
  390. >You bob your head and Starlight takes a few sips for herself.
  391. “I wasn’t exactly easy on you, either.”
  392. >”I kinda had it coming. Besides, I’m not complaining, am I?”
  393. “Guess not.”
  394. >Starlight arches her back.
  395. >”Here, hold on a sec.”
  396. >You wiggle your hips as Starlight rotates herself around your shaft until her back is to you.
  397. >She then sighs and flops back, resting on your chest, still making sure to keep you inside her folds.
  398. >”Mmmmmm.”
  399. >You wrap your arms around your wife.
  400. “Nervous?”
  401. >”A bit. Excited, mostly.”
  402. >You give her cheek a kiss.
  403. “Love you.”
  404. >”Love you, too. Good night, Dear.”
  405. >Starlight uses her magic to turn off the lights, and stretches, happy to use her husband as a bed.
  406. >You put the white can on the end table and lean back onto the mattress.
  407. >Sleep comes easy, exhausted as you are.
  408. >You drift off, dick snug inside your wife, arms wrapped around her.
  410. >As nice as sleep is, it doesn’t last forever.
  411. >Or in this case, more than a few hours.
  412. >You’re vaguely aware of something shifting on top of you.
  413. >As lucidity trickles in, you’re aware that it must be Starlight.
  414. >You’d better wake up, and right quick.
  415. >You blink. Your vision is still fuzzy.
  416. >It comes into focus on a mess of purple and aquamarine hair.
  417. >You groan and speak with a weak rasp.
  418. “Star? Honey, what’s wrong?”
  419. >Your wife is wiggling and writhing on top of you.
  420. >You hear her panting heavily, grunting every few seconds.
  421. >You put your hands on her shoulders.
  422. “Star? Star, wake up!”
  423. >”I’m… awake… nnnngh.”
  424. >You knead her gently.
  425. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
  426. >She groans.
  427. >”Tummyache,” she mutters.
  428. >Strange. Neither of you have eaten since noon. What time is it?
  429. >You glance at the clock by the bed.
  430. >11:34PM
  431. >Well, that’s surprising.
  432. “Do you feel like you’re gonna throw up?”
  433. >”No. More like… I feel tight.”
  434. “Here let’s get up… nnngh. Hnn.”
  435. >You grab the pony and try to simply roll her aside, but there’s a problem.
  436. >You’re still inside her. Pretty deep, too. You have a big erection.
  437. >Probably caused by your wife’s constant squirming.
  438. “I think I’m stuck.”
  439. >”That’s okay. I think… I’m gonna be fine.”
  440. >You sit up, with some difficulty, acting as a sort of backrest for your wife as you prop yourself up with your arms.
  441. >You yawn and rest your head on the small horse’s noggin.
  442. “You sure?”
  443. >”Yeah I-”
  444. >Grrrrrrrrrrgle.
  445. >That doesn’t sound good.
  446. >Through your dick you feel something vibrate inside Glimmer.
  447. >Suddenly, Starlight yelps and hits your chin.
  448. “Ow! What…”
  449. >You look down and notice Starlight clutching her tummy.
  450. >It undulates and ripples. Surprisingly normal when a pony is hungry but this is… different.
  451. >Very different.
  452. >Suddenly, there’s a pause and as you look down, you notice your wife’s stomach getting bigger.
  453. >Yes, bigger.
  454. >Because while the cum in her tummy did give her a paunch earlier, you’re positive it wasn’t THIS big.
  455. >”Ugh… What’s… happening? My stomach!”
  456. >Star lets go of her belly and grabs your hips, arching her back against you as she breathes heavily.
  457. >Both of you look down as the purple pony’s belly grows and grows.
  458. >Pretty soon it’s the size of a small party balloon.
  459. >And it doesn’t stop there.
  460. >There’s a low gurgling from within and Starlight whimpers with fear as her gut keeps growing, swelling larger and larger before her eyes.
  461. >You wonder if this is some sort of strange dream. Maybe you’re having a hallucination from being woken up so suddenly.
  462. >”Oh, God… Oh, God…”
  463. >You sit forward more, and your hands clutch her stomach.
  464. >It’s rather warm.
  465. >Star’s hooves cover yours.
  466. >Your penis twitches, making you wince. All the movement and vibration is resonating around your cock. Your hips buck involuntarily.
  467. >You hope Star doesn’t notice.
  468. >Both of you grow worried expressions when the belly reaches basketball size and keeps expanding.
  469. >The Unicorn grits her teeth and moans, tilting her head back as her belly audibly squeals from stretching so much.
  470. >By now her tummy is the size of a beach ball.
  471. >The circle of her navel parts around her bellybutton, which starts to peek out as that big belly gets even bigger.
  472. >Your hands and hooves are pushed further and further apart by Starlight’s expanding tummy.
  473. >As the plump purple stomach stretches and grows, it looks like that bellybutton is about to pop!
  474. >Glimmer opens one eye to peek down at it and she squeals!
  475. >Just as that bellybutton is about to pop out, the navel stretched to the limit… the growing stops.
  476. >”Oh, come on!”
  477. >Your dick is throbbing furiously, right now.
  478. >Star gets over her incredulity over the unfulfilled bellybutton popping in a fraction of a second.
  479. >”What the hell is happening to me?”
  480. >Your hands rub gently over Star’s stomach.
  481. >Something inside that tummy visibly moves, wobbling the gravid gut.
  482. >”Eeeep!”
  483. >You grit your teeth and clench your breath to keep control but it’s getting as hard as your cock right now.
  484. >For whatever reason, Starlight is tight. Really tight.
  485. >In fact, she’s wrapped tighter around your member than she ever has been. It’s frightening.
  486. >Unprepared for such sensation as you are, you begin to lose control.
  487. >You lean back again, catching yourself from falling with your arms.
  488. >Your hands press firmly into the sheets.
  489. >You buck up into Starlight, bouncing her bulging belly.
  490. >”DEAR!”
  491. “I’m sorry, Star! I can’t help it!”
  492. >You tilt your head back and plant your feet on the mattress.
  493. >You let yourself slip and your hips start bucking, thrusting in and out of your balloon-like lover.
  494. >She lambasts you between thrusts.
  495. >”You’re… doing… this… right… now!?”
  496. >You’re overwhelmed with guilt. But your dick is in charge, now.
  497. >Your balls get battered between fabric and fur as you fuck the pony in your lap.
  498. >”You… big… jerk!”
  499. >In spite of her protests, your wife is soaking wet, drenching your lap and the bedsheets in mare nectar within seconds. You bounce that belly up and down, the purple dome dribbling like a basketball inches above the mattress.
  500. >”Hah! Hah! Hah!”
  501. >Your dick massages the mare’s rigid clit as it comes out to play.
  502. >At least she’s enjoying it too, it seems.
  503. >You bite your lip as sweat collects once again on your brow.
  504. >You feel yourself getting ready to blow.
  505. >Starlight’s pussy is way too powerful for your poor, pounding prick.
  506. >Glimmy pulls her hooves up close to her body as she clenches her eyes and cums, squeezing your dick so hard it goes numb.
  507. >You see stars as you blow your load, your body assaulted by an orgasm so powerful your whole body spasms, shaking the bed.
  508. >You buck up into the mare like a piston, filling her up with foal-fondue that, shockingly, stretches her belly once more.
  509. >Alas, still no relief for that poor, beleaguered navel of hers.
  510. >You let out a sigh of relief and blink with confusion.
  511. >”Are you done?”
  512. “Glimmy, I’m so sorry…”
  513. >”Save it. I think we’ve got a bigger problem right now. Literally.”
  514. >Movement comes from inside the gut once again.
  515. >”Dear? I’m scared.”
  516. >You lean forward again and wrap your arms around your wife.
  517. >You look at her belly, at the occasional bump that forms here and there on the surface.
  518. >It’s pretty obvious to you what’s going on.
  519. “Glimmy? I think you’re pregnant.”
  520. >The castle quakes with the mare's response.
  521. >"WHAT!?"
  522. >You squeeze the mare.
  523. “Hey, calm down. Relax.”
  524. >”Relax? RELAX!? I just swelled up like a balloon and you want me to relax!?”
  525. “Well… Er… Yeah, kind of.”
  526. >She scoffs.
  527. >”Ooooooh. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Just ignore the fact that I went through three trimesters in a single night! Of course!”
  528. “But… but I thought this is what we wanted.”
  529. >Your face must have been truly pained because Glimmer completely changes her attitude.
  530. >”Nononono. Baby. Don’t say that.”
  531. >She holds your face in her hooves. Or tries to, considering your relative positions.
  532. >”I’m happy I’m pregnant. I am.”
  533. >She looks back down at her bump.
  534. >”But this ISN’T normal! And definitely not part of the spell. What if… Oh, God. What if something went wrong? What if the babies are-”
  535. >Now it’s your turn to intervene.
  536. “Hey. Stay calm. Listen. I’m going to give Nurse Redheart a call and she can come check you and the foals out, okay?”
  537. >”But-”
  538. “No ‘buts’. Just… hold on.”
  539. >You wiggle and manage to slip out of Glimmer, holding her up enough to scoot out from under her.
  540. >You make your way to the rotary phone and begin dialing while you look over at your wife.
  541. >She’s trembling. On the verge of tears.
  542. >But holding her belly with both hooves all the while.
  543. >Eventually, there’s an answer.
  544. >”Nurse Redheart? I’m sorry to wake you up. I- Yeah, it’s me. Listen, can you come up to the castle?”
  545. >”Well, I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s best you see for yourself. No, not me. Starlight.”
  546. >”Yes, right away. Thank you so much. Alright, I will.”
  547. >You hang up and sigh before going to put on some pajama bottoms.
  548. >Nurse redheart moves the stethoscope along Glimmer’s purple pregnant paunch before removing it and taking the ear nubs out.
  549. >”Well, Misses Glimmer. You’re the mother of five, perfectly healthy foals.”
  550. >”Five… Quintuplets. Wow.”
  551. ”Thanks again for coming at such a late hour, Nurse Redheart.”
  552. >”Oh, it’s no problem, sweetie. These sorts of visits are always exciting. Even if they’re… hard to explain.”
  553. >”I’m just glad they’re all safe. Still doesn’t explain what happened, though.”
  554. >”That’s out of my wheelhouse. But feel free to come by the hospital for an ultrasound!”
  555. >”Will do. Thanks again!”
  556. >”See you, Misses Glimmer!”
  557. >You help the white mare find her way out of the castle and return to your wife.
  558. >Her worried frown is replaced with a beaming smile as she stares at her belly, rubbing it gently.
  559. >You lean on the doorframe, grinning.
  560. “You’re beautiful.”
  561. >Starlight looks at you.
  562. >”It’s only because I’m so in love.”
  563. ”No. No, it’s because I’m so in love with you.”
  564. >Starlight rolls her eyes.
  565. >You love it when she plays along.
  566. >You saunter over to the bed and sit on it, laying on your side to reach your wife’s stomach.
  567. “You alright?”
  568. >”For now,” she says.
  569. >”I’ll feel better after the ultrasound. And figuring out what caused this.”
  570. “A mating press.”
  571. >That earns you a glare.
  572. “Wouldn’t you rather sleep on it?”
  573. >Starlight furrows her brow.
  574. >”I don’t know if I can.”
  575. >You think for a moment, then sit up.
  576. ”Let me make another phone call.”
  577. >Star looks at you with a puzzled expression as you dial another number.
  578. >”Spike? Yes it’s- Starlight’s husband, right. Listen, I know it’s… almost one in the morning, but do you think you could wake Princess Twilight?”
  579. >”It’s a… a magical emergency. Uh huh. Great. Hey, thanks, man. You got it. See you in a bit.”
  580. >Starlight raises a brow.
  581. >”How many ponies do you plan on waking up, Dear?”
  582. “As many as it takes. Besides, if I know Twilight, she’d never pass up an opportunity to study magic or help a friend.”
  583. >Starlight reaches for you and hugs you.
  584. >”Have I ever told you how handsome you are when you take charge?”
  585. “Maybe?”
  586. >“Well, you are.”
  587. >You’re given a kiss.
  588. >You close your eyes and relax as you hold Starlight’s belly, proud to be the father of five foals.
  589. >Right as the clock strikes 1:00AM, a flash of purple light heralds the entrance of Princess Twilight Sparkle, herself round with foal.
  590. >And Spike.
  591. >And Twilight’s husband.
  592. >And a desk.
  593. >And stacks of books and scrolls.
  594. >And a chalkboard.
  595. >And Sunburst.
  596. >”Oh! Good! I hope we didn’t keep you two waiting! Magical mishaps hardly leave time to waste! Now, what seems to be the issue? Resonance cascade? Escaped creature? A miscast of Marehead’s Marvelous Multiplication? That one can get out of hand pretty quickly!”
  597. >Starlight blushes.
  598. >”Well, it does involve multiplication.”
  599. >She casts aside the comforter, revealing her enlarged stomach.
  600. >Twilight gasps.
  601. >Everyone else seems too tired to do more than widen their eyes.
  602. >Twilight waddles on over.
  603. >”Starlight! You’re pregnant! How did this happen? WHEN did this happen? I just saw you before you left to visit your dad. Now you’re as big as I am!”
  604. >Starlight looks aside coyly.
  605. >”Well, my husband and I decided we wanted to start a family and I sorta tried to help things along.”
  606. >Sunburst blinks, adjusting his glasses, in awe of his childhood friend’s belly.
  607. >”Look at the size of that thing…”
  608. >”Cut the chatter,” Spike whispers.
  609. >Twilight’s wings perk as she remembers the orange pony.
  610. >”Oh, right! I popped on over to the Crystal Empire to bring Sunburst along. Three heads are better than one, after all.”
  611. >Twilight really is way too peppy for one in the morning.
  612. >Your wife smiles sheepishly.
  613. >”You really didn’t have to, Twilight.”
  614. >”Oh, it’s no problem. How could we pass up the opportunity to help friends AND study magic? Right, Sunburst?”
  615. >”Huuhuwhah?”
  616. >The stallion looks like he’s about to fall over. As does Twilight’s husband.
  617. >In fact, everyone aside from Twilight looks pretty sleepy.
  618. >”Eheh. I guess not everyone is quite as excited as I am. Spike, do you think you could head to the kitchen and get some coffee started? I think we’ll be needing it.”
  619. >Spike nods and points at Twilight.
  620. >”You got it.”
  621. >He scurries off, clearly remembering where everything in the castle is.
  622. >Twilight turns to Starlight, levitating a quill and parchment to take notes.
  623. >”Now what exactly do you mean by ‘help things along’?”
  624. >Starlight clears her throat.
  625. >”Well, we wanted to conceive but it turns out my next estrus wasn’t for a while, so I cast a spell to fast-forward myself to it.”
  626. >Twilight blinks.
  627. >”Well that’s certainly original. Then what did you do?”
  628. >Starlight blushes.
  629. >”Um… We… that is, my husband and I…”
  630. >Twilight motions with her wing as if to urge Glimmer along.
  631. >”How much detail do you need exactly?”
  632. >”Every de- oh! I see. We don’t have to go into that if you don’t want to.”
  633. >Twilight’s husband barely manages to catch Sunburst against his leg. The poor horse was well and truly passed out.
  634. >”Maybe we should wait on Spike to get back with that coffee.”
  636. **********
  638. >Once everyone is caffeinated, Twilight questions your wife.
  639. >”Alright, so exactly what kind of spell did you use?”
  640. >”Well, I used that book on my desk for reference. But basically I aged my pituitary gland and hypothalamus by one week, with a recursion at the end to slow it down. That would make them release the hormones to induce my estrus.”
  641. >Twilight writes it down on her parchment.
  642. >”Okay, then what?”
  643. >”Uh, next I cast a flow enhancement so that the rest of my body could catch up. Especially my womb, so it could ovulate.”
  644. >Twilight sighs. “That makes sense so far. What do you think, Sunburst?”
  645. >Sunburst is looking at the tome.
  646. >”Well. It’s a start. But some of the information in this book is probably outdated. Especially the parts about biology.
  647. >He fidgets with his glasses.
  648. >”Figuring this out could take a while.”
  649. “Is this what college study sessions are like?”
  650. >Your wife rubs your arm lovingly.
  651. >”Wanna help me off the bed so I can work?”
  652. >You’re not sure if Starlight can even walk at this point. Sure, Twilight can, but she’s had months to get used to a growing body.
  653. >Then again, there’s no time like the present.
  654. >You nod and carefully hold your wife.
  655. >Goodness, she’s heavy.
  656. >You lower her down off the bed and towards the floor.
  657. >She reaches out with her hooves and manages to hold herself up.
  658. >She cringes.
  659. >”Oh, wow. I’m definitely going to need to do some back exercises. This belly is heavy!”
  660. >Twilight giggles.
  661. >”It definitely takes some getting used to. But the worst part is-”
  662. >Glimmer yelps as her swaying stomach pulls her hard to the right, making her fall over.
  663. >”The swaying.”
  664. >You panic.
  665. “Star! Are you alright?”
  666. >She groans.
  667. >”I’m fine. I just… gotta be more careful.”
  668. >She waddles over to Twilight’s desk to look over the materials she brought.
  669. >As she walks in front of you, you notice something you haven’t been able to see until now.
  670. >Your wife has some massive milkers.
  671. >Like, huge.
  672. >Purple, plump, and jiggling side to side as your wife’s hips work their magic.
  673. >You feel guilty for enjoying this as much as you are.
  674. >As hard as it is to look away from your heavily pregnant wife, you do notice the princess’ husband looking at you.
  675. >Shit!
  676. >He’s caught you staring!
  677. >Does he know?
  678. >He jerks his head to the side, beckoning you over.
  679. >You figure the unicorns and the dragon have this covered. May as well see what your fellow human wants.
  680. >You grab your coffee mug and walk over to him.
  681. “Uh… hey.”
  682. >”Hey, yourself. How are you feeling?”
  683. >You sigh.
  684. ”Like I could pass out or break into a dead sprint at the same time. But… I guess I don’t really know.”
  685. >”Well, that’s the nerves. Give it a few minutes for the coffee to work.”
  686. >You nod and sip some more. If nothing else, the familiar taste and smell is comforting.
  687. >”So, how did it go down?”
  688. >You lean against the wall.
  689. “Quickly.”
  690. ”Star and I wanted a foal. She was scared at first. Until she wasn’t. Then she was all in… I really like that about her. She never does anything half-assed.”
  691. >”Except planning ahead.”
  692. >You don’t have a response for that. It’s pretty much true.
  693. >”Well, I’d give you some advice, but I only have a few months ahead of you.”
  694. >He leans back.
  695. >”And besides, the real work hasn’t started yet.”
  696. >You nod at your cousin and sip your coffee.
  697. >”But if you ever need another man to talk to, I’m here.”
  698. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
  699. >”The most important thing you can do right now is be calm and be strong for Starlight.”
  700. >You straighten up reflexively.
  701. “I will.”
  702. >Your cousin smiles.
  703. >”Good man.”
  704. >The both of you stay out of the ponies’ way as they go about their business discussing facts and theories.
  705. >Twilight begins writing on the chalkboard.
  706. >”So… I noticed you checking her out.”
  707. “Was it that obvious?”
  708. >”You were gawking, dude.”
  709. >God, this is embarrassing.
  710. >”Hey, don’t worry. You’re not the only one who appreciates a pregnant mare.”
  711. “I’m not?”
  712. >”Not at all. And hey, don’t hide it from her. She may just appreciate it.”
  713. >You raise a brow.
  714. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
  715. >Time passes.
  716. >More coffee is consumed by everyone.
  717. >Spike proves to be the hero of the hour, heading out to get another carafe filled with fresh brew.
  718. >Sunburst sighs.
  719. >”Ah. Caffeine. Ambrosia of scholasticism.”
  720. >You approach the small nerd horse.
  721. >”Any progress? This all looks… pretty complicated.”
  722. >”Eh. Sort of. Thus far, my conjecture leads me to believe that-”
  723. >You’re assaulted by a tsunami of thaumaturgical terminology that taxes every last brain cell you have.
  724. >You can feel the gears in your brain grinding and sparking.
  725. >Starlight notices and pats her friend on the shoulder.
  726. >”I… think this is a bit over his head for now, Sunburst.”
  727. >”Oh! Uh. Sorry, sir. I tend to get really excited over these things.”
  728. “At least I know we’re in good hands. Er, hooves.”
  729. >Star winks at you.
  730. >Twilight has five scrolls floating at once, glancing at all of them and writing on the board all the while.
  731. >”We’ll figure this out, together. Friendship never fails to tackle a challenge.”
  732. >Well, if the Princess of Friendship says it, it must be true!
  733. >Sunburst looks at some notes and then at a book.
  734. >He uses his magic to stroke his goatee for a few seconds.
  735. >”Uh… Starlight.”
  736. >”Yeah?”
  737. >”Did you remember to use Starswirl’s Constant when casting this?”
  738. >Your wife winces.
  739. >”Uh… No?”
  740. >Twilight’s ears perk up.
  741. >”But Starlight,” she says.
  742. >”The recursion of the spell is logarithmic. Without taking the Constant into account, the calculation will be-”
  743. >”Underestimated,” Starlight finishes.
  744. >Twilight bites her lower lip.
  745. >”Okay, what about… the time stop. Did you use a reverse dilation or an actual slowdown?”
  746. >”Reverse dilation?”
  747. >Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead.
  748. >Sunburst tries to assuage the situation.
  749. >”Starlight, how long did you spend researching this spell?”
  750. >Key word being ‘tries’.
  751. >”Research?”
  752. >Twilight and Sunburst groan.
  753. >The princess chides her former student.
  754. >”Starlight, casting a spell this complicated absolutely requires prep time. You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself. Or worse!”
  755. >”It DID hurt! At least at first. Ugh. You’re right. I was so eager I didn’t even stop to think of the consequences.”
  756. >You hold your tongue.
  757. >Snide remarks, no matter how funny, are not needed at this time.
  758. >”It’s fine. At least now we know what went wrong,” the princess says.
  759. >She waddles over to the chalkboard and finishes her diagrams and calculations. Sunburst fills in some additional diagrams and math.
  760. >It’s almost five in the morning.
  761. >The most grueling session of number crunching takes place before you.
  762. >Your brain hurts just watching them work.
  763. >Finally, everyone takes a step back.
  764. >Twilight sighs.
  765. >”Alright. Mission accomplished, everyone.”
  766. >”That was a tough one,” Sunburst says, a look of both pride and relief on his face.
  767. >Starlight looks worried.
  768. “So… what happened?”
  769. >Your wife looks at you then back at the board.
  770. >”Well… it looks like the spell didn’t just make me reach my estrus. Remember how I said my emotions fuel my magic?”
  771. “Yeah?”
  772. >”Well… I was pretty emotional when we were… Ahem. Conceiving. That flow enhancer caused me to overovulate, and time casting? Hooh, boy.”
  773. >Twilight takes over.
  774. >”Based on my calculations, Starlight is in her tenth month of pregnancy.”
  775. “I see… So she’s got what… Two more months?”
  776. >”Not exactly. There were issues with the that part of the spell, too. Starlight is at ten months now, but the foals won’t continue to develop until the effects of the reverse dilation match up with the initial one.”
  777. “Wait… does that mean-”
  778. >”It means I’m going to be like this for TEN MONTHS before our babies start growing again.”
  779. >Star groans dramatically, plops on her filled-out flank and looks down at her titanic tummy.
  780. >You kneel next to your wife and hug her.
  781. >Exhausted, she leans into you with another groan.
  782. >”This is going to be AGONIZING.”
  783. >Twilight gives Starlight a sheepish grin.
  784. >”Pregnancy isn’t so bad, Starlight. Even at this stage! Sure, the belly is heavy, and cumbersome, and the babies have a VERY different sleep schedule than you, and they have strong kicks, and the cravings are overwhelming and-”
  785. >”Oh, it sounds just wonderful…”
  786. >”My point is… it’s rewarding. And you have your husband with you to get through it. So cheer up. I know you’ve got this.”
  787. >Star smiles and the girls hug each other.
  788. >”You, too, Sunburst,” your wife insists.
  789. >Spike joins in, as does your cousin.
  790. >Starlight gets teary eyed and smiles.
  791. >”Thank you so much, everypony.”
  792. >Everyone holds each other, thankful for their love.
  793. >Spike blinks.
  794. >”What time is it?”
  795. >You glance at the clock.
  796. ”Six thirty.”
  797. >Twilight’s eyes shoot open.
  798. >”I’m late for raising the sun!”
  799. >Oops.
  800. >The pregnant princess wriggles free of the group hug and poofs away.
  801. >Five seconds later, she poofs back, grabs Spike, her husband, and Sunburst.
  802. >”I’m so sorry, you two. I have to go. Congratulations on the pregnancy!”
  803. >Sunburst waves at you.
  804. >”Bye, Starlight! Bye, uh, what was your na-”
  805. >Poof!
  806. >You and your wife are left standing in your crystalline bedroom.
  807. >An awkward silence looms.
  808. >Starlight breaks it with a sigh.
  809. >”I really screwed things up this time, didn’t I?”
  810. >You remember your cousin’s words and lean down.
  811. “That’s a matter of opinion, Glim Glam. I think you did something pretty cool.”
  812. >You give the round mare a squeeze.
  813. >She grins.
  814. >”Really?”
  815. “Yeah, really. You invented a new spell! A really unique one.”
  816. >You gaze at her round middle and place a hand on it.
  817. “Most importantly, these little guys are okay.”
  818. >Glimmer nods and looks over her belly.
  819. >She groans.
  820. >”I look like a cow,” she bemoans.
  821. >You caress the furred flesh with your hands.
  822. “You look beautiful.”
  823. >Starlight raises a brow.
  824. >”I noticed you looking at my belly a lot while we were doing research.”
  825. >You blush nervously.
  826. “Yeah?”
  827. >”Dear… do you like pregnant girls?”
  828. >You bite your lip.
  829. >”I’m not judging. I won’t be angry if you do.”
  830. “I uh… Yeah, I think pregnant bellies are hot.”
  831. >Starlight bats her eyes.
  832. >She raises a hoof around your neck and pulls your head down to whisper in your ear.
  833. >”Why don’t you show me how hot…”
  834. “You sure? Aren’t you exhausted?”
  835. >”All that coffee has me feeling pret-ty energized.”
  836. “Well then.”
  837. >You turn your head and kiss Starlight.
  838. >She eagerly presses her lips to yours, shooting her tongue into your mouth.
  839. >You moan together, tasting each other as you run your hands down Starlight’s chest to her tummy, running your hands over her pregnant purple paunch in slow circles.
  840. >Her tail flicks in response.
  841. >Starlight steadily lowers her flank to sit down, pulling you down beside her.
  842. >Her body jiggles with the impact, especially her hips and belly.
  843. >Hot.
  844. >You wiggle and try to take your pajamas off.
  845. >You feel yourself lifted up as a blue aura surrounds you.
  846. >”Let me help you with that, Dear.”
  847. >Your wife disrobes you and lets you back down next to her.
  848. >You continue kissing, rubbing her stomach more and more vigorously.
  849. >You lift it an inch or so with both hands and let it fall into Starlight’s lap.
  850. >She gives you a look.
  851. “Sorry.”
  852. >”Oh, you’re going to be,” she threatens with a grin.
  853. >You feel Starlight’s hoof gently caress your member, already stiffened, to get you fully erect.
  854. >You hiss at her touch, wiggling your hips.
  855. “Star, I don’t know how much longer I can hold back.”
  856. >”Neither do I.”
  857. >Once again, your wife levitates you, and herself, this time onto the bed.
  858. >She runs her hoof down your chest, looking at you with a mix of care and need.
  859. >”Dear? Is it alright if I’m on top? I think it might be easier for me. This girl’s pretty heavy.”
  860. >She pats her belly for emphasis.
  861. “Sure thing, Glimmy.”
  862. >You hold your wife by her haunches, helping the enormously encumbered equine to get over your hips.
  863. >You grunt as she plops onto your stomach, her own stomach looming over you in an almost ominous fashion.
  864. >It casts a dark shadow over you.
  865. “Wow… it’s really big up close.”
  866. >”Gee, thanks. I’m so flattered.”
  867. >You grin and greedily grope at Glimmy’s gravid, girthy gut.
  868. >The mare changes her tune.
  869. >”Very flattered, actually. Oh, wow. That feels nice.”
  870. “Mmmmmm.”
  871. >You knead and rub and fondle all over your wife’s baby bump. It’s an amazing combination of pliant and plush, taut and tight. And the feeling of the fur under your palms is exquisite.
  872. >You feel yourself getting harder by the second.
  873. >You hear Starlight exhale. She goes limp.
  874. >She’s getting less tense.
  875. >She even does a little wiggle of her hips, jiggling her now healthily endowed flanks.
  876. >”You really like this belly don’t you.”
  877. “Mhmmmmmmm!”
  878. >You make your cock twitch hard enough to slap against Starlight’s ass.
  879. >She squeals and grinds her belly on your chest.
  880. >”Alright, Dear. I think that’s enough foreplay.”
  881. >You whine as Starlight backs up, moving her belly further from you, if only by a few inches.
  882. >”Oh, hush. You’ll live.”
  883. >She grins mischievously.
  884. >”Probably.”
  885. >Starlight pushes herself off of you for a few sparse seconds.
  886. >Using her magic, she aims your cock towards her snatch.
  887. >And then drops down.
  888. “Hrrrk!”
  889. >All the air explodes out of your diaphragm.
  890. >You see stars.
  891. >You feel heat, moistness, and tightness around your manhood.
  892. >And you hear your wife moan like a whore.
  893. >It’s almost threatening.
  894. >But super hot.
  895. >”Whew. There we go. Nice and snug.”
  896. >You grab Starlight by her hips and groan.
  897. “Star… I-”
  898. >”Shhhhh-sh-sh-sh-sh. You just keep those hands of yours busy. I think I can handle the rest.”
  899. >You move your hands back and forth across Starlight’s thighs, as she tries to start riding you.
  900. >She grinds on you, her pussy working your dick inside her.
  901. >Her marehood clenches repeatedly, squeezing and hugging your member, making you twitch like crazy.
  902. >Starlight grabs your hands and puts them back on her belly.
  903. >”That feels really good.”
  904. >Score!
  905. >As you rub and pet the pony’s belly, you grow more and more insatiable.
  906. >You buck your hips deeper into your wife, delving deeper into her body.
  907. >Her little gasps and moans.
  908. >The occasional shudder of her body.
  909. >She’s having the time of her life!
  910. >As are you.
  911. >Which hasn’t gone unnoticed by Starlight.
  912. >She can just barely see your face over the mountain of her stomach.
  913. >”Glad to know… you’re having… as much fun… as I am…”
  914. >Her horn glows and you feel her magic ruffling your hair playfully.
  915. >Since she can’t do it with her hooves with her baby bump in the way.
  916. >You give Starlight’s belly a playful slap on the side.
  917. >”Ah! You naughty little…”
  918. >Glimmer sqeezes you tight as punishment.
  919. >You groan her name.
  920. >You arch your back and squeeze Starlight’s fuzzy dome.
  921. >When you open your eyes again, you see her rise up.
  922. >She’s gotten enough of a handle on her new body to start bouncing on you.
  923. >Her belly bobs up and down, cheeks and baby bump both clapping on your hairless form.
  924. >Your wife’s love tunnel jerks you off as you get ridden hard by the horny horse.
  925. >The unicorn leans back, balancing herself by propping her hooves on your legs as she bounces her ass on you faster and faster, that belly bobbing rhythmically in front of you.
  926. >It’s a mesmerizing sight.
  927. >You’re feeling brave.
  928. >Even though you’re being driven crazy by the sensation of Starlight’s folds tantalizing every inch of your prick.
  929. >Then again, your prick is doing the same to every inch of her marehood.
  930. >Not to mention every time her clit gets ground against your groin.
  931. >You give Starlight’s belly another slap.
  932. >Her thighs squeeze you tight, as does her cunt.
  933. >”Ooooh. Baby. Do that again.”
  934. >Slap!
  935. >Starlight takes a ragged breath.
  936. >Her pussy convulses, twitching and tugging at your cock.
  937. >She’s about to lose it!
  938. >You do your best to meet your wife’s hips every time she slams down on you, holding that round sphere of hers and craning your neck to lick at it.
  939. >That earns you a shudder.
  940. >Lick.
  941. >Another shudder. And a squeal of delight.
  942. >Lick.
  943. >Suddenly, Starlight leans forward, pressing her gut into your body and strangling your cock so hard it nearly goes numb!
  944. >Your balls reward her by sending up a massive load that bursts inside her belly, drenching her insides with your seed.
  945. >The pony rides out her orgasm, cycling her hips on top of your lap slowly to get every last drop out of you.
  946. >You join her, your dick splurting smaller and smaller bursts into her before going limp beneath her.
  947. >As for the mare, she falls off of you to the side, rolling onto her back on top of you after slipping off of your manhood.
  948. >She pants, her purple hair matted to her forehead.
  949. >Starlight’s chest rises and falls.
  950. >As does yours.
  951. >As the two of you catch your breath, sunlight creeps through the crystal windows of your bedroom.
  952. >Starlight chuckles.
  953. >”Better late than never, Twilight.”
  954. >You sigh, barely able to move.
  955. “Wow… that was… really intense.”
  956. >Starlight looks over at you.
  957. >”You know… I think I’m with you on the whole pregnancy thing. I feel… kinda sexy!”
  958. >You rub a finger along Starlight’s horn.
  959. “You ARE sexy, Star.”
  960. >Your wife grins and wiggles up against you, making sure the side of her stomach is pressed into your ribs.
  961. >”I don’t know what came over me just then. It’s like I couldn’t keep my hooves off you!”
  962. >A swirl of green fire leaves a roll of parchment in the air which lands right on top of Glimmer’s gut.
  963. >She unfurls it with her magic and reads.
  964. >”Dear Starlight, I left in such a hurry, I forgot to mention something. Pregnancy is accompanied by a massive increase in hormones, which can lead to an increase in libido.”
  965. >Starlight groans.
  966. >”Now she tells me.”
  967. >She continues reading.
  968. >”Don’t be afraid to communicate your needs to your husband. Don’t worry about your appearance. I have it on good authority that he may find your current condition to be very alluring.”
  969. >Starlight sets the parchment aside and looks at you with a grin.
  970. >”So I’ve learned.”
  971. >You pass your arm under Starlight’s neck and wrap it around her shoulder, hugging her.
  972. ”You really don’t think it’s weird that I like pregnant mares?”
  973. >Starlight nudges you with her hoof.
  974. >”Oh, it’s definitely weird, Dear. I’ll just have to be weird with you and like it.”
  975. >You pat her belly and stroke it.
  976. “Do you like it so far?”
  977. >Starlight gazes up at the ceiling.
  978. >”Well… I do like walking. And I think I’m going to have to relearn how to do that. And the movement inside me is… strange.”
  979. “But?”
  980. >”But… I dunno. I think these little guys wiggling is kinda cute.
  981. >She looks down at her huge belly and pets it lovingly.
  982. >”And I’m excited. Nervous as hell, of course. But excited.”
  983. >You sigh, feeling the effect of waning caffeination, sexual exhaustion, and a general lack of sleep.
  984. >Starlight yawns.
  985. >She’s feeling it, too.
  986. >”But you know what the best perk is?”
  987. “What?”
  988. >”Having a husband who loves me and my belly.”
  989. >She turns and kisses you.
  990. >You close your eyes and kiss back.
  991. >Once it’s over, she looks you over.
  992. >”I know it’s morning, but are you ready to finally get some rest?”
  993. “Yeah but… what about the ultrasound?”
  994. >Starlight shrugs.
  995. >”It can wait. I’m feeling pretty confident.”
  996. >Her horn glows.
  997. >The lights get turned off.
  998. >The blinds close.
  999. >Starlight hefts herself enough to rest her head on your chest.
  1000. >Her belly covers most of your torso, acting almost like a cover.
  1001. “Love you, Star.”
  1002. >”Love you, too, Dear.”

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff