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By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2022-02-09 14:33:11
Updated: 2022-04-04 10:05:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Wingpony
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Be anon
  6. >Be outside
  7. >You aren’t much of an outdoor person, but even you have to admit it’s a nice day out. You shift into a more comfortable position on the cloud and stretch. It sure was nice of Princess Twilight to cast that permanent spell on you. Now you can walk on clouds like Pegasi. Though you still need to be careful.
  8. >Falling off would be a bad idea.
  9. >You look into the sky and see a streak of blue whiz by. A very large streak of blue.
  10. >Rainbow Dash whoops with delight as she somersaults through the air.
  11. >You smile. The pegasus has a lot of energy today.
  12. >Even so, the mare isn’t quite as fast or graceful as she used to be just a few months ago. One look at her would explain why. Dashie was pregnant.
  13. >VERY pregnant.
  14. >Sagging down between her four hooves is a massive belly that holds an entire litter of children.
  15. >YOUR children.
  16. >Which honestly makes you a bit worried about her constant practice. Both for her safety and those of the babies.
  17. >Not that you could ever talk the Wonderbolt out of it.
  18. >Suddenly, Rainbow takes a sharp turn. She zigzags and does a barrel roll around an obstacle course of clouds before flying upside down.
  19. >She loses altitude. She’s falling!
  20. “Rainbow! Rainboooow!”
  21. >She falls out of sight, and you look down from your little cloud to see where she went.
  22. >Your heart races. You begin to hyperventilate.
  23. >POOF!
  24. >Rainbow bursts through the cloud and poses triumphantly.
  25. >”Tadaaaaaa! Well, whaddya think, Hubs? Impressed?”
  26. >You look dumbstruck at your wife.
  27. “RD you… you… Uuuuuugh!”
  28. >”Speechless?”
  29. >She smirks. But you’re not in the mood.
  30. “Don’t scare me like that! I thought you were falling!”
  31. >Rainbow frowns and settles on the cloud, placing her hooves on her belly.
  32. >”Sorry, Hubs. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ve just been wanting to show off for a while.”
  33. >From what her friends told you, years ago, Rainbow Dash wouldn't have given a rat’s ass if she’d causes someone to panic. But she’d matured a lot since then.
  34. >You sigh and sit next to your wife, finally calming down.
  35. “I know. I know. I get that it’s not fair to ask you to give up flying in your condition but… I just can’t help worrying. I love you.”
  36. >Rainbow grins and kisses your cheek. “I love you too, Hubs. Look… I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I’ll try to take it easy from now on. Kay? Starting tomorrow. But ONLY until the kiddos are born.”
  37. >You relent and smile as the tomboy kisses you.
  38. “Alright. Deal.”
  40. >Dash pumps her hoof.
  41. >”Heh! Yes!”
  42. >As if to gloat over her win, she pirouettes away into her next set. You roll your eyes, but smile all the same.
  43. >Five minutes pass of you taking in the cool air and warm sun.
  44. >Then you hear RD approach, panting.
  45. >The mare takes her goggles off and plops next to you on the cloud with a poof of mist.
  46. >You toss her her water bottle and she takes a swig.
  47. >”Aaaaah. Thanks. Man, what a day, huh?”
  48. “Rainbow, you know most of the weatherponies.”
  49. >”And they did an AWESOME job.”
  50. >Rainbow pants and leans back on her hooves, jutting her belly out.
  51. >Her bulging stomach stretches her Wonderbolt uniform to the very limit. You can even see her bellybutton through the thin, synthetic fabric.
  52. >Speaking of fabric…
  53. >Her sweat has seeped through the material, making it shimmer and sheen in the sun. Same with her hair.
  54. >God, she looks so hot when she’s sweaty.
  55. >As if on cue, the mare tosses her namesake mane back, sending tiny beads of sweat flying. She shakes it vigorously and then turns to smirk at you.
  56. >”Can’t keep your eyes off me, eh, Hubs?”
  57. “C’mon, it’s not fair when you do the hair thing!”
  58. >”You weren’t staring at my hair, dude...”
  59. >You look down and turn away.
  60. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
  61. >Rainbow leans over, not without significant effort, and ruffles your hair playfully.
  62. >”Fuckin’ pervert.”
  63. >She sighs and resumes leaning back.
  64. >Her massive gut rises and falls with her heavy breathing.
  65. >Unable to resist, you scoot closer and place a hand on her stomach.
  66. >Still panting, Dash covers your hand with a hoof.
  67. >”Look, don’t tell anyone, but… I’m really scared,” she says suddenly.
  68. ”Scared? Why? About giving birth?”
  69. >Your wife shakes her head and exhales loudly.
  70. >”Naw, not that. Just… being a mom. These guys are counting on me. I know I can be real immature sometimes...”
  71. >You scoot over more and reach under the mare’s forelegs and pull her into your lap, wrapping both arms around her bloated middle and squeezing gently.
  72. “Hey. None of that.”
  73. >”But-”
  74. ”No ‘buts.’ I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t know you were mature enough to handle anything.”
  75. >Rainbow bursts out of your lap.
  76. >”But this is WAY different! What if I teach them the wrong things!? What if I push them too hard and they hate me!? What if I don’t push them hard enough and they can’t succeed! Their lives will be RUUUUUINED!”
  77. >You grab your mare by the head and force her to look at you.
  78. ”Hey! Listen to me! You… are Rainbow. Dash.”
  79. >”Y-yeah?”
  80. “You’re the most AWESOME mare in Equestria. You’re the Element of Loyalty. You became a Wonderbolt purely on your own merit. You’ve done every single thing you’ve set your mind to and proved to everyone how amazing you are.”
  81. >Dash glances away.
  82. >”Well, yeah… I guess am pretty awesome… But… these are our foals we’re talking about.”
  84. “Exactly. And they’re gonna be just as awesome as their mom.”
  85. >Rainbow tears up and clenches her eyes shut.
  86. >But after a moment, she relents with a sigh.
  87. >”I… You’re right. I’m sorry for freaking out like that.”
  88. >You hug her tight.
  89. “It’s okay. This is a big step. But you won’t do it alone. I’ll be right beside you. Every day. No matter what happens.”
  90. >You kiss her on the lips and pet her mane gently.
  91. >She returns the kiss and blushes with embarrassment.
  92. >”Look, I’m not a spaz or anything. It’s just, uh… hormones!”
  93. “Uh huh.”
  94. >”I’m cool and calm.”
  95. “Uh huh.”
  96. >”But thank you… I needed that.”
  97. “Anytime.”
  98. >RD sighs and takes her goggles off, rubbing her face.
  99. >”Uhhhhgggh. I hate these stupid mood swings.”
  100. >She waddles to the edge of the cloud and looks into the sky.
  101. >You lay back and look at Dash.
  102. >What’s she thinking about?
  103. >You see her arch her back and groan as she stretches, her engorged stomach sagging beneath her.
  105. >She glances at you once more.
  106. >”You know, you should exercise, too. While we’re out here and all.”
  107. “Dashie, I can’t fly,” you plead. “Besides, I hate exercise.”
  108. >RD waddles past you and flicks her tail at your face, the scent of perspiration filling your nose.
  109. >And another scent, too.
  110. >”I’m pretty sure you’ll be up for this one.”
  111. ”I don’t know what you mean.”
  112. >Lies.
  113. >Rainbow hops over to you and nibbles your ear playfully.
  114. >”Liar. You know what I mean.”
  115. >Damn! She’s onto you!
  116. “You serious? Out here? That’s… someone could see us!”
  117. >”Yeah?”
  118. >She’s smiling with her tongue sticking out tauntingly at the same time.
  119. >It’s adorable and smug all at once.
  120. “It’s not a good idea. Remember what happened last time?”
  121. >Ah, yes. Last time.
  122. >It was your one-year anniversary.
  123. >You got your wife a paper wall decoration, being traditional.
  124. >Your wife got you something very different.
  125. >Rainbow Dash had the bright idea of going through the portal to the human world. The other one, where people were alternate versions of the ponies of Equestria.
  126. >Dash figured you deserved to have normal human sex at least once. And she was curious about the experience, too.
  127. >Sex with a human Dash?
  128. >That sounded kinda weird.
  129. >Is it weird that sex with another human sounded weird?
  130. >Sounded pretty kinky, though, so you agreed.
  131. >You passed through on a weekend, appearing at the high school, which appeared to be deserted.
  132. >Not wanting to waste time, RD dragged you by the hand to the bleachers where the two of you got busy.
  133. >Neither of you were worried about getting caught. Who would be at the school soccer field during the weekend?
  134. >The boys’ soccer team, apparently.
  135. >The two of you high-tailed it back to Equestria. And you both laughed. It WAS pretty funny.
  136. >What WASN’T funny was what happened to the human Rainbow’s reputation after that.
  137. >Princess Twilight told you about what had happened the following Monday and you and your wife returned.
  138. >Dash was in tears.
  139. >You and your wife had to stand in front of God and everyone explaining what hat happened.
  140. >Hey, guys! That was US fucking under the bleachers, not your classmate!
  141. >Man, what a disaster.
  142. >It didn’t stop you from going back and doing it again.
  143. >But you made sure to book a hotel room instead.
  145. >Dash blew you off.
  146. >”Relaaaax. There’s no one out here! We’re not gonna get caught. Besides, we’ll keep our clothes on!”
  147. >That’s such a dumb idea.
  148. >It would probably work, though.
  149. “Well...”
  150. >Rainbow waves her flank in front of you and gives you a sultry look.
  151. >That rump of hers had filled out over the last few months.
  152. >You can’t help it. You slap both hands onto that ass.
  153. >”Hook, line, and sinker!”
  154. “Yeah, yeah.”
  155. >You grip Dash’s flanks and she bites her lips.
  156. >You press your bulging groin against her ass.
  157. >You stretch the Wonderbolt’s tailhole opening, exposing that puckering blue ponut to the air. Lower and lower you pull it until the mare’s winking labia are exposed.
  158. “Oh, man. You really ARE horny.”
  159. >”Awww, shut up and whip that cock out, will ya?”
  160. >Obliging, you hook your thumbs into your pants as you gaze at your wife’s ass, your dick swinging out suddenly, the tip slapping Dash’s asshole and making her squeal with anticipation.
  161. >Oh, man, this is gonna be good.
  163. >Your length throbs and you press the tip against Dash’s marehood.
  164. >Almost reflexively, it gapes open to pull you in, tugging at you.
  165. “Geeze, you really needed this...”
  166. >”Nnnnnnnghhh. Heck yeah, dude. You know how worked up exercise gets me.”
  167. >Dash leans her head back to look up at you and winks.
  168. >You sneak a kiss on that snoot as you push yourself deeper inside the mare. She’s so hot. It’s like a furnace!
  169. >Dash pants as you delve deeper inside.
  170. >Finally you bottom out, your hips pressing against her soft, velvety ass.
  171. >Her wings flutter as she shivers with bliss.
  172. >Throbbing, you lean down and wrap your arms around your wife, hands gripping the sides of her taut belly.
  173. “You good, Dashie?”
  174. >Dash licks her lips and swats you with her tail.
  175. >She presses her ass back against you.
  176. >”I’m better. Question is, are you?”
  177. “What do you mean?”
  178. >You roll your hips, unable to keep still, snug as your cock is inside the heavenly heat of Rainbow’s pussy.
  179. >”I told you you were getting exercise, BOY,” she says firmly.
  180. >”I’m gonna make you sweat before this is over.”
  181. >You squeeze the girl and nuzzle her neck, thrusting your cock in and out a few times as you nibble her ear playfully.
  182. “Oh yeah? Try me.”
  183. >Dash grins an evil grin.
  184. >What is she planning?
  185. >”Ooooooh, you’re gonna regret that, Hubs.”
  186. >Suddenly, the mare’s snatch squeezes you like a vice. You’re stuck!
  187. >”Remember how we conceived?”
  188. >Your eyes go wide.
  189. “You wouldn’t dare...”
  190. >Dash bites her lip with a devilish expression and flares her wings out.
  191. >”Hold on tight!”
  193. >Rainbow hops off of the cloud.
  194. “RainboooooooOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!”
  195. >Gravity vaults around you as you descend into a free fall.
  196. >Vertigo rushes at you.
  197. >The ground is so far below!
  198. >”Whooooooooooooooooooooo!!!”
  199. >Suddenly, those blue wings spread out and you both slow down, causing you to lurch forward.
  200. >Further into Rainbow who clenches around you.
  201. >You twitch inside her and gasp, remembering how to breathe.
  202. ”Hohmigosh. Dash, ho-”
  203. >You get a moan in response from your wife. She’s in control now.
  204. >She begins weaving between clouds, banking left and right as you hold onto her for dear life.
  205. >Her rainbow mane billows in front of you, the locks dancing as the wind passes over them.
  206. >All the while, you cling to her slick suit for dear life, draped over her back, her marehood keeping you in place.
  207. >You can feel your heart beating faster and faster.
  208. >Rainbow’s too. Your cock can feel her pulse from the inside of her warm cunny.
  209. >”Stay with me, dude! We’re not done yet!”
  210. >Her feathery appendages tilt, and you spin into an aileron roll!
  211. >The world spins!
  212. >Land!
  213. >Sky!
  214. >Land!
  215. >Sky!
  216. >Land!
  217. >Sky!
  218. >You’re scared beyond all reason. You can feel your sanity slipping!
  219. >And yet…
  220. >And yet you can feel the chilling breeze, the dew in the clouds, the texture of Rainbow’s uniform, the strands of her tail hair, the gentle brush of her feathers…
  221. >And her ovenlike depths…
  222. >So. Much. More. INTENSELY! The sensation is so strong you can barely contain yourself!
  224. >You reflexively buck your hips, thrusting into Rainbow.
  225. >She pants.
  226. >You squeeze her tight as you loop vertically and suddenly she angles a descent.
  227. >You can feel the wind pummeling you harder.
  228. >Dash holds your cock tightly.
  229. “Rainbow… too fast… Rainbow?”
  230. >”I’m so close… we’re almost there!”
  231. >Your balls clench. Your cock twitches and throbs as you cling to your wife.
  232. >Then you see it.
  233. >A vapor cone.
  234. “Oh, God...”
  235. >Rainbow’s voice hikes up as she clenches suddenly.
  236. “Dashhhieeeeeeeee!!!”
  238. >BOOM!
  239. >You feel your whole existence being squeezed as you and your wife break the sound barrier, climaxing with each other at the same time!
  240. >As the rainbow trail fills your vision, you cum inside Rainbow Dash again and again, spending yourself. She clenches hard around you, strangling your cock.
  241. >Everything becomes surreal. It’s like a spinning tunnel of color! Sensory overload threatens to render you unconscious.
  242. >Just as everything begins to go dark, the colors subside, turning back into the cool blue of the sky.
  243. >You’re still going fast, but Dash spreads her wings wide to slow down, and the two of you begin descending towards the cloud you’d been on before.
  244. “Dash… Dash, what the fuck...”
  245. >Your heart is still pounding.
  246. >”I… wow, what a Rush… You… you okay back there?”
  247. “Yeah…”
  248. >RD glides down and ungracefully plops onto the fluffy white cloud.
  249. >You gently push off of Rainbow, who’s clearly overexerted herself.
  250. “RD, I think… you overdid it.”
  251. >You still feel out of breath.
  252. >The pegasus breathes heavily, turning to face you.
  253. >”Heh… No way… I’m… I’m totally fine… dude...”
  254. >Lies.
  255. >She tilts her head.
  256. >”You okay, Hubs? You’re shaking!”
  257. >You look down.
  258. >She’s right. Your legs are wobbling. Arms shivering. And your fingers are twitching erratically.
  259. >You feel hot and cold all at once.
  260. ”Shit… I think it’s the adrenaline...”
  261. >Rainbow looks chagrined as she gives you a sympathetic smile.
  262. >”Too much too fast.”
  263. >The mare rolls onto her back and unzips her uniform. Once it’s past her bellybutton, the sheer pressure of her stomach causes the zipper to be pushed all the way down, revealing that stunning blue belly in all its glory.
  264. “C’mere. Lay down next to me.”
  266. >You approach Rainbow and nearly collapse, your knees giving out at just the right time.
  267. >You curl up around the pony’s beautiful blue belly and, feeling her relative calm, realize how jittery you are.
  268. >”God, you’re shivering.”
  269. “I think… I s-still, have acro-acrophobia.”
  270. >Even your teeth are chattering!
  271. >Rainbow puts a hoof around your neck, pulling your head close to her chest.
  272. >It’s damp, but soft, and comforting.
  273. >”Heyheyhey. You’re safe, now. I gotchu. I gotchu...”
  274. >Your wife runs her other hoof through your hair gently, petting you.
  275. >You hug her tummy and sink your cheek into her chest fur.
  276. >Still shivering, of course.
  277. >You feel movement.
  278. >A bump.
  279. >A wiggle.
  280. >A kick!
  281. “I think… we woke them up.”
  282. >Rainbow blushes.
  283. >”Heh. Caught mom and dad playing.”
  284. ”Usually they’re asleep. Like their mom.”
  285. >Rainbow gives you a look.
  286. >She still pets you, though.
  287. >She’s so gentle with you.
  288. >Very unusual for her.
  289. “You’re… pretty nurturing… right now… What gives?”
  290. >Dash rolls her eyes.
  291. >”Duh. Hormones?”
  292. >You laugh, when suddenly a shiver runs down your spine, cutting you off.
  293. >Rainbow squeezes you.
  294. >“Shhh shhh shhh… Easy. You’re okay... You’re okay...”
  295. >Rainbow holds you close and comforts you.
  296. >A long while passes. Or what feels like it.
  297. >God, she smells wonderful.
  298. >You aren’t trembling like before.
  299. >The adrenaline must’ve worn off.
  300. >She’s still petting you, but her breathing’s slowed, and her eyes are closed.
  301. “Dashie?”
  302. >”Yeah?”
  303. “You’re like… really motherly right now.”
  304. >”Yeah well… I’m a mom, now. I guess it just comes with the package.”
  305. “Packages.”
  306. >Dash giggles.
  307. >A few more minutes pass of you cuddling, both sweaty and rapidly cooling from the air.
  308. >Dash stretches.
  309. >”You good?”
  310. “Yeah.”
  311. >You stand up, Rainbow rocking side to side until she gets onto her hooves.
  312. “Wow, you looked like Tank for a second, there.”
  313. >”Shaddup,” she whines.
  314. >She takes another drink of water, offering you some. You accept, the cool water almost giving you new clarity.
  315. >RD grabs her goggles and positions herself for you to hop on.
  316. >You mount Rainbow and, much more gently, she takes off, soaring through the clouds towards Wonderbolts HQ.
  318. >Five minutes later, you both land on the Wonderbolts HQ cloud.
  319. >You ease off of Dash and stretch, still feeling a bit of vertigo from earlier.
  320. >Dash walks beside you, taking another swig of water.
  321. >Normally, Dash flew pretty much everywhere, but her wings are exhausted from working out with a belly full of foals.
  322. >For now, she’s restricted to walking.
  323. >Well, waddling.
  324. >Her hips do an exaggerated sway from side to side as she struggles to move with her massive tummy.
  325. >It’s actually pretty cute. Fun to watch, too, with how her ass has filled out.
  326. “You did pretty good today, Dash.”
  327. >”Pffft.”
  328. >She dons some aviators and strolls beside you.
  329. >”I do good every day.”
  330. “Nono, I mean. The whole… maternal thing. You know? I felt… safe.”
  331. >Dash blushes, slightly marring the coolness and nonchalance she was going for with the shades.
  332. >For just a second.
  333. >”You really think so?”
  334. ”Yeah. I do. I guess you take after your mom in more than just hotness!”
  335. >Dash pauses.
  336. >”My mom?”
  337. “Yeah. She’s pretty hot.”
  338. >With a wingtip, Dash lowers the shades down her nose and looks up at you with a raised eyebrow.
  339. >She opens her mouth in what looks like both a balk and a smile at the same time.
  340. >”WOW, dude. You really ARE a pervert!”
  341. >She playfully hipchecks you.
  342. >”Better not let my dad hear you say that.”
  343. “He did, actually.”
  344. >”Get outta here!”
  345. >You place your hands behind your head and shrug.
  346. ”He said I had good taste. Brohoofed me, even.”
  347. >Dash smirked and shook her head.
  348. >”He would.”
  349. >Eventually, you both make it to the HQ building.
  350. >A line of potential recruits marches past you in the opposite direction.
  351. >”Ah… Newbies. So full of optimism and spirit.”
  352. “Those poor bastards.”
  353. >The two of you share a laugh and make your way to the locker rooms.
  354. >You help peel Rainbow’s uniform off of her.
  355. >It’s drenched.
  356. >Dash shakes herself, letting air finally touch her constrained body.
  357. >The scent of her sweat hits you again.
  358. >”Ugh. Thanks, Hubs.”
  359. “No problem.”
  360. >Dash opens her locker and you sit down on a bench to take your shoes off.
  361. >You catch a glimpse of her locker.
  362. >There’s her extra uniform. Her bomber jacket.
  363. >A blue ribbon and small achievement banner.
  364. >A silver wing magnet holds a picture of Rainbow and her friends.
  365. >Dash puts her glasses inside, grabs a drawstring gym bag with her mouth, and is about to close the door.
  366. “Hey, what’s that?”
  367. >”Whsh wht?”
  368. >You push aside the hanging clothes and see it.
  369. >A picture of you from the first day you hung out with Rainbow Dash.
  370. >A good while before you two were dating, much less married.
  371. >It’s surrounded by heart stickers.
  372. >You smile widely at Rainbow.
  373. >She drops the bag and slams the locker shut.
  374. >”You didn’t see anything.”
  375. “Rainbow! You like a BOY!?”
  376. >”Shush.”
  377. “So, do you like, want me to, like, ask him what he thinks about you?”
  378. >”GWEHUSHUSH!”
  380. >You laugh.
  381. >Rainbow is blushing bright red.
  382. >You continue undressing.
  383. >You’ve finally accepted that ponies don’t care if you’re naked around them.
  384. >They’re naked most of the time, too.
  385. >You still feel a bit self-conscious about it, however, so you don’t like staying undressed for long.
  386. >Dash sets out a new set of clothes for you from the gym bag and stuffs her uniform and your sweaty clothes in.
  387. >She always brought an extra pair of clothes for you.
  388. >The mare heads towards a shower stall while you get some towels.
  389. >She lifts her hooves over the lip of the stall, her belly brushing against it.
  390. >She turns the knob and the hissing sound of the water echoes in the room.
  391. >Rainbow tilts her head back and groans.
  392. >God, what a sexy mare you have.
  393. >You set the towels over a bar on the side wall and are about to step into another stall.
  394. >Rainbow spots you and stretches her head out of her stall.
  395. >”Whaddya think you’re doing?”
  396. ”Taking a shower?”
  397. >Dash raises a brow.
  398. >”Get in here!”
  399. >You obey and hurry into the stall.
  400. >The steam is gently sifting out as you approach.
  401. >You hop on in, pulling the curtain closed.
  402. >Rainbow nuzzles you and tosses her hair back.
  403. >”Heheh. That’s more like it.”
  404. >Dashie stretches her neck towards you, closing her eyes.
  405. >You lean down and do the same, pressing your lips to hers.
  406. >Dash breaks off first and stretches, arching her back.
  407. >”Help me wash up?”
  408. “Sure thing, babe.”
  409. >You grab the shampoo bottle and squirt some into your palm.
  410. >You run your hands through Dash’s mane, lathering it up and making a huge mess.
  411. >She giggles and lets you do your work.
  412. >You reach over and grab her tail.
  413. >Dash gasps.
  414. ”Relax, I’m just cleaning it.”
  415. >”Uhuh. Sure.”
  416. >Once you’re sure you’ve gotten everything, you motion your wife into the stream.
  417. >She wiggles and moves herself about to rinse off the shampoo.
  418. >You take the soap bottle and prepare for round two.
  419. >Which could take a while. There’s a lot more of Rainbow than there used to be.
  420. >You intend to take your time with this.
  421. >Water bill is on the house, after all.
  423. >You start with Rainbow’s shoulders, pressing your palm deep into those muscles.
  424. >Dash sighs and lowers her head.
  425. >You press yourself gently against her back as you rub lower towards her wings.
  426. >The water flows over you like a river, easing your pains.
  427. >You can tell the massage is doing the same for your wife as she coos in response.
  428. >”Oh, yeah. Right there… Aaaaaaaahhhhh...”
  429. >The lathered soap foams more and more as you gently work it into the pegasus’ feathers. Gotta get those clean, too.
  430. “Feeling better?”
  431. >”Way better.”
  432. >Rainbow flicks her wet tail against your tummy, stinging you.
  433. >You gently smack her butt, the wet slap echoing in the tiled cubicle.
  434. >She lets out a small bleat, and turns her head back at you with a grin.
  435. >You continue soaping her up, under her legs, into the small of her back, and finally to her soft, pliant flanks.
  436. >You give them a squeeze and a jiggle.
  437. >”You having fun back there, Hubs?”
  438. “Heheh. Yeah.”
  439. >Rainbow flicks her tail again, splashing the water at you.
  440. >It lands flopped over the left side of her flank, revealing her full rear to you.
  441. >The mare straddles her legs wide, revealing her swollen teats that sag towards the ground.
  442. >It also reveals her marehood.
  443. >It opens and closes hungrily, winking at you.
  444. “Dash...”
  445. >”Just ‘cuz we’re getting clean doesn’t mean we can’t get dirty,” she says in a low, husky tone.
  446. >You bite your lip. It is rather tempting.
  447. >Hell, you can already feel yourself hardening.
  448. “Dash, ponies will DEFINITELY hear us.”
  449. >She laughs.
  450. >”So let ‘em hear. Come on. Don’t be a spoilsport.”
  451. >She wiggles her ass and it jiggles hypnotically.
  452. >”C’mon Hubs. I need you!”
  453. >You stop and listen.
  454. >All you hear is the sound of falling water.
  455. >The rivulets are calming, but not enough to ease the sudden tension.
  456. >This was too big a risk, especially after earlier.
  457. “Well...”
  458. >”Pleeeeease?”
  459. “We can’t. I-”
  460. >Suddenly, your hips are pushed forward!
  461. >You’re buried to the hilt inside your wife!
  462. >”Ahn!”
  463. >You have enough time to notice something firm pressing against your ass when you hear a raspy voice whisper in your ear.
  464. >Every syllable is dripping with malevolence.
  465. >”Did you just refuse a direct order, Airpony?”
  466. “S-s-s-Spitfire!?”
  468. >That is the wrong reaction.
  469. >”EXCUSE ME!?”
  470. >What the hell is going on!?
  471. >Your wife’s pussy clenches around you every time Spitfire screams at you!
  472. >”You will address me as either ‘ma’am’ or ‘Captain,’ Airpony!”
  473. ”M-m-ma’am, yes, ma’am!”
  474. >”Better!”
  475. >Spitfire herself is undressed, and she marches into the shower stall and looks at Rainbow, then you.
  476. >”What did I tell you on your wedding day, Airpony? You MARRY into the Wonderbolts, you ARE a Wonderbolt!”
  477. >”Ma’am, I remember, ma’am.”
  478. >You wiggle your hips. Dashie feels so amazing. But you’re way too afraid to move with a walking time bomb talking to you.
  479. >The raining water mattes Spitfire’s flaming hair down. She looks rather cute. But still terrifying.
  480. >”Good. Now unless I misheard, I believe a superior officer just asked you to fuck her!”
  481. >You nod vigorously.
  482. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am.”
  483. >Rainbow flicks her tail again.
  484. >”Well, what are you waiting for, Airpony? Fuck your wife!”
  485. >You grab Rainbow’s flanks with a loud slap of water and begin pulling out slowly.
  486. >RD almost reflexively backs up her rear, missing the feeling of your big cock inside her.
  487. >You push back in as Spitfire glares right at you.
  488. >With the hot water pouring over you the feeling of Dash’s marehood blends in with everything else.
  489. >Spitfire is not impressed.
  490. >”What a pathetic display. You sure you don’t play for the other team!? Come on, Airpony! Move those hips!”
  491. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am!”
  492. >You squeeze Dash’s big blue ass and begin pumping faster, panting more from fear than from physical exertion.
  494. >Spitfire circles Rainbow.
  495. >The blue pegasus is panting as you thrust in and out of her.
  496. >”You took my best flier out of commission for a YEAR! You bet your sweet human ass you’re gonna pay for it! I’m gonna work you so hard your FOALS will have trauma!”
  497. >You feel your wife clench and choke your dick as Spitfire screams.
  498. >You meet Spitfire’s eyes.
  499. >”Eyes forward, you fucking faggot!”
  500. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am!”
  501. >You thought you saw a smile from her, but you don’t dare look to check.
  502. >Rainbow bites her lip and looks back at you as her wings flutter, flicking water everywhere.
  503. >”Harder.”
  504. >You thrust harder, the wet slapping echoing louder.
  505. >”You call that harder? How the hell did you manage to knock up a Wonderbolt with those moves? Show some backbone! MOVE! THOSE! HIPS!”
  506. >The nerve of this mare!
  507. >A mixture of terror and indignation fills you.
  508. >You grab Rainbow by her haunches and slam forward.
  509. >The pregnant pony stumbles forward.
  510. >She raises her hooves in time to brace herself against the wall.
  511. >Her face and belly are pressed firm against the tile.
  512. >Your heavy balls slap against Rainbow’s swollen tits and your ass tightens up as you fuck Dash like she’s never been fucked before.
  513. >Her tongue hangs out of her mouth and her eyes roll back.
  514. >Her breath becomes ragged.
  515. >Spitfire slaps your ass and your cock twitches in response.
  516. >”That’s more fucking like it! Rut this bitch like you MEAN IT!”
  517. ”Ma’am, yes, ma’am!”
  518. >Dashie moans in between thrusts.
  519. >”I wanna hear that girl scream!”
  520. >You go balls deep, hilting Dash with a mighty thrust.
  521. >She bellows so loud you’re sure some ponies are curious.
  522. >The whole building probably hears it.
  523. >”Keep going! Come on! Are you a colt or a stallion!?”
  524. ”Ma’am, I’m a stallion, ma’am!”
  526. >You grab RD’s tail by the base and pull hard, forcing her onto your cock even further.
  527. >She yelps and her pussy begins strangling your dick.
  528. >Her walls feel so amazing your vision blurs.
  529. >Both of you yell each other’s names as you cum in unison, the sound of orgasm echoing through Wonderbolt HQ.
  530. >Your cock belches hot loads of cum deep into the pony pussy.
  531. >With a few more straining thrusts and a few more trembling clenches, the both of you wrench every last bit out of each other.
  532. >Rainbow slides down the wall and wiggles her hips, resting on her swollen belly.
  533. >”H-holy… holy fuck… What a stud...”
  535. >You rub Rainbow’s ass, giving it a firm slap one last time.
  536. >Spitfire looks between the two of you.
  537. >”Not bad, Airpony. Not bad.”
  538. >She smirks and quickly gives you a kiss on the cheek.
  539. >”But I expect to see even better next time. Got it?”
  540. “Y-y-yes, ma’am.”
  541. >”Good. Carry on.”
  542. >She slaps your ass and steps out of the shower, leaving you and Rainbow alone.
  543. “What… what just happened?”
  544. >Dash sighs.
  545. >”Fucking amazing shower sex. That’s what.”
  546. >You pull out of Rainbow and she seems almost sad to feel you leave.
  547. >”Hey, at least we can clean up quick, right?”
  548. ”I guess...”
  549. >”Awww, cheer up, Hubs. It’s not like it’s a secret we have sex. I mean LOOK at me!”
  550. >Dash sits down and rolls to the side to reveal her swollen belly.
  551. >”Pretty sure everypony knows we do it.”
  552. >You smile and nod.
  553. >Dash does make a good argument.
  554. >”Now come over here and wash this belly and we can leave.”
  555. >You squirt out some more soap and lather it up slowly all over Dashie’s dome.
  556. >She looks at you with loving eyes and coos softly.
  557. >As the suds run off in a cascade of white, she kisses you on the nose.
  558. >You laugh. Such a sneaky mare.
  559. >You both head out and dry off with towels, leaving them on the bench as you get undressed.
  560. “Hey, Dash.”
  561. >“Yeah?”
  562. “Think we could get milkshakes on the way home? I know it kinda defeats the purpose of exercise but...”
  563. >Dash sways her hips, swinging her teats from side to side.
  564. >”I’ve gotch’yer milkshake right here, Hubs,” she teases.
  565. >Her stomach growls.
  566. >”Eheh… Yeah, I guess we can stop by The Hay Burger once we land.”
  568. >The two of you walk out of the locker room. You carry the bag.
  569. >Rainbow quickly does the back of her mane into a ponytail.
  570. >Spitfire passes by.
  571. >You blush and try not to make eye contact.
  572. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see her and Dash share a wink.
  573. >Gears turn in your head and it dawns on you.
  574. “You… Spitfire… You PLANNED this...”
  575. >”I dunno what you’re talking about.”
  576. >She smirks and puts her aviators back on as the two of you step outside.
  577. >You huff.
  578. “Rainbow, it’s embarrassing. And very, very wrong.”
  579. >”REALLY.”
  580. >She slows down her waddling and then whispers.
  581. >”Cuz I noticed your cock bucked every time she yelled at you.”
  582. >Your face gets bright red.
  583. >Cue one devious grin from a devious mare.
  584. “That’s not my fault. I-”
  585. >”No, it’s not. I get it. It comes naturally.”
  586. >Phew. She understands.
  587. >”Cuzyerafugginpervert.”
  588. “Come ‘ere, you!”
  589. >Rainbow has a giggle fit and races forward while you chase in vain.
  590. >One balloon ride later, and you’re at The Hay Burger in Ponyville.
  591. >You and Dash are each enjoying a milkshake.
  592. >”Sllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp. Aaaaaah.”
  593. “I think I get why you didn’t wanna share a shake.”
  594. >”Yeah, well, I’m eating for five, y’know. If we shared one you probably wouldn’t get any.”
  595. >Rainbow Dash pats her tummy and smiles.
  596. >For a moment all the haughtiness and intensity falls away as Rainbow looks lovingly at your children.
  597. >You can feel the love radiating from her.
  598. “You’re so beautiful, Rainbow.”
  599. >She looks up and blushes.
  600. >Eventually, the two of you finish your shakes. Dash sighs heavily.
  601. “Tired?”
  602. >”Yeah… we got in a good workout today.”
  603. “You and the babies?”
  604. >”You and me, Hubs.”
  605. >You rub the back of your head.
  606. “Hormones have you down, BAD.”
  607. >”Yeah huh.”
  608. “C’mon, let’s go home.”
  609. >Rainbow Dash hops down from the plush bench seat and her belly wobbles.
  610. >That shouldn’t turn you on so much, but does it ever.
  611. >The two of you head out and back home to Rainbow’s cloud house.
  612. >Due to her pregnancy and your lack of flying, it’s on the ground now, but in its usual place.
  613. >You walk inside and spot tank, who emerges from his shell to say hello.
  614. >”Hey, little guy,” Dash says, giving him a kiss on the head.
  615. >You toss him a few choice cherry tomatoes from the kitchen which he manages to catch.
  616. >He can be pretty coordinated when he wants to.
  617. >”Hubs… uh… need a little help, here.”
  618. >Rainbow was having trouble getting her belly up and over the bed.
  619. >You hurry over and wrap your arms around her waist, hoisting the big blue ball full of babies onto the mattress.
  620. >”Phew… Thanks. Feel kinda lame right now. Heh.”
  621. “Nah. You’re just preggo as fuck.”
  622. >”You got that right. Mmmmmnnnnn.”
  623. >Your wife undoes her ponytail and shakes her hair out before laying back.
  624. >She stretches her arms and legs out and sighs.
  625. >You look at her for a while, admiring her.
  626. >She’s the most beautiful girl in the world.
  628. >What the hay. May as well join her.
  629. >You crawl into bed and snuggle up next to Rainbow Dash.
  630. >She smiles and scoots back into your chest so you can hold her.
  631. >You roll onto your back and scoot up to a sitting position.
  632. >You ruffle her hair and lean down taking in a deep breath.
  633. “Mmmmmmmm...”
  634. >”Hehehe. What are you doing?”
  635. “You smell amazing.”
  636. >You keep messing with her messy rainbow mane.
  637. >”It’s just the shampoo, dude.”
  638. “Yeah, well. I like it. It smells like watermelon.”
  639. >Dash rolls her eyes and wiggles, getting comfy.
  640. >”Whatever. You keep having fun. I’m gonna take a nap.”
  641. >Your wife closes her eyes and you kiss her head.
  642. >She smiles.
  643. >Honestly, you could use a nap, too.
  644. >You lean your head back and join her in slumber.
  645. >You drift off to sleep a few minutes before noon.
  646. >All is peaceful for a while.
  647. >Utter bliss.
  648. >As you hold your wife snugly, eventually you feel her wiggle.
  649. >Her breathing increases in pace. She feels a tad warmer.
  650. >You’re not lucid, yet, but eventually you feel her wiggle again.
  651. >”Awwww, c’mon… let me get some sleep.”
  652. >She starts prodding you.
  653. >”Hubs? Hey, wake up...”
  654. >You snore.
  655. >”Awww, come on, you big lug! Wake up!”
  656. “Huh, eh? What’s wrong, Dash?”
  657. >Dash pants and groans dramatically.
  658. >”Foals are kicking up a storm.”
  659. >You yawn.
  660. “Sounds like you’ve got some athletes inside you. Congrats.”
  661. >”Quit being a smartass, dude! They’re making it hard to sleep! C’mon. Use those hands of yours. That always calms them down.”
  662. >You squint.
  663. “I dunno. You look pretty cute all hot and bothered like this.
  664. >Dash pouts.
  665. >”Pleeeeeease! It’s unbearable!”
  666. “Awww. Alright.”
  667. >You move your hands down from Dash’s chest and cusp her big round belly in both hands. The short blue fur feels tingly under your palms, and as you slowly begin rubbing in circles, you feel Rainbow arch her back.
  668. >”Oh, God… Thank you.”
  669. >You kiss her nose and massage the mare’s womb, calming down your foals.
  670. “Very rude of you guys to bother your mom like that. Tsk tsk.”
  671. >You feel a firm kick that feels like backtalk.
  672. >Typical. How very much like their mother.
  673. “Mommy takes good care of you all and loves you very much. Don’t you want to be good for her? Hmmm?”
  674. >A more positive squirm from within.
  675. >Dash pants softly.
  676. >You keep rubbing in slow, sensual circles, easing the pain in Dash’s stomach and calming down your restless children.
  677. “Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhhh...”
  678. >Your wife lets out a sigh and lifts up her legs.
  679. “Feel better?”
  680. >”Yeah… kinda but...”
  681. “But what?”
  682. >”Nnf. All that kicking and wiggling in my belly… your hands… It’s got me actin’ up.”
  683. “Seriously? You’re insatiable.”
  684. >”Hormones,” Dash protests loudly.
  685. “So what you’re saying is, being pregnant makes you horny.”
  686. >Dash opens her eyes.
  687. >”Oh, don’t you even. I know you can’t resist this belly.”
  688. “You’re right, I can’t.”
  690. >”I bet just lookin’ at it makes you horny.”
  691. “I can’t help it. I was born this way.”
  692. >”My big horny stud,” Dash coos, wiggling into you.
  693. >She cranes her neck to reach for another kiss.
  694. >You kiss her nose again and point both index fingers at her bellybutton.
  695. >”Heheh. You don’t need to do that. I’m already super horny...”
  696. >Rainbow Dash looks nervously at her baby bump.
  697. >You press your fingers gently against the blue nub at the center of your wife’s bump.
  698. >She squirms!
  699. >”Ahhhhhh! Dude, stop!”
  700. >You pinch her navel firmly between your fingers.
  701. >Dash arches her back and kicks with a leg.
  702. >Her mouth gapes open and she moans lewdly.
  703. ”You’re so cute when you’re all hot and bothered.”
  704. >Her chest and belly rise and fall quickly.
  705. >”Hubs… quit teasing me, I can’t take it...”
  706. >You pinch her bellybutton again.
  707. >”Haaaaaaaahhhhhh!”
  708. >That raspy voice cries out for you.
  709. >”Hubs! Baby, I need you!”
  710. “You need me?”
  711. >”I need your cock!”
  712. “You sure?”
  713. >Dash looks at you and she has tears welling up in her eyes.
  714. >”If you don’t fuck me right now, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
  715. “That a promise,” you ask, raising a brow.
  716. >“Please?”
  717. >Your wife looks truly distressed.
  718. >You cave.
  719. >How can you leave your best friend hanging?
  720. >Your best friend who took it upon herself to carry your children inside her body?
  721. >You pick the mare up and set her to the side, still on her back.
  722. “Okay, Dashie.”
  723. >You pull your underwear down, your cock springing out so hard it makes the elastic audibly twang.
  724. >Your cock pulsates, engorged from looking at Rainbow Dash’s pregnant body all day.
  725. >Her plump yet still firm ass.
  726. >Her swollen, perky tits.
  727. >Her intense, confident eyes.
  728. >And that absolutely massive (for her size, certainly) pregnant belly.
  729. >The pregnant belly you gave her by stuffing her with your babies.
  730. >You climb on top of your little pony.
  731. >Her eyes lock with your dick and she salivates, mouth agape.
  732. >You position your tip at her winking marehood.
  733. >Her netherlips nibble at your glans as soon as they feel it.
  734. >”C’mon, hurry UUUUUP!”
  735. “I’m here, Dashie. I’m here.”
  736. >She starts to protest again, but you cut her off with a kiss to the mouth.
  737. >Your lips lock hers.
  738. >You push your hips forward, and you slide your girth deep inside your wife to the very hilt in one swift motion.
  739. >She’s so wet, it’s almost effortless.
  740. >Rainbow moans into your mouth.
  741. >As she clutches you firmly with her pussy, you’re suddenly aware of just how badly she needs you.
  742. >How strange that such a strong, self-reliant mare could be so vulnerable and needy.
  743. >How her braggadocio and abrasiveness could give way to such meekness and humility.
  744. >She’s a beautiful contradiction.
  746. >Dash raises her hooves to cup your face.
  747. >Her glare is intense.
  748. >”Fuck. Me.”
  749. ”Ma’am, yes, ma’am,” you respond calmly.
  750. >You lean back and hold onto Rainbow’s thighs, pulling out.
  751. >Her cunt fights you, trying to drag your manly member back in.
  752. >You pull out to the tip before slamming back in, your balls slapping the mare’s ass.
  753. >Clap!
  754. >Her massive belly wobbles from the impact, bobbing up and down.
  755. >The sight of that sexy, swollen stomach drives you crazy.
  756. >Your cock twitches like mad.
  757. >Rainbow clenches in response.
  758. >Her intricately ribbed walls work themselves around you, stimulating every nerve in your prick.
  759. >You growl and begin the cycle again.
  760. >Clap!
  761. >Dashie’s belly bobs.
  762. >Clap!
  763. >Her tits jiggle in a circular motion.
  764. >Clap!
  765. >She tightens further around you, like she’s trying to kill you.
  766. >Clap!
  767. >”Uuuuuuuuggghhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa...”
  768. ”You… okay… Dashie?”
  769. >She opens one eye, just barely, and nods at you.
  770. >”Keep going...”
  771. >Clap!
  772. >Your Wonderbolt wife’s wings whack the mattress.
  773. >Her thighs hug you, cuddling you in fuzzy warmth.
  774. >Clap!
  775. >You can feel each other’s heartbeat through your loins.
  776. >With every squeeze of Dash’s marehood, your cock responds with a mighty throb.
  777. >Clap!
  778. >Your thighs impact RD’s ass.
  779. >Her big blue booty bounces.
  780. >Clap!
  781. >All the while that beautiful baby-filled belly bobs and jostles with your lovemaking.
  782. >Dash can see how much you love her pregnant tummy.
  783. >”Playwithit,” she manages to say between thrusts.
  784. “You sure?”
  785. >”Youknowyouwanna.”
  786. >You relent, moving your hands to fondle and squeeze all over Dashie’s dome.
  787. >It’s so pliant yet so firm.
  788. >You give it a gentle slap as you cup it with both hands.
  789. >Rainbow hisses and her cunny clenches.
  791. >Your wife squeezes you with her thighs again.
  792. >She arches her back, pushing that big belly of hers closer to your face.
  793. >She wants you to go faster.
  794. >You aren’t about to leave your best friend hanging.
  795. >You move your hips faster, burying your cock inside the pregnant Pegasus over and over and over again.
  796. >She moans as he pants, her raspy voice cracking as it gains in pitch.
  797. >Her walls continue stroking and squeezing your dick.
  798. >It’s starting to get too much.
  799. “Dashie...”
  800. >The sight of your lover’s aroused face.
  801. >The sight of her giant belly bouncing.
  802. >The feel of its taut surface under your palms.
  803. >It’s overwhelming.
  804. >You can feel her clitoris tense up every time your hips slam into her.
  805. >She arches her back yet again, pushing that tummy up.
  806. >She’s close.
  807. >REALLY close.
  808. >You put your hands back on RD’s thighs and you thrust with all your might into the mare.
  809. >CLAP!
  810. >Her gravid body quakes from the impact, her belly jostling out of control.
  811. >Rainbow Dash screams and you feel her pussy strangle your cock violently.
  812. >Your mind goes blank as your balls send a torrent of cum up your cock.
  813. >It belches its load into the pregnant pony pussy.
  814. >Your wife arches again, groaning loudly.
  815. >Her pussy suckles on your member, thirsty for every last drop.
  816. >Your balls give it up for her. Spurt after spurt gets sent up from your nuts with every squeeze of the mare’s flower.
  817. >Your cock bucks one last time, the last drop in your balls launching forth into Rainbow where it belongs.
  818. >You collapse, but manage to catch yourself on your hands, one on each side of Rainbow’s head on the pillow.
  819. >You can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
  820. >Rainbow is panting heavily.
  821. >Her chest and belly rapidly rise and fall.
  822. >Her beautiful mane is a mess, matted to her forehead with sweat at the front, and sprawled over the pillow in the back.
  823. >Her eyes are closed, but her mouth slowly turns upward in a smile as her breathing stabilizes.
  824. >You take a moment to catch your own breath.
  825. “God, that was intense...”
  826. >A few moments later, you look down at your wife’s swollen belly.
  827. >You run your hand over it, slowly.
  828. >It seems the rocking Mom and Dad did put the babies to sleep.
  829. >You give them a few loving pats and look at Rainbow.
  830. “That should keep ‘em asleep for a while, huh, Dash… Dash?”
  831. >You’re answered by the sound of your wife snoring.
  832. >Poor girl got fucked so hard she passed out!
  833. “I guess I went overboard.”
  834. >You see her face. She’s snoring, sure. But still smiling.
  835. >You lean down and brush her hair aside, kissing her forehead.
  836. “I love you, Dashie.”
  837. >Your don’t pull out of your wife just yet.
  838. >You simply maneuver yourself to her side, laying down next to her, holding her close.
  839. >You sneak one hand under her neck to hold her hoof.
  840. >The other holds the belly that cradles your foals.
  841. >You close your eyes and join your wife in a well-deserved midday nap.
  843. >You wake up a while later.
  844. >Somehow, things changed, and you’re using Dash’s belly as a pillow.
  845. >You open your eyes and glance up.
  846. >She’s eating a sandwich with one hoof while the other is gently rubbing your head.
  847. >You stretch and take a deep breath.
  848. >Your wife looks down.
  849. >”Fl’n ghd?”
  850. “Yeah.”
  851. >Rainbow nods and smiles, swallowing her last bite. She keeps petting your head.
  852. >Sandwich crumbs fall on the mare’s belly and you stick out your tongue to lick them up.
  853. >Your wife looks down at you.
  854. >”Cute.”
  855. >You smile and nuzzle her tummy.
  856. >Dash smiles, and then her eyes go wide.
  857. >”Hang on a sec.”
  858. >She rummages through the nightstand on her side of the bed.
  859. “What is it?”
  860. >”Ahah!”
  861. >Dash hands you a small box.
  862. >”Open it,” she says excitedly.
  863. >You obey, and inside you find a silver badge.
  864. >It’s a pony in profile, shaped like a wing.
  865. >The Wonderbolts Wingpony pin
  866. ”Dash, I...”
  867. >”No matter how stormy things get, you’re always flying right beside me.”
  868. >Your heart tugs like crazy.
  869. >”And I know you’ll be by all of us every day,” she continues, placing her hooves on her belly.
  870. >Your eyes water and you pull out the pin, holding it.
  871. >You look at Rainbow. She’s blushing. She never was too good at ‘sappy’ stuff like this.
  872. >”I never had anyone I could share that badge with. Until I met you.”
  873. >”You’re it, Hubs. You’re my Wingpony.”
  874. >She places a hoof on your chest.
  875. >”And there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side.”
  876. >You pull your wife to your chest and tremble with joy.
  877. >Rainbow Dash nuzzles you.
  878. >”I love you, Hubs.”
  879. “I love you, my little Dashie.”

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff