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Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

By GFM_Lewdendorff
Created: 2022-07-25 09:05:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant
  3. by GFM Lewdendorff
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be in a hammock
  7. >And sound asleep, surprisingly enough.
  8. >You’ve gotten used to it over the past two years.
  9. >You’ve also gotten used to rising with the sun.
  10. >Conveniently, it does so now, the thin curtains filtering the light so as to be unobtrusive
  11. >You take a deep breath and stretch.
  12. >Maybe you don’t need to wake up just yet.
  13. >After all, nothing grabs your attention.
  14. >You don’t hear anything.
  15. >Eventually you will yourself to open your eyes.
  16. >Yawning, your blurred vision comes into focus and you look at the window.
  17. >You rub your eyes and gently push the curtains aside to look out of the cottage window.
  18. >You’re met with a picturesque view of the Smokey Mountains.
  19. >A large valley of vibrant, verdant hills stretches before you.
  20. >It’s mornings like these that you realize you made the right decision coming to Equestria.
  21. >Not that home didn’t have its generous share of vistas.
  22. >But you weren’t really able to see them. Not the way you are, now.
  23. >And you got to see so many!
  24. >It more than makes up for the cramped accommodations.
  25. >You lean back from the window and look around.
  26. >You’re surrounded by boxes, chests, and hanging objects.
  27. >You have to be very careful as you move. Even sitting up is dangerous.
  28. >You’ve fallen out of the hammock more times than you care to remember.
  29. >In this small little abode filled with odds and ends, you have one other person to share it with.
  30. >You look at the hammock next to you and smile.
  31. >She’s there.
  32. >Your employer.
  33. >Your shelterer.
  34. >Your wife.
  35. >And very soon, something else.
  36. >You whisper her name.
  37. “Trixie?”
  38. >No response.
  39. “Trixie, you awake?”
  40. >The blue mare clears her throat.
  41. >You shake your head with a smirk.
  42. >You have to address her properly.
  43. ”Good morning, oh Great and Powerful Trixie.”
  44. >”Mmmmmmmn. Good morning, my Lovely Assistant.”
  45. >She’s addressing you properly, in turn.
  46. >Hard to believe you ever thought it was annoying.
  47. >Now it’s one of the many cute things you love about her.
  48. >Your boss yawns and brushes her hair out of her face, turning her head just enough to look at you from the corner of her eye.
  49. >”Did you sleep well?”
  50. “Okay-ish. It’s getting more cramped by the day.”
  51. >Trixie gives a sheepish grin.
  52. >”My bad.”
  53. >You turn over in your hammock to reach out and play with the blue mare’s mane with your fingers.
  54. >It’s a bit of a mess. Better straighten it out for her.
  55. >As if twiddling your fingers would help.
  56. >Her reason for not rolling in her hammock to face you is readily apparent.
  57. >It’s the same reason this little wagon of hers is getting more cramped.
  58. >Her body is wide.
  59. >You follow the gentle curve of Trixie’s form from her head, to her shoulders, to the sudden rise of a massive, blue mountain that pushes that poor little hammock to its limit.
  60. >Her big, blue belly.
  61. >For the Great and Powerful Trixie’s stomach is home to a bundle of healthy foals.
  62. >Yours, to be precise.
  63. >You run your hand along the taut middle, all the way around until you reach the Unicorn’s foal-bearing hips.
  64. >”Admiring my form this early in the morning?”
  65. “It’s always the first thing on my to-do list.”
  66. >“Well, the first thing on mine is to get breakfast.”
  67. >A few excited bumps appear on the surface of your boss’ belly.
  68. >”I think it might be theirs, too.”
  69. >She rubs her stomach and yawns again.
  70. >”If you help me to my hooves, I’ll make us some haycakes.”
  71. >You love haycakes!
  72. >You love them so much that you fall out of your hammock, rattling the pots and pans, the boxes, and even set off a firecracker by accident.
  73. >Trixie laughs.
  74. >”Careful, Love. Don’t hurt yourself.”
  75. >Love is what she called you pretty much since the two of you met.
  76. >It was short for ‘Lovely Assistant.’
  77. >Of course, the pet name has grown more special over time.
  78. >You groan and sit up, dodging your surroundings and wrapping your arms around your wife to gently, but firmly, rotate her off of her hammock.
  79. >With heavy thuds, her hooves land on the wooden floor of the wagon.
  80. >Now comes the difficult task of getting this wide mare outside.
  81. >”Alright… let’s. Hang on… Oooh.”
  82. >She nearly knocks over a tower of cardboard boxes filled with volatile magical items.
  83. >You grab her hips and position her ass to do some guidance, but the belly is so wide it’s almost pointless.
  84. >Trixie’s horn glows, and she opens the door.
  85. >Just in time to get stuck between a cabinet and a large chest.
  86. >”Almost… there… ! Hrrk! Nnnngh! Oh, come on! I’m not that big!”
  87. “Do you need me to push?”
  89. >”No, I think I… got it… GAH!”
  90. >Suddenly through, Trixie tumbles forward, nearly stumbling out the door.
  91. >You leap forward and grab her just in time. And it’s not an easy task, as her weight is considerable!
  92. >”Uh! Thanks love.”
  93. >The mare smiles, but you can tell she’s embarrassed.
  94. >She makes the slow, careful steps down off the wagon and you follow after.
  95. >She stretches.
  96. >”Ugh… Fresh air.”
  97. >Your wife tosses her mane side to side and takes in the morning.
  98. >She magically gathers some haycake mix, water, and a cast iron skillet over last night’s campfire.
  99. >With a flick of her horn, a small fire lights and your wife starts breakfast.
  100. >You sit across from her on a log you found and rolled up to the fire last night.
  101. >The mare was VERY impressed with your feat of strength.
  102. >You sniffle.
  103. “Vanhoover sure was fun, Trixie. I’m glad we went.”
  104. >”Oh, me too. It’s a bit out of the way of my normal route, but I might make it a permanent stop.”
  105. “I bet they never saw a show like yours,” you say, proud of your magical mare.
  106. >She raises a brow.
  107. >”Ours. The show doesn’t happen without my Lovely Assistant.”
  108. >She floats you a tin plate with your haycake on it.
  109. >You eagerly grab it, beaming as you take that first bite.
  110. >In spite of the name, you’re actually able to digest it.
  111. >One of these days, you should probably look at the ingredients on the back of the box.
  112. >Trixie fixes herself a haycake and the two of you enjoy the cool air of the mountains.
  113. >The sunrise clears the mist that had grown overnight, revealing even more of the valley.
  114. >The unicorn’s pancake winds up being rather… big.
  115. >Those babies aren’t going to feed themselves, after all.
  116. >The blue mound sags onto the grass as Trixie enjoys her breakfast.
  117. >After a while, she notices you staring.
  118. >She lids her eyes and pats her tummy.
  119. >”Your haycake is going to get cold if you keep staring.”
  120. “Oh!”
  121. >You hastily scarf down the flapjack and resume your belly-viewing.
  122. >Trixy snickers, amused at your antics.
  123. >”You may as well come on over for a closer look, Love.”
  124. >You don’t need to be told twice!
  125. >You go on over to sit beside your lover, who leans on you as she finishes her food.
  126. >”Mmmmm.
  127. >She looks at you and starts talking with her mouth full.
  128. >”Ve Gweat and Povuvul Twixie demavns you wub hu Gweat and Povovul Bewwy.”
  129. “I’m sorry?”
  130. >She gulps.
  131. >”Ahem. The Grrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie demands you rub her Grrrreat and Powerful Belly.”
  132. >”As you wish, oh Great and Powerful Trixie.”
  133. >The mare smiles as your hands encircle her blue baby bump and start petting it, caressing her with your gentle touch.
  134. >You lean down and kiss your wife who happily obliges you, swishing her tail as you cradle and caress her plump bump.
  135. >She giggles as the babies wiggle and squirm inside her, likely awaken by their dad.
  136. >”I think the babies are awake, too.”
  137. >You rub the bumps where you see them appear, teasing your little ones.
  138. >Trixie bites her lip, trying to stifle laughter.
  139. “Ticklish?”
  140. >”Snrck. Nohohoh. I’m not.”
  141. “I think you are.”
  142. >”I’m not!”
  143. “So if I… bring my hand down here. You won’t laugh?”
  144. >”Of course! The Great and Powerful Trixie does not tickle easily.”
  145. >You test that statement by wiggling your fingers across her smooth tummy, focusing on the side.
  146. >Trixie clenches her mouth shut, holding her breath.
  147. “Nothing?”
  148. >”Mm-mm,” she says, shaking her head.
  149. >You use another hand, doubling the sensation on the pony’s belly.
  150. >”Still no?”
  151. >”Mmmmf…”
  152. >Tears form in her eyes, but she refuses to relent!
  153. “If you laugh, I’ll stop.”
  154. >You feel the mare tense up against you. She clearly has no intention of giving up.
  155. >There has to be some way to get her to laugh.
  156. >Maybe some sweet spot on that belly of hers.
  157. >But there’s a lot of ground to cover if that’s the case.
  158. >You try going lower.
  159. >She squirms, but still keeps it in.
  160. >You try closer together, making those digits dance on the blue fur!
  161. >Still, she holds it in.
  162. >You try a bit lower, almost cradling the Unicorn’s big baby bump.
  163. >”MMMnnnuuuuh!”
  164. >A moan?
  165. >That wasn’t part of the plan.
  166. >Trixie tilts her head to look up at you, her face flushed.
  167. “Um… you okay?”
  168. >The blue pony licks her lips tenderly.
  169. >”Of course! Like I said, I don’t tickle easily.”
  170. >She smirks. Pretty cocky for a mare that was THIS close to losing it.
  171. >”Er, Love. Want to see a magic trick I’ve been working on?”
  172. >You blink. What a strange segway.
  173. “Sure. Something for your show?”
  174. >”Sure! I mean, yes! And I need my Lovely Assistant for this one.”
  175. “You know I’m always happy to help, Trix. What do you need me to do?”
  176. >Trixie rubs her hooves together.
  177. >”Lie down on your back.”
  178. >These sorts of tricks always make you nervous, but you do what your boss says and lay down on the cool grass.
  179. >Thank God it’s not too dewey.
  180. >The mare rolls over… and then to the other side. And then the other side.
  181. >Getting up while almost as wide as one is long is hard, apparently.
  182. “You look like a blue balloon.”
  183. >Trixie glares at you.
  184. >”The assistant remains silent during the trick.”
  185. >She leans her face in close to yours.
  186. >”Otherwise, the magic doesn’t work.”
  187. >She smiles and tosses her hair back.
  188. >Then she waddles her way to your legs, facing you.
  189. >Slowly, she walks up towards you, her massive belly dragging along your legs.
  190. >She has that look in her eyes. That captivating look that made Trixie appear truly larger than life.
  191. >She’s a showpony, through and through.
  192. >By the time her belly gets to your lap, you smile sheepishly.
  193. >There’s no way she didn’t notice the bulge pressing against her stomach.
  194. >Finally, with her heavy gut firmly pressing against your chest, Trixie’s horn swirls with blue magic.
  195. >You look at her eyes, entranced.
  196. >And then your nose gets booped by magic.
  197. “Huh?”
  198. >”You’re so gullible, Love. You fell for the old, ‘fake magic trick’ trick!”
  199. >You pout.
  200. “I’m your magic assistant. That’s not fair.”
  201. >Trixie looks aside, her horn still aglow.
  202. >”Maybe not. But I AM going to show you a magic trick.”
  203. >You raise a brow and cautiously speak.
  204. “What’s the trick?”
  205. >Trixie leans, or rolls rather, forward, the full weight of her gut pressing onto you.
  206. >She narrows her eyes, and grins.
  207. >You feel your pajama bottoms and underwear violently pulled apart, your manhood springing free.
  208. >”I’m gonna make this DICK disappear.”
  209. >You blush.
  210. >You feel something tingly around your cock.
  211. >She’s aiming it with her magic.
  212. ”W-w-waitwaitwait!”
  213. >Your wife rolls back on her belly and her ass slams into your lap.
  214. >The cool morning breeze on your member is replaced by warmth.
  215. >True to her word, every last inch of your swollen cock disappears into her hungry marehood.
  216. >Trixie moans above you and laughs.
  217. >”Looks like the tables have turned, Love.”
  218. “What?”
  219. >You wiggle beneath the pony.
  220. >Unsuccessfully.
  221. >That belly of hers is way heavier than it looks.
  222. >She looks down at you over it.
  223. >”What’s the matter, Love? Are you stuck?”
  224. >Your toes curl and your legs part as you feel your wife’s walls massage your dick.
  225. “Nnnn. Nguh.”
  226. >You wrap your arms around the Unicorn’s tummy and grunt, trying to get free so you can be on top.
  227. >”Something wrong?”
  228. >Trixie grinds her hips on you, working your cock.
  229. “Come on, you know I like to be in charge. You get to be the boss on stage. I get to be the boss in bed.”
  230. >”First of all, I’m the boss on AND off stage. You’re ONLY the boss in bed.”
  231. >She chuckles.
  232. >”And we’re not in bed, are we?”
  233. >Fuck. She’s right.
  234. >”But I’m sure you can just have your way with me anyway. You’re a big, strong human, right?”
  235. >Hell yeah, you are!
  236. >You grunt and try to lift Trixie.
  237. >It doesn’t go so well.
  238. >Not with your arms stuck to your sides by that stomach of hers.
  239. >She laughs again.
  240. >”Looks like my Lovely Assistant is no match for the Great and Powerful Belly!”
  241. >She slaps her stomach with her hooves for emphasis.
  242. >It’s true.
  243. >The big blue belly looms over you, pinning you down and taunting you with its roundness.
  244. >Trixie is very much aware of how hard your dick can get when you get a glimpse of her gut.
  245. >And you fell right into her trap.
  246. >Flicking her tail, Trixie lifts her hips just enough to start a rhythm.
  247. >You feel her pussy slide up and down you and feel her ass smack your thighs over and over.
  248. >Her gut grinds on your abs, pushing your shirt further up until fur meets flesh.
  249. >You close your eyes and groan, giving in and letting your wife use you as a fucktoy.
  250. >”Good boy.”
  251. >Trixie has her way with you and her moans get longer.
  252. >Try as you might, you can’t help but harmonize.
  253. >Her folds are so ticklish and her passage is so tight.
  254. >Your balls tense and roll, those sacks of cum getting trickles of mare juices on them as time goes on.
  255. >Every time you glance at your boss’ belly, your manhood throbs, and Trixie coos happily.
  256. >You buck your hips to the best of your ability.
  257. >Hopefully it helps Trixie bounce herself on top of you.
  258. >She squeals with delight. The effort is apparently appreciated.
  259. > Her belly starts to wobble and bob up and down from the two of you fighting each other’s hips.
  260. >Your wife takes the opportunity to tease you yet again.
  261. >”Gaaaaaaze into my magic orb and be HYPNOTIZED!”
  262. “Beeeeeeeellllllyyyyyyyy...”
  263. >She snorts.
  264. >”Keep your eeeeeeeeye on the bellllybuttoooooon. Oooooooooooohhh!”
  265. ”Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh…”
  266. >Trixie stifles a giggle.
  267. >”You will obey my every command!”
  268. ”Yyyyyeeeeeeesssss, Miiiiiissssstreeeeeessss…”
  269. >”You want to slap my big, blue ass!”
  270. “I can’t. You’re pinning my arms.”
  271. >”Ooh! Sorry.”
  272. >She lifts herself enough to let you get loose before resuming her riding.
  273. >You obey her previous command, spanking the mare’s flank.
  274. >She squeaks with delight!
  275. >It’s a very soft ass, indeed!
  276. >You squeeze it and slam your cock into Trixie, digging your fingers into that flank.
  277. >Trixie shudders and moans, flicking her tail around.
  278. >”Uuuuuuh, I’m getting close, Love! Don’t stop!”
  279. >You obey, good assistant that you are, lunging your dick as deep and hard as you can.
  280. >You clench your nuts, trying to hold back your own orgasm.
  281. >Just. Long. Enough.
  282. >Trixie’s tummy grinds against your body, lurching back and forth.
  283. >It drives you crazy!
  284. >Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled by the prick and hear your wife’s adorable scream.
  285. >You let go, unleashing the night’s load up and into the pony’s womb.
  286. >As if she wasn’t full, already!
  287. >Trixie’s pussy squeezes tight, milking every drop from your nutsack, lightening the load between your legs considerably.
  288. >Once she’s sure every spurt has painted her insides, Trixie plops her plot on your lap.
  289. >She pants, using a hoof to brush away stray bangs.
  290. >”Hah… Hah… So… what did you… think… Love?”
  291. >You quiver as you exhale, calming yourself down.
  292. ”That’s one hell of a trick, babe.”
  293. >Trixie folds her arms across her belly and rests her chin on them, looking down at you.
  294. >”Mmmmmm. I’m glad you approve.”
  295. “I’m not sure it’ll do well with most audiences, though.”
  296. >Trixie laughs.
  297. >”Maybe we should have you do a stand up routine during our shows.”
  298. “An opening act?”
  299. >”Perhaps.”
  300. >Your wife rolls her hips.
  301. >”Alright, we’ve had our fun, Love. Help me up so we can get going. We have a lot of ground to cover.”
  302. >You grab onto the mare and hoist her up and to the side. She rolls herself to her hooves and the two of you get packing.
  303. >Once you’re changed into your day clothes and ready to head out, you watch as Trixie hitches herself to the wagon.
  304. >You know you should hold your tongue, but you can’t help yourself.
  305. >You clear your throat.
  306. “Uh… Trix? Maybe I could haul the wagon, today.”
  307. >Trixie scoffs.
  308. >”I appreciate the offer, Love,” she says.
  309. >It sounds as if she doesn’t actually appreciate the offer.
  310. >”But as I’ve pointed out many times, I’m perfectly fine pulling my wagon.”
  311. “But the harness doesn’t fit you, anymore.”
  312. >You watch as Trixie forces the wooden hitch around herself, pinching the sides of her belly.
  313. >She grunts as she pushes with her hooves, the wagon slowly lurching forward with a creak.
  314. >You admit, she’s making progress, but considerably slower than just a few weeks ago.
  315. >You also cringe at the way her belly is being squeezed by the harness.
  316. >You growl softly and step in front of your wife.
  317. “Trixie, just… just stop. I’m not going to let you do this.”
  318. >The mare flares her nostrils at you.
  319. >”Get out of the WAY, Love!”
  320. “Not until you let me drag it. You’re going to hurt yourself or the foals this way.”
  321. >Trixie takes a few deep breaths, glaring at you.
  322. >She manages to calm herself.
  323. “Fine! Get some rope or whatever you need. If you INSIST.”
  324. >You know better than to push the issue by saying anything.
  325. >You get out some thick rope and make a harness fit for a human such as yourself, allowing you to stand and pull the wagon behind you.
  326. >You struggle significantly, far more than the mare next to you would.
  327. >Even Unicorns are built for pulling heavy loads.
  328. >You aren’t.
  329. >But this isn’t the first time you’ve pulled the cart. And by watching strongmen haul eighteen-wheelers, you at least know the proper technique to get going.
  330. >Eventually, you’re pulling the wagon along the trail at a steady pace.
  331. >Trixie insists on walking beside you.
  332. >You relent, mostly to keep her calm, but also because you know for a fact that she could give most Earth Ponies a run for their money when it comes to stamina.
  333. >Years of hauling a wagon while traveling will do that to you.
  334. >As midday approaches and you approach the entrance to a forest, you grow anxious.
  335. >You have to bring it up.
  336. >Even if it causes another argument.
  337. “Um… Trixie…”
  338. >”Yes, Love?”
  339. >She sounds like she’s in a better mood.
  340. “I think we need to consider getting a house.”
  341. >There. You’ve ripped the bandage off.
  342. >Trixie looks at you indignantly.
  343. >”A house?”
  344. “Yes. A house. Sooner rather than later.”
  345. >”Whu… What’s wrong with the wagon!?”
  346. “Nothing! The wagon’s fine.”
  347. >”Well then, why are you asking me to get rid of it? This is my home, Love! OUR home! You KNOW how much it means to me!”
  348. >Your wife looks like she’s on the verge of tears.
  349. >”I’ve had this wagon since I left home… why would yo-”
  350. ”Heyheyheyhey… honey. I’m not asking you to get rid of it. I’m just saying… we could get somewhere we can park it. Okay?”
  351. >The magician stomps her hooves.
  352. >”Love, why would you… UGH!”
  353. >She turns around and storms off as fast as her bloated body can go.
  354. >You force yourself to a halt, almost getting run over by the wagon.
  355. >You hastily yank and pull at your harness.
  356. >This only makes detaching yourself harder.
  357. >At last free of the ropes, you stumble forward and run after your wife.
  358. >You don’t have to run long, as her belly makes galloping virtually impossible.
  359. “Trixie. Trixie, stop!”
  360. >She keeps cantering away, her blue mane and tail trailing behind her.
  361. “Trixie will you just listen to me!”
  362. >”No!”
  363. >You don’t feel like waiting for her to tire out.
  364. >You dash in front of the mare and catch her, stumbling back as she plows into you.
  365. >She practically falls into your grasp, and it’s then that you realize she’s trembling.
  366. >Tears soak your shirt and you squeeze your wife firmly.
  367. “Trixie, we’re not getting rid of the wagon. I promise. I’d never ask you to do that. Never.”
  368. >Your little pony clings tightly to you.
  369. >It pains you to hear her cry like this.
  370. >You rub her back and rock her back and forth.
  371. “Trixie? Baby, what’s wrong?”
  372. >”I-I-I can’t… I can’t…”
  373. >You squeeze her again, giving her time to calm down.
  374. >It doesn’t help much but she tries again.
  375. >”I d-d-don’t know… I don’t know how… Love…”
  376. >You stroke her mane softly.
  377. >”I don’t know… how to… be normal…”
  378. “Trix, what are you talking about?”
  379. >The Unicorn’s trembling slows, just enough for her to talk to you.
  380. >”I don’t know how to be a normal pony. With a house. Settling down.”
  381. >She winces.
  382. >”This life. Traveling. Moving all the time. It’s all I know how to do!”
  383. >She tries to meet your gaze, but bursts into tears once again.
  384. >”I’m a p-p-p-pony who c-c-can’t even… l-live in a… h-h-house! You mu-must think I’m s-s-so pathetic!”
  385. “No. Trixie, I could never think that about you.”
  386. >You kiss her on the forehead and cradle her against you.
  387. “I love you so much. You’re the best mare in the world.”
  388. >You’re not sure she’s convinced.
  389. “Trix.”
  390. >She squirms.
  391. “Trix, listen to me.”
  392. >She pants, trying to catch her breath through her tears.
  393. “I know how scary change can be, Trixie. How terrifying it is.”
  394. >You scratch her back.
  395. “When I found myself in Equestria, I was so paralyzed with fear… I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t even take care of myself.”
  396. >You sigh.
  397. “I had no food. No money. No shelter. And I was so ashamed of myself, I considered…”
  398. >You close your eyes shut, trying to forget that painful memory.
  399. “But then I was found by The Great and Powerful Trixie.”
  400. >Your wife sniffles and looks up at you.
  401. “She offered me a job, and a place to live. If I’d take it. Back where I was from, I’d always had a house. I didn’t know if I was cut out for the transient lifestyle. It was scary.”
  402. >You smile at Trixie and wipe her tears away.
  403. “But you made it a lot less scary.”
  404. >Trixie smiles.
  405. >”I just thought you needed a friend.”
  406. “I did.”
  407. >The mare sniffles again and brushes hair out of her face.
  408. “I’m sorry, I-”
  409. >Trixie puts a hoof to your mouth.
  410. >”No, Love. I’M sorry. I… I overreacted. I know you’re just thinking of me.”
  411. >She places the hoof to her round middle.
  412. >”Of us.”
  413. >You nod.
  414. >”I’ve spent years out on the road with nothing but my wagon by my side. Then you came along and I guess I never really though about how things would change. Even when they were. Living in a house isn’t going to be easy.”
  415. “I’m not suggesting we stop touring forever. Just that… I dunno. We have someplace to come back to. Take a break when we need to. Have some sort of… grounding, I suppose.”
  416. >Your wife sighs.
  417. >”I… I guess you’re right.”
  418. “And hey, remember. I owe you one. You helped me get used to the traveling life, so I’ll help you get used to this. Okay?”
  419. >”Promise?”
  420. “I promise, Trix.”
  421. >The mare sniffs and nods.
  422. >You nuzzle her, kissing her cheek and she grins.
  423. >Your hand moves to her belly and she softens up as you rub her womb.
  424. >”Hmmmm. I guess it would be nice doing this on a couch.”
  425. “Or a bed.”
  426. >”Or a bed,” Trixie concurs.
  427. >”But you owe me much more than one, Love. You owe me one for every foal you put in me.”
  428. >You blush, and Trixie gives you a playful smirk, her eyes still wet.
  429. >You love that attitude of hers.
  430. >The Unicorn takes advantage of your caresses to relax, going limp against you.
  431. >You stroke her tummy for a while, relaxing in the gentle breeze.
  432. >She breaks the silence.
  433. >”You never told me you were thinking of ending your life.”
  434. >You don’t have a good answer for her.
  435. >She lifts her head and takes your head in her hooves, holding you to her chest.
  436. >”I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”
  437. >Your wife squeezes you tight.
  438. “I wasn’t alone for long.”
  439. >Trixie brings you back up to her level.
  440. >”And you never will be.”
  441. >She kisses you on the lips
  442. >You close your eyes and kiss back, giving a few loving pats to the belly that carry your foals inside.
  443. >You break off the kiss.
  444. >She follows up with a few kisses down your neck.
  445. >Her horn glows, and your hear the sound of a brass zipper being undone.
  446. >”Trix, wha-”
  447. >You’re cut off by a whisper.
  448. >”The Great and Powerful Trixie needs her Lovely Assistant to be quiet.”
  449. >You obey like a good little assistant.
  450. >And grow like a very big assistant.
  451. >These mood swings of hers are making you dizzy, but you know better than to question them.
  452. >When your wife needs you, she needs you.
  453. >She nuzzles the crook of your neck and, with some difficulty, lifts her gravid form enough to slide her big blue butt onto your lap, using you as a seat.
  454. >In just a few seconds, you’re thankful she thought of your zipper.
  455. >In a slow motion, the mare rolls her hips side to side in your lap, leaning back against you, prodding your mouth with her horn.
  456. >You kiss it and nibble on it with your lips.
  457. >She breathes sharply, arching her back.
  458. >As you suckle on her tip, your own gets firmer and firmer, sandwiched between those flanks firmed up by a life of trotting all over Equestria and softened by motherhood.
  459. >The pony has clearly noticed, because she clenches those cheeks together, rubbing it tightly as you swirl your tongue around her horn.
  460. >The pregnant pony’s mouth gapes open and her tongue falls out.
  461. >You fight the urge to rut her then and there.
  462. >She doesn’t.
  463. >Trixie presses her hooves on your thighs and lifts herself up, belly and all.
  464. >Your member points upward towards Trixie’s marehood.
  465. >You can feel her great and powerful need through the intense heat wafting over your cock.
  466. >Gently, the pony lowers her hips, taking you inside bit by bit, until at last she’s planted firmly in your lap, your cock now snug inside her.
  467. >You moan around her horn, eliciting a tiny squeal from the girl.
  468. >She bites her lip and takes a deep breath.
  469. >You wrap two loving arms around her wide girth and rub her bulging belly, being delicate with your touch.
  470. >Two hooves cover your hands, pressing them firmly into the thin fur.
  471. >You let go of her horn, a strand of saliva hanging between the tip and your lips.
  472. >And speaking of lips.
  473. >They hold on tight to your swollen dick as Trixie begins to hump you, sliding herself up and down your shaft.
  474. >Your balls jiggle beneath her entrance, the semen-stuffed orbs only barely spared the tightness of Trixie’s trench.
  475. >Every inch of you is hers, and she’s clearly not letting any of you go anytime soon.
  476. >Her hooves follow your arms as you rub and play with her pregnant stomach.
  477. >However, she pulls them down as the minutes go by.
  478. >”Lower…”
  479. >You obey and rub lower on the surface of her belly.
  480. >”Lower.”
  481. >Again, you rub down towards the underside, cradling the babies inside.
  482. >”Lower, Love. You know what I want.”
  483. >You nod and lower your hands to grab the two milky orbs hanging from the bottom of her belly.
  484. >You knead and grope those soft, pliant teats of hers.
  485. >Trixie lets out a raspy groan.
  486. >”Good boy.”
  487. >Your cock twitches inside Trixie in response to those words, earning a smile from the Unicorn.
  488. >Her cooch squeezes you back.
  489. >Her hips rise and drop, her gentle ministrations keeping you nice and hard for her without bringing you too close to orgasm.
  490. >You can’t do much in this position, but you’re probably not meant to.
  491. >You busy yourself with those breasts of hers, squeezing them, pinching her nipples between your thumb and fingers.
  492. >You’re rewarded by warmth flowing over your hands, and the sound of horny horse noises.
  493. >Trixie slaps her ass down on your lap, and begins riding you at a faster pace.
  494. >You squeeze those teats, spraying creamy mare milk all over the grass.
  495. >Her walls slide and glide up and down you, her insides greedily feeling up every last detail of your trembling cock.
  496. >She’s close.
  497. >Her breath grows ragged and shallow as her belly jiggles and bobs up and down between your knees.
  498. >Milk flows like a fountain from her big blue balloons.
  499. >You wrap your lips around her horn again as she tosses her head back, moaning your name.
  500. >Her tummy tightens and her snatch squeezes your cock as she cums.
  501. >Her ass grinds into you, and your spine tingles as you finally unleash your own orgasm.
  502. >Twitching inside the pony’s pussy, your cock unleashes its load.
  503. >Your balls clench and send up a thick jet of cum that coats the magical horse’s insides.
  504. >Your wife rides out her orgasm in your lap, her hips and ass clenching and unclenching as you fill her up with love.
  505. >When your cock finally stops twitching, Trixie is limp as a noodle.
  506. >She pants, hands resting on her swollen stomach.
  507. >You caress it, feeling it swell and contract with her breath.
  508. >Once she’s stable, you give her roundness a series of loving pats with your hands.
  509. “What was that?”
  510. >”Comfort sex.”
  511. >You tilt your head curiously.
  512. ”For you or for me?”
  513. >Trixie opens her eyes and looks at you.
  514. >”Yes.”
  515. >She nuzzles you.
  516. >“I needed it. And I think you needed it, too.”
  517. >She kisses your lips and rubs your chest with a hoof.
  518. >The two of you look down at the blue belly as you feel movement within.
  519. >In a few seconds, the babies are kicking up a storm.
  520. “I think we have a few critics.”
  521. >Trixie tosses her hair back.
  522. >”Well… they can deal with it.”
  523. >She stretches and yawns, then leans forward to walk off of your lap, releasing you from her clutches.
  524. >You zip yourself and get to your feet, following her back to the wagon.
  525. >”I’ll let you take the reins this time. Okay?”
  526. >You smile and run a hand down the pony’s back.
  527. >She flicks her tail to brush your arm with it, giving you a smile.
  528. >”Thank you, Love.”
  530. **********
  532. >Half an hour later, the two of you are back on the trail.
  533. >The time lost was well worth it in the end.
  534. >Trixie has an extra pep in her step.
  535. >Granted, that pep is weighed down by well over twenty pounds worth of foal.
  536. >It’s sort of an enthusiastic waddle.
  537. >You try not to laugh at it.
  538. >Trixie breaks the silence.
  539. >”So. A house.”
  540. “Uh huh.”
  541. >”Where exactly were you thinking of living?”
  542. >You bit your lip.
  543. >You hadn’t actually thought that far ahead.
  544. ”Uh… How about Seaddle? We have fun every time we’re there”
  545. >Trixie turns back to look at you.
  546. >”Ehhhh. Too rainy.”
  547. ”Vanhoover?”
  548. >”It’s nice, but they have a weird accent.”
  549. >Silence.
  550. >”What about Dodge Junction? Now THOSE are some ponies who love a good show.”
  551. “Yeah, maybe a bit too much. That town needs like five sheriffs. Besides, it’s kinda hot there.”
  552. >Trixie sighs.
  553. >”Fillydelphia?”
  554. “That place is rainy, too. And not as nice as Seaddle.”
  555. >”You have any better ideas?”
  556. >You have just earned a look.
  557. >But you do have an idea.
  558. “Actually, I do.”
  559. >”Oh? Do tell.”
  560. “Las Pegasus.”
  561. >You cut her off before she can raise a brow.
  562. “It’s got plenty of opportunities for magicians like us, aaaaaand we can be close to your parents.”
  563. >Trixie puts a hoof to her chin.
  564. >”Hmmmmm. You make a good point.”
  565. >Hope rises in your chest.
  566. >”But that place is so loud and busy a place to raise a family. And unless there’s some Pegasus in my genes I don’t know about, we’re going to have Unicorns. A cloud city wouldn’t be safe for them. Not until they’re older.”
  567. >You lower your head in defeat. You really thought you had a winner with that one.
  568. >The two of you sigh heavily, and you trudge along for another few minutes.
  569. >You look down at the ground as you tug the wagon along, watching the scenery slowly go by.
  570. >”I’m not trying to be difficult, Love. But if we’re going to settle somewhere, we both need to love it. And so do our foals.”
  571. “I know. I… let’s just keep our minds open.”
  572. >Trixie gives you a reassuring smile and looks at the map again as you come to a fork in the road.
  573. >As she looks over the parchment, you nudge at the dirt with your foot idly.
  574. “What about Ponyville?”
  575. >Your wife’s ears perk.
  576. >”Ponyville?”
  577. “Yeah. It’s a nice little town. Friendly ponies. Not too busy.”
  578. >”Go on…”
  579. “It’s centrally located in Equestria, so it makes for a perfect rest stop on our tours. And your friend Starlight lives there.”
  580. >Trixie gasps.
  581. >”She does!”
  582. >She beams excitedly and trots in place with glee.
  583. >”Lovelovelovelovelove, you’re a genius!”
  584. >She rears and whinnies, wiggling her front hooves in the air.
  585. >You haven’t seen her this giddy since she found out she was expecting.
  586. >She waddles hastily over to you and rears up again.
  587. >You catch her hooves in your hands and she grins widely.
  588. >”Oh, Love. It sounds perfect!”
  589. >Then her ears lower and she looks down.
  590. >”Oh, but… we don’t have money for a down payment on a home.”
  591. >You rub her hooves with your thumbs.
  592. “First of all, small towns usually have lower housing costs.”
  593. >She doesn’t look convinced.
  594. ”And secondly, your Lovely Assistant has been putting all his bits in the bank.”
  595. >Trixie looks back up.
  596. >”All of them?”
  597. “Yeah. I mean. You seemed to be tallying our expenses pretty well, which was really generous. I mean, you housed me, fed me. When you paid me on top of that, I just didn’t think it was right to spend it when you yourself were living so lean.
  598. >A look of disbelief is plastered on the mare’s face.
  599. “I kept saving up so I could pay you back one day. Then we got married and… well, I’m a creature of habit.”
  600. >Trixie shakes her head.
  601. >”And thank God for that.”
  602. >She presses her lips to yours and the two of you embrace.
  603. >Trixie shoves the map in her saddlebag.
  604. >”We take a right, here.”
  605. ”But our next stop is-”
  606. >”Ponyville. Which is to. The. Right.”
  608. **********
  610. >“Well, it turns out right as the house was finished, he got a job in Manehattan. So he wound up not buying. But his loss is your gain!”
  611. >The peach-colored mare with lime-colored hair holds a clipboard in her hand.
  612. >She has a brass badge in the shape of a house on the vest she wears.
  613. >She’s been friendly enough so far. You weren’t expecting buying a house to be a pleasant experience.
  614. >Thus far, you’ve been proven wrong.
  615. >Trixie stands beside you as the Realtor takes you on a tour of the house.
  616. >”Heating and cooking are all gas,” she continues.
  617. >”Lighting and AC are electric.”
  618. >Trixie whispers.
  619. >”At least we can cook if the power goes out. That’s a plus.”
  620. >Your wife has a point.
  621. >Lord knows you’ve gone hungry back home with your electric stove, oven, and microwave. Power outages are no joke.
  622. >As you both go through the brand new cottage, you get a feel for the floor plan.
  623. >You’re taken to the kitchen and living room, both of which have windows.
  624. >”Let me take you upstairs to the bedrooms.”
  625. >You follow your guide upstairs, but as you both reach the top, you notice Trixie at the bottom.
  626. >Her belly is getting in the way of her progress.
  627. “Oh… Maybe a two-story house was a bad idea.”
  628. >The Realtor looks nervous. More-so for your wife than a lost commission.
  629. >The Unicorn quickly backs down and clears her throat.
  630. >”Nonsense. Stairs are no match for the Great and Powerful Trixie!”
  631. >With a flash of magic, she appears by your side and flicks her hair with her hoof.
  632. >”Effortless.”
  633. >The Realtor claps her hooves, and you sigh with relief.
  634. >The two of you are able to finish the tour. A master bedroom and two other bedrooms.
  635. >Two bathrooms, and a spacious attic with a window that overlooks a plaza with a curious building that looks a lot like a gingerbread house.
  636. “What’s that?”
  637. >”Hm? Oh, that’s Sugarcube Corner! It’s owned by Mr. And Mrs. Cake. They make all sorts of delicious treats. Cakes, cupcakes, bundt cakes, muffins…”
  638. >”There’s quite a few places here where you can get a sweet treat, Love,” Trixie interjects.
  639. >”And most just a short walk away!”
  640. >Trixie’s expression changes suddenly to one of surprise.
  641. >”Can we pause the tour for a sec?”
  642. >The Earth Pony nods and you sit down next to Trixie who leans against you.
  643. >You recognized that look immediately.
  644. >She sighs.
  645. >”Sorry. The foals are throwing a tantrum in my tummy.”
  646. >You wrap your arms around your boss and begin rubbing her tummy to calm down your children.
  647. >The Realtor giggles.
  648. >”I remember my first. She was causing trouble even before she came out. How many are you having?”
  649. “A lot.”
  650. >Trixie’s eyes widen.
  651. >”Oh, question! Does Ponyville have a school? I want our foals to have a good education.”
  652. >”We have a schoolhouse, actually! Miss Cheerilee is an amazing teacher. The classes are small, but that just means each foal gets plenty of guidance throughout their education.”
  653. “Sounds like a classical education. I’m down.”
  654. >You look at your wife, who gazes at her tummy thoughtfully.
  655. “Fifteen percent off the initial price was your offer?”
  656. >The Realtor nods.
  657. “Sounds like a good deal, Trix. Whaddya say?”
  658. >Trixie’s frown of concern turns into a hopeful smile and she raises her head to look at the other mare.
  659. >”We’ll take it.”
  660. >The salespony taps her hooves excitedly.
  661. >”Oh, I just know you two are going to love it here. Ponyville is the best place to raise a family. Take it from me. If you’ll come downstairs we can get all the paperwork settled.
  662. >The three of you make it down and you and your wife sign all the related forms, Trixie giving her hoofprint next to your signature on the final page.
  663. >”I’ll take this to Mayor Mare. She’ll probably high tail it right over as soon as she hears there’s a new family in town. And of course, if you need anything, I live just across town.
  664. “Thank you so much.”
  665. >You all say your goodbyes and you and Trixie are left by yourselves in the house.
  666. >The large, surprisingly spacious, house.
  667. >The empty house.
  668. >Trixie looks upset.
  669. >She waddles to the door.
  670. >”I need air.”
  671. >You follow her outside just in time to see her collapse in a heap.
  672. “Trix!”
  673. >”I’m… I’m fine, Love. I just need a minute.”
  674. >She breathes in and out.
  675. >”Being in that big empty house was… overwhelming.”
  676. “I can imagine.”
  677. >She takes a deep breath and exhales.
  678. “Having second thoughts?”
  679. >”Nooooo. It’s just-”
  680. >She looks over at the wagon that sits next to the house.
  681. >It’s on a little plot of grass that came with the property.
  682. “Gonna take getting used to?”
  683. >”Yeah. But I’ll be okay.”
  684. >You stroke Trixie’s back and kiss her cheek.
  685. “It’ll probably feel a lot better inside once we get some furniture in there. We should at least get a bed before the day’s over.”
  686. >”Maybe a sofa, too. Oh, and some quills! We need to write to everyone to let them know where we are, now!”
  687. >An earth-colored stallion in a blue vest beams with excitement as he overhears your conversation.
  688. >Just then, your wife’s ears perk up at the sound of a familiar voice.
  689. >”Trixie?”
  690. >”Starlight!”
  691. >Your wife rocks herself side to side to get on her hooves and waddle excitedly towards her best friend.
  692. >”Oh, I’ve missed you so- OH, MY GOSH! YOU’RE HUGE!”
  693. >Trixie’s purple friend smirks.
  694. >”Look who’s talking, Trixie.”
  695. >Starlight giggles.
  696. >Trixie tilts her head as Starlight’s husband makes it over to you three.
  697. >You haven’t seen your brother in quite some time.
  698. >”But Starlight,” Trixie says.
  699. >”It’s only been four months since we saw you… hasn’t it?”
  700. >She looks at you as if asking.
  701. >Your brother speaks up.
  702. >”It’s kind of complicated, but it’s erm… a magically sped forward pregnancy.”
  703. >Starlight blushes.
  704. >”I may have made some, ahem, miscalculations.”
  705. >Trixie playfully chides her sister-in-law.
  706. >”Haven’t you learned anything about using magic to solve your problems?”
  707. >Starlight smirks.
  708. >”No. If we learn that lesson, how will we ever have fun?”
  709. >The mares break out into shared laughter, leaving you and your brother to shrug.
  710. >Must be some sort of inside joke.
  711. >”So what brings you to Ponyville so soon,” Starlight asks.
  712. >”Yeah, Glimmy said you two wouldn’t be back until another four months.”
  713. “There was a… change of plans.”
  714. >Trixie tippy taps her hooves, barely able to contain herself.
  715. >”We’re moving to Ponyville,” she blurts out.
  716. >Starlight squeals excitedly and the two ponies squeeze each other tight in a hug, balancing on their hind legs.
  717. >Their round bellies press firmly against each other.
  718. >It’s actually pretty hot.
  719. >You meet your brother’s gaze and you two share a nod.
  720. >Nice.
  721. >”Do you two need help picking a house,” Starlight asks.
  722. “Actually… it’s this one right here.”
  723. >”Oh, Trixie. It’s gorgeous! I’m so happy you chose Ponyville. We can spend so much more time together.”
  724. >Trixie swishes her tail happily.
  725. >”I was dreading ever settling down in one place, but my Lovely Assistant managed to change my mind,” Trixie says, nuzzling you.
  726. >”When he suggested Ponyville and I realized I could live so close to my sister-in-law. Well, the decision practically made itself.”
  727. >“He’s a pretty shrewd negotiator, when he needs to be,” your brother says.
  728. “More like when I grow a spine.”
  729. >”Don’t sell yourself short, honey,” Star says.
  730. >”If you can convince Trixie to change her mind, you can convince anyone.”
  731. >Trixie smiles and gives you a squeeze.
  732. >Starlight sits on her hind legs and clops her front hooves together.
  733. >”Trixie. Let us know when you think you’ll be settled in. We can throw you all a housewarming party!”
  734. >”That sounds fantastic,” Trixie says.
  735. >”But for today, we just need a couple pieces of furniture. A bed and a sofa. And some quills and parchment to send everyone we know our new address.”
  736. >”Oh! I know just the place for that. Quills & Sofas.”
  737. “That’s… very specific.”
  738. >”Maybe,” your brother replies.
  739. >”But they always have business.”
  740. “I guess we know where we’re headed next.”
  741. >Trixie nods.
  742. >”Want to come along? We can catch up!”
  743. >”I don’t see why not,” Starlight says.
  744. >”We’ve got our errands done.
  745. >And so the four of you get up to speed on each other’s lives, all while going to what is perhaps the most specifically marketed store in all of Equestria.
  746. >At the store, you all settle on a royal blue couch and a mahogany bed with a comforter that bears a striking resemblance to Trixie’s stage outfit.
  747. >Very calming colors. You like it.
  748. >Trixie and Starlight have been talking nearly the entire time.
  749. >”And just you wait. In a few more months, this town will witness the Great and Powerful Trixie’s most amazing feat yet!”
  750. >”And what might that be?”
  751. >”Making a bundle of healthy foals appear out of thin air!”
  752. “Thin air?”
  753. >”Well, of course, I couldn’t have pulled this off without my Lovely Assistant,” she teases.
  754. >”But with all tricks, there’s room for improvement. And since I fully intend to perform this feat multiple times…”
  755. >The blue mare flicks her tail and rubs her side against you.
  756. >”We’ll have to keep practicing.”
  757. >Starlight grins.
  758. >”Sounds like you two have plans tonight.”
  759. >You feel very self-conscious in that moment.
  760. >Fortunately, your brother intervenes.
  761. >”Speaking of tonight, how about you guys join us for dinner? I bet you guys haven’t eaten all day.”
  762. “We haven’t,” you admit.
  763. >Trixie laughs sheepishly.
  764. >”I guess we have been a bit busy.”
  765. >”Well, my husband makes an amazing eggplant parmigiana. You should totally come!”
  766. >Your brother is a pretty good chef.
  767. >How can you refuse?
  768. >Trixie nods.
  769. >”We accept.”
  770. >With your plans laid you all head your separate ways for now.
  771. >You and Trixie head to the house once more, along with the moving cart.
  772. >You help bring in the furniture, and your wife directs.
  773. >Fortunately for you, her instructions aren’t specific.
  774. >”Eh. That seems about right.”
  775. >You toss the movers a tip, which they catch neatly in their caps.
  776. “I guess we’ll figure more out as we get more furniture?”
  777. >Trixie shrugs.
  778. >”I suppose so. You’re the house expert, remember?”
  779. “I walked into that one, didn’t I?”
  780. >Trixie just beams smugly in response.
  781. >You boop her on the nose to assert your dominance.
  782. >”You silly. Come on. Let’s go see Starlight and your brother.”
  783. >You, your wife, your brother, and sister-in-law, have a wonderful dinner filled with joy and laughs in the aptly-named Castle of Friendship.
  784. >Most of it is spent catching up on the last few months.
  785. >You find out how Starlight got so pregnant so quickly.
  786. >You also find out that your wife helped save Equestria with a ragtag band of misfits.
  787. >Just like in the movies!
  788. >All good things must come to an end, though.
  789. >Long after the sun goes down, you and your wife say your goodbyes.
  790. >The mares give another belly-bumping hug.
  791. >”Don’t forget. Let me know when you’re ready for the housewarming party.”
  792. >”Will do,” your wife replies.
  793. >The two of you leave, the cool night air soothing after such a busy day.
  794. >You walk side-by-side under the lamp lights along the cobblestone streets of Ponyvillle.
  795. >Trixie takes a deep breath.
  796. “Tired?”
  797. >”Mmmm. Definitely. I can’t wait to get a good night’s sleep on a real bed.”
  798. “Me neither. When was the last time we had one? Our honeymoon?”
  799. >”It sure seems like it, huh?”
  800. >You turn a corner and see it.
  801. >It looks picturesque, even in the dark.
  802. “Home sweet home.”
  803. >Trixie rubs her opposite foreleg.
  804. “You’ll get used to it, I promise.”
  805. >Trixie unlocks the door with the key and is about to step in.
  806. >You bend down and grab her.
  807. >She yelps!
  808. >You manage to scoop up your mare and carry her inside, bridal style, her massive belly obscuring your vision.
  809. >You step over the threshold and give her tummy a kiss.
  810. >The Unicorn blushes as you kick the door closed.
  811. >”Warn me next time you try to follow a tradition, will you!?”
  812. >You wiggle your eyebrows.
  813. >Trixie giggles.
  814. >”You may want to put me down, if we’re going upstairs, Love.”
  815. >You pivot to the side to get a look at the stairs, and then at the upper landing.
  816. “You sure you can’t just zap us there?”
  817. >Your wife sighs dramatically.
  818. >”The Great and Powerful Trixie, reduced to a lowly taxi service.”
  819. >Reality collapses and expands around you in a flash of pink.
  820. >And you’re on the second floor.
  821. >Trixie smirks and you carry her to the bedroom where you gently lay her out on your new bed.
  822. >”Mmmmm. This is lovely.”
  823. >She spreads her legs and waves them up and down, as if making a snow angel on the comforter.
  824. >You circle the bed and climb in on the other side after kicking your shoes off.
  825. “Satisfied?”
  826. >Trixie arches her back and turns her head to look at you.
  827. >”Ah, no. That’s YOUR job.”
  828. >You grin and scoot closer.
  829. “What do you have in mind?”
  830. >Trixie holds her head up with her hoof, rolling onto her side, pressing her baby bump into you.
  831. >”I was thinking we could break this bed in, tonight.”
  832. >You walk your fingers along the curvature of the mare’s big blue baby bump.
  833. >You finish with a boop to her snoot.
  834. ”Sounds like a plan.”
  835. >Trixie eagerly cranes her neck forward, eyes lidded.
  836. >You lean towards her and lock lips with her’s.
  837. >You taste each other, and Trixie’s hooves slide across your chest.
  838. >The mare grunts with frustration.
  839. >”Ugh. Hugging you is so hard, now.”
  840. >You laugh and pat the girl’s tummy.
  841. “I guess pregnancy does have some downsides.”
  842. >”Some?”
  843. >Trixie gives you a look and chuckles under her breath, then kisses you again.
  844. >You disrobe, unbuckling your belt and sliding out of your pants and underwear, kicking them off the bed.
  845. >Pink magic raises your arms and your shirt is yanked right off of your body.
  846. >”It’s not fair you get to see me naked all the time and wear those dumb clothes.”
  847. “Awwwww. I’m sorry, Trix.”
  848. >She smirks.
  849. >”I guess you’ll just have to make it up to me.”
  850. >Your cock pulsates and grows as your body rubs against the Unicorn’s fur.
  851. >You slide your hand across her belly and thigh, squeezing her ass and earning a squeak from the mare.
  852. >Without thinking, your grind your hips against her taut tummy, stroking your cock up and down the blue fuzz of Trixie’s tummy.
  853. >”Does my gravid and pregnant belly turn you on, Love?”
  854. “Mhmmmm.”
  855. >”Heh. Good.”
  856. >Trixie arches her back to press her stomach against your prick, biting her lip.
  857. >She then rolls her body, trying to mount you.
  858. >”Now, for my next tri- EEP!”
  859. >You’ve pinned your mare onto her back, hands firmly pressed into the pillow on either side of her face.
  860. “Don’t you remember our agreement, Boss?”
  861. >”N… Nooooooooo?”
  862. >She smiles innocently.
  863. “I’m the boss in bed.”
  864. >Trixie gulps nervously, panting with fear and what looks like excitement.
  865. >You thrust your hips, sliding your manhood between your wife’s swollen, dark blue teats.
  866. >She yelps, biting her lip and pulling her hooves to her chest.
  867. >You feel her warm, smooth udders snugging your cock, while the tip rubs the underside of Trixie’s furry stomach.
  868. >Speaking of which.
  869. >You grind your abdomen against her taut belly.
  870. >With every thrust, Trixie wiggles her hips in response.
  871. >”Love, quit teasing meeeeeee.”
  872. “Why? I’m having a great time.”
  873. >Trixie squeezes your hips with her thighs.
  874. >A sudden warmth on your lap tells you that she’s leaking milk, already.
  875. >Your balls get coated with the nourishing white cream.
  876. >Maybe you should have mercy on the mare.
  877. “You ready to get railed, Trixie?”
  878. >She nods vigorously.
  879. >Your mouth upturns into a Cheshire-like grin.
  880. “Well? Let’s hear it.”
  881. >Trixie closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
  882. >”Watch… and be amazed… as my Lovely Assistant rails me with his Great and Powerful Cock!”
  883. >Showmanship is everything.
  885. “Good girl.”
  886. >Trixie huffs and gives you a look.
  887. >”You had better follow through.”
  888. “Oh, I intend to.”
  889. >You slam your hips forward.
  890. >Trixie’s eyes go wide with shock as her passage gets stretched to the limit in half a second.
  891. >Already, your balls are twitching.
  892. >You grind your lap against Trixie’s soft butt, massaging yourself with her slick inner walls.
  893. >The mare seems almost relieved that you aren’t pistoning her like a train.
  894. >As much as you enjoy exploring the intricacies of your wife’s ribbed interior, there’s magic to make.
  895. >You pull out.
  896. >Trixie sighs.
  897. >You buck her again, hard this time, rocking the mattress forward.
  898. >When your hips slap her ass, Trixie yelps again.
  899. >”N-not so hard!”
  900. >In spite of her words, you feel her legs squeeze you tight.
  901. >This is going to be fun.
  902. “No can do, Trix. You’re getting’ fucked, tonight.”
  903. >She gulps nervously.
  904. >And licks her lips with anticipation.
  905. >You let loose.
  906. >Like a bull coming out of the gate, you rail Trixie, bucking your hips into her with reckless abandon.
  907. >The box spring mattress bounces rhythmically with your thrusts, shaking the pregnant mare beneath you.
  908. >Pants turn to moans, and moans turn to squeals.
  909. >You smile.
  910. >She’s definitely enjoying this.
  911. >And after all, she’s earned it.
  912. >Running a business and carrying your foals is a hefty load for anyone to carry.
  913. >Speaking of which, Trixie’s belly matches your speed.
  914. >Her belly, wide and plump as it is, smacks against your abs with every thrust you make into the mare.
  915. >It’s hypnotic, even without Trixie’s embellishment.
  916. >Unable to resist, you give the big tummy a kiss, no small feat given how much it’s jiggling.
  917. >You almost get hit in the face by the blue wrecking ball.
  918. >You have a solution, though.
  919. >You lean up, and grab your wife’s baby bump with both hands.
  920. >She moans, letting you know you’re doing something right.
  921. >You vigorously rub your hands all over the stomach, messing up the fur.
  922. >Your wife clenches around your swollen shaft, and you bite your lip.
  923. >Both of you are getting close, now.
  924. >You gently slap the side of her tummy and she yelps, clenching again.
  925. >You give her bellybutton a flick, and again, she clenches.
  926. >Picking up the pace, you rock into the mare, panting.
  927. “You feel good, baby?”
  928. >”Yes… Yes!”
  929. “You gonna cum?”
  930. >”Mhmmmm!”
  931. “Then let’s cum together.”
  932. >Time seems to dilate, stretching a few seconds into what feels like an hour.
  933. >Both of you moan.
  934. >Trixie’s pussy spasms.
  935. >Your cock bucks like crazy.
  936. >Pretty soon, your wife is getting flooded with bucketloads of hot, thick, cum.
  937. >It leaks out of her pussy onto the sheets from how much you fill the poor pony.
  938. >It mixes with her milk into a mess of white cream.
  939. >As your dick spurts the last of its gift, the both of you pant heavily.
  940. >You lean over your wife, brushing wayward hair off of her face.
  941. >She eagerly kisses you and you rub her tummy, sliding out.
  942. >Her hips try to keep you in and she whines as you leave her folds.
  943. >After a few minutes, both of you are calmed down enough to breathe normally.
  944. “So… verdict on the bed?”
  945. >Trixie chuckles.
  946. >”No squeaks. No wobbles. It can clearly take abuse… but I still need time to decide. I think a good night’s sleep is needed before I give my final thoughts.”
  947. >You smile at your wife and she turns to look at you.
  948. >”You were right, Love.”
  949. “Damn. That’s cause for celebration. If only you’d said that last time you tried the cannon trick.”
  950. >She jabs you with a hoof, playfully.
  951. >”I’m serious. I was a wreck just thinking about all of this. This ‘house’ thing. Living in one spot. But being here with you?”
  952. >She gently presses your cheek with her hoof.
  953. >”It feels so right. Like… like home. I should have known from the start that no matter where we sleep, as long as we have each other, we’re right where we belong.”
  954. >You almost tear up at her words.
  955. >You smile, reaching out and pulling your mare and the mother of your children close to your body.
  956. >She giggles happily.
  957. >You stroke her tummy and she takes a deep breath, letting out a contented sigh.
  958. >”This really will make a great place to raise our family.”
  959. “It certainly will.”
  960. >A good rut and bellyrubs is apparently a recipe for a very sleepy Unicorn.
  961. >She yawns after just a few minutes and wiggles, spooning herself against you.
  962. >You hold her close.
  963. >”I can…”
  964. >She yawns.
  965. >”I can make us some haycakes in our new kitchen first thing in the morning.”
  966. >You kiss her cheek.
  967. “Can’t wait.”
  968. >You give the mare a squeeze and close your eyes.
  969. ”Good night, oh Great and Powerful Trixie.”
  970. >”Good night, my Lovely Assistant.”

Sunday Breakfast

by GFM_Lewdendorff


by GFM_Lewdendorff

Big Apple

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Stars

by GFM_Lewdendorff

Great and Powerful, Gravid and Pregnant

by GFM_Lewdendorff