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The Inquisition's Prisoner - RGRE

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-09-04 16:27:35
Expiry: Never

  1. >You head has been wracked with pain for what seems like hours.
  2. >Initially you had awoken in a small pile of your own vomit, a headache piercing through your skull like lightning.
  3. >Of course it seemed like an average morning for you.
  4. >But what wasn't average was what you saw when you opened your eyes.
  5. >Instead of a shitty apartment covered in the marks of age and disrepair you awoke in a terrible darkness.
  6. >From what you could see in this horrible blackness you were trapped in a small room with a large metal door barring you from leaving.
  7. >You tried shouting for quite a while but your voice quickly became hoarse and naught but the wind echoed back.
  8. >So you just sat back down and waited while your body filled with a primal terror.
  9. >Perhaps you had wronged a few people, perhaps you had done some people dirty.
  10. >But it wasn't your fault you were born an asshole, right?
  11. >Suddenly a sharp scraping sound comes from the door and you quickly rise to your feet, your balance thrown off slightly in the darkness.
  12. >A shard of light comes from the newly created opening in the door and momentarily you're blinded.
  13. >"So you're awake then? Very well, we shall begin." you hear a almost somber female voice speak calmly through the blazing light.
  14. >Begin what?
  15. >Oh god this isn't how you wanted to die.
  16. >You swear you'll repent for your ways. You'll change! You'll donate every penny you have to those ungrateful brats at the orphanage and all!
  17. >As the door slowly creaks open with a screech that excites your terror in ways you had never thought to be possible.
  18. >The door parts to reveal...
  19. >Two ponies in thick golden robes, their faces obscured by pale white masks with slight variations in their markings.
  20. >Hell they even placed small tacky horns on the poor animals.
  21. >For a moment you think about all of the animal rights violations that these people are committing.
  22. >That is until they begin to speak.
  23. >"Are the tools prepared Apprentice Dusk?" the mare with a vibrant blue coat and fierce mane of gold says as she slowly approaches you.
  24. >"Yes, Inquisitor Hex." the other mare replies, her soot colored coat and her ashen mane seem to devour the little light that enters the room through the now closing doorway.
  25. >After a moment a feint light flickers to life above you and the room is engulfed in a pale light.
  26. >You part your lips in a motion to speak but nothing comes from it but a meek croak but they seem to ignore your actions almost entirely.
  27. >The one apparently named Hex trots over to the side of the room and her horn begins to glow.
  28. >For a moment you merely look on dumbfounded but as the wall itself seems to slide out and reveal a small cabinet lined with horrible instruments that were built to inflict pain.
  29. "Oh God, please don't hurt me! You've got th-" you're cut off by a quick gasp from both the Inquisitor and the Apprentice.
  30. >"Dear Lord, that's a colt." Inquisitor Hex says with a hint of shock and anger in her voice as she glances off towards her apprentice.
  31. >Oh thank you Lord above.
  32. >"It seems you still have much to learn Apprentice Dusk." she says with a hint of anger lining her otherwise cold voice but she quickly turns back to you and continues. "I apologize for the fright sir, we won't be needing such tools today. In fact, you shouldn't even be down here."
  33. >You let loose a heavy sigh, tears almost falling from your eyes.
  34. >"Get Warden Spark and quickly, this is an important matter." she speaks calmly towards her apprentice as her horn glows once more and the wall shifts back to its original position.
  35. "Oh thank you, thank you so much. I thought you were going to hurt me."
  36. >"Oh dear, it was quite the mistake on my apprentices' part. Harming a colt is strictly against our doctrine. But if you don't answer my questions with a hundred percent sincerity I will have no choice but to extract the truth from you myself."
  37. >You shudder for a moment the menacing shine of the torturous tools searing your memory.
  38. "Anything you want, please just don't hurt me!" you say barely attempting to keep the last of your dignity nearly dropping to your knees to beg.
  39. >Her horn glows once more and with a pop and a flash, a metal seat appears in the middle of the room.
  40. >"Take a seat, I'm quite sure you've been scared witless by our antics and for that I must apologize once more." she says her horn continuing to glow while her mask floats off and gently sets itself into a strap on her robe.
  41. >The small pony had a deep scar covering the majority of her face that seemed to come from a desperate battle.
  42. >You hesitate at first, fear wracking your mind and body freezing it but after a moment you gently set yourself into the chair.
  43. >"Good, good. Fear not, Warden Spark shall arrive soon. Until then if I may ask a few questions?"
  44. >The deathly calmness in her voice unnerved you and as you shakily nodded her face became host to a small thin lipped smile.
  45. >"Do you deem yourself a threat in any way to the lands of Equestria or it's denizens?"
  46. >Equestria? Where in the world?
  47. "N-no miss."
  48. >"I see, you know we had a colt just admit to that when we asked him. He was sent away for rehabilitation of course, but now he's helping cook for the local church members."
  49. >She shakes her head and her smile grows wider.
  50. >"All you silly colt's pretending to be a villain when all you need is a good mare to keep you in line. And the holy truth of course mustn't forget about that."
  51. >Wait. What.
  52. "I don't mean to step out of line but-" you leave a moments pause to check the mare's reaction but she just looks at you with slight curiosity. "You don't think he could, I don't know poison the Warden?"
  53. >This elicits a shocked gasp and a troubled gaze from the mare.
  54. >"Why would any stallion do that? Such villainous deeds are left for the mares to commit and stallions to be left unaware of."
  55. >As you are about to reply with even more questions the door creaks open, the shuddering door groaning in response.
  56. >"Inquisitor Hex, what matter concerns you so much that you must call upon me." a gruff and rather husky voice comes from the opening door.
  57. >You look towards the direction of the new voice and see a tall mare donning the same attire as the other two mares aside from the crimson red bands strapped to her mask.
  58. >Her crimson mane barely peaking through her cowl and her silvery coat barely visible through the tightly done up coat.
  59. >"Ah Warden Sparks, my apprentice has made quite the error in analyzing our prisoner here. He is a colt and yet he was sent to the interrogation wing. I leave it to you to decide the appropriate punishment." Hex says with a slight bow.
  60. >Warden Sparks sends a look towards the apprentice beside her and she cowers away from her glare slightly and lets loose a heavy sigh.
  61. >"We shall speak of this later you two."
  62. >Slowly, gracefully the Warden trots towards you, the hoof steps resounding and echoing throughout the small room.
  63. >Your fear was back now in full force, sweat began to run down your brow and stung your eyes.
  64. >"If you are to tell me a single lie I will show you no mercy. Is this understood?" she speaks with a powerful venom lining her voice and you quickly nod in response.
  65. >"Are you a mare or a colt?"
  66. "I am a male, we're called men, but colt works fine too as long as you keep those torture devices away from me."
  67. >Silence is left hanging in the air while the Warden's horn glows brightly and a sharp pain pierces your skull causing you to let out a sharp cry.
  68. >"Hm. I apologize for that, I cast a spell to determine whether you were lying or not. But it seems you are telling the truth." she pauses for a moment before continuing. "Let us get you out of here, it's no place for a stallion to stay for long, can you walk?"
  69. >Once again you're caught by the nonchalant nature of the entire situation.
  70. >Weren't you just about to be tortured for information just a moment ago?
  71. >After a few moments you manage to nod your head and stand shakily.
  72. >The Warden's horn glows and you can feel a sudden weight to your hands causing you to panic.
  73. >"Settle down please, it's only precaution, we'll take them off soon enough. You have my word."
  74. >Those words hardly settle you down but you don't have much of a choice in the matter so you simply follow the Warden.
  75. >As you pass the precipice of the door that had once blocked your passage to freedom you felt an air of elation mixed with an even deeper fear.
  76. >Were they just trying to fool you into a false sense of security?
  77. >Were they going to bring you somewhere worse to torture you?
  78. >"You aren't a regular stallion, I can see that much. Where did you come from, if you will allow me to be so bold as to ask?"
  79. >You were about to respond but a sharp cry of pain rung out from down the hall and the mare simply tutted as though she was disappointed with something.
  80. >Once again your mind flashes back towards the terrible contraptions that lined that awful cell but you force yourself to focus.
  81. "I-I'm from Earth, normally we don't have colorful talking ponies though so I assume I'm far away from home."
  82. >She seems to nod in response to your answer as the both of your footsteps ring out through the dimly lit halls.
  83. >"I must admit I do find it hard to believe your words, but our stallions know no lies. Truly if it is a lie then only an outsider could lie with such flagrance."
  84. >The Warden leaves the air thick with silence for but a moment before speaking again.
  85. >"Either way it seems you must be kept under close watch. Especially considering what you were doing when we apprehended you." her voice resounding with a thin grimness.
  86. >Your blood froze as the words rested on your mind.
  87. >What could you possibly have done to land yourself here?
  88. "I don't remember anything before waking up in the cell to be honest." you speak attempting to keep your nerves for long enough to get the words out.
  89. >"I see." she pauses for a moment, putting a hoof to her chin in thought. "Let us not speak of it here, even alien as you are, a stallion should not stay long in places such as this."
  90. >The two of you walk for a while longer, the occasional scream resounding throughout the halls and echoing in your mind until the two of you reach a long winding staircase, at the top a warm soft light which contrasted so jarringly with the dungeons below.
  91. >Accompanying the light above were the sounds of the clinking of armor and orders being given, your heart almost raced in anticipation to see the light once more and be done with that horrible darkness.
  92. >But you wished not to startle or perhaps worse agitate the Warden so you kept your pace when walking up the stairs and held onto that flickering flame of hope that grew with each step.
  93. >Once you did reach the top of the staircase you saw a large yard of ponies all clad in thick ivory armor with dark abyssal masks hiding their faces in a cobble courtyard.
  94. >At the head of their group they were led by a taller mare with a golden cross embedded into her ivory chest plate, her face mask the same dark stain but now marked by fantastic white swirls.
  95. >"Quite impressed with our recruits I see. I must admit I do swell with pride when I see my sisters training like this." the warden says with a hint of satisfaction in her voice.
  96. "I must admit, it's unlike any other prison I've been in before." you say quickly your mouth running quicker then your mind.
  97. >She looks at you for a moment and you can see her feint amber eyes flash a deathly suspicion and your heart stopped for but a moment before they returned to their normal cold gaze.
  98. >"You've been to prison before? Interesting. I shall have questions about that too, when we get somewhere more private."
  99. >You force yourself to swallow a thick lump in your throat and wipe away another brow of sweat.
  100. >As the two of you walk further away from the staircase and deeper into the main courtyard you attempt to take in the sights as you do.
  101. >Magnificent pillars of ivory stretch out and tower over you at matched only by the thick giant walls stealing any feeble thought of escape you may have had.
  102. >Aside from the orders that are given from the commander and the subtle clink of armor the place was etched with a deadly silence, not even the birds that lined the walls dare make a sound.
  103. "If I may Warden Sparks? Why do you trust stallions so much, or do you believe they're incapable of committing crimes?"
  104. >She stops a moment as though surprised by your question but quickly recovers.
  105. >"It is merely how we have always been, colts are made to tend the house stead and mares were made to protect them from the evils of the world, us mares carry the sins that colts cannot and we protect them from those sins as much as we can. Rare it is to see a colt lie much less commit a grand sin."
  106. >The two of you continue walking down through the side of the courtyard and sometimes pass ponies with ornate masks with slightly different runes etched into them then the last.
  107. >"You however, are not a colt born of this world and we must obviously employ different techniques."
  108. >You look down towards your tightly locked arms covered in small almost silk like strands of metal wrapping your arms restricting their movement.
  109. "I see. What sort of metal is this that's wrapped around my arms?" you say raising your still locked arms.
  110. >The warden looks at your arms and then back towards your eyes but says nothing for a few seconds, just analyzing you with her amber eyes.
  111. >"You can see the bands? Interesting, interesting indeed. No matter, it is merely one of our holy spells. Only those tainted by regrets and sin can see them."
  112. >Oh fuck.
  113. >You've just doomed yourself back to that torture chamber haven't you.
  114. >"I can see the fear in your eyes, do not worry too much, for if you are tainted by sins surely you can come to regret them. Those regrets often lead to one seeking absolution and we shall be here to assist you with that absolution." she says with a almost frigid tone in her voice causing you to shiver slightly.
  115. >"We're almost there, it shall not be much of a longer walk."
  116. >Your throat suddenly became dry and you struggled to continue walking forward your legs becoming shaky and unstable.
  117. >If this was a test you've surely already failed.
  118. >What did they have in store for you?
  119. >Screw just donating to the orphanage you'd turn yourself into a holy man, no more sinning for you, just as long as you get out of this place in one piece.
  120. >As the thought rings out through your mind you swear you can hear a soft chuckle from the Warden but when you look over her eyes are steely focused on the doorway ahead.
  121. >The two of you stop in front of a dark wooden door and the Warden's horn glows, the doors slowly creaking open by themselves.
  122. >When the door parts you are left with a view of the almost spartan like room, bare aside for the many tomes lining the walls and the desk and two chairs in the middle of the room.
  123. >All the light from the room came from the small candle on the desk it's flame small and wispy.
  124. >"Come then, have a seat. It is not the most pleasant environment but it shall do for the moment." she says as she rounds the large desk and takes a seat in the chair.
  125. >You force yourself forward towards the chair opposite and wipe your sweaty palms against your pant legs.
  126. >"Don't be so afraid, you're beginning to look guilty." she lets out a soft chuckle which you supposed to be in response to her humorous remark however it merely struck you with a renewed dose of terror.
  127. >The warden looks down towards one of the small draws and with a glow from her horn it slides open.
  128. >"Would you like some Kirin Blossom tea? It's quite rare around these parts of Equestria, it is said to taste of the flames of fury yet settle the taster into a deep peace." she says while a small bag of herbs levitates beside her.
  129. >Your parched throat grows more prominent as the thought of some soothing tea enters your mind.
  130. "Yes please."
  131. >The Warden nods and she walks over to the small cupboard that you could hardly see in the dim light. She pulls out a small iron kettle and two cups and places them onto the desk.
  132. >"Luckily I had set the kettle on before I got you. You don't seem magically inclined, is that normal for your kind?"
  133. >The small tea leaves look like feint embers even in the dim light as they fall into the cups and once the water is added a small puff of steam runs from the cup.
  134. "Yeah, we don't have any of that crazy magic that you have. We're just what you see on the surface." you say while reaching out to grab your cup and find the outside of it warm to the touch.
  135. >"I must admit I do find that hard to believe, surely you must have a way to channel your mana?" she says her eyes filled with the feintest suspicion.
  136. >You pause before you answer to take a sip of your tea and find it raging with heat, the spices burning your mouth and leaving you with a smoldering pain though it doesn't last long before it has eased into a soothing mint.
  137. "Not that I know of, we don't really have any magic at all in my world."
  138. >She pauses for a moment before a small notebook and quill floats towards the desk and she writes a few notes down.
  139. >"I see. Now let us talk about your memory, you say you don't remember the crime that you committed before we apprehended you?" you reply with a cautious nod and she continues. "Hm interesting, I'll be honest with you and say it outright. You were booping and- Lord forgive me for even mentioning it. Hoofholding outside of marriage."
  140. >Wait.
  141. >That's it.
  142. >That's what you got sent to this place for.
  143. >"The officers that arrested you said you passed out after a few moments of their arrival, they couldn't determine your gender without resorting to 'unprofessional' methods."
  144. >Your rage boiled to the forefront and you stood up shaking your head but the Warden merely looks up at you curiously.
  145. "You ponies sent me down there to be tortured, maimed, cut and scarred all because I was holding a ponies hoof? What is wr-"
  146. >Her eyes gleamed with rage and her horn lit up once more.
  147. >It took but a moment for you to realize that you couldn't speak anymore, your mouth wired shut with metal not unlike the thin strands coating your arms.
  148. >"Do not think to question our ways Prisoner, you have committed a heinous act of indecency, stallion or no and you will be treated in accordance to OUR laws."
  149. >She fumes for a moment her amber eyes resembling the a roaring fire and she gets up to stand by the bookshelf.
  150. >Your rage doesn't falter but the fear you had felt before creeps back into your mind, the two emotions conflicting and intertwining.
  151. >"If you are to be forgiven you must understand your sin, perversity of body and mind is quite a hefty sin in itself but to damn yourself by not seeking absolution? It goes against everything good in the world, what I've been taught my whole life. I would watch your next words prisoner, heretics aren't looked upon fondly here."
  152. >Her horn lights up once again and a hefty looking book levitates it's way towards the table and she sets it down with a heavy thump.
  153. >You breathed a heavy sigh through your nose and attempted to settle your self down as the Warden attempted to do the same.
  154. "Many mares have renounced our teachings that we know to be the holy truth but never before has a stallion stooped so low as to spout such heretical nonsense. I will give you but one more chance, look upon the book yourself and see."
  155. >Slowly you sit back down in your chair and pull the book over to your side so that you may read it.
  156. >The book had weight to it for sure.
  157. >It's golden pages seemed to flicker and sparkle amongst the dim light, the words themselves etched into the pages in a inky darkness.
  158. >A feint thrumming sound began to boil at the back of your mind, slowly creeping its way into your conscience as you continued to look at the pages.
  159. >It grew and grew until it was a rapturous cacophony of trumpets, instead of seeming discordant and chaotic the sounds were magnificent and moved you almost to tears.
  160. >Then you felt a terribly powerful visage pass over your mind, a daunting shadow who towered above your mind.
  161. >Yet in its overwhelming might you felt no fear instead you felt a cool warmth bleed into your soul.
  162. >Your heart wept with the beautiful music it's tantalizing song and the all-powerful shade became almost too much to bear causing you force yourself to close the book once more.
  163. >"What did you feel? Do you understand now?" she says looking at you with barely a glimmer of hope.
  164. >You hadn't even realized the thin strands of metal had fallen away from your mouth allowing you to move it once more.
  165. >But try as you might you could not get the words out, you attempted to speak again and again but your voice failed you.
  166. >All you could do was babble like a madman, your words jumbling as you spoke them.
  167. >In response the Warden merely nodded and closed her eyes.
  168. >Still you tried to give the mare the existence altering knowledge that you had found but to no avail and so you merely sat there looking a fool.
  169. >"I have not seen quite a visceral reaction to the Holy book in quite some time, perhaps you may find a home here one day. But for now it is getting quite late and I must escort you to your quarters, you will be sleeping alongside the other stallions in rehabilitation."
  170. >Slowly and almost trance like you followed the mare still hearing soft whispers of that glorious music.
  172. >You could barely remember the winding corridors that seemed to twists and wane at a moments notice more focused on trying to remember the sudden rapturous epiphany that was at the forefront of your-
  173. >"Miss, are you going to buy something?" a stallions voice interrupts your writing and you look up to see the friendly green human with a slight frown on his face.
  174. "I-I uh." You stutter for a moment and a smile finds its way onto his face and a chuckle fills the air.
  175. >"Listen the boss said if you aren't going to buy anything I'll have to kick you out. But, I can see you're in the middle of something so how about this. I have my break soon and I can set you up with a free coffee as long as you'll keep me company during it. So how does that sound miss?"
  176. >For a moment you're almost stunned into disbelief as you try to contemplate his words.
  177. >You had been going to this coffee shop for a few weeks now and as unmarely as it was, you had a school filly level crush on this human.
  178. >Tartarus you couldn't even mare up and ask him on a date.
  179. >But here he was, wanting to have coffee with YOU of all ponies.
  180. >Attempting to stutter out more words his smile still continues to lie on his face.
  181. >"I'll take that as a yes Miss?" he says leaving the sentence open for your response.
  182. "Yes!- I mean uh sure. I-it's B-Black Blossom by the way." you say struggling to keep your voice from cracking.
  183. >"It's nice to finally talk to you miss Blossom, I'll be back in just a moment." He says with a sly tone as he saunters away back behind the kitchen doors.
  184. >You quickly stash away your quill and paper in your saddlebags and run over the many ways this could play out in your mind.
  186. >Be Aynaynomaus
  187. >Aka Anonymous or Anon to friends.
  188. >As soon as you broke the boundary of the doors you spilt your spaghetti.
  189. >Sweat ran down your face and you realized what you had actually done.
  190. >Oh fuck you had really done yourself in now.
  191. >You had your eye on this real sweet mare for a while now and despite the reversed gender roles you tried to show signs that you were interested to no avail.
  192. >So you had thrown caution to the wind and decided to go full force and ask her out, damn the social consequences.
  193. >But now you had, you didn't know how you would play it out.
  194. >In the middle of your mental breakdown your boss rounded the corner with trademark scowl adorning her face until she saw you.
  195. >For a moment she pauses her sky blue coat and clear white mane stock still.
  196. >Then suddenly she lets a rare rough laugh through her steely demeanor.
  197. >"I see you've dealt with our problem customer in a way only stallions can, go on then grab a coffee for the both of you on the house." she says with the wisdom of age lining her voice.
  198. >You stand there merely dumbstruck pausing to figure out a response but Smooth Blend merely smiles and shakes her head.
  199. >"I've been young before Anon. So how did she ask you out then? A smooth opener or a calm offer?" she says as she looks up at you expectantly with her deep blue eyes.
  200. "Well... Uh. I asked HER out." you say softly.
  201. >She pauses not saying a word until her characteristic scowl adorns her face once more.
  202. >"Bah you modern stallions always wanting to seem independent and modern mares being so meek. Back in my day we used to kidnap the stallion we fancied and keep him in our house until he agreed to marry us." she says looking off out the window, presumably remembering a time from long ago until she snaps back to you. "Go on then grab yourself a coffee on the house, but remember if that mare ever treats you wrong, you just come to momma Blend and she won't ever forget it."
  203. "Thanks Blend." you say quickly rushing over to the small mare and giving her a tight hug.
  204. >"Go on, your breaks a wasting." she says and you quickly break the hug to set up the coffee machine.
  206. >Your hands shook and your heart raced as the kettle slowly heated, your mind raced with all the possibilities and failures that could be in your future.
  207. >Specifically you acting like an all powerful spaghetti lord.
  208. >As the kettle began it's telltale whistle you breathed deeply and you struggled to settle your shaking hands.
  209. >Ok. OK.
  210. >You've got this.
  211. >As you pick up both the cups you take a whiff of the rich coffee smell and try to ground yourself once more before breaching the precipice.
  212. >When you finally manage to re-enter the main store you see Blossom scribbling something into her note book, her ashen mane in loose strands over her eyes and her dark coat seemingly devouring the sunlight that seeps through the window.
  213. >Fuck she was stunning.
  214. >Beautiful even.
  215. >You break out of your trance and continue forcing yourself forward.
  216. "Hey Blossom, how do you have your coffee?"
  217. >She seems to jump in surprise and the small quill falls from her mouth.
  218. >Damnit Anon.
  219. "Uh sorry to startle you, I'm Anonymous by-the-by. If you don't mind me asking, what are you writing?" As you say this a nervous smile approaches her lips.
  220. >"N-Nothing. I-I mean it's a f-fantasy uhm." she pauses as though to properly describe what she's writing without embarrassing herself.
  221. >You give her a small reassuring smile and take a small drink of your coffee.
  222. >She seems to hesitate for a moment but continues soon after.
  223. >"A Fantasy and l-lore heavy, w-world building story. I-I'm not sure a stallion would be too interested in it." She stutters out as a few strands of hair fall over her eye.
  224. "Well I might surprise you, I've actually taken heavy reading up as a hobby." Blossom begins to droop in her chair slightly as you say this but you pretend not to notice.
  225. >She softly slides the coffee cup over to her side of the table and takes a small sip before cringing in response but quickly recovers as she remembers that you were there.
  226. "Ah so you take your coffee black then? It's much too strong for me." You say a joking tone to your voice as you attempt to spare her pride.
  227. >"Y-yeah I love my coffee as b-bitter as can be!" She says with a nervous laugh as she gently swipe away the strands of ash that cover her eye.
  228. >You let a genuine smile onto your face and Blossom slowly mirrors it with her own, albeit a nervous but still wholesome smile.
  229. >"I-I've got to go. B-but I'd l-like to see you again A-Anonymous. Are you f-free this week?" she says and it leaves you with a curious pang of disappointment.
  230. "Let me think." you say as you bring your hand to your chin, already knowing that your schedule has never really ever been full. "I should be free this Tuesday, how is that for you Miss Blossom?"
  231. >She seems to nod quickly and packs up her things while a large smile seemed to find its way onto her face.
  232. >"That's perfect! It's right between my O&O session and my-." She suddenly stops and her eyes grow as wide as dinner plates. "I-I uh. Sorry I've got to go."
  233. >Blossom quickly reattaches her saddlebags and rushes out of the coffee shop door leaving the chiming bell as the only trace she was ever there.
  234. >Well that's a bummer.
  235. >You didn't even plan where to meet next.
  236. >Hell you probably embarrassed her so much she won't want to come back here.
  237. >You slump into the cushioned chair and reach to take another sip from your coffee.
  238. >But as you hand reaches for the cup you find a heavily scribbled on stat sheet and as you flip it over you see a small address at the bottom.
  239. >The many ornate masks and texts doodled onto the page gave you more then enough ideas for a 'surprise' appearance.
  240. >Maybe you weren't so unfortunate after all.
  242. >Be Black Blossom once more
  243. >You foolish filly.
  244. >It was going so well and you blew it!
  245. >Damnit!
  246. >So much for proving to your Mom that you weren't a dyke.
  247. >Visions flash through your mind as you think back to his sweet smile.
  248. >A small tear drops from your eye and you quickly dash them away as a group of stallions look on at you and snicker.
  249. >Dashing away once more you run home not only to protect your marelyness from another round of social beatings but to throw yourself into preparations for your next O&O session.
  250. >Fitting the key into it's rusty lock you push open the door with a loud creak.
  251. >All that greets you is a resounding echo and the comforting darkness of your home.
  252. >You breathe a deep sigh and wipe the fresh tears from your eyes.
  253. >Stumbling into your room you throw your saddlebags into the corner and curl up in your bed.
  254. >Focus filly.
  255. >You've got your next session coming up tomorrow and you've barely set up anything.
  256. >Slowly you let your mind wander and race until you manage to gather the strength to raise yourself to your hooves once more.
  257. >Ambling over to the saddlebags that you had so brazenly tossed into the corner you sift through the many notes and papers that lie within.
  258. >No, no, not this one.
  259. >As you scan through the scraps a cold chill runs through your blood and you realize your important notes are missing.
  260. >It can't be gone can it?
  261. >Fear and anxiety envelops you as you check and check again but you still cannot find your notes.
  262. >Memories flash by your mind as you think back to earlier today and it does little to steel your nerves.
  263. >D-Did you leave it there at the coffee shop?
  264. >Oh Celestia what if Anon found your notes...
  265. >Forget ever having another date with Anon, you'd never be able to show yourself in town again.
  266. >You'd be the laughing stock of every stallion for miles around.
  267. >Cursing yourself you pace around the room thinking of ways to rectify this unforeseen problem.
  268. >It's fine right?
  269. >You could just live at home forever!
  270. >You didn't need to leave the house anyway right?
  271. >As for the O&O session you could just keep the doors locked and pretend you weren't home!
  272. >A-And it'll give you more time to write!
  273. >Its the perfect plan.
  274. >Right?
  276. >Be Coffee shop worker Anonymous once more.
  277. >And you were pretty nervous right now.
  278. >Well that would be understating it to be honest.
  279. >You quickly rounded the corner into your bosses office where she was stooped over a pile of paperwork.
  280. >Her ears perked up as you entered the room and she gave a grunt in acknowledgment.
  281. "Heyyy Smooth." You say trying to keep the tension from meeting your voice.
  282. >She doesn't look up but gives you another rough grunt.
  283. "S-So the weathers been good recently huh?"
  284. >Dropping the quill to the only empty space on the table she looks up at you with her familiar stern glare but you can see a feint curiosity in her eyes.
  285. >"You stallions always give away when you're going to ask for something big." She lets out a sigh but a small smile breaches her lips.
  286. >You raise your hands defensively and begin to stutter out an excuse but Smooth merely shakes her head and her face returns to its regular stonewalled form.
  287. >"I've been alive for too many years to know when a stallion wants something Anon. So what is it?"
  288. >You breathe deeply and hope you haven't pushed your luck this time.
  289. "S-So you know that sister of yours? The one who makes custom armors for nobles..."
  290. >Her eyes show another gleam of interest as she waits for you to continue.
  291. "Do you think? Maybe? I could get a friends and family discount?" you say trying to give your best puppy dog eyes.
  292. >For a moment she looks down at her papers and seems to think, her brow furrowed as though trying to solve a complex puzzle.
  293. >"Why in the world would a stallion need armor? Let alone a custom set?" She mumbles under her breathe and shakes her head.
  294. "Uh... Would you believe me if I said it's for my date night? Tomorrow?"
  295. >She brings her head back in an uncharacteristic hoarse laughter.
  296. >While she laughs away you stand there awkwardly attempting to come up with ways out of this situation.
  297. >"You made an old mare laugh like she hasn't done in a while Anon, just for that I'll see what I can do." she says between chuckles and your heart soars.
  298. "Oh thank you so much Smooth, you don't know how much this means to me." you say attempting to hold yourself back from hugging the adorable old mare.
  299. >She motions you out of the office and reaches into one of her cabinets pulling out a small piece of parchment.
  300. >"Head on out for a moment I'm sure we've got customers waiting for some good coffee." she says as she picks up the small quill in her mouth once more and begins to write.
  301. "Thank you so much Smooth don't you worry I'll work overt-"
  302. >"Stop your babbling and get out there." she says her speech impeded by the quill.
  303. >As you leave you could swear you heard Smooth mumbling about young stallions and their whimsey and you couldn't help yourself but laugh.
  304. >You breeze through the doors back into the shop with a new pep in your step.
  305. "How can I help you miss?"
  307. >It had been a few hours since you had spoke to Smooth about her blacksmithing sister and you were still riding the high of success.
  308. >Not even those catty stallions could get you down today!
  309. >A feint call comes from Smooth's office and you make your way over.
  310. >As you peek your head through the door Smooth looks up from her desk.
  311. >"Anon, good news Forge said she'd take the job. Just need the specifications of the craft and er..." She pauses a moment and looks you up and down. "I already let her know what she's working with."
  312. >A big smile reaches your face and you quickly take out the crumbled piece of paper out of your pocket.
  313. "So it's gotta be full black plate with a golden cross marking the breast plate." you say briefly skimming over the paper and looking at your notes.
  314. >"Hmmm. Alright that shouldn't take her long, I'll take it out of your pay. Just make sure you come in to work to pick it up tomorrow. I know you stallions would forget your saddlebags if they weren't strapped to your backs."
  315. >You pause for a moment and think about how much this really would cost.
  316. >Smooth seems to notice your hesitation and gives a small smirk.
  317. >"No backing out now, it's going to eat into your shopping habits but if you're going this far to wow this mare she must have some sort of change in her pocket eh?" she says with a hint of humor lining her voice.
  318. "No, no. I'm not backing out it's just I don't want to be starving on the street over this." A nervous laugh comes out of your mouth without you even realizing it.
  319. >Her stoney gaze changed for a moment and her scowl deepened.
  320. >"Anon. I wouldn't put you in a situation like that, so don't say stupid things like that."
  321. >You immediately regret your words and go to apologize but she merely shakes her head.
  322. >"Sorry 'bout that, you just reminded me of one of my old friends from way back when." she says with morose memories lingering in her voice.
  323. >She shakes her head for a moment and you swear you can see the feint glimpse of tears.
  324. >"Anyways enough about this old mare. How has the store been?" she says quickly attempting to change the topic.
  325. "It was alright, nothing too difficult for a stallion like me." you respond with a joking tone causing a rough laugh to fill the room.
  326. >She nods and picks up the quill once more.
  327. >"Go on then, get out of here and have the rest of the day off. Make sure you swap the sign out front before you do though, I need to some time with my old lover. Paperwork."
  328. >You nod and you head towards the door but something stops you before you head through the door.
  329. "Take care of yourself Smooth, will you?"
  330. >She grunts and you head off through the door.
  331. >That old mare deserves some time off.
  332. >Hah like she'd ever leave her post for more then a day.
  334. >Setting off towards home the streets were quiet in the dying afternoon sun.
  335. >Those few mares who were about had deep rings around their eyes and seemed to be at their limits.
  336. >Though a smile still lined their faces as though they were content with their lot in life.
  337. >A small stall was set up down the road, manned by a small elder stallion.
  338. >His thin greying mane and bronze coat shimmering in the dim light and despite his plain and innocent appearance you found yourself drawn to the stall.
  339. >"Hey there young colt, care to buy some cursed wares?" He puts some emphasis on the word cursed causing you to laugh and earning a smile on his face.
  340. >Oh well what's the harm in looking about eh?
  341. "Afternoon, if you don't mind me asking, what's so cursed about these wares?" you say imitating the emphasis on the word cursed.
  342. >His eyes seem to shine with a glimmer of excitement and his smile grows.
  343. >"Pick a ware and it all has a story to be told." He points to a small butter knife and begins to weave a tale. "This knife right here is said to be an ancient artifact from an alternate dimension! You and I can only guess what it's used for!"
  344. >You pick up the knife and turn it around in your hands.
  345. >Uh.
  346. >Isn't this just a regular butter knife?
  347. >You haven't seen anypony using one since you got here though...
  348. >Putting the knife down you look over all of the merchants wares and a strange mask seems to stand out amongst the otherwise mundane wares.
  349. "So what's the story behind this one?" You say while reaching towards the chitinous ornate mask seemingly warped beyond use for regular ponies.
  350. >The excitement behind his eyes dims a tad but it doesn't reach his voice.
  351. >"Oh that. That was a gift from an old friend of mine, we parted ways a while ago. She had other ideas for what to do in life and I, well I kept doing what I've always been doing."
  352. >As you continue to examine it you can tell that the mask has been warped by time and wear and despite its seemingly durable material it seems to have been dented and elongated in strange places.
  353. >"Yes. Yes, it reminds me of a time long ago. Bah forgive a stallion's old memories, it has seen some wear during it's time in my possession though." he says with a grim lining seeping into his voice.
  354. "How much did you want for it?" you say mentally counting the bits in your pocket as he begins to ponder.
  355. >"I'm surprised a colt like yourself would want an old relic like this. I-I suppose it has spent too much time in my care without use and it's memories seem to weigh down on me."
  356. >You look up towards the stallion again and you can almost see the feint linings of tears in his big green eyes.
  357. >"Oh I apologize again." He says as he wipes his eyes but quickly continues. "I'll give it to you for free, just make sure you don't break it."
  358. "Are you sure? It seems to be important to you and I'd feel wrong for taking it without giving anything in return-" you're cut off as he shakes his head and smiles a sorrowful smile.
  359. >"You're much too stubborn for a stallion your age." He sighs but his smile doesn't leave his lips "I suppose it's a sign that I'm getting too old, if you ever see me again make sure you stop by and we'll call it even."
  360. >You frown still uncomfortable with the prospect but nod.
  361. "Deal, but I'll have to buy you some lunch sometime. Names Anonymous by the way." you say as you reach out a hand to shake.
  362. >"Free winds." He says as he clumsily shakes your hand.
  363. >Heading off towards home you wonder how you're going to make this whole costume work and how that cute little mare Blossom will react to your surprise appearance.
  365. >You had been awake for much too long working on your little story.
  366. >So you must be Black Blossom.
  367. >And you still had so much more to do.
  368. >Constant revisions had left the story a horrible disjointed mess in your eyes.
  369. >Breathing a deep sigh you feel your stomach rumble.
  370. >You really should have gotten some snacks when you were out today.
  371. >Heading through these dim corridors would be difficult for an average pony but you were born in the darkness.
  372. >Or you were just used to not bothering to turn the lights on.
  373. >As you head into the kitchen you see cracks of light beaming through the curtains and stinging your light deprived eyes.
  374. >You'd have to get better curtains ordered.
  375. >Cracking open the pantry you reach in and grab out a small jar of cookies.
  376. >As you pop some of the cookies into your mouth, your sleep addled mind begins to wonder what day it is.
  377. >Oh right. Todays Monday.
  378. >Monday, monday, monday.
  379. >What were you supposed to do today?
  380. >Oh Celestia, It's the day of your O&O campaign.
  381. >I-It's fine just breathe.
  382. >You have to sit on the floor for a moment so you don't collapse.
  383. >But what if they come to the door and when the don't get an answer call the ponice?
  384. >What if they look through the windows and see you and think you're ignoring them?
  385. >What if-
  386. >No Blossom.
  387. >You attempt to settle your mind as you close your eyes and breathe.
  388. >It'll work out.
  389. >You can do this filly.
  390. >They're your friends and you haven't seen them for a long while.
  391. >Maybe you'll even enjoy yourself.
  392. >Ok. Ok. You've got this.
  393. >You shakily get to your hooves and head into your room once more.
  394. >A little sleep and you'll be just fine.
  395. >As for the session itself?
  396. "You'll wing it and everypony'll love it." you mumble to yourself as you crawl under your sheets.
  397. >Despite what you said aloud you couldn't bring yourself to actually believe it.
  399. >You breathed a nervous breath as you stood before the coffee shop door as you had many times before you couldn't help but pause, feeling the potent concoction of emotions mix inside you.
  400. >The soft jingle of the bell almost making you jump as you managed to work up the nerve to enter.
  401. "Smooth? You in already?" You call out into the seemingly empty shop but a rustle in the office makes your heart race a bit faster.
  402. >A slightly frazzled and very sleep deprived Smooth Blend peeks her head out from the office door and she nods at you to follow her in.
  403. >As you continue inwards you feel your breath be snatched away as you see a glorious and shining breast plate sitting on the desk, papers swept aside and thrown to the floor.
  404. >"I'm glad you like it Anon. Gotta say my sister sure did outdo herself this time eh?" she says sipping from a small cup of coffee on her desk.
  405. >You step towards the magnificently crafted armor and reach out to touch it, as though it would quickly disappear if you had let it.
  406. >"So what's that you've got in your hooves?" Her voice peaking up with a tinge of excitement behind her grumbling tone.
  407. >Snapping out of your trance for a moment you look at what you were carrying and a sudden wave of nervousness flits over you.
  408. "Right... Uh this thing huh... I-I was hoping you could help patch it up a bit?" you say picking your words carefully.
  409. >She grumbles a moment and wipes away the sleep from her eyes.
  410. >"Just cause Forge is a smith it doesn't mean I am Anon." She says and then leaves a tired sigh in the air before continuing."Let me take a look at it and I'll see if I can't help."
  411. >A sudden wave of relief flashes over you as you walk around the desk to show Smooth the damaged mask.
  412. >As you do her eyes seem to flash with a sudden recollection and her mouth parts for a moment as though to say something but nothing comes out.
  413. "Are you alright? Smooth?" you say as you reach out to her but she quickly recovers and grunts.
  414. >"I-Yeah I'm alright Anon, look I can fix it alright but it won't ever fit a pony again. Hell it might even be too big for even your mug." she says with a soft chuckle.
  415. >She takes it from your hooves for a moment, holding it as though it was something to be treasured and gently explores it, turning it around in her hooves.
  416. >Eventually she nods and places it down on the desk.
  417. >"It shouldn't take very long at all Anon, I don't have my Sister's magic but she did teach me a thing or two about maintenance."
  418. >Reaching into one of the small draws she pulls a small gilded hammer gently tapping at the indents of the mask until they return to a relatively normal state.
  419. >"Where did you end up getting this from anyway?" She mumbles through the hammer in her mouth.
  420. >You shrug as she continues to tap away the dents in the mask.
  421. "I saw a stallion with a stall open and it caught my eye, the name was Free Winds if I remember correctly."
  422. >At that she looks up at you immediately and the gilded hammer drops from her mouth.
  423. >"Did I hear that right? Free Winds is back in town?" she asks hastily before realizing she dropped the hammer "Celestia damn it."
  424. "Yeah, do you know him or something?"
  425. >She leans down and picks up the hammer once more but when she returns, her steely demeanor has found it's place once more.
  426. >"No, just thought I heard the name before, anyway this mask is almost done and ready for your little date night."
  427. >A frown reaches your face and you search Smooth's eyes for a lie but she quickly turns away suddenly finding the ticking clock on the wall more interesting.
  428. "I'm not a kid Smooth, c'mon I can tell something's bothering you." you say with a stern tone mimicked from many angry stallions.
  429. >She looks at you for a moment and pauses the air seeming weighted and choking.
  430. >"Bah, you really do have a stallion's bullheadedness." she says with a grimace but quickly continues. "Perhaps another time Anon, I'm much too tired and I'm sure you don't want to peer into this old mare's life."
  431. >You ease up on the frown and nod.
  432. "Alright, I'll hold you to that though Smooth." you say and she gives a rough chuckle in response
  433. >She taps the mask a few more times before shaking her head.
  434. >"What are you stallion's being taught today, Colts askin' Fillies out, all this nonsense about armor on your first date." she grumbles as she continues working.
  435. >You smile at the old mare's antics and give her mane a playful tussle.
  436. "Don't you worry about it Smooth, she's a good mare, a bit shy but she's a good mare non the less."
  437. >"I know- I know Anon, I just want to make sure she won't hurt you. And stop tusslin' my hair I'm a grown mare." she says with a slight frown but the sparkle in her eyes betrays her.
  438. >She places the hammer on the little space that's left on the desk and picks up the mask to inspect it.
  439. >"It's the best I can do considering the circumstances but here you go, though if you're thinking of putting it on you'll have to use the strap."
  440. >"I know you stallion's have a hard time operating the wares of mares but try not to break it yeah?" she says with a small smile.
  441. >You nod turning your attention back to the thick plated armor lying in the middle of the desk, it's fine white cross imbedded in the chest emboldened by the strange chitinous metal that surrounds it.
  442. >"So you going to try it on or what?" Smooth says with a gruff sense of pride.
  443. "I don't think I want to get undressed in front of an old mare like yourself." You say your voice lined with cheek causing Smooths cheeks to flare up with crimson.
  444. >"I-I wasn't- I mean-." you cut her off with good natured laughter and after a moment she joins you adding her own gravelly laughter.
  446. >Ding-Dong.
  447. >Ding-Dong Ding-Dong.
  448. >"Blossom you in there?" you hear a call from down the hall and you immediately snap up, drool covering your chin.
  449. >Huh- What?
  450. >The door bell rings out once more and your body locks up.
  451. >T-They're here.
  452. >They actually came.
  453. >Oh Celestia what were you going to do?
  454. >You stagger out of bed as your hind hooves get caught in the twisted bedsheets and you fall on your face.
  455. >Quickly recovering you make it to your hooves once more.
  456. "I-I'm coming- Just a moment!" you call out towards the front door as you rush to the door.
  457. >The door opens with a loud creak and when it finally opens you are greeted by the faces of your two friends.
  458. >On the left, her fluffy pink mane and bright purple coat was Ivy Star and on the right, a mare with a creamy white mane and her coat a buttery yellow named Thick Butter.
  459. >Ivy Star quickly bridged the gap between you two and holds you in a t-totally platonic hug while Butter held back and settled for a quick nod and a friendly smile.
  460. >"We haven't seen you in SOOOOOO long Blossom! Right Butter?" she says turning to the mare behind her with a gleaming smile.
  461. >"Nah we totally haven't Bloss, where have you been anyway?"
  462. "O-Oh I-I've just been ummm... B-Busy." you barely manage to stutter out.
  463. >You had forgotten how energetic your friends could be.
  464. >Ivy breaks the hug and while her smile hasn't faded you could swear you saw a faint concern lost behind her eyes.
  465. >"Anyway do you have the table set up? Cause I'm ready to slay some baddies!" she says with a bubbly laugh and bounds through the door.
  466. >You go to stop her from heading inside but it's far too late as she's already long gone.
  467. >"No stopping that filly eh? We had better catch up before she finds your My Little Human figures." Butter says with a cheeky grin and your breath stops.
  468. >H-How did she know?
  469. >Was it really that obvious?
  470. >Oh Celestia nonono-
  471. >"We should totally compare figures some day." She says as she puts a reassuring hoof on your withers.
  472. "Haha- Y-yeah we totally should." you say your knees still weak from the yoyo of emotions.
  473. >Ivy peeks out from the end of the corridor and gives a sheepish smile.
  474. >"Bloss, I may have eaten all of your cookies. Pleasedon'tbemad."
  475. "I-It's alright! I m-might have forgotten to head out to the store today b-"
  476. >"Sorry bout Ivy Bloss, I bought some chips along for this situation." Butter says while rummaging around her saddlebags until her face grows dim.
  477. >"Ivy." she says an unusual tone of malice lining her usually calm voice.
  478. >"I'm sorry- I couldn't help myself itwasalongtrainrideandand-."
  479. >Butter only sighs and shakes her head, her regular cool smile lining her face once more.
  480. "D-Don't worry about it girls we'll just o-order pizza!" you say trying to salvage the situation.
  481. >Butter merely nods and heads on in down the corridor where Ivy was now salivating, presumably at the thought of fresh pizza.
  482. >Closing the door behind you, you follow Butter into the kitchen to get the game all set up.
  483. "S-sorry girls I may have slept in a bit." you say as you nervously bristle your mane.
  484. >"Don't worry about it too much Bloss." Butter says as she casually places her saddlebags in the corner of the room.
  485. >"Time with friends is never time wasted!" Ivy's bubbly cheer bringing a small smile to your face.
  486. >You quickly trot from the room and gather the O&O equipment, returning to see Ivy hovering above the newly discarded saddlebags.
  487. >Carefully balancing the books and nick-nacks on your withers you carefully place them on the table.
  488. >That is until a heavy knock resounds from your front door, chilling your blood and causing you to drop the manticore figure from your mouth.
  489. >Quickly Ivy flitters away towards the front door and before you can even call out she's got a wing on the door handle.
  490. >Your mind immediately goes into panic mode as the door creaks open and you quickly hide under the desk.
  491. >You hadn't expected anypony else.
  492. >W-what if it was a murderer or a burglar!
  493. >As your mind continues to go through the many possibilities you hear Ivy talking to the stranger at the door and you can barely hear their conversation over the beating of your heart.
  494. >"I am Inquisitor Anomaly. I have come on behalf of High Inquisitor Mage Spark to investigate this residence and it's owner Black Blossom." The male voice speaks and while you attempt to place it's origin your mind is still racing.
  495. >"Oh, my name's Ivy!" You hear Ivy's voice ring out beside the Inquisitor's own. "How can I help YOU m'sir?" her voice layered with sultry charm and despite your fear you find yourself almost blushing.
  496. >"I will not trouble you long miss, It is Blossom that I seek and only her." You hear your name be called once again and you couldn't help but shudder in fear.
  497. >"Hey Bloss I think he's talking 'bout you. You alright or do you want me to handle this hot- I mean dangerous stallion?" Butter says peeking her head under the table.
  498. >You shake your head, it's finally time to stop hiding.
  499. >You can't let this fear hold you anymore!
  500. >You were going to go back to that Coffee shop tomorrow!
  501. >And you were going to BUCK the crap out of Anonymous.
  502. >As you barrel out of the underside of the table you run into the armoured stallions knees-
  503. >Looking up you could tell that he wasn't an average stallion, he reminded you alot of-
  504. >He ceremoniously takes off the mask and kneels onto one knee.
  505. >You can barely stutter out a sentence as you attempt to process what is happening.
  506. >A-Anon.
  507. >Wearing heavy plated armour.
  508. >In your house.
  509. >Armor that is also just like the one in your story.
  510. >Oh Celestia you really wish you didn't have an armoured stallions fetish right now.
  511. >"Miss Blossom, it is nice to meet you, I have been sent by High Inquisitor Mage Spark herself to ensure that tonight goes well, and to meet that end I have ordered my sisters to bring along divine snacks and nectar from our lord."
  512. >Gently placing down a bag hidden from your view before it slips open to reveal all sorts of sweets, almost making your mouth water but your attention snaps back to Anon.
  513. >Ivy hovers around Anon while he kneels in front of you awaiting a response but you still cannot begin to fathom the words to use in this situation.
  514. >"So are you some fancy Role Play stripper? Cause I'd like a turn with you." Ivy says her eyes half lidded but Anon merely smirks and shakes his head.
  515. >"I fear I offer no such services." He says as he turns away from Ivy and looks back at you "Instead I was hoping that I may participate in this event- O&O was it called?"
  516. "I-I Y-Yeah!" you say just a little too loudly but the broad grin lining Anonymous' face tells you that you did just fine.
  517. >"I am honoured Miss Blossom. You have a beautiful home here, almost as beautiful the mare who dwells in it." he says with a noble refinement but causes you to blush a fiery red.
  518. "Y-you too!" you say fumbling over your words and as the words come out you internally curse yourself.
  520. >Be 'Inquisitor Anomalous' and you honestly can't even believe that worked.
  521. >This was honestly the best case scenario for such an insane idea.
  522. >You really had to channel your inner spergimancer to pull off a convincing performance but you managed to pull it all off with a straight face.
  523. >While Bloss' friends were quite cute they held no candle to the treasure of that which you seek.
  524. >As you watch Blossom carefully set up the pieces of the board, you can see her slight nervousness in every movement and when you catch her eye she quickly looks away another blush painted on her face.
  525. "So Miss Blossom, how is it that you play this game? I fully admit I am not up to date with the rules."
  526. >She jumps for a moment at the sound of your voice and looks up at you quickly.
  527. >"U-Uhm well I-it's a roleplaying game, w-while we're getting set up you can make a c-character and the I'll explain the rules as we go." she says as she hoofs over a familiar stat sheet and a heavy tome.
  528. >Ah quite simple then.
  529. >Skimming through the pages you almost laugh aloud, the game is so similar to your own worlds D&D and yet very keeping with Equestria's strange gender roles.
  530. >Well you had always wanted to make some sort of Zealous Blood Pyromancer but never had the chance.
  531. >Ivy gently slips her way onto your side and presses into your armour and you frown for a moment.
  532. >"If you need some help with that I'm here Mr. Inquisitor, I know you stallions don't do reading too well." She says with a sly smile on her lips but is quickly reigned back in by Butter who wraps a hoof around her and pulls her away from you.
  533. "I appreciate it Miss... Ivy was it? But I'll be able to manage on my lonesome. And if not I have Miss Blossoms well of knowledge to draw from." you say leaving a sultry smile on your lips directed towards Blossom.
  534. >She looks up at you and her furious blush grows even fiercer then hides her head in her hooves.
  535. >FUCK that's cute.
  536. >Taking a look around the table you see Butter and Ivy filling out their own sheets and you decide to check around the party.
  537. >The heavy clink of your armour as you make your way over to Butter's side of the table catches her attention and she looks up in your direction.
  538. >"Oh hey Inquis, you need some help with your character?"
  539. "Not really Miss, I was hoping instead to gather some inspiration from my peers about my own character."
  540. >A friendly smile reaches her face and she waves you over.
  541. >"Well I don't mind telling you about my character, she's a changeling thief who uses anti-magic tools to steal things off of nobility." she says her eyes alight with excitement as Ivy hovers over and joins in her excitement.
  542. >"Ooooo that's cool Butter! My character is a Barbarian mare who was raised by wolves and shoots laser beams from her eyes-" she finishes the sentence with pewpewpew sounds causing the two of you to laugh.
  543. >"I don't think that'll work Ivy, but that does sound pretty awesome." Butter says with a smile on her face. "So how about you Inquis? What're you plannin' on?"
  544. "Hmm, I haven't much of an idea yet but I was thinking of some type of mage."
  545. >Butter stands up in her chair in excitement and her eyes are renewed with a sense of excitement.
  546. >"Ooooh! There are so many types of mages that you could play! I'm so excited! You could have a forbidden mage who was cast out by his sect-" she says before quickly realizing what she's doing and settles back into her normal mellow demeanour.
  547. >"Sorry I'm really excitable when it comes to O&O." she says as she ruffles her mane with her hoof.
  548. "That's quite alright, it's good to see that you two are so interested in this." you say with a friendly smile lacing your lips.
  550. >A few moments later and you have your sheet set up but decide to play up the unknowledgeable stallion bit.
  551. >You slowly round the table towards Blossom with your sheet in hand and Blossom tries to pretend not to notice your movement but the flickering of her ears with each of your steps betrays her.
  552. >Crouching down beside the mare you bring up your sheet and point to a your stats, making sure to brush up against her fur.
  553. "So about this here, do you think these would be good for a beginner like myself?" You ask in a low whisper and she lets out a small eep as you do.
  554. >"I-It depends o-on what class you're p-playing! I-I mean-" she says barely able to stutter a sentence together.
  555. >You bring your hand to chin in mock thought until you smile and nod.
  556. "I appreciate the input Miss Blossom, if I am to seek your input so oft then perhaps it would be best if I sat beside you?" you say while placing an armoured hand on her withers and gently rubbing soft circles into her fur.
  557. >For a moment you think you've broken her as she sits there merely staring at you with wide eyes and her furious blush still rampaging under her coat.
  558. >"YES! I-I mean haha y-yeah! T-that's ok with me."
  559. >You take a seat much MUCH closer to Blossom and continue whittling away through the rule book as she gets the game set up.
  561. >Your party had once been sentenced to life, condemned to a slow and rotting death.
  562. >But through luck or fate herself you had all been given one last chance.
  563. >The Princess herself had become aware of a dangerous cult harbouring slaves and imprisoning ponies and held herself to account for dealing with the cult.
  564. >Your small band, the scum on the hooves of society had been given another chance to redeem yourselves.
  565. >

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss