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In love with a Devil - RGRE

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-08-26 12:04:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >The acrid air stung your nose and if you weren't already bald you would have had your hair singed by these searing temperatures.
  2. >You let out a weary sigh as you look around.
  3. >Fire raged and burnt the ground in front of you, the air thick with a smoky soot and there was naught but horrifying landscapes lining you vision.
  4. >Quite a surprise when if you were to turn around you would see peaceful meadows and sunny skies naught but a few moments away from the hell before you.
  5. >You hadn't had this job for very long in fact you had only started a few days ago when you met this nice mare that you THOUGHT you could trust.
  6. >How were you supposed to know that she was evil? From her devil horns and tail?
  7. >Now that you think about it.
  8. >Yeah, you probably should have suspected something when she asked for you to sign with your soul.
  9. >Opening the door with a jingle you head back around to your desk.
  10. >You rap your fingers against the desk awaiting the next demon to inevitably fail at getting into Equestria.
  11. >A mare carefully trots up to the counter, unlike most other demons to enter your checkpoint you can tell beneath her bolster and bluster is a shy timidity hidden away.
  12. >Her mane flames a vicious red, as though her mane were still smouldering from the remnants of a fire and her coat was a silky ashen white, flecks of darker ash still coating her in a thin lining.
  13. >She quickly brushes them away as she enters attempting to look nonchalant while doing it but clearly flinches in pain as she singes her the frog of her hoof.
  14. >Putting on your best customer service face, you force a smile and go to greet the mare.
  15. >"ARRR quite the looker aren't you landlubber?" her husky rough voice hardly matched her words and you frown.
  16. "Good evening Ethereal." you say barely hiding the frustration in your voice.
  17. >"E-Ethereal? W-who's that?"
  18. >You swear if she didn't literally own your soul you would just up and leave already.
  19. "Alright, I'll play along. Who are you this time?"
  20. >Her eyes light up with a hidden joy as she begins to ramble about her newest character.
  21. >"So I'm a famous pirate Etyrian and I roamed the seas in search for the greatest treasure of all. Love. It wasn't until after many hard fought battles with my nemesis Captain Ahonimus that I finally captured him and just as I was about to strike through his heart, I couldn't manage to. Instead I asked for his hoof in marriage and we sailed the seas together until our tragic last battle against the Celestian fleet."
  22. >You merely go along with it, idly flipping through paperwork that you had to sign.
  23. >Looking up from your papers you see the mares sparkling crimson eyes staring up at you, full of hope and joy.
  24. "Don't you always talk about MY 'coltish whimsy'?" you say allowing only a slight bit of cheek into your otherwise deadpan expression.
  25. >She stomps her cute little hoovies against the floor and scrunches her snout.
  26. >"This is different! This ISN'T whismy! This is- This is- Creative expression!"
  27. >Right. Right.
  28. >You raise your hands in a defensive manner and sigh.
  29. "Alright, it's creative expression, hell it could be Celestia herself as long as I get this paperwork done." you say as you circle another doodle of a mare and a stallion getting it on covering the IMPORTANT document.
  30. >Don't these mares have anything better to do then doodle vaginas all over their immigration papers.
  31. >This only forces another sigh from you and you cradle your head in your hands.
  32. >You can hear the soft clopping of hooves as 'Etyrian' rounds the counter and comes up beside you.
  33. >"Hey Anon."
  34. >You haven't tried just ignoring her yet have you?
  35. >"Hey... Anon."
  36. >Oh wait you have. Many. Many. Times.
  37. >"Anon... Hey."
  38. >She begins poking you with her hoof still trying to gain your attention.
  39. >"Haynon"
  40. "Ethereal."
  41. >"You want to go out some time?"
  42. >Inhaling deeply you count for a few seconds before exhaling.
  43. "Do I have a choice?"
  44. >The mare puts a hoof to her chin in mock thought and then quickly smiles.
  45. >"No."
  46. "What about all this paper work then? What am I going to do with it?"
  47. >"Oh you colts worry too much about the small things. Here I know what to do, just leave it to your boss." she says as she points her horn towards the wall and a raging wall of fire replaces it.
  48. >She bites onto the papers and throws it into the flame and it quickly burns to ash, the smoke covering the ceiling of the room causing the two of you to cough violently.
  49. >Quickly the two of you rush out of the building and into the sweltering heat of Hell as you attempt to catch your breath you see the building itself go up into flames.
  50. >At this point you don't even bother to say anything all you do is breathe a deep sigh and look down at the mare disappointingly.
  51. >"I-I don't think this place is up to work health and safety standards?" she asks more as a question then as a joke but still a small smile creeps onto your face.
  53. >Since Ethereal burnt down your office and you weren't exactly able to work in a smoldering pile of ashes, you were dragged along by on VERY happy pirate queen.
  54. >"I have just the thing for today! Ok so hear me out-"
  55. "Does it involve the cacophony of screams again?" you say cutting her off and she quickly pouts.
  56. >"You colts just can't appreciate good music. And no it doesn't!"
  57. >You look down at her big red eyes and can't help but feel a twinge of affection for this small demon pone.
  58. >Even after she put you through LITERAL pony hell.
  59. "Fine, what's your fantastic idea Ethereal?"
  60. >She bounces around for a moment with joy, her smile beaming.
  61. >"Okokokokok. So you know that big lava pit that we own?"
  62. "That you own." you go to correct her.
  63. >"Well, I was thinking if things go as planned..." she mumbles the rest so that it is almost inaudible but you can just barely hear it. "You'd get a ring on your spider hoof then you'd own it too."
  64. >You smirk and pretend not to have heard the mare.
  65. "What was that last part dear? I'm afraid my age is getting to me already." you say putting on an old man's voice.
  66. >She snaps back out of her imagination and a blush sets her face aflame.
  67. >"Wha-What do you mean I didn't say anything! No I've never even spoken in my life." she says and then performs what you can only describe as interpretative dance.
  68. "Alright, alright. Just tell me about the thing you have planned for today."
  69. >Her dancing stops and she rushes back over to you grabbing your arm in her magic and placing it on her withers.
  70. >"So I've made a few adjustments to it, you won't even be able to recognize it when you see it! Come on it's just around this flame geyser."
  71. >She excitedly trots ahead of you and drags you along while a few succuponies look on in amusement and slight jealousy.
  72. >When you've finally stopped being drug away by this tiny mare, you pat down your coat of its soot stains and looked up to what Ethereal had made.
  73. >A beautiful scenic ocean filled the crater which had once held the volcanic lava and it sparkled with such beauty that you were transfixed.
  74. "It's beautiful Ethereal. Just beautiful." you say stumbling to find the words.
  75. >"Well Momma always did say the way to a colt's heart is through shiny things. Well she also said it was just to distract them from your horrible personality flaws but I don't think that counts here."
  76. >Slowly you inch towards the glistening water, the reflections of the flames and ashes cast upon the waves.
  77. "What did you have to do to get this down here?" You ask still watching the sheer contrast of the two elements.
  78. >For a moment there is no response and you have to pull your eyes away from the oceans face to look at the mare.
  79. >She seems to be sweating and unable to meet your gaze.
  80. "Ethereal."
  81. >"Look, I may or may not have had to freeze hell for a moment. But it was worth it right? I mean now we can roleplay for real this time!" she says quickly.
  82. >Another sigh comes from you as you shake your head.
  83. "What am I going to do with you Ethereal?"
  84. >"Oh, I know you can let me cuddle and snuggle you! M-Maybe even call me your sweetheart while I do it?" she softly clops her hooves together and you can't help yourself but lean down and give her a small peck on the cheek.
  85. >Her blush comes back in a furious red and she seems to be momentarily stunned.
  86. >"I-I-I uh?"
  87. >You smile and rustle her mane then take a seat on the raw red rock.
  88. "C'mere you little devil." you say while pulling her into your arms and for a moment she fusses and resists.
  89. >"Hey! I'm the one who's supposed to be cuddling you! Imagine if somepony came past us doing this, it would send my reputation as a marely mare down the drain!"
  90. >Instead of complying with her request you continue to softly pet her smouldering mane until she settles down.
  91. "This is your punishment Ethereal, you'll just have to think about all that paperwork you burnt while you're in timeout."
  92. >She pouts but doesn't say anything more instead opting to get comfortable.
  93. >The two of you sit there for a while just enjoying the glistening sea, Ethereal's soft breathing and the gentle splashing of waves against the newly created shoreline slowly sending you to sleep.
  95. >You wake up to the sound of crackling flames and bubbling spouts of lava.
  96. >Groggily you open your eyes and look down to see Ethereal still quite comfortable in your arms.
  97. "Hey sleepy head, it's time to wake up." you coo softy as her eyes begun to flutter open.
  98. >When she finally does open her eyes she jolts into a sitting position as she sees your face above hers and almost headbutts you.
  99. >"Wha-What are you doing in my bed Anon! Oh no did I get drunk and miss the big moment? Does it even count if I-"
  100. >You look around to see the ocean has faded away leaving the original lake of molten in its place.
  101. "Unless you sleep outside, I don't think this is your bedroom Ethereal." you say a bit of a grumble in your voice.
  102. >She follows your gaze and suddenly realises where the two of you are.
  103. >"O-Oh. I suppose not."
  104. >Slowly you raise her out of your lap and place her on the ground beside you.
  105. >The feint flicker of ash and soot in the air causes you to cough and you slowly attempt to stand up.
  106. "Come on, we- I mean I should get back to working." you say patting down your suit once more.
  107. >Ethereal pouts but doesn't say anything to contradict you slowly shuffling behind you.
  108. >As the two of you begin walking Ethereal's stomach begins to let out a low grumble.
  109. >"Heh do you want to grab something to eat before we head back into the office? You know I can't work on an empty stomach." she says ending with a nervous laugh.
  110. "When DO you ever work? Empty stomach or no?"
  111. >"Hey! I work! I work alot... It's just. You just wouldn't understand the importance of my work because you're a stallion!" she says pouting.
  112. >You roll your eyes and let out a little chuckle.
  113. "Come on then boss mare, lets go grab a bite at my house."
  114. >Her pout dissipates as soon as you said that and was replaced with a large smile.
  115. >"Ooooh It's been a while since I've seen your house. Do you still have that nice couch?"
  116. "Ethereal. You burnt it last time you came around."
  117. >She stops for a moment and brings her hoof to her chin, trying to remember.
  118. >"Oh yeah. Well I'm sure you'll use your coltish sense of style to find a better couch anyway!" she says with a slight nervousness to her voice.
  119. >A large set of buildings lie amidst the large piles of ash and flame and you recognise it as home.
  120. "Remember try not to burn anything. Please." you say causing Ethereal to laugh and place one of her hooves on her heart.
  121. >"Mare's honor!"
  122. "I'm serious Ethereal. You know I don't like you paying for my things to begin with, even if you did break them."
  123. >"You stallions and your 'stallionism' can't you just let a mare buy you some nice things every once and a while?" She says as she scrunches her snoot.
  124. >Creaking open the door you shake your head at the mare's antics and push your way inside.
  125. "Come on then, I'll get the kettle started."
  126. >She trots herself in and sits down on the couch, trying to find a comfortable position as you head towards the kitchen.
  127. "Do you still like your tea with two sugars Ethy?" you say as you hear a shocked gasp come from the lounge room and the quick trotting of hooves follows it.
  128. >When you go to turn to check on the mare you are greeted with a flash of white and before you can react you have a new addition to your attire.
  129. >You can barely hear Ethereal as her speech is faster then anything you could ever comprehend.
  130. "Slow down Ethereal." you say while gently attempting to pry her from your suit.
  131. >"Imjustsoexcited! YoucalledmeEthyandEthyisashortversionofEtherealandit'slikea-"
  132. >When you finally manage to get her off of you without her taking any skin along with her you breathe a heavy sigh and try to get level with her.
  133. "Ok. Ethereal, you need to speak S l o w e r."
  134. >She takes a few deep breathes and attempts to speak again.
  135. >"I heard that couples have nicknames for each other and I'm just so happy that you've come up with mine! Soon we'll get married and h-have kids and and-" her ashen coat turning a furious blush as she continues.
  136. >You softly place a finger on her lips as she begins to talk herself into a frenzy.
  137. "Look, we're not that far down the line yet. Hell it wasn't even that long ago that you literally stole my soul."
  138. >"Bargained for." she deftly interrupts you.
  139. "Point is, these things come slowly Ethereal. So let's take it step by step and not rush into anything ok?"
  140. >She lets out a small grumble but mostly doesn't complain just trotting over to the small pony sized dining chair and taking a seat.
  141. "And no you can't use your mother's mind control spells, we're going to have to do it the old fashioned way." you say with a small smirk.
  142. >"B-But I wasn't going- Not even just a little one?"
  143. >Oh. You hadn't been serious about that.
  144. "No Ethereal. Don't you worry yourself about it, if it works out it works out. Now about that tea?"
  145. >"Three sugars please." she says softly.
  146. >You turn the kettle on and go to grab the daffodils that you keep just in case of visitors.
  147. >Although you hadn't had many aside from Ethereal herself it was always a wise decision to have them in stock.
  148. >Deftly you bring out the 'X-TRA WEET' bread from the cupboard and slap the ingredients together, handing the finished product to Ethereal.
  149. >As she nibbles into the sandwich she lets out a pleased sigh and nods.
  150. >"Momma always said colt's are good at making sandwiches but this is delicious."
  151. >You amble over and take a seat opposite to her, the larger chair dwarfing hers in size.
  152. "I'm glad you liked it. The tea won't be but a few more moments, have you had Ashen Herb tea before?"
  153. >She thinks for a moment but soon after she shakes her head.
  154. >"I don't think so Non."
  155. >Non?
  156. >You raise an eyebrow in response and she nervously taps her hooves together.
  157. >"W-Well I was thinking if I've got a nickname it's not fair if you don't too y'know?" she says her voice filled with nervousness causing you to smile.
  158. "I like it Ethy, thanks for coming up with it."
  159. >In response she lets loose a cute squeal and clops her hooves together, her large smile and big red eyes melting your heart quicker then any flame in this hellscape.
  161. >The shrill sound of the kettle boiling breaks the moment and you cough nervously attempting to regain your composure.
  162. "Right, so like I was saying the Ashen Herb tea is, ironically, quite a rarity down in the hells. I'm actually quite surprised you haven't tried it before yourself."
  163. >She leans back in her chair and fumbles with a pair of newly found sunglasses.
  164. >"I-I'm more of a hard cider type of mare haha." She stutters out with a nervous laugh.
  165. >You struggle so valiantly to keep the smile from your face and yet your resolve falters.
  166. >Ethereal pouts, her sunglasses finally put on and tries to keep her marely façade up.
  167. >"Hey!"
  168. "I believe you Ethy don't worry." you say as you barely suppress another chuckle.
  169. >Her horn lights up and two bottles appear in a flash of light.
  170. >Oh no. Not again, last time she pulled out the bottles she was passed out within the first few glasses.
  171. "Look, you really don-"
  172. >She looks at you with a smug look in her eyes and holds up the rather fruity colored looking bottle.
  173. >"Come on, I even got you a colty drink. Juuusstt fooor yyoouuu!" her voice lined with a playful mockery.
  174. "Ethy we have to wor-"
  175. >"Work shmerk. C'mon I'm your boss and I say we have the day off."
  176. >You breathe deeply and then bring massage your temples.
  177. >This pony would be the death of you one day.
  178. >But today you had a drinking challenge to win.
  179. >Opening the cupboard you brought out two small glasses.
  180. "Let's get this over and done with then 'eh?"
  181. >She nods and you slide one of the glasses her way.
  182. >The glass is slowly filled to the brim with liquid so strong that you can smell it from the other side of the table.
  183. "That's some powerful stuff, you sure you can handle it?"
  184. >Ethereal gives a confident nod but her eyes quiver with nervousness.
  185. >"D-Do you want to make a bet for who will win?" she asks her bolster not reaching her voice.
  186. >Why not? What's the worst that you could bet for?
  187. "Sure sure Ethy, what do you want if you win? I'll tell you now I don't have much else to lose."
  188. >Moments pass by as she thinks, her brow furrowed until finally she perks up.
  189. >"I-if I win you have to move in with me! T-that way we can go to work together and- and you can make me breakfast in the mornings and-"
  190. >This mare man.
  191. "Ethereal. What did I say before, about taking it slow?"
  192. >She pouts and tries to play your heartstrings.
  193. >And unfortunately it works.
  194. >I mean she never wins anyway so what's the harm in it?
  195. "Fine. But if I win you have to do a whole days work, no shortcuts." she groans but quickly recovers.
  196. >"Alright! Let's do this." while you pour yourself a drink of the harder cider the mare pauses. "L-Look I know you're not the average colt but are you sure you can handle that stuff? It's from the my mother's private reserves."
  197. >You let out a hearty laugh and shake your head.
  198. "It doesn't change much aside from letting me know that your mother has good taste in drinks."
  199. >As you fill your cup it seems to bubble and brew under the surface of the liquid with a cruel intent.
  200. >Almost makes you want to dump the contents into the sink but you brave on, these lands haven't turned you into a colty fru fru stallion yet.
  201. >"3,2,1." she counts down as she levitates the glass and downs the contents.
  202. >You follow suit and the noxious fluid stings on the way down, tasting of poison and paint thinner causing you to let out a viscous cough.
  203. >Ethereal barely manages to keep her drink down as well but she keeps a steely determination in her eyes.
  204. >The thick lining of alcohol burnt your throat leaving a painful searing brimstone behind.
  205. "Wooo. That really is some hard stuff." you say as you grab the bottle once more, spinning it around to read the label.
  206. >The black label was covered with a fine gold print and read 'Stallion's Scorn'.
  207. >As you read it you could hardly suppress a chuckle before you poured another full glass.
  208. >You admit, you may have spilled a little bit.
  209. >Alot.
  210. >But in all fairness the way the world kept spinning wasn't very helpful.
  211. >As you look over to the other side of the table you can see that Ethereal was in the same boat gently swaying with an imaginary breeze however her eyes were still lined with a brazen gaze.
  212. >"Yo-you bout ready to give up yet?" Ethereal says with a staggering voice causing you to laugh even during the harsh spin of the world.
  213. "Not be-before you!" you say as you attempt to down another drink and the same heated volcanic sensation roll down your throat.
  214. >Ethereal follows suit and makes a disgusted face presumably because of the vicious liquid that tipped her tongue.
  215. >The worlds spinning had begun to come to ahead and you nearly stumble to the floor.
  216. >Strangely enough the mare opposite you seemed to reach a state of alcoholic Zen and almost as though she were meditating she sat still her eyes closed while you fell out of your chair.
  217. >You REALLY shouldn't have drank that much.
  218. >As your vision slowly creeps into darkness you feel the night's toil coming back up and your floor is coated with a sickly vomit.
  220. >You finally awaken, your fitful slumber interrupted by a piercing headache and a parched throat.
  221. >Letting out a pained groan you try to open your eyes and remember why you feel like utter shit.
  222. >As you do you slowly start to feel a warm fuzziness cushioning your head.
  223. >The last few things you remember is drinking some STRONG alchohol and betting a cute pony for something.
  224. >Your eyes flicker open a few times and you can see a sea of ashen grey, the warm fur tickling your face.
  225. >A feint sensation on your hair can be felt even through the deathly sickness that you find yourself in.
  226. >"I hope he doesn't wake up soon, this is so nice." you hear a feint voice somewhere in your vicinity.
  227. >You attempt to raise your head and quickly the ashen fields fade away replaced with soft silken red sheet.
  228. "Wha-"
  229. >Raising your head you find yourself in an unfamiliar room, the walls covered in strange decorations and a small fireplace that wasn't in your room last time you checked.
  230. >Spinning your head back around almost causes you to throw up but you hold it back and settle the spinning world once more.
  231. >Ethereal is sitting beside you on the silken bed with a guilty look about her.
  232. >"Pleasedon'tcalltheponiceonmeNon.WeweredrinkingandItook-" she starts to ramble but the sharp pain in your head forces you to cut her off with a quick wave of the hand.
  233. "Slower. And quieter please."
  234. >"Don't call the ponice please Non. I swear I didn't do anything we were drinking and I thought hey I won the bet so I'll just take you back to my place and care for you there!"
  235. >You furrow your brow and frown.
  236. "First off, this is hell. You don't have ponice here. Second off why should I be calling the ponice anyway, well aside from you kidnapping me from my home but I'll let that slide."
  237. >She goes to speak again but you cut her off once more.
  238. "Nevermind, can you just get me a glass of water please. We'll talk about this in a bit." you say as you gently lower yourself back onto the bed.
  240. >Your vision swam in darkness for hours and you came in and out of consciousness.
  241. >When you did all you felt was the intense need to throw up.
  242. >But there was always Ethereal by your side to keep you company.
  243. >Her soft company making the sickness all the more bearable.
  244. >After what felt like ages you were finally able to stand on your feet.
  245. >Albeit shakily and with some support from Ethereal herself.
  246. >"Come on we'll get you something to eat. I knew you should have just tried the colty drink, you don't have to prove yourself to me Non." she says shaking her head and giving a sweet smile.
  247. >The soft trotting of hooves resound throughout the corridor and out of side until they disappear completely replaced by an oddly comforting silence.
  248. >Opening your eyes slowly the world begins to settle into place, ceasing its spinning and shuddering and you slowly sit up in the unfamiliar silks.
  249. >A photo frame atop a small bedside desk catches your eyes and you scoot yourself over to get a better look.
  250. >The picture inside was of you and Ethereal when she first burnt down the office.
  251. >A soft layer of soot lines your taste buds and a small smile creeps onto your lips.
  252. >You remember how she wore her confidence like armor and yet when you got closer and closer she begun to let her guard down.
  253. >The two of you would go through the same song and dance every so often, namely when Ethereal had felt bored of working.
  254. >So more then just every so often.
  255. >Memories linger on your mind and eventually you're mind wanders back to when you had first met Ethereal.
  256. >You lie back down onto the soft silken sheets and close your eyes allowing the memories to become more vivid and dance before your eyes.
  258. >It wasn't very long into your time in Equestira though you had felt the need to shed the mantle of Princess Celestia's protection and make it on your own in the world.
  259. >You can still remember the last time you saw her, studying a tome by a crackling fire.
  260. >To say she was unhappy with your decision was an understatement, but soon enough she relented.
  261. >"The world of Equestria is dangerous for a lone stallion Anonymous. But if it is truly be free from this gilded prison..." she pauses for a moment, her magic shutting the book in front of her.
  262. >While you loved this pony like a sister, you wouldn't be swayed, you didn't want to be treated like a glass statue, destined to be kept from any slight danger and left to memory.
  263. "It is Celestia." You say with finality and as you watch her reaction you can see the feint mist of sadness breaching her eyes.
  264. >"I see. I have no rule over you, nor would I feel it right to force you to stay but I want you to know that you will always have a home here if you ever wish to return." She pauses and while she turns away from you, you can tell that a tear drops from her eyes before she continues. "Before you go, please promise me that you'll stay safe."
  265. "I will Celestia, good bye." you smile and give a gentle hug.
  266. >She brings a hoof to her eyes and rubs them wiping away the sleek tears lining her coat.
  267. >"Go now, a stallion shouldn't have to see a grown mare cry like this." she says softly pushing you away and you find it hard to break the hug but your burning desires outweigh your feelings and you head towards the door.
  268. >As the door creaks closed behind you, a soft sobbing can be heard even through the thick wooden door and your heart breaks to hear her weeping.
  270. >As you exit the Castle's gates and head down one of the many paved roads.
  271. >You walked and walked picking your path at a whim and eventually it had led you to a street with seemingly abandoned stores.
  272. >The streets were empty and while this was known to be a more upper class district the dimly lit lamps cloak your heart in fear.
  273. >A strange mare in a hooded cowl stood at the end of the street and while you couldn't help but feel a trembling horror burst within your heart alongside another un-nameable emotion.
  274. >You steadied your breath and tried to relax as you continued down the street but the coiling horror continues to roll through your heart.
  275. >The mare in the cowl perked up for a moment, seemingly noticing your presence and you stop in your tracks.
  276. >A glinting white smile came from under the hood and she trotted towards you, with deft grace and in tantalizing silence.
  277. >Your feet seemed to be stuck to the ground but your heart was attempting to rush out of your chest.
  278. >As she stepped closer the moon lit up her silky abyssal coat and her grin still gleamed through the night.
  279. >Her voice wound through the night like a song on a beautiful breeze.
  280. >"And what is this y-young colt doing, all a-alone, on a night like this?" Despite her stuttering her voice was so charming it was almost able to coil around you.
  281. >As she steps closer you can almost see the nervous grin and thick drops of sweat running down her brow.
  282. >Her glistening milky eyes were finally visible now that she was closer and you could see the nervousness deep in her eyes.
  283. >"H-How about we go s-someplace quiet?" she says with a voice so silky smooth that it almost causes you to laugh when compared to her behaviour.
  284. >She seems to notice your muffled laughter and pauses for a moment, feint marks of tears lining her eyes and you suddenly feel a wave of guilt rushing over you.
  285. "Wait, wait. I think we got off on the wrong foot-Er it's Hoof now I suppose?" You say while crouching down to look the mare in the eyes before you continue. "Name's Anonymous."
  286. >The mare sniffles for a moment and quickly hooves the tears away from her eyes.
  287. >"Ethereal." she says, her voice still tuned with anxiety and nervousness.
  288. "Ethereal huh? That's a beautiful name." You say with a friendly smile and even in the dim light under the cloak you can see she's enthused by the compliment.
  289. >"I-I uh-" she stutters out but then quickly gets back on track "Hey! I'm not beautiful, I'm a rough tough rugged mare!"
  290. >You chuckle softly and go to pat the small ponies mane but she quickly flinches away, deftly dodging your hand.
  291. >"P-Please don't, you won't like to see what's under my hood." she says with layers of shame filling her voice.
  292. >Bringing your hands up defensively you back away for a moment looking for someway to apologize but she stops you.
  293. >"Sorry." she says with a soft whisper and the false confidence that she tried to maintain fell.
  294. >You crouch back down and scoot over closer to her.
  295. "Hey, hey I should be apologizing to you if anything, look how about we call it even for the night? I've got a fair ways to go if I want to find somewhere to sleep anytime soon."
  296. >She looks up at you with shock in her milky eyes and rushes over to you.
  297. >"Oh you poor stallion, do you not have anywhere to sleep tonight? Oh no what happened?" She says with what seemed to be a genuine tenderness in her voice and it quickly disarmed you.
  298. >You scratch the back of your head and try to figure out how to explain it to this near stranger.
  299. "Well, I was living in the castle and-" her expression changes from shock to anger and she quickly interrupts you.
  300. >"Did the sisters kick you out? Have they no shame? Kicking a poor innocent g-good looking stallion like yourself out into the cold world of Equestria!"
  301. >You attempt to speak but Ethereal ignores you, too heated with rage to listen to you.
  302. >"You know what? They don't deserve you! I mean you'd be better off living with me! I even have a job open at my business, it's a stallion's job so don't worry about it being to hard." she says while fuming at the imaginary injustice that has taken place.
  303. >A job huh? Been a while since you were even accepted for an interview.
  304. >Even with your diploma of flipping burgers you were still outright dismissed for being a stallion from most jobs.
  305. >You might just take this 'Ethereal' up on the deal.
  306. "I'll take your job. BUT on the condition that I live alone, I've had enough room mates to know that they're always going to be loud and rowdy when I'm just about to fall asleep."
  307. >For a moment she's still staring up at the castle and shaking her hoof at the Castle gates but your words quickly reach her attention and she stutters.
  308. >"I-I wha- I-I didn't think he w-would actually say yes." she stutters as she lies down on her belly and puts her hooves above her head.
  309. >As she does this she accidently knocks the cloak off of her head and two deep blue horns were now shown in the pure moonlight.
  310. "Huh, I thought unicorns only had one horn. What's up with that?" you say and she quickly looks up to you with a mixture of shock and horror in her eyes.
  311. >But they quickly fade from her eyes and in her deep glazed eyes you swear you could almost see a hint of deviousness flick on like a lightbulb.
  312. >"O-Oh uh... It's just because I'm a really strong unicorn! Haha- Yeah." she says with an unconvincing tone before continuing. "So a-about that job."
  313. >Her horn flashes and a scroll appears and with it a inked quill.
  314. >"J-just sign here and you're hired!" Her voice filled eagerness.
  315. >You shrug your shoulders and laugh.
  316. "At the very least it'll prove to be interesting." you said as you scribbled your name onto the end of the parchment.
  318. >"Anon! You lazy bones." You hear Ethereal's voice breaking you out of your slumber and returning you to reality.
  319. >As Ethereal waltzed through the doorway with a tray of food on her back you could see a grin forming on her lips.
  320. >Ethereal slipped into her a more familiar form, her abyssal mane gently reflecting the soft embers that danced around outside and her milky eyes filled with mirth.
  321. >"The stallion's the one who's supposed to be doing the cooking." She says with a laugh and carefully slips the tray onto the bed side table. "But I'll let it slide this time."
  323. >She seems to notice your odd silence and trots over to you, placing a comforting hoof on your back.
  324. >"What's up Non? You seem more out of it then usual, even after a few drinks." She says while attempting to comfort you but you merely shake your head.
  325. "Ah just reminiscing is all, I was thinking about the time when we first met." You say with a knowing smirk and a furious blush rushes to Ethereal's face.
  326. >"H-Hey! It was a long time ago!" she says while puffing her cheeks out and your heart almost gives out with how cute she is.
  327. >You gently brush a hand against her mane and she stops her huffing and leans into your hand.
  328. >"Fine. I'll forgive you this time 'Non." she says crawling into bed beside you and you continue to idly play with her mane.
  329. >As the two of you lie there you think back to Celestia that night.
  330. >You hadn't even wrote to her.
  331. >A deep well of guilt started to build up in your stomach and seemed to gnaw at you.
  332. >"I can tell something's wrong Honey." Ethereal says turning around to look you in the eyes.
  333. "Don't call me Honey and nothings wrong. It's just..." You say with a frown turning away from Ethereal's piercing gaze.
  334. >She nuzzles into you further and wraps her hooves around you.
  335. >"Should I call you my h-husband now then?" Despite her stutter she has a confident grin on her face.
  336. >You smile down at Ethereal and flick one of her horns.
  337. >"Hey!" she says while rubbing the horn. "You know they're sensitive!"
  338. >Your smile soon fades as the well of guilt rumbles to the forefront again.
  339. "Ethereal."
  340. >"Anonymous."
  341. >You pause for a moment attempting to gather the emotions and put them into words.
  342. "Do you remember when I said I was living in the castle?" You say and Ethereal's face immediately turns into a scowl.
  343. >"Yes, I remember how those two sisters kicked you out. And how you still defend them after they did that!"
  344. >You sigh and shake your head.
  345. >Admittedly you did have a soft spot for Ethereal but her hard headedness and assumptions about the princesses were one thing you could do without.
  346. "I told you a million times Ethy, I left of my own accord. I just wanted to get away from that place."
  347. >"You mean how you wanted to get away from their abusive practices against an innocent stallion like yourself?" she grumbles under her breath and you choose to ignore her.
  348. "I haven't seen Celestia in so long, I haven't even wrote her. She must think I've died or something... I don't know I just want to visit her again." you say while scratching the back of your head.
  349. >A stunned expression of shock takes over Ethereal's face and she shakes her head.
  350. >"I won't let that daughter of a Bastard see you ever again! Imeanwhatifsheplanstotakeyouawayfromme!" she quickly devolves into a rant about how the princess' don't respect stallions enough but you quickly cut her off with another horn flick.
  351. >"Ouch! What was that for?"
  352. "Listen to me Ethereal. The princesses never abused me or treated me poorly, I just needed a change of pace alright? Please Ethereal." you say and eventually Ethereal lets out a long sigh.
  353. >She nuzzles into your chest again and you can feel her warmth against your skin.
  354. >"I suppose that's why Momma always told me not to argue with a stallion. If you want to see Celestia I won't stop you, but I'm not going to let you see her alone because I'm coming with you." She says with finality as she pulls up the sheets with her magic to coat the two of you.
  356. >It had been a day since you talked about Celestia with Ethereal and the two of you decided you were going today.
  357. >You had packed a few mandatory things in a small suitcase and you went over to Ethereal to help her pack her own.
  358. >She had many sets of 'manditory' things in her suitcase almost setting it to burst.
  359. "What do you even have in the case Ethy?" you ask while you watch her clearly struggle to keep the suitcase closed.
  360. >"A-Ah don't worry about it 'Non just a few essentials for you. I'm a strong enough mare to carry it!" she says while even her magic struggles to sustain its suspension.
  361. >You walk over and crouch down to look the mare in the eyes.
  362. "How about we just take my suitcase? I don't think you can even carry that all the way to Canterlot Ethy." you say as she continues to struggle with its weight.
  363. >"I-I'm fine 'Non. Just got to get a grip on the box is all." She says with a forced laugh.
  364. >You shake your head and flick one of her horns and the suitcase comes crashing down to the ground, it's contents sprayed all over the room.
  365. >"O-Ok maybe we didn't need all of that, but I was just looking out for you 'Non!" she says scrambling to grab something off the floor before speaking again. "What if you needed an inflatable watermelon to fight off the royal guards? Or- Or an electric whisk to bake a cake for a traveling bandit Queen?"
  366. >Laughing you reach out a hand to pet Ethy's silky mane and she pouts slightly.
  367. >"I'm a mare 'Non! I've got to protect you from anypony that would hurt you!"
  368. "I appreciate that Ethy, but perhaps something more practical then an inflatable watermelon would do better next time?"
  369. >She rubs the back of her head with a hoof and blushes slightly.
  370. >"Well maybe you're right about that. But I'm still keeping the grimoire of ancient Pony tales." she says with a slight huff and goes to collect it from the mess on the ground.
  371. >You sigh and hold up your hands but eventually a smile creeps it's way onto your face.
  372. >She was defiantly an eccentric mare but a cute one at that.
  374. >The two of you boarded the train and settled into one of the empty carts.
  375. >You must admit the few stares you had gotten from the ponies that had seen you were quite a laugh.
  376. >Ethereal seemed to want to take a more undercover route and wore a silk black cowl that covered her horns.
  377. >Once inside she left the cowl on one of the door's window to cover your cart from passers-by.
  378. >Partway through the trip you fell asleep and upon you waking you found Ethereal pacing about the room, oblivious to your now conscious state.
  379. >"What if-" she pauses for a moment looking out towards the endless green passing by but continues her nervous pacing. "What if he wants to stay with Celestia?"
  380. >The train jostles you about and you knock your head against the side of the cart causing Ethereal to spin around to look at you.
  381. >"O-Oh 'Non I didn't realise you were awake!" She says her eyes wide with anxiety.
  382. "Yeah I just woke up then, the train is going through a rough spot now it seems." You say pretending to be oblivious to the anxiety coursing through the mare's words.
  383. >She seems to settle down slightly at your words but you can still tell that her thoughts are gnawing at the insides of her mind.
  384. "Come over here you little dazzling devil." you say while patting the seat next to you and she quickly jumps into your lap.
  385. >You look down at Ethereal with a serious gaze but can't stop yourself from letting loose a chuckle.
  386. >"Hey! I'm showing my stallion his place, just like momma taught me!" she says with an almost smug satisfaction.
  387. "Fine, fine. Just this once, but if anypony walks through that door you're the one who's going to explain."
  388. >You brush your hand over Ethereal's coat, feeling the silky smooth fur and the subtle warmth radiating from her.
  389. >A quiet hum of satisfaction comes from Ethereal and she nuzzles into your chest.
  390. >Despite the few bumps that jostle the two of you around a sense of peace washes over you.
  391. >Looking out the window you see the green hills of Equestira rolling by, the clear skies and small towns flit by and it feels as though you could stay in this moment forever.
  392. >While your eyes are focused on the window you could barely feel Ethereal shifting in your lap, her hooves wrapping around your neck.
  393. >It isn't until moments later that you feel Ethereal's warm lips against yours, like smouldering embers from a blazing fire.
  394. >She breaks the kiss but her eyes were still lit with passion.
  395. >For a moment you're lost for words and Ethereal seems to be in the same trance.
  396. >As the two of you look deep into each other's eyes you can feel an emotion wake within you.
  397. >"Uh..." She says with a little chuckle and quickly jumps off of your lap "S-sorry I just got caught up in the moment an-"
  398. "I-Uh. I-It's alright. I admit I didn't really mind it." you say while scratching the back of your head nervously and a furious blush rushes to your face.
  399. >Ethereal's cheeks run with a red blush as well but she quickly takes her seat next to you as though nothing happened.
  400. >The two of you sit in silence as the rumble of the tracks from underneath fill the room.
  401. >"I-I thought- Maybe-" She pauses to slap her face softly and whispers under her breath. "C'mon mare up."
  402. >"W-when we're in Canterlot- W-Would you like to go to one of those fancy restaurants." she says her nervousness lining her voice and she looks at you with anxiety in her milky eyes.
  403. "Hmmm. As long as I'm not paying the bill." You say with a sly smile.
  404. >She squeals with joy and prances around the room causing you to smile until she notices what she's doing and quickly stops.
  405. >"H-Ha that was just my house's victory dance!" she says attempting to feign confidence while puffing her chest out.
  406. "So you weren't just prancing around like a colt there?" you say smugness creeping into your voice and Ethereal pouts.
  407. >"I wasn't! I promise on the seven circles!"
  408. "I see. I see." you say barely able to contain your laughter.
  409. >She huffs once more and quickly invites herself onto your lap once more muttering something about colts not understanding marely culture.
  410. >Eventually your eyes droop with sleep and the darkness of slumber invites you once more.
  412. >You hear the screeching of breaks again and your eyes flutter open.
  413. >Ethereal seems to be unaffected by the sound and still lies sleeping in your arms.
  414. "Wakey wakey Ethy." you softly coo trying to wake her from her slumber.
  415. >A sliver of drool slides from the side of her mouth and you smile at the sweet mare in your arms.
  416. "Hey, Ethy we're here." You continue to coo causing her ears to flicker in reaction.
  417. >Slowly her eyes open and she wipes the drool from her mouth.
  418. >"H-huh?" she says in a state of sleep induced confusion.
  419. >Finally Ethereal raises her head and looks outside to see the dozens of buildings.
  420. >She quickly rises to her hooves and dons her cowl once more.
  421. >"D-Did anypony see me?" she asks barely above a whisper.
  422. "Calm down Ethy, no one saw you." You say while placing a hand on her withers attempting to soothe her.
  423. >She breathes in deeply holding it a few moments before exhaling.
  424. >"Y-You're right thank you 'Non."
  425. "Let's get moving then, this train won't stay here forever." you say while picking up the suitcase and opening the door.
  426. >The two of you walk off the train and Ethereal, despite being slightly calmer seems to be nervously glancing at everypony that the two of you pass.
  427. >A question burned into your mind while the two of you were walking through the winding streets and you decided to ask.
  428. "So why did you decide not to change your form- I can't imagine it's very comfortable having to stay under that cloak." you say stopping for a moment as the ponies thin out around you.
  429. >"I-I wanted Celestia to know who I am and I want her to know that you're m-mine." she says a tinge of jealousy seeping into her voice.
  430. >Even though Ethereal was looking away from you, you could still feel the fear in her voice and your heart hurt to think she was stressing herself over something impossible.
  431. "Ethy, you gotta stop stressing yourself over this, I ain't leaving you any time soon." You say trying to convince her but even as she nods you can still see the pain in her eyes.
  432. >"A-Alright 'Non, I-I believe you." she says with slight hesitation in her voice.
  433. >It was going to be a long day out wasn't it?

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss