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Missing Letters - NMP Short

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-02 06:09:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >You had been staring out the windows for quite some time now.
  2. >Just watching the rain slowly trickle down the pane and out of your view.
  3. >It had been many months since you had received your royal invitation to the humare matchmaking society.
  4. >At first you merely stood there in utter disbelief at what you held in your hands.
  5. >You had heard of the recent disappearances, but you had merely chalked it up to a new cult gaining root in society.
  6. >When you saw the official seals for each of the princesses you had hoped with all your being that it wasn't just another joke being played on you.
  7. >When you finally broke out of the trance you were in you rushed to pick the small letter from the floor and quickly began to read.
  8. >'Dear Anon.Y.Mous you have been selected for human and mare matchmaking, we come from a land full of magic seeking partners due to our natural disposition of being mare orientated.'
  9. >The thick ink seemed to ooze with a magical sensation and as you read on, you swear you could see a flickering sparkle.
  10. >'If you wish to participate in our matchmaking process all you must do is hold the letter close to your heart each night, this will act as a beacon of sorts and will prove if you are able to genuinely love.'
  11. >The next line seemed to have an immediate change in handwriting and you could tell this was somepony else entirely even without the magical aura changing to a flowing royal gold
  12. >'Also you have to spin around 4 times and make monkey noises while near your window. The one that faces the sun I mean.'
  13. >You attempted to suppress a laugh while you read on but ultimately you failed and your lonely apartment filled up with the almost unnatural sound of laughter.
  14. >Once again the font changed and instead of returning to the original sparkle it instead roared a furious pink.
  15. >'Oh oh and don't forget you have to place a EXTRA cheesy double cheese pizza at your back door everyday.'
  16. >The last paragraph was inked in a moody darkness but still behind its darkness flittered a furious vibrance that resounded throughout the text.
  17. >'If the others are making requests then I suppose I shall too, fair Anonymous gaze towards the starlit moon tonight and take in its beautiful aura.'
  18. >When you had finally finished the letter your heart soared, you knew who wrote each of these paragraphs.
  19. >You quickly rushed over to a chair and took a seat lest you fell over right then and there.
  20. >Your mind despite knowing full well who it was still screamed at you, telling you it is a lie.
  21. >Just another joke being pulled on you and you fell for it.
  22. >But your elation and hopefulness swept away your doubts and cast them aside.
  23. >You had quickly done all of the things requested of you again and again for many days.
  24. >Your heart had sunk slightly with each passing day but you still remained adamant that your faithfulness would be rewarded.
  25. >But even your faithfulness waned, eventually you had stopped going out all together.
  26. >You hadn't seen much of a point to leave the house any more.
  27. >What was the point of anything any more?
  28. >You had failed the princesses and the entire matchmaking process.
  29. >Eventually you stopped even feeling the crushing pain of hopelessness.
  30. >The door had been left unanswered for many months now, you hadn't even bothered to check the mail any more.
  31. >It would only lead to a harsher sting of disappointment.
  32. >But this knock.
  33. >As you heard it you felt a warmth enveloping your entire being.
  34. >You turned your head to the door and forced yourself out of the small chair by the windows that had become your life for the past few months.
  35. >As you broached closer and closer you had felt that comforting warmth grow closer and closer until you swear you could reach out and hold it.
  36. >Quickly you swung open the door as though you might miss the perpetrator of such a beautiful sensation.
  37. >It takes you a few moments but you look down and see a small mare with a heavenly pale pink mane and a shimmering purple coat sitting amongst a tide of pink letters with your name on them.
  38. >When she sees you she quickly tears up and rushes towards you and the best you can do before she reaches you is to hold out your arms to catch her.
  39. >"IwassoworriedthatyoudhurtyourselfsoicameassoonasIcouldbuttherewasaproblemwiththeportal and and-"
  40. >You quickly cut off her rambling coerced by the feeling that now screams at you to hold this mare close to your heart and never let go.
  41. >She breathes out a gasp but then quickly settles into your arms, breathing a deep contented sigh as you can feel her soft warm breath down your neck.

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