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[Anonfilly] Double filly first contact

By BtMess
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-09 20:23:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >You wake up to see your front hooves sprawled in the floor
  2. >The castle walls spinning all around, even though you're laying down
  3. >And a headache like no other before
  4. >Even when you got drunk in this filly body, which was the most washed you ever gotten, it still wasn't this bad
  5. >Just what the fuck did purple do to you this time?
  6. >With a grunt you try to get up
  7. >Your body refuses any cooperation and you slide back down to your previous position
  8. >"..A..n….r…e.e?"
  9. >You think you heard something but it sounds so far away you-
  10. >"ANON!"
  11. "Gah! It wasn't my fault, Rainbow Dash dared me to..oh it's just you purple"
  12. >Even after holding your head away from the ground for so little time your neck doesn't feel like staying straight
  13. >So you lay it back down to try and lessen the pain
  14. >"Again Anon? I told you to not go pranking with Rainbow, somepony will end up hurt if you two keep going like that"
  15. >You don't even acknowledge her as her voice only worsened your headache
  16. >"Sigh, come, lets get that green paint off your fur"
  17. >Now that got your attention…
  18. "Paint? Are you high or something?"
  19. >"I'm not on the mood for your jokes today Anon, just get up and come with me"
  20. "Fuck off"
  21. >"Why you little-" - She spoke while levitating your body to her
  22. >But something made her stop mid air, almost dropping you to the ground
  23. >"W-what is this Anon? This isn't…your entire aura is different"
  24. >You're just happy the she picked you up again after that magic relapse
  25. >You feel like you're in bad enough shape already even without another fall
  26. >Wait what was that about wrong aura again?
  27. >A spell washes past you and you're left with a sensation of being violated
  28. >"This isn't paint… the green fur is yours, and the green eyes, the different aura…"
  29. "What the fuck are you on about?"
  30. >At this time it was obvious that she wasn't talking to you, looking straight ahead instead
  31. >"But she talks just like Orange Hornet, unless…"
  32. >The castle front door blows open as an orange filly comes running with toilet paper stuck on her fur
  33. >"S-sorry purple, Pinkie Pie just didn't let me go, I didn't want to be late again I swear!"
  34. >The running filly then opened her eyes just in time to not crash into you, coming to a stop almost perfectly to your side
  35. >The silence was so thick you could feel it
  36. >For once, surprisingly, Twilight was the first to recover from it all
  37. >"You know what? No. I'm not dealing with this today. Buck you Anon, I'm going to drink a milkshake and I want an explanation for this when I'm back"
  38. >With that she angrily walked outside and slammed the door behind her
  39. >A few seconds went by, as both of you remaining fillies in the room just eyed each other silently
  40. >"Who the fuck are you?"
  41. "Shut up"
  42. >"Make me faggot, what the fuck are you doing on my castle?"
  43. "Oh, so you are a pimp with a castle now? I bet that with a name like that you- argh"
  44. >You headache came back full force with the arguing, forcing you to cover your ears with your hooves
  45. >"You better be more careful with that edge cunt"
  46. "Just shut up you filthy slut"
  47. >"No u!"
  48. >You two just kept staring each other angrily for a while waiting for the other to say another witty remark
  49. >Finally your headache started to relent, so you took your forehooves off your head and tried to get up again
  50. >"So are you a changeling or what? Pretty sure you missed the colours by a mile fam"
  51. "Har har, funny, I could say the same to you fag, too bad you took the….as well…"
  52. >It only then that dawns on you how Twilight actually knew Orange Hornet, but not you nor your REAL fake name
  53. >Well its not like Green Hornet is too far from that but still-
  54. >"1488"
  55. >The orange filly clone states while closing in on you, a curious eyebrow raised and cutting off your thoughts
  56. >You're both also the same size so maybe you could take her on if a fight happened
  57. >Whenever your body got better that is, your footing wasn't that firm yet
  58. >"Answer me faggot, 1488"
  59. "What the fuck do you want me to tell you? Idiot!"
  60. >"Nope, not another anon, definitely a malfunctioning changeling…"
  61. >The orange filly said that very low to herself, yet you still managed to hear part of it
  62. >But before you could say anything she headbutted you back into the ground
  63. >Hurting and seeing that she was serious, you quickly blurted out the first thing that came to mind that could answer that, before she could strike again
  64. "I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash"
  65. >…
  66. >She just stood still, locking her orange eyes on yours with defiance
  67. >"Meh, close enough, lets go to my room, the walls have ears"
  68. >She said, walking off to the stairs
  69. "Fuck you, you're not my boss"
  70. >"Its not like you have a choice, unless you want to be punished by purple when she gets back"
  71. >That made you roll back on your belly and stare at her
  72. >She already had a hoof on the first step but had stopped to see whatever you would do
  73. >Considering how suspicious she was of you yet, you decided it was better to play along
  74. "Ugh fine, but I'm not following orders around"
  75. >"My castle, my rules, now lets go before Starlight comes around"
  76. >With that both fillies headed to the guest bedroom

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