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Pony Formers, Stand alone and part of something

By SunriseLightbeam
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-15 13:39:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >Celestial Prime: "Lunatron must be stopped.. No matter the cost"
  2. >Prime transformers into a fairly elegant white flat faced semi with a aurora colored trailer
  3. >speeding down the dam twords her crippled army she rams any Deceptimares in her way
  4. >Launching herself midair she transforms into Ponybot form her trailer vanishes into oblivian and she catches her long rifle in hoof
  5. >dodging laser fire after laser fire from below
  6. >Celestial hits all her targets first try
  7. >Thump! metal hooves now on the ground race twords Lunatron whos about to escape
  8. >galloping up to the hole in the side of the remains of her crashed ship Celstial stands before Moonatron herself
  9. >Lunatron turns around and smiles a sharp toothed grin raising her arm cannon to her rival
  10. >"ah.. Prime, just the mare I was looking for, But why come to me and throw your life away so recklessly?"
  11. "That's a question you should ask yourself Lunatron"
  12. >Lunatrons face shifts from a grin to anger as Celestial stands there unarmed, she lowers her once raised Magic pulse cannon
  13. >"I shall crush you with my bare HOOVES"
  14. >Lunatrons stance quickly turns into a full sprint ramming herself head first into Celestial knocking both of them out of the ship onto the ground
  15. >tumbling all around they fight hoof to hoof smashing into each other over and over again
  17. >Down below Twilight looks up to see Celestial and Lunatron swinging hoof and hoof at each other
  18. "Ive got to help her!"
  19. >Sunset whos only a few feet away yells to twilight
  20. >"stay away filly thats primes fight!"
  21. >ignoring sunset Twilight gallops up the staight twords the two once sisters of cybequestria locked in brutal hoof to hoof combat
  22. >Lunatron is picked up by Celstial and thrown far right into the side of the crashed ship
  23. >though she quickly gets up and launches a long sharp piece of metal straight at Celestial
  24. >a loud shriek of metal scrapeing combined with the sounds of magic energy howling bursts out of Celestials side but she stands tall still
  25. >Lunatron now abandoning her words eariler fires her cannon at Prime but she dodges the blast just in the nic of time
  26. >Quickly rushing forward she slams Lunatron into the wall knocking her cannon off its arm mount and covering the mare in more debris then before
  27. >Lunatron once agains gets to her hooves but slower this time.. out of nowhere she pulls a sword like handle from behind her and ignites a firey blue blade
  28. >slashing at Celstials already damaged side causing magic to spark everywhere out of the now worsend wound
  29. >stumbling back Celestial Regains her composure as Lunatron leaps high into the air sword in hoof ready to deliver a killing blow!
  30. >Celstials metal hoof lands right onto Lunatrons chest preventing her own death and blasting her back to the ground, sword lost in the debris Moonatron can only crawl away in fear
  31. >in the distance Celstial looks to see Sunset standing over some rubble "Finish her off Prime,Do it now!"
  32. >Celstial picks up her rifle off the ground where she dropped it and walks over to the fallen Decepticlop
  33. >Celstial raises her weapon to Lunatron
  34. >"W-Wait.. sister please"
  35. >Celestial hesitates to do anything at the mention of the past.. so long ago.. when times were better
  36. >Lunatron crawls forward more, Unseen to Celestial a small magic pistol lies right out of sight unto a piece of sheet metal
  37. >"No more Celstial Prime please!, Grand me mercy I beg you"
  38. >Lunatron says hoof outstreched overacting the part, but also reaching for the weapon
  39. "You who are without mercy, and without friendship now pleads for it? I thought you were made of sterner stuff"
  40. >Lunatron continuines to crawl forward grabbing the pistol in her hoof
  41. >out from behind a loud voice cries from Twilight
  42. >"no you dont!"
  43. >grabbing Lunatron Twilight wrestles down the enemy
  45. >Celestial refuses to take a shot as she could kill Twilight
  46. >Lunatron now holding Twilight in a headlock raises the pistol and fires once more at the wound in Celestials side knocking her back, but she still stands barely
  47. >black smoke and yellow energy leaks from the hole
  48. >"fall.. FALL"
  49. >two more shots from the pistol tear through Celstial knocking the gun out of her hooves and sending her flying back smashing into the ground back first
  50. >Lunatron throws Twilight to the side violently weapon still raised at Celstial
  51. >Celstial struggles to stand up as Lunatron walks closer
  52. >"Ive waited a 1000 years for this, It's over Prime
  53. >Celstial struggling to breath and even hold herself up right puts her two front hooves together and with all of her strength left in her hits Lunatron
  54. "NEVER"
  55. >Off the edge of the crashed ship she falls smashing into floor after floor of the ruined vessel until the final hit of the floor at the bottom
  56. >Vinylwave rushes over to Lunatron at the bottom of the hill at the same time Twilight goes to the side of Celestial Prime
  57. >"Celestial.. forgive me"
  59. >down at the bottom of the ship where Lunatrons body lies Vinylwave and Cozystar stand over her damaged frame
  60. >Cozystar says "how do you feeel oh so mightly Lunatron"
  61. >Cozystar kicks Lunatron in the side, barely any movement comes from the dieing mare
  62. "Don't leave me Vynilwave"
  63. >"as you command Lunatron"
  64. >All the deceptimares left follow after Astromare as she Transforms into a train picking up all their allies
  65. >Loading onto the train the automares contuine the battle aginst the deceptimares firing at them fleeing
  66. >Pinkie: "look! they're running away, silly geese we are at WAR!"
  68. >Back in the train cozystar yells in her annoying high pitched whine of a voice
  70. >The rear of the train closes revealing three jet engines on the rear
  71. >Transforminging into a space shuttle Astromare flys off into the sky fleeing earth and the Automares, Weakend but not defeated
  73. >Insert Part about Lunatron becoming Nightmare Moonatron
  75. >Twilight lurks in the shadows looking ahead seeing Nightmare Moonatron.. With Celestia's matrix of friendship around her neck.. or was celestias
  76. >Nightmare Moonatron: Come out automare, we all must parish sometime
  77. Twilight: Not today Moonatron!
  78. >twilight spashes her metal hoof into her face knocking the mare over before transforming into a unspecified 4 wheeled vehicle (anons halp what she turn into!)
  79. >Twilights wheels spin and screech as she does a U-turn Slamming right into Galvamoon knocking her over once again
  80. >Moonatron Fires her arm mounted Magic pulse cannon but misses Twlight by mere inches
  81. >many blasts later she finally scores a hit on Twilight knocking her over
  82. >In the mares quick thinking she transformers back into pony mode and fires back with her horn blasts
  83. >twilight once again turns into her vehicle and rams Moonatron right in the neckplate
  84. >but! Moonatron grabs Twilight in her hooves
  85. >Twilight transforms back into pony mode to try to self herself but the hooves on her shift to here neck
  86. >twilight can barely breath
  87. >"I Willl crush you with my bare hooves!
  88. >"Die automare, First Celestia then Ultra Cadance now YOU, It's a pity you automares die so easily or I might have a sense of satisfaction now"
  89. >while Moonatron ranbles on Twilight deciedes there is only one thing she can try..
  90. >grabbing the Matrix of harmony in her hooves bright rainbow light shines out of its core
  91. >twilights newfound strength alows her to knock Moonatron off her and rip the Matrix of its chain
  92. >Twilight stands tall Matrix in her hooves still shining bright as ever
  93. >from all around a familiar voice is heard
  94. >Celestia: Arise Twilight Sparkle
  95. Celestia..
  96. >NMM: "no! NO!"
  97. >Moonatron fires blast of magic after blast of magic and merely bounces off Twilight Sparkle until she hits the matrix from her hooves
  98. The is the end Moonatron!
  99. >twilight says pointing her now larger hoof at her rivial
  100. >Moonatron is stunned at sight of this new Twilight, Taller, Stronger and with wings?
  101. >this distraction allows Sparkle to grab Moonatron and pick her up, throwing the mare across the room straight out of Galexia's body sending her into the depths of space
  102. >"NOOOooo.."
  103. >Sparkle opens the Matrix
  104. Now.. Light our Darkest Hour!
  105. >the rainbow light glows even brighter then before! shining everywhere bursting the spark of Galexia
  106. >Twilights friends who were battling Galexias "immune system" of sorts are saved by Sparkle
  107. >RD:Cmon everypony! we gotta get out of here
  108. >Scoot: whats going on?
  109. >RD: no time! we gotta get the buck out of here
  110. >Galexia in agony tears at herself with her hooves
  111. >Scoot: "everypony! look!"
  112. >Galloping away from a giant blast of magic and fire is Twilight Sparkle
  113. "Automares! Transform and roll out!"
  114. >Sunset: "I knew you had potential twilight"
  115. >The Automares Drive and Fly straight out of Galexias eye and right behind them a bright rainbow beam follows
  116. >Galexia and the Decipticlops Destoyed
  117. fin

Pony Formers, Stand alone and part of something

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