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Special Needs

By SunriseLightbeam
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-06-24 21:27:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be anon in HS
  2. >See green girl
  3. "wow you kinda hot"
  4. >she looks at you for a second before turning back to her locker
  5. "just gonna ignore me?"
  6. >she fliches and quickly turns back to you wide eye'd
  7. >"m-e?"
  8. "no the other cute green girl"
  9. >"o-oh ok"
  10. "no no no Its you! sorry didn't mean to be confusing"
  11. >she is aprehensive
  12. >pic related
  13. "I'm Anonymous, but everyone just calls me Anon"
  14. >you put your hand out to shake hers
  15. >Fucking retard why did you do that
  16. >her eyes somehow get wider and she throws her hand out and grabs yours
  17. >"I.. I'm uh.. Wallflower B-blush"
  18. "Nice to meet you Wallflower, you ok? you seem nervous"
  19. >"yeah just um.."
  20. >she looks down the floor and starts rubbing her left arm with her right hand
  21. >"no one ever talks to me"
  22. "oh I see, yeah I used to be like that.. am still like that.. Ms Cheerilee just said I have to go and talk to someone I don't know"
  23. >she looks a bit confused now
  24. >"d-did you not mean what you said?.. why did cheerilee tell you to tell me that"
  25. >oh no you autistic retarded fucking moron look what you did
  26. "NO! I meant it I just. oh boy .. I'm sorry for being confusing I do mean what you said I just saw you there and you know you look nice.. sorry"
  27. >now its you being awkward, stupid anon
  28. "o-ok uhhh see you later"
  29. >giving a strange smile you leave wallflower and speed walk back to ms cheerilee's
  30. >fuck fuck the bell is gonna ring and everyone is gonna be let out of class to head to next period
  31. >RUN! no you can't someone will stop you..
  32. >fuck it RUN
  33. >running down the long hall and making a hard left you almost slam into the lockers on the wall
  34. >turn faster RETARD
  35. >cheerilee's class is right there, so close
  36. >>"STOP STUDENT"
  37. >oh no VP luna
  38. >shit
  39. >you decide to keep running her class is so close
  41. >swinging open the door you slip into class
  42. "I did it!"
  43. >>>"Really? you introduced yourself to another student? even your name?"
  44. "Yes"
  45. >>>"What was his name?"
  46. "Her, and her name was Wallflower"
  47. >at hearing it was a girl she perked up a bit, knowing your issues.. all of them
  48. >>>"Wallflower Blush?"
  49. "yeah wait how did you know her name"
  50. >She smiled at that
  51. >>>"No reason, so what exactly did you say to her?"
  52. "I said hi my name is Anonymous but people call me Anon"
  53. >that people was Mom, Ms Cheerilee and the Principals but.. eh
  54. >>>"is that it?"
  55. "Oh yeah I said she was cute and that you told me to talk to her"
  56. >her smile still on her face but slightly strained she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath
  57. >>>"You told her that I told you to tell her that she was cute?"
  58. "nooo why does everyone missunderstand, I said she was cute and ms cheerilee.. you told me to TALK to her not tell her she was cute, she was.. is cute so.. I-I told her uh uh was I not supposed to?"
  59. >>>"no its just-"
  60. >the door swings open
  61. >>"Ah it was you Anon.. what have I said about running in the halls?"
  62. "not to.."
  63. >>"Yes, what do you have to say for yourself"
  64. >detention. she said if you did it again there would be consequences
  66. "ok ok there was this girl and I said she was cute then the bell was gonna ring and and-"
  67. >speaking at the speed of sound luna interupts you
  68. >>"I'm going to stop you right there, Next time there will be consequences. but this time you're off the hook"
  69. "wha?"
  70. >looking up Luna is smiling
  71. "but I don't.."
  72. >>"I understand young Anon, carry on and be more careful next time"
  73. >she leaves with a smile
  74. >you turn back to cheerilee who is as wide eye'd as wallflower
  75. >>>"I've never seen Luna do that, you're lucky"
  76. "but.."
  77. >Anon do you not realize what you did? you just told a REAL girl she was cute to her face, in person
  78. "Oh.. OH"
  79. >>>"you ok anon?"
  80. "I didnt realize what I said.. I can't.. I told a girl.. oh man"
  81. >>>"calm down anon, remember? breathe"
  82. "breathe yes, yeah breathing right"
  83. >>>"earlier you asked how I know her, its because she is in my 5th hour"
  84. "oh?.. r-really?"
  85. >Ms cheerilee puts her hand to her chin in thought
  86. >>>"hm.. why don't you come back here after lunch and stay for 5th hour"
  87. "What about english class?"
  88. >RETARD why would you say that
  89. >>>"doesn't matter, this is more important for you.. I think you could really have a friend here"
  90. >Cheerilee gives you that nice warm smile again
  91. >so nice..
  93. >Be Wallflower Blush
  94. >And wow holy fuck this guy.. called you cute
  95. >Still unsure if it was for real, I mean no one even sees you then this guy comes from nowhere
  96. >Eating your lunch in silence at the back table when you hear a voice
  97. >>"Wallflower? how are you today"
  98. >Ms Cheerilee came to eat lunch with you every few days
  99. "I'm fine"
  100. >She probably put that guy up to it..
  101. >>"You look a bit off today"
  102. >Cheerilee sits across from you
  103. >Without raising your head you glare at her and squint your eyes making the glare more intense.. maybe
  104. >>"What's wrong? you know you can tell me anything"
  105. >Glaring for a few more seconds before exhaling and lettting your shoulders drop you then take a deep breath in
  106. "Ok so today at my locker this guy comes from nowhere and then.. then calls me cute and says you told him to say it but then he started mumbling and.. I dont know then he started running.."
  107. >>"Ah.. well I did not tell him to say that part about you being attractive that was all him, I had told him to go introduce himself to someone then, well that happened I am sorry if it bothered you"
  108. "he.. meant it?"
  109. >"Yes Wallflower, now we both know you are a little different and that's ok.. well lets just say Anon is very different and a bit on the excentric side.. also very very inward.. depends on if hes comfortable"
  110. >She starts staring off into space
  111. >"It's hard to understand I know but depending on the situation he might just stare at you black faced with no emotion, unreadable kind of like Maud actually but.. other times well he calls you 'cute' out of nowhere"
  112. "W-what am I supposed to do?"
  113. >"About what?"
  114. >She knows what but wants you to say"
  115. "Anon, you know what do I do about it"
  116. >"What do you want to do about Anon?"
  118. >Exhaling loudly you roll you eyes at Cheerilee
  119. "Make it happen you know, us"
  120. >Cheerilee's smile widens even more somehow
  121. >"you aren't afraid of evil men and their magical witchcraft all of a sudden?"
  122. "Uhhg this is different.."
  123. >Maybe those girls on 4clop were right about you, just an Incel falling for the first boy to give you even the smallest chance
  124. >"Cmon Wallflower lets get to class early and give you some time to regain yourself"
  125. "oh-kay"
  127. >be Anon waiting in Ms Cheerilee's class
  128. >the door opens just as you finish shuffling the Uno deck
  129. "Hey cheerilee ready to play?"
  130. >you look up and
  131. >Its Wallflower and Cheerilee
  132. >>"I'm sorry Anon I gotta go check on another student, why dont you and Wallflower play?"
  133. "Uhm.. y-yeah ok"
  134. >Wallflower is wide eyed again and Cheerilee winks before leaving
  135. >sly mother fu-
  136. >"H-hi Anon
  137. "Hi Wallflower, you know how to play?"
  138. >"mhm"
  139. >she sits down across from you
  140. >you can smell a smell like fresh cut grass
  141. >a nice smell.. very nice
  142. >"M-me first?"
  143. "oh yeah ok"
  145. >The fist card laying down is a red 7
  146. >Wallflower plays a yellow 7
  147. >You place down a yellow 5
  148. >This goes on silently for awhile. Until you both have 2 cards left
  149. >Wallflower places a blue 2 down
  150. >"U-uno"
  151. >You are holding a blue 1 and a yellow 2
  152. >Hm.. what to play
  153. >Blue 1 is placed.
  154. "Uno"
  155. >Wallflowers lips lower as you do that.
  156. >Gottum
  157. >She reaches for a card and..
  158. >With her other slaps down her last card!
  159. >"Ha!"
  160. >A green 1
  161. >Shid
  162. "Damn"
  163. >"Ee! Finally"
  164. "Good game wallflower. It was fun"
  165. >Wallflower is smiling big. Her eyes radiant as the sun
  166. >So pretty...
  167. >Looking down at the card she placed you noticed something..
  168. "Hey that card reminds me of you"
  169. >She looks confused now. Slight head tilt and all
  170. "Green number 1. Get it? You're number one for me"
  171. >She blushes and sort of fidgets in place
  172. >That was a really dumb thing you said anon.. but it worked somehow, good job
  173. "Do you uh wanna have my phone number bin your phone?"
  174. >"O-oh um yeah that would be nice"
  175. >*Ding*
  176. >The classroom door unlocks and opens
  177. >>>"Ugh I can't believe you made us wait until the bell! You DARE make the great and powerful-"
  178. >Looking up you two see.. Trixie.. she frequently 'bullys' you trying to get a rise from you
  179. >Trixie gets visibly mad
  180. >>>"Hey! That's my seat you dumb boy, get out of here this is my classroom!"
  181. >Unmoving you stare blankly at her giving her nothing
  182. >Wallflower is getting even more mad
  183. >"Hey you l-leave him alone"
  184. >Wallflower stands up fists balled
  185. >Ma cheerilee walks in behind trixie but hasn't said anything yet
  186. >>>"Oh the local moss has a voice now huh? What are you gonna do PHOTOSYNTHESIS?"
  187. >Wallflower starts to open her mouth but cheerilee clears her throat loudly for Trixie to hear
  188. >Trixie spins around with a fake smile plastered on her face
  189. >>>"Hello ms cheerilee! I was just saying how nice wallflowers hair looked today"
  190. >Bull fucking shit
  191. >Actually it looks nice.. but that's besides the point
  192. >>"Trixie I heard everything"
  193. >Blue ones shoulders lower in defeat
  194. >>>"Oh"
  195. >>"Apologize'
  196. >>>"But!"
  197. >>"Trixie"
  198. >She sighs
  199. >>>"Trixie is sorry for calling you moss"
  200. >>"And to Anon"
  201. >>>"F-for what? I didn't do anything"
  202. >>"Mr Discords photography class"
  203. >>>"Oh.. I'm sorry Anon, for.. you know"
  204. >She told the sub you liked to be called on and out you on the spot Infront of the class
  206. >You are The Great and Powerful Trixie
  207. >And grr! this this..
  208. >Anon is in your class! this is your time where you don't have to be Great and Powerful and he is just HERE
  209. >Now you have to keep it up, It's tiring being great and powerful all the time
  210. >>>"Take a seat Trixie, Today is going to be an easy day just some simple work"
  211. >You on the other end of the table not next to Anon or Wallflower
  212. >Just on your own
  213. >>>"Trixie.. the hat, off"
  214. "But ms cheerilee-"
  215. >>>"Trixie"
  216. "FINE"
  217. >You stomp your foot down and cross your arms
  218. >>>"Alright class today Anon here will be joining us"
  219. >The couple other students look to Anon
  220. >Wallflower who never took her eyes off of him in the first place
  221. >Maud who has that half lidded death stare as always
  222. >Starlight whos rolling that same stupid fucking purple train with the squeaky wheels back and forth on the table
  223. >Fucking retards ALL OF THEM, not you of course! you are the great and powerful trixie
  224. >No one can match your skill in conversations and skills in the education system
  225. >You will graduate top of this class! this school! Top of all students to ever be BORN
  226. >For you are the GREATEST and MOST POWERFUL to ever grace this earth
  227. >"H-Hello"
  228. >Anon says waving slightly
  229. >WAVING indoors? stupid anon hes going to get hit by a bus one of these days such a moron
  231. >Anon winces in pain at the volume
  232. >HA, pathetic boy
  233. >>>"Starlight remember inside voices"
  235. >She says not changing anything
  236. >"Um yeah trains are cool I guess"
  238. >Starlight who was sitting at another table a bit across the room and gets up
  239. >Almost tripping over herself walking to the central table where everyone else is
  240. >She slams the diecast and plastic train on the table
  241. >>>>"NYOOOM"
  242. >Starlight as usual drives the train all around the table walking around everyone getting way to close as usual
  243. >Thank god she has the sense to stay clean
  244. >Anon is slightly cringing but not really bothered by it
  245. >Until she gets really close to him and she's basicly shoving her breasts in his face
  246. >At this point he starts leaning to the side
  247. >>"H-hey! remember personal space?"
  249. >Wallflower speaking up? uncharacteristic of her
  250. >And to help Anon?.. but why
  251. >A lightbulb turns on above your head
  252. >Literally you guess as you are powerful enough for that to happen
  253. "HA! Wallflower likes Anonymous!"
  254. >>"N-no!"
  255. "Wallflower said she no like boys but here she is! defending one from the wrath of Starlight's breasts! what a savior you are.. maybe you are JELOUS"
  256. >>"A-am not!"
  257. >>>"Girls girls stop this"
  259. >>>"Starlight don't worry about it just quiet down please"
  260. "Wallflower and Anon sitting in a tree-"
  261. >Wallflower won't do anything about it like usual
  263. >Uncharacteristicly Wallflower stands up knocking her chair back and jumps up onto the table and then lunges at you
  264. "oh fuck"
  265. >All you see is green before your head smashes into the thankfully thick carpeted floor
  266. "oof"
  267. >"No one talks to anon like that!"
  268. >Laying on the floor on your back Wallflower onto of you, you see her balled fist pulled back ready to hit you
  269. >You don't believe your eyes
  270. >Oh god this is going to hurt
  271. >>>"Stop it right now young ladies I cant believe you"
  272. >Light green fist is all you see for a brief moment
  273. >A second too late Ms cheerilee grabs then drags wallflower off of you
  274. >Pain, pain
  275. >Not so great and powerful trixie is in pain
  276. >Grabbing your head and trying to sit up everything is blurry
  277. >Your glasses seem to have gone missing
  278. >You cant see anything
  279. >Wiping your nose with your other hand you look to see blood, a decent amount
  280. "Trixie is going to die!"
  281. >You can barely make out a pinkish purple hand holding.. your glasses?
  282. >grabbing them and putting them on you see its Starlight
  283. "T-thanks.."
  285. "I know.."
  286. >>>>>"I nose"
  287. >Maud says blank faced staring at you on the ground
  288. "Very funny, Trixie is going to die of laughter"
  290. >Ms Cheerilee just left the room with Wallflower
  291. >Anon is sitting there sort of stunned at all this
  292. >Wow.. Wallflower really hit you
  293. >Getting up you go over to Cheerilees desk and get a tissue for your bloody nose
  294. "That hurt"
  295. >"What.. just happened"
  296. "Your new Girlfriend seems to like you very much"
  297. >"She's not.. is she? I'm confused"
  298. "Get used to it"
  299. >You sit down at the table and Starlight sits next to you
  300. >She hands you her purple train
  301. "Uh.. no thanks I'm not a big fan of trains"
  302. >I guess she isn't so bad
  303. >>>>"Oh that's ok because.."
  304. >Starlight glimmer then starts taking it apart.. but not really, spinning pieces around folding panels until it looks like a space ship
  305. "Wait what I didn't know it did that"
  306. >>>>"It's astromare! from Transformares"
  307. "What?.."
  308. >Starlight puts on a raspy higher pitched voice and says
  309. >>>>"ASTROMARE! TAKE OFF"
  310. >As she flys it through the air
  311. "Ok I guess it's kind of cool"
  312. >>>>"You think so? yeah it's cool wanna read my Fanfiction? so I thought what if like Transformares had a movie, it starts with IN THE YEAR 2005!"
  313. >She says waving her hand across the air front of her as if its a movie title fading in or something
  314. "That was over 10 years ago"
  315. >>>>"NO! this movie is like what if it was written in the 1980's and how the future looked to THEM"
  316. "What?.."
  317. >Starlight pulls out a notebook from her backpack and hands it too you
  318. >Taking a quick glance at the start and end you decide Starlight isnt so bad after all
  319. >She was nice and helped you up, a little loud and stange but.. so are you heh
  321. >Ms Cheerilee comes back into the classroom
  322. >>>"Sometimes.. Ok class lets get to work"
  323. >a few moments later Wallflower comes back into the classroom red eyed, clearly she was crying
  324. >What does she have to cry for! you are the one who got punched
  325. >Raising your finger and about to make a comment about Wallflowers current state she glares at you
  326. >Just like she did last time before..
  327. >Lowering your hand you decide to not say anything
  328. >>>"I had plans for today.. but Now we are doing something else because of recent events"
  329. >Anon was just kind of sitting there watching it all unsure of what to even do
  330. >He did probably enjoy seeing you get punched especially after how mean to him you've been
  331. >Ms Cheerilee Begins handing out pieces of paper with questions on them
  332. >You don't really care its not like you do work anyways
  333. >>>"Today we are going to be talking about.. Relationships, how they form, whos in them and what people in them do"
  334. >Oh one of THOSE days
  335. >>>>"Cringe"
  336. >>>"Something to add, Maud?"
  337. >>>>"No"
  339. >>>"Patience, we are getting there"
  340. >Starlight shakes her head up and down to show she understands, she then pretends to zip her mouth shut
  341. >The projector on the white board turns on showing a slide show just titled RELATIONSHIPS
  342. >>>"Alright, lets start with the kinds of relationships, 1 is the Friendship kind, as in you and your friends Relation to each other perhaps you both enjoy the same board games or music but that is a Relationship. 2 is the family kind of relationship, Like you and your mother are blood related, and 3 is Romantic Relationships, When people say Relationships they often mean this"
  343. >You with you were in a Romantic Relationship..
  345. >Wallflower is about to say something probably mean from the look on her face
  346. >"Yes, just like that Starlight"
  347. >Anon butted in and spoke for her
  348. >Wallflowers lip is sort of trembling but shifts into a smile, face behind her hair mostly
  349. >>>"Ok maybe we talk about this later? Now onto more details on Romantic relationships"
  350. >You audibly roll your eyes
  351. >Somehow
  352. >>>"So usually a relationship starts when a Man and a Women like to be around each other, After that they start what's called 'dating' of course that doesn't have to happen they can just be friends but more often then not they do start dating"
  353. >This goes on for a long time and you don't really care but starlight is listening intently writing everything down
  354. >>>"Now this is where it gets real complicated.. Well due to our Genetics and the way our DNA is coded Females have a higher chance of being born then males by about 4:1 so many Men take on more then one 'Mate' or Wife"
  355. >>>>>"OOHH NOW I GET IT-"
  356. >>>"Inside voice"
  357. >>>>>"Ok ok I get it now! so we all have 27 Chromosomes per DNA but along time ago we used to only have 23, according to Starswirl's theory of Human orgin, and During that time something changed in our DNA causing more females to be born about 4.04:1 to be EXACT"
  359. >>>>>"but now knowing that Males take on more then one female to compensate for the genetic differences is very weird and cool!"
  360. >You are in awe.. how does she know this stuff
  361. >She didnt know the word wrath a just a bit ago
  362. >What the fuck
  363. >>>>>"Why are you staring me Trixie"
  364. "Oh um uh nothing, I just didn't know that"
  365. >Anon is a bit shocked and so is Walllower
  366. >Maud is.. unreadable
  367. >And here you thought she was dim but she's way smarter then you aparently
  368. >Sometimes
  369. >>>"Yes thank you Starlight it's always good to have you share your knowledge"
  370. >Starlight Blushes slightly
  371. >>>"Another thing to note is Men often chose to have less then 4 partners and like to have 1 or maybe even 2 but have many children leaving alot of Women without love, very sad I know but it happens"
  372. >>>>>"that might be old human times influence on us now since before the genetic shift we were 1:1"
  373. >>>"I am not an expert at that kind of thing but it is possible, There is also the possibility that most Men these days are self obsessed pricks who want to step on other women to get their-"
  374. >"Ms Cheerilee can you not"
  375. >>>"Oh sorry I didnt mean you anon, Um haha sorry.."
  376. >Ms cheerilee lowers her voice to a whisper
  377. >>>"Don't tell anyone I said that ok?"
  378. >"No problem, I wouldn't want the best teacher to get fired"
  379. >Ms Cheerilee smiled wide
  380. >>>"Thanks Anon, anyways where were we.."
  381. >Ms Cheerilee checks the clock
  382. >>>"Oh! get packed up the leave so you can get out early we will talk more tommorow, have a good day!"
  383. >You pack up your things then throw the pile of bloody tissues in the trash
  384. >>>"Trixie come here for a moment, lets talk"
  385. >Shit
  386. >Following Ms Cheerilee out of the classroom you await what comes next
  387. >>>"Listen Trixie I would really appreciate it if you left Anon and Wallflower alone, or if you have it in your heart be nice to them. It's not often a girl like her has a real chance with someone, you know how things are"
  388. "Yes Ms Cheerilee"
  389. >>>"Thank you Trixie, you wouldn't want another punch either eh? just kidding that shouldn't happen again, have a good night Trixie I gotta go get Starlight to her bus"
  391. >You are Wallflower Blush
  392. >Anon.. he said you were in a Relationship.. oh my
  393. >What does this mean?
  394. >You'd think after a whole class of learning about it you would be prepared but you are not, not even close
  395. >Putting all your stuff in your backpack you get ready to head home
  396. >"H-hey Wallflower um here this is for you"
  397. >Anon hands you a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers on it
  398. >Wat
  399. >"Its my phone number so you can you know.. talk to me and stuff"
  400. "oh! thank you Anon I'll message you when I get on the bus"
  401. >He smiles and puts the last of his things in his backpack
  403. >"oh um.. ok y-yeah thanks Starlight"
  404. >That stupid girl.. always getting in your way of Anon
  406. >You are Anonymous
  407. >And today was a day alright
  408. >Big day actually
  409. >You might have a girlfriend now, If you understand correctly
  410. >She did just give you her number
  411. >Walking out of the building you put your earbuds in and walk to your bus
  412. >Getting on the bus driver says something to you but as usual you aren't listening
  413. >You actually got our here a little late today.. So there are others on the bus and your spot is taken up front
  414. >Only a few seats left near the back
  415. >Ofc
  416. >Today of all days
  417. >Moving to the near back row you plop yourself down and get settled in and set your backpack next to you so no one sits there, waiting for the bus to leave and you to get home
  418. >More people funnel in
  419. >You feel a tap on the shoulder and like any time someone tries to get your attention you ignore them
  420. >Again and again and again
  421. >You decide you might as well look because you don't want to be touched again
  422. >Oh shit
  423. >Sunset Shimmer
  424. >She's saying something.. Something you don't really care about since you can't hear anyways
  425. >She used to bully you and according to everyone else 'Changed'
  426. >Yet there she is yelling at you for some unknown reason
  427. >You could easily find out but you really
  428. >Don't give a single
  429. >Tiny winny
  430. >fuck
  431. >She seems to be pointing at your bag then all around the bus and it seems the driver is looking back in the mirror
  432. >Hm
  433. >Oh you idiot
  434. >You pick up your backpack from next to you and put it on your lap
  435. >Then turn back to the window and keep listening away to your favorite unspecified song for self insert reasons
  436. >Wait what?
  437. >Nevermind its not important
  438. >Waiting and waiting you feel slightly more uncomfortable every second
  439. >Turning to look sunset is just staring at you but when she notices you noticed she looks away pretending nothing happened
  440. >Strange
  441. >Your stop is right ahead
  442. >As the bus stops you stand up and look at sunset whos still looking at you
  443. >You make a hand motion shooing her away but she just smiles and crosses her arms
  444. >Saying something else you don't want to hear
  445. >Fine be that way bacon retard
  446. >You put your arms on the seats on either side of you and lunge yourself over her into the isle almost falling over
  447. >And then you walk out of the bus like you didn't just do that
  448. >Getting off the bus you can't help but feeling like you are forgetting something
  449. >But you just don't know
  450. >Walking home and as the bus passes by it hits you
  451. >Your backpack
  452. "Oh fuck"
  453. >PANIC
  454. >WHAT DO I DO NOW
  455. >OOH NO
  456. "Oh fuck oh fuck I left it"
  457. >You turn off your music and start running after the bus as the next stop is pretty closeby
  458. >maybe you can make it, oh god that will be awkward maybe not worth it.. fuck
  459. >Many many thoughts rush through you head as you make it to the next stop and the bus is still there
  460. >Out steps Sunset Shimmer holding your backpack in one arm
  461. >"You forgot something"
  462. "Uh um yeah maybe"
  463. >"Maybe? you meant to leave this on the bus then? I can go put it back if you'd like"
  464. "Oh no um y-yeah just give it please"
  466. >"You know I'm not mean anymore right?"
  467. "Proove it"
  468. >She hands you the backpack and you quickly pull it away from her and to your chest
  469. >"I'm sorry for being a real jerk last year, things are different now ok?"
  470. "You pushed me down the stairs and I sprained my foot"
  471. >"Oh um yeah.. sorry"
  472. >Her smile becomes just as awkward as you are now
  473. "I'm going to go home now, T-thanks"
  474. >"No problem anon, if you ever need anything"
  475. "mhm ok bye now"
  476. >You turn around and walk away at a normal speed before turning around to check if she's watching then you SPRINT at max speed away
  477. >Making it to your home you open the garage door and enter the house
  479. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  480. >That Anon kid is really something else
  481. >And you thought This worlds Twilight was a weirdo
  482. >If this was a contest he would win 10 times out of 10
  483. >Turning around you see him..
  484. >Running away
  485. >Oh well, trust can't be earned from one favor.. eventually
  486. >Your house isn't to far away just a block away
  487. >Once getting to your house you make your way inside and throw yourself on the couch
  488. >An open pizza box sits on the coffee table with a couple of old slices just laying there
  489. >You really shouldn't eat that..
  490. >Before you know it you are taking a bite of one of the slices
  491. "This is awful.. oh well"
  493. >Be Starlight Glimmer
  494. >Ms Cheerilee is bringing you to bus to go home
  495. >Home is good
  496. >Following Cheerilee outside you make your way past other students
  497. >They are all looking at you
  498. >But why
  499. >Cheerilee looks back at you
  500. >"Huh can you take that out of your mouth"
  501. >Oh
  502. >So weird your train always ends up there..
  503. >Must have a mind of its own is what you think every time
  504. >Getting on the bus you take your usual seat near the wheelchair part of the bus
  505. >>"Hi Starlight! how are you today?"
  506. >Its Ditzy Do!
  507. "HI DITZY "
  508. >Ditzy can't walk so she has to take your bus!
  509. >So cool
  510. >>"I told you can call me Derpy like everyone else"
  511. >Ditzy has a.. uhh
  512. >Lazy Eye
  513. >Yeah
  515. >>"What kind?"
  517. >>"Ah your favorite right?"
  518. "YES"
  519. >Ditzy was so nice
  521. >>"Me? oh you know ran the mile in gym"
  523. >Wait how did she RUN the mile if she can't walk
  524. "HEY WAIT A SECOND.."
  525. >>"I'm just messing with you Glim, I watched as everyone else ran the mile"
  527. >You and Ditzy talked all way home like every other day
  528. >>"hey Glim this is your stop"
  529. "Huh? OH!"
  531. >>"Bye bye"
  532. >Getting off the bus Dad is standing there waiting with a smile like every other day
  533. "HEY DAD"
  534. >"Hello Starlight, how was school?"
  535. "GOOD"
  536. >"Great, Something came in the mail for you"
  537. "WHAT WHAT?"
  538. >Dad smiles wider and you hand him your bag
  539. >You run inside and see it
  540. >You know what's in the box
  541. >You've been waiting for weeks
  542. >More toys for your collection
  543. >"Hey Starlight I got an Email from Ms Cheerilee today, any idea what it could be about?"
  544. "uhhm no?"
  545. >Oh no what did you do.. oh man
  546. >"Your Calculus test, 110%"
  547. "And?.."
  548. >He laughs at that
  549. >"Thats good! very very good, better then I ever did"
  550. "Really?"
  551. >"Of course now why would I lie?"
  552. >"And.. there was a fight? what happened"
  553. >oooh yeah
  554. "Wallflower knocked Trixie on her ass-"
  555. >"Language"
  556. "Oops... uhm yeah uhhh something like uh"
  557. >What was it again?
  558. >Why did she hit her again..
  559. "OH YEAH uhhh Trixie said Wallflower was in love with Anon"
  560. >"Anon? whos she"
  561. "He"
  562. >"In your class? he? hm.. didn't know there was a guy in your class"
  563. "Oh just today I think"
  564. >"Ok go on.. "
  565. "So yeah they hit each other and stuff and I was just there"
  566. >"You ok?"
  567. "Ye! now can I open it?"
  568. >"Go ahead, I have a work call in a few so be quiet or go to your room?"
  569. "Ok Dad"

Pony Formers, Stand alone and part of something

by SunriseLightbeam

Slave Equestria Girl Story

by SunriseLightbeam

Special Needs

by SunriseLightbeam

Special Needs 2

by SunriseLightbeam

Pony Reaper (Kinder)

by SunriseLightbeam