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Special Needs 2

By SunriseLightbeam
Created: 2021-06-24 21:26:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Finally at home..
  3. "I'm home!"
  4. >Silence
  5. >Moms and dad are usually gone
  6. >You think...
  7. >"BOO!"
  8. "AH!"
  9. >"Hahahaha oh man.. I got you good"
  10. >Uncle discord..
  11. >Moms brother
  12. "Very funny.. in going to my room, don't follow"
  13. >"What ever man"
  14. >You don't like him
  15. >Always bullying.. not a big deal but you can never tell when he's joking
  16. >Like that one day he said mom died
  17. >As a joke
  18. >Bitch
  19. >Walking down the stairs to the basement you remember the phone number
  20. >Oh yeah! Wallflower
  21. >You proceed to run to your room and almost trio down the stairs
  22. >Pulling out your phone you punch in the phone number and text
  23. [Hello, it's Anon]
  24. >You then check the other phone number
  25. >Starlight's, you can tell from the poor handwriting
  26. >Punching that in you text the same message as you did for wallflower
  27. >Wow.. big day! Two friends now
  28. >That's a 200% uptick from yesterdays zero
  29. >One thing that keeps bouncing around your mind is Sunset Shimmer
  30. >Even if you act confident in ignoring people it.. draining
  31. >High anxiety levels every time
  32. >I mean someone looking at you and talking to you while you look away. Unknowing of what they are going to do
  33. >What if it's like today again? Actually important
  34. >What if-
  35. >*Buzz Buzz*
  36. >Quickly picking up your phone it's from Starlight
  37. >>[Hi anon its me starlight glimmer from school remember]
  38. [Hello Starlight, just checking if the number is right]
  39. >>[Yes right number Im starlight do I have right number]
  40. [Yep]
  41. >>[Ok bye dad said time for me to shower]
  42. >She's kind of weird but nice
  43. >You're just weird in general
  44. >Checking you see Wallflower is typing
  45. >And typing.. geez is she writing a book?
  46. >On and on..
  47. >[Hi it's me Wallflower]
  48. >That's it? Well ok
  49. [Hey Wallflower how's it going]
  50. >Wallflower is typing
  51. >30 seconds..
  52. >[Good]
  53. [Me too, want to like hang out some time?]
  54. >No typing
  55. >Nothing
  56. "Well ok"
  57. >You wait a bit more and then
  58. >*Buzz*
  59. >[Yes]
  60. [Sweet, it's a date then]
  61. >Maybe that wording is wrong.. well everyone else thinks you are dating already so I guess it can't hurt
  62. >Your room door flys open violently
  63. "Holy fuck!"
  64. >"I didn't know Anon knew such big kid words"
  65. "Shut the fuck up I graduate next year"
  66. >"No thanks to special education"
  67. "Why you little"
  68. >Grabbing an old lead pipe you found on the side of the road one time up you get ready to beat this fucker
  69. >"Woah woah anon chill out I'm sorry I was just messing with you"
  70. >Hesitantly you set it down
  71. "What do you want"
  72. >Discord holds out a sheet of paper as if you should grab it
  73. >"Are you going to take it or what reta- I mean uh anon"
  74. >Anger is all that comes to mind
  75. "What is it"
  76. >"Dude it's the permission slip for the trip"
  77. >Wat
  78. >Processing
  79. >Processing...
  80. "Processing..."
  81. >"What was that?"
  82. >OH
  83. >How could you have forgotten.. Camp Everfree
  84. >Since the school saved it or some shit the 'special' students get to go up north there for a week all to themselves
  85. "Oh"
  86. >You take it and look it over
  87. >Yeah this.. maybe it's not gonna be so bad
  88. >Well it's this or you attend normal classes ever day for a week
  89. >A shiver runs down your spine
  90. "Thanks. Now go back to texting Flutter what ever"
  91. >He huffs and puffs around or some shit
  92. >"I don't know what ever you could be on about"
  93. "She's in my English class and talked about some-
  94. >You put on an annoying high pitch impression voice
  95. "Nice guy who's misunderstood, oh! And he has a nice monocle"
  96. >"That.. that could be anyone! No proof it was me"
  97. "She said his name was discord"
  98. >She didn't
  99. >"W-well it's a common name"
  100. "No it's not, fuck off and be a pedophile somewhere else I don't give a shit"
  101. >"What ever anon you don't know what you are talking about.. retard"
  102. "Say it one more time and I'll tell Principal Celestia"
  103. >That made him real mad
  104. >For many reasons. They used to be a thing apparently.. and he would go to prison
  105. >"You wouldn't.."
  106. "Try me you worm"
  107. >He leaves and slams the door on the way out
  108. >You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding
  109. >Damn that was risky
  110. >What were you thinking holy fuck
  111. >You need to think before you speak
  112. "I think I'll skip dinner.."
  113. >You start working on packing your things
  114. "Today discord. Tomorrow Everfree"
  116. >You are Trixie Lulamoon, Greatest and most Powerful ever born
  117. >Uhhg today is stupid Everfree shit
  118. >"Get up lazy, let's go"
  119. "No"
  120. >"Either you go or I take away the hat and cape
  121. "BUT MOM"
  122. >"No buts, up"
  123. "HA I didn't pack"
  124. >"I packed for you, everything. Clothes, toothbrush, your hat and cape"
  125. "What about-"
  126. >"Yes I packed your traveling magic kit"
  127. >Ok you can't be too mad
  128. >You take a deep breath then mumble
  129. "Thanks mom.. love you"
  130. >Mom smiles
  131. "Love you too huh, now c'mon! You're gonna be late if you don't hurry"
  132. >It's 2 hours before the bus arrives
  133. >You better hurry or you won't get your hair done by then
  135. >Be Anon
  136. >Dragging your suitcase out of the house feel a hand on your shoulder
  137. >You quickly spin around
  138. "What do you want discord"
  139. >"Sorry about yesterday ok?"
  140. "You are just saying they so I keep your secret"
  141. >"Uhm.. noo"
  142. "We both know it is, it's fine really I've known for awhile now, I don't care"
  143. >"You aren't gonna tell?"
  144. "No"
  145. >He squints staring into your soul
  146. >"Maybe you feel that way now.."
  147. >He diggs into his suit jackets inside pocket and pulls out a thick envelope
  148. "Whats this?"
  149. >"Next time you think you might want to tell someone, remember this. See you next week anon"
  150. >He gives a devilish smile
  151. >Creep
  152. >Walking out down the road to the bus stop
  153. >As you stand there alone waiting you check the envelope
  154. "Oh fuck no way"
  155. >Money.. alot of fucking money
  156. >This has to be at least 1k.. no it's all hundreds.. holy fuck it's like 11k
  157. >The biggest smile ever is on your face
  158. >The bus pulls up. Almost missed it due to shock alone
  159. >>"Mornin Anonymous, no headphones and a big smile? Must be excited for Everfree eh?"
  160. >Ha yeah a bit actually..
  161. >Wallflower should be there
  162. >Cutie
  163. "Yessir!"
  164. >>"Have a good one"
  165. "Thanks"
  166. >You don't really remember his name but your bus driver Is a nice guy you just are an ass and ignore him all the time
  167. >>>"Anon! Sit here"
  168. >Huh?
  169. >Sunset..
  170. >Shit. Only open seat
  171. >Sitting next to sunset you hold th e envelope close to your chest
  172. >>"I hear you're going to Everfree?"
  173. "Yes"
  174. >You don't really wanna talk to her.. oh well
  175. >>"I actually get to go too. Gonna miss my friends but I can make new ones.. like you maybe"
  176. "The fuck? Why do YOU get to come"
  177. >She looks a bit shocked and hurt actually
  178. >Good.. you think
  179. >"Uh-um.. well to help out with some of the others, and I did sort of the save the day last time"
  180. "Mhm sure magic yeah, still don't buy it"
  181. >"Ha good one"
  182. "No really, I don't believe in it"
  183. >Now she is just stunned
  184. >"Have you never seen us play our band? And pony up?"
  185. "Pfffthaha that's what you call it?"
  186. >"Y-yeah"
  187. "You know that's really lame right"
  188. >"Sounded nice to me.."
  189. >Anon you are being mean. Maybe stop
  190. >FINE
  191. "I'm sorry sunset. It just all sounds crazy to me"
  192. >"Really? I guess it might.. you really never saw it happen? Never?"
  193. "Nope"
  194. >"Let me show you"
  195. >She grabs your arm and
  196. >Nothing
  197. "You gonna do it or what?"
  198. >"But.. I should be able to read your mind"
  199. >Yeah sunset is definitely coming to Everfree, you've heard rumors of magic and shit but never seen it. Sunsets friends claim to have and seen it all but..
  200. >Yeah she just tried to read your mind
  201. >"I don't understand.. why aren't you working element!"
  202. >With a magic rock around her neck
  203. >I guess it's fine if she comes. She's like the rest of you it seems
  204. "It's ok Sunset, I have a bit of schizophrenia too, no worries you can come on the trip and I'll be your friend"
  205. >You smile at her, she doesn't know what to say other then stare blank faced at the seat in front of you
  206. >This week is gonna be great
  208. >You are Starlight Glimmer
  209. >"You sure you are gonna be ok?"
  210. "Yes dad.. I will be ok"
  211. >"Even without me there?"
  212. "Yes"
  213. >"Who will remind you to brush your teeth?"
  214. "I can remember, if not Cheerilee can"
  215. >"Right right.. ok be good"
  216. "Yes! Bye dad"
  217. >You wave to dad before getting out of the car and start walking inside
  218. >"Glim! Backpack"
  219. "OH.. oopsie"
  220. >Walking inside you make your way to Ms Cheerilee's Class
  221. >Entering the room you see everyone you know
  222. >Maud, Wallflower, Trixie, Ditzy, Anonymous, Sunset shimmer!-
  223. "SHIM!"
  224. >She was talking to Ms Cheerilee before noticing you
  225. >>"Hey Starlight"
  226. >You run to her and give her a hug
  227. >>"Can't.. breathe"
  228. >You let go
  230. >"it's ok no ones hurt"
  231. >*Ding Ding Ding*
  232. >>>"Ok everyone listen up, today is the day we go to camp Everfree!"
  233. >>>"Everyone grab your permission slips and hand them to me"
  234. >Everyone does so including you
  235. >>>"Ok everyone. This here is Sunset Shimmer"
  236. >Sunset does a little wave smile on her face
  237. >>>"She is sort of like my second in command here, she is going to lead the second group"
  238. >Groups?
  239. >>>"Group 1 will be with me the whole trip, Maud Pie, Derpy Hooves, Bulk Biceps and Sonata Dusk. Group 2 with Sunset Shimmer is Anonymous, Trixie Lulamoon, Starlight Glimmer and Wallflower Blush"
  240. >>>"Maybe I should keep Wallflower and Trixie separate.."
  242. >>"It will be ok Cheerilee I can handle any problem that comes"
  243. >>>"I'm probably going to regret this.. ok fine"
  244. >>"Ok group 2! Cmere"
  245. >The class separates into the 2 groups
  247. >You are Anonymous again
  248. >Damn this is gonna be good
  249. >You will be able to get away with anything with Sunset in charge
  250. >"H-hi anon"
  251. >It's wallflower
  252. "Oh hey Wallflower, glad we are in the same group"
  253. >"Me t-too"
  254. >>"Ok everyone so after last year the place has had a sort of revamp and now there are two cabins and 3 tents instead of 5 tents. We will be in Ruby Cabin while the others in Sapphire cabin, the tents are currently taken down as more cabins will be built in the coming years"
  255. >Cabins? Sweet
  256. >>"The cabin has 6 beds all bunk beds. We will figure out who is where when we get there. For now-"
  258. >>"alright.. thanks for letting me know, ok and don't forget-
  259. >>>"OK"
  260. >Sunset is slightly irritated now
  261. >>"I lost my train of thought.. where was I"
  263. >>"NO no trains there"
  264. >>>"Aww.."
  265. "It's ok Starlight you have your train Right?"
  266. >Her sad face instantly reverts to pure joy as she pulls the train from her pocket and holds it up
  267. "Cool"
  268. >>"THE COOLEST!"
  269. >>>"Time to head to the bus everyone"
  271. >You are Anonymous
  272. >And you got Frens
  273. >Aw ye
  274. >Getting on the bus behind Sunset everyone else follows on. Group 2 gets the back of the bus while 1 up in front
  275. "Can we just call them the blue and red cabins. No way I'm gonna remember ruby or Sapphire"
  276. >>"Trixie will remember"
  277. >You roll your eyes
  278. >>>"Call them them what ever it really doesn't matter"
  279. >Taking your seat wallflower sits next to you
  280. >"H-hey anon.."
  281. "Hi again wallflower"
  282. >She smiles but sort of hides behind her hair
  283. >Despite that she scoots closer to you
  284. >"Oh um anon you like music right?"
  285. "Yeah"
  286. >"I.. I um brought this"
  287. >It's a aux cord splitter
  288. >"S-so we can listen to the same thing"
  289. "What if we dobt like the same things"
  290. >Her eyes go wide
  291. >"Oh no um i don't know.. oh man oh no-"
  292. "Hey calm down. It's ok I'll listen to what ever as long as it's not rap or any other kind of Zigger music"
  293. >"Jazz?"
  294. "Well I guess that's not so bad"
  295. >"I don't really like jazz"
  296. "Me neither really.."
  297. >"S-so should you play or me?.."
  298. >Oh no I don't know
  299. >Fuck..
  300. >Just let her play
  301. "You can play first"
  302. >She smiles
  303. >"O-ohkay yeah"
  304. >She fiddles with her phone and plugs it all in
  305. >You plug your headphones in
  306. >"Ready?.."
  307. >The bus starts pulling out of the school. You and wallflower plugged in
  308. "Yeah"
  309. >Hey this isn't so bad..
  310. >Wasn't expecting this
  311. >Kind of like it actually
  312. >The bus pulls out of the lot and out of the city. Before you know it you are deep in the forest. Tall trees all around. Tall spruce and rolling hills
  313. >Hour after hour
  314. >You feel a weight on your left shoulder
  315. >You maybe fell asleep there..
  316. >Looking it seems so did wallflower
  317. >So cute
  318. >She rests on your side soundly sleeping
  319. >Strange, you are being touched yet have no underlying fear or anxiety about it
  320. >Never happened before
  321. >You rest your head on hers
  322. >You rest your eyes for a minute
  324. >you are Anonymous
  325. >You are sleeping soundly
  326. >Unknown to your sleeping self wallflower climbed into your lap and you both are holding each other on the long ride
  328. >The sheer volume of starlight glimmer who was seated right behind you jolts you and wallflower awake
  329. >She's inches from your face
  330. >You can taste her breath
  331. "H-hello"
  332. >She is frozen wide eyed
  333. >Deer in headlights
  334. "H-hey we are there"
  335. >"OK"
  336. >She leaps off of you to the next seat
  337. >Pretending nothing happened
  338. >Today is Friday
  339. >You will be here for about a week until.. well next Friday
  340. >Sunset stands up and is about to speak
  341. >But she is interupted by Cheerilee
  342. >>>>"Welcome to camp Everfree! It's been quite awhile since I was here, now let's get off the bus and since you already know the deal I'll make this short. Go with your group leaders to your cabin"
  343. >Shuffling off the bus with all your shit is kind of a pain. Especially with starlight behind you right on your tail
  344. >No boundaries that one
  345. >Guess not wallflower either since she was ON YOU
  346. >It's finally sinking in.. w-wow
  347. >Girl wanted to touch you
  348. >It's perfect really
  349. >Following everyone you all make your way to the Ruby Cabin. Or Cabin 2 since that's way easier
  350. >>"Ok everyone, this is a big day for all of you"
  351. "Can you just unlock the door then make your speech after? I'm carrying alot of shit"
  352. >>
  354. >>"Ok ok"
  355. >Sunset unlocks the door after fumbling with the keys
  356. >All of you get in
  357. >>>>>"Trixie is displeased"
  358. "This is not as big as I would have hoped either"
  359. >It's a 2-3 room area with 3 bunk beds. 1 on one side with a wall that goes out a bit
  360. >Then a kitchen/table beyond that
  361. >On the right is a shower then the other 2 sets of beds
  362. >>"This is different then I was told.. maybe I misunderstood"
  363. "Does it really matter?"
  364. >>"No this is good"
  365. >You'd think with camping you wouldn't have a kitchen and fully functional bathroom
  366. >But you are all retards
  367. >So here you are
  368. >"Wait a minute. This is barely camping at all.."
  369. >>"It's not really. It's just a week of us! In the fridge and stuff are some basic camping like foods"
  370. >We were lied too
  371. >>"Now you. Well us are going to live here together for a week to help you get used to things. And more importantly! FUN!"
  372. "Ok I guess this isn't too bad"
  374. >You are Trixie
  375. >And you were lied too
  376. >It changes absolutely nothing
  377. >But you are mad anyways
  378. "Trixie thinks we should attack sunset shimmer"
  379. >All your.. friends loo to you and at each other
  380. >Then to sunset
  381. >>>"Hey hey maybe just calm down ok?.. haha.."
  382. >"I dunno sunset it sounds kinda fun. You did bully us all in the past.."
  383. >>"Not me"
  384. >"Huh?"
  385. >>"Sunset never even noticed me"
  386. >"Lucky"
  387. >>"N-no one noticed me..
  388. >Wallflower starts.. crying?
  389. >Pathetic!
  390. >"It's ok blushy I noticed you, remember?"
  391. "Ick! Get a room"
  392. >"Are you telling me to make love to wallflower? How could I refuse
  393. >Wallflower almost falls down
  394. >>"Oh my~"
  395. >>>"Oh god no stop it all of you. Just out your stuff where it should go. Pick a bed.. I am not prepared for this"
  396. >"Ok listen up everyone, fine your bed and get set up"
  397. >>"Ok anon
  398. >>>>"OK ANON"
  399. >oh I see.. no need to beat her up when you can undermine her authority
  400. "Trixie will listen to Anon the smart and cunning"
  401. >"Thank you Trixie, means alot from you"
  402. >He smiles and gives you a wink
  403. >Hot
  404. >I mean um..
  405. >Yeah
  407. >You are sunset shimmer. And you are way out of your element
  408. >No one listening to you..
  409. >You decide to place your things on a bed above Starlight
  410. >Trixie takes the entire bunk bed to your right
  411. >While anon and wallflower take the other side
  412. >Maybe you should stop that.. nevermind they wouldn't listen anyways
  414. >You are Anon
  415. >"Hey um anon.. wanna uhh cuddle?"
  416. "You didn't ask on the bus why ask now?"
  417. >You are just pushing her around a bit
  418. >"I-i-i"
  419. >She starts breathing rapidly
  420. "Ok ok joking calm down I'm sorry. Didn't know it would get to you so much"
  421. >"It's ok.."
  422. "I know it's not.. how about we both take the bottom bunk"
  423. >"Mind if I have the inside??."
  424. "Sure"
  425. >"I just like to be enclosed.. safe"
  426. "I'll keep you safe"
  427. >>"Anon you can't"
  428. >Sunset..
  429. "Can't what?"
  430. >>"You cannot share a bed"
  431. "Or what bacon hair"
  432. >>"Wha- NO I'm in charge"
  433. >What can you do here.. you love wallflower you can't let her be alone
  434. >Woah you said it.. in your head at least
  435. >You love wallflower
  436. >Regaining yourself you know the perfect thing
  437. >You pull out 100$ from the envelope
  438. "Will this be enough"
  439. >You can feel something else in her eyes
  440. >>"Fine fine if you care that much.. do what ever Anon just don't get caught or her pregnant"
  441. "No sex until marriage slut"
  442. >>"I never- uhg forget I said anything"
  443. >"alot of money you just gave away for me.."
  444. "Y-you're worth more to me then that"
  445. >"Cheesey.. but good"
  447. >You wake up. It's dark
  448. >Real dark
  449. "H-hello?"
  450. >"Anon? You're awake too?"
  451. "I didn't realize I feel asleep, what time is it even"
  452. >"10 PM"
  453. "Oh, why are we awake?"
  454. >A loud crack of lightning is heard
  455. "I see"
  456. >A blue lamp turns on in the middle of the room
  457. >On a white plastic table
  458. >>"Hi anon, seems we are having some.. insane natural weather. Maybe not so natural considering a hurricane this far inland"
  459. "I don't believe you"
  460. >A blindly white flash fills the room along with the loudly thunder you've ever heard
  461. "Ok maybe.."
  462. >Getting up you go to one of the windows and look out
  463. >Rain. So much rain
  464. "Well fuck me.."
  465. >>"Good thing we have all the food we could ever need already"
  466. >Looking around you spot Starlight staring out of the window
  467. >But wheres Trixie?
  468. "Where is Trixie at?
  469. >Sunset points down at the table
  470. >Looking under the table you see Trixie huddled up to sunsets legs
  471. >>>"The great and powerful Trixie is not afraid no no you are!"
  472. "Do you need a hug?"
  473. >>>"N-no!.. yes please th-this is scary"
  474. "Just a little bad weather"
  475. >Booming sounds are heard and Trixie folds intoherself more
  476. >Wallflower makes her way out of bed to you both
  477. >"Are you going to be ok?"
  478. >>>"Why do you care.."
  479. >"I'm afraid of the dark.. and well anon helps. Maybe we can help you?"
  480. >>"Like... Us all c-cuddle?"
  481. >"Yeah"
  482. >You didn't agree to this but.. what the heck why not
  483. >"C'mon we can fit. These beds are massive"
  484. >Well damn
  485. >You all get into bed. wallflower next to the wall, you in the middle and Trixie on your left
  486. >Wow this is nice
  487. >>"It never ends with you anon"
  488. "Shut up bacon"
  489. >>>"Can.. can you turn to wallflower? Trixie likes leading"
  490. >Oh man this is perfect
  491. >You wrsp yourself around wallflower and Trixie around your back
  492. >"I'm sorry for hitting you the other day.."
  493. >>"It's... It's ok I deserved it. Now hush and let me hold my anon"
  494. >"Mine first... I'm alpha now"
  495. "What? Are we a.. a thing now?"
  496. >"Yes
  497. >>"Yes"
  498. >They say in unison
  499. "And I don't get a say?"
  500. >>"Shut up boy, let us love you without getting all sappy"
  501. "I just-"
  502. >You feel a finger in your lips
  503. >"Shh. Let's just sleep now
  504. "Ok...'
  506. >Day 2- Saturday
  507. >Be Wallflower Blush
  508. >And you have to pee
  509. >You guess it's around 5-6 Am
  510. >Hard to tell with all the rain constantly
  511. >You hope the plants are going to be ok
  512. >As you start to wake up more you remember where you were last night
  513. >Lovely anon.. and decently acceptable Trixie
  514. >But if Anon is ok with her.. well then so are you
  515. >Only like 2 days and you can't imagine your life without him
  516. >Trixie too now, buuut you could go without her
  517. >You really have to pee
  518. >You are unsure how to get out of bed
  519. "I guess I'll just climb"
  520. >You begin the journey across the bodies
  521. >Carefully putting each leg and arm right between the gaps between human and floor
  522. >Slowly you get closer
  523. >Over anon now halfway over Trixie
  524. >This isnt too bad
  525. >Almost off the bed just your legs now
  526. >When suddenly when lifting your right leg
  527. >The left looses grip
  528. >Your crawling position crumbles and you hit the ground face first in a loud smack
  529. "Owwwwwww"
  530. >You curl up into a little ball and grip your head
  531. >Hurt
  532. >You really really gotta pee
  533. >You stand up and make your way to th bathroom
  534. >"Wallflower? Are you ok"
  535. >Weird orange lady asks
  536. >You don't really know her.. just don't talk to her
  537. >You enter the bathroom and plop yourself down
  538. >You know how this part works
  539. >Finishing up you wash your hands and head back to bed
  540. >Opening the door you find it hard to see..
  541. >Wait someone is in the way
  542. >One moment later you are wrapped up in a hug
  543. >>"Is my little flower ok? Sunset said you fell"
  544. "I'm.. good"
  545. >Struggling to breathe from Anons hug is a problem you will gladly be ok with
  546. >Anon loosens up but rests his head on you
  547. >>"You ok?"
  548. "Yeah I just had to use the bathroom"
  549. >Anon whispers
  550. >>"If it's just taking a piss can I watch sometime?"
  551. "W-what huh.. why"
  552. >What.. why does he
  553. >>"I don't know. I've just never seen it before, it's not like a fetish or anything Im just curious"
  554. "Anon maybe you should go back to bed"
  555. >>"WE should, before we wake anyone else"
  556. "Ok'
  557. >You and anon make your way back to the bed
  558. "H-hey anon?.. think you can lay on me"
  559. >"What do you mean?"
  560. "L-like me hold you and you lay on me"
  561. >"Like.. I shove my face in your breasts and you hug me"
  562. "W-well.. yeah but not so.. anon"
  563. >"Alright sounds nice"
  564. "Goodnight love"
  565. >"Nighty"
  567. >You are Starlight Glimmer
  568. >It's about 8 in the morning
  569. >You are sitting in the dining room area with Sunset, she's on her phone
  570. "IM HUNGRY"
  571. >"shhh they are sleeping still"
  572. >You try to whisper
  574. >"make something, there's all kinds of stuff over there"
  576. >"Well I'm not your dad, you can"
  578. >sunset puts the phone down to give you a wide eyed stare
  579. >"what do you want to eat?"
  580. "EGGS"
  581. >sunset gets up and goes over to the fridge
  582. >"How would you like them cooked"
  583. "SCRAMBLED"
  584. >"easy, I'll get on it"
  585. "YAY"
  586. >While you wait you pull out your 3DS
  587. >'Mario Kart.. 7!'
  588. >Some little jingle plays after
  589. >"Didn't know people still played those"
  590. "ITS FUN"
  591. >"I know! I have one too"
  593. >"Yeah I'll play later but eggs first"
  594. >A deshevoled Trixie walks in with no glasses on
  595. >Front arms hanging down like a zombie
  596. >A Stuffed pony that looks..alot like her in one hand
  597. >And she's wearing blue pajamas
  598. >"Good morning Trixie"
  599. >>>"Do we got any uhhm milk?"
  600. >"Yes right in here"
  601. >Trixie walks to the fridge and grabs at the milk missing a few times before actually grabbing it
  602. >She then proceeds to try to drink from it
  603. >"Hey hey hey no, get a cup"
  604. >>"Uhg nevermind!"
  605. >Trixie starts stomping away
  606. >She then smacks right into the wall
  607. "Pffft BWAAHAHHAHA"
  608. >>"No one laughs at the great and powerful Trixie!"
  609. >Trixie starts coming twords you
  610. >Sunset stands in front of her
  611. >"No"
  612. >>"Move it orange dreamcicle"
  613. >"What? I don't look like an-"
  614. >At this point you tune out the fighting and just play the game
  615. >Lap after lap
  616. >2nd place
  617. >Fuck you metal Mario
  618. >A bit later the fighting ends and Trixie gets a cup and sits next to you
  619. >A bit later Wallflower walks in fully rested
  620. >Even with a smile!
  621. >She's usually hiding behind her hair with a sad look
  622. >Today she happy!
  623. >Wallflower opens the fridge
  624. >"Good morning Wallflower"
  625. >Wallflower doesn't respond
  626. >She pulls a bag of lettuce from the fridge and straight grabs a handful
  628. >You are Trixie
  629. >And your new 'herdmate' as they say just grabbed a handful of lettuce from the fridge
  630. >Just lettuce
  631. >She then sits next to you at the table
  632. >"Hey Trixie?"
  633. "Hm?"
  634. >"Can I.. lean on you"
  635. >Can she lean on the great and powerful!
  636. >How dare she even- wait what would anon went you to do..
  637. >Let her lean
  638. "Ok.. fine"
  639. >She leans on you
  640. >And its. Kind of nice actually
  641. >*Munch*
  642. >Wallflower bites down on a huge handful of lettuce
  643. >Like way to much
  644. >How did she even fit that in her mouth?
  645. >No matter!
  646. "Sunset make Trixie food"
  647. >>>"Why should I make you anything?"
  648. "Because Trixie demands it"
  649. >She gives an evil smile
  650. >>>"Well the Grand and Mighty Sunset demands you cease your incesint babbling"
  651. >She's mocking you
  652. >About to get up Wallflower grabs your arm
  653. >Looking to her she shakes her head back and forth in a 'no' motion
  654. "Fine.."
  655. >She hands you a handful of lettuce
  656. >This is kinda tasty..
  658. >You are Anon and you woke up alone
  659. >Getting up you see everyone in the kitchen
  660. >Go there I guess
  661. >In the kitchen you see Starlight and Sunset eating scrambled eggs
  662. >Wallflower and Trixie talking
  663. >Apon walking in wallflower and Trixie stop talking then look at you
  664. >Back at each other and start giggling
  665. "What"
  666. >"N-nothing anon dont worry about it"
  667. >>"What Wallflower said, nothing at all
  668. "I don't buy it.. but I don't really care.."
  669. >You do but you won't admit it
  670. >Seeing go fish on the table you wonder when it will quit raining
  671. "Hey girls wanna play go fish?"
  672. >"Ok"
  673. >"Sure"
  674. >>"I DO I DO"
  675. >>>"Yeah"
  676. "Ok we are all playing then, fun!"
  678. >You are Anon and you have been playing go fish for HOURS, endless go fish
  679. >And every time you loose
  680. >>"AGAIN!"
  681. "please no, please"
  682. >>>"Fine fine, it's almost dinner anyways"
  683. >No way
  684. >Looking to the wall clock she was right. 5pm
  685. "What's for dinner? I haven't eaten All day"
  686. >>>"I'm not cooking"
  687. "Uhhg fine"
  688. >Getting up you go check the fridge
  689. >Holy shit
  690. >Steak
  691. >Big ones
  692. "Steak"
  693. >A collective oooo is heard behind you
  694. >This gonna be good
  696. "you really wanna?"
  698. "alright sure"
  699. >This isn't safe at all..
  700. >Grill indoors. It's meant to be brought out side but rain
  701. >Oh well idgaf
  703. "Ok Starlight flip those two"
  704. >>"okie"
  705. "Thanks for being quieter"
  706. >>"Huh?.. oh I guess I am a bit quieter"
  707. "Alot"
  708. >>"Well uhhhhhm dad says I'm loud when I'm excited or around not family"
  709. "Then why are you quiet now?"
  710. >>"Well you are like a good friend already! Even if it's only been like uhhh
  711. >She starts counting on her fingers staring into space
  712. >>" 1.. 2..yeah 2 days, you are nice and um you love Wallflower and Trixie"
  713. "What does that last part have to do with anything?"
  714. >>"They are my friends, and they like you so I like you.. oh yeah uhm since you came around they are nicer to each other and me.. I dunno if Trixie ever really liked me before"
  715. "Well, glad I'm a good friend"
  716. >She gives a big smile then hugs you
  717. "Oof!"
  718. >>"Oops, sorry"
  719. "It's ok"
  720. >Flipping Wallflowers you check and you think it's done
  721. >Slightly more cooked then rare but not medium rare yet
  722. >Good
  723. >Yours is gonna be medium rare
  724. >Soon
  725. >Same with Starlight's
  726. >a minute or two passes and you take those off
  727. >Now you turn up the heat for the last 2
  728. >Trixie wants medium and.. fucking Sunset
  729. >You don't dare think of it until it's done
  730. >You turn up the heat and wait a bit more again
  731. >>"Are you sure She is gonna eat that"
  732. "Fuck. I hope not.. the Demon"
  733. >>"Demon?.."
  734. "Oh I just mean it's gross cooked that much and I was making fun of her a bit too"
  735. >Trixie's is done
  736. >Now you turn the heat up to max
  737. >>"Woah that's hot"
  738. "That's what she said"
  739. >>"Wat"
  740. "Nevermind"
  741. >You let the thing blacken
  742. >Grabbing all the meat you go to the table and out it all down
  743. "Medium rare for me and Starlight, One slightly more then rare for wallflower"
  744. >"T-thanks"
  745. "One medium for Starlight"
  746. >>"Oooo thank you Anon"
  747. "Yep, and.. fucking hell Sunset.. one Chared Well done Steak for you"
  748. >"I didn't know Sunset was a retard"
  749. >Wallflower covers her mouth
  750. "Ha! What is wrong with you Sunset"
  751. >>>"It's good! Leave me alone"
  752. >>"Wow not even a thank you"
  753. >>>"I was getting there! Thank you Anon"
  754. "Too late ya Demon, eating that shit wtf"
  755. >>>"You eat yours I'll eat mine"
  757. >Later they night, after Sunsets awful food..
  758. >It's time for bed, a real lazy day today and was
  759. >You are Wallflower Blush
  760. >And you are snug like a bug in bed
  761. >Cuddling with anon while Trixie hugs him
  762. >You may not enjoy the sharing but it's not so bad
  763. >You have a herdmate now
  764. >Someone you can hug and confide in when Anons away
  765. >You may disagree and fight on occasion
  766. >But.. Your love for Anon made you two less hostile and more understanding
  767. >If you didn't punch her the other day you might not have ended up the Alpha even if you were first
  768. >But you did, and you are
  769. >Being Alpha means you have to approve of any new members
  770. >Trixie? Well you didn't want to but you felt bad as she was afraid of the storm last night
  771. >But today you hung out together and now you are on the same team
  772. >Team Anon
  773. >She is a bit taller then you.. like a whole head
  774. >Never mattered really
  775. >Your eyelids are getting heavy
  776. >Barely..
  777. >Awake..
  778. >"Goodnight my love"
  779. "Love you too anon...zzz zzz zzz"
  781. >Be Starlight Glimmer
  782. >You think you like Anon
  783. >You get a tingly feeling when he's around
  784. >You sit on your bed rolling your toy car around
  785. >It's fun, you know it's quite childish and others think less of you for it
  786. >Why does that matter? It doesn't really
  787. >Sunset made eggs for breakfast again
  788. >You like Eggs
  789. >I wonder what we do today..
  791. >"Well Its done raining but it's gonna get hot, real hot today and it's still wet so it's gonna be humid"
  792. "Aww.. INSIDE ALL DAY?"
  793. >"you can go out there but lots of mosquitoes in sure"
  794. >Aww
  796. >Be Wallflower Blush
  797. >Not much happened on Sunday, kind of day around in your phone and listened to music next to anon in bed all day
  798. >Had Pb&J for lunch then grilled cheese for lunch. Anon made both
  799. >He is really the best
  801. >Monday
  802. >You are Sunset Shimmer
  803. >Buck, today is a real chore
  804. >Hiking with your group
  805. >Trixie is afraid of every bug and creature while Wallflower is practically prancing around
  806. >You haven't seen much of her but she's pretty happy out here actually
  807. >"Anon Anon! Look at that tree"
  808. >>"What about it?"
  809. >"You don't see the moss?"
  810. >>"Yes I see the moss, what about the moss"
  811. >"MOSS"
  812. >>"I don't understand"
  813. >"Ahhg! It's cool Anon"
  814. "Moss?"
  815. >>>"Moss this moss that, Trixie is bored"
  816. "Shush"
  817. >>>"Hmmp!"
  818. >Like this forever
  819. >>"Are we going anywhere in particular or just walking"
  820. "Forward"
  822. "I know"
  823. >>>>"Oh"
  824. >Walking a bit further you make your way to the designation
  825. >"Woah.."
  826. >It's beautiful
  827. >A small crystal clear pond deep in the forest
  828. >>"Ok yeah this is worth it, can we go in?"
  829. "Tomorrow, we didn't bring swimming clothes"
  830. >>>>"WHO NEEDS CLOTHES"
  831. "Starlight you can't just-
  832. >You turn around to see her already mostly undressed
  833. "Nevermind"
  834. >>"Well uh.. might as well"
  835. "Anon no please I don't"
  836. >Too late, everyone is just undressing now
  837. >Wallflower and Anon are both slightly reluctant staring at each other while it happens
  838. "No funny business.."
  839. >"Sunset, shut your mouth"
  840. >You want to speak but you heard what she did to Trixie that one time
  841. >You all enter the water
  842. >>"Ahhh this is really nice"
  843. "Oh yeah"
  844. >You find it hard to not stare at Anon
  845. >>"What? Like what you see bacon hair"
  846. "N-no! I mean uhhhh"
  847. >>"It's fine"
  848. >Anon and Wallflower both sit at the bottom of the pond edge submerged up to their necks
  849. >"Love you Anon"
  850. >>"Love you too"
  851. >Trixie sits on the other side of Anon
  852. >>>"Trixie enjoys your presence and wishes to stay with you both forever too"
  853. >>"Close enough?"
  854. >"Close enough"
  855. >>>>"HEY"
  856. >Starlight walks over to Anon and the group fully unclothed and grabs her assets
  857. >>>>"Hey um uhhh can I join too? I'll share"
  858. >>"Like the heard?"
  859. >>>>"Yeah"
  860. >Anon looks to Wallflower
  861. >"Would have picked her over Trixie and if Trixie is allowed then.."
  862. >>"You're in then!"
  863. >>>>"EEEE!"
  864. >Starlight lays herself across all of their laps as they sit on the ground
  865. "I guess I'm the odd one out now huh"
  866. >>"You were before"
  867. >He's gotcha there

Pony Formers, Stand alone and part of something

by SunriseLightbeam

Slave Equestria Girl Story

by SunriseLightbeam

Special Needs

by SunriseLightbeam

Special Needs 2

by SunriseLightbeam

Pony Reaper (Kinder)

by SunriseLightbeam