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Slave Equestria Girl Story

By SunriseLightbeam
Created: 2021-06-15 20:47:08
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Sunset Shimmer of Equess(EqG) sitting in Ms Cheerilee's math class
  2. >taking a test.. buck man I don't know this
  3. >the paper reads 5x20
  4. >hard to focus these days.. all the stuff going on the world. hopefully Equestria is ok
  5. >You haven't heard from Twilight since the war started.. many pon-people were surprised at the existance of alternative universes but
  6. >Not you, I mean buck you are from one
  7. >*knock knock*
  8. >A knock on the classroom door plushed everyones focus to the door and off their tests
  9. >Ms Cheerilee gets up to open the door.. its two Equestrian Soliders
  10. >What are they doing her?
  11. >>"Hello are you Cheerilee?"
  12. >"Yes I am, What brings you here?"
  13. >>"Is there a Sunset Shimmer in your classroom today?"
  14. >The whole class looks at you
  15. >uh oh whats going on..
  16. >"There is.. What do you need her for?"
  17. >>"She's been drafted"
  18. >oooh buccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  19. >"WHAT! but shes in 11th grade!"
  20. >The whole class is whispering to each other now
  21. >oh no...
  22. >>"Yes.. But shes 24"
  23. >The whole class now looking at you once again
  24. >>>"AHA! Trixie told you all but none believed Trixie"
  25. "I'm bucked"
  27. >Two months later, you are Anonymous of Earth(Earth you idiot!)
  28. >Working your shift in the town gas station
  29. >The war is getting closer.. The Alien Bidpeds along with their Pony counterparts are winning..
  30. >But NEVER speak of that last part, No one not even the most pessimistic soul would ever dare say that
  31. >Your boss comes out of his office
  32. >"Everyone! you gotta see the news!"
  33. >all the employees and customers come in his office all staring at the screen
  34. >Never would you have imagined a time that would bring everyone together.. but these are trying times
  35. >>"So DR incognito.. is it really true what they say?"
  36. >>>"Call me Incog, and yes.. well I dont know all they say but the main part is true.. We have figured it out.. Magic"
  37. >That was the day the tides of war shifted
  39. >Two more Months later, You are Sunset Shimmer
  40. You are on 'Earth' soil.. STG-21 in hand, helmet on your head
  41. >Sitting next to your Squad in the back of the truck ready to deploy
  42. >"Listen up girls, The mission is simple, get in find the prototype Magic rifle in the labs, Kill any and all Terrans, get out"
  43. >"Understand?"
  44. "YES MA'AM"
  45. >you and the troop says in unison
  46. >You don't want to have to kill them.. but orders are orders
  48. >Be Dr. Incognito
  49. "aha! Anon good to see you old buddy"
  50. >"yeah"
  51. "Oh dont be such a baby, come on dude I gotta show you this thing ive been working on"
  52. >"magic stuff?"
  53. "yessiry this thing.. fuck dude this thing is gonna win the war!"
  54. >"really?"
  55. "really"
  56. >Stepping into the clean white lab along with your old friend Anonymous, he might be like 10 years younger but ahhh those were good times
  57. >You both walk over to the table where the metal stand is holding your beatuty
  58. >"Is that?"
  59. "Hell yeah it is! I call it the I01 Directed Magical Energy Rifle or as some have taken to calling it "DiMER"
  60. >"thats a really shitty nickname"
  61. >some of the other scientists around who came up with it cringe a bit
  62. "Never change anon, blunt as a cavemans stick as always"
  63. >"I don't try it just happens.."
  64. "Don't be ashamed its just who you are kid, Always has been always is"
  65. >He is a bit autisic but hes always been a great friend
  66. >*BOOOM*
  67. >the entire building shakes around you
  68. >the lights go out and the red spinner lights turn on
  69. >"W-Whats happening?"
  70. "Oh fuck, They're here for the gun!"
  71. >"THAT GUN"
  72. "well no shit sherlock!"
  73. >"Of fucking course it's god damn TODAY I decide to come in and see your work"
  74. "Lucky as always"
  75. >"Fuck you"
  76. "That's gay anon"
  77. >Hes getting real mad
  78. "Ok ok sorry dude.. joking just helps me calm down you know?"
  79. >"yeah.. What do we do?"
  80. >Hes surpisingly cool headed right now
  81. "Thought youd be freaking out of some shit"
  82. >"I will later right now my life is more important"
  83. >Grabbing the gun from the table you slip in one of the M-Batterys and put the other 4 on the side of the gun in the holding slots
  84. >It really was a good idea to add those
  87. >You are Anon
  90. >*BOOM* *KLANG*
  91. >The door to the Lab is broken down, but not the "Clean room" as Incog called it
  92. >>"GO GO GO GO"
  93. >4 tall.. like woah thats tall Girls(?) come in all about 6.5
  94. >Aliens.. These freak you out less then the ponys belive it or not
  95. >None of them are that noticeable other then a orangeyellow one with red and yellow hair. she looks.. not comfortable
  96. >HA get fucked
  97. >wait
  98. >you are gonna die
  99. >oh shit
  100. >Its settling in, death is soon
  101. "O-oh fuck.."
  102. >"Psst hey anon, we got this bro. Till the end"
  103. >*BANG BANG*.. *BANG*
  104. >outside of the windows of the clean room you see some of the scientists just got their brains blown the fuck out
  105. >OH NOOO
  106. >"Fuck thats bad, They might actually kill us and just take it"
  107. >>"Get that door open!"
  108. >they are coming in.. it feels like an eternity later when..
  109. >*BOOM* *KLANG*
  110. >Incog stands up and the most amazing sight you have ever seen takes place before your eyes
  111. >He fires the weapon
  112. >Pure purple energy exists the white and black rifle
  113. >*PZZZIRT*
  114. >The first solider that entered is COMPLETELY petrified into black ash, still in the form she was in when it hit
  115. >The ash begins to crumble and it all falls to the floor and chunks remain in the cloud of black dust
  116. >Incogs eyes light up and he smiles wider then even that time Ms Gerlankofth opened her mailbox and pulled out a dead rat he put in there
  117. >Fucking weirdo
  119. >>"H-Holy shit GET OUT OF HERE"
  120. >The Soliders just run?? no way
  121. >"Getup anon! we cant let them get away with killing pete!"
  122. >Must have been one of the scientists that got killed
  123. >all of this from here on was a blur, following behind incog as he shot at the fleeing aliens
  124. >until he gets hit in the arm and stumbles to the ground
  125. >"Anon get out of here go GO, take this! GO"
  126. >He hands you the rifle
  127. "N-no! I cant leave you behind"
  128. >"Anon this thing isnt just the key to the my or your lifes its the key to all of ours, every single Human to ever live or ever be born"
  129. "well geez thats comforting"
  130. >"Anon cmon just RUN they will follow you but get to the east wing the military will be there you got this!"
  131. "W-what about you?"
  132. >He smiles and with his good arm pulls out a handgun from his labcoat pocket
  133. >"its all good man, Its always good"
  134. >you want to ask where he got it but you know Incog, he is always prepared somehow, total opposite of you
  135. "O-ok.. ok uhm.. see you later"
  136. >"get goin fag"
  137. "yeah yeah!"
  138. >you get up and run back the way you came following the signs to the east wing
  139. >hallway after hallway running running running
  140. >turning a corner out of breath you stop for a second and wipe your brow
  141. >Looking up you see that bacon haired alien standing there weapon aimed at you
  142. "O-h fuck"
  143. >"D-DONT M-MOVE!"
  144. >shes shaking alot
  145. >"P-PUT THE.. PUT IT D-DOWN"
  146. >do I put it down or not move.. oh fuck oh FUCK
  147. "u-uh.."
  148. >You slowly set the gun down and raise your hands up
  149. >She walks closer and closer..
  150. >Oh man this is scary
  151. >Your heart is thumping so hard you're sure she can hear it
  152. >Shes taller then you by a bit..
  153. >She grabs then guns then steps back quickly and begins slowly backing up to where she came from
  154. >>"HEY.. oh shit you got it! lets go Sunset"
  155. >Sunset? what a weird nam-
  156. >You dont even hear it really but feel it
  157. >The look on 'Sunsets' Face is of horror
  158. >What the fuck just.. the pain is really hitting you
  159. >The other girl.. tealish green with yellow hair has a gun raised..
  160. >Looking down your side. red as can be
  161. "F-Fuck"
  162. >You fall to your knees and grip your side
  163. >This can't be happening.. you're dead.. all of us
  164. >Because you fucked up.. oh no
  165. >The world goes black...
  167. >One Month Later
  168. >Opening your eyes you see a white room.. a blueish white blanket on yourbody
  169. >There is no pain anymore either
  170. "H-hello"?
  171. >You're in a hospital!
  172. >The door BURSTS open causing you to jump
  173. >"ANON! oh my god you are ok"
  174. >Incog comes and hugs you really tightly
  175. >you can barely breath
  176. "ff-aggot"
  177. >"HA never change anon.. oh man I'm so sorry for having you take that stupid gun.. I didnt think that they would go around and corner you like that"
  178. "its.. ok I guess"
  179. >Its not.. You've never been more scared in your life
  180. >"We both know its not, but I'll do all I can to make it better"
  181. >What could he do? time travel?
  182. >"I.. well I was gonna have it be a surprise but I know how you feel about those. no matter what it is, its always disapointing then you feel bad, right?"
  183. "yeah.."
  184. >Spot on character disection as usual
  185. >"A house dude, Your own and a ton of other cool shit. You dont gotta pay a dime ever I make enough"
  186. >He smiles
  187. >"Especially since the US military bought that gun and.. won the war"
  188. "W-what? already?"
  189. >"you've been out for a month. thats all it fucking took! one month. it took 1 fucking week and the "DiMER" was in production and 4 more weeks and boom"
  190. "Woah.."
  191. >"I know right? They even have me figuring out all kinds of magical shit from the pony lands and the tech from the Alien lands. Im already a millionare thanks to goverment grants.."
  192. "Brag brag brag"
  193. >"Hey! you get to too. Without you they would have got away. you stalled them just long enough for the military to arrive, they got captured and here we are"
  194. "I.. R-really helped?"
  195. >"hell yeah, totally not like a national hero now or anything.."
  199. >Incog seeing the terror on your face calms you down
  200. >"Woah woah calm down, no ones coming to see you. its all good trust me dude I told you I got you"
  201. "I'm not gonna be on TV?"
  202. >"Nope, And yes the house I got you is far away from people.. just you there"
  203. >might get lonley.. oh well its better that way
  204. >"Cmon anon lets get you out of here"
  206. >Getting out to the front of the hostpital you see a Limo
  207. "is that.."
  208. >"Hell yeah get in"
  209. >you realize how hungry you are.. so hungry
  210. >Your stomach gurgles loudly
  211. >"hungry?"
  212. "mhm"
  213. >stepping into the back you see its reall nice inside.. leather seats and all
  214. "woah.."
  215. >"I know right? I just got this the other day, hey! driver go to the nearest.. hey anon waht you want?"
  216. "Mcdonalds"
  217. >"ha yeah go there"
  218. "Who would have thought.. nearly die and all you want is chicken nuggets"
  219. >"that is the most anon thing you've said in so fucking long"
  220. >You start laughing and Incog joins in
  221. "so things are better now? the war is done? for real?"
  222. >"yessiry, you can even buy them!"
  223. "what?"
  224. >He blinks at you as if you should know
  225. >"right.. youve been out this whole time.. The aliens! you can BUY them"
  226. "like a slave?.."
  227. >"Yeah, same with the ponys but those are harder to deal with since they are either really strong, can fly, or do magic"
  228. >you think about it.. huh.. those things are creepy but
  229. "I want one"
  230. >"hah good one anon"
  231. >you stare at him with the most serious face you can muster.. well your face nearly always has that look but he can tell the difference
  232. >"really? even after what happened?"
  233. "Especially after what happened"
  234. >"Well.. I can look into it, If shes already been sold not much I can do.. Just don't get your hopes up I only got the blurry security cam footage to work with"
  235. "Sunset"
  236. >"huh?"
  237. "Her name is Sunset"
  238. >"and you know this how?"
  239. >looking out the window at the horizon.. and its really sunset out there, its pretty.. like.. NO don't think like that shes an alien
  240. "The other one called her that"
  241. >"nice catch, that will make things a hell of alot eaiser"
  242. >>>"Welcome to Mcdonalds how may I take your order?"
  243. >Incog moves up to the driver window and orders something, the driver orders something too
  244. >"and you want?"
  245. "20 nuggets, large fry"
  246. >Incog smiles
  247. >"fatass"
  248. "hey you are the one who got me shot, your fault im hungry"
  249. >you say with a smirk
  250. >incog roles his eyes and tells the worker your order
  251. >"you are NEVER gonna let that go are you?"
  252. "Nope! for the first time in forever I got something to throw back at you"
  253. >"I really am sorry about that.."
  254. >you sigh and begin to remember the pain, putting your hand to your side and holding it
  255. "i-its ok.."
  256. >Incog pats you on the back and your food arrives
  257. >You or Incog dont talk much more, just eating in silence looking out the window, the city fades. less houses the further you go. more trees
  258. until its only trees
  259. >"we will be there soon"
  260. "Where?"
  261. >"your new place retard"
  262. "Oh"
  263. >Arriving you look out the window and.. holy FUCK ITS H U G E
  264. "all mine?"
  265. >"all yours"
  266. "big"
  267. >"thats what she said"
  268. >not even responding you get out of the now parked limo and look up, big mansion that has a log cabin ashetic.. doesnt make munch sense when you think about it but its cool!
  269. >Three double garage doors off to the side
  270. >"Those have shit in them for you too, its furnished and I even moved all your stuff here"
  271. "really? thanks incog.. this is amazing"
  272. >"Its the least I could do, After all that.. I can't belive I sent you off like that.."
  273. "its ok really.. Im not sure I could even be hard on you after seeing.. this"
  274. >"heh you really like it that much?"
  275. "Fuck yeah.. Its gonna need a maid"
  276. >"I can hire one whenever"
  277. "no.. I think im gonna buy one. no! two"
  278. >"you really want to live with two of those things?"
  279. >Incog turns to face you and crosses his arms
  280. "Yeah"
  281. >he squints and stares at you analysing..
  282. "W-what?"
  283. >He smirks
  284. >"I didn't know you liked that kind of thing"
  285. "L-liked what!"
  286. >"Don't get all defensive dude I can read you like an open book in large print"
  287. >They are cute...
  288. "maybe.."
  289. >"go for it dude, do what ever the hell you want to them its fine, Just dont leave blood all over the floor eh? its nice wood and that would ruin it"
  290. "what?"
  291. >he looks confused for a second and his eyes widen and a smile forms
  292. >"HAHA OH MY GOD"
  293. >He begins laughing hysterically
  294. "WHAT!"
  295. >"y-you ha.. oh my fuck you want to FUCK them.. holy shit I thought.."
  296. "n-no!"
  297. >"oh man thats so much better then torture.. I really thought"
  298. "just.. shuddup"
  299. >"ok ok let me show you around"..
  301. >Be Wallflower Blush, in a metal cage...
  302. >f-fuck
  303. >best not to think about how you ended up here but they have not beaten you yet.. cant say the same for trixie over there
  304. >she is broken.. really broken
  305. >you are in the civialian cage.. what that means is you are considered "medium class goods"
  306. >lowest class is captured soliders, the rest you dont really know..
  307. >you only recognize a few of the people nearby.. over there in the "low class goods" cage is Sunset.. your first friend..
  308. >tears fill your eyes
  309. >NO dont think about it
  310. >The dim lights turn up to full hurting your eyes
  311. "ah"
  312. >Trixie who you share a cage with is bruised all over and it looks far worse in the light
  313. >"w-what are you looking at.. the great and.. nevermind"
  314. "Im sorry"
  315. >trixie looks down and puts her head in her hands
  316. >"this is just.. the worst"
  317. >without saying a word you go and hug her
  318. >been so long since you had a hug
  319. >She hugs you back
  320. >You hear talking from neaby
  321. "oh shit someones coming" you whisper
  322. >Trixie and you seperate and try to look like nothing is happening, dont want any attention
  323. >A green man in a suit walks behind the security gaurd and saleman.. your 'owner'
  324. >>"So what'll it be? You want one of those ponies or one of these? the more premium stock is in the next room"
  325. >>>"I am looking for something specific as I said"
  326. >This Terran looks around and even at you
  327. >OH NO
  328. >fear fills your eyes and surely trixies too
  329. >but he looks on.. until he spots the cage with Sunset
  330. >>>"hmm.. Sunset?"
  331. >She jumps out and her eyes widen very big
  332. >>>"So that is your name"
  333. >how does he know!
  334. >"T-Trixie thinks shes in trouble"
  335. "You might be right"
  337. >You and trixie shrink into yourselves
  338. >>>>"Why I oughtta.."
  339. >>>"excuse me? I think I want the orange one"
  340. >>"Are you sure? A man of your importance-"
  341. >>>"Yes, stop second guessing me or I'll fire you"
  342. >>"What? you cant fire me you arent my boss!"
  343. >>>"I am now faggot I bought the whole building this morning"
  344. >>"o-oh! I'm sorry sir yeah I'll get her for you"
  345. >Oh man this guy must be very important if he owns all of you now.. and he wants SUNSET for himself?.. what is he gonna do to her
  346. >>>"And I need another.."
  347. >the Saleman walks over to you and trixie, angry.. you are gonna get beat
  349. >Trixie goes berserk in fear instantly
  350. >she backs up to the other side of the cage
  352. >The saleman grabs the Baton off of the security gaurds belt
  353. >"NOOO"
  354. >>>"holy fuck just dont.."
  355. >the man puts his hand to his eyes and lowers his head a bit
  356. >>"just.. I'll take um.. both"
  357. >>"After they get their punishment"
  359. >>>"NO, NOW"
  360. >trixie is less afraid and same with you
  361. >the salemen is confused and looks at you
  362. >>"Got off easy, vermin"
  363. >you and trixie are taken and but your shackles are connected to Sunsets, whos been quiet this whole time
  364. >>>"cmon lets go, can you.. blue fucker just.. not yell"
  365. >He shakes his head and sighs loudly and mumbles to himself
  366. >>>"if this chick yells Anon is gonna be in a bad mood"
  367. >all of you stay quiet and are lead outside to a.. black limo
  368. >woah
  369. >>>"ehh I did not think this through.. uhm just get in"
  370. >All of you look at each other in confusion
  371. >>>"yeah ok this is weird for you and weird for me, I did not see myself here doing this today, Just chill out and everything will be fine. deal? deal"
  372. >in the back of the limo you and your friends sit on.. the really nice comfy leather seats
  373. >"T-thank you..M-master.. these are really nice seats"
  374. >>>"uhhh well.. How about you don't call me that, you are a gift for a friend.. but uh.. you're welcome"
  375. >he looks very confused and a bit nervous
  376. >Sunset is still quiet staring at this mystery man
  377. >the mystery man looks to her
  378. >>>"What the fuck do you want?"
  379. >She jumps a bit and looks down"
  380. >>>>>"n-nothing.."
  381. >>>"lies, tell me you have to"
  382. >>>>>"ok.. h-h-how did you know.. m-my name.."
  383. >The man smiles a bit of an evil grin
  384. >>>"Lets just say the one who wanted you heard it"
  385. >so vauge.. what does that mean..
  387. >You are Sunset Shimmer.. This has really been an emotional rollercoaster these last few months
  388. >Now you are.. are a slave.. and this guy knows your name because.. someone heard it.. but who?
  389. >so.. so tired
  390. >Drifting off to sleep Nightmares of that day come back to you.. that guy lightning dust shot.. *BANG*
  391. >it jolts you awake
  392. >>>"We're here.. Anon's place, now this guy is a bit weird but don't tell him I said that, He needs maids for his house.. dig?"
  393. >"O-ok"
  394. >trixie says.. how can she talk to these Terrans? I guess she never fought them
  395. >getting out of limo you look around
  396. >holy buck its HUGE
  397. >"AHA! Trixies new home is great and powerful!"
  398. >she quickly covers her mouth
  399. >>>"oh boy, well.. this is it yeah, get used to it"
  400. >he is nice for a Terran.. its clear you all think so
  401. >You really hope this guy is nice to Wallflower shes just to preciuous for this world
  402. >stepping up to the two large doors the mystery man opens them and points you in
  403. >following your commands you enter.. this plcae is so cool even on the inside
  404. >you hate to admit it but.. it could be worse
  406. >A minute later another Terran walks across the balcony. two stairways one on each side lead straight up there to the hallway
  407. >he stands for a second and tilts his head
  408. >>>>"Uh.. Incog thats 3"
  409. >>>"yes its 3 you idiot"
  410. >>>>"Did i not say 2?"
  411. >>>"You did but.."
  412. >he looks back at you three and clearly is thinking about what to say..
  413. >>>"Are you really gonna complain about 1 more?"
  414. >>>>"Guess not"
  415. >this "Anonymous" begins walking down the stairs twords you.. hes your.. owner
  416. >>>"Ok introduce yourself"
  417. >he points at Trixie
  418. >"me? I'm The Great and Powerful Trrrixie!"
  419. >she says clearly out of pure habit, she tried to raise her one arm while the other was on her hib but the shackles prevented it and she stumbled slightly
  420. >"o-or thats what i used to be called.. j-just call me Trixie"
  421. >>>>"Not so great and powerful now"
  422. >Silence
  423. >>>"Geez good job anon, real good first impression"
  424. >>>"and you?"
  425. >Wallflowers eyes go wide and she starts shaking more
  426. >>"I-Im...wallflower bl-"
  427. >barely audible at all she cant even..
  428. "Her name is Wallflower Blush, and my Name is Sunset Shimmer.. b-but you already knew my name"
  429. >you look to anonymous and..
  430. >its
  431. >ITS THAT GUY
  432. >ALIVE
  433. >THE ONE... THE THE
  434. "sweet celestia.."
  435. >falling to your knees you close your eyes and raise your hands up begging
  437. >silence
  438. >A few moments later you loop up to see Anonymous just standing there.. further back then before with a look on his face much like yours.. worry
  439. >>>>"I-im gonna.. go somewhere else, Incog just make them shower or something and you can go"
  440. >>>"uh.. ok sure"
  441. >isnt he worried about you trying to escape?
  442. >Anon leaves, back up the stairs
  443. >Incog as hes called unlocks all your shackles and leaves them there on the floor
  444. >>>"well go shower, I have no idea where they are but I'm sure you will find them"
  445. >>>"Oh yeah id not think about escaping, there are like 50 miles of woods in all directions, and if I caught ya id skin you alive"
  446. >holy buck
  447. >>>"HA i got you good, just joking.. buut not really, see ya later fags"
  448. >and like that hes gone
  451. >You are Wallflower Blush
  452. "W-whats happening?"
  453. >"Good question" Sunset says
  454. >>"Sunset.. how do you know Master?"
  455. >"Well.. I don't wnat to talk about it"
  456. >>"Hmmp! of course she doesn't"
  457. >You start walking to the lower hallway in hopes of finding the shower first
  458. >>"Hey! where is green bean over there going"
  459. >green bean? wha.. just keep walking
  460. >listen to instructions and don't get hurt, its that simple
  461. >"What we should be doing, finding the shower.."
  464. >You are Anon
  465. >And you maybe made some poor choices
  466. "why did i do this.."
  467. >throwing yourself on your bed you sprall yourself out and stare at the ceiling
  468. "How am i gonna deal with 3 other people everyday"
  469. >cheer up anon! they are cute you know.. you really like that green one don't you?
  470. "Yeah.. I just wanna grab her in my arms and.."
  471. >Hug her? I know you do.. Im you after all
  472. "I should stop talking to myself"
  473. >You really should
  474. >You need some clothes for them.. m-maid outfits oh my
  475. >getting up out of bed you move across the room to your PC
  476. >Google time
  477. >Looking up maid outfits you pause and think.. what size do they wear?
  478. >FUCK
  479. >Looking up Aliens you find what the official name for the things you have are
  480. >Wow lame they are now officially known as "Equestrian Bipeds" but isnt that mean horse? then two legged? HA holy fuck thats great TWO LEGGED HORSE, amazing
  481. >You contuine your search until you find a website selling clothing for them
  482. >Nice, looking more there are only a couple of sizes with pictures for eacch size
  483. >They all Match pic number 3 pretty much
  484. >Size 3 it is, Looking more you search and find some maid outfits
  485. >into the cart they go, some Tshirts and other things females need like panties and bras all that shit, and.. there are collars
  486. >Like for leashes, trackers and a buzzer? no! shocker.. hm
  487. >Yeah ima get 3 of those too
  488. >In the cart, order placed
  489. >2 hour shipping option.. WOW
  490. >Will arrive in 2 hours? holy shit how
  491. >You live an hour away from any civilizaiton
  492. >you decide to take a nap for that long, just cause
  494. >You are sunset shimmer, in a towel.. waiting
  495. >So is Wallflower and Trixie.. just sitting here in the bathroom all cleaned up
  496. >"Well.. should we just keep waiting?.."
  497. "I guess?"
  498. >*KNOCK KNOCK*
  499. "c-come in!"
  500. >>>"oh um here you go.."
  501. >anon is there and puts a box of clothes down..
  502. >maid outfits.. of course
  503. >he looks up and his small eyes that all Terrans have go wide
  504. >whats he looking at?
  505. >oh
  506. >hes looking at you all since.. only a towel
  507. >>>"a-anyways.. Im sure you are hungry.. I'll.. grab something, come to the dining room once done"
  508. >just like that hes gone
  510. >Be anon in the dining room
  511. >and WOW are they.. just wow
  512. >you gotta touch them soon, so soft looking
  513. >Looking to the counter you see a bowl of apples
  514. "That will have to do"
  515. >Setting the bowl on the table you take a seat and wait
  516. >a few minutes later and Trixie, Sunset and Wallflower show up looking.. nice
  517. >they all take seats at the table and just look at you
  518. "You know.. I have absolutely no idea what to do right now, I am so far out of my element"
  519. >They look at each other exchaning glances
  520. "uh.."
  521. >you fiddle your thumbs and look down at them
  522. "I guess you can have an apple or two.. I really just, FUCK"
  523. >you yell startling them all
  524. >standing up you put your hands over your face in shame
  525. "whats even going on? why am I HERE.. holy shit"
  526. >falling back into your chair the weight of everything thats happended in the past.. forever really just settles in
  527. "I just don't get it, fucking aliens here and then.. war?? WHY I dont even know, then im getting shot at and im in the hospital and shit, then im HERE in this MASSIVE house.. WHAT DO YOU DO WITH SOMETHING SO LARGE?"
  528. >you.. start crying, its just too much
  529. "i-i dont even understand whats happening. now you three are just here and my maids i guess"
  530. >"I-its ok anon, W-what do you want us to do?.."
  531. "I dont know.. s-sunset"
  532. >"um.. Is there a reason you wanted me here? are you gonna hurt me for what I did?.. im really sorry"
  533. >sniffling and wiping away your tears you look up at her
  534. "No, I don't want to hurt you..I saw how you felt about it..y-you were just the only girl to ever really care in any way"
  535. >you fucked up
  536. >"o-oh"
  537. >silence
  538. >you get up and walk to the living room couch and just lay down and hug the pillow that was there.. well this is one of like 3 living rooms
  539. >"hey anon.. thanks"
  540. "for?"
  541. >"buying us"
  542. "I dont understand.."
  543. >"who ever was gonna end up buying us was probably gonna beat and rape us or something like that"
  544. "whos to say I wont?"
  545. >"because.. um.. you seem nice"
  546. "o-kay"
  547. >you dont really move just stay still
  548. >"do you want a hug?"
  549. >you do..
  550. "yeah that would be nice"
  551. >Sunset sits next to you and you sit up and lean into her and she hugs you
  552. >you feel a bit of blood flow if you know what I mean
  553. >no one.. ever touched you like this
  554. >you lean into her more and wrap your arms around hers
  555. "t-thank you"
  556. >"you are my master arent you?"
  557. >w-woah.. you are
  558. "maybe"
  559. >you say in a real quiet voice
  560. >>"Trixie thinks you have undiagnosed mental issues"
  561. >jumping a bit out of sunsets arms you quickly stand up and turn around to see Trixie and Wallflower standing there
  562. >>"Uhm.. uhm.. I mean Anon you are great and I said nothing mean at all pleasedonthitmeimsorry"
  563. "uh.."
  564. >>>"um.. if you are giving out hugs id like one"
  565. >now everyone is looking at the very green girl
  566. >sunset smiles
  567. >"he is, cmere and hug anon"
  568. >o-oh my
  569. >she walks around the couch and hugs you a bit akwardly
  570. "this is nice"
  571. >>>"can we stay like this forever?"
  572. "yeah"
  574. End Part 1.. maybe I'll make more I'm not sure what they do now that they are owned
  575. I doubt it, this isnt what I wanted it to be like

Pony Formers, Stand alone and part of something

by SunriseLightbeam

Slave Equestria Girl Story

by SunriseLightbeam

Special Needs

by SunriseLightbeam

Special Needs 2

by SunriseLightbeam

Pony Reaper (Kinder)

by SunriseLightbeam