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309 1.74 KB 35
>Breathe in. Breathe out
>You gripped the bar tight, planted your feet on the floor, remember, lift with the idea of pulling the bar apart. The anticipation pounded your heart… or maybe that was the preworkout you chugged.
>You really need to lower your caffeine intake.
“Let’s do this.”
>New pr, you got this
>You sucked the air in, then lifted the bar then slowly lowered your arms until the bar hit your chest.
>Between your gritted teeth, you hissed out the air then pushed your arms.
>There… almost there. Almost…
>You look over to the guy across, who was too busy on his phone
>Well shit, guess you have to dip the bar to have the plates fall
>Or so you thought
>A hand lifted the bar back up
>The bar, a 275lbs barbell
>With one hand
>What a monster
>“Are you alright hon?”
>You hear a sweet feminine voice, was her gf there?
>You sit back up and turn around
>Sweet fucking Christ
>She’s so fucking tal land what’s up with that silver hair?
>“Uh… yeah I’m fine. Thanks.”
>“I’m Tower Shield." She held out her hand.
“Tower. Shield. That’s your name?”
>“Yup. Tower Shield of House Shield. Descendant of General Storm Shield.”
>You assumed she was larping, until you noticed her furry horse ears.
“You’re an equestrian.”
>“Sure am.” Her voice was husky yet with a pleasant sweet tone like rum
“Anonymous, you can call me Anon.”
>“Nice to meet you, Anon. Look..."
>She fidgeted with her hands, looking down with a bashful look.
>"I may come from a noble house, but I'm an Earth Tribe gal. I'm going to do this the old-fashioned way."
>"Uh... what do you- shit!"
>She picked you up by holding your waist, and carried you off.
>"You're gonna love Equestria, trust me."
by anonkuru
by anonkuru
by anonkuru
by anonkuru
by anonkuru