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/Kinder/ short - Death Anon [COMPLETE]

By Eccentric_Anon
Created: 2021-08-20 08:54:22
Updated: 2021-09-26 10:02:08
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt: Anon has been tapped to be kinderquestria's next grim reaper/death deity, after the old one retired/quit. It's his job to help kinderponies understand that they're dead an make it to the afterlife
  3. >Be Anon, the grim reaper of Kinderquestria.
  4. >You're currently in Ponyville Hospital, making your way to your assignment.
  5. >Reaching Room 204 you walk in...
  6. >You see a soul before you that's been freshly released from it's body.
  7. >It's your job to help release it from this void and to it's afterlife.
  8. >Uh's Granny Smith, Applejack is going to need some serious cuddles from her friends...
  9. >Looks a lot younger though, souls appear as if they're in the prime of their lives.
  10. >"W'ere 'n tarnation am ah? Whoa! ah'm young 'gain! Ah bet ah could run n' jump around like ah used to!"
  11. "Hello Granny Smith"
  12. >The soul before you looks confused.
  13. >"Um, have we met 'fore mister?"
  14. "We have not, I'm...well...death. I'm afraid your dead Granny Smith"
  15. >"Wut? No ah ain't! Ah ain't feelin' one bit dead! 'Fact I feel better'n ever!"
  16. "That's BECAUSE you're dead. You don't have a mortal body that feels aches and pains anymore."
  17. >Suddenly, she looks somehow pale, despite being well, a ghost.
  18. >"W-wut are you gunna do tah meh?"
  19. "Simple, to take you from floating here, to Elysium. To your final resting place.
  20. >"But...but wut 'bout Applejack 'n Big Mac 'n Applebloom?"
  21. "I'm afraid they'll have to stay here for now, Granny. I'm sorry but that's how it works, they'll return to you one day. That much I promise you.
  22. "However, there are two more that have been waiting a long time to reunite with you!"
  23. >Suddenly, she perks up
  24. >"Y-you mean..."
  25. "Yes. Bright Mac and Pear Butter have been waiting since THEIR time came to see you again, and today that day has come."
  26. >Looking a bit happier, she asks:
  27. >"Wut's it like over'n Elysium?"
  28. "Well, ponies play all day over there, they never get sick or old. When they're not playing, they do what they wish to do. Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and all the other Apples that went there before you have an orchard in Elysium. I'm sure they'd be elated to see you again and to partake in all the apple recipes you could eat with them!"
  29. >"Well, wut're you waitin' fer? Lead the way Mister Death!"
  30. "I was hoping you'd say that."
  31. >You take out your sickle, to an intimidated looking mare
  32. "Don't worry, it won't hurt at all. I'm simply releasing you from this void so you can get to your destination"
  33. >Granny put her hooves over her eyes as you swing
  34. "Already done Granny! Now then, let's get you to that orchard on the other side!"
  35. >You reach out your hand, and a portal opens, showing a bright, colorful realm.
  36. >In the distance, you could see an apple orchard which you point to
  37. "There it is, just over there. It was nice meeting you Granny Smith!
  38. >"Ain't you comin'?"
  39. "Can't I'm afraid, it's not my time yet either. I still have much work to do, more ponies like you to lead to that joyous realm.
  40. >"Hmm, alright then. Thank you Mister Death!"
  41. >Granny then jumps into the portal, with it closing behind her
  42. >You take out the scroll stashed in your robes and a quill, and put a check mark next to Granny Smith's name.
  43. >The name on the scroll changes to another, apparently this one is all the way in Cloudsdale
  44. >A reapers work is never done, even in a land as innocent as this one...

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