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/Kinder/ - Dadanon Chapter 1: The Naptime Bandit [WIP/HIATUS]

By Eccentric_Anon
Created: 2021-08-29 10:22:15
Updated: 2021-09-26 10:03:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >Ponyville's naptime came and went rather uneventfully.
  2. >Sometimes you get one or two ponies who can't sleep or had a spooky nightmare, and want you nearby so they can go back to sleep.
  3. >However, like today, it doesn't always happen.
  4. >You dry your hands after finishing your dishes and head back to your market stand.
  5. >As you set back up, you see the familiar sight of groggy ponies shambling their ways out of their homes and back to whatever they were doing beforehand.
  6. >Some go back to their jobs, others go back to their friends to play and hang out.
  7. >You do see one who is making her way over to your stand slowly.
  8. >You recognize her as the owner of the "Adult Toy Store" you visited before; A mare by the name of Plush Heart
  9. >You see, toys are important in Equestria, even to adult ponies.
  10. >To actually MAKE the toys, is a prestigious position indeed for the rare pony that can manage it.
  11. >It's on the level of being a doctor or a scientist on Earth!
  12. >As for Plush Heart herself, you've helped her plenty of times since you first met her.
  13. >She's come a long way from the self-doubting mare you met back then.
  14. >Speaking of coming, she's here.
  15. >*yawn* "Hey, dad."
  16. "Good afternoon Plush Heart. Have a good nap?"
  17. >Smiling, she beams back.
  18. "Yeah I did!"
  19. >Suddenly, she begins looking down and pawing her hoof on the ground.
  20. >A common sign of a nervous pastel hoers.
  21. >"By the way, I have something I need to ask you about..."
  22. >"Ask away."
  23. >"So, you know things have been going well in my store here in Ponyville...but...I was thinking about moving near my coltfriend in Fillydelphia!"
  24. >"But ponies here just love my toys! Can I really just walk away from that? But how can I walk away from my coltfriend too! He's so funny, and nice, and...and!"
  25. >You extend your hand out and scratch behind her ears to help calm the rambling poner down
  26. >Once she's calmed down, you reply:
  27. "This actually is a difficult decision, I can see why you came to me for this! Now let's see...
  28. >You scratch your chin as you think.
  29. >Maybe...
  30. "Well, I do know Rarity was planning on expanding and opening a store in Canterlot at some point in the near future."
  31. "Following your heart often works wonders here in Equestria. Perhaps you could settle down in Fillydelphia, while having your original shop here as the expansion? You could probably even ask her for some tips on expanding out. Then nopony goes without your toys here, while you get to be with the one you love."
  32. >You see the green coated mare perk up at your advice.
  33. >"Yeah...yeah I think that would work! Thanks dad, you're the best!"
  34. >The toymare pulls you into a hug while putting some bits down on the counter of your advice stand.
  35. >"In fact...I think I even have an idea for a special toy I could make for a Goodbye Sale! I'd better get to work! And thanks again!"
  36. You wave to her as she runs off, with whatever idea she has fresh in her mind.
  37. "Goodbye Plush Heart, good luck!"
  38. >You only notice now that the ponies who have walked up during your conversation have grown more excited at the prospect of a new, special toy being made.
  39. >The idea seems to even be distracting them from the fact that she's moving away.

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/Kinder/ - Dadanon Chapter 1: The Naptime Bandit [WIP/HIATUS]

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