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/Stallion/ - Butterscotch x Anon [WIP/HIATUS]

By Eccentric_Anon
Created: 2021-08-20 08:57:01
Updated: 2021-09-26 10:03:56
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Butterscotch
  2. >"No no, wait! I got another one! Why haven't I worn my gay sweater?"
  3. >You're having to listen to yet another one of Rainbow Blitz's mean jokes about gay stallions
  4. >You've known for a long time that you were...attracted to other stallions, but...
  5. >"it hasn’t come out of the closet yet!! AHAHAHA!"
  6. >You were afraid to tell everypony, to say the least
  7. >Applejack chuckles
  8. >"Heh, I'll admit, that'n got me Blitz!"
  9. >"Why Rainbow Blitz, that joke is simply rude and crass!"
  10. >Blitz shoots a suspecting look at Elusive, and says:
  11. >"What, are you a queer or somethin' Elusive?"
  12. >"Goodness, not at all! But a gentleman doesn't make such mean-spirited jokes! And neither should you!"
  13. Suddenly, the group's leader Dusk Shine replies
  14. >"Elusive has a point there Rainbow Blitz. We're the Elements of Harmony. We're supposed to spread friendship, even to those of a...homosexual persuasion."
  15. >Blitz rolls his eyes
  16. >"Man don't be such a spoil sport egghead! It's not like there's any homos at the table!"
  17. >Rainbow Blitz doesn't know how wrong he is.
  18. >He's your childhood friend, but you've kept your sexuality secret from him for years now.
  19. >You're truthfully afraid of how he'd react to be honest.
  20. >He's the element of loyalty and your childhood friend, so he SHOULD stand by you despite. But, he makes such jokes about stallions like you...
  21. >You wish he knew how badly those jokes hurt sometimes, but you can't say anything lest he suspect the truth.
  22. >"Now, if we're finished making jokes in poor taste, let's discuss why we're all here."
  23. >A few hours later, Dusk is done with his lecture on friendship problems prevailing in Equestria and you begin to head home
  24. >Along the way, you see Rainbow Blitz go up to the local alien, Anon
  25. >"Hey Anon, I got this great joke!"
  26. >Oh no, not again...
  27. >"What is it?"
  28. >"A son walks up to his dad and says "Dad! I just had sex for the first time." The dad goes "Great! Wanna sit down and talk about it?“ The son says "I cant sit right now, my butt is very sore! HAHAHA!!"
  29. >"Well, I'm sure he'll get used to it."
  30. >Blitz seems to look disappointed in his response
  31. >"Wait what? You don't think it's funny?"
  32. >The apelien shrugs his shoulders
  33. >"Eh, not really"
  34. >"You a fudge-packer or something? Everypony loves that one! How can you not at least giggle?"
  35. >"Hey, don't knock it till you try it Blitz. Or given how obsessed you are over gays, maybe you have...So hey, second or third time's the charm, sport!"
  36. >Rainbow Blitz suddenly gets a shocked expression on his face
  37. >"W-what? But! and I'm not! But I never! Ugh!"
  38. >Blitz suddenly takes off, making a rainbow trail in the sky growing towards his house
  39. >You can't believe it. The anon shrugged off the whole thing! And the way he turned it around on Blitz and made him stop, wow!
  40. >You walk towards him amazed and begin to speak
  41. "W-wow Anon, you actually made him stop! You're so...BRAVE!"
  42. >"Eh not really, he's pretty boring. He seems pretty obsessed over gay stallions, maybe he's deep in the closet or something?"
  43. >Giggling, you say
  44. "Maybe, he's done this for a while now. Ever since high school in Cloudsdale. I really wish he'd stop."
  45. >"Have you tried talking to him about it Butterscotch?"
  46. "N-no...I'm just not confident enough to do it! He's so insistent on these! He doesn't know how much it hurts me...*eep*
  47. >You quickly put a hoof over your mouth, you look at Anon hoping you didn't expose your secret
  48. >Anon smiles at you
  49. >"Well, maybe I can help you. After all...
  50. >he leans down and whispers
  51. >"...Homos gotta stick together.
  53. >You are now Anon
  54. >And wow, the way Butterscotch's face is going red is so cute!
  55. >More than that, he's let it slip that he's gay too!
  56. >Your gaydar was going off pretty heavily with him already, but now you're finally past that stage of things.
  57. >You've been interested in the butter yellow stallion for a while now. He's one of the nicest guys you've ever met, and probably the cutest guy around if you're honest.
  58. >Oh, he's trying to say something while you're lost in your thoughts, act natural!
  59. >"S-so um, you...know then? That I'm..."
  60. "Yes"
  61. >Nailed it
  62. >"*eep*!"
  63. >Or not
  64. >He somehow quickly lowers to an even lower whisper
  65. >"Please Anon...p-please don't tell anypony!"
  66. "So you ARE in the closet Butterscotch?"
  67. >"N-y-yeah.."
  68. "Well, as I was saying, maybe I can help you. Nopony should have to be stuck there, I know from experience."
  69. >He suddenly fiddles with his hooves
  70. >"Um, maybe we could talk more at, m-my cottage?"
  71. "Is that a date?"
  72. >His face goes from yellow to red again
  73. >"Umm, uh...I mean..."
  74. >Cute, CUTE
  75. "Don't worry I was just pulling your leg. I apologize if that was mean. I'll see you there Butters, maybe in about three hours?"
  76. >"S-sure. And, um...thank you, Anon"
  77. "Don't mention it, see you there Butterscotch!"
  78. >"Y-you too"
  81. >You are yet again Butterscotch
  82. >Be flying back to your home
  83. >And you. are. TERRIFIED!!!
  84. >What in Equestria were you THINKING, inviting him into your cottage already?!
  85. >What if he sees all the animals and thinks you're like some crazy cat lady, only a stallion?
  86. >What if he comes across your Neighponese anime and manga collection? He'll surely think you're a massive weeaboo!
  87. >What if he was just lying about being gay too, and is going to expose you to everypony?!
  88. >You just want to crawl into a hole and never come back out again...
  89. >You shake out of your thoughts just in time to prevent hitting your head against the door
  90. >Getting inside, you see that it's a mess
  91. >Your animals are always well behaved, it's just that you haven't cleaned up in a while
  92. >Then it hits you completely...
  93. "Oh no, he'll be here in no-time, I gotta prepare!
  94. >You rush and get everything cleaned up
  95. >You take a shower, and make sure to use the bathroom
  96. >Making sure Mister Bear doesn't think he's an intruder among other potential incidents, you tell all of your animals that an important guest is arriving, and for all of them to be on their best behaviors!
  97. >You make sure to feed them, deal with any injuries, give them brushies, and everything else you usually do for them
  98. >Before you know it, you jump nearly to the ceiling as you hear a knock at your door
  99. >Oh Celestia, he's here!
  100. "C-coming!"
  101. >Looking around quickly, you make sure EVERYTHING is in order before answering
  102. >When you do, tall, green and handsome is standing in front of you
  103. >"Can I come inside, Butterscotch?
  104. "O-ok...I mean, sure!
  106. >Still be Butterbutt
  107. >You move out of the way to let Anonymous in
  108. >and oh Celestia you're a nervous wreck right now
  109. >Suddenly, your guest speaks making you jump once again
  110. >"So, what'd you want to talk about 'Scotch?"
  111. "U-um. W-ell, every-everything I guess?"
  112. >Gotta calm down, gotta calm down.
  113. >He was a predator in his world, right? He can surely sense fear, right?
  115. >"Sure, I'll let you go first since you invited me into your home"
  116. "Well, I uh, I guess...are you really, you know, like m-me? You know, into...into..."
  117. >You lower into an almost inaudible whisper
  118. "stallions"
  119. >"Yep. Probably ever since puberty, what about you?"
  120. >You calm a bit at this, but are still trembling badly
  121. "Um...s-same. I've never been interested in mares. T-they just don't...have something, y'know?"
  122. >"Like a dick?"
  123. *squeak* Y-yeah, I guess. And stallions are just...stronger, a-and they look nice, and smell great and-and
  124. >Suddenly you find Anon's hand on your head, petting your mane.
  125. >Before you know it you lose the ability to talk, and lean into his...what'd he call them? dunno can't thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkk
  127. >Be Anon
  128. >Your yellow host has been trembling and stuttering the entire time you've been here
  129. >He must be a nervous wreck, having kept this a secret for so long
  130. >Before you even realized what you were doing, you reached your hand out and began to pet him
  131. >It's been kind of a autonomous reaction to distressed pastel horses ever since you arrived here
  132. >Dusk Shine was actually the first you did this for. You saw him sperging out about something you don't even remember and your hand connected to his head before you even knew what happened
  133. >Suffice to say, it worked. It calmed him down and was able to rationally solve whatever problem he had.
  134. >You know, you kinda wanna try something
  135. >Withdrawing your hand, you move it to behind his ear, and begin scratching
  136. >*squeak*! "du-dun stahp, sho gud"
  137. >There we go. He's stopped trembling completely, and throughout this petting you've learned something vital
  138. >Butterscotch is the softest pony you've pet so far!
  139. >A while has passed, with Butterscotch eventually going quiet.
  140. >He rest his head on your leg and relaxed as the ear scritches continued, only to look saddened a bit as you withdrew your hand
  141. >Quickly, he switched gears and looked happy
  142. >"W-wow, that was amazing Anon! It really helped me to calm down, thank you!"
  143. "No problem, shall we continue with our talk?"
  144. >"Oh yeah! Sure."
  145. >'Scotch ponders a bit and asks:
  146. >"Has anypony, y'know, had problems with you liking other stallions?"
  147. "Some back home. However, from what I've gathered in the months I've been in your world, ponies are a lot more accepting than the people in my world. I mean if Rainbow Blitz's dumb jokes are the worst I've gotten here, I don't think you've got much to worry about Butterscotch.
  148. >Uh oh, that seems to have worried him a bit
  149. >"What do you mean, it was worse where you came from?"
  150. >You think on the response a bit, since you don't want to scare him too badly and undo the progress you've made
  151. "Kinda, some people would actually try and hurt you if they found out you were gay, but as I said this doesn't seem like it's the case here in Equestria"
  152. "Besides, as I said back in Ponyville, I've got your back man! You don't have to do this alone."
  153. >This seemed to relieve the fear he had
  154. >"Thank you, I think I still need time to c-come out. I'm just not used to having somepony there for me who understands."
  155. >You pat butterboi on the back and say
  156. "You're welcome. Let me know whenever you want to talk again and I'll be happy to help."
  157. >As you begin to head out, Butters squeaks something out at you
  158. >"Oh uh, Anon? One more thing?"
  159. "Yes?"
  160. >You turn around to see that he's trembling again
  161. >"Do you wanna, uh, g-go on a d-d-date with m-me? Maybe at your h-house sin-since I'm still, y'know, in the c-closet?"
  162. >You admit, you've been waiting for this moment. Even if you didn't realize at first that you were.
  163. "Sure, does tomorrow at 6pm sound good?"
  164. >"Y-yeah"
  167. >Be Butters again
  168. >For the second time today, you feel like you're about to have a heart attack
  169. >You swear you smell spaghetti wafting up from the pockets of your green sweater as you play back the events of the last few minutes
  170. >You just jumped the gun a bit and asked Anon on a date, as awkwardly as you possibly could.
  171. >It was so autistic you could swear you were channeling Dusk for a moment there!
  172. >Banishing the rude thought from your head, you're mortified as you realize that now you went from having your house prepared for having Anon over, to NOW having to prepare for going on an indoor date with him...
  173. >...IN HIS OWN HOUSE!!
  174. >Suddenly, you begin losing consciousness as the panic overtakes you
  175. >Your yellow body falls unconscious onto the couch, as you dream of rabbits and other cute animals frolicking...
  176. >You woke up sometime later and dragged yourself into bed
  177. >It took some time to get back to sleep, but before you knew it, it was morning again...
  178. > could tell by Angel waking you up
  179. >Oh dear, it's time for his morning nom-noms!
  180. >You fly down the stairs nearly as fast as Blitz could, and begin preparing his meal
  181. >As you prepare the breakfasts of your other animal friends, you suddenly remember what happened yesterday
  182. >Specifically, at the end
  183. >"Do you wanna, uh, g-go on a d-d-date with m-me? Maybe at your h-house sin-since I'm still, y'know, in the c-closet?"
  184. >"Sure, does tomorrow at 6pm sound good?"
  185. >"Y-yeah"
  186. >"Cool, see ya tomorrow!"
  188. >You've never even been on a date before in your life! What are you even supposed to do?!
  189. >Ok Butters, lets calm down or atleast try to
  190. >You could ask Elusive for advice, he's surely been on more dates than you have feathers on your wings!
  191. >Then again, he's the town's rumor mill. And word could get out that could, well, out you...
  192. >Maybe Rainbow Blitz?
  193. >Nah, he'd just gloat about some date that never happened.
  194. >Then make more of those jokes you hate...
  195. >Come on, think!
  196. >Oh! Maybe Dusk has books on dating advice!
  197. >Satisfied with your solution, you finish with your animals and fly towards the pop playset castle
  199. >After the long flight from your cottage, you arrive at Dusk's castle
  200. >You enter the castle as softly as only you can, and make your way to meet with Dusk Shine
  201. >You find your royal friend in his favorite place in his giant home, which just so happens to be your destination.
  202. >His castle library
  203. >He's reading a book right now and doesn't seem to know you're here.
  204. >You quietly speak up
  205. "H-hey Dusk"
  206. >Suddenly, his eyes shift from the book he was pre-occupied with and notices your presence
  207. >"Oh, hey Butterscotch, I didn't hear you come in! Need a book? I just got this one about the history of Canterlonian stonework and-"
  208. "Yeah I, uh, need a book on d-dating advice. See I have one happening toni-"
  209. >He grows a smile on his face and interupts you
  210. >"Oh wow, congratulations Butters! So who's the lucky mare you sly dog you!"
  211. >Uh oh, excuse not to say, quick!
  212. "Uh, well, you know what Elusive always says: A gentleman never kisses and tells"
  213. >"Haha alright, then!
  214. >Whew
  215. >"Well I think I have a few books you could use. Infact, I've read quite a bit on the subject and am practically an expert by now!
  216. >"Let me give you some tips while I find them!"
  217. >This worked out spectacularly already! Not only does he have the books, he knows a bit too and isn't even going to pry into who you're dating!
  218. >You're saved!
  220. >You return to being Anon
  221. >And it's nearly time for your date with Butterscotch
  222. >Almost everything is ready!
  223. >The food fresh and on the plates
  224. >The fancy china is being used
  225. >And the candle on the table is waiting to be lit to set the mood
  226. >All that remains is for a certain shy stallion to show up
  227. *knock knock knock*
  228. >Suddenly you hear an almost inaudible knocking at your door, that must be him
  229. "Coming!"
  230. >You open the door to see the Element of Kindness awaiting you, dressed in a tuxedo that Elusive made him for the Grand Galloping Gala
  231. "H-hey there, um, s-s-sugarflank! Can I come inside?"
  232. >Oh no, what is this?
  233. >He's already acting differently than his normal self
  234. >You feel that you are now in Spaghetti DEFCON 4
  235. >You can already smell the noodles and sauce rising, and not even because that's what you're serving for your date night
  236. "Sure? Come on in Butters"
  237. >Butterscotch looks around in wonder
  238. >"Wow, so this is what your house is like Anon? I've never been inside here, it looks nice!"
  239. "Thank you, wait until you see the dining area I've got set up for tonight"!
  240. >You lead your date to the table, pulling his chair out for him
  241. >Once he sits his [spoiler]quite sizable[/spoiler] butterbutt into the chair, you push it back in for him
  242. >"So, um, w-what're we having?"
  243. >It's literally right in front of him.
  244. "Spaghetti, salad, and some breadsticks I picked up from the local bakery"
  245. >Seems Sugarcube Corner doesn't just do confectionary. Bubble Berry makes some simply DELICIOUS breadsticks!
  246. >You don't know how, but he somehow knew you had a date tonight.
  247. >Always strange that one.
  248. >He pauses a bit to think
  249. >"Sounds delicious! I-I look forward to all the future meals you make for me at home!"
  250. >Spaghetti DEFCON 3
  251. "What? What do you mean?"
  252. >Suddenly he presses his ears to his head
  253. >"I, uh, I mean, n-nothing! Sorry"
  254. >You need to move this along quick
  255. "It's fine, here, I'll get you some food"
  256. >He suddenly remembers something and looks saddened
  257. >"Oh no! I meant to get the flowers and chocolate! Oh s-sugar honey iced tea, I ruined the date already!"
  258. >You decide to reassure him, despite the already awkward atmosphere
  259. "It's ok Butters, the date isn't ruined! It's the thought that counts, ok?"
  260. >He lightens up a bit
  261. >"T-thanks. So um, is this your first d-date?"
  262. "Not quite, I've had a couple back on Earth, first time in Equestria though"
  263. >"Oh, well, it's m-my first time!"
  264. >No kidding
  265. >You ARE interested in Butterscotch, but man this has been so painful so far
  266. "Well, I hope I provide the best date night for you."
  267. >And that this somehow gets better
  268. >"S-so, a-are you a v-virgin? I-I am."
  269. >This is getting so uncomfortable
  270. "Uh, no? lost mine years ago back on Earth"
  271. >"Oh, well, m-maybe if this works out well, I'll lose mine too, heh heh"
  272. >He laughs awkwardly as you reach:
  273. >Spaghetti DEFCON 2, Spaghetti reaching critical levels
  274. "So I'm going to be real with you 'Scotch. Not really an appropriate topic for the first date"
  275. >Saddened once again, he response
  276. >"Oh! S-sorry!"
  277. >The rest of the date goes by uneventful at this point
  278. >Spaghetti DEFCON levels begin dropping as small talk is made
  279. >At the end of the meal, you see Butterscotch trembling
  280. >You feel uneasy as you know that he's about to pull out SOMETHING, this night has been too big of a disaster not to
  281. >"A-Anon?"
  282. >He gets on his horse knees, uh oh
  283. "Y-yeah Butters?"
  284. >"I know I don't have a necklace bought yet, especially since I don't have the bits for it but..."
  285. >In one fell swoop, you're back to Spaghetti DEFCON 2, and you feel that it's about to go all the way to 1
  286. >There's only ONE way he can make this more awkward
  287. >"Will you...m-ma-marr-marry me? *eep*"
  288. >There it is, you are officially drowning under an entire ocean of spaghetti
  289. >He's so inexperienced in matters of the heart that he must've gotten this somewhere
  290. >For now you're going to have to sit him down
  291. "*sigh* Butterscotch, I can't accept that offer right now"
  292. >He looks crushed
  293. >"W-what? Why? D-don't you like me? Did I do something wrong?"
  294. "Butters, we're only on the first date. It's way too early for marriage, you're not even my boy- er, coltfriend.
  295. >"D-do you want to be?"
  296. >"Again, we're only on the first date Butterscotch, it's too early for this sort of thing."
  297. >If it were possible, you feel he could've shrunken down to the size of an atom
  298. >"*sniff* O-oh I uh, *sniff* I messed up big huh? Y-you probably never want to *sob* see me again!"
  299. >You pat his pack to comfort the sad stallion
  300. "I didn't say that Butterscotch, what happened tonight? A lot of what you said isn't like you at all, where did all this come from?
  301. >"W-what *sniff* do you mean?"
  302. "Calling me sugarflank, mentioning me cooking for you at your cottage, talking about virginity and offering to marry me.
  303. >"Well, like I said, I never w-went on a date before. So I, well, I got these books from Dusk Shine; He even gave me a few tips on dating!"
  304. >He said he studied this quite a bit and was praticially an expert! But none of his advice or the advice from the books even worked!"
  305. >So that's what happened.
  306. >No wonder this was so awkward, grape flavored autism was infused into this whole thing.
  307. "Butters, no offense to your friend but:
  308. "Dusk Shine isn't exactly a reliable source on dating advice, and tonight is all the proof I need about that fact."
  309. >"Yeah, he said he's never been on one either, but was studying so that when that happens he'd be prepared."
  310. >Dusk being anything other than a turbovirgin, now that's funny!
  311. "Tonight was a disaster Butters, however, I do want to do this again
  312. >"You do? Why?"
  313. "Because none of this was you, I want to date you, not Dusk Shine. Whenever we have another date, I want you to be yourself, ok?"
  314. >"O-ok!"
  315. >The tears have stopped flowing by now and he prepares to leave
  316. "Oh and Butterscotch?"
  317. >He turns around to look at you
  318. >"Y-yeah Anon?"
  319. >You lift the butter yellow stallion up and then...
  320. *smooch*
  321. >You connect your lips with his
  322. >After a few seconds you pull away and tell him:
  323. "I look forward to our next date, I'll let you know when I'm ready to do this again, ok?"
  324. >His cheeks are beet red now as you gave him what you assume was his first kiss ever by anyone other than family
  325. >"U-uh, s-s-su-sure, I, uh g-g-gotta go!"
  326. >He runs out the door with lightning speed
  327. >This night was a disaster, but it was a wonderful disaster in the end.
  328. >As now you know the second date SHOULD be better without all the Dusktism injected in.
  330. >You're awesome so you must be...
  331. >The one.
  332. >THE ONLY!
  334. >You just got done taking a powernap on this soft cloud you found
  335. >A bit too close to Anon's house but he can't fly so it's cool
  336. >As you rub the sleepies from your eyes you look down below preparing to fly down into town
  337. >Suddenly, you see Butterscotch rapidly exiting Anon's house and flying back to his cottage with a speed that honestly makes you feel a bit jealous
  338. >Putting that aside, you need to see what happened.
  339. >Anon must've tried something, you gotta find out what...
  340. "Don't worry Butters, I won't let him hurt you."
  341. >You take off after Butterscotch, heading to his cottage outside of town
  343. >Be Butterscotch again
  344. >You just made it back home
  345. >Your mind managed to unscramble after you made it about three-quarters of the way here
  347. >It feels so weird, you feel embarrassed and shy, but yet...on cloud nine!
  348. >You could get used to this, and what's more, Anon gave you another chance!
  349. >Dusk's advice didn't work, "if she's too good to let go, make sure you get a ring on it quick!" that just weirded him out...
  350. >"Make sure you get flowers and chocolates too, it's classic!"
  351. >Ok, you admitted that one was your fault because in your haste you forgot to buy them
  352. >Then the books...
  353. >'The Life and Seductions of Castle Nova'
  354. >'101 Beginners Dating Tips and Tricks'
  355. >'Princess Cadence's Guide to Love'
  356. >'Pick Up Lines to Woo Anypony'
  357. >You didn't have time to read much of them so you just skimmed through most of them, especially the last one
  358. *knock knock knock*
  359. *eep*!
  360. >Shaken from your thoughts you hear a familiar, scratchy voice call out to you
  361. >"Hey Butters, you in there? Can I come inside, it's Rainbow Blitz!"
  363. >Uh oh, Blitz is here, gotta steady yourself
  364. >You try your best to stop blushing
  365. >Hoping you did a good enough job, you open the door
  366. >"Hey Butterscotch, is everything ok?"
  367. "Um, yes? Why?"
  368. >"Well I was waking up from a nap on this cloud, and I saw you flying really fast out of Anon's house! He didn't...try anything? Did he?
  369. >Oh no...he can't know...he can't! You're not ready yet!
  370. "What do you mean um, try anything?"
  371. >"Y'know, did he try to...touch you anywhere funny?"
  372. "WHAT? NO!"
  373. *eep*
  374. >You squeak as you realize how loudly you just said that
  375. >Yet, he just made such a terrible accusation against Anon!
  376. >You steady yourself and try again
  377. "I mean, no. He didn't. I'm sorry Rainbow Blitz, but that really surprised me that you thought he did such a thing!"
  378. >He seems to shake off your earlier shouting and replies to you
  379. >"Heh, that's ok Butters. I was just worried something may've happened."
  380. >"I'm not sure if you knew do know that Anon is gay, right?"
  381. >Oh please, not now
  382. >Drawing on your past attempts of being assertive, you're going to nip this in the bud before you become...[spoiler]peeved[/spoiler]
  383. "I do, but Rainbow Blitz I don't mind it. He's a nice stallion and he even um...
  384. >Seeing a slight bit of suspicion on his face, you decide maybe it's time to bend the truth a little lest you overplay your hand
  385. "...opened his home for me for a date I had! Yeah! A-and he was a wonderful host for my date and me!"
  386. >You smile a bit awkwardly
  387. >Sitting there for a few seconds, you begin to sweat a bit hoping he bought it
  388. >"Oh! Well, that was nice of him. I'm sorry, but I try to look after you, y'know? When I saw you flying so fast away I thought he did something, and I couldn't let that happen to my best friend!"
  389. >That was close, maybe you should wrap this up quick and try to reconjure those warm fuzzies from your f-first kiss
  390. "Thanks Blitz! I um, forgot that it's time for Angel's dinner so I gotta go!"
  391. >"Alright then, catch you later Butterscotch. Oh and if Anon tries to do something strange to you, you tell me, ok?"
  392. >"S-sure?"
  393. >"See ya around!"
  394. >Blitz takes off and blitzes off into the distance
  395. >You gotta calm down a bit, that conversation made you so anxious. You thought he knew or was close to finding out the truth about you and Anon.
  396. >You hate lying to him like that, but you're just not ready.
  397. >In a way, you're thankful he's not Applejack.
  398. >Your thoughts are cut short by seeing Angel stamping his impatient food in front of his food bowl
  399. >That part, you really weren't lying about.
  400. >A animal caretaker's work is never done you suppose, even after the ups and downs you've had tonight.
  402. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  404. >Still be Butterscotch
  405. >It's now two weeks after the first date
  406. >You decided to lay low a bit after Rainbow Blitz got too close to finding out the truth about you.
  407. >Anon understood your reasons for doing so; He's so understanding!
  408. >However, you just received a letter from Anon asking if you'd like to try dating again!
  409. >How could you say no?
  410. >You decided to write a quick response and give it to Derpy to fly to his house.
  411. >Hopefully it actually makes it there...
  412. >With a quick salute, the grey mare flies off into the distance.
  413. >Now then, to begin getting ready.
  414. >During your two week wait, you've been reading more of the books Dusk Shine gave you.
  415. >You've decided to skip 'Pick Up Lines to Woo Anypony' that one was a complete disaster last time!
  416. >'Princess Cadence's Guide To Love' and '101 Beginners Dating Tips and Tricks' were the most helpful.
  417. >Dusk's sister-in-law even had a section on homosexual mares and stallions like you!
  418. >It gave you a bit more confidence, knowing that the princess of love itself accepted those like you and Anon.
  419. >Now then, time to prepare.
  420. >First, to get the animals situated...
  422. >A few hours later, you head into town.
  423. >You stop by the flower trio's stand to get some flowers.
  424. >Then, you go by sugarcube corner for a box of chocolates.
  425. >Entering Sugarcube Corner, you go to the counter where Bubble Berry is waiting.
  426. "Um, hey Bubble Berry."
  427. >"Hiya Butterscotch! Whatcha need today?"
  428. "Oh, I was wanting a box of chocolates. For, um...
  429. >"Sure! Here ya go!"
  430. >In a motion almost to quick to see, he hands you the box of chocolates
  431. >"10 bits please!"
  432. >Taking out your bits and giving them to Bubble, he smiles
  433. >"Thanks Butterscotch! Have a good date!"
  434. >How did he?
  435. >It's Bubble Berry, of course he knows
  436. >You nod and head to Anon's
  437. >After a short walk, you arrive at Anon's doorstep again
  438. >And despite being more prepared this time...
  439. >Frogs are sweaty
  440. >Knees weak
  441. >Wings are heavy
  442. >[spoiler]Mom's Spaghetti[/spoiler]
  443. >You hear a lock click and the door opens, revealing your alien date
  444. "Um, h-hi Anon!"
  445. >Oh dear, you're shaking again
  446. "I got you some, um, chocolates...and flowers."
  447. >Anon smiles and takes them into those wonderful hands of his
  448. "Do them?"
  449. >"I do! Thanks Butters, come on in!"
  450. >So far so good, hopefully you can keep this up before you faint from being so nervous
  451. >You're nervous not only because of being so unused to dating, but because of how terribly the last one went
  452. >Despite the good ending that is!
  453. >You walk in and seat yourself at Anons table, trying to keep your spaghetti in this time

/Kinder/ - DadAnon Prologue - The Dad is In [COMPLETE]

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/Kinder/ short - Death Anon [COMPLETE]

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/Stallion/ - Butterscotch x Anon [WIP/HIATUS]

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/RGRE/ - Twist and Dink-Head 1: Close Encounters of The Filth Kind!

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/Kinder/ - Dadanon Chapter 1: The Naptime Bandit [WIP/HIATUS]

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