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Misty Skies & Anon - NMP

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-08-22 13:31:05
Updated: 2021-08-22 13:31:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >You had the strangest and yet most breath taking dream last night.
  2. >It was of a Pony, even thinking about it now makes your head spin.
  3. >More specifically it was of a mare.
  4. >Her hair sparkled like the brightest diamond etched with a deep purple swirl amongst it's blue sheen.
  5. >And her coat, her warm fuzzy coat and wings wrapped around you, so tantalizing they were that you would give the world for but another moment in her hooves.
  6. >It was a slumbering deep blue that almost hypnotized you as you held her in your arms.
  7. >And yet none of that compared to when she opened her eyes.
  8. >The deep gleaming blue that shone from her eyes seemed to be alight with life.
  9. >At first she had been startled by your presence but it quickly faded as she examined you for a moment.
  10. >For that moment, you had thought you had wronged such a beautiful mare and that thought had left shattered.
  11. >She shuddered for a moment as though a breezy wind had fallen through the room and she snuggled close to you.
  12. >"You don't know how long I've been waiting for you my Love." she whispers softly, her voice like velvet against your ears.
  13. >You stumble for words and yet nothing comes to you.
  14. >"Hush, please. I know it's strange but I'm here for you." you merely nod and continue to hold the mare in your arms, her wings wrapping softly around your back as the two of you lie in the empty darkness.
  15. >Trepidatiously you raise your hand to pet her withers and as you touch her silky mane she hums in contentment.
  16. >"W-We don't have much longer my Love, I-." She stops herself and shakes her head and a somber smile reaches her lips.
  17. >"I wish that I could stay with you longer, but as all beautiful things, this dream must end sometime." Small diamond-esque tears fall from her eyes and you find yourself crying as well.
  18. >You stutter again to find words and this time she doesn't stop you but merely holds you tighter.
  19. "Will I see you again?" your hoarse voice rings out through the darkness.
  20. >A hopeful smile reaches her tender lips and it makes your heart soar.
  21. >"Soon, soon my Love. But not soon enough."
  22. >Eventually a blazing light flashes before you and you find yourself without her.
  23. >Without her in your arms, to hold, to love.
  24. >As you lay there with your eyes closed tears begin to muster in your eyes and you can feel the thin sheets of your bed once again.
  25. >A slight beeping accompanied it now though.
  26. >You wipe the tears from your eyes and cannot bring yourself to open them.
  27. >"Doctor! Doctor! He's awake!" you hear a strange voice call out from beside you.
  28. >You don't remember the last time you had guests.
  29. >Come to think of it, you didn't have guests last night.
  30. >And what's this about a doctor?
  31. >Cracking open your eyes you find yourself in a strange room.
  32. >A bland blue curtain covering the rest of the room and a small needle connected to a beeping machine beside you were all that you could see.
  33. >You slowly try to make it to your feet but the curtain is ripped open and before you stands a Stallion.
  34. >As you try to understand the situation, the world spins and you fall back onto the bed.
  35. >"Can you understand me?" the stallion says while giving you a cautious look.
  36. >Hesitating for a moment you open your mouth to speak but nothing but a croak follows, your mouth dry and throat sore.
  37. >The Stallion's horn lights up and a glass of water levitates over to you and in a state of bewilderment you grab it and take a small sip.
  38. "Y-Yeah. Are uh- Are you the Doc?"
  39. >He nods and once again his horn lights up and a stethoscope is levitated out of his coat.
  40. >"That's good that you can understand me, you took quite a fall if what the mares on the scene was saying was true." he says while bringing the stethoscope to your chest.
  41. >"Now I can't quite say I understand what I'm working with, what do you call yourself?" he says while listening intently to your heartbeat.
  42. >W-What was your name again?
  43. "Uh- You've caught me there doc, I can't say I remember my name but I think I'm a human." you say while sheepishly scratching your head.
  44. >"I see, quite the Anomaly aren't you?" he says with a rough chuckle and takes the stethoscope from your chest.
  45. >Anomaly...
  46. >Anom-
  47. >Anon?
  48. >Your brain scrambles to find the missing pieces and your brow furrows with thought.
  49. "I-I think my name was Anonymous." you say your voice trailing off as though you aren't really sure of it yourself.
  50. >The doctor's brow raises with a level of bewilderment but quickly his professional side takes over.
  51. >"I see, Anonymous. Quite a fitting name considering. You must be hungry, can you eat vegetables?"
  52. >You nod weakly before resting your head back onto the pillow.
  53. >"The nurse will be back in but a moment with your food, we'll bring you a fair bit to see what you can actually EAT. Try to get some rest in the meantime." he says as you hear his hoof steps trail off and you shut your eyes once more.
  55. >You fell into an empty slumber your eyes merely closed and yet the beeping was ever present.
  56. >Naught a dream came to you during this.
  57. >Even as you longed for her touch once more.
  58. >Even as you prayed to God to bring her back to your arms for but a fleeting moment.
  59. >You awoke to the soft clopping of hooves approaching you and you cracked open your eyes to see another pony with a small hat on, emblazoned with a red cross on it.
  60. >"Morning Anonymous, I hope you've rested well I brought you something to eat." She says as she gently approaches and slides the tray of various vegetables and fruits onto the bed.
  61. >Your hunger pangs as you eye the delicious looking food and you quickly eat the meal from the tray.
  62. >It's sweetness an unreal mirage as the juices slide down your throat and the mare lets out a soft chuckle.
  63. >"You'll need all the strength you can get, you seem like you've been through a lot Anonymous."
  64. >You spare a glance from your tantalizing meal and look up at the mare.
  65. >A simple blue coat with a tender grey mane marked with age and stress.
  66. >"I assume the doctor forgot to tell you but Princess Cadance herself will be visiting you soon."
  67. >Princess?
  68. >Well you were an alien from a strange world just showing up out of nowhere.
  69. "Princess Cadance? Can you tell me a bit about her before she's here?" you say attempting to swallow the meal before you talk.
  70. >The nurses eyes light up with excitement and she puts her forehooves onto the end of the bed.
  71. >"Oh she's just the greatest! She's beautiful and so kind, she even helped me match with my husband, although that was quite a few years ago." she says with happy memories lining her voice and a tender smile reaching her lips.
  72. >Her smile seems contagious as it reaches your own lips and you set down the empty tray.
  73. >"Ah forgive an old mare for reminiscing please dear. She's obviously taken an interest in you considering we've never had a 'hooman' in our lands and she wants to see what you're all about."
  74. >You hear more hooves clopping down the hallway and the two of your eyes are locked on the door.
  75. >"Ooo that might be her now! Remember she's a Princess so mind your manners!" she says with a bit of cheek lining her voice.
  76. >As the two of you watch the doorway a mare with a mane swirling with purples, pinks and yellow enters the doorway, almost hitting her horn on the roof.
  77. >"Ah, you must be the infamous Anonymous that everypony is talking about! My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadanza but you can just call me Cadance." she says while being trailed by a unicorn stallion with a blue mane and white coat.
  78. >"This is my husband Shining Armor, don't worry he doesn't bite." She says with a soft laugh and her husband rolls his eyes with a smile on his lips.
  79. >"Nice to meet you Anonymous." He says with a curt nod as the two enter the room.
  80. "Nice to me the both of you too." You say but hesitate for a moment before asking the next question. "Pardon my ignorance but why have you got a horn AND wings, I can't say I've seen anyone like you before."
  81. >The three of them let loose a laugh and your cheeks burn with a rosy red.
  82. >"Sorry, sorry. From what I understand you're not from around here but I'm an Alicorn, I'll spare you the technical details but I'm sure my sister in law would LOVE to tell you all about it."
  83. >The nurse quickly excuses her self from the room and trots off in a hurry.
  84. >"How are you finding your time here in the Crystal Empire so far, I hope the ponies here are treating you kindly."
  85. >Crystal Empire?
  86. >Where have you heard that name before?
  87. >It lingers on the end of your mind and yet lies so tantalizing far away from you.
  88. "They've been nothing but kind to me, for the time I've been here so far, the nurse was just telling me how you matched her and her husband together." you say and her lips curl into a wide smile.
  89. >"Ah yes that was a ceremony to remember, those two burned with a love that you don't see very often."
  90. >Flashes of the dream seem to run through your mind as you listen to her words and you can't help yourself from asking.
  91. "Sorry if this seems like an odd question but... Have you seen a mare with the most beautiful purple and blue mane and gorgeous blue coat? I didn't catch her name but I can't get her out of my mind."
  92. >As you say this she looks over to Shining Armor and they both share a knowing look between each other, a smile crossing the two of their lips.
  93. >"Hmmm. I don't remember such a mare, but I think I know how to find her." she says while putting a hoof to her chin in thought.
  94. >Anything to see her again, to hold her in your arms once more.
  95. >To hear her sweet velvety voice call out to you again.
  96. "Anything Princess. I'd give anything to see her again." you say without even realizing.
  97. >A tender smile reaches her lips and she nods.
  98. >"I see. We have an old relic in the Empire called the Crystal Heart and while it has been a while since it was last used I think we could use it to find your sweetheart." She says causing your blush to reappear anew.
  99. >"Oh don't be so shy Anonymous, the way you talk about her is the way I talk about my dear Cadance. Not to mention she's the Princess of Love itself, we would find out sooner or later." Shining armor says with a knowing smile.
  100. >You go to speak but can't find the words but after a moment a large grin reaches your lips.
  101. >Another chance to see her again.
  102. >Perhaps for longer then just a fading dream, perhaps for the rest of your lives.
  104. >The next few days were a blur of tests and anticipation for what was to come.
  105. >Every new night was another accompanied by empty dreams, your heart still longing for the mare of your dreams
  106. >Your eyes were slick with tears once more, your dreams that were filled with only a void and shattered your resolve a little bit more.
  107. >The clopping of hooves once more rang out through the empty halls but you left your eyes closed hoping to see a faint image of her once more.
  108. >"Hello Anonymous, how are we today?" the doctors gruff voice resounds through the room.
  109. >Cracking open your eyes you quickly wipe the tears from your eyes hoping to clear them before the doctor entered your room.
  110. >"Good news, we've run all the tests we need and you're free to go. In fact Cadance herself is waiting for your departure!" he says an excitement gleaming in his eyes.
  111. >Your eyes widen and you attempt to rush out of bed but the sheets twist over your legs and cause you to stumble.
  112. >"Careful, careful Anonymous. We don't want you to hurt yourself on the way out." He says with a soft chuckle.
  113. >You untangle the sheets from your legs and stand up proper.
  114. "Where- Where is the Princess?" you say almost to quickly causing the doctor to look on at you with concern.
  115. >He hesitates for a moment and looks you up and down but leads you towards the door.
  116. >"Right this way, she said she had something important to show you. I must say it must be quite the honor."
  117. >You only grumble a response and you quicken your pace, almost outpacing the doctor himself.
  118. >"I see you're eager to leave, I hope you'll visit sometime. Obviously under better circumstances." He says, his chuckling muffled by the heavy sound of your own heartbeat.
  119. >The two of you walk in relative silence as you walk down the empty halls.
  120. >When you round the last corner you see Cadance there talking one of the small foals in the main room.
  121. >"I want to be just like you when I grow up Princess!" the small foal says excitement boiling through their voice.
  122. >Cadance ruffles the small fillies mane sweetly and turns towards you but before she can say anything the filly rushes up to you.
  123. >"Ooo What are you Mister?" Curiosity burning in the small fillies eyes as she looks you up and down.
  124. >You crouch down to meet eyes with the filly and ruffle her mane with a friendly smile.
  125. "Well, I'm a human. I don't think there's anything like me around here, but you can call me Anonymous little filly."
  126. >She scrunches her snout and hoofs your hand from her mane.
  127. >"Hey! I'm not a little filly! I've already got my cutie mark and I'm going to get a important job just like the Princess!" she says with annoyance which causes you to laugh and shake your head.
  128. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sure you're really important already."
  129. >"Sorry Anonymous, this important pony is Golden Gloom." As Cadance says this the filly beams with pride.
  130. "It's nice to meet you Golden Gloom." You say while standing up and looking towards Cadance. "The doctor said you wanted to see me for something important?"
  131. >The eager fillies eyes burn with a newfound excitement and she quickly rushes over to Cadance.
  132. >"Can I come to Cadance! Pleasepleasepleaseplease." she says in a blur of words.
  133. >"I'm sorry Gloom, I'll be back later to see you though." Cadance says softly as though not to hurt the filly's feelings too much.
  134. >"Awww but Cadance-" She says her excitement exchanged with a thick disappointment clouding her eyes.
  135. >"Don't give me those eyes Gloom." Cadance says while visibly faltering under the threat of the fillies tears.
  136. >Gloom begins to sniffle but turns away from Cadance and she holds out a hoof to comfort the small filly.
  137. "It should be alright to take her along right Cadance?" you say while your heart shatters seeing the filly so saddened.
  138. >"Well- I suppose you could play with flurry heart for a bi-" she's cut off by the filly rushing towards her for a hug.
  139. >"Ohthankyouthankyouthankyou." she says muffled slightly by the fact that her face is crushed against Cadance's chest.
  140. >Cadance merely rolls her eyes and heads towards the door with you following closely behind her.
  141. >When you first exit through the doors your blinded momentarily but soon enough you regain your vision to see beautiful crystal pillars and homes decorating the sides of the street.
  142. >Seemingly everything was made of a beautiful crystal that would reflect the sun in such beautiful ways while not being too disturbing to the eyes.
  143. >A feint memory lingers in the back of your mind and you feel almost as though you've seen this place before.
  144. >A terrible shuddering darkness enveloped your memories of this land though and you shook your head to clear it away from your mind.
  145. >"Are you alright Anonymous? You seem to have zoned out there for a moment." Cadance says with concern lining her voice.
  146. "Uh- Yeah just fine, just must be the sun getting to me or something." you say attempting to cover for your strange actions.
  147. >She merely nods and the small filly that had now climbed onto her withers pointed a hoof at one of the candy stores.
  148. >"We should come here on the way back! Maybe they'll have my favorite gummy manticores again!" Golden Gloom says and causes the both of you to smile.
  150. >The trek was fueled with the laughter and jokes from each your two companions as you observe the beautiful sights around you.
  151. >"So Anonymous, what do you think of the Empire so far?" Cadance says the filly trotting along closely by her side.
  152. >You stop for a moment trying to take in the beautiful sights and cheerful ponies bounding about their own day.
  153. "It's amazing Princess-" you're quickly interrupted by Cadance with a friendly shake of her head.
  154. >"No need to be so formal Anon." she says with a little chuckle and your cheeks burn an embarrassed red.
  155. "Ah right, sorry about that Cadance. It's hard to describe honestly, I've never seen anything like it." you say attempting to find the words for it but failing.
  156. >"Just wait till you see the Princess' Castle Anon!" the small filly says while rushing towards a large towering building at the center of town.
  157. >You honestly can't believe you missed it, its deftly crafted crystal walls seemed to be built with so much care that even the best craftsmen couldn't fathom such a perfect structure.
  158. >Standing there aghast you barely notice Golden Gloom turning around to witness your shocked gaze but you quickly snap out of it as she lets out a laugh.
  159. >"I must admit when I first saw it I was just as shocked by it's beauty, but I'm sure you'll get used to it in no time at all." Cadance says as she trots beside you.
  160. >"Now come on, I'm sure your sweetheart is just dying to meet you."
  161. >As she says this Golden Gloom waves towards one of the castle guards and he gives a wave back.
  162. >"Cmoncmoncmon." Gloom rushes over to Cadance and starts pushing her forward towards the castle entrance.
  163. >When you are about to pass the guard he eyes you wearily and looks over to Cadance for confirmation.
  164. >"This is Anonymous, Anonymous this is Copper Guard, he's a standoffish but he's more then friendly once you get to know him." she says with a smile but the guard awkwardly takes off his helmet and looks towards the ground.
  165. "Nice to meet you Copper." You say with a little nod and he seems to relax slightly but only gives a grunt in response.
  166. >The stairs leading upwards had not a speck of dust lying on them and the banners on the walls were a beautiful mix of pink, purple and yellow matching the Princess' mane.
  167. >Servants were walking about the halls and tending to their duties stopping only for a moment to observe you but were quick to move on.
  168. >You think once again to the mare of your dreams and you couldn't take much more waiting to see her again.
  169. >Cadance seems to read your mind and calls to one of the servants.
  170. >"Bright Skies, can you take Golden Gloom here to go meet Flurry?" she says before lowering her voice and with a small smirk continues "Don't worry I won't make you watch those two little devils for too long."
  171. >The servant lets out a little chuckle and nods towards the filly.
  172. >"Let us be off then Miss Gloom." she says with a tender voice as the two walk off down the hallway.
  173. >"It's not far now, I know you're eager to find out who she is and to be quite honest, I'm quite curious myself."
  174. >Both of you walk off down the hall, following twists and turns until you end up before large ornate door decorated with beautiful stained glass.
  175. >Depicted on the stained glass was a loving couple and Cadance herself overseeing them behind a lectern as though they are to be wed.
  176. >Cadance's horn lights up and the doors are quickly parted to reveal a aqua statue standing in the middle of the room, it's radiant glow leaving an almost warm sensation on your skin.
  177. >"Just go up and touch it, you'll be safe. Trust me." she says giving you a small nudge.
  178. >Even without her words you had been felt drawn to the statue, it's inviting glow leaving a lingering thought on your mind that you just couldn't shake.
  179. >With each step the thought was louder and louder in your mind.
  180. >Your hand was raised towards it and you could feel a palpable radiance from the statue.
  181. >When you finally reached the statue and laid hands on it for a moment the world was enveloped in darkness.
  182. >The same darkness in which you had first met her.
  183. >A shocked gasp from behind you causes you to turn around and once more her beautiful visage was there.
  184. >All the beauty that you had seen today couldn't compare to the mare before you now.
  185. >Her hair seemed to streak with a new found life and eyes burned with a furious love.
  186. >"Oh my Love! H-How?" she says standing there shocked and you quickly scoop her out of her daze.
  187. "Don't worry about that now." you say carefully hushing the mare with a finger on her tender lips.
  188. >She extends her wings to wrap around you once more and she nuzzles into your neck, her warm coat seeming to soothe a chill that you had never noticed before.
  189. >"I-I thought I wouldn't see you ever again a-after I-" she pauses a moment the tears filling her eyes.
  190. >Those beautiful teardrops make your heart break and you gently pet her mane as she continues.
  191. >"I tried to summon you with help from a unicorn friend a-and I thought something happened to you when I couldn't reach you again!" she says crushing grief lining her voice.
  192. >You softly coo and continue to gently pet her mane as she cries into your shoulder.
  193. >The two of you sit here in the dark for what feels like hours in each others embrace until your love lifts her head and wipes the gentle tears from her eyes.
  194. >"I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I would do if-" you cut her off with a tender kiss that leaves reverberations of heat through your body.
  195. "It's alright now. I'm not leaving anytime soon."
  196. >Her breathing slows and you can almost hear her gentle heartbeat through the silence of the dark room.
  197. "Your friend must have flubbed some part of the spell because I've been sent to the Crystal Empire instead of my darlings hooves." you say with a small smile on your lips and the mare shuffles in your arms to look you in the eyes.
  198. >"Oh that's good news, though I'll have to give her some stern words when I wake up my Love." she says with a laugh her eyes still red from the crying.
  199. >"I forgot to tell you last time, my name is Misty Skies and I'm a guard of Princess Luna herself. Fear not my Love, for no distance shall keep you from me." she says giving you a small peck on the cheek.
  200. >You breathe a deep sigh and hold on to her tighter.
  201. >"I fear we don't have much longer, these dreams cannot last forever my Love. Please stay safe in my absence and know that I shall be in your arms soon."
  202. >You want to protest but the blinding light fills your vision once more.
  203. >But even after the blinding light fades and your vision of the statue appears once more, her visage still lingers in your mind.
  205. >As you slowly come back to your senses a Pretty Pink Princess sits on the armchair nearby.
  206. >"So how did it go?" she says with a sly grin already knowing the answer.
  207. >You can only laugh and shake your head in response to the question.
  208. "Well. She's perfect, though I could have told you that the first time I saw her. Her name is Misty Skies and apparently she's on her way here now." you say with a feint blush on your face the words coming without thought.
  209. >"That's great Anon! Listen I've already set up a reservation at a really nice Italian place, their pizza is absolutely amazing. How does a romantic dinner date between you and Misty sound eh?"
  210. >You stutter for a moment the mere thought of such a thing putting thoughts of failure and your own mistakes ruining the night and your relationship with Misty.
  211. "I-I don't know m-maybe we should-" you're cut off by Cadance putting a hoof on your back.
  212. >"Hey, hey. I've seen that look before, don't worry yourself too much, O'l matchmaker Cadance won't let you down." She says as she trots off towards the door turning back only to motion you to follow.
  213. >You merely stumble after not entirely sure of her words.
  214. >"First we'll need a tailor, Quick Stich has beautiful stitching and works quick with a little inspiration, so that's our first stop. How about we fix up those tattered rags that you have on now into a suit that'll blow Misty away?"
  215. "Uhm, I don't exactly have the money for anythi-" You're cut off by a chuckle from Cadance and she looks at you with an eyebrow cocked.
  216. >"Did you really expect me to get you to pay for it all? I'm the Princess of LOVE, this is my job after all. Now come on she's not too far from here." she says as she begins to trot a little faster.
  217. >After a short ways the two of you stand before a building with a grand sign decorated with the words "Quick Stitches' Quick Stitch" alongside a winding piece of fabric and scissors.
  218. >The doorbell opens with a jingle and while the front of the building is devoid of life, a door that leads to a back room is alight with the sound of sewing machines.
  219. >"Quick Stitch?" Cadance calls out while you observe all of the carefully crafted dresses and suits.
  220. >"Coming, coming." She says with a heavy sigh.
  221. >As Quick Stitch stumbles through the hallway she eventually reaches the front desk and you see a mare with a deep purple coat with her mane a swirl of pinks and blues.
  222. >"Didn't they tell you never to interrupt an Artist during her work Princess?" She says with a joking smile.
  223. >"I have a project I think you'll be interested in, Anonymous here needs a new suit made for his dinner date so I cam-" Cadance is quickly interrupted by the mare rounding the desk and coming closer to inspect you.
  224. >"Ooo the things I could create on a form like that, Interesting! Interesting indeed! Now I need measurements!" She says as measurement tools float from the backroom towards you and you look towards Cadance for some type of answer but she barely suppresses a chuckle.
  225. >After a dizzying few moments Quick Stitches' measurements were done.
  226. >"Perfect, Anonymous I'll have your suit ready in a few days, I have some beautiful fabrics in mind too! I just can't wait to get started." She says as she rushes off towards the back room and you can hear the sound of sewing machines renewed once more.
  227. "Thanks Quick Stitch!" You attempt to call out to her but you can't tell if she even heard you over the thick rumbling of machines.
  228. >"We should leave her to get to work, now we need to work on your smooth talk. I'm sure you don't really want to practice in the middle of town so we'll head back to the Castle." she says as she opens to the door to the store.
  230. >Once the two of you get back into the castle Cadance calls on one of the servants again to go get Shining Armor.
  231. >After a moment a frazzled looking shining armor appears in the doorway and Cadance let's loose a chuckle.
  232. >"Did those two give you a hard time Shiny?" she says with some cheek in her voice.
  233. >"Nothing a Captain of the royal guard couldn't handle. But almost enough." He says with a tired laugh and he looks at you giving you a curt nod.
  234. >"So what'd you need me for sweetheart?" he says turning his attention back to Cadance.
  235. >Cadance trots closer to him and puts a hoof over his withers and places a loving kiss on his cheek.
  236. >"Anon needs to learn a few things about sweet talking his mare off her hooves and I thought what better pony then the one who swept me off of my own?" she says while nuzzling into his side and he lets loose a chuckle.
  237. >"How can I refuse such a beautiful mare? Can you do me a favor and watch over the kids while I teach him a thing or two.
  238. >"Sure honey." she says with a peck on the lips and she trots off down the hallway that Shining had originally appeared from.
  239. >"So Anon, you're trying to learn about how to woo your second half? Give me a few lines first off."
  240. >Suddenly put on the spot you stutter and stumble your words thinking about what you would say to the magnificent mare that is Misty Skies.
  241. "Haha are y-you an angel because y-you're beautiful." as you say the words the both of you visually cringe.
  242. >"Alright, that's going to need a lot of work but we'll get you through it." he says bringing a hoof to his chin in thought.
  243. >"Ok repeat after me, 'I was wondering if you could tell me, if you’re here, who’s running Heaven?"
  244. >You take a deep breath and exhale it attempting to settle your nervous mind.
  245. "I-I was wondering I-if you could tell me, I-if you're here, w-who's running Heaven?" the mere thought of saying that to Misty making your heart flutter and your tongue twist in your mouth.
  246. >Shining Armor sighs but gives you a gentle smile.
  247. >"I can tell that this Mare has you really nervous huh?" he says while gently resting a hoof on your back and you nod nervously.
  248. "I just can't put into words how I feel about her, she's so beautiful and perfect. Every time I see her I just want to hold her close and feel her heartbeat against mine." you say allowing the words flow from the thoughts of the beautiful mare in your mind.
  249. >Shining Armors eyes open wide and his smile grows too.
  250. >"That's it Anon! I mean it wasn't much of a one liner but that was amazing! Tartarus, just tell her how you really feel about her and she'll be in your hooves- Arms? In no time!" he says with a confidence you don't feel in yourself.
  251. >You nervously scratch at the back of your head and give an awkward smile.
  252. "Honestly Shining I don't feel that I can say something like that to her face, I mean- What if she rejects me? What if-" he cuts you off with a gentle hoof on your lips.
  253. >"Calm yourself down Anon, you're talking yourself into a spiral. Look you'll know when the time will come to tell her how you feel, I'm sure if the heart matched you she's probably just as nervous about meeting her other half as well."
  254. >You take another deep breath before giving a nod and a smile.
  255. "M-maybe you're right Shining. I'm probably just worrying myself over nothing."
  256. >"Look Anon, after hearing the way you speak about Misty there's no doubt in my mind that you two are made for each other. It reminds me of the way I speak of Cadance, I really do love her Anon, and I hope that you'll find a love like mine." He says while staring off into the distance as though in a daze.
  257. >"Say why don't we settle down with some board games? I've got Settlers of Coltan and Sunny Haven downstairs if you're interested?"
  258. "Why not, I've got time to kill and I'm interested in what Settlers of Coltan is." You say while motioning Shining to lead the way.
  259. >"Oh you're just going to love it Anon!" He says as he trots down the halls with you following along in tow.
  261. >It must have been hours that spun by as the two of you laughed and played various board games.
  262. >Soon enough though Cadance appeared at the door a smile beaming on her lips.
  263. >"Guess what Anon?" she said with cheek lining her voice.
  264. >For a moment you were confused and you looked at her with a raised brow but all became clear as your beautiful Misty Skies stepped into view with a coy smile on her lips.
  265. >You almost forgot all of your manners and rushed over to her but you quickly stopped yourself before you took your first step.
  266. "Misty!" you say as you walk over to the magnificent mare and pick her up into your arms.
  267. >At first she lets loose a little squeak and flares her wings but she soon settles into your arms.
  268. >"My love, I can't tell you how much I wanted to see you." She says as she nuzzles into your chest and gives you a small peck on the cheek.
  269. >"Come on you two lover birds, you've still got a dinner date to show up to." Cadance says while poking you with one of her hooves.
  270. >You could barely hear her, your focus purely centered on the tender mare in your arms, your ears keenly tuned to the sound of her breath.
  271. "Ah- Yeah." you say while nuzzling against Misty's mane.
  272. >Cadance and Shining armor merely sigh and let out a small chuckle in unison.
  273. >"How about we head out to dinner tonight?" Cadance says while giving her own lover a chaste kiss on the lips.
  274. >You and misty now alone had settled into a comfortable, if conveniently placed bed.
  275. >As the two of you kissed you could feel the intertwining of your lips and you burned with a furious passion.
  276. >Suddenly Misty broke the tight bonds between you and she looked up into your eyes, her deep blue eyes furiously burning with love.
  277. >"I love you so much Anon."
  278. "I love you too Misty." you barely are able to say the words before your lips are locked once more.
  280. >While the two of you were locked in the mists of passion and love you barely noticed a light hoofstep coming downstairs.
  281. >You break away from Misty for but a moment and she attempts to reel you back in but your eyes are locked upon the two small fillies that have just entered the room.
  282. >Misty seems to follow your gaze and as she does she blushes a furious red.
  283. "Uh-" You barely have a chance to finish your thought before the white coated filly interrupts you.
  284. >"What are you mister?" she says with an innocence and Golden Gloom merely nudges her in the side with a hoof.
  285. >"I already told you flurry, he's a hooman." Golden says towards the filly beside her and Flurry seems to scrunch her snout at the thought.
  286. >"Hooman? I've never heard of that before." She says seemingly forgetting that you're even in her presence.
  287. >Misty slowly scooches out from the precarious position of being under you and a slight disappointment burns behind her eyes.
  288. >"So- What are you two fillies doing down here?" Misty says attempting to hide the frustration in her voice.
  289. >Golden Gloom ignores Misty's question and instead decides to look around the room for anything interesting but Flurry soon responds.
  290. >"Well, we're not normally supposed to be in here but since Mom and Dad are gone we thought we'd check it out!" Flurry says and looks off to Golden as she accidently drops one of the no doubt priceless figures causing you to visibly cringe.
  291. >"Oops." Golden says with a look of guilt ridden on her face.
  292. "Come on girls, how about all head back up stairs and we won't tell anypony about that little accident?" you say only imagining what hell Shining armour would release if he had ever found out.
  293. >As the two of them nod and scramble back up the stairs they almost knock another figure off of it's shelf and you silently pray that wasn't as expensive as it looked.
  294. >You look down to Misty and she has a small smile on her face despite the situation.
  295. "Cute kids, eh?" you say while rustling her mane and heading towards the door.
  296. >"Y-yeah." She mumbles under her breath and as you turn around you see her in a semi-daydreaming state.
  297. "You alright over there Misty?" You say with a genuine concern finding it's way into your voice but she quickly snaps back to reality.
  298. >"O-Oh yeah, I'm alright. J-Just thinking about what our foals would look like- I-If we have any, I'm not trying to pressure you or any-" you cut her off with a chaste kiss.
  299. "Oh we're going to be having foals alright, but that's for another time." You say with a wink and continue up the stairs with Misty close behind.
  301. >You could hear the two fillies down the hall and the two of you went after them.
  302. >Their shrieks of joy and laughter seemed to eek out into whispers when you neared and there was nary a sign of the two.
  303. >You look over to Misty and you saw her chuckling softly.
  304. >Following her gaze you could see a VERY oddly shaped, and oddly placed lamp and potted plant in the middle of the hallway.
  305. >A white coat, wings and a horn were visible on the lamp and as for the vase, well let's just say Golden must have been in a rush.
  306. >You smile and you pretend not to notice the two as you continue on a little further.
  307. "Hmmm, Misty I just can't seem to find these two fillies. Just where could they have gotten off too do you think?" you say playing into the two's antics and Misty quickly joins in alongside you.
  308. >"I wouldn't know Anonymous, I fear we will never find them at this rate!" In response to her words a soft giggling came from the two mysterious objects and they shuffled about slightly.
  309. "Hmm I suppose if we can't find those two all that cherry flavoured Ice-cream will have to go to waste!"
  310. >You heard a slight groan of disgust come from the pot while the lampshade seems to hum in delight.
  311. >"What was that Anonymous dear!" Misty says in mock horror while rushing to your side.
  312. "I fear it can mean only one thing Misty my dear. This castle is haunted! We must find those two fillies before the ghosts gobble them up!" you say attempting to keep the smile from reaching your lips.
  313. >The lamp and the vase shake and shiver but soon enough the fillies both jump out of their hiding places and leap into your arms.
  314. >"I don't want to be gobbled up!"
  315. >"Don't let the ghosts get me Mr Anon!" the fillies cry out in unison.
  316. "Hey, hey calm down girls I was just messing with you two. There aren't any ghosts about." You say in a soothing voice trying to calm the two down.
  317. >Misty puts a hoof on your back and smiles.
  318. >"Looks like Princess Luna is going to have a few more nightmares to deal with tonight."
  319. >Golden Gloom seems to perk up at Misty's words and excitement fills her eyes.
  320. >"You know Princess Luna? Wow I wish I knew a princess!" the small filly says the excitement reaching her voice.
  321. >"You do know a Princess Golden Gloom remember? She's kind of my Mom." Flurry says dryly with only a small smirk to show her humour.
  322. >"Well yeah, but Princess Cadance is too cool to just be a Princess! I mean she can do everything!" Golden Gloom says causing you and Misty to laugh.
  323. "Now I haven't been here long enough to know your times yet but I'm pretty sure it's late enough for dinner and then bed for you two." The two of them groan at your suggestion but nod begrudgingly.
  324. "Come on now, how about we whip something up ourselves in the old castle kitchen before bed huh?"
  325. >The two fillies jump in joy at the thought and quickly race down the hallway, presumably to where the kitchen is and you follow closely behind.

Gods amongst the mountains - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Losing your head - Discontinued

by Anonymouss

Crime in Manehatten - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

Love and Justice - RGRE - WIP

by Anonymouss

True love treasure hunter - RGRE - FINISHED

by Anonymouss