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Quick Drawing - RGRE

By Anonymouss
Created: 2021-08-29 14:28:27
Updated: 2021-08-30 09:17:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >The bar smelt of sweat and vomit.
  2. >Not particularly surprising considering it always smelt like that but hey.
  3. >You were behind the counter once again serving up drinks to these cute little ponies while a lonely mare played her guitar in the corner.
  4. >Despite the comparative size between yourself and them they could still handle their liquor as good as any man.
  5. >"Yew handsome one behind tshe counter g-get me another round." You could hear Lone Star call from her regular place from behind the counter, her head barely reaching above it.
  6. >She was a regular, one of the ponies that kept this place in business in fact.
  7. >You'd even seen her drink a whole keg once.
  8. >Her freckles glowed against her auburn coat and her orange mane seemed to be slightly mattered and unkempt.
  9. >You nod and swiftly reach for the bottle under the counter as she attempts to keep herself on her hooves.
  10. "This is the last call for you Sheriff, you're already lookin' like somepony'll need to take you back to your place." it takes a moment for her intoxicated mind to grasp what you said and she huffs.
  11. >"Cmon Anon, how long hash yew known me?" she says slurring her words.
  12. "Too long now Quick, now this is your last drink for this afternoon. Hell it ain't even sundown yet." you say causing some of the mares playing cards to look over and laugh at Lone Star.
  13. >A look of rage crosses her face and she turns around to yell at the mares.
  14. >"Yew girlhs better shut up over there or- or else I'm gonna have to shoot ya."
  15. >You sigh and shake your head.
  16. >This wouldn't be the first time Lone Star had threatened a duel and Celestia willing it would be the last.
  17. "If you're going to be shooting it had better be left outside mares." You say with a stern voice causing all of them to quiet down.
  18. >Good.
  19. >You seemed to have established some type of reputation here, now whether it was because they thought you were just an innocent stallion or because they thought you were an actual threat was better left unknown.
  20. >Lone Star seems to settle down at that and wobblily raises herself onto one of the chairs.
  21. >"I didn't need a stallion to defend me." She mutters as she nurses her drink in her hooves.
  22. "And if I didn't you would have gotten yourself shot. Again. I don't need you to be bleeding out all that good liquor I've given you today Lone Star. Plus you remember what the Doc said about pushing yourself too far."
  23. >She mumbles under her breath something you can't hear but you go back to polishing the unused cups.
  24. >The door swings open and in the opening a silhouette of a pony stands in the doorway.
  25. >Quickly the room is engulfed in silence with the presence of the new mare.
  26. >She attempts to stumble towards the counter and collapses.
  27. >As you look over at the newcomer you see her leading a trail of blood through the bar.
  28. >You're left shocked but quickly regain your senses and rush towards her Lone Star quick at your side.
  29. >Gasps come from all around as the other patrons seem to understand the severity of her wounds but they do nothing to help.
  30. "Star, help me get this one to the back room." You say while attempting to hoist the mare up into your arms and Lone Star joins you with a nod.
  31. >The two of you quickly rush her through the open doors into your room and place her gently onto the bed.
  32. >"I-I'll go get the Doc!" Lone Star says once the Mysterious Mare lies on your bed.
  33. >Her wound had been leaking blood and your sheets were soaked with a silky red.
  34. >Fuck.
  35. >Thinking quickly you rushed to your bathroom and grabbed some bandages and tweezers.
  36. >When you had returned you quickly knelt at her side attempting to locate the wound itself.
  37. >You had finally found it lodged into her withers right between her shoulders and took a deep breath.
  38. >It had been a while since you had last preformed first aid on Lone Star but you knew she wouldn't last much longer without your help.
  39. >You did what you could to take the bullet out of the wound and attempted to wrap it in bandages.
  40. >As you did the blood seemed to soak through the bandages but it had significantly diminished.
  41. >Soon enough the Doc came rushing through the door with Lone Star in tow.
  42. >"Oh Celestia, she's hurt bad. Outta the way Anon, a poor colt like yourself don't need to scar yourself with this." the Doc says rushing over to the wounded mare.
  43. >As the Doc began her work, Lone Star quickly ushered you out of the room and you sat down at the counter, pouring yourself a drink.
  44. "What are you girls still doing her? Get out, bars closed." You say a hint of anger in your voice as they filled out into the burning daylight.
  46. >The sun had burnt it's light and had given way to the moon but you hadn't seen the Doc emerge from your room.
  47. >Lone Star had left quite a while ago claiming the Doc wanted to be left alone with the stranger.
  48. >The sheriff that had always been so jovial and brash was silent when you asked about the mare, her eyes filled with a strange uneasiness.
  49. >She had quickly excused herself from your company without so much as asking for a bottle to take home with her.
  50. >Your mind raced with thoughts as you stared at the door to your room but as you debate whether you should barge in a very tired Doc slinks out of the room.
  51. "Doc, how's the poor mare doing?" You say giving the doctor a slight fright, her ears quickly pinning against her yellow coat.
  52. >"O-Oh Anon, you frigh- caught me off guard there." She hesitates for a moment before quickly reaching your side and taking a swig from your filled glass.
  53. >A slight cringe follows her swallow but she quickly recovers.
  54. >"She was a bad case Anon, but she'll live with a bit of care."
  55. "I didn't know you drank Doc." You say with an air of concern in your voice.
  56. >Doc looks up at you with tired eyes and smiles meekly.
  57. >"There's a first time for everything right?"
  58. >You frown but say nothing letting the silence fall between you two like a thick blanket.
  59. >"Anon. I don't want to alarm you but- That mare's Quick Draw." the Doc says with her voice as quiet as a whisper.
  60. >A feint recognition phases through your mind as you scramble to grasp it.
  61. "You mean the outlaw Quick Draw?"
  62. >Doc nods beside you and takes another swig from your drink mirroring the same expression as before.
  63. >"We can't exactly move her around in the state she's in but I'm sure the Sherriff would be happy to send Deputy Lucky to watch over her."
  64. >You laugh causing the Doc to look on at you with confusion.
  65. "Now with all respect that's due I don't think Lucky could look over a cooked pie without somehow burning it Doc."
  66. >"You know I'm not going to just let an innocent stallion like yourself watch over a known criminal like her." she says with firmness in her voice.
  67. >You laugh again causing the Doc to huff in annoyance.
  68. >"Laugh all you like I ain't gonna let her get her whiles over you. Celestia knows what she's plannin' already!"
  69. "Look Doc, I've handled worse drunkards in my time here. Go home get some rest and take that bottle with you." you say pointing to the half empty bottle of Celestia's Finest.
  70. >The Doc looks at you with a stern gaze but eventually relents.
  71. >"Fine, fine. One day your innocence is gonna get you hurt, I'm still going to check up on you tomorrow. And if anything happens I'll break my damn Hippocratic oath." she grumbles then takes the bottle in her mouth, walking out the swinging door.
  72. >Silence settles over the bar once more and you sit there for a moment contemplating your options.
  74. >A heavy thump interrupts your thoughts though and your eyes are drawn to your bedroom door.
  75. >Slowly you creep towards the door, slipping it open to reveal a familiar room, lit only by the moonlight slipping through the open window.
  76. >However what was not so familiar was the mare laying beside the bed.
  77. >Her unkempt coat was a dim yellow and her blue mane with a stroke of silver rushing through it were matted and dishevelled.
  78. >Rushing over you quickly go to see if she had hurt herself but her eyes flashed open revealing a furious rage in those deep blue eyes.
  79. "C'mon you're going to open up your damn wounds if you keep moving around like that." You say while attempting to slide her back onto your bed. "And I've gotten enough blood on my floors thanks to you."
  80. >The mare grunts in pain as you attempt to slide her back on and you cringe slightly.
  81. >"So you're the one they sent to watch over this dangerous mare?" Her raspy voice pained by heavy wheezes. "An' what in Tartarus even are you?"
  82. "More like they can't move you out of this bed. You'll be able to thank me later for the hospitality by the way." you say settling the mare into the bed.
  83. >She attempts to laugh but falls into a thick coughing fit before settling back down.
  84. >"I havta get back out there. That daughter of a Bastard is still out there." she says clearly fighting the pain out of her voice.
  85. >You shake your head and pull up a chair beside her.
  86. "You aren't going anywhere missy, especially not in that condition."
  87. >"Just you try an stop me"
  88. >She attempts to crawl out of bed once more but fails, left struggling to even reach the ground this time.
  89. "It doesn't seem like I even need to. Now get some damn sleep already, your body ain't gonna heal itself." you grumble standing up from your chair and heading towards the door.
  90. >"I don't suppose you've got any hooch lying around? If I'm forced to stay here, I don't want to be sober."
  91. >A smile reaches your face and you head into the main bar room.
  92. >"Hey! I said ya got any hooch! A mares got needs!" she howls from the back room as you rummage through the counter.
  93. >Aha, a vintage whiskey just what you were looking for.
  94. >You quickly swipe two glasses from the shelf and head back into the bedroom.
  95. >"I didn't know Celestia made such devil's in the fairer form as to deny a mare her Celestia given right to drink." she continues to call from the back room until you enter the room.
  96. "Quit your yappin'. I've got a glass for us both." you say resting the glasses on the small bedside table pouring a liberal amount in both.
  97. "Doc'd kill me if she knew I was serving you up some 'herbal remedies" you chuckle and the mare quickly reaches over a hoof to grab her glass.
  98. >She struggles to shuffle herself into a sitting position and eventually manages it, quickly gulping down her portion of the whiskey.
  99. >"Whoowee that's some good hooch!" she says with a wide grin on her face.
  100. >You gently sip your own as she puts her glass down for another serving.
  101. "I'm glad you like it miss. Now what was your name?" You say feigning ignorance.
  102. >"Given that look in your eyes I'd wager you already know who I am. Don't cha?" she says with a steely gaze but her smile never wavering.
  103. >You laugh and nod.
  104. "Hah, just wanted to go through the formalities of introducing ourselves. First of all I'm Anonymous."
  105. >"Anonymous, huh? Well name's Quick Draw and all you need to know about me is that I'm a dangerous mare."
  106. "Dangerous huh? You don't seem so dangerous, if you'll allow me to say so Miss Quick Draw."
  107. >In response she lets loose a growl but she quickly silences herself.
  108. >"I swear to Celestia you have the biggest teats I've ever seen on a colt." She says through gritted teeth.
  109. >You raise your hands defensively and take another sip from your glass.
  110. "Alright, alright. Calm down there miss tough mare, don't insult your marehood I got it." you say almost mockingly but she seems to relax at your words.
  111. >The two of you sit there in silence as you slowly drain the bottle, glass by glass until your eyes were drooping and your mind was filled with thoughts of sleep.
  112. >As you grabbed a blanket and settled onto the couch you glanced over at Quick Draw and saw her tussling around restlessly in her dreams.
  113. >What horrible things could such a cute pony really have done?
  115. >Your eyes flitter open and you barely recognize a thumping coming from outside your door.
  116. >Grumbling you stagger from the couch towards the closed door.
  117. >"Anon!" You can hear the Doc shout from the other side of the door. "If he doesn't answer in the next minute..."
  118. "I'm coming, I'm coming don't get your mane in a braid over it."
  119. >Creaking open the door reveals the sky blue mane and purple coat of the Doc.
  120. "C'mon on in then Doc, you sounded like you were about to break down my door any second now." You say attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes.
  121. >She enters quickly, passing you by and heading into the bedroom.
  122. >You meander after her letting your body get used to its newfound consciousness.
  123. >A sleeping Quick Draw lies in your bed, the sheets still slick with her blood but her chest still heaves up and down.
  124. >"She didn't hurt you, did she Anon?" Doc says as she looks at you with sympathetic eyes.
  125. "Not much more then any other customer could." You say finishing with a chuckle.
  126. >Quick Draws eyes open almost in a panic but settles down once she sees you standing next to the Doc.
  127. "Mornin' sleepy head."
  128. >She merely grunts in acknowledgement and attempts to roll over but the grunt of pain she gave was more then enough indication that she couldn't.
  129. >"Don't fuss around too much, you're just going to hurt yourself more." Doc says with a stern glare towards Quick Draw.
  130. >"I wouldn't be fussin' if I could just get myself out of here." Quick Draw says in reply, a mean snarl plastered on her face.
  131. >Settling down into a chair beside the bed you watch the Doc go over all of her fancy medical procedures.
  132. >"Now can you raise your fore-leg for me?" Doc says with a clinical voice even with the small pencil in her mouth.
  133. >As Quick Draw raises her hoof you see the Doc nod and scribble down something into her notepad.
  134. >"Now your hind-leg please."
  135. >This time a wince of pain seems to engulf Quick Draws features and she lets out a furious howl of pain.
  136. "You alright Draw?" you say almost feeling sorry for the poor mare.
  137. >"Shut up. I'm fine." She grows back at you as she tries and fails once more to lift her hindleg.
  138. >The Doc merely scribbles down another note in her notepad without saying a word.
  139. >"Do you want the bad news or the good news Quick Draw?" The Doc says without lifting her eyes from the notepad in her hooves.
  140. >Quick Draw hesitates for a moment and in her eyes you can see a deep fear, but it quickly fades.
  141. >"Give me the good news first Doc." she says stifling a pained grunt.
  142. >Doc pauses for a long moment before continuing seeming to deliberate on her inner demons.
  143. >"Well it looks like you're not going to be able to move that hind-leg ever again." She says with a calm tone as Quick Draw's expression turns to one of shock and anger.
  144. >"Now how in Tartarus is that a good thing damnit!?"
  145. >"Well it leads into the bad news unfortunately, we can't move you without causing even more damage to your spinal column. So you're stuck here with Anon."
  146. >"Wha- You might as well just shoot me now, I can't live like this damnit!" Quick Draw raves and rants for a moment and the two of you let her continue as she lets it out.
  147. >"Of course we don't want to leave some of your kind with an innocent colt like Anonymous but in this case it's our only option-"
  148. >"Then I'll hurt 'im!" Quick Draw seems to say more out of desperation then anything else but it still stings your heart for some unknown reason.
  149. "Pah, I'd like to see you try shortie." you say with a forced laugh but the doc quickly cuts you off before you can poke more at the mare.
  150. >"Anonymous, would you leave the room for a moment. I think it's time me and Miss Draw have a few words that would be unkind to an innocent colt's ears." Doc says while nodding towards the door.
  151. >You merely cock an eyebrow towards the mare but only grumble as you move towards the door, setting up breakfast for the three of you.
  153. >Be Quick Draw.
  154. >You have never been so devastated in your life as you are now.
  155. >You've also never been angrier then you are now.
  156. >But the mare opposite to you seems to have an eerily calm demeanour, as calm as snow on the mountaintops.
  157. >Her expression settling a thick blanket of ice upon your anger and replacing it with a sinking fear.
  158. >"Listen here Quick Draw." she says the venom potent in her voice seemingly coating her words with a vile toxin.
  159. >"If you harm a single hair on that Anonymous colt's head, this entire town won't rest until you've been put six feet under."
  160. >Her words cause you to gulp slightly and you feel your anger flitting away only to be replaced with a tormenting fear.
  161. >She quickly places her notepad and pencil into her saddlebags and turns towards the door, stopping inches from it.
  162. >"Do we have an understanding Miss Draw?" her words filled with a chilling ice that seems to etch its way into your bones.
  163. >All you can do is to slowly nod in reply as the mare slips out the door with a smile on her face.

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